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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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steve, according to our initial investigations, there was a warning siren. however, the siren was very short and based on the investigations conducted by the air force, there was just a single misfire that came crashing down. we are conducting deep investigations into this incident and we will apprise the public of the results. we are in constant communication with local officials that measure those terms as was the case and the last months. and we will continue to offer support to the minister of defense and the chief of staff are currently assessing the situation and collaboration with the head of massage and shut back at the sessions. continue until now. so far, there are no changes in the home front instructions if there are any changes we will apprise the public immediately if any developments through the platforms used by the army and the homefront. hezbollah is lying. it is denying gets responsibility for the incident. however, our intelligence is clear,
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hezbollah is responsible for the death of these innocent children, children who are 10 years old. once again, the brutality of hezbollah as there is the organization is revealed to everybody. this is a very serious incident and we will respond appropriately. the army will do everything in order to defend the citizens of israel. questions so full? i will. i'm will dean shalonda bell from the broadcast authority question one, the design. it's time to conduct attacks on the lebanese infrastructure instead of just settling for hezbollah objectives, that we are currently assessing the situation. this is a very serious incident, and this is a terrible disaster. this is the worst incident as far as our civilians are concerned. since october 7th, we are assessing the situation jointly with the joint chiefs of staff and the heads of security agencies. and we will make our decisions in coordination with the political leadership. in light of, of this tragedy,
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the chief of staff might actually change his position regarding the prisoner swap. i will not address negotiations at this moment. this is the responsibility of security agencies that is being conducted through the proper channels. right now i will just address this tragedy, but the fell the entire reduce community. shad, i'm a separate, the children were killed and like i said, we offer our full support that the drew's community and it's leadership and we remain engaged and important things on the battlefield. including the release of our captives channel 12. should the public start getting ready for escalation and the coming days. are there specific instructions and that respect? like i said, until now, there is no change in the instructions of our home from the we are assessing the situation and we are engaged in a multi front for and goes out lebanon and other friends as well for the most of your most sitting busy the summer, as of this moment, my objective is to offer details on the incident that took place. i mentioned those
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chums and we will that price the public of any developments and decisions that are made. yeah, the, i don't know what the army recommend at any stage of the war that the tax and the north b escalated and has the request or recommendation for been rejected. the recommendations of the army and our security agencies are usually submitted and discussed behind closed doors. and the political leadership, the levels and the is in charge of making decisions is not since october 7th, we are in an escalating bore. and tonight's incident is a very difficult incident. we have children who have been targeted and those children are drew's, is really citizens. we offer our support to families at this stage. however, we are also assessing the situation because our objective is to defend the citizens of israel and we will do everything that is necessary. i will now speak english. see my, my old, but the form for a lot of why it was someone will be able to should have got the fame coughing,
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the bishop, they left him. a sonship, a car that i thought was it is also meant the and obviously the home club game with the shots. sophie, i'm gonna send them off hot months of the kitchen on again. that is, will send me the, not the slide, but not 25 by 10. and it will say, let's let me pull the volume down clicked. this evening, the face bowl of tourist organization in lebanon, fired a rocket at children, playing soccer, soccer fields, imaginative shuns in northern israel. fix bottle of van light to the whole world, and claimed they did not carry out this attack. this is a lie. we can confirm that, says butler murdered 10 children in this booth will attack an injured mold in 20. we were injured in this brutal attack all what age between 10
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to 20 years old. our thoughts with the families of the victims and our thoughts are also with the wounded that we embrace and hope for they to come. well assume this is the doors community in israel. these are is really citizens. we hod bedrooms community. she's part of israel. we will defend the citizens of years rather than also that the risk community. this is an attack that comes after attacking the knolls for more than 9 months. please bala is attacking dollars. citizens in the nose firing thousands of rockets and me. so i was in you a these, it know that these were targeting families, homes, and communities. the adf is currently holding a situation of assessment and we will prepare for
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a response. again please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act this attack shows the true face of cuz bala, a terrorist organization that targets and murders, children playing soccer. on a saturday evening, we will act to restore full security on now north in boulder for all the citizens of the state division, so tired. so you've been watching their uh press briefing by the is really military's defense spokesperson, daniel and her gary in tel aviv. where he has said repeatedly that there assessing the situation at the moment. let's get you more now on the these developments correspond to talking to. so who is here with me? you're on the set. what did you make of that statement? all of these really military says that they fled out reject has been was denial of
