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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now, the a barrage rocket sits the occupied golden heights with reports of freight holidays and at least 30 injured israel. says the attack came from within 11 on the, on the rock. this is audra 0 live from the also coming up is really strikes here to school sheltering, injured and displaced, palestinians and central gaza. at least 36 people killed and forced to free once again. israel orders evacuation of palestinians as it continues its assaults on southern gaza and the g. c. u. p. agrees as the
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death toll from last lies continues to mount. 3 days of morning are marked for the hundreds killed inland slides. and we begin with breaking news, and israel says at least 30 people have been injured after rockets were fired from southern level not some is really media is reporting 9 people have been killed. the attack hit the town of messed as shams in the occupied colon. hearts, some of the victims are children, and footage appears to show rockets, falling close to a children's playground is really radio reports a series of missiles launched in less than an hour, as well denies responsibility a all right, so is in
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a hold of the joys we know life somebody were to and what can you tell us to say now? well, hezbollah is denying any responsibility for this rocket strike the target to a soccer field, where children were playing. hezbollah did claim responsibility for a number of attacks in the syrian occupied golan heights. but they said they were targeting military barracks. the very fact that has ballade denies such a serious incident like this one. in fact, this is the most serious incidents since the confrontations between these really military and hezbollah began nearly 10 months ago. so many civilian casualties, mass casualty event in a single strike. now, as well as message is that they are not interested if you like in changing the unwritten rules of engagement that have been in place for months now. and those
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unreturned rules of engagement is that both sides are focusing their attacks on military targets, this more of attrition. the biggest question now is how will israel response of civilians have been killed? yes. ringback unwritten rules of engagement, both sides of focusing are attacks on military targets and but never it's so many civilians killed in such an in a single incident. so will as well um what kind of response will it be? will this lead to even further escalation of so no doubt, many say that this incident in itself could be a tipping point in the ongoing conflict between these long time enemies and give us a status update if you will, as a now has there been an optic in violence in recent weeks.
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well, this conflict, really what we've been seeing is sporadic escalation, 2 to 3 days of escalating pensions along that border sometimes strikes to deeper inside of both sides of the border. but as of late israel has been talking about widening of this conflict is, has the law does not pull back from the boards or has the law a few days ago, one of its officials and the we have to remember that has the lowest parts of the around the lead, so called access of resistance, and there are so many supports fronts for gaza. this is what they call, for example, the front 11 on the support front. for garza that has below official said to the is right. and these expect an escalation on all these runs, not just from level non, from iraq or from, from him in a, as long as, as well continues to stall negotiations to bring about to an end to the goss, a war. and that is why an end to the does a war a ceasefire deal is so important to come tensions along this border and across the
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region as a whole. but as long as these, these, these talk stole, then we can, um, you know, see most likely of further escalation. so every and level non i can tell you people are bracing themselves for what kind of oven is responsible. their be from the is really military. will they target a has bullet position deep inside the country? an area that has not been targeted before or will they hit that? civilians is roles response to what happens in most of seamus. it will be telling on where this conflict the trajectory of this conflict, but i also have to mention that sources in lebanon are saying that they believe that this rocket could be part of an interceptor, missed out because whenever hezbollah launches rockets from, so their 11 on into northern israel or into the occupied golan heights. israel launches interest after missed out. so could this be an interceptor miss out but if
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you, if you read what's been, you know, written and reported in the is really me do. they are saying that the rocket came from southern lebanon, so the hours, the coming hours really will tell us the trajectory of this, of this ongoing conflict, and then a hold of the reporting on those braking developments. susanna, thank you for now us and let's get you more on these are bracing developments with our correspondence a honda so who to she is here with me here in the studio. what has been the 1st reaction from the israel? well, we've got a statement from these really military that says these really army chief of staff for it. see how levy is now meeting with israel's defense minister. you'll have colanda and several other top officials in the armies northern command conducting what they're calling a security and situational assessment. about what has just happened is really media and medics are saying 30 casualties total. but sama are saying that there are
