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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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or at least for the time being uh to change the unwritten rules of engagement that have been in place for the past 10 months. ever since these confrontations between these randy military and hezbollah begun. so hezbollah denying this and some sources the saying that this could be an interceptor miss. so because hezbollah did claim responsibility for carrying out a number of attacks in the syrian occupied golan heights. but they said in those statements that they target to military barracks that they did not target the town of must bill show us. now we're hearing statements from the is really army, is really politicians as threatening at quote, a harsh response, and there is no doubt that people in loveland on are bracing for this because these ongoing confrontations, while they have been relatively limited in scope, confined to the border area with occasional strikes deeper inside the country and
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this confrontation largely confined to military targets. there is a fear that you know this, this conflict could widen and expand in light of is really is rate. the threats that they want to see has bullet pull back from the border as well as the response has been. we're not interested in discussing any new arrangement along the border, especially as long as, as well as war on cause a continue. so this conflict is now dangerously poised. this could be a tipping point. it all depends on how it's rel, responds to this. and then it depends how hezbollah a response to that. so it just shows you how dangerous this tit for tat confrontation has been in the past in the past few months. right. and as i know, you referenced it already. i mean people in love and on the, on edge for months now, the specter of, we're always in the background talk to us a little bit more about that to. 2 no doubt, like we mentioned this conflict is largely confined to the border area up to 5
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kilometers deep. that's the main battle ground. and the border villages they have been largely level to the ground and the situation is the same. on the other side of the border to hezbollah has sports tens of thousands of israelis to leave their homes. and as of late, they have been targeting deeper inside is road up to 5 kilometers according to the is really media is really media also reporting that has below has been targeting towns that have not been evacuated, but they haven't been hitting civilian targets. hezbollah really has been careful, it has been calibrating its attacks. hezbollah does not want a full blown war as well. that has repeatedly said that that's open this front in support of the people in garza of his ally. how much in garza but, but it's isabel's response really to what happened and measured or some is just
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a few hours ago that will determine the trajectory of this a conflict which is really yes, it was confined to military targets, but the and civilians have been killed up to a 100 civilians have been killed in level, not in the ongoing in, on confrontations. they know how they're reporting us live from mount lebanon on these are breaking developments. so thank you very much us. all right, so let's get you more on these person developments with our correspondence on the sandwiches here with me in the studio because israel's government has found l g 0 from allowing her to report their any updates in the meantime, while these really armies saying that they're holding continuous situational assessments about the situation and they are really investigating now why these red alerts and interceptors were not triggered when these rockets were in, is really airspace. now these really military is saying that after
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a quick investigation, they are blaming his viola for this and rejecting the denial by the lebanese groups as well as saying that the categorically deny any sort of involvement with this attack. but these really are saying that that is simply not true. so you have 2 different sides of the story here. now israel's foreign minister israel cath speaking to his really media has said that there is going to be and is really response that quote, his bella has crossed all of the red lines and that there will be american and european back in these are big is really claims and remember that both sides have said that they are prepared for an all out war, even if it's not something they want. especially these rallies with their military already being so overstretched. 10 months into israel's war on garza, but they say that there prepare for nearly a month ago. israel said that they were drawing up new battle and attack plants for 11 on. not necessarily a change in their position, but saying they were quote on the offensive rather than the defensive israel has
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repeatedly targeted because bola commanders in southern lebanon and the cross border fire has just intensified in the recent months. and all this, of course, coming on a day where we're seeing the is really offensive in on units intensifying significantly, will be, is really a tax on gaza have not let up in the last 10 months. and in fact, is really officials will tell you that they're going to continuously quote, put pressure on how mass in ga mazda, by continuously attacking palestinians. they're in order to achieve some sort of deal. we not only are hearing this from nothing yahoo, but from his top security officials, v is rarely army chief of staff. first, the whole levy was quoted saying yesterday that continue was pressure on military targets in gaza, even wherever they are in the north and the south. putting this pressure on how much is what's going to bring about a deal, but not accounting for the huge loss of civilian life, the loss of civilian infrastructure. the fam and that is ongoing to starvation,
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the lack of resources, the no humanitarian aid that's getting in as a result of israel's war. they are only seeing this as a military strategy, not thinking about the civilians who are involved in this. and this is why we're talking about israel's military so far overstretched because 10 months into the war, they're still facing. spears pockets of resistance all over gone is that in reserves are constantly filtering and to go to gone. but it's something that has been a question for these really army. how can they contain the war on garza and a new front that would be opened with lebanon? so a lot for these really military to conducting these assessments tonight, as israel's defense minister, is currently meeting with them after katie, of israel's version of the pentagon. and tell a view of the defense ministry where they're trying to scramble to see exactly what they're going to come up with as a response. right. and, and back to our breaking news. of course are those strikes that just happened to, i'm told, were expecting of daniel mcgarry, the is where the army spokes person to speak at some point. you know,
