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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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is it all on? did you get the what did you the account? the little was? no, i got the the hello until mccrae. this is ben. use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . the rocket hits young people playing football in the occupied golden hugs. at least 12 people are killed and many more injured from the truce community as well cause of the west incident since the war on casa began. implants, hezbollah live in these group denies responsibility at least 36,
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including children accounts when it's rarely strikes into schools, sheltering injured, and displace palestinians and central cancer. the and d t o and p. greeves is the death toll from land slides continues to mount. 3 dies of morning, a march for the hundreds killed inland slots. the we begin, this is how in the occupied golden heights with 12 people have been killed up to a rocket from an identified source of the town of most of the shops within 20 others from the drum. error of the community have been injured to salute has more. some children were playing football here and then a rocket hit. several people from the siri andrews community of michigan shoves were killed while dozens of others were injured. israel was quick to attribute
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blame and said it was working on a response. the idea if you score and the holding a situation of assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act in the united states. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would return to israel as quickly as possible and convene the country security cabinet immediately upon arrival. has been long distance itself from the attack, the lebanese group putting out a statement, saying it categorically denies any involvement. but these really are me, says his bullet is responsible and claims the rocket fire came from lebanon based on its own intelligence. is your response much more quickly when jews are the casualties, when drew's are casualties,
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this would have to be very dramatic for results. the response is of course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all the military says it's also conducting an investigation as to why it's ariel defense system failed to intercept the rocket that hit the football field. cross border fire between israel and his phone lot has intensified in recent months. but this is the deadliest incident in the occupied golden heights and could yet test the on spoken rules of engagement between israel and his butler. i'm doesn't who and jesse to say that owns governments condemn sensitize attacks on civilians and called for an in the hospital as he's on all fronts. so hold on, has moved from mount lebanon, as well as promising to act, and to carry out what it calls the appropriate response for the rocket attack. and must of some us, that's in the syrian occupied golan heights. israel is blaming,
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has the law dismissing, has well as denials that it was involved in this rocket strike. hezbollah did say that it carried out the opperation in the golan heights, but a targeted military direct and not a civilians. how's the denial? it is really a message from the lebanese arms group that is not interested in changing the unreturned rules of engagement. those rules mean or have been that both sides focus their attacks on military targets. yes, the billions have been killed on both sides. but this is a serious incident of so many casualties, mass casualty incidence. so the question is, what kind of a response will as well carried out? it has so far been targeting has ballast infrastructure. it's fighters, it's even killed it's, it's a 3 of it's a top commanders on the field. it's, it's, it's targeted. arms deposed. now it's response could trigger hezbollah retaliation
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. and that's why this, this conflict is now so dangerously points and nearly 10 months of fighting. it's still been largely contained to the border area. so will this all change now? many are concerned that is, rose, will use this as a pretext to launch what it has been threatening for some time now a full on war, not just against hezbollah, but lebanon as well, to hit the lebanon's infrastructure. but you know, it has beloved, has dismissed this threat, saying that israel is unable to fight on more than one front as well. of course, being part of the around hand, let so called excess of resistance, and they have opened up several friends to help relief pressure on garza. so it's, it's dangerous times. it's, it's unclear of the trajectory of this conflict so far, which we've been witnesses, a sporadic escalation throughout 10 months of fighting. now will that all change
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center for there was a 0 mount lebanon. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said his beloved will pay a heavy price for the rock is attack. google is the, is the, is riley citizens like you? i was shocked off. i was shocked to see the terrible pictures following the murder was attacked by his bullet on most all shuns among the mooted small children who were playing football and also others mood. all about hot a broken by the sides of the white house as also condemned via tag in the occupied golden hod saying us support for israel security is on clad before on this petty calhane joins us from washington, dc. the one else clearly weighing in the just how concerned is this is the us about all of this seriously concerned, and this has been one of the biggest concerns for since the beginning and don't forget right after october 7th,
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the u. s. president joe biden sent in natal ships to the region. their biggest fear was that this would escalate and i've been to several kind of gotten briefings in morrison the knob. they say that they are working to de escalate the situation that it is a huge concern. so the statement from national security council so far haven't really heard anything from either the president, the vice president or secretary state or secretary defense. they are undoubtedly working. the phone's trying to make sure that this does not turn into a nother war between israel and loving. now now what are the other big concerns is going to be as you know, joe biden, since he is now going to be leaving the office in 6 months, he's made a priority, getting a cease fire in the war and gaza. and so his ca director who's really been the main point of contact for all of these negotiations. we believe he's in rome there to meet with his counterparts from a cutter, egypt, and israel. because the white house has been signaling that they think they are
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closer than they have ever been before to a cease fire that could lead to a permanent cease fire. saying that the framework was agreed to that. there were just a few just sticking points that they thought they could bridge the gaps on those. so it's still burns in the region. that usually means they think they're very close . so the question is going to be, does this attack and whatever potential response from israel does that derail everything? so one paper statement we expect, we'll hear more possibly by monday. but again, this is a huge concern there on data li working the phone's try to figure out a way to israel can respond without escalating the situation. ok, thank you so much for breaking that down for us as petty come home for us in washington dc on the golan heights is a strategic plan, started bordering living on israel and jordan. it's internationally recognized as part of syria, but 2 thirds of the area is occupied by israel. up to it was captured in the 19676
