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tv   The El Masri Case  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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and there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening most covers hub and use is the this is al jazeera, i'm telling you, navigate that with the check on your world headlines. israel has carried out multiple air strikes on a field hospital in central garza, at least 31 palestinians were killed and the 1st strike it targeted a school housing injured and displaced people. at least a 100 people had been injured and children are among the dead houses here as honey . my food was reporting and dated by now as another is really or strikes it nearby . a little hor is dominating the scene right now across the central
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area and a lot of the hospital here we're not on there. we're seeing here to reduce the number of casualties is increasing, but also the number of people who are seeking shows or is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those are where something in the 1st a school and the field hospital and, or those who were from across the building, they just got targeted. do all moved here, thinking killed that this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hot spot is not also they, if it's quite difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the house was good to be safe ambulance are still coming in the hospital carrying them those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk, but the the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospital just presented ambulance and paramedics and symbols of his group from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble
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of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people, according to apparent paramedics when we spoke through, had been ordered by it is really another phone call. now right now it's just happening again. got another explore. this is another, another is drive it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same, same exact size. it's a clause, it's a cross of from, it's across from the school. and so, so far silver was the now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant. 3 did a talk. and here's projects on the same exact side. we're talking about the 1st design in the heart of across from it all in one area. one of the complex. it's an
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a education of conflicts with the multiple is that have turned into shows are for this way as family for the past 9 months to judge the from the huge dark cloud that the small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack i gain many of the people who were injured in the 1st part. we're still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now, because of the target would be impossible. 100 percent, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just wanna point out that the skies of the central area, amelia, above us here about the courtyard of these a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning says we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the skies the fly at
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a very low level and a many people here at the hospital here, the link, the presence, the dense, the presence of, of these, the relative drones. today i talk to the moment we see them, it's pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that an attack is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side that was targeted within the past hour. and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears try and other who's a former us president donald trump says he's for israel's prime minister to agree to a cease fire and gaza and that's in yahoo says israel wilson, the team to see as far as hawks in room next week. those are the headlines, the and most of the case is coming up next. the,
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the 2004 colored in my suite is the rest that you and your trip to macedonia. he's interrogated and mistreated the nobody knows his bare bones. 5 months later, east released into the forest and update the drums. interesting to this them. so between so the 16 passport. let me see i'm back now. so we'll get started from the thing are sort of my friends in the show. and so these are for our team so we'll be bringing up straight back, let's see, since the, which one, which was things which been, it's just easy for me. the kind of mastery case basically
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revealed the entire underbelly of the secret american torture and prison system. the candidate must be made international. the headlines for c s. c 14 being for explanations and justice defendants by his own government. as thoughts are stats provide. yeah, i just did find foot step one is liberating deutschland on the big deal. jo and the dean sealants, the risk of using the
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color the most fries used to live in every off with. so i have some noise and since 2007, even then i wanted to make a film about him. but then his case took a bizarre to use of to, to keep that being the, committed several disturbing crimes in 2009 beat up the may all familiar with how did you come to this one was probably most deeply involved in this story. was the lawyer monthly needed from with t for smith kind of in must be 2004. then sentence 5 minutes from the district for the con slide to learn how the belt might not. i know how to chicago. so i guess give and i know that the oakwood trustworthy, it's for me, you know, there's a divine and then uh put in the activity bus. i can just for the finance side. so
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they're not taught to and mostly i'm defensive and i think executives interviewed developments for that. i'm going to conduct a photo to an ellis. hey, this is the hopes that the best way to get for the when done, how time is and pass get psyched. winds and it gives you step by a d, as our thoughts learned, not much it or didn't get phone, but done plus taught safety. so that's an itemized. it should go to not much to do with him. ok was 5 system. but then how 10 o signs or symptoms from a body and d on go to sweden, come bits for nazi dougherty enough. i bonded with the legal now. yeah. vin, this other civil have a piece the what it is younger than most of us. even always listen uh, so its on cuz she keep money shows you all the of us as well.