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recently some drove footage was released of sensitive is really military size. i mean, what kind of reaction did that elicit from, from israel? we saw this nearly 3 times where his bullet had release me a 10 minute videos. drone footage, showing sensitive is really target to the most recent of which showed the remote defeat air base in the north, which is quite a sensitive military target. and previously, back in june, we saw iron dome battery stations that were shown in the video that was released by his bella. and initially we didn't hear anything from me is really has been dismissed as propaganda. they said it could be from awhile back, but the reality is that she's will have these capabilities, but these really simply weren't aware of. and when these really army chief of staff and the defense minister you'll have gone on had met, they said that they were drawing up these new plans in order to combat specifically as well as drone capabilities. but again, they still don't know to what extent they have israel does not know the weapons
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capabilities fully of hezbollah because we're not engaged in an all out war. there have been estimates back from 2016 about what kind of weapons arsenal we're dealing with. but that hasn't been updated as well. uh, sometimes those these weapons showcases where they show be in such a way in a military parade type of style. but we haven't seen that. so israel still doesn't fully know what they would be up against if it was an all out war with his by law. but they do know that there would be loss is on these really side. because any time the issue of a war was loving on comes up, they say that israel will have to pay a price if there is a war with levon on. but they say that it's one they would be willing to pay if it meant that they would went. and what, what is the advertise just to start another war to get engaged in a war with has spa, well, depends where you ask. if you ask these really public, there is no appetite for that. if you ask is really officials, it's not something they're interested in, but it's something they say they would do if necessary. you have tens of thousands
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of people. and these northern townsend settlements, who have been evacuated for months for furious at the fact that there is no plan to bring them back to those areas. they're evacuation orders are constantly extended. these really government actually just extended it last month. and so at least the end of august, but if there is a full that works, you can expect to see more evacuations. and the is really government is saying that it's something that they would be willing to do. but again, nothing now is under a lot of pressure because the war on jobs are still ongoing, and there's no end in sight. he bowes sometimes with military achievements when these really public know is there really aren't any. they're not that significant because there are still more than a 110 captives still being held inside of jobs or the military and political capabilities of mass have not been eliminated. like these really government wants. so that war is still ongoing and then you would have this potential new all out war in the north. the fee is really public is not going to be in favor of because that
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means more army reserve is more people going into the draft. and then you also have this entire issue, the ultra orthodox going to the military, that could potentially be expedited if there was this all at where with israel. so again, nobody wants this for, but both sides are saying that they are prepared if necessary. all right, i'm to solve with, so valuable to have you here. thank you so much for all your reporting. greatly appreciated. don't go anywhere. gonna have much more. quite many more questions for you later on. thank you. and the earlier i spoke to is really political, a commentator or a gold birch. and i asked him if the death of civil civilians would push israel and his ball into war as well. it certainly could, but i have to say that i doubt it will uh, for 2 reasons. one is that both sides are not interested in the award. this has been made abundantly clear despite the brass rhetoric regarding the overall preparedness and so on and so forth. and the other reason is that the casualties
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appear to be drew's. israel goes to war is or respond significantly. we saw that, but this rarely attack on the data in the i'm in when it's hard lined is attacked when it's periphery, is attacked as it has been for certainly in the south by from us for 20 years or so . but also in the north israel doesn't attack and i'm sad to say, but this is also true. is there a response much more quickly when jews are the casualties? when drews are casualties, this would have to be very dramatic for results or respond. it is, of course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all we're already called works for here. certainly there a little while ago. in other news. meanwhile, search teams in the southern if you, if you're still digging for bodies at the sight of 2 land slides that killed at least 262 people. the 1st wave of mud and rocks to store some houses. but the
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2nd was larger and buried. hundreds of volunteers and rescue workers gathered at the scene. authorities are now worried that the unstable ground could cause further . lance lies and have issued evacuation orders for other villages in the go for region. mom of all has the story from the village of delay in southern ethiopia for a week often on slice slipped through the city mode, the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members. aust, i'm thinking of buddies and then taking another out the best of grief. they're working with barely any tools most are using them about hands, but they're getting results. minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud, they saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been
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prepared as more people lead to freshen stories of loss. you met the soap. low family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing. the suspect she's dead, but can't find public. they keep coming back here hoping for information must need somebody. it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and close to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd lance died buried in the mud and took her life away. this man says he lost 21 pallets. we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing. prime minister, arrived by helicopter to effect his condolences and pledge support. 6 there was no hope anymore of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies pumped into the teams. but dozens of people us to missing feeling,
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says alon slides. the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you haven't ever experienced a non slight on the scale of, with this, so many people to kill and to a small community in the most south of the con, think it's a catastrophe of untold precautions. how much fun of the 0, the late southern ethiopia. and monsoon range have left the streets. flooded in the central indian city of bullfrog traffic has brought 2 was brought rather to a standstill. by down for awhile homes and businesses have been destroyed. etzky workers have moved over 2000 people to relief cam, saying, who cannot state the state whether offices issued warning warnings for the next 2 days. and so i ones, the coast guard has air lifted. the crews of 2 stranded freighter ships to safety.