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this, has been released the statement saying they categorically deny any involvement that this attack was not them. these really armies says that based on their own intelligence based on their own investigations, they can quote, confirm that it was his while love, who fired this barrage of rockets, one of which hit this soccer field in the occupied golan heights industries. community b is really military often conducts these situational and security assessments after some sort of large attack that has been conducted. and they usually say that they are preparing their response. but of course they give no sort of notice because all of this is done behind closed doors. now when daniel hook guard was speaking, and hebrew was interesting because he said he didn't want to divulge too much information. but he said that this could perhaps affect to be present or swap or release deal. and he said he didn't want to give more information. but that perhaps these really responses could have some sort of ripple effect into what's going on with these negotiations that we're going to see tomorrow in room. and i just want
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to point out, finally, when he talks about children being targeted and how children are innocent in this and how these were children who were killed. these really army has killed 16000 children in gaza and has never wants to humanize them. has never once acknowledged the fact that there are children who are dying at their hands at their weapons because of their work that they have waged on gaza. so, quite an interesting contrast when we talk about is really children in the house, sidney and children in the context of these really military here. and it's interesting though, i mean very at mans and squarely laying the blame at has valez shaped. well, they're saying that it's his beloved because of the continuous cross border fire we've been seeing since october the 8th, just one day after the war started his viola saying that they started launching their cross border attacks and solidarity with the posting and resistance. and it's all dirty with the pulsing and people who are under is really siege and gaza with the is really is, are saying that any attack on their territory is going to be met with
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a fierce response. we've seen time and time again over the months of these really saying that there recalibrating their situation in the north and they are redrawing plans restructuring. how they're going to tackle this conflict, saying that they're in a multi front war not just in gaza, but in israel's north and israel, southern the city of atlanta. and even in tele v, where we saw most recently, just a couple of weeks ago, a drone that was launched from him. and so, yes, israel is facing threats on all fronts when it comes to that. but the military as far overstretched, you of the war on guys the 10 months, and it would be quite interesting to see how our full scale works could erupt when the war on gaza is nowhere near over that, according to the is really army themselves. who are still facing fierce resistance for palestinian fighters all over gaza. so a lot in the coming days to watch out for through these negotiations and the ceasefire talks are supposed to be happening tomorrow. and from the bullet had
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previously said that if there was a ceasefire in gaza, they would respect that. and they wouldn't have any sort of attacks that were launched or from their territory. but these rarely said that that wouldn't be the case when it came to their northern border. honda so who to reporting? thank you so much for your continued coverage. appreciate it. thank you. let's get the view now from 11 on the other choice. me you live from mount a 11 on let me get your reaction for so that was a now i don't if you were able to listen the to the israeli army spokespersons a statement. well yes is blaming has the law saying that the, you know, they were responsible and that their intelligence points to as well as responsibility for this rocket fire, we will act, we will respond appropriately. i think it is safe to say that as well will respond to what, how is, has been described a not tobar, a mass casualty incident. now hezbollah is denying responsibility, which really is
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a message from the arm to prove that it is not interested in changing the unreturned rules of engagement. and that is not the target civilians deliberately because really the score has been limited in scope and the sense that it has been largely confined to the border. it's been largely confined to military targets. yes . the billions have been killed on both sides of the board, or especially in less than on more than a 100 civilians have been, have been killed now. lebanon is bracing for that response. but the biggest question is, you know, what will that response be? and where will that response be? what israel has been doing is head thing has well, as assets where, whether it's infrastructure warehouses, arms to oppose fighters, it's even killed a 3 of its highest ranking commanders on the field. so and, and, and the 2nd question is, what will it, as well as response be to,
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as well as the response. so this conflict is dangerously poised up at the time at the time being. uh, but what is clear is that it's not an easy decision for israel a to begin or launch a full on offense. it's something that is, has been threatening time and time again. and of course, it's bogged down in casa, and is facing a, it's will face much stronger enemy, as well as a much stronger force than how mouse has but law has massages that can reach every single corner as well. so that in itself is not going to be an easy decision to make, but undoubtedly, i think it is safe to say and speaking to security sources here that as well we'll respond. the biggest question is, what will that respond be right, the hours and days to calm a very or crucial zayna a talk just a little bit more about you know, the violence has been simmering now for months as well.
