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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the is around the tax, the area around the field between central gaza for the 2nd time in 2 hours. dozens of people have been killed. the hello on and this is a problem and this is allergens here on lives from. don't ha, so coming up, we look at the living conditions, so people are moving, gaza fills, to seek shelter. the are they destroyed homes? mexican special forces are being sent to sit in the stays home for the rest of the
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2 of the world's most wanted drunk lawns. plus i am, i'm a degree. see i in china, one of the toughest places in the world for obama, to make a living. the israel has carried out multiple strikes on a field hospital and central garza, at least $51.00 palestinian is, were killed in the 1st strike 2 hours ago. the target had a school housing injured and displays people. at least a 100 people have been injured. children are among the dead. the dead and injured has been taken to alex the hospital that's bringing on corresponded honeymoon move . he's joining us live from all sorts which will embed out about in central gaza and he even has people try to deal with the absolute cottage that's being unleashed in the 1st attack. it is well has once again attacked the same spot in central gaza
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. yes, elizabeth, absolute horror is dominating this scene right now across the central area and are lots to hosted on here. we're not only we're seeing here, the reduce, the number of casualties is increasing, but also the number of people who are seeking shows or is inside the courtyard of the hospital or those or something in the 1st a school and the field hospitals. and or those who were from across the building, they just got targeted fuel moved here. so you can show that this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for them that we know the house. but it's not also say if it's 6 bytes difficult to imagine the large number of people inside the house, but it's good to be safe. everyone's far is still coming in the hospital carrying them those who are injured from the 2nd. that's the top. but the,
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the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and the fuel, the hospitals just prevented ambulance. and paramedics and similar events grew from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack. inside the field. a hospice in the school, many of the people, according to my parents, her medicine. when we spoke, sue had been ordered by these rated mother by phone call or right now it's just happening again. god, honey, what was that? and are you saying or continue this live another another is try it's, it's another, it's another is price at the same, same exact size. it's a cross, it's a cross it's across from the school and so, so far silver we see now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this,
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it seemed to be concentrated at tar. and here's projects on the same exact side we're talking about this a 1st desire be the ones that the hoc across from it all in one area. one of the complex. it's an a education of conflicts with the most of those that have turned into. busy the or ford this way, as family towards the past 9 months did just need from the huge dark cloud that the small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack, i gain many of the people who were injured in the 1st with power were still under the rubble and paramedics and similar events that we're not able to remove them. and right now, because of this attack would be impossible. 100 percent, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just want to hold to point out that this kind of defense from the area nearly above us here. the courtyard of these
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a lot of hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning says we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the sky. the, the fly at a very low level and many people here at the hospital here, the length of presence, the dense of presence of, of these are relative drawn to the attacks. the moment we see them, it's a pretty much a bad omen for everyone here. because we know exactly that that talk is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side that was targeted uh within the past hour. and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears try honey, we can, we can see those pictures of the smaller coming from. what has now been, it sounds like we hear that very loud explosion just
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a few minutes ago as you were speaking. so would it be safe to say, honey, that it is the 3rd time now then that, that is why these have attacked on that side? or is this the continuation of the attack that we saw? again, the 2nd attack that we still began around 50, you know, 20 minutes ago. there's hot and there is 0 percent safety going on here right now. i mean with the presence, the presence of the drawing itself alone is a quite intimidating. and again, it's linked all these talks here, a talked across the central area, but we're talking about a location that is very close to where we are reporting from the, from the side of a lot. so the fact that we're seeing that was the darkest. why this will be clearly a friend. this side is to just said, it's very close by the sound, the loud sound of the explosion, the dark cloud of smoke, the stairs of the, the reason the dots that are filling and even the middle of the smoke of the
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destination, it just filling the air is right here, there is no safety whatsoever. we are working in the most difficult. unusually difficult situation favor, anybody could imagine in their whole, entire life. we don't have guarantee over our safety, our lives node, our family's life, or their safety. not at all. we don't have any of it the best that we are putting on does not guarantee our safety. it does, it will not prevent this wrap. those are the bullets to get through and do menial. but this is the reality. it's a very harsh one that we're living in every day of our life. honey, thank you very much for your reporting. we can hear those drawings. we can hear those drones very clearly in the background as being another explosion. not far from you just in the last 5 minutes. i know that there was no, we're safe and garza but please do take cover if you tab and from now that is honey