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the 2 vessels were battered by ty from gave me, which tore through the island earlier this week, the coast guard or continuing their search for another chance. any a flag cargo ship that's sent off the southern coast and the prime minister of bangladesh. she has, you know, has visited some of the people injured in the recent violence at a hospital and come, she said the protests were a conspiracy and accused the demonstrators of trying to reduce the country to a nation of beggars on friday. authorities took 3 student leaders into custody. they helped coordinate demonstrations against government jobs quotas earlier this month. so i'm very, richard re, has more now from the capital dot com. as there is an most fear of fear and panic, and bung with ash, among some is arrest them crack known to continue by security forces. on friday, late afternoon playing floats,
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policemen forcibly took night islam. i'll see my mood and i'll go back to emerge them down from a hospital in dhaka, where they said they were being treated for injuries sustained while in police custody. several days ago. all 3 of the key organizers of the court already from protest, movements, knights, wife and sister, and awarded about their security, fearing they might also be picked up by police. we are old under constant surveillance to day and the less often in the intelligence personnel direct my brother and to all the student needs from the hospital room. while they were under treatment intelligence. people also refused to displace their identity in the home and is to say, is the students were detained for their safety without mentioning where they're being held to visit this. as i said,
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mom was interview from says they didn't get on the sheets of the room. they took us a way to stop us from making any decisions about the student movements while they killed all these people. they made some of us disappear, some would be to, we would pressure to stop the movement. for all the student protest coordinators left the hospital in taca fielding, their immune an arrest. now they are hiding. we manage to talk to one of them over a mobile phone. we all feeling very insecure. we could be arrested any moment and they could just make us disappear. we are living in a nightmare scenario unless you've experienced that. you won't understand it. protests will continue until the government accepts on non point to nonsense. please. price, let us know, since students have been made victims of the situation, bangladesh as education minister told out of the reopening educational institutions
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as little to premature. but it showed us that students will not be harassed, saying the track down targets only those involved in vandalism. and arson, we want to ensure that, you know, cent participants are spec, completely are not harassed. and peas do come to us. please do raise your voice. please do tell us where, where are you? where are you are? and we will definitely try to rescue you as much as possible for government, if concerning the side of things on norma, yet everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got killed? sunbridge, audrey, all you have data dot com and let's take you back now to our breaking news is our a barrage of rockets from an on identified source of hit the town as much the assurance in the occupied go on hearts. israel says at least 30 people have been
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injured, including children. some is really media is reporting 10 people have been killed. and footage appears to show rockets falling on a football field. israel or has blamed, has gone lot, but the liberties group says it has nothing to do with the incidents. and the joining us now is the gideon, the lady, or a columnist with the is really newspaper harris. and it comes to his live from tel aviv getting i want to get your reaction 1st or how are you reflecting on this moment? yeah, all right, very, very explosive and dangerous moment. and it goes quite expects that the incidents like these will happen either. busy these really side on the east side, namely and the sensors many causing fees of this case also children and now seems can really get out of control. i've seen kids,
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it is really have 3 x s, e is rising. so then that will be a reaction of it is, but uh, and then we are in the region at all. we are really, really in a very, very sensitive moment, a very sensitive moment to get in, as well as come out quite quickly. us kind of cor clea, a denying any involvement i obviously don't know for sure so, so kids. but this is by school though, it's even possible to minimize the damage resources, whether it's nothing just the war. so the notes birthday is usually around the to 5 . the so i don't interested, you find yourself to me this being a war and i doubted that he was increased, but i mean, who is going to be? but it is, are these we actually have to now is the surgery portion is by august the i don't
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know was it was but i don't know, but they say will say or reacting and we live. we don't provide use went to rich, now into extra against is by and what has been the reaction in israel, where you are right now. some of the initial reactions to this i think these are about borders, belts. here it will even understand that these are dramatic moments. we don't know what's really the next there is that a lot of uncertainty. the problem is to isn't rushing, don't stand. and the company dollars really besides the they're sitting now. busy the minutes the defense was the, it's the come on the so the idea is knowing them, they will not be able to see the site and then they go for quite a strong reaction. and then we're really in travers as you set the company hours will be a decisive cross border violence has been going on for quite some time. yes
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. and we knew that the moment that they need to be made, they called you these. they need to be a new game. angel is only commercial buying because they'll shopping. so both sides is going going out for 8 months. everyone tries to keep it on a certain low key, but it cannot be kept on the low key. because once they have so many countries, these huge control. so as i said before, there's nothing more expensive to explain to these. and there's nothing more dangerous than the sport for the coming base. right and get in this of course all happening as the parent of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has wrapped up his is a tour of, of the united states, so to speak. he's on his way back. you know what you expect his reaction to be. once he lands i think that by the time he will land that we'd be
