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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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0, now the is rarely strikes here to school sheltering, injured and displeased, palestinians, and central garza, at least 36 people are killed. the welcome on way, little rock this is out. is there a life and also coming out the easy you'll be a grieves as the death toll from last slides continues to mount a dramatic operation service to leaders of a mexican drug cartel. us officials say it's a major blow to offense. males trafficking plus
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a 2nd day of train delays and francis police funds for those beyond sabotaged attacks. i had a feeling face, the israel has carried out multiple airstrikes on 2 schools in central garza, can we at least 36 palestinians. the schools were being used shelters, housing, injured and displaced. people thought of as soon reports, something better. the children used to study here, this exclusive goes in theory, each shift field hospital and the soup. so during the work is very minute to fit quest foamed twice, clean. dozens of pieces, not released to destruction is every way be my fault on my
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daughter's outside for treatment, but we had just been right. yeah. in this room. oh my god. god bestowed. he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. others we know as not very beneficial. the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed with displace posting and she lives has took the wanted to the cities of august. the hospital. israel says it's 10 to the to how most command the control center look to say you most of the victims most of the effect. in fact, most of the injured children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and children came with amputated land is valid. troops have destroyed more than 300 schools and universities since october, the 7th, even to so used as filters by families is know what else to go
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on. and just i would say think it's weakness me. there's a very, please just as slides about promotion areas most lease, he said to compress it like to be your military and things of direct about him. i was just the last that i had to sign. her neighborhood was reporting her life from there and better when one of these really airstrikes was carried out near his position. a little hor is dominating the scene right now across the central area. and a lot of the hospital here, we're not only we're the in here, the reduce, the number of casualties is increasing, but also the number of people who are seeking shows or is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those were something in the 1st a school in the field, the hospital and or those who were from across the building. they just got targeted . dual moved here, thinking killed that this would be the final,
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the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hospital does not also say if it's quite difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the house is good to be safe. ambulance are still coming in the hospital the carrying that those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk but the, the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospital just presented ambulance and paramedics and symbols of his group from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people according to a current permit, as we spoke through, had been ordered by the is really another phone call. now right now it's just happening again. got another exploit. this is another, another is drive it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same,
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same exact size. it's a clause, it's a cross of from it's across from the school so, so far silver was the now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant. 3 did a talk. and here's the price on the same exact side, we're talking about the 1st desire be in the heart of across from it all in $1.00 area. one of the complex. it's an a education of conflicts with the multiple is that have turned into a shoulder for this way as family for the past 9 months. judging from the huge dark cloud of a small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack i gain. many of the people who were injured in the 1st with parts were still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now,
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because of this attack would be impossible. 100 percent, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just wanna old to point out that the skies of the central area, amelia, above us here about the courtyard of these a lot of the hospital drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning since we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the skies the wide, a very low level, and many people here at the hospital here, the link, the presence, the dense, the presence of, of these are relative drones. today i've talked to the moment we see them. it's pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that attack is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side. there was targeted uh within the past hour and one more time it's hard to imagine right now that any of the
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people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears try many palestinians in the northern gauze i have chosen to stay ports even as airstrikes continue living on top of the rubble of their destroyed homes. ultra zeros anessa, shoddy sharif, sent this reports on their living conditions a little nicely in so many palestinians in the northern gaza strip of struggling with tash living conditions. because as riley forces have bottomed the shelter email with those with no way as a guy who has touched it, teens on top of the rubble and debris of the destroyed hormones. gene i'm in the hand. uh, we set up tents here because the shelters are inhabitable, is released, have been to all the schools and it is no longer healthy to live the name we live very primitively. whether he's,