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muscled. with the latest from the lot in central gaza, i thought a couple of room and other one of our correspondence was inside. ok. so hospital soon after the 1st attack, a warning there are some disturbing images in his report there right now and probably the middle between the inside as you can see the where the to divide the city and 200 so the basically the have been to so far we've been just in case i got a guy every one of them and just i received a good frequent department,
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little bit about the capacity. and as you can clearly understand, that there's a very, please just are slight solution which these places have been insane until they run to use that i'm, it's a very nice area. most police to say that i'm supposed to like to be use military and things of fabric about him. i was just the last that i kind of saw many palestinians in northern guys i have chosen to stay punch living near the destroyed homes. i'll just see what our books on us all should have sent this report on the living conditions a little while now. she up on so many palestinians in the northern gaza strip of struggling with tash living conditions. because as riley forces have bottomed the shelter email with those with no way as a go has touched it, teens on top of the rubble and debris of the destroyed hormones. gene i'm in the hay a mac. uh yeah, we set up tents here because the shelters are inhabitable,
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is released, have been to other schools and it is no longer healthy to live the name we live very primitively, whether he's but even the fabric of the tents is torn and full of holes. but it's fine because we're on the island. you can't live away from our land. you know, we had our dreams, and here we will achieve our goals and ambitions. what our memories i hear and will remain here, is my son died here. we managed to achieve some toys for the children from under the rubble. this is bread for the children. and as you can see, there are lots events. we struggle with ends, mice and musky toes out of the a man. we will bid the but in this of this life, for the sake of steam on our land, we will never leave island the government as a guardian. we are living on top of the rubble of our house. we came back despite
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all the destruction and we decided the best place for us is here. even in the salt web, we can't stay in the 10th too much because of the heat. so most of the time we had outside into fresh air. we thank god almighty for everything despite the bad and difficult situation is him he's we have no other option with praise. be to god o. as in on monday them a number i will not. i have despite the lack of basic necessities and the palestinians, and system staying here and not leaving the land and the facilities. i just deal some of the a form of us president donald trump says he's urged as well as a prime minister to agree to assist font and gaza the to mess at trump resolution, florida. the 1st amazing and ninty for his. the latest fed altov a message. yahoo, congratulations. joe bought it in 2021. following his election victory. we have a trump stephan young who says as well, we'll send a negotiation team to see fond totes and roll next week.
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the 12, the news now and one of the leaders of mexico city know, a drug cartel has pleaded not guilty to drunk charges, and the u. s. federal agents arrested a smiles on by the so known as l met maya in texas. on friday, he was detained along with joaquin guzman lopez, the son of a chocolate guzman, and other drug kingpin. julia dudley honor has moved from mexico city of the this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us . soil. is my 8 miles on by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scenario of cartel and hooking guzman lopez, son of convicted drug lord of chapel, whose mind are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear, but a lawyer representing a miles said his client did not arrive in the us willingly,
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and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been setup by an ally to walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to break the uncomfortable news of telling the country and mexico had no prior knowledge of the detention of 2 of its most wanted drug lords. c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had that themselves over, this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the mexican government did not take part in this detention or hand or thought less than 24 hours after his arrest. somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges and united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government sent special forces and anticipation of violence breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel. physical freedom electro,
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they might have somebody f one together. if it is confirmed that these might have somebody that was be great or set up by a rival fraction of this e mail, i've got them together. we could be looking at the media use of excessive rates of violence. here you see not often this in a lower sum by that is the last major drug lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades, despite leading one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the scene, a little cartel, the reality is it's such a risk in the past has failed to make much of a difference to the organization's operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests. 3 ago yano, alta 0, mexico city, the largest wal find the us state of california is spreading rapidly, threatening thousands of hollins. it grew in intensity on friday,