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several people who are debt among them children at least 9 of them, according to israel's channel 12. and that same is really media outlet. it conducted an interview just a moments ago with these really for administer. israel cats who said that quote, has been, has crossed all red lines. it's important to know she has well has still denied responsibility for this. but the continuation of the cross border fire has escalated in recent weeks and months. and in fact, nearly a month ago when his butt law had released this drone footage of northern israel, these rarely said that they are no longer on the defensive, but they were rather on the offensive with these new battle and attack plants. but israel counts the countries. foreign minister is also saying that he spoke with these really prime minister. he declined to get more information about what's next for israel. but he said this is leading to quote on all out war. exactly. i, you know, to that point that you just to ended on when to pick up on that because, and then you know, of course, in the past that has said that israel is prepared to,
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for very strong or we action and, and take the war basically a to 11 on i mean a very precarious situation at the moment. that's right, and we've heard from is really officials throughout the entirety of this war. since that cross border fire started on october the 8th saying that they're not afraid to turn radio into another guns, or they're not afraid to go into another war that they're prepare for it, claiming that they'll have full us and european are going to do. so these rallies have said that they have been operating with quote restraint when it comes to southern lebanon. but the reality is, is that these really army is overstretched. you have the war and gaza that is entering it's 10th 11th month. that's still ongoing. and the situation in the north, you have tens of thousands of people who've been evacuated from those areas. people who are furious at the government, but these rallies have said that they are going to deal with it, but they still have it. so this situation that we're finding ourselves in now could surely be the turning point that could lead to this all at work. the both sides
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have now so that they are prepared for. but again, important to note that at this point in time, she's bella has denied responsibility for this attack. and just remind our viewers in terms of, you know, there has been this ongoing tit for tat between the 2 sides. since the war ongoing, as a start at his butler is became engaged in cross border fire with these release on october, the a's one day after the war started. and in recent months and weeks we have seen that escalate quite a bit. there have been some big attack splashes bubble up, but again, these rarely army has pounded areas of southern 11 on even conducting a targeted assassination. invaded with which they still never claimed for senior. how much the official. so israel is operating in southern lebanon via the air force, of course not boots on the ground, but there are several within espanol who's government, who have been calling for more action, saying that what's going on in israel's north can no longer be dealt with. but it can be, is really upset that they are prepared for this full out war. and nearly
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a month ago when they said they have drawn up these new battle and attack plans to go on the offensive, it was important to note that that wasn't a change within israel's policy because that's what they were doing. they were conducting targeted assassinations and strikes on senior chas. bella, members, they were operating however they saw fit but still with what they called restraints . so again, this could be the situation that changes all of that into an all out war. all right, i'm the so who to thank you so much for your analysis, greatly appreciate it. thank you. and um we can go to or your goldberg is really political, a commentator. and he comes to his live from tel aviv sir. uh welcome. i just wanna get your initial reaction. could this uh, significantly intensify already existing tensions? well, it certainly could, but i have to say that i doubt it will uh for 2 reasons. one is that both sides are
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not interested in the award. this has been made abundantly clear despite the brass rhetoric regarding the overall preparedness and so on and so forth. and the other reason is that the casualties appear to be drew's. israel goes to war is or respond significantly. we saw that, but these are of the attack on the data in the i'm in when it's hard to find is attacked when it's periphery is attacked as it has been for certainly in the south, but i'm out for 20 years or so. but also in the north israel doesn't attack and i'm sad to say, but this is also true. is there a response much more quickly when jews are the casualties, when drew's are casualties, this would have to be very dramatic for his or to respond. it is of course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all we're all right and what do you make of the fact that has by law has come out and denied involvement. so i think it's significant because up until this event has below,
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has taken meticulous responsibility for each and every one of it strikes. infections below const considers most of its appeal. it's strategic appeal as centered around this responsibility. this very careful a score keeping of you know, responding to is around the actions as your correspondence said, israel operates heavily and intensively on a daily basis. and so they're living on an 11 on, in general sense. but i have been very careful about keeping a, a balance with his role where it is all way where it always enjoys credit. that is because, but that sees itself is operating with less intensity than israel in a sort of strike would be, uh, unprecedented. i guess over the past by months for has been i don't know, it says, but i didn't do it. they just may have been an accident. this may have been a match that might light up an entire configuration issue, but it's important just as well as denying it because it has not done so so far for any strike on the northern part of israel and or what do you make of the fact that