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yes. this is the 11 on support front, that's how hezbollah calls it. that's what they said when they fired the 1st shot back in october the 8th. so they said that they were doing this to help the people in gaza under siege under attack and to help if ally how massive garza as well and has been lost through its actions. and through its words, since the beginning of this conflict has made it clear that it is not interested in a full on full on hor, but israel has been threatening to widen this conflict the time and time again. if hezbollah does not pull back from the border, they want has belong to pull back up to 78 kilometers from the border. they want the area to be free of hezbollah fighters in arms. and the western diplomats have been trying to mediate and enter this conflict. but the issue is you cannot make any progress until the war and goes to ends because has the law says it will not stop firing until that happens. and the longer that this continues the longer that this to protest exchange of fire and incidence,
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like we saw in much those shops today, that the likelihood of a wider conflict happening is real. they know how the reporting from mount lebanon . thank you so much. and uh, wanna recap now the breaking news that we are covering. uh, israel says at least 10 people have been killed and dozens injured after barrage of rockets from an on identified source. if a town of most oceans in the occupied colon heights, israel's military says the victims were children. footage appears to show rockets, falling on a football field is real claims. the attack came from within southern lebanon, hezbollah, however, denies responsibility. all right, are joining us now is that i me or what is a public policy fellow at the american university are very rude and he comes to us
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live from boston. i'm also going to ask you for your reaction. how are you thinking about this moment? a well, this is an unusual moment that in the sense that there was an attack from 11 and i'm the talk to somebody is really occupied a alex they say going on. i just, that seems to have included action by as well. and some other forces in love and then that's not exactly clear who though sure, but less of a big fire rockets yesterday and today and retaliation for the 3 has by let people 707011 is a who killed yesterday, but it's really attacked. so it's still not exactly clear who did the fire and hezbollah is very precise in its statements. when that says it did not fire the rockets, the legend shows, i probably won't believe them because the track record is one of the not
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exaggerating. uh they, they, they do what they say they're going to do, and they admit when they, they didn't do or did not do. but we have to wait a little bit for the details of the fact that this is going on. there's no surprise at all. uh, the goal at heights is occupied from amex, the allegedly by israel, of virtually nobody in the world. much of the us recognizes that amex ation and the fact is that as occupied territory, it is fair game for any kind of retaliation or resistance. whether it comes from the israelis from the boston. boston is from the syrians, from loving he is. it doesn't matter. but this is a typical situation that we've had for the not just as october for the last 1015 years, where retaliatory strikes by one side against strikes from the other build up
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tension. and this one is particularly dramatic because it's in a football field. i'm young people for in football. this really response is really quiet and historically the advocate of their concern for children and being children in a war. this is not believable in view of their incredible machinery that has focused on killing thousands, tens of thousands of children and gas, or they don't care though they just, you know, they lie that exaggerated. they say hypocritical things, i say insincere things. and we saw, you know what the spokesman said today in israel, we saw an estimate or, or foreshadowed by what, nothing. yeah, most of the congress, seattle cold, the dramatic shakespearean performance, which is designed to, you know, from people's emotions and heart strings and political support. but of
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course, it doesn't because the majority on the list is against the war, and that is really, it was wage and gasser. and therefore what nothing you ever did really was focused on a domestic audience. and israel and a republican right wing of the whole most precious to the order and the united states. and so we see this mirror today and what the military spokesman. so the fact is there's a war going on. there has been a war going on since really since 1917, if people really want to find out why this is going on, they should go back to the balfour declaration of zionism and the plan to build a jewish noel that was 93 percent on inhabited by palestinians, that's the, that's the origin of this. but the finding tit for tat that we see now is just the latest consequence as, as the guys are genocide and um, in hawaii. um,
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to bring it back to you know, what we're seeing right now is this incident to that has that happened in the colonized put this intensify existing tensions? and because those are the concerns that this could actually trigger something bigger, we don't know if that is going to be the impact. but you know, from the, from, from, you know, the very moment after the october 7th attacks there was this fear of spill over a wider regional conflict in that particular the us where's where you, where we of, um, you know, could we see that happening now? i mean, we've got a lame duck, a president in the united states for the next 6 months. yes, we definitely can see that happening sometimes. you know, when people talk about a fear of a bigger war, hezbollah and his rio have been involved and they're continuing but but controlled low intensity war. now since october about the 900 people in israel and
