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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our line from headquarters and dow. hi and teddy. you navigate, here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, israel carries out multiple air strikes around the field hospital in central garza killing dozens of palestinians. we look at the living conditions for people in northern gaza, forced to seek shelter near their destroyed homes. mexican special forces have been sent to send the lowest state off to the rest of 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords. primrose presidents as points for
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a state of the nation address against the backdrop of nation wide gloom. plus i am, i do for you. see i in charge one of the toughest places in the world for from a to make a living. i'm devin ash, with sports on the 1st 1st full day. i've actually let me put it is china who's picked up the 1st to go buy those shooting advertising the latest from power coming up. the welcome to the news. our israel has carried out multiple airstrikes on a field hospital and central gaza. at least $31.00 palestinians, including children have been killed in the attacks. they targeted a school housing injured and displaced people. at least a 100 palestinians have been wounded and have been taken to a hospital to talk about the women and children are in very serious and critical conditions. many of these into time with empty to upper
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or lower limbs, the injuries indicate that the weapons used against them appear to be internationally prohibited. these weapons used to guys, the injured people, caused severe buttons to that buildings. all to zeros honey. my hold was reporting and dated by law as another is really air strike was carried out nearby. the absolute horror is dominating this scene right now across the central area and a lot of the hospital here. we're not only we're seeing here, the reduce, the number of casualties is increasing, but also the number of people who are seeking shows or is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those are worse filtering in the 1st of school and the field, the hospital and or those who were from across the building. they just got targeted, dual moved here. so you can kill that. this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for the event. we know the hospital does not also say if it's sick,
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why it's difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the good to be safe ambulance are due coming in the hospital. the carrying that those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk, but the, the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospitals just presented ambulance and paramedics and symbols of his group from continuing their work to remove people. who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack inside the field hosp to the school. many of the people according to a parent, paramedics, when we spoke through, had been ordered by the is really another 35 phone call. or right now it's just happening again. got another exploit, this is another, another is dr. it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same, same exact size. it's a clause, it's
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a cross of from it's across from the school. and so, so far silver we see now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant 3 did at the top. and here's the price on the same exact side, we're talking about the 1st design in the heart of for us from it all in one area. one of the complex, it's an add on educational conflicts with the most of those that have turned into shows are for this way as family for the past 9 months. judging from the huge dark cloud of a small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack, i gain many of the people who were injured in the 1st with products. we're still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now, because of the target would be impossible. 100 percent,
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impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just wanna point out that this kind of defense from the area nearly above us here, the courtyard of these a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning because we are arrived here. we could, and we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the skies, the white a very low level, and a many people here at the hospital here, the link, the presence of dense, the presence of, of these, the relative drones. today i've talked to the moment we see them, it's a pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that attack is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side. there was targeted uh within the past hour and one more time it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it,
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or they are surviving. these relentless ears try are taught about zoom was inside the up. so hospital soon after the 1st attack, just a warning, there are some disturbing images and products reports right now in private apartments. inside. as you can see, the state where the divides was putting into, into the, into the basically the have been to so far we've been in the guy every one of the inches. i would say the good news is apartments little bit about the capacity. and
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as you can clearly understand, that there's a very, please just are slight solution which these places have been insane. i'm going to tell us the news today when use that i'm, it's a very note attached to these areas. most lease, he said the conflict of like to be human insights of fabric about him. i was just the last that i had to sign. okay, well now speak to dr. tanya has her son who's a pediatric intensive care physician. she was last working and gaza in march is joining us from on 9. thanks very much for your time with us and i'll just 0. so we've just seen an attack on a field hospital and central garza with many children among the dies. now the doctors, nurses, all the medical stuff will be having to make some tough decisions as to who to try to save with the lack of space and lack of supplies. how difficult are those decisions to make and what are your colleagues on the ground? i could upset telling you about the situation to yeah, i think they're, they're extremely overwhelmed. so i've been getting a brief messages saying they're trying to get things under control,