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making it impossible firefox has to contain. she advertise, he has won the scale of the devastation of fund told a to caused by intense heat and high winds captured in time lapse video. it's a right changing column, a fire and, and it phones near chico in northern california is what's been named. the punk file continues to spread. satellite images show the file has passed since thursday. it's already consumed more than a $120000.00 acres and is the largest california wildfire this. yeah. amount has been jail to starting the 5 witnesses a. he pushed his flaming call into a gully on wednesday. over 1000 personnel are assigned to this fire. over a $124.00. 20 fire engines are on the line, 10 helicopters and 12 air tankers, including very large air tankers. despite these results, is the fires barely contain such as the speed of the in front of according to us as national interagency 5 center. so i'm $112.00 large active welto as
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a currently building in the west and us in canada, the mountain resort. time of jasper in the rocky mountains has been devastated after a fast moving wealth driven by high winds. road in socrates of the 5 been growing rapidly, 5 kilometers outside of town helped by lightning, wind and droughts. and then a sudden strong wind gusts to push the inside or into address, but the 100 meter high flames taking just half an hour to reach town and to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of just this, the magic is not lost and that never will be 25000 people has already heated the warnings to flee before the fire engulfed sections of dress by some 20000 tourists and 5000 residents. if i break down, no, i will. what will i do? i was just seats and crying and nothing is going to change right. the province of alberta has been experiencing strongly high temperatures the summer. so 176 wildfires are burning and scores remain out of control. she ever tennessee elder 0
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. as to the head on which is 0 to search for me. regional po here. almost a week off the 100 and started and land slides the the same depths analysis of the day sidelines he's right. is like his res, accusing that i was looking upon them since informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to northridge in 24. yes. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america. inside story, massachusetts, the group was fine to send on our jersey around the
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. ringback the, the fast korea police receive up to $200.00 reports. while it's every day when a to investigate career lead from one out to 0. the
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to watching me elizabeth donovan, doha of a mind to yvonne top stories. the cell, as well, has carried out from multiple as strikes on a field hospital. and in central garza, the latest was just minutes ago. the police $131.00 palestinians were killed and the 1st strike the target at the school housing. this place painful. 6 to 100 people are being injured and there are many children among the former us president donald trump has as well as prime minister to agree to a cease fire and offset the 2 men of trumpets results in florida. benjamin netanyahu says he'll send a delegation to sci fi trucks and wrong they scheduled to begin on sunday agency. so the next 2 months are critical for millions of people and chad who, vis going hungry. i'm thinking of rain falls, soil degradation, and prolong dropped or taking a big total on agriculture. but it was reports from the east and the town of audrey . a jeff i use my eel takes advantage of the rain for the previous night to
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plough and plant something he ideally should have done since late me. but these are not ideal times. i need another of the soil used to be photo and it was abundant. rain right now we see less and less rain for that means the pool harvest year on. yeah. the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as also shrunk the land available to cultivate crops. subsistence thomas like jaffer account for much of the countries, but it lack of access to make an ice tools quantity to see a loans temper production. the biggest threats, however, comes from climate change, the regular rainfall for long droughts and pests of devastated charts. agriculture go to the market, you notice a shop decline in food supplies. most firms are experiencing pool, rain full and the sort of degradation that directly affects production. the sea,
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for example, is a significant increase in temperature. we noticed trees with ring and dying wish, and environmental is se, addressing the impact of climate change requires adapting climate resilient culture practices and diversifying crops. but a high level of poverty stands in the way chart is right for most of the problem is depending on the rainy season, but because it was so little rain so far this year, the crops are small. farmers are concerned that if the trend continues, they wouldn't obviously enough to leave off like chide. one of the country's main sources of agriculture produce fish and livestock is shrinking. 50 years ago, it covered an area of 25000 square kilometers. now it's just 1700 square feet, kilometers in the old program says more than $2000000.00 champions rely on for date due to poor harvest. and as a back to climate change, worse is almost like jeff around the country can only hope for better rains. to
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grow with the food they need, how much it priest, i'll give you that. i free shot. if you, if he has prime minister has office and the remote area with 2 land slides killed, hundreds of people early in the week of the with net family members of those who died. heavy machinery comp reached the area as a rescue, as have been using the hands and shovels to dig through month. at least 262 bodies have been recovered. the countries observing 3 days of national morning mohammed vol, sent this update from gopher. a fine, what's the size of the down slide that killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia? behind me, you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing a heavy rain a doing on sundays, killing many people and bedding homes under people here tell us about the initial land slide was limited and it killed only a few people. but when a huge crowd came for the desk, you know,
