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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the now the sheila is they should be 2020 full power. some in big games are officially opened off those but talking up but when ceremony and the french got the little i'm down. jordan, this is honestly around life. and so also coming up is ready for this order a palace to minister evacuated from, han eunice off the rock. it's a fond of gaza for the 1st time, and the money is real. department is to increase the cost of c. spots soaks in room earlier. donald trump search benjamin netanyahu to get a deal of stuff, a fine tune, a to interrupt some kind of form in the wall sausages, lots of tickets to the,
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to those and over and around the world who have experienced the magic of just the now the 1st metals of a 2024 power. some big games will be one on saturday. there are 14 metal events on day one following the opening ceremony in the french capital. dunces musical performances um they flow to the boats on the river sun made for one of the most unique sermon, is going to history. the tasha buckler watch the event unfolding power. time. expect you to flourish the set, the tone that we don't says on rooftops and broke funds on the balconies as thousands of our lead. who's the river since the opening ceremony, the terrorist and the big games, the 1st ever to be held outside the stadium. the city and its historic
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monuments which transformed into a breathtaking stage for performers, including american stall, lady garza, i'm french, molly, and singer. i am not kamara the setting was certainly unique, bought it left some spec titles disappointed those spots it did. oh, i don't think the sound system didn't work properly and was pointed in the wrong direction. the screen was small, it was catastrophic. recruit. don't see the sam, i would quit and watch the tv. holding the opening ceremony in the center of the city was a huge security risk brought to the event, went smoothly and safely. a relief for french authorities alter my safe austin attacks on the country's rel network on here in the day fuels anxiety rail services across much of the country were disrupted off the cables with costs and fives. lifting 3 key locations, who's in trouble? chaos. french authorities said the perpetrators would be found well that the show
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would go on and i did date. the french president declared the games open the head to be all you see said it was a new era. librium users on a very good 5. it the experience and lovely games that are more expensive, more of, and younger, and more sustainable to turn the power fee on the field like security will remain high over the next weeks with sweets of power spent still, if it will be hard to ignore the risks to the data but now that the cold wind is lit, hopefully it will only be sport. it's in this book, light is actually butler, which is 0 times we've already had the 1st positive doping test of the powers games, rocky men's, through the setups and tested positive for 2 unable still on the international
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testing agency has consent. that means he's now out of the olympics for 28 year old was due to complete next tuesday in the h one kilogram class. but for reason that impacts now would move on what to expect from the events these 30 so that there's an olympic games is taking place in paris is just a bit of what you need to know. the model. no one picks the gun in $1896.00, and it's the biggest multiple events in the world around 10 and a half 1000 awfully. to complete his powers from $206.00 national olympic and these take operates will compete under the palestinian plaque. there are 30 two's fulton title, including athletics and swimming alongside new, i'm returning school designed to appeal to younger audiences. both like surfing, skateboarding on, school climbing will be featured for the 2nd time. and the 1st time in front of a full olympic crowd about property types here, games were heavily restricted,
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like cubic 19 power. it says also audit breakdowns thing to the mix, making it so intake stadium plus 2 i can hold, although it's technically cold, right? there are $35.00 of the news with i comic like haitians want the article tower on policy side. there's even assessing that he thinks there's $339.00 gold medals. the drops of annoying team days of competition with the power olympics of all i now the launch as well, find the us state of california splitting rapidly threatening thousands of homes. it exploded in intensity on friday, making it impossible for firefighters to contain competency as more on the scale of devastation there. and in canada, a fire tornado caused by intense heat and high winds, captured in time lamps, video. it's a right changing column of fire and, and it phones near chico in northern california is what's been named. the punk fire continues to spread. satellite images show the file path since thursday. it's
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already consumed more than a $120000.00 acres. and there's the largest california wildfire this. yeah. amount has been jail to starting the 5 witnesses that he pushed his flaming call into a gully on wednesday, over 1000 personnel are assigned to this fire over a 124. 20 fire engines are on the line 10 helicopters, and 12 air tankers, including very large air tankers. despite these results is the fire is barely contained, such as the speed of the in front of, according to us as national interagency 5 center. so i'm 112 large active wells is a currently building in the west and us in canada, the mountain result type of jasper in the rocky mountains has been devastated after a fast moving wealth driven by high winds. road in socrates of the fi been growing rapidly. 5 kilometers outside of town helped by lightning, wind and droughts. then a sudden strong wind gusts to push the finer into address, but the 100 meter high flames taking just half an hour to reach town. and to those
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in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic, adjust this, the magic is not lost and it never will be. 25000 people has already heated the warnings to flee before the fire engulfed the sections of draft by some 20000 tourists and 5000 residence. if i break down now, i will. what will i do? i was just seats and crying and nothing is going to change, right. the province of alberta has been experiencing stream the high temperatures the summer. so 176 wildfires are burning, and schools remain out of control. she ever tennessee elder 0 while fires in bolivia and destroying large areas of grassland, prompting on saturdays and the subject cruise region. to declare a state of emergency drone footage showed fixed smoke in the center of the country . need their reports more than 10000 hacked as of land have already been consumed to find the fire. rescue workers in india have moved more than 2000 people to