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but strongly. they said they received a 440 martyrs, for people who been killed and over a 120 injured mostly women and children. they describe terrible, bur, terrible burns that were so severe that they were actually scary to look at horrifying verbs covering up to a 100 percent body surface area. these patients will not survive, they will. yeah. some of them will suffice for hours maybe a day. it's significantly less than a 100 percent less, but they didn't survive in any setting. the problem when you have a mascot hold you the scale is you can't even provide and passionate end of life. care to relieve, sorry, they said they've been trying to take hold of the situation, but despite this being now several hours ago that they cannot. and they said that reports are getting from the casualties that are coming in is that this was a,
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a triple strike operation. where the same vicinity of the wind, the fuel, the clinic where a lot of the cases that would otherwise be cared for. i last saw are being cared for in the, in this clinic because it also has above capacity. and so they just by having over a 1000 people in the city of that clinic in school, including patients and their caregivers, and that there was a free time. so we, we've seen this over and over again where the places where civilians are highly concentrated are strong by a is really forces the rescue workers go injure it, to the, to rescue any survivors. and then the same location in this case, for the after the taking not only those, the few survivors of the initial strikes, but also anyone who attempts to rescued on him. and menu sees a number of casualties over a 100 injuries,
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a number that any healthcare system would not be able to cope with in terms of managing a mouse casualties. one of my colleagues is his day off today. they're working very hard. they've been working non stop for now over uh, plus 9 months and these uh, these positions generally will work for 24 hours and then have a 24 hour turn it off. and this was this time off and he was called back in because the situation was so out of control. so he just left me a voice message describing the work line. injuries that they were seeing. he said it was a terrible and completely out of control. critical, can you talk well the, the, pardon me, but can you just talk perhaps a little bit more about the types of injuries that your colleagues are telling you that they're c and i think it depends on, on, on the hospital. so we have colleagues that and also hospital we have colleagues, that awesome today are seeing here,
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straight type injury. so what i heard was horrifying agitation. one of the nurses in the red zone, which is by see you, what's the messaging me about 30 minutes ago. and i asked her what type of injury she's saying she was seeing. and she, she said 3 things. she said, brain matter out patients. so right matter hours when the brain matters actually visible, because the, the, the had a little been a patient and the city of hers. my calling to the mazda of hospital where you're, you're having more trips on the grounds, really trips on the ground. in the last 24 hours, they received multiple women with collections to the fine legs. and it's a lot of gunshot wounds, a lot of tang, shelly, and injuries that are related to the troops being on the grounds. so it really depends, but a lot of hospitals seems to be reporting more sniper and tass shootings execution is about a high. mm hm. and
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a awesome 40 more aerial bombardment that said both institutions are forwarding. you know, majority women and children, elderly. these are, i did see a report saying that several steps were taken to reduce the possibility of civilian casualties. and that's just not the reflection on the ground. i'm sorry, the clearly a concentration of civilians that hasn't been. it's not intentionally targeted once, but 3 times in a row with we, a welding majority of women and children casualties. one woman and this is a report i got about 20 minutes ago from a colleague of mine who's with me and i'm on right now. part of that i'm actually old as current and medical insurance, permian garza. and she shared the story with me and one woman whose husband was killed at the beginning of the war. the woman was pregnant at the time, after 13 years of trying to conceive eventually can see language. and the front of my vision was i yeah. her husband was killed in the beginning of the war. she's
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delivered her baby in her tense. and today she was killed. the bee was removed from the roll alive and it's now we're offense, having lost boys, his parents and 2 separates airstrikes. actually, i don't know the gender of the child's, but both in the parents and 2 separate extra incidents. i mean probably i just, i just want to add one thing because i'm finding this extremely frustrating, coming on over and over and over again as a humanitarian to offer a manager in perspective as you boucher is solution to what is very clearly on the grounds, genocide, and you can save a life, we can spend hours for substituting the people in possibly trying to keep these people lives. the majority of the whole die under the current circumstances and with the types of injuries the colleagues are reporting in the area of the emergency department, right, for the calendar. that said, we can spend an hour is trying to resolve to them,
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but it's based on lies. and they have to go back and live in a quote, unquote humanitarian zone. that is clearly a valid part because the civilian is, is you are a valid targets. israel and facts are clearly targeted, a doctor has how somebody can, that's what i wanted to ask you about. in fact, let me just jump in there for just a moment. because look, we see hospitals which are supposed to be protected under international law, being repeatedly targeted by is really mean, how do you make sense of the fact that there are these repeated violations of international law, yet no accountability. and the reality is, i'm a physician, i'm supposed to make sense of the injury. am i supposed to treat it? and i have spent my entire idle career and lice and investing in my skill set so that i wouldn't be very good at keeping people alive. i'm not an introduction you monitor and lawyers, i'm not an expert in human rights or warfare. i can tell you that the reality is on the ground,