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of the at about the same time as one foot candidates to new york times became aware of the case with my candidate. it just started working here. she was still living in germany at that time. this fine on the continue, my contact is 11 east on to now my phones had to and it seems like a stomach and i just seen a phones damage of accomplish talk to is dusty. shawna understands what mechanics on the practice based on that some job mother is in t boned down for of august. my name is hyatt. i mostly been vanessa and truth one is by the mission owes design a steamer. that's fine, and other things most fish out,
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this is an example of the bushes distance there is that goes to actually when getting dca this is and the like the i'm just getting and i'm going to kind of what i'm used bones um the spot for me is to goals baseball fan or get us just be supportive as to somebody that sees a hot it almost with a volume store to i was gonna start to see a need for a top the, the 911, a take of 2000 and both the rest of the, the u. s. was determined to use all this power to cite detective decking of its allies for the dental george bush. people 9. this thing comes on the page start sense organization, the
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the color this family button on the seat of the bar began in 1975. he was 12 years old. 10 years later, the minutes to flee to germany. in 1994 kind of became a german citizen. he wanted to build up something in the country that had granted to us to try to trade cards. in 1996, he got married to his austin to move to a village near. at the time he lives with his wife and children in a 30 square meter basement the at the end of 2003, several problems at home color decided to take some time off the book,
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the cheapest ticket teakwood, find a bus trip to macedonia for about a $150.00 euros. the disturbing macedonian border, something bizarre happened. he had to leave the bus was late, it was taken to a hotel in scope. and we'll do it so much low with the spot in the field is still commission on environmental and by me it would seem i could leave them but obviously faculties but have to been i start to as a open flyer, shalean all the bus with us and be a good leaving on the feel. twice plencik docket and their 1st galaxy is still 30 telephone. do you have an order or things i should contact? i've been working on this with spanish bubble diversity bowling
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and i'm sure. okay, perfect. so the triple chaff, the dog started out of the door trembling with the initial impression. i won't be able to to say, i need to do my best site if there's a good one by she didn't finish off with stunned, instruct its gauge on density and stay longer duncan and i'm home. i'm in a box and get choking. this one which often but changing all those issues on piece of property owned by the college and still the school feed, another company. so i often, but the
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thought dr. spirits on having sex of mine is after 9 fucking. that's good enough. the old one haven't emailed the old into one in the oven. have him do me a slip to get done or talk to you about stuff. i'm sorry, the even to copy paste this thing of an item. so then just going to see, and i'm even going to press the up and see official closer to the to have
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a tool on time. because honestly i get from, i didn't citing on because i the traffic didn't stand to happen. the mission and the client does on planning my now, cuz i'm looking for a transfer democracy back on snack. own bundle dish in the player them. so spot on. so been going on. so if i want to influence or try to finish, often wouldn't give often wonder that done become a splits. and i'm sure that i'm done by the police 1st learned about the duction in june 2004 about 2 weeks after and most researchers they checked his story, step by step and even made a hair analysis on the continent, including the standing of ground. not in small any of the list i came up with
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a l. v to estimate would have is, must obtain keith. what is the item hyphen cooling demand and been sick though for these al songs i often had stood out me thrown into us on 50, hitting the as the benefit level. just want to give you some data via closed up a bit. so uh it's interesting, awesome, you have a nice time, you know, for the house, the only thing does the she stay in school. so i'm just giving you some help with the. yeah, because the building um is are but yeah, but as the police side is on the dyslexia good enough, i'm eligible to students speech plus you just don't displace redemption to have somebody look this up to me other than just slope it does. so give us us just
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us stops and that is undefined ambition. so 15 this is put the tissue block, just the, just a months of research. but as to what the candidate to new york times thing is decided to publish the story, escalating that side to home office to buy their c a and the some cases 90 conditions slash i just saw an old nobody showed up on the come see they just used to come house s desire to new york times one to countries. i'm the sunstar. that's fine. that's when you go to buy the store and nothing you wish to host come is