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a radius search. so the grow because the conservation saw already taking today. so that will team, i guess easing hard, but not sure what he took off already. and then any case, say nothing really happened without his approval, but i don't see is right, no, you know, ring this incident. not the just the pro don't just if i did submit the thing is what i would not be able to you know, such an incidentally, been a culture is good. and can you tell us a little bit more about the your area that was affected to show my blood, sean, this is the biggest drills tony bill. if you buy the syrian form, assuming in there it goes down hides. it's a beautiful. it is really sorry. go ahead, give you. we're listening. yeah yeah, n g g is a beautiful down in the,
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in the winter it used to be an area full screen and the. busy it's a really lovely time for the spring break before they leave on base for any of the patient, but the unlikely. the 1st thing is they have mind many more rights and they can become citizens of israel and both of them. charles, but we got to citizens, therefore freedom of movement. i'm like, you know, but a spin in the west bank and gaza was me and that was so i can only see them in twice when they're going to pay for a 100 percent. sure. reason. so lucky place in the peaceful place, it was really bad blocks of each for the do you think then, i mean, why would what that area be targeted? you think? because they go down the heights is being talk disease. i'm sure the piece below any other organization. these notes mean for target the jews, vintage. why would they do it? well enough, said george. so 2 months there is above board on the basis on the go down heights.
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they are starting to think what nights for a long time. no, but the doors the size and. busy big got very big luck that each for their in keeping so many people are the only for doing something for the big drones . right. and uh, getting this is course coming on a day where we've seen the increase to a military offensive uh, in uh, an hon. eunice, i mean, the situation in garza is really reaching, you know, beyond catastrophic or dimensions and in the same time, let slips for good. there was bank 0 so called and these today was bank is, or his kid some a bunch of people in name next to nothing. you never know that if you do can, i mean the area is now very, very explosive. and i'm very, very worried. diana, i'll be frank with you. i'm very, very was more than any other day before and the last 9 months. right. and this of
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course also all happening while, you know, these, these fire talks are expected to resume in rome. are they, you know, that in the water know the, you know what, they depends, what will happen next. but in any case, i have very no expectation from them because i'm seeing now is a good time and i didn't see these really bright minutes there really wanting forget the dean that that'd be for the trip to the right. that saves it may be also a note off the g, p d, that it's impossible to postpone it. and these can continue read these. it depends what would happen by the door because they noticed my, the bill and the whole release as a very precarious situation. indeed, and of course, you know, now with the land of presidents in the united states, you know, in the states has wanted to prevent a spill over of this conflict. but it seems, you know, it's, it's looking like it might be inevitable. i'm absolutely is,
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i'm really yeah. and usually not the same as you know me, but now i most hysterical and very major. but the situation right now in develop into something much bigger. and i'm not sure that the expos in both sides can't afford any responsibility. now, before the, i took it, he invited me, thank you so very much for joining us and giving us your initial thoughts to this breaking a news, a greatly appreciate it. hope to catch up with you a little bit later. again, it's all right, we've got to breaking news for you is real says at least 30 people have been injured. after a barrage of rockets from an, an identified source hit the town of michigan shims in the occupied golden heights . some is really media reporting, 10 people have been killed. we'll have a lot more for you coming up in just a moment. the
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with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? for us? there is no day after, in israel's war on causes a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the colleges, when the pod region interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on these governments with these 5 digit you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e,
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you made weapons being used in guns. no. guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era the the heart we want to take you alive. now daniel has already is where the army spokesperson is speaking. we from our support to the drews in these difficult times, and we also wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured is. according to our initial
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investigations, there was a warning siren. however, the siren was very short and based on the investigations conducted by the air force, there was just a single misfire that came crashing down. we are conducting deep investigations into this incident and we will apprise the public of the results. we are in constant communication with local officials that measure those terms as was the case and the last months and we will continue to offer support to the minister of defense. and the chief of staff are currently assessing the situation and collaboration with the head of massage and shut back at the sessions. continue until now. so far there are no changes in the home front instructions. if there are any changes, we will apprise the public immediately if any developments through the platforms used by the army and the homefront. hezbollah is lying. it is denying gets responsibility for the incident. however, our intelligence is clear. hezbollah is responsible for the death of these innocent
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children, children who are 10 years old. once again, the brutality of.


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