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but we are witnessing as people who are supposed to keep people alive is every single means of a likelihood of keeping people alive from water to fluid, to shelter safety, health care. as a substitute for substitute capacity rescue services ambulances, a waste management system, our targets of these really strategy. know you can include what you would like the i c, g seems to conclude as possible genocide. the i c c has put out a reference. everybody's making conclusions that are based on it's not a manager in law for me on the ground as a physician, who was there and who is now talk to my colleagues who are there. i didn't tell you that this looks like a strategy to, to, to, to eliminate a population. i don't know what else you couldn't come logically, but i'm not an expert conclude,
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conclude anything legally. and the legal experts have also spoken. okay, we'll have to leave it there. thank you. so my doctor, tanya has her son for speaking to us from i'm on. thank you. thank you. well, many palestinians in northern guys all have chosen to stay put living near. they are destroyed homes on the 0 air houses, zeroes, and so should have sent this report on their living conditions. a little nice. she up on so many palestinians in the northern gaza strip of struggling with tash living conditions. because as riley forces have bombed the shelter, email those with no way as a go has touched it, teens on top of the rubble and debris of the destroyed hormones. gene i'm in the hand. uh we set up tents here because the shelters are inhabitable, is released have been to other schools and it is no longer healthy to lift the name . we live very primitively. whether he's, even the fabric of the tents is torn and full of holes,
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but it's fine because we're on the island. you can't live away from our land. you know, we had our dreams, and here we will achieve our goals and ambitions on memories i here and will remain here. is my son died here. we managed to achieve some toys for the children from under the rubble. this is bread for the children. and as you can see, there are lots of fence we struggle with ends, mice and buskie toes out of the a man and we will bid up a tennis of this life for the sake of stay on the land. we will never leave island the government to serve as a guardian. but we are living on top of the rubble of our house. we came back despite all the destruction and we decided the best place for us is here. even in the salt web, we can stay in the 10th 2 months because of the heat. so most of the time we got outside into fresh air. we thank god almighty for everything despite the bad and
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difficult situation is. we have no other option. praise be to god o s. just make a monday them a number a will not i have despite the lack of basic necessities and the palestinians and system staying here and not leaving the land. and it's a shared, it's a just deal. some of the of the former us president donald trump says he's urged israel's prime minister to agree to a cease fire in gaza. the 2 men at trump's resort in florida, their 1st meeting in nearly 4 years. the leaders fell out after nothing. yahoo congratulated joe biden and 2021 following this election victory over trunk. that's in yahoo! says israel will send a negotiating team to see as far as hawks in room next week. from says that high speed rail networks will be fully functioning by monday.
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contractures are still working on signal stations and cables, sabotage, just hours before fridays olympic gains opening ceremony. it to zillow cool. uh yes, i believe it's not in the hands of the parents public prosecutor who was taking charge of the investigation. the priority for the ministry of transport was that the network should be able to function normally again, which will be the case on monday, and that we should be able to make improvements. that was our priority here. now we are leaving it to the public prosecutor to conduct the investigation. i know that some 50 investigations are on dick. so i think the, i'm for the ministry of the interior and the ministry of justice is to quickly find the culprits. well, china, i have claimed the 1st 2 gold medals of the games. the shooting team won the 10 meter air rifle and mixed events for the 2nd successive games and be synchronized. women's divers claimed the 2nd gold custom natasha butler has joining us from paris . so natasha with all that going on. what impact though is the bad weather,
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having on the games pretty gloomy behind you. it is 3 of a and it has been raining very heavily lives that's really disappointing for this 1st day of the olympic games. these have a great impact because of the escape voting events on the plus black on cold water . the soap showcase events is actually being postponed until monday, because of rems, simply to sit free for escape or death in the brain. also a dumplings, it'd be offensive the main ceremony people at the me a so because the rain became quite heavy throughout the night. look, nevertheless, it was an opening ceremony that was packing. all sorts of was a big use to describe, which is a daring for focus save officials, what have you thought about it? it was certainly unique. everyone can agree on that because it was an evening start . mary's taking place right in the center of the city on the river said something has never been done before because i mean ceremonies are usually always in the
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stage and say was the 1st it was historic and it was so nice. very dramatic. are we learning anything more of this? our where things stand with the investigation then would be sabotaged on the rail network and who was behind it? we still don't know who is behind the french authorities. they say they are cool, pursuing their investigation that they intend to find the perpetrators. we have put the pit bulls from child support authorities to the saying try you just starting to get up and running again, some 7 out of a. i see trains of working. so please focus of says full service issues review by monday because the network has the, this is a fashion for life on the security issues reduce around the games, particularly here in the past. i'm particularly because french and then people the noises to somebody to, to do these. and in fact, by using powers as the main location,
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the main venue is like it is more numerous just the child, the most wonderful and is going to look spectacular inside the says he already does what that means is a huge security challenge. and we saw some $35.00 police officers each day deployed in the city. that train rel attacks shows is a really you called have 0 race because they will be areas in the country. are all going to be vulnerable, even though it's a place. and by just or to say that they all being vigilant and a full set doing everything they can to ensure safety for funds and for the accurate. all right, thank you. that's also butler reporting from paris. the one of the leaders of mexico. so in a low, a drug cartel has pleaded not guilty to drug charges, and the u. s. federal agents, the rest of the smile, somebody all also known as a mile in texas. on friday,