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release come south to flash floods. inundated large parts of western goods or upstate rescue. as all scrambling to reach those left stranded and low lying thoughts of nap, sorry, often nearby rivers overflowed, but then you just stepped away. power lines ran to trucks and swamped highways. starts on game. it has made lance holden, se in china, something warnings of flash floods in error as to recovering from torrential rain several weeks ago. or forward has relocated more than 290000 people, no debt, subbing reported sofa. i'll just say was laura westbrook reports from hong kong. often barreling through the philippines and tie one tyson gave me struck. china is southeastern coast to fuji, in bringing with the winds of about a 120 kilometers in our authorities. were on high alert as rain submerged streets, and people in the small town when moved to safety. if the rain continues like this,
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the flooded area will become larger and larger. so we have to evacuate the people. in fujian schools with closed and slights and trains cancelled and neighboring judge, young waterways were flooded. the storm is weakening, as it has inland, but full cost is worn. heavy rain could effect at least 10 provinces. the next challenge is the amount of rain that gainey is set to on leave shown areas already hit towards by to wrench, lorraine land slides in flooding. authorities of puts out warnings that water levels in rivers and lakes could rise to dangerous levels. raising the risk of more flooding, it's such a concern that president, she didn't pain chad. a special needs thing on plans to control floods. and food un nuclear reports at $85.00 hacked is of crops were damaged, as gave me took a toll in people's livelihoods. as the storm moves north, it's set to impact provinces such as had none already lashed by weeks of rain
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that's destroyed, crops, and livestock. they will be in pet about where the people can consume, they will be a disruption to us production. i think that will be the most direct economy consequences for if we use last year case. as an example, then a china may actually induce around a $40000000000.00 us dollar, which is around 0.2 percent of his gdp. if this extreme where the continue in summer, which is pretty much july and august scientists, everyone's climate change is watson and tropical storms, making them less frequent, but more intense analysts say more investments is needed in critical infrastructure to protect people's livelihoods and reduce the impact of extreme weather, passions like this. laura westbrook algebra, hong kong the
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. these really ministry has older people in the found eunice in gauze that to move to the milwaukee area as well. says the back of nation orders in response to what it described as an attack. on friday, rockets fired from guns that land in israel to southern city and ask along at least 1800000 colors. the names are taking refuge in the hon unit in the south of the gaza strip, but i'll just say i was calling my mood joined us live now from get out by law that's in central does a honey. so these randy ministry ordering people to evacuate. hon eunice, one more. can you tell us of the yes, and this has seems to be an expansion of the military operations in eastern time unit city today is the 7th day in a row since these rating military and it's occupying forces on the ground as part of the military operations. and this morning we're getting reports of more of these supposedly evacuation orders where people are supposed to be going to stay for areas. but in fact, what we're seeing on the ground and did you from the patterns of it. how it's
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happened with this is more of a n flores, internal displacement for an already displace populations in southern part of hon. unit city. these are part of the population who are really late the eastern part of time unit, as is really military expanded. it's authoration indeed, and part of all the areas as the law had been rode off ton unit at cities right now the report that we're getting is a, here's frag that took place already, killing 5 people inside their homes. and right after that, the valuation orders, the leaflets were dropped, the phone calls were made. the text message were sent to the people to the right after massive waves of air strikes, which makes it very complicated, very difficult for an already from the time this place population to have any sense of safety if there is any of it, remains to them to take the streets and move, do any of the human materials on. also these a new wave,
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those evacuation orders or would be our cold here among palestinians. they are the are orders of in force displacement to the human interior. the zones are in fact is shrinking. the size of the humanitarian zone in the mos evacuations on the western part of the city right after what these really military did in the past couple weeks when they talked a relentlessly with at least 5 heavy bonds, that it shows the very foundations of everything. and talked in that in that area and making it very on, of course, for people who has been displayed for the past 9 months. these really minutes are you continues to create very tough conditions on the grounds, destroying and shattering any a sense of safety or security left for the displace populations. making it very difficult for them to move between areas. either the are the hop to into the intense bombing campaign or the are literally cheese,
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as we heard testimony from entire families who, who preferred to stay inside their homes rather be chased by the wives copter then . and the fact that people are not giving enough time to evaluate their home. this is an indication that this really military is not interested in moving people into safety. just remind our viewers that is real as an occupying power as an in beating power right now is 100 percent responsible for the safety of civilian populations. but on the ground, what we're seeing is completely contrary to this principle, more civilian populations being attacked inside the residential homes. inside they evacuation centers, they are chasing the streets as these friday evacuated. these save areas on separate talks here in the central area. the heavy artillery is almost non stop overnight attacks on a residential home and on the side of the account. the western part of the rest is you can go that entire family,