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even the fabric of the tense is torn and full of holes. but it's fine because we're on the island. you can't live away from our land. you know, we had our dreams, and here we will achieve our goals and ambitions on memories i here and will remain here. is my son died here. we managed to achieve some toys for the children from under the rubble. this is great for the children. and as you can see, there are lots of fence. we struggle with ends, mice and musky toes out of the a man. we will bid up, attend this of this life for the sake of stay on our land. we will never leave island the government to serve as a guardian. but we are living on top of the rubble of our house. we came back despite all the destruction and we decided the best place for us is here. even in the salt web, we can stay in the 10th too much because of the heat. so most of the time we got
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outside into fresh air. we thank god almighty for everything, despite the bad and difficult situation is families. we have no other option. praise be to god o s. just make a monday them a number a will not i have despite the lack of basic necessities and the palestinians and system staying here and not leaving the land. and it's a chevy. it's a drug deal, some of the us and is really drone attack on the mulatto refugee camp and the occupied westbank has killed at least one person. the palestine red crescent society says dozens of people were injured, including a paramedic who is in serious condition. palestinians say is really forces also rated homes near the cemetery and the nor dave has more formula is really occupation forces rated the beloved refugee company and not less. and there were confrontations with palestinian fighters and the palestinian residents. then
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a wrong strike was reported. tell us then in medical sources confirm 117 year old was killed in about 2 dozen injured some critically and they include a paramedic. the confrontations ensued after that drone attack and they continue medical sources report difficulties accessing the injured and the tensions are continuing to arrive in the novelist area. of course, we know that is really military sources and there's really security sources said they would defend more on drilling attacks. we've seen about 30 of them in the past 10 months. that kills nearly 80 people. and those drone strikes are now escalating as are the raids into palestinian villages, towns and refuge account across the occupied west bank with all of the address data around the palestine. israel has updated its proposal for a gas cease fire deal and the release of captives and deliver to to the by an
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administrator and that's according to us media. it comes ahead of negotiations in room on sunday between the heads of the is rarely and egyptian intelligence agencies, the director of the c. i a and guitars, prime minister and early i spoke about these developments with our correspondence. honda so who, who's in doha? because israel's government has found out to 0 from reporting their let's 1st talk about what is really officials, including us. and y'all, himself told family members of his really captives when he met with them on his trip to the united states. these family members ended up speaking out to the media and so that they were promised by nets and yahoo and other officials that there would be an updated is really proposal in the days to com. and we're hearing from american media that that has now happened. now looking forward to these talks in rome, some is really officials or speaking out and honestly sure, affordably close to the mediation team have said that this could be heading for a quote crisis rather than
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a breakthrough because of netanyahu's hard in stance. and remember that the source is also said the nets at yahoo was so angry at the fact that com la harris was sympathizing with the destruction and death and suffering and gaza. and that nothing y'all had reported. we said this is what's going to harm the talks. so it's really officials are going into the saying, but perhaps there is a pathway forward for an end to the war. rather than trying to bridge the gaps that are on the table because they are so wide and several weeks ago, netanyahu himself delivered a list of 4 non negotiable non starters for the negotiations, which is why essentially, we haven't had any movement in recent weeks, but mediators still scrambling behind the scenes, they've said previously, they're cautiously optimistic, but we'll see what happens on sunday when they all get together. the search teams in southern ethiopia are still digging for bodies at the sight of 2
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lines slides there killed at least 262 people. the 1st wave of month and rocks destroyed some houses. the 2nd was larger and buried. hundreds of volunteers and rescue workers that were gathered at the scene. now, authorities are worried that the unstable ground could cost further a lot of slides and have issued evacuation orders for other villages in the go for region. mom at vall has the story from the village of delay in southern if you owe you a week off the lawn, slice swift through the city mode. the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief. that way i can with barely any tools most are using them about hands . but they'll get to the thoughts, minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud, the sole signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral
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assistance, which are packed with mourners from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to this freshman stories of loss, you met the soap. low family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing. the suspect she's dead, but can't find public. they keep coming back here hoping for information. but mesquites of a 150 men, it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound. it goes to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd last i buried in the mud and took her life away. this man says he lost 21, pallets the we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing prime minister of the right by helicopter to also his condolences and pledge