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rubbish for them to the formal dimension. it is us productive. i to talk to the c c a or id with you can call us, comes on to me. we have tests you supposed to have to miss the . i was working at the german television show panorama. and when the story came out of the new york times that so it became, it had done about the kidnapping. i remember feeling a shameful good. here was a case of a ca, kidnapping, of a german citizen. and you know, you have to ask yourself why we even exist. the 2005 journalist discovered the flight suits of ca, agents, and us also the and must be flight task on
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the spanish police are able to ascertain to come to flash names of this c. i a hijacked us. what made us stop over and my younger with this information, john gets scored a t i 25. the addresses of the c. i a attacked us in the united states. good morning. so we wanted to ask you would model the emissions enough time to on the phone call? it must be fine. it's been john goods from dodge and sounds. and you know what we're talking about, this is evil. funny, your data sir. so when it's talking about these victim advice cycles, we have some kids, nothing's on college, i must be in macedonia. and do you know what i'm talking about, sir, sir? sir, the, the involvement of this? yeah, it was already noon, but during the list, alexander bush university in early 2004,
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shortly after the adoption the mostly excuse me, was on the espn list of most wanted people tied with the 911 attacks however, cold. oh must. so they're looking for was a spanish citizen and this, this color l mostly with the same name, same surname is a truman citizen. so he arrives in the bottom of to a border study and serbian border a policeman decided to move it just copy it in the hotel scopes. give mack this like hotel was please just behind the us embassy. the old place, the use of listening they've been, we've been, you formation from leo on fast super themes report. to find that there's the passport is generally or not. is that the inform, the,
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the us embassy use copy and then from, i guess, the washington or the spurious over there will send the airplane to, to most of my source was a officer in the military intelligence. i think they told me it, was it too excited? they're was they believe they have to talk to soon big fish. they do become a nationally famous buy captured one of the old denies as of $911.00 a tax. it was just too big thing to keep. keep quiet, the average dispute. see, i knew and i'm done having damage an item, go from the boston, we'll say that we get to a single desktop is still in the farm and the modem. the
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commission is different. the spot on to the us on the trailer. going to have mission, links on price on the vendor, just starting on china to have a tool on $10.00. how much does it invest in a good one? try to come home on each think the the so the by the student is it's a on food. i'm go from the, from the trailer. stand i know on myschoolbucks good mich, i'm, i've got an issue with the numbers. in fact, this is thinking when i try me fight under a care, i know plastic flasher saw from the thinking. now it seems like this,
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this last on this. so buddy's been, i've x, i think the sort of think still gotten and the other, the much bit in the not coming follow dollar and spot from ms . professor attention to it and on. so by the on the fit and finish the phone. but these are federal home sessions by the time i'm really kind of dividing this problem focused on modeling cvt tables. think guns getting out of school in bidding on the switch. and then look the close to housekeeping on people's thing.
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somebody's been from them out the phone with us. yeah. that's dial from john goodman did newman. we'll shoot this out from john goodman. that is also a lender. tom finished. ok. i'm just trying to was dennis. so enough to additional him. the thought you're building balcony on people from mixed with has been displayed that he's still there. so of the
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drum circle to come see you understand those as well in spun security comes to be honest. most of the, uh, i know some money out almost to pollution and, and so i thought the photos for the on the front of this behind it actually showed up and but then home 2nd. okay. you did not. and on gosh, the, i'm doesn't that under all schema the bar target, for instance, the under initial mail doesn't happen. d of the company should keep bleeding with them home. gosh, so i tried to get so of the
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new york in 2005 the human rights organization, a c l u became aware of credits case a specialized and tracking this is a protection program. kyle: it's a kind of what happened to him was a credible story, a by united states involvement on the sea ice involvement, specifically in this program of transporting individuals to secret detention and torture. despite the fact that this was the form of his tortures college nonetheless got on the plane with monford, his lawyer, the events that surfaced into the system as to which these intro.