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a father and mother and 2 of their children. the only survivor of this month with a talk is a 4 year old girl, who, according to a doctor inside, is she suffers from severe burns and it's not a clear whether she will make it or not because of the severity of the birth that she's in during the, the parent brother of right to the hospital in a plastic bag this ready to be on a recognition phase of remaining family members. good. not. they recognize the 2 children inside these, these bags. the mother arrived in 2 parts inside the one of the these plastic bags into the hospitals. these bonds, ours are packed with nails. they are packed with a strap mills and small pieces of that is our when, when, when explode, they cause a severe burn the causes severe bleeding. so by the time entry was arriving to the hospital, the have little chance to survive. be the talk, honey. my life was the in. did out the in central garza honey. thank you. what
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donald trump says he's a israel's prime minister to sign a deal to end the war and gaza. they met at the for my us presidents result in florida. the 1st face to face meeting and then the 4 years to meet us, fill out the netanyahu congratulate to joe biden, in 2021. following his election victory of a trump. netanyahu says israel now send and negotiating team to see slide tools in room next week. philip at last more now from palm beach in florida. well, that's me saying, hey, lamara logo is as much about optics as it was about politics bearing in mind that prime minister netanyahu has already met president joe bites, and he's already met the vice president, pamela harris, the woman who, by the looks of things, will almost certainly be donald trump made viable for the presidency in november. now when she met prime minister netanyahu yesterday on the 1st day, she said that she would not be silent on the issue of college. and donald trump wasted no time and usually not to his political advantage. here's what he had to say. no, i have no remark. she's
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a radical left versus the san francisco destroyed in san francisco. she's really a destroyer. she hasn't had a bill and i think are mark remarks were disrespectful. they weren't very nice pertaining to israel. i actually don't know how a person who is jewish, but that's up to them. but you certainly disrespectful to israel in my opinion. i mean it's been that y'all, he was also asked about those comments. bear in mind that he has to struggle, metaphorical line between the democrats who are conscious of what is happening in gaza as kind of the harris said, but also supporting is royal. i'm the republicans who on the donald trump, a free a sleep pro israel. here's what he have to say. we're trying to get to the extent from us.
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well that was world smiles. those countries a very far removed from recent years because the prime minister netanyahu would pull them out of favor with donald trump, even though donald trump, during his presidency, was very pro, is riled after the election in 2020 prime minister netanyahu called joe biden say, congratulations that did not go down well, that's whole with donald trump. remember he has always contested that results and maintains he won the election. of course 4 years have passed. and now donald trump wants to be back in the white house and he says he can bring about peace in the middle east. the only way he can do that is to speak to those leaders in the middle east, which is why it was so important for him to be seen, to be talking to the prime minister of israel today. phil of l, i'll just the era morrow logo, florida,
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and us vice president come to harris has filed the official paperwork to contest the november presidential election. shumate the announcements on x saying she'd sign forms defending her candidacy. however, said she would count on every vote. the democrats are expected to officially name her as the preferred candidates to challenge donald trump. a convention next month starts us up right here. and i'll just say when we come back to the report from southern ethiopia, where such things are struggling for 3 parties. very obviously it's not, it's not, it's more of the scheme, depth analysis of the day. sidelines he's right. he's like, he's raised accusing the entire world, looking upon them. sense informed opinions, this a person's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america
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inside story message, you think the group was fine to send on out. just being a journalist is a privilege. i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that you guys us than divides us the
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welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this uh the, if it gains sufficient open doris within 10000. the athletes cruise down the river since during one of the most unique so many, some history or 14 level on he's ready armies older. tell us to be in children in hong units and guns have to move to the on the was the air documentation order comes after records of 5 out of 1000 for the 1st time in the month. i'm fine. i'm formally use president donald trump possession as well. as prime minister to reach up to you on a ceasefire and cost to help hopes of trumps result in florida. benjamin netanyahu says here now send a delegation to take part and seize final thoughts in row. if you,
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if you is observing appear to morning, off the to land slide slipped through a remote region in the south heavy machinery comp reach the rest. the rest of the teams and volunteers have been using that bad hands and shovels to dig through the month. un says at least $257.00 bodies have been recovered and the death toll could rise. mohammed fall and sent this update from go from the size of a lot of slice. i'm at the side of that on slide, not to killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing a heavy rain a doing on sunday, killing many people on the betting homes under the people you tell us about the initial on slide was limited and it killed only a few people, but when a huge crowd came for us to another big one took place and that's the one that has skipped so many at the bottom of the hill 6 days. so lots of these lots to, to place people out of film sets in, in the month for their loved ones. the forty's tell us not to more than 2 dozen