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11 and have been killed, the thousands injured and probably almost 200000 on both sides of it moved away from their borders and displays. so there is a war situation ongoing already, but it's low intensity will burst into something bigger. and the answer is almost certainly yes. these ram is what i'm gonna tell you. and then they will, as usual, both sides will say, ok, we've done our thing and they've done this thing and let's turn it down because nobody wants a full scale or a big catastrophe for it for everybody. and they know as everybody knows this, but the retaliation will come from, from his real danger level. and as you have not just as bowl about, you have 5 or 6 long groups as long as groups of other shy and
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as, as moving to syria and social national party has a tiny boom lives i'm asking, they are published. and in this language, it has as a small unit, there is always smaller units on both ends, who are prepared and have been fighting. and it's possible that one of them can go off on their own. i doubt it. that's because butler controls that area pretty well . i mean, how do you public policy fellow at the american university of they were talking to us from boston. thank you so much for waiting and thank you for your time. you bet . thanks, natalie. uh and uh, this uh, just coming in uh right now that i want to share with you with you is really a prime minister's office. and the just the past couple of minutes has a shared that to benjamin netanyahu. is returning home now as quickly as possible in the week of this attack, and he's been in the united states as we've been reporting, where he met with the presidential bind vice president,
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come on harris and former president, donald trump. all right, let's get you a reaction. more reaction from israel a, a get in the late fee, joins us again now. he's a columnist with the is really newspaper hearts and he comes to us from tele v for grateful to have you back with this a get in, i suspect so that you will listen to as well. or just like we did to daniel, her gary, the spokesperson of the israeli army is speaking i just a moment ago. what did you make of his statement that i may go there was a friend. those that they have been think he thought a 1st of all, he was very clear about that using k is, is by the full. so this claiming that they have to do the gen switch all the things about of sure. the nice uh, by the way its explained to its own why don't be certain which for their a he either way. yeah. adults to they don't your
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patients the good on i, it's most of them. i know these are the citizens. i like see what the said. any calling them is very citizens. they me spoke about the truth even though not all of there are children. some of them are teenagers. when they just put this thing is usually the of us know children came this or was young, the teenager, even if we are the 5. but when it's convenient, so easily been given a 20 year. busy or the birthday or is a child springs this ok, but by the end of the day it was very clear. this is where it is going to retain the aid. and as i said before, this is very, very dramatic. you know, because a did you start snow, see it or this bronze and run from my drink, another fronting, and the west bank. he's boiling the whole decent boy mean august the guy stays bleeding and boarding it's. it's very, very,
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very dangerous moments in the time i get in. um was to ask as well, do you think this will have an impact on the ongoing ceasefire talks? i mean, we don't know what their status is at the moment, but you know, they're expected to meet in room 2. hopefully you make some progress. it is a neighbor i'm in the evening, but the better because a whole month to really be a fire. there will be fire and the knows come us. we do not see dollars is right. and then same thing. make a game. it brings us back to what we are claiming from the 1st day. big g use stuff in the morning guys because or those things salinas to please. but it was very clear that he can just over 30 years or the moment that there will be seems fire in gaza and even the whole displays. so, so the to use to so the one that does is always full energy that those folding keep
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in the office way around. the airport must be now the 1st of all the stuff, the wind gusts, everything gets wouldn't be much easier than each the warm guys are we not still fairly soon as it seems they have all those complications. the only question of i didn't, livia talking to us, so thank you so much sir, greatly appreciate it. thank you for joining us again. thank you. and earlier on saturday, israel carried out multiple air strikes on 2 schools in central garza coming at least 36 palestinians, while the schools were being used shelters, housing, injured and displaced. people thought i was doing reports from the a children used to study here. this exclusive gurus in gary, she's few hospital and the suits are due in the is very minute tweak
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it crest found twice, clean, dozens of pieces. now not released to destruction is every way be my fault on my daughter's outside for treatment. but we had just been right, yeah, in this room i thought the studies mostly on us. thank god my family is okay. others we know as not very beneficial to the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed with displace posting. and she lives has took the wanted to the cities of august, the hospital as well says it's 10 to the to come most command the control center to say you most of the victims. oh, so there's a lot, in fact most of the injured children and women who are in very serious and critical condition, many of these injured women and children came with unprotected levels,