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he was detained along with working guzman lopez, the son of el cheapo goodman, another drug king pin. julie i go, yano has more from mexico city. this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us soil. is my 8 miles on by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scenario of cartel and hooking guzman lopez, son of convicted drug lord of chapel, whose mind are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear, but a lawyer representing a miles said his client did not arrive in the us willingly, and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been setup by an ally to walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to break the uncomfortable news of telling the country that mexico had no prior knowledge. and the detention of 2 of its most wanted drug lords, c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had that themselves over,
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this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the mexican government did not take part in this detention or hand over less than 24 hours after his arrest. somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges and united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government sent special forces and anticipation of violence breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel. physical freedom electro, the can we use and by that phone together, if it is confirmed that these might have somebody that was be great, or set up by a rival section of this e mail, i've got them together. we could be looking at the new media use of excessive rates of violence. here you see not often this in a lower, somebody that is the last major drug, lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades despite leading
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one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the scene, a little cartel, the reality is it's such a risk in the past has failed to make much of a difference to the organization's operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests. 3 ago yano alda 0 mexico city. the largest wildfire in the us state of california is spreading rapid least threatening thousands of homes . it grew in intensity on friday, making it impossible for firefighters to contain she harbor time. she has more on the scale of the devastation of fire tornado caused by intense heat and high winds, captured in time lamps. video is the right, changing column, a fire and and it phones near chico in northern california is what's been named the punk fi. it continues to spread satellite images show the file has passed since
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thursday. it's already consumed more than a $120000.00 acres. and there's the largest california wildfire this. yeah. amount has been jail to starting the 5 windsor se he pushed his flaming call into a gully on wednesday, over 1000 personnel are assigned to this fire. over a $124.00. 20 fire engines are on the line. 10 helicopters and 12 air tankers, including very large air tankers. despite these results is the fire is barely contained, such as the speed of the in front of according to us as national interagency 5 center. so i'm 112 large active wells cause a currently building in the west and us in canada, the mountain resort type of dress. but in the rocky mountains has been devastated after a fast moving wealth driven by high winds. road in socrates of the 5 been growing rapidly, 5 kilometers outside of town helped by lightning, wind and droughts. and then a sudden strong wind gusts to push the in front of him to dress. but the 100 meter
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high flames taking just half an hour to reach town and to those in alberta and around the world who have experienced the magic of just this. the magic is not lost and it never will be. 25000 people has already heated the warnings to flee before the fire engulfed sections of draft by some 20000 tourists and 5000 residents. if i break down now, i will. what will i do? i will just sit and cry and nothing is going to change, right. the problem is about, but it has been experiencing stream, the high temperatures the summer. so 176 wildfires are burning, and schools remain out of control. she ever tennessee elder 0. let's get more on the weather now with carl, i had a lot of the monsoon rains are in full swing across india. we seem very heavy rain across the western areas in recent days, and that's caused flooding and water looking in good. you're right,
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states now we're expecting the rain to continue to pull in here on sunday. we read warnings out for good. you're right. i'm the stretching from raw just on all the way down to carol, out with some pretty breezy conditions as well for coastal areas. now the rain is set to pick up on monday for the northeast with bus of rain for bangladesh as well as baton and nipple. the width of weather however, continues to pour into the western parts of india, southern pots of focused on as well. we could see some flooding from that heavy rain and the flooding was on of it yet for china as we move to east asia, you can see the remnants of gaiety may continuing to bring a heavy ok of rain from the south of china through the korean peninsula towards the north, east rushes the far east and on was to japan. so relentless, rain expected here on monday. but for eastern areas of china it's still a very hot and humid situation, which is well above the average for shanghai is $36.00 degrees celsius. the on
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monday, still out on the all, does it renews our why too much tourism is a bad thing for some in the greek islands of the mediterranean, the and let me fix surfer celebrate this started exchange space for parents. if the waves into c. c. that's coming off a little later in the us congress passed to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head. jeff will not be allowed to compete alongside players, coaches of teams eaters, and ask lead challenges the by creating a space for old to embrace the game they love, regardless of what they wear on their head. paris game changes with this document