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people are still missing. here you see a new body has just been back up from, from them on a few minutes later. they also told us that they have size, that they might be able to dig up. and i'll have all of you from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be to be see to express the grease. that's a place not fox, that's the dictate deductible that not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral. how much fun i just, you know, deliberately. so i'm going to need to get hundreds of people have some support, finish as june to leave at the start of a week long celebration. what was the 3rd months a year since of their off much johnny took over in a to after there was nicholas hawk reports and the festivals in the capital me on a carefully orchestrated celebration after almost a year in power. these years,
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military june test celebrating its own achievements at the stadium in the country's capital to the, to a government jani did not address the crab. instead, he made a televised speech to the nation, saying that thanks to his crew, the country is on an unstoppable march to full sovereigns that you're no state, no into state organization will take take to us how to behave north agenda in terms of strategic or diplomatic partnerships and those who fan to size about the imminent return to power regimes that are full and under this way are in for a rude awakening to the west african body eco was, has imposed sanctions on these. you are calling for a return to civilian rule. the deposed president mohammed by zoom is still in jail and will be tried for treason. last year, the gent that ordered french and american soldiers to leave the country,
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american soldiers, or no dismantling their drone operations from new share. they were expected to pull out by august. russian soldiers are taking over their barracks. they're here to help new jersey come back from unprecedented attacks from arm groups linked to iso . and i'll tell you that the military have taken, spends to make sure that the only narrative that prevail is the narrative that is provided by used by them, which is cast it into this discourse, on pun off, it can easily and then they will call on the other thing and some people are very supportive of this discourse, but it has the tool reality of this security situation, which is getting a wire, but also the social situation because the state is not capable of providing basic services outside the stadium. millions in these year suffer from daily long power cuts. banks have run out of cash, and the economy is at a standstill. and so despite this celebration, when you, after the cool,
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it seems people's circumstances have gone from bad to worse. nicholas hawk elgin 0 opponent as possible, that makes it easier for security agencies to use firearms against migrants of the buddha. with the roofs and peas approve the proposed floor on friday. but rights activists say it would prevent the proper investigation of the incidents with firearms or involve comes after the 21 year old soldier was stumped to death in june, at least in buddha, triggering public and such as the central bank because hiked. that's base rate to 18 percent, raising the cost of borrowing to its highest level and modem 2 years. it was last hiked to this level in april 2020 to 2 months after russia's invasion of ukraine. the banks also revise the inflation full cost of 7 percent. must goes, come on the modem, $16000.00 western functions and efforts to come it from funding. the what you're
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doing is only single way for you inflation rate. risks associated with sanctions have been realized. all this means that we have significantly deviated from the baseline scenarios. in this regard, we have significantly revise the macro economic full cost. it is, seems a much greater rigidity of monetary policy to return inflation to the target. as soon as when ends living in columbia are attempting to cross the border to go back home to vote in the election on july 28th for the government, and cut off costs as old as the closure of the buddha. for the duration of the next you all got on right. i can live without them. it was meant that it wasn't that we didn't expect that they were going to do everything so that we could not pause because they know the vast majority of venezuelans who pos are going to vote against the current regime. so it is not a strange thing, but it doesn't matter. we're going to get through no matter what both. okay, well that's it for me down. jordan, you can find much more information on our website down to 0 dot com. there it is. the weather is coming up. the next inside story examines join us different,
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much dr. on the ukraine, russia, that's it for me state you not so much in the the have that let's get the weather for the middle east, levant and it's a large, the hot, dry and settled picture. many areas we're seeing some rain, however, push across the very know from take here into the quote because we could see heavy rain, some of that dripping down into north western parts of iran on saturday. so maybe a showers as well. we'll touch into western pots if you have me with a few splits and spots for the southwest of saudi arabia, but it is largely dry with a shamal expect it to pick up across the gulf temperature. however, it's sitting around the mid forties photo hot in could tom know temperatures have been sitting very high across the north west of africa in morocco for particular in
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particular, we will see some rain edging into most central areas on saturday. the rain is heaviest. across that central band of africa, big bus of rain will continue to roll west from nigeria of the south of this. it is a laundry drive picture with lots of heat to be found for winter in places like zambia, as well as in baldwin. we will see some of that rain, however, kick up from southern parts of south africa, new thing, round into southern parts of mozambique. it is the story of heat here, but it is looking cooler for cape town on sunday. the
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ukraine's foreign minister visit staging foot folks the 1st trip by ukrainian guzman represents if the china since watches invasion moments of years ago staging, intensifying diplomatic efforts. why now can they help in the world? this is inside story. the .


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