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but that's a must be happy to transfer the whole thing as of the specially offers. that's the focus. but the tip is less successful than anticipated. the courts refused to accept the kind of the most recent case for reasons of national security. at least you can test to find the country for subject us. i'm so proud to be able to introduce my clients, colorado monitoring this d. c. that's what i really want to me. i know of level the phones in this instance equals the
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as far as the past to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head, jeff will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges the by creating a space for us to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. pirates game changes with this document product just using the results to the leader who fought in a brutal 21 year civil war and switch on to become so dense. first, vice president in news, good news, global knowledge to which we or identified what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world, tells the story of john graham and mysterious death on
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the security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games of paris . as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july, the 26 stay without a 0 for the latest updates the
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system even come in as an international anti corruption excellence award. denominator here on now of the this is all just 0, i'm dirty, you navigate that with a check on your world headlines. israel has carried out multiple air strikes on a field hospital in central gauze, off a police 31 palestinians were killed in the 1st right. it targeted a school housing injured and displaced people. at least a 100 people had been injured. children are among the dent my muscle was shocked with the messiah as a tech guys. we went into it because of the so i came 2 months ago from you to my daughter is if you would have gotten to him,
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i'm the get out. and i was sitting in my neighbor's tent and we heard explosion this. we all started running. those who were injured and wounded are innocent. people that had the former us president donald trump says he's urged israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to a cease fire in gaza. that's anyhow who says israel will send a team to talks and room next week. hundreds of people have shown their support for new share as leader at the start of celebrations. to market years since the jumpstart ceased power, army chief opposite of mine she on he made a tele vice speech saying, news there is on track to achieving for solver and see if you, if us prime minister, i'll be off and i just visited the remote area where to land slides killed hundreds of people earlier in the week. heavy machinery can to reach the area. so rescuers have been using their hands and shovels to dig through their minds. at least 262 bodies had been recovered or
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a friend says its highest speed trade networks will be fully functioning by monday . rail infrastructure was sabotage, just hours before fridays olympic games opening ceremony. 7 of the 10 services on the country is northern and southwest lines are now running it through zillow. well, uh yes, i really mean it's not in the hands of the parents public prosecutor who has taken charge of the investigation. the priority for the ministry of transport was that the network should be able to function normally again, which will be the case on monday, and that we should be able to make improvements. that was our priority here. now we are leaving it to the public prosecutor to conduct the investigation. i know that some 50 investigate has our own dick. so i think the i'm for the ministry of the interior and the ministry of justice is to quickly find the culprits. the news hour is at the top of the hour, but up next that's the most of the case by these officers solution inspect gives us now for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our
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backs on. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, you know, stages we want we want to great because the women and my country doesn't match suite to come up to on we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be treated equally. we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you do the 2004
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color that it must reuse the rest that you and it for 2 months it don't. yeah, he's interrogated and mistreated. nobody knows his bare bones. 5 months later is released in a forest and not a new. canada must be made into national headlines. for the se 14 being for explanations, injustice, he felt abandoned by his own government. the use of the most frequent use became a topic in 2005 pharmacists public prosecute to take marty member of the council. a few rough estimate chiefs investigate against c. i a activities in europe color than most de la fitness. i bought the door type of yeah. and the best son, joy, the, the new, the bus to a conflict can on have a, you know,
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not to rule or can pose a deep. marty proved that the c, i a kept secret. prisons in poland and rumania su sundays, my ex custody, she just saw the despite, she likes country this year. she has all these act, giving them safe, lots of why fi for the idea of how it was so solid. these liked me then the at the end of 2005 political bomb explode. it turned out that the tv administer latortia had long since known about the kids being on monday, 20042 days after and most recently returned from us guns done us. and both of us on your coats had informed cd about it or to see had kept silent for more than a year and a half east. the bonus begins indulging food into an ottoman by the indian and fuel
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and funding for viet vitamins. basically the times you want a normal to into 0 in the bottom of the kind of should be good in these and it fuels fight and we've gets in as soon as we have it done and we've got kind of can't miss a seasoned coil in the country now the site and the website and talking to the government to 1000 and for the head of the drum and johnson, the reverse frank fight the stein maya. it wasn't until the treasure goes to beat. that even public is how the a in uni spied 1000 on seer doors on unbox 5 invisible ones, and con, sometimes under the gunners, fundraising, father 5 and the young, decent money masterpiece instructor should edit this other with females. come as
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you come for fear of a step, my doors come off pet then. yeah. door shut up tops and doesn't know what to buy board and a 2 sided resist. s my which still in the woodson magazine, the most marvel dish from that seller on that hon. she didn't on the alice. so for