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on it. just in depth analysis of the days headlines he's right is like he's raised accusing the entire world, looking upon them. sense informed opinions. this is person's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the the, the top stories on the, on the 0 news. our israel has carried out, excuse me,
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multiple airstrikes on a field hospital in central garza, please 31 palestinians, including children have been chosen the attacks. indeed, and by the strikes targeted school housing injured and displaced people. the former us president donald trump. as ernest, israel's prime ministers who agreed to a cease fire in gaza, the 2 men of trumps resort in florida. benjamin netanyahu says you'll send a delegation to see as far as hawks and road. they're scheduled to begin on sunday . a. for more on the talks we have our correspondence with us from the sun coach was here. and so how because israel's government is banned alger 0 from reporting there. so what are we hearing from is really officials ahead of the cease fire talks and in room. well, sounds sources are speaking to is really media and saying that israel could be headed for a crisis rather than some sort of breakthrough in these negotiations saying that nothing yahoo is taking a big gamble here, taking a much harder and toughen stands in these negotiations. and remember this 3 weeks ago,
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netanyahu himself released this list of 4 non negotiable items going into these talks . and it's something that mediators behind the scenes have been saying was deterring these negotiation? something that were non starters for these really. so there was no room really for negotiation. so some sources are saying that they're trying to find a pathway forward for the talks as a whole for the war for a cease fire. that is longer than just what is this deal that's on the table because it seems that there are a lot of gaps that can be bridged right now. so at the same time we understand that family members of is, are the captives have also been speaking out and we expect there to be more protest this evening. there are going to be anti government demonstrations taking place across the israel tonight as we see every saturday night. these have been going on for months for people calling for new leadership calling for nathan, y'all who to be removed from office calling for new elections. and all of that comes on the heels of nets and yahoo!
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addressing the us congress, but not announcing any sort of plan for how to end the war. not announcing anything new when it comes to a ceasefire and it's something they're incredibly angry at. and some sources are also saying that benjamin netanyahu had reacted to vice president cala harris's comments about gaza saying that she is aware of the human suffering that's going on there. and that's in yahoo is that that's what's going to harm the negotiations. so families of is really captives are really furious at the fact that this sworn is almost in its 11 months. i mean to think about it just 2 months, it will be a year since the war started and they're saying, but enough time has gone by and benjamin netanyahu is the reason. there hasn't been a deal and why there won't be. so what do they think, or what does the is really public sort of of large think that he got out of this us trip said, well, if you look at the polling conducted by is really media of more than 50 percent of
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respondents said that he went for personal gain to campaign for himself on the world stage, even though he's so unpopular at home and not just among these really public. i mean remember this is a word that's considered a genocide against the palestinian people. were nearly 40000 have been killed. he's being applauded across the political while in the united states. whereas everyone back home domestically is saying that nothing yahoo is essentially someone who has these arrest warrants against him in international court. someone who has carried out this war with no plan, no end in sight. and then you even have former captives who come out and said that they were afraid nothing. yahoo was not going to have some sort of plan because they were quote, liberals were left to. so there is a wide variety of opinions about and it's in yahoo. but a lot of it seemingly negative, so that's what they think he went for the united states for, for personal gain to make his own self image look that are in a war that has essentially killed 40000 pound stadiums or a 100. i thank you so much. so once again, how does uh,
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joining us here in delphi because the is really government has banned algae 0 from reporting there. i will tell you about other news and peruse presidents will deliver a state of the nation address at a time when her government is deeply unpopular and facing accusations of corruption . gina boulevard, say, well mark, 203 years of independence sunday speech. it's happening as peru endures, severe economic decline, poverty and crime for you on a sanchez reports from lima of the killings on the streets of peter's capital. now a common seen homicide and robbery rates are up across the country. prove units are frightened and angry at the government and congress who they see are oblivious to their needs. we don't know how to defend ourselves, the president, the congressmen, what are they doing for our security? they have to wake up in president the level of this 20 months in office,
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nearly one 3rd of the lose 34000000 people are now living in poverty. some analysts accused the government and political leaders of governing for themselves, and that's impacting the economy located. we don't mean us one, okay, what dominates today, a personal agendas for support and that interests and not policies that improve the quality of life, of the average citizen of this is being seen with a degradation of strength that prove had its fiscal strength because its being right and left without improving the quality of life for peruvians. the base facing accusations of corruption and human rights violations. something should be nice. legislators also under investigation have a must so much power and the government institutions are under their control. freedom house has downgraded reduced democracy to partly free, and the fact that more truck for this institutional weakening is the achilles heel of the country. today. it is not so much the macro economic management, but the lack of direction of having