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day war. syria attempted to retake the area in 1973, but failed you and observe. a force has been supervising the sci fi line in a sense, as well, has built thousands of illegals settlements in new york. i'd golden hans, and the 1991 declared. it was an ex thing. the territory around $20000.00 illegal is really st. louis now lived there alongside around $20000.00 drew's arabs. but let's bring in moon rabbani and on resident fellow at the seem to fit conflict in humanitarian studies. adrian's us once again from montreal, thanks for being with us here on al jazeera can. first of all, can you just give us a bit of a better understanding of just how significant this region is as well. the golan heights is hugely significant, as, as you mentioned, that solver and syrian territory that's been since like in 67, hundreds, really occupation. and that's effectively a mountain range that allows israel and to threaten the rest of syria,
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including its capital, damascus from it. it's worth recalling that after $9.00 to $67.00 is real built. it's for settlements, not in the west bank, but in the goal and height and next the golan heights, formerly of 1984, which it was condemned by the un security council and, and diplomatic negotiations. between israel and syria during the 1990s, these failed because ultimately israel was unprepared to accept a comprehensive withdrawal to the pre june of 1967 lines. and it has major intelligence installations there. and since october, 8th of last year, as part of what has mother calls that support front and support of the file city. and it has also been showing military installations and the gaza strip. i think
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there's another element here, as you know, the international court of justice recently ruled. israel's rule in the west bank and gaza strip, including east jerusalem to be unlawful, the legal and that it must. and immediately, although the golan heights was not part of that case, i think the, the determinations made by the i c. j, about the occupied palestinian territories applied just as clearly to the occupied syrian golan heights. what happens next? several, in launch pods. no doubt the depending on what the us tries to do that. yeah. up to this point. have been trying to uh try and uh stopped the boat from expanding outside guys. so how will the white house handle this incident to you? thank as well. i think you're half right. as you mentioned, a priority for the united states since october, 7th of last year,
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has been to prevent regional escalation and particularly a full scale war between as real and loving on. however, when you look at all these other um, front leather and um, yeah, and so on. um they've made very clear that they view themselves as support fronts. in other words, they view their role as exercising pressure on israel to end this tennis started launch locked against the gaza strip and to improve the pos to negotiating position . and that's why they have refrained from full skilled work with as a result, independent of gods, or because if they do so, they would lose their leverage over the gaza strip. the problem for washington is that on the one hand that is sought to prevent these escalations, but at the same time has been unwilling to take the measures that would be required to prevent such escalation. most obviously by calling a halt to as rios on slots on the gaza strip, which he could do, you know, with
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a phone call on band. and secondly, by assuring is result that it will have the full and unconditional support of the united states. when that if and when such escalation takes place, and we've seen that most clearly in the red sea where the us, along with great britain have sent the naval task force to seek to prevent further attacks by on site. i'm not, we'll have to leave it there for the moment, but as always, we really do appreciate your insights that is moving over by me. thank you. thank you. the area on said today is rel, carried out multiple strikes on 2 schools in central gallons are coming at least $36.00 palestinians was half of those with children. the schools were being used, the shelf is housing injured and despised people. to erica bozer and reports from de paula children used to study here. this
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exclusive goes into arizona shift fuel hospital, and the suits are due in the is very minute tweak it crest found twice, clean, dozens of pieces. not released to destruction is every way be my fault on my daughter's outside for treatment. but we had just been right. yeah, in this room god bestowed, he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. others we know as, let's do it. that is one of the most densely populated areas in terms of ground with displace posting and she lives has took the wounded to the cities of august. the hospital israel says it's 10 to the 2 most commanded queen tools to say most of the victims, most of the effect. in fact,
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most of the injured children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and the children came with amputated limits, is valid. troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th, even to see was as true to his by families as knew what else to go? the suffering from injury. i received a good treatment with me. there's a very, please, sir, just as slight solution area is the most least. he said that i'm sort of like to be your military and things of direct about him. i was just the last that i kind of saw honey, my mood was reporting live from dell baldwin. one of these riley strikes was carried out near his position. the absolute horror is dominating the scene right
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now across the central area. and a lot of the hospital here, we're not on there, we're seeing here, the reduce, the number of casualties is increasing. but also the number of people who are seeking shows are, is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those are worse filtering in the 1st the school and the field hospital and or those who were from across the building. they just got targeted. 0 moved here, thinking killed that this would be the final, the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hospital does not also say if it's quite difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the house is good to be safe. ambulance are still coming in the hospital, the carrying them those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk, but the the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospitals just presented ambulance and paramedics and civil defense group from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble
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of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people, according to apparent paramedics when we spoke through, had been ordered by the is really another 35 phone call. the right now it's just happening again. got another exploit. this is another, another is drive it's, it's another, it's another is try at the same, same exact size. it's a clause, it's a cross of from, it's across from the school. and so, so far, silver was the now the smoke is rising, as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant treated attack. and here's the price. on the same exact side, we're talking about the 1st desire be the ones that jump on the heart of across from it all in one area. one of the complex, it's an a education of conflicts with the multiple is that have turned into shows