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is very troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th, even to sue's as true to is by families is know what else to go with the injuries i received a good treatment of me. there's a very, please just a slight area is the most least. he said that i'm sort of like to be your military and things of direct about him. i was just the last that i mean much mode was reporting live from there a better when one of the is really airstrikes was carried out near his position. the absolute horse is dominating the sea and right now across the central area and a lot of the hospital here, we're not only we're the in here, the really the number of casualties is increasing. but also the number of people
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who are seeking shows are, is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those are where something in the 1st the school and the field hospital and, or those who were from across the building, they just got targeted. do all moved here thinking kills that. this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hospital does not also say if it was difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the house was good to be safe. ambulance or is still coming in the hospital carrying that those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk, but the the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospitals just presented ambulance and paramedics and civil defense groups from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people, according to appearance, paramedics, when we spoke through,
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had been ordered by it is really military, by phone call and a right now it's just happening again. got another exploit. this is another, another is dr. it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same, same exact size. it's a clause, it's a cross from it's across from the school. and so, so far, silver was the now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant 3, did a talk, and here's the price. on the same exact side, we're talking about the 1st design in the heart of for us from it all in one area. one was like, it's an add on educational conflicts with the most of those that have thrown into shows or for this way as families for the past 9 months,
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just either from the huge dark cloud of the small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack i gain many of the people who are injured in the 1st with power. we're still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now, because of the target would be impossible. 100 percent, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. and just wanna also point out that the skies of the central area, amelia, above us here, the courtyard of these a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning since we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the skies the they fly at a very low level and many people here at the hospital here, the lives of presidents depends the presence of,
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of the surveillance of drones. today i talk to the moment we see them, it's pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that an attack is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact site that was targeted within the past hour. and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears try dr. james smith is an emergency physician who returned from the medical mission to gauze off last month, and it was not life from amman. jordan, a very good day, sir. what have you been hearing from your colleagues on the ground about the strikes on doing better? and it's being another absolutely catastrophic is day and isn't that about i have colleagues and friends who continue to what could i like so hospital and
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what they described is, is a, is another scene of, of absolute chaos. i tens of, of, of wounded patients more than 30 people have been killed in the strikes that you've just reported on at least 15 of what children the situation and i like. so hospitalized be met twice. now. i'm back in december and again and in april 3 to 2 to june. it even get some mail and told that the hospital is still able to function a, it's a testament front page so that she a determination of, of the product in the in workforce. the, the, the emergency room is consistently a full of, of, of patients, many of them severely trauma wounded. so today's the thing where again treating patients on the floor in the emergency room is providing more limited care they to address. and by that i mean, you know, putting a, an i v line in gaming i,
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the fluids, the pain relief is in chronic, too short supplies. so often patients with the most restrict injuries rising in pain on the floor. there's literally nothing that helps kind of workers can do to, to, to, in the, creating the pain. and this is an everyday occurrence for a kind of being doctors, nurses, and, and that colleagues in god's are and then i, i, like i said, as specifically, now we understand that the, that this attack was on, on a school, there was housing a field hospital. you would tell us from, from your experience um, how dangerous has it now become full for the remaining health care workers who are still there. i mean, each day that the danger increases almost exponentially. the entire population of,
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of gaza including the health workforce are being pushed into the most, trying the strength of lands. you have a health care work is sheltering in many of these schools in displaced persons attempts in this device. same locations that are being subjected to daily, a real bombardment. it is. i would, i would go so far as to say that gaza is the most dangerous place for me. i have to be not only a health care worker, but a human being at this present moment in time. now you might have heard that the, the israeli army has issued a new evacuation orders. uh, and that means that and hon eunice, more displacement areas that are already overcrowded. talk to us in terms of health risks. what, what type of health risk test is ppos? so, what is it?