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a much more cohesive society with institutions that work democracy is very weak. would that count awaits and very severe crisis of representation that a fix ari can nomic recovery and obviously a fix the poorest drop big but proceed and load what this says otherwise. so most of the social, we are a reliable partner for the wild. our economy continues to recover. we have clear rules of the game and we respect the legal framework. we welcome responsible investments that generate development for our compatriots. polls say both the president and co west have an approval rating of less than 6 percent. hardly anyone here believes in their ability to run the country with 8 years of political instability and 7 precedents. one former government official says the countries leadership next for the belief with organized crime and public teeth touching daily lives for so many movie as hard, demanding elections on the loose independence anniversary. they say they have
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nothing to celebrate and offensive. i just needed lima aid agencies say the next 2 months are critical for millions of people in charge who risk going, hungry, irregular rainfall, soil degradation, and pro long droughts are all taking a big cho on agriculture. awesome. at the various reports in the eastern town of andre, it's jeff i use my eel takes advantage of the rain for the previous night to plow and plant something he ideally should have done since late me. but these are not ideal times. i need another of the soil used to be photo and it was abundant. rain right now we see less and less rain for that means the pool harvest year on. yeah. the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as also shrunk the land available to cultivate crops. subsistence thomas like jaffer account for much of the
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countries out, but it lack of access to recognize tools quality to see a loans production. the biggest threats, however, comes from climate change, the regular rate for, for long droughts and pests huff give us the discharge coach. go to the market, you notice a shop decline in food supplies. most firms are experiencing pull rainfall and sort of degradation that directly affects production. the sea, for example, is a significant increase in temperature. we notice trees with ring and dying wish, and environmental is se, addressing the impact of climate change requires adapting climate resilient culture practices and diversifying crops. but a high level of poverty stands in the way chart is right for most of the problem is depending on the rainy season, but because it was so little rain so far this year, the crops of smaller farm was concerned that if the trend continues, they wouldn't have us enough to leave off like child,
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one of the country's main sources of agriculture produce fish and livestock is shrinking. 50 years ago. it's covered in the area of 25000 square kilometers. now it's just 1700 square kilometers. as the old program says more than 2000000 champions rely on for date due to poor harvest. and as the impact of climate change worse, as promised, like jeff around the country can only hope for better ratings to grow the food they need. how much it breeze, i'll give you that 5 free shot. if you pay as prime minister has visited the remote area where to land slides killed hundreds of people earlier in the week, i'll be off mode met, family members of those who died. heavy machinery can to reach the area. so rescuers have been using their hands and shovels to dig through the minds, at least $262.00 bodies have been recovered. the countries observing 3 days of
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national morning. well, how much i'll send this updates from gopher a. i'm of the size of that on slide the to killed hundreds of people here in southern ethiopia. behind me you can see the mountain top from which a huge chunk team down doing a heavy rain a don't on sunday. killing many people and bedding homes under people here tell us about the initial land slide was limited and it killed only a few people. but when a huge crowd came for the rescue, and now the bigger one took place and that's the one the task in. so many at the bottom of the hill, 6 days. so lots of these lots to, to place people out of some setting in the month for their loved ones feel for the keys. tell us not to move on to doesn't people are still missing. here you see a new body has just been back up from, from the money a few minutes later, they also told us that they have size, that they might be able to dig up, and i'll have all the from here. so the families and the rescue workers are not
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getting up. many here might be too busy to express the grief, but that's a place not farm. that's the decatur tough to for that. not only the families of the deceased, but also hundreds of villages continue to come here to attend the funeral home in front of the sienna, deliberately talking to each opium, bangladesh, cl, thirties, have taken 3 student protests leaders from hospital. the men were being treated for injuries they say were caused by torture received earlier in police custody. all 3 helps coordinate demonstrations against the governments jobs quote a policy earlier this month. tundra child dri has more from the capital dot com. there isn't a match fear of fear and panic and bung with dash among some is arrest them. cracked nonce, continue by security forces on friday, late afternoon playing floats, policemen forcibly took night. this lum. i'll see my mood and i'll go back to
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emerge them down from the hospital in dhaka, where they said they were been created for ranger is sustained while in police custody several days ago. all 3 of the organizers of the co, dirty farm protest movements, knights, wife and sister. and i'm not worried about their security, fearing they might also be picked up by police. we are old under constant surveillance today in the late afternoon, the intelligence personnel direct my brother and to all the student needs from the hospital room while they were under treatment intelligence. people also refused to displace their identity. the whole ministers say, as the students were detained for their safety without mentioning where they're being held, to visit this. as i said, mom was interview from president of the get on the ship them. so now they took us