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the bigger one took place and that's the one the task. and so many at the bottom of the hill, 6 days since lots of these lots that took place people out of some setting in the month for their loved ones feel for the keys. tell us not to move on to doesn't people are still missing. here. you see a new body has just been coming from from the money a few minutes later, they also told us that they have size, that they might be able to dig up, and i'll have all the from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not getting up. many here might be too busy to express the grief, but that's a place not farm. that's the decay deductible that not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral home in front of the sienna, deliberately talking to each opium, hundreds of people have shown this of what finishes hunton data at the beginning of a week long celebration, august the 3rd month. yes,
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sense of duty on on johnny to cordova and include nicholas hawk supports on the festivities of the capital, naomi. a carefully orchestrated celebration after almost a year in power these years military doing test celebrating its own it. cubans at the stadium in the country's capital did tell either of jermanti on the did not address the crab. instead, he made a televised speech to the nation, saying that thanks to his crew, the country is on an unstoppable march to full sovereign a. yes or no state no into state organization will take take to us how to behave north agenda in terms of strategic or diplomatic partnerships. and those who fan to size about the imminent return to power regimes that are full and under this way are in for a rude awakening. the west african body echo was,
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has imposed sanctions on these. you are calling for a return to civilian rule. the deposed president mohammed by zoom is still in jail and will be tried for treason. last year, the gent that ordered french and american soldiers to leave the country. american soldiers are no dismantling their drone operations from new share. they were expected to pull out by august. russian soldiers are taking over their barracks. they are here to help these year come back. unprecedented attacks from arm groups linked to iso and i'll call you to the military have taken spends to make sure that the only narrative that prevailed is the narrative that is provided by used by them, which is cast it into this discourse, on pun off. it can easily and then they will call on the other thing and some people are very supportive of this discourse, but it has the to reality of this security situation, which is getting a wire,
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but also the social situation because the state is not capable of providing basic services outside the stadium, millions in these year suffer from daily long power cuts. banks have run out of cash, and the economy is at a standstill. and so despite this celebration, when you, after the cool, it seems people's circumstances have gone from bad to worse. nicholas hawk, algebra of the fonts has its high speed rail network, fully functioning by monday. contracts are still working on signal stations and cables, sabotage, just hours before fridays, and then pick gains opening ceremony. 7 of 10 services across the country is northern and southwest lines. and i was running a bruner coat is a research at the center for political science. it sounds full. and he says the attacks were strategically carried out away from the reinforce streets of paris.
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the kind of way, a network of a country like frost, it's a big one over just seizure. can you come just so they all the older trucks. so it looks like that the fire because it was a the sub was done by firing. so i mean starvation, the fire that we have carried out in the extreme is cottage location in the above, for instance, in the west. and they have the junction between the trans speak to brittany and those going to the south. so it looks that it has been done by people that knows what they're doing because they do, they have use that's what it's mostly sticking, coaching and firing. some some cable is located near the tracks. it's old. you said the sign that those people there where they, they knew what they were doing, china is claimed the 1st 2 gold medals of the games. the shooting team won the 10 minute as life was next to the end of a centralized women's dive is just one,
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the 2nd gold. and that's it for me. elizabeth put on him next and thought story will examine china's diplomatic drive on the russia, ukraine for thank you very much for watching the the had low, they are extreme, whether it has east asia and it script we've seen historic heat in places like china, the korean peninsula and japan with reco, it's broken on a daily, but we're also seeing exception. what, whether that's thanks to typhon guy, may it touch down in future on problems as a tropical storm, and it's continued to flood its way further north. we're expecting $200.00 to $300.00 millimeters of rain from the system as the remnants continued to push their
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way towards the northeast, across from northern parts of the korean peninsula and on woods to japan. now despite the west to whether that's gonna flood into northern parts of japan, it is still a very hot and humid situation. across the south were about 7 degrees above the average in tokyo, on choose day with very hot and humid conditions dominating, and hot and humid conditions. all the story across pots of pockets down the monsoon range will continue to flood into western parts of india. but red warning, thoughtful good. you're right where we have already seen flooding, but we all going to see that rain start to pool into southern and central areas of pockets. dawn, you can see the very heavy rain picking up in karachi on monday and moving north by tuesday. the answer was an airbag, my name is, i was abducted by the c. i a, in 2004,
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a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the chain of the republicans, me into interpretation. a powerful documentary tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 when we were in the life of an innocent feel my suitcase phone, which is here. your grains, foreign minister, visit staging foot folks. the 1st trip by ukrainian guzman referenced sensitive to china since watches, invasion moments of years ago staging, intensifying diplomatic efforts. why now can they help in the world? this is inside story. the .


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