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the 1st thing to say is that the con units was completely decimated, savings and then the population of rafa withholds to displace back to what was left over time units. and that was nothing less than fun units i. i traveled 3 but 60 several times. i hope connection has, again being forced to displace. so you're talking about the profound psychological treatment size ation and the security for children. but of course, the adults as well the physical effect, so of repeats the displacements of population, but as being systematically and intentionally denied access to clean drinking water, nutritious foods, access to basic medical care. now for most the 9 months, these are people that are in physically and psychologically a very, very front child condition. and they've been displaced now again, into the west,
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into mulatto. see an area where there is literally no more space for people that we're talking about for moments and prolonged, much sense of, of making shift, tens tenants that stretch down live shanita. the waterfront is several occasions i would drive along with the comfortable road with colleagues, and you could see the tenants right down to the shoreline. there is no warehouse for people to go. and of course, there is no way that these sites within that area to milwaukee and diseases spreading at a phenomenal rate because of the crowded conditions combined with true and nutritional stages combined with again, um, i like to have access to basic medical to we have uh hundreds of thousands of cases now reports it all of respiratory diseases by a real diseases, skin diseases of calls from people getting sick. it's very, very difficult for them to access health care because these radio supplying forces
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have denied access and for not only additional health care workers, but the basic medical assistance as well. a doctor james smith, emergency physician who returned from a medical mission to gauze our last month doctor, thank you so much for your service and thank you for speaking to us and sharing your experiences. so head here on al jazeera, we report from the occupied westbank for and is really drone attack has had a refuge account, at least one person is killed. and in sports, we'll hear from the presence of african rugby and how we plan to boost the sports on the columns news the. it had a load at dry and dusty conditions,
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all the story across the gulf states over the next few days, barely a cloud in the sky. the on the satellite image, just a little bit of rain in the region affecting north, moving across most east and pops of to kia, dribbling down into northern parts of iran. but it lines up with lots of sunshine and heat, lusting across eastern pots of mediterranean. we have got a heat warnings out for the likes of cyprus as well as well, with temperatures across the event. continuing to realize no temperatures may come down or full, the likes of katasha on monday, monday. but you can see that, you know, when continuing to kick up the dust the we are going to see lots of hazy sunshine on hot, hazy conditions have been affecting parts of the north west at heat, just continuing to build in morocco, spring feeding, exceptionally hots in fest temperatures, unlike case come down over the next few days, but he's continuing in algeria as well. and further south of this where it continues to be a very dry situation to southern parts of africa can you know,
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tied to part of july night on history. the he's continuing to cling on and while temperatures offsets come down for, but swan and zambia feeding crude out for southern south africa on sunday, the a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change, it became clear of that point that we really were in that kind of
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a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the you want to check it out as a reminder of our top story. so this our, a rockets from an, an identified source, has it a football pitch and the challenges mr. shims in the occupied goal on heights. israel says at least 10 people were killed. the military says all were children.
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israel cause if the worst incident since the war on goss i began, i'm has blamed, has full on, but the liberties group says it has nothing to do with the incidents. and in the meantime, the lebanese government has released a statement saying that it condemns attacks against civilians. and it has called for the cessation of hostilities on all fronts. or earlier i spoke to is really a political commentator or goldberg and asked him if the attack on the occupied go on heights could push israel and his ball out into war. just a note again as well as denied responsibility for the rockets as well. it certainly could, but i have to say that i don't, it will. uh for 2 reasons. one is that both sides are not interested in the award. this has been made abundantly clear despite the brash rhetoric regarding the overall preparedness and so on, so forth. and the other reason is that the casualties appear to be drew's. israel
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goes to war is or respond significantly. we saw that, but this rarely attack on the data in the i'm in when it's hard to find is attacked when it's periphery is attacked as it has been for certainly in the south by her mouth, for 20 years or so. but also in the north israel doesn't attack and i'm sad to say, but this is also true. is there a response much more quickly when jews are the casualties? when drews are casualties, this would have to be very dramatic for results or respond. it is of course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all the more. i think it's significant because up until this event has below, has taken meticulous responsibility for each and every one of it strikes. infections, bladder consumer considers, most of its appeal, it's strategic appeal as centered around this responsibility. this very careful a score keeping of you know,
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responding to is around the actions. israel operates heavily and intensively on a daily basis in southern lebanon and 11. and in general, since, but i have been very careful about keeping a, a balance with israel, where it is, all those were always enjoys credit. that is, is, but i sees itself is operating with less intensity than israel is sort of strike would be our unprecedented, i guess over the past by months for who's bella. i don't know is, but i didn't do it. they just may have been an accident. this may have been on a match that might light up an entire can fluctuate issue, but it's important just as well as the non good because it has not done so so far for any strike on the northern part of israel and in the occupied westbank. and is really drone attack on the mulatto refugee camp has killed at least one person. the palestine red crescent society says dozens of people were injured, including a paramedic who is in a serious condition. how soon you see is really forces also rated homes. they are