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are for this way as family for the past 9 months to judge the from the huge dark cloud that the small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack again, many of the people were injured in the 1st part. we're still under the rubble and paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now, because of this attack would be impossible under present, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just wanted to point out that the skies of distance from the area nearly above us here about the courtyard of these. a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning because we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the sky fee. they
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fly at a very low level and a many people here at the hospital hear the link, the presence of dense, the presence of, of these, the relative drones. today i talk to the moment we see them. it's a pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that talk is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side that was targeted within the past hour. and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it, or they are surviving. these relentless ears try a doctor for us. it was a trauma surgeon from the united states. he worked at the european hospital in con eunice, in gauze or in march and spoke to us all of his experience there. i thought it was unique compared to everything else i've seen. there were few reasons. one was the director of the tax on the health care system. they're. they're completely
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devastated everything. um it is, it's impossible for the health care system to function in this environment. the hospitals be destroyed during the prior to be the view of the clean water at this point is simply impossible to, to accomplish anything better with the situation. the 2nd must be a direct attack on health care workers themselves. the, the health care workers and goals are extremely dispirited. they know they're being targeted by these really is a lot of them express sentiments like we're just waiting to die. they're going to kill all of us. what's the point? it's, it's very, very, it's so it's, it's a very, it's a very hard thing to see. your own colleagues enable your site and the other is the last time it gets there as well. there's, there's a lot of things actually, but the sort of thing i would say was the, the way violence was very clearly being directed as not only civilians, but actually specifically a shorter and mark. and i wrote about this, we,
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we regularly saw and i by regularly read on a daily basis. we saw the children a shot in the head and just often more than one at the same time. and not only that, the morgan, i wrote a letter to you as administration recently that signed by $45.00 total authorizations and nurses where we wrote that everyone's all the same thing. it didn't matter when they weren't cause it didn't matter which hospital. ringback everybody saw children shawn at almost every single day and us. it's hard to believe that that's just a consequence of more is that to see that? i can't imagine how that's not to the go to some of the news down search teams in southern a few of us so desperately digging for bodies at the sight of 2 land slides. they killed at least 262 people. the unstable ground has by faith from authorities, there could be further land slides, issuing evacuation orders for all the villages in the gulf of region. bomb evolve
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has the story from the village of delay in the southern ethiopia for a week often on slice slipped through the city mode, the region of southern ethiopia, rescue workers and family members. aust, i'm thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief that way i can with barely any tools most are using them about hands, but they'll get to the thoughts. minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud . the saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to freshen stories of loss, you met the soap low family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on the most is missing the suspects she's dead,
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but can't find public. they keep coming back here hoping for information message somebody didn't empty. it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and caused the help. my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue, but she did not return. the 2nd last, i buried in the mud. i took her life away. this man says he lost 2126 the we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing prime minister of the life by helicopter to also his condolences and pledge support . there was no hope any more of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies abilities, but dozens of people us to missing feeling. first alon slides, the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you hope your husband have experienced a non slight on the scale of, with the full many people to kill and to
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a small community in the most south of the country, it's a catastrophe of untold precautions. how much fun does the delay, southern ethiopian agencies are wanting the next 2 months, a critical for millions of people in chad who risk going hungry. so degredation, regular, rightful and prolonged drought taking a big toll on agriculture and interest reports from the eastern town of entree. jaffer, it's my eel takes advantage of the rain full of the previous night to plough and plant something he ideally should have done since late me. but these are not ideal times. i didn't know that the soil used to be photo and there was abundant rain. right now we see less and less rain for that means of pull harvest year on you. the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees as also shrunk the land available to
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cultivate crops. assistance thomas like jaffer account for much of the countries. but it lack of access to recognize tools, quality to seats and loans temper production. the biggest threats, however, comes from climate change, the regular rainfall for long droughts and pests of domestic discharge. agriculture occurred in the market. you know, this is shop decline in food supplies. most farm is are experiencing pull rainfall and sort of degradation that directly affect production. the sea, for example, is a significant increase in temperature. we noticed the trees with ring and dying wish and environmental, the se, addressing the impact of climate change requires adapting climate resilient culture . practices and diversifying crops, but a high level of poverty stands in the way. chart is right for most of the promise of depend on the rainy season, but because it was so little rain so far this year. the cups of small farm was
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concerned that if the trend continues, they wouldn't have us enough to leave off a like chide. one of the country's main sources of agriculture produce fish and livestock is shrinking. 50 years ago. it covered in the area of 25000 square kilometers. now it's just 1700 square kilometers. the old foot program says more than 2000000 champions, rely on for date due to poor harvest. and as a back to climate change, worse as farm, as like jaffer on the country can only hope for better ratings to grow the food they need. how much it breeze. i'll give you that i free shot. so that for kids, government says it will. the point 95 libya, nationals arrested as a speak to the military training camp in the north the country. the main well rested on friday and arrived at a remote cabinet. the board was mozambique this retaining, investigate, decided the libyans in south africa in april and vases issued the security guards.