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a way to stop us from making any decisions about the student movements while they killed all these people. they made some of us disappear, some would be to, we would pressure to stop the movement. for all the student to test, our coordinators left the hospital in taca fielding there in an arrest. now they are hiding. we manage to talk to one of them over at mobile phone. we are feeling very insecure. we could be arrested any moment and they could just make us disappear. we are living in a nightmare scenario unless you've experienced that. you won't understand it. protest will continue until the government accepts on 9 point demands. please price, let us know, since students have been made victims of the situation, bangladesh as education minister told out of the reopening educational institutions as little to premature, but assured us that students will not be harassed,
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saying the track down targets only those and welding vandalism. and our son, we want to ensure that, you know, cent participants are spec, completely are not harassed. and peas do come to us. please do raise your voice. please do tell us where uh, where are you? where are you are? and we will definitely try to rescue you as much as possible. the government is continuing to say that things are normal, yet everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed? sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock. uh here's what's coming up on the news. our, the sports news, and we'll hear from the president of african was based on how he funds to push the sports on the continent. the
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this is the 1st to decide that we see in the field. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is cut. the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award,
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denominator hero. now the the, the, let's get the latest somebody, let me fix now, which i'm a thank you. 3 is the 1st full of action and we've had this last go button of the games that went to a china is shooting team, klein, new thing, and it's showing me how to move it to the 10 mesa arrow for mixed events. that is the 2nd straight games that china have. one is tied to china to these that can go to the diving a 3 time world champions. change you when i'm trying jani, want me synchronize free me to spring bush, china trying to win h women's and then pick diamond goats. very early stages behaviors,
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how the middle table is looking at china out in front of 2 of those 2 goals. at of the south korea and the us who have silver metals, great britain and cox, donna's base taken up, runs as more gold medals for grabs later on satellite, including in the swimming pool farms have already been watching the heats and the earliest sessions that the aquatic center for use has more now from paris on what to expect in the finals. and we could say one of the real stand out events of diesel impact games and the women's $400.00 mates, a freestyle the 3 favorites between them have the 20 i practice times in history, k, to a techie of the us site, looking for 8 olympic gold medal sees up against our on tape most, who's the defending champion, and also the world record holder at this distance on the 3rd is a 17 year old canadian phenomenon. summit macintosh. she grew up with inspirational quotes and pictures of what that keeps on her will. now with the chance to beat her idol at the olympics in the men's,
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it's the full by 100 mates of freestyle team usa looking for 3 pages having also one goal, 3 or 2016 on types here. 2020. though i'd like kayla dressel, the real stall who is looking for his a gold metal optimal in big games. full rece out his era virus. as the action gets on the way, let's take a closer look at the venue many famous places as being re processed for the games. a temporary outlaw stadium of the, such as the eiffel towel, hosty beach, volleyball events. the grounds of the palace of the site has been transformed into a temporary arena for the of question um motors in penthouse loan competitions. a famous bridge on the river san will be a viewing point for the swimming marson and the triathlon. off the 3 years of renovations, the 124 year old grand paulette pele. sorry, what was the fencing? and so i click on the competitions and the odd treat, right,
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cycling and madison events will take place on the loans of espionage. the lead, which is a former military hospital to move out. jacqowitz has forgotten his quest for gold in the tennis singles. the 24 time grandson champion made light. what go straight is my suit evidence. winning 6 loves 61 chunk of which one bronze the 2008 games inviting. there's never been crowns, and then pick junction women's. well then when it gets to be on set, cause one high opening singles match the pole. the remain is rena can media if they do in straight sets. the full time friendship in champion hasn't lost so much on the play coats that ran and girls in 3 is depending on the waves and the weather, we should get off the bus. look at the olympics stuff as later on today. so he is hasting assessing because it has one of the world's best ways, beaches and from some mostly flat. so this time of year, while the olympics opening ceremony was happening,
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16000 kilometers away in paris. the surface was still able to celebrate being costs of the games with their own ceremony on the french and polynesian highland. a full, okay, just kind of this women's football team says he feels devastated for the players off of there and, and pick campaign is safe. i've been overshadowed by a drain spying control to see kind of the set time to members of software, allegedly using a try to fill these evenings training sessions before the sides. the face, the to the, the raining and, and pick champions been suspended. the current cage, best priest went for the remainder of the games. often new information came to lights, which may also call into question that gold medal and take a 3 years ago. i'm devastated for the players. i think we have to, you know, moments like this. you know, respect about they put some work and to be there being
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a headquarters of the team that's computed for metals, one metals and you know, those players need the support light on that. it's all in this moment. and so kind of salt are going to be conducting their internal reviews, which is the right thing to do. and i'll be happy to help them with that process for sure. what to tell them about the experiences we had in, in our uh, competitions will see the rock b seven's metals decided lights of it just like in the 15 aside. okay. south africa the only aspect inside. so it really made an impact. the president of african rugby has towed out to 0 with the right to investments the constant can produce more. while clos teams, david states revolts the issues rugby africa cup is currently taking place and you can 8 countries excluding the world champion south africa competing in the tournament, which next year will also act as a qualifier for the will come. the president of africa and rugby hub, mensa,