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the situation is simply not quieting down. and what do i make of that fact? well, uh, i guess i wish i had something wise to say um the, the reason the situation is not quieting down has to do. mostly more than anything with domestic political concerns. and israel continuing the genocidal campaign and gaza. there's not any all means for staying in power or the other aspect of israel's political conundrum is the residents in the north? it was there was very quick to evacuate. more than a $100000.00 people from its northern areas because it basically told them to expect immunization biases that are similar to from us as a massacre of october 7th. when that didn't materialize, busio was stuck, is 0, as long sought a way to return the citizens back to the north. but i've been hearing this since november. the is early military believes that the only way this could happen the only way is early civilians. and she'll say synopsis as the war broke out against
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those below. or that would push this bar behind beyond the tiny rece river. and now after 9 or 10 months, i don't think this work can happen. i agree with your correspondent, the idea is overstretched. it does not have the strength to decide tours, there will be some very intense diplomatic scrambling. i think over the next few days to try and find some sort of remedy for this. but i for one seriously doubt that all out more will break because of this are risk event. all right to are you goldberg? i thank you so much for talking to us uh on this breaking news. uh thank you so much, greatly appreciate it. all right, honda so who is still here with me uh on the sets uh you know, um what do you make of the reaction that we heard there from or you golf or she doesn't think it's going to escalate because unfortunately, sadly of course the victims were not as really well as this is something that could be taken into consideration, but i want to tell you some updates were just receiving from these really military
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who is now investigating what they say was a rocket attack for on the soccer field as to why an interceptor was not launched why there were no red alerts or error alarms. it's something that has been quite consistent as a failure within the as rarely security apparatus. we've seen this time and time again. both in the north, in the south, most recently in tel aviv as to why these red alerts and alarms are not going off. why the iron doe missile defense system is not activated. and in the statement these really military said, quote, it is important to note that this was a rocket that was fired. not a suspicious aerial target, not alluding to the fact that all that perhaps this could be an interceptor. they are saying that this was a rocket that was fired, that according to the is really army. but again, time and time again, we've seen the failure from israel's air defense array, which is supposed to be iron clad and it's 3 fold. the iron to missile defense system, which we are typically accustomed to hearing about for short range missiles that do come from garza and southern lebanon. and then you have to david sling the arrows
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for longer range project projectiles. and none of these were dispatched. there were no sort of alarm, so the army is now investigating that. but going back to how israel is going to react to the fact that these were drew's and not to a jewish people, not jewish people in israel. it's interesting because these really are saying that any attack on their tour territory will be dealt with. of course, this is the occupied goal and highest, but it is really officials are saying that this was a red line that could lead to an all out war. so i'm not sure that the, the cities are race or religion of any of the victims involved is going to matter to these really government because it is an attack on what they consider their territory. and what do you make of the facts, of course, or the 11th as well? our group, it came out very forcefully and quickly saying we, we have nothing to do with this. it's quite interesting because whenever we see a larger sort of attack that is on military barracks on is really soldiers on
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a military position. they do claim it, but i think they are being, um, it's, it's, it's certainly an interesting perspective of them. just denying it out front, alluding perhaps to the fact that this was an interceptor. and then when there is some sort of larger, inevitable is really reaction to this in a response that will hit southern or central or northern 11 on as well as going to hit hard as well. it's interesting would, or he was saying is that neither side wants this, this war, which is true, but both sides have said that they are prepared for it. so that's also something that we're going to have to watch out for in the coming hours and days. and is, of course incidents like this that could really, you know, be that spark, unintentionally. that's true. this is perhaps the deadliest incident since the cross border buyer. border fire began. we have had instances where soldiers in mass were killed as a result of his blood tax, which as well as saying that they didn't do this, but this wasn't from them. where as these really is immediately said that this was