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the cemetery in nablus. the some other news for you now search teams in southern ethiopia are still digging for bodies at the sight of 2 land slides that killed at least 262 people. the 1st wave of month and rocks to store some homes. but the 2nd was larger and buried. hundreds of volunteers and rescue workers gathered at the same authorities and are worried that the unstable ground could cost further land slides and have now issued evacuation orders for other villages in the go for region. mohammed wall has the story for you from the village of delay in southern ethiopia, in a week often on slices, swept through the city. most the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the
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best of grief. they're working with barely any tools most are using them about hands, but they are getting results. minutes after that 1st body was pulled from the mud, the saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to the fresh and stories of last image, the soap little family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing . the suspect she's dead, but can't find out, but they keep coming back here hoping for information. but mostly, if somebody didn't, and it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and close to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd lance died buried in the mud. i took her
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life away. this man says he lost 21 time since we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing. prime minister arrived by helicopter to effect his condolences and let slip it there was no hope any more of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies have been retained . but dozens of people us to missing feeling for the lunch lights. the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated, agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you hope you have enough experience and then slide on this k of with this so many people to come to a small community in the most south of the country. well, it's a catastrophe, a fun told precautions how much fun of disease delay, southern ethiopia, and hundreds have been protesting and the progress on the capital of islam of od
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over high inflation and electricity prices for the 2nd day in a row, demonstrators, or staging a sit and people are demanding the removal of heavy taxes on electricity. the demonstrations were organized by the opposition party, tomato is slimy and continued despite a government ban on political gatherings. the prime minister of bangladesh. sure, i see now has visited some of the people injured in a violent crack down on anti government protests at hospital and doco. she said the protests were a conspiracy and accused demonstrators of trying to reduce the country to a nation of beggars on friday authorities to 3 student leaders into custody. they helped coordinates widespread demonstrations against government jobs quotas. earlier this month, sandra showed re, has more from the capital dot com. there is an most fear of fear and panic and bung
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with ash among some is arrest. i'm pregnant, continue by security forces. on friday, late afternoon playing floats, policemen forcibly took night, islam. i'll save my mode and i'll go back to emerge them down from the hospital in dock of where they said they were being treated for injuries sustained while in police custody several days ago. all 3 key organizers of the co, dirty farm protest, movement, nights, wife and sister, and awarded about their security. fearing that might also be picked up by police. we are old under constant surveillance today. and the last, often in the intelligence personnel direct my brother and to of a student needed from the hospital room. while they were under treatment intelligence. people also refused to displace their identity in the home. and is to
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say, is the students were detained for their safety without mentioning where they're being held of the bid that this, as i said, mom was interview from president on the, on the ship, them to now they took us a way to stop us from making any decisions about the student movements while they killed all these people, they made some of us disappear, some would be to, we would appreciate to stop the movement. for all the student co desktop coordinators left the hospital in taca fielding, their immune an arrest. now they are hiding. we manage to talk to one of them over a mobile phone. we all feeling very insecure. we could be arrested any moment and they could just make us disappear. we are living in a nightmare scenario unless you've experienced that. you won't understand it and protest will continue until the government accepts on 9 on demand. please price, let us know. since students have been made victims of the situation,
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but i know that she has education minister told her, i would just say the reopening educational institutions as little to a premature. but it showed us that students will not be harassed, saying the track down targets only those involved in vandalism and arson. we want to ensure that no sent participants are spared completely or not harassed. and peas do come to us. please do raise your voice. please do tell us where uh, where i, where you are and we will definitely try to rescue you as much as possible. the government is continuing to say that things are normal. everything seems to be very pen. and paper also want to know why it happened, how it happened. why so many people got to tunbridge, audrey, i'll just say the dock. uh the, the
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ad is i'm not for your sports. here's peter. hi peter. i layla canada is limping. women's football team have been hit with a heavy punishment by fif of that 6 points deducted for the drone, spying scandal, which the team has been embroiled in the head coach. big policeman has also been sanctioned. having already been suspended over the incident. 5, the national federation, she's not being said from all football for one year. along with 2 of her stuff to assistant coaches were already sent home off the getting quotes, using trends to spy on new zealand practices before facing them. on wednesday, rugby savings hasn't even impact champion and it goes post the boy until in the pond to help phones to the goals middle. the french face to fiji in the final cdns came into this one as the double defending champions. a front red riots off to a type post office in which the schools were level at 7 each. it was on the front