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support. there was no hope any more of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies have been retained, but dozens of feet from austin missing feeling further line slides. the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you, if your husband ever experienced a non slight on the scale of, with the phone, many people to kill and to a small community in the most south of the country. it's a catastrophe of untold precautions. how much fun i've just seen on the lake southern ethiopia. and we've got some breaking news that we want to tell you are now or the is really i'm doing. so services says 11 people have been injured after a missiles fired from the southern 11 on hit, the town of marshall shams in the occupied goal on hearts 5 people are set to be in a critical condition. and footage appears to show rockets. hitting close to
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a children's playground is really your radio reports. a series of dozens of missiles were launched in less than an hour. will bring you more on this developing story as we get more details. and so head here on al jazeera, a greek island in the mediterranean, that's on a bucket list of millions of people locals. now, calling for account on towards the i had learned that the monsoon rains are in full swing across india, which seems very heavy, rain across west in areas in recent days. and that's caused flooding. i'm water logging in good. you're right. states now we're expecting the rain to continue to
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pull in here on sunday. we've read warnings out for good direct. i'm the stretching from rom just on all the way down to carol, out with some printing breezy conditions as well for coastal areas. now the rain is set to pick up on monday for the northeast with us of rain for bangladesh as well as baton and net pool, which is weather, however, continues to pour into the western parts of india, southern parts of focused on as well. we could see some flooding from that heavy rain on the flooding was on of it yet for china. as we move to east asia, you can see the remnants of guy may continuing to bring a heavy ok of rain from the south of china through the korean peninsula towards the north, east rushes the far east and on was to japan. so relentless, rain expected here on monday, but for eastern areas of china it's still very hot and humid situation. temperature is well above the average for shanghai, a $36.00 degrees celsius there. on monday,
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the aspire has passed to host the olympic games, french athletes where the head just will not be allowed to compete. alongside players, coaches and team leaders and athletes challenges the by creating a space for all to embrace the game they loved. regardless of what they wear on their head, paris game changes, which is just the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back. you're watching out a 0 reminder of our top stories this hour. the latest is really attacks and goes off, killed at least $36.00 palestinians at 2 schools and getting better. a makeshift field hospital on the grounds of one school was also hit. the doctor said, most of the dead and injured are women and children. and it's really medics say, 11 people have been injured after missiles fired from southern living on, at the town of merchant ships in the occupied colon heights. as far as people are sent to be in a critical condition. and is southern ethiopia desperate relatives continue to dig through the mud after 2 last lives killed at least 262 people. authorities worries the unstable ground could cost further, alas,
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lives and have issued evacuation orders for other villages and the growth outreach agencies saving next 2 months are critical. for millions of people in tried who risk going hungry, irregular rainfall, soil degradation, and prolong drought are taking a huge toll on agriculture homage injuries reports now from the eastern town of. i'd 3 a jeff, how to use my eel takes advantage of the rainfall the previous night to plow and plant. something he ideally should have done since late may. but these are not ideal times the garden. another of the soil used to be photo and there was abundant rain. right now we see less and less rain for that means a pull harvest year on. yeah, the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as also shrunk the land available to cultivate crops, assistance. thomas,
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like jaffer account for much of the countries, but it lack of access to mechanized tools, quoted receipts of loans, production. the biggest threat however, comes from climate change, the regular rainfall for long droughts and pests of devastated charts. culture sort of much go to the market. you notice a shock decline in food supplies. most firms are experiencing pull rainfall and sort of degradation that directly affect production. the sea, for example, is a significant increase in temperature. we noticed trees with ring and dying wish and environmental, the se, addressing the impact of climate change requires adapting climate resilient culture practices and diversifying crops. but a high level of poverty stands in the way chart is right for most of the problem is depending on the rainy season, but because it was so little rain so far this year, the crops of small farmers are concerned that if the trend continues,
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they wouldn't obviously enough to leave off like child, one of the country's main sources of agriculture produce fish and livestock is shrinking. 50 years ago is covered in the area of 25000 square kilometers. now it's just 1700 square kilometers in the old program says more than 2000000 champions rely on for date due to poor harvest. and as the impact of climate change worse, as for almost like jeff around the country can only hope for better ratings. to grow the food they need, how much it breeze. i'll give you that 53 shot. one of the leaders of mexico is this, in a lower drug cartel has pleaded not guilty to drop charges in the u. s. federal ages arrested as malice and but also known as m i o. in texas on friday it was attained along with working guzman lopez, the son of el cheapo guzman, another drug kingpin,