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them, this was coming from southern lebanon, but again, no way to know that for sure, this is just with these really are me, is claiming at this time, and all of this happening as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on his way back from that trip to the united states. that's correct. benjamin has no actually was holding assessments about this in washington speaking to was really officials while he's still in the united states, expected to depart from their back to israel. expected to be at the cabinet meeting on sunday, but is really officials are meeting now the defense minister, the head of the army, everyone else in the security cabinet meeting to discuss what the response is going to be. because they say that red lines were crossed and that this cannot go unanswered. and when asked about it, these really foreign minister refused to give more details. but essentially saying that an all out war could be inevitable at this point. all right to honda saw who to reporting on those a braking developments, so thank you so much greatly appreciate it. the meanwhile in dogs,
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israel has carried up multiple airstrikes on 2 schools in the center of districts coming at least 36 palestinians. the schools were being used to shelters, housing injured and this place people thought i was to report something better. children used to study here. this exclusive goes into arizona shift fuel hospital and the suits are due in the is very minute tweak it crest found twice, clean, dozens of pieces, not released. the destruction is every way me, my father and my daughters outside for treatment. but we had just been right, yeah, in this room. oh my god, god bestowed, he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. others we know as low as one of
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the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed, with displace hosting. i'm sure this is the one due to the cities of august. the hospital is where it says it's 10 to the 2 most commanded control center to say most of the victims most of the effect. in fact, most of the users are children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and the children came with amputated limits . is valid. troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october, the 7th. even to see was as true to is by families is know what else to go. the injures i received a good treatment. me. there's a very, please. uh, just a slight solution area is the most least. he said that i'm sort of like to be your
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military and things of direct about him. i was just the last that i had to sign. and her name is linwood, was reporting live from the village when one of the is really airstrikes was carried out near his position. the absolute horror is dominating the scene right now across the central area and a lot of the hospital here, we're not only we're the in here, the reduce, the number of casualties is increasing. but also the number of people who are seeking shows or is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those were something in the 1st a school in the field, the hospital and or those who were from across the building. they just got targeted . dual moved here, thinking killed that this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hospital does not also say if it's quite difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the to be safe ambulance are still
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coming in the hospital carrying them, those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk, but the, the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospitals just presented ambulance and paramedics and civil defense groups from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people, according to a current, paramedics, when we spoke through, had been ordered by the is really another 35 phone call. now right now it's just happening again. got another exploit. this is another, another is drive it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same same exact sites. it's a clause, it's across from its across from the school so, so far silver we're seeing now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the
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camera. and this seemed to be a constant. 3. did a talk. and here's the price on the same exact side, we're talking about the 1st desire be in the heart of for us from it all in $1.00 area. one of the complex, it's an add on educational complex with the most of those that have turned into shows are for this way as family for the past 9 months. judging from the huge dark cloud of a small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack i gain. many of the people who were injured in the 1st with parts were still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense recruit. we're not able to remove them. and right now, because of this attack would be impossible, 100 percent, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just want to point out that this is kind of the
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central area amelia, above us here about the courtyard of these. a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning since we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible and that's kind of the wide, a very low level and many people here at the, at the hospital here, the link, the presence of dense, the presence of, of these are relative drones. today i talk to the moment we see them, it's pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that. that talk is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact size that was targeted within the past hour. and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears, right?