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believes the continent has untapped potential genetically we uh, the best 1400000000 warranty is who uh lets it can run, can jump. i've got a center of gravity that can move left to right. so you don't have to be taught in the unnatural particularly issue is fund them to context rubies will governing body pays around $5000000.00 a year to each european nation, but just to 1000000 to the entire continent of africa that works out at roughly $55000.00, nation mensa, is putting on governments to help bridge the gap. without money, you have 2500 also plans of african descent playing in fronts. we have 4 or 5 pleasant english team of african descent. many countries do not even have a rugby view. so as we put pressure, we see many countries not building refills right here and you get to what an incredible drug refills my own country by presidents build
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a rugby park. extraordinary. so we need to get more and more than building that. we need a competition based africans playing with african south africa, f one, a record seeing world cups. but there are no other african sides in the world's top 20 that's despite there being q jump. it starts among the other nations to join the spring books at the highest levels of the game. but it's like a red blood coming to. it's a split between 7 so you know, that means why don't you have to smile. we have to compete, don't with what you see fit after care has been represented by the same to teams that the last 7 world cups of africa and the maybe a ivory coast competed in 1995 and zimbabwe, less to paid in $91.00. if we can give them the game time, if they can play more test test matches, then we're going to see in africa that is literally the spring box that we have 2 or 3 teams. second beat, anybody in the world. there are encouraging signs at this tournament. as for the
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1st time in 12 years, it will be one binding nivia or kenya. instead, it's out, jerry in zimbabwe who will contest sundays final david stokes, which is 0. that is all you'll support for me for now, but pizza will have more later. 3. thank you so much trouble as well. the summer holiday season is peaking in the mediterranean and every year, millions had to destinations like the greek island of santa reeney. but russ, i didn't say they're unable to cope with the search, and they've called for a top on the number of tourists. sonya that reports the sun, june blue seas and breathtaking views. santorini has drawn travelers for decades. this island with a population of 20000 regularly tops lists of most visit tourist destinations. i always wanted to come here. actually,
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this has been my dream since high school. so every year it's not it with holiday makers, including the thousands who visit a boat cruise ships to the point where the island is unable to cope with the strain of results is only one of the issues that have on good residents. we, i don't know some more lyman, because uh, i some, during the casa, it has a surface for face 7 discredited meters. what kinds of things prospects to unique reinforce on visa is more likely more difficult. we finding creational 50 times a number? i mean, without the, without creating a monster tourism is essential to start to read these economy. but the sector is also transforming the island in ways that a harming the population pricing money out of the homes, flooding communities with expensive abbey, a b properties that are forcing people to up route and leave. center really is not
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alone across the mediterranean and tourism hotspots. many residents are growing weary of the effect tourism is having on that communities in the spanish island to be ok. some have moved to the growing and complements of trump events because of rising rental costs a mazda of police ma. this young despair was too much tourism that the onus that see the high rental prices because they know that every week, every full night they have different people. well, local protest movements are gaining ground and major holiday destinations. they haven't put of visitors so far, but preserving these unique locations will be crucial to achieving a balance between tourists and residents if they're able to withstand the effects of mass towards them. so they go out, is there a thanks for watching the news. our on alger 0 will be back in just a moment with much more of the days news, and all the latest headlines. see you in a minute.
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the a 150. is it a gyptian history? seen through an extraordinary photographic archive. step into the opulent 12 of egypt through a family. with photographs recruit every moment as king photo slavish wedding in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse, proper, etc. also captured moments. the trip egypt scroll course, egypt through the lens, all marriages on, on to 0. widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas are not disciplined bung with dash. tens of thousands are still stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select region of or not, this bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon, rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes,
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southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can anywhere a back on last, a 21 year old son in the land slide. my to turn to and i try to rescue him in the darkness that it was the 2 sites for many how busy up to come pod came in to be is israel at no cost to go to pieces? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential, could we do it or some we cannot take the effective use of the present as another name for the effective he had the story on talk to how does era we don't simply focus on the public accept the conflicts is the consequence of war, the human suffering that jesus 4 times. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence. in recent years,
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we brave bullets and bond because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides the the moments after and is really air strike on a school in central garza housing displaced, palestinians dozens have been killed. the you're watching out to 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting navigate to also coming up the living conditions for people in northern garza for seeking


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