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english from the tiller, the best and professional home i'm dish dot says iowa. on describe kick, see it won't do. it's least she pushed them, mcneil deutsch to the vessel dump and con, before we haven't gotten into something. yeah. yeah, it is special since 50 some people's things. and so i, i'm finding so trying to practice as i start so as a sort of sort in san juan. and then as i spoke to then i searched at the cynthia seal alignment. i ended up becoming a number. so you can the come see your house. i will direct the pin so i am fast. i skip this link. the one on the i'm really trying
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to avoid an issue that's human vice dust or he or fox. the limits of the rising suspicion against the official stein monumental attorney ventured needed to receive the compelling message. a photo of sam might have surfaced something as messy. i understood that when gums for the initial effect, the success the man who called himself sam, made an official of the german federal criminal agency who carried a delicate machine. at that time, this existence was top secret. unexpectedly mumford needed it. his client was summoned bunch of police and not with it, had prepared the lineup,
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but this opposing sense had to jerome and policemen. brooks busy americans to indicate that being some have decided to be able to do, might be the in of kind of stand on off with these external so on the out of the dispute from that bestbuy flash pena. and then i'll be honest based on the issue, and if you end up kind of thing gives you enough, i will open the head. teach desk if you that's be so there a detailed people show the items, piece of a sign x and sign for how to design it to variables in the taskbar sam. easy science. i mentioned that section and it's been twice a week since last week. the up cleared on museum, seen investment in this. i wasn't even wasn't kind suffice it. so yeah, somebody told me to be 50 for the finished and see sort of going to be the one see
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here it's, i'm say the subs might not. i want to click the test button on the even so what does the upload speeds up here? i don't even get to see trouble dot com showing the officer followed by the stats and 5 just missed a kind of that seems like a good bye to the conclusion of the in the meantime, we can assist heavy merchant macedonia. their statements cost. another question of a light on the german government. think up this trenton and lots of don't even whole kind of gifts do use ok. that deduction pad and binding from the up to him. you might also dental action. which of you're getting for some site some just by the school get out, please just contact me. i just missed what flushed in those as best as the student
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content so often via dom us often ask us to model nation to start. so when i sign up on the system i just finished. um so, but it depends on what time his wife is. act of schroeder and understand a little satisfy of sticking a watch out about if you don't the last day that is because he didn't just pop up this with consequences because it is mostly slow to interest in a forced air later is picked up by l. banyon. officials, and without further ado, they put him on a plane to germany and from ford to bush on come under control chart on as a company driving no dispute. that the sean motor skills. why see, i also wanted to say, i provide this understand be,
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i'm beautiful. how many of us under some, do you feel assigned to a space on products makers? a message to buy? have no ok, dental this game. so it's numbers didn't so now for him, on the shelf i was a fish dusty the most recent duction. last of the highest months almost 2 years later, the questions that were associated was that a committee of investigation was set up in pending in march 2006. which rotate the german government plays
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the kind of domestic and tell this painful, stormy, underground stage. politicians turn a blind eye. no one approaches and mostly slowly the wind begins to turn suddenly and must we just open the suspect it violent. yeah. that's because of the end of that one does who he's also in been so clear and he a, for the nap golf listen, have a must be the toilets. he has a going floor stick. it was about whom vide android should be about needs and was needing some global inc, this send, could you, with a via is charlotte, a must is a must be new. i honestly was a spot for it mostly is feel like of of, of estimates ahead of until sunday depends on the flesh that you sent me. an induction does. i'm on this mission. so phyllis o in the southern court,
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some of the condos in the middle of the has e cove with see if for smoking be stealing is clicking the muscle from lots stop work. if what type of wood up let's each of pull pallets, you'd send a team to load on the 20 minutes when we go, the types of people since he wants done the specially out that's kind of so the talking take becomes time. start on a bus on the key and should feed up. i will not be here. so an able to this inside of him to name and on may the 27, 2007. kind of doesn't, must reset or for a whole sale marketing night within where he intended to do as much damage as possible. he gained entry by force, started a fight colored
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sniffed because of a trifle. he complained about a broken mp 3 player. he felt provoked treated condescendingly, the, the but it's in the soft prostate. yeah, yeah. i live and it's like the t list as the safety didn't come to mind. it's ashcroft a to off point them off after the ice on the take too much for your assistant troy and the judge was understanding the most reverse given just a suspended sentence. then something remarkable happened to munich public prosecute. his office requested a warrant for the rest of 13 c i. a agents
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the, the german government refused to even send the arrest warrant to the united states. they issued the arrest warrant for every country in the world except for the place where the kidnappers live. for the reasons that the german government desk farming became clearer when vicki leaks released the documents from that time and 2010 us the invoice on conic may decrease. drum and counterpart that for avoiding the rest of our friends would have a negative influence on that by led to the relations. the intention was not suspecting just relevance. urge that the gym and government wake hastily at every step of the way. the implications for relations within us, the,