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julia gal yano has more now from what mexico city. so this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us. soil is my 8 miles on by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scenario of cartel and 14 guzman lopez, son of convicted drug lord of chapel, whose mind are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear. but a lawyer representing a miles that his client did not arrive in the us willingly, and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been setup by an ally to walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to break the uncomfortable news of telling the country and mexico had no prior knowledge of the detention of 2 of its most wanted drug lords. c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had that themselves over, this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the
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mexican government did not take part in this detention or hand or thought less than 24 hours after his arrest. somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges in the united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government sense, special forces and anticipation of violence breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel. physical freedom electro, the can we use and by the f one together, if it is confirmed that is made some by that was draped or set up by a rival section of this e mail, i've got them together. we could be looking at the new media use of excessive rates of violence. here you can see not often this in a lower, somebody that is the last major drug lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades despite leading one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the
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scene, a little cartel, the reality is, is it such a risk in the past has failed to make much of a difference to the organization's operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being trafficked into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests 3 ago. yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city. hundreds of protesters in the pocket starting your capital of as well, nevada are protesting over high inflation and electricity prices. for the 2nd day in a row, demonstrators staging a city and people are demanding the removal of heavy taxes on electricity. the demonstrations were organized by the opposition party or tomato sammy, and the continued despite of government down on political gatherings. the prime minister of bangladesh sure has seen a, has visited some of the people injured in the recent violence at a hospital and dock up. she said the protests were
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a conspiracy and accused the demonstrators of trying to reduce the country to a nation of beggars on friday. authorities took 3 student leaders into custody. they helped to coordinate the demonstrations against a government jobs quotas earlier this month. and here are totally has worn out from the capital dot com. so there is an most fear of fear and panic and bung with ash among some is arrest them. crack nonce, continue by security forces on friday, late afternoon playing floats, policemen forcibly took night. this lamp, i'll save my mode and i'll go back to emerge them down from the hospital in dhaka, where they said they were being treated for ranger is sustained while in police custody several days ago. all 3 of the organizers of the co, dirty farm protest movements,
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knights, wife and sister. and i'm not worried about their security, fearing they might also be picked up by police. we are old under constant surveillance today in the late afternoon, the intelligence personnel direct my brother and 2 of the student needs from the hospital room while they were under treatment intelligence. people also refused to displace their identity. the home and is to say, is the students were detained for their safety without mentioning where they're being held, to visit this. as i said, mom was interview from president on the get on the sheet them. so now they took us a way to stop us from making any decisions about the student movements while they killed all these people. they made some of us disappear, some would be to, we would present stopped the movement for all the student to test, our coordinators left the hospital in taca fielding there in an arrest. now they
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are hiding. we manage to talk to one of them over at mobile phone. we are feeling very insecure. we could be arrested any moment and they could just make us disappear. we are living in a nightmare scenario unless you've experienced that. you won't understand it. protest will continue until the government accepts on non point demands. please price, let us know. since students have been made victims of the situation, bangladesh as education minister told out of the reopening educational institutions as little to premature, but assured us that students will not be harassed, saying the track down targets only those involved in vandalism and arson. we want to ensure that, you know, cent participants are spec, completely are not harassed. and peas do come to us. please do raise your voice.
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please do tell us where uh, where are you? where are you are? and we will definitely try to rescue you as much as possible. the government is continuing to say that things are normal, yet everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed? sunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock. uh the frown says it's high speed trains will be up and running as usual by monday. contractors are still working on signaling systems and cables, which were sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony of the paris olympic games. while the interior minister says it's still too early to determine who was behind the attack . and chinese athletes have the one, the 1st 2 gold medals of the games, the shooting t one,
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the 10 meter air rifle mixed events. and this synchronized women's divers took the 2nd gold. now seeing the sunset from the greek island of sound, so really is a bucket list experience for millions of people, but permanent residents of center. any say they can't cope anymore with the hordes of travelers. sonya guy, a guy you go, reports, son, jews, blue sees and breathtaking views. santorini has drawn travelers for decades. this island with a population of 20000 regularly tops lists of must visit tourist destinations. i always wanted to come here. actually this has been my dream since high school


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