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and the 2nd health. they ran into 3 and on surprised when 287, to pon school in 2 of those. that's the host nation. secure the goals, middle, and africa has its 1st, middle at the parents olympic south, africa defeated australia and the rugby savings. bronze middle match is a great tune around for the south africans who last to a big pool games and only just squeezed into the creek. the finals, where they put in the 1st gold. all the games went to china shooting team, one you thing and singly, how taking victory in the take me to a rifle mixed events. the titles that's a golding diving suite time will champions train you when that change any one synchronized 3 means a spring. know that you all could which has begun these quest. the gold and the singles tennis? the 24th time grand slam champion made light work up a straight is matthew a been winning 6 love $61.00 talking to each one. bronze of a 2008 games in paging,
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but it's never been crowned and the big champion on sunday team usa will begin the quest for a foot straight olympic gold medal, impossible when they play. so it'd be in the united states all filled with in be a super stones lock lever on james and steph curry. and, well, they all the favorites. they know nothing can be taken for granted. the americans have taken 1st facing 6 the, you know, between t and then pick basketball, 2 of them. and so the youth is supposed to be towed on for a job to the right place to be ready for the hit that match up, continue to get better and better so challenging for us as the action gets on the way to take a closer look. now, at the big news, many famous places have been repurposed for the games. a temporary outdoor stadium at the foot of the eiffel tower will host the beach volleyball events. the grounds
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of the palace of the site have been transformed into a temporary arena for the equestrian and modem. contests on compositions. a famous bridge on the center of it will be a viewing point for the swimming medicine and the tri outline of 3 years of renovation. the 124 year old grown pele will host the fencing and ty condo competitions, and the archery rated cycling and merits and events will take place on the loans of is spend all day in the lead. a former military hospital in south africa where the only african side to make an impact in the rugby sevens, getting the bronze middle, as i mentioned, but the presidents of african rugby as told to 0 that with the right investment, the confidence can produce more will cost teams, david states reports of this use rugby africa cup is currently taking place and you can 8 countries excluding the world champion south africa,
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competing in the tournament, which next year will also act as a qualifier for the will come. the president of african rugby hub, mensa, believes the continent has untapped potential genetically. we are the best 1400000000 warriors who uh lets it can run, can jump. i've got a center of gravity that can move left to right. so you don't have to be taught to see on natural critical issue is fund them for context rugby is, will the governing body pays around $5000000.00 a year to each european nation, but just to 1000000 to the entire continent of africa that works out at roughly $55000.00, nation mensa is putting on governments to help bridge the gap. without money, you have 2500. also class of african descent playing in front. we have 4 or 5 pleasant english team of african descent. many countries do not even have
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a rugby view. so as we put pressure, we see many countries not building refills right here, and you've got to what an incredible drug refills my own country by presidents build a rugby par, extraordinary. so we need to get more and more than building that. we need a competition based africans playing with african south africa as when a record scene world cups. but there are no other african sides in the world's top 20 that's despite there being q jump. it starts among the other nations to join the spring books at the highest levels of the game. but it's a good this, like the red blood can be difficult to construct and 7, so you know what that means. why don't you have to smile. so we have to compete with what is good. the frontier has been represented by the same 2 teams at the last 7 world cups. south africa and maybe a ivory coast competed in 1995 is in pub. i left a page in 91. if we can give them the game time,
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if they can play more test test matches, then we're going to see in africa that is literally the spring book that we have 2 or 3 teams that can beat anybody in the world that are encouraging science at this tournament that's for the 1st time in 12 years. it won't be won by the media or kenya instead, it's out. jerry in zimbabwe, who will contest somebody's final savings folks. oh jeez. there for already. so let's say i will start from post position in sundays. belgian growing pre, the man for monica was actually 2nd foss to sing quite a fun because of the same place. grid the penalty on next for stuff. and he was upgraded to 1st place for stuff and has to start 11. but that's when is a 3 time champion. bible says your parents and stuff. all right, that's almost full of things for the time being all of another update for you a little bit later later. thanks so much for that, peter greatly appreciated and that does it for me. layla rock for this news hour. but my colleague tom mcclay will be here in just
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a moment with more of today's news, and i hope to see you can tomorrow have a great the coveted beyond wells. taken without hesitation, fulton died from power defines how well we live here. we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy, and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around because on out is there a wide spread? flooding continues to inundate rural areas, are not disciplined bung with dash, tens of thousands of stem stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select region of enough is bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy
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monsoon, rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes, southeast region, many drawing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can send. we're back on last 21 year old son in the land slide my to turn to and i tried to rescue him in the darkness that it was too late. for many kept busy up to the
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safe. the mean summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the, the, the overall good hits children playing football in the golden hinds. at least the living people it kills and many more inches from the truths community. is ro cole's at the west incidents since the more ongoing began and has blamed his beloved eliminates group denies responsibility. the i'm tell mccrae, this is all just there in life.


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