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in the same year, 2007, the u. s. supreme court ruled the better the domestic case would be a bit to, to court. the highest american court decline the authentic give them cabinet. and the collector property slow to sum of 2009. you will have to turn it into a garden. the . this was the last time that i met in september, the 11th 2009 college and must read together like 3 of his sons. and to the town hall, you know, it when stormed into the office and physically attacked me. i gave
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a new and dec this that comes out of the blue for everyone. only slightly. just suffer from shock for life to misuse them. and con. um, so it depends on the use to use to deal to pay the credit voice next to the technician. storage mouse retired to go. probably under 6 the tentative must reverse in prison for 5 years. as soon as he was released at
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2014, he went to the airport and disappeared, the secret ca report into subjects and became public 2016 souls. some of the mysteries of this abduction others remained open. plus there was a clear conclusion. the boy, this devastating testimony. charlotte's innocence was finally proves that the public heard nothing about this case was this the judge's story didn't z
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the use of our last meeting. i finally found him last year, the after his detention color tried to find work in different countries in vain. germany was no longer an option for him. does he decided to trade a rep good sooner? last year? to 17 youth if positive colored subduction, it had also been
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a nightmare for his wife asia. when he disappeared without a trace on december the 31st 2003, she took her 4 children and return to 11 and in desperation. then how did you hear that? that's an i'm that if at all, from the high about it without a can invest and so as least been enemies comp then key. so then if i'm describing this, may i have binds c as, as feedback for admission to and finally can tough is how can i, that's a model. i'm to have flashed a month in flipped only to what has on to fit owns then can i just read the can that the needs to name game or the it can fuss motions and i think guns type thing
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says to artic done the really the all vitamin well that's the gun slow to should i am or that it can 5, so yeah, on this must all sort of lead me said miss on some excellent mannequins at all. yeah, in 2009 and college went to prison. the family was separated again to see if it wasn't already tough enough. i usually got into a disagreement video socrates. they wanted to convince her to put some of her children into foster care. in 2011, the situation escalated in panic. asia fled to 11 and i mean by the show her 17 years old at the time completed an apprenticeship in vienna
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will be the solution here. you close it as well, ended so thousands. i sent the vice this to me over the phone by far the most of us with associates of i to all the stuff. this is laney hughes on jenson land pulled on dish. cynthia, i can show them how much farther than that the other 2 boys would be by this time 5 enough. and on that side you see some few call us the
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suspicion as well. so like i said it's up as such as back up was fuzzy. i was a good the almost with decades have passed since the abduction tragedies are still good for the senate investigative support to us to have to explain parts of the ca,
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up duction program. they never apologized the last semester. tony, on the other hand, not only page 60000 euros and compensation. 2018. the small countries formerly apologized. the germany close the case of 2000 and the 3rd year, the committee of inquiry presented its conclusions. 3 years after 2, because the
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you had a lot of there, it's looking laundry, settled across that central slice of south america. and that's where we seen exceptionally hot and dry conditions. it's feeling like fall or spring then winter for pots of bolivia, as well as power going out is going to get
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a little bit cooler here. we've got a weather fund. it's going to cool things down as it moves its way north, across into northern argentine, up how worldwide and southern pots of brazil seen that rain on saturday as we go into sunday, will trickle up to southern parts of peru joining low heavy rain affecting northern parts of the continent. now the rain may ease for southern pots of chile, but the stronger wins of the and it is looking very windy for pots, essentially, america and the caribbean, out to sea. in particular, we've read warnings, the southern parts of jamaica for those very rough seas. with some thunder storms expected in the caribbean, stretching across to most southern parts of central america. so that is the bus of heavy rain for costa rica on saturday. the rain is set to intensify, guatemala and el salvador. on sunday, a scattering of showers remains for much of mexico. it's not a heavy that rain across the north on sunday. but look at that lots of sunshine and one conditions for the car being
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african stories from african perspective. i like on venture dentist authorities using different media to show documentary light applicants filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to a science, it in black a need for you pulls up on me, it says all on the left side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i used the drivers on, i'll just sierra, a sunny south west side, challenging place to work from. as a journalist, you're always pushing our boundaries. we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media goals. we go there and we give them a time to tell their story. the
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colleges when the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters in dow. hi, i'm danny. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel carries out multiple air strikes around the field. hospital in central goes off, killing dozens of palestinians. we look at the living conditions for people in northern gaza, forced to seek shelter near their destroyed homes. mexicans special forces have
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been sentenced in the lowest state office with the rest of 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords, primrose presidents as points for


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