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and is really forces have issued a mass evacuation order for palestinians in the southern city of hon. eunice forcing thousands of people already displaced to move. once again, the health industry says at least 16 palestinians of an kill called in the city since dawn on saturday. their bodies taken to nicer medical complex, and israel's army says it needs to forcefully operate in hon eunice and is ordering palestinians to move to n my wear seat in the south west. but the red crescent says there's no space there is real initially declared, and i'm aware c, a so called safe zone, but has attacked it repeatedly. the model of this, or this is my 9th, so a displacement, every time they tell us to go to an area and is unsafe this time we don't know where to go. well, i'm here, we are dismantling out tennis. they gave us a warning to leave this place for me, but i swear we don't know where to go. and many palestinians in northern gauze all
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have chosen to stay put, even as airstrikes continue living on top of the rubble of their destroyed homes. ultra zeros and this is sharif, send this report on their living conditions. here in so many palestinians in the northern gaza strip of struggling with tasha living conditions because as riley forces have bombed the shelter, email those with no way as a go has touched it, teens on top of the rubble and debris of they destroyed hormones. gene, i'm in the hay and uh we set up tents here because the shelters are inhabitable and i have the ease release, have been to all the schools and it is no longer healthy to lift the name, we live very primitively. whether he's, even the fabric of the tents is torn and full of holes, but it's fine because we're on our land. you can't live away from our land. you know, we had our dreams, and here we will achieve our goals and ambitions on memories i here and will remain here. is my son died here. we managed to achieve some toys for the children from
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under the rubble. this is great for the children. and as you can see, there are lots of fence mess. we struggle with ends mice and buskey toes out of the a man and we will bid up, attend this of this life for the sake of stay on the land. we will never leave island. the government as a guardian, but we are living on top of the rubble of our house. we came back despite all the destruction and we decided the best place for us is here, even in the salt web. and we can't stay in the 10th too much because of the heat. so most of the time we got outside into fresh air. we thank god almighty for everything despite the bad and difficult situation is him he's. we have no other option. praise be to got o. s. just mccullough money them a number?
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oh, well not how. yeah. despond to lack of basic necessities. the palestinians insist on staying here and not leaving the land. and it's a chevy, if i just deal some of the ad in the occupied westbank and is really drone attack on the mulatto refugee camp was killed at least one person, the palestine red crescent society says dozens of people were injured, including a paramedic who is now in a serious condition, palestinian see is really forces also rated homes near the cemetery and never lose . it's almost like you know, back to our breaking news. this our a barrage of rockets from an, an identified source of hit the town of mesh the shams in the occupied goal on hearts. israel says at least 30 people have been injured, including children, and somebody's really media is now reporting 10 people have been killed. footage appears to show rockets, falling on
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a children's playground. is really israel has blamed, has full law, but the lebanese group says it has nothing to do with the incident. let's get you more details on this breaking news as they know whether it joins me now live from mount lebanon, as they know what more have you been able to learn as well, how's bella is categorically denying any responsibility for this rocket strikes that to hit a soccer field where children were playing. this is a serious escalation. an unprecedented escalation of civilians killed up to 9. according to the is ray, the media has the beloved by denying any responsibility is sending a message that it is not interested at least for the time being uh, to change the unwritten rules of engagement that has been in place for the past 10 months. ever since these confrontations between these really military and hezbollah
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begun. so hezbollah denying this and some sources the saying that this could be an interceptor miss out because hezbollah did claim responsibility for carrying out a number of attacks in the city and occupied golan heights. but they said in those statements that they target to military barracks that they did not target the town of most bill chavez. now we're hearing statements from these really army is really politicians as threatening at quote, a harsh response. and there is no doubt that people in loveland on are bracing for this because these ongoing confrontations, while they have been relatively limited in scope, confined to the border area with occasional strikes deeper inside the country. and this confrontation largely confined to military targets. there is a fear that you know this, this conflict could widen and expand.


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