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police say the men wish to speak to the for saving military training instead. on the military, on the phone or not military was indicated that all indications here i say as pointing to this being model for military facility to that name. or notice it could actually make sense that is different than that to cetera from says it's high speed trains when we back up and running as usual, by monday, contractors are still working on signaling systems and cables, which was sabotage, just hours before the opening ceremony of the olympic games, patasha butler has moved from paris a long way with thousands of travelers, is trained service is slowly resuming from officer in austin to tackle friday, pulled the high speed round that went to a halt despite the disruption. some people though, remained upbeat. did you see the phoenix patty?
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it's annoying. it happened just before the olympics opening ceremony, but more trains of working now and we've been kept in film, so it's okay actually the heads of the rail operators, the powers games. when most effect is this, with this you the, for the lympics, there was no real impact. we managed to transport the teams and make sure the games were not disrupted by any sabotage. was more real self being working around the cloak to repair costs, cables and damage at the 3 sites. it's no, yeah, no, you carried out the attack. the french you'll still receive said the adamant that the perpetrators will be cold or this level of job that i give you, so you don't get the public prosecute that has taken over the investigation. we know that about 50 investigators are involved. so i think the, i mean for the ministry of interior and the ministry of justice is to find the culprits quickly and to punish them. the tax, how i like to the security challenge branch authorities face during the live bix.
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take these menu fence that taking place in central power at the leads and finds the breaking heavy rain and the sitting most aware that 0 risk is impossible, but the games must go on. patasha butler, i'll just sarah paris about this. so frontier here on al jazeera, including 1st president, is pause for a stage of the nation address against the background of nationwide glue the high low they will start down on the way a series of cold front. so swept across southern parts of australia, cooling things down in the southeast, bringing some powerful winds, but also rain and some snow to the likes of victoria tasmania and some southern parts of new south wales. now that system pulls out to see leaving behind
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a legacy of cloud because northern queensland and into the north territory of australia. but we put sunshine in city the temperature slightly below the average the on sunday, temperatures hot weather picking up in post. that's despite the west of weather that gives way to sunshine, at least on monday, like the rain is set to roll back in a bite choose day. and heavy rain could cause a problem across the south island of new zealand. it's going to start pull ringing on sunday. still some wants to be found in christ church. settled weather as well in the north island, but it does look pretty nasty as we go into monday from the very south of the south island. and nasty is the wood when it comes to the remnants of tie soon, gone, may still working their way across into northern parts of china. and now we can, we still got that moisture band all the way from southern pots of china pumping through the korean peninsula. pushing into northern parts of japan with some heavy bouts of rain here on monday.
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a japanese american veteran mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with the friend who rescued his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the price of products. you don't realize that until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice volunteers on out to 0 investigative journalism. this is quite chilly. moving through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but it's a journey voices from different corners of survival. it's survivable survival runs for reparations and justice stories from all the angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world
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today. on now to sierra the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the salad. the latest is ready attacks and guns that have killed, at least 56 palestinians, 2 schools, and then i'll follow with targeted the make shift field a hospital on the ground. so if one school was also has talked to same most of the day and injured a women and children, a rocket from an unidentified source has a football pitch in the town to most of the shelves and the find goldman heis as well says at least 12 people from the ruth eric community have been killed,
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including children, is ro cole's at the west incidents since the world costs began and has blamed his beloved prime minister benjamin netanyahu sit the liberties group will pay a heavy price for the attack, but his plus is it had nothing to do with the incidence around the curry is a public policy fellow at the american university of beverage. he says, says that a strikes and they will find golden hides, show another escalation and across the board, a conflict. well, this is an unusual moment in the sense that there was an attack from 11 am on the occupants of these really occupied a alex they say go on. i just that seems to have included action by his by law and some other forces and loving. and that's not exactly clear who those are as well as other than the fire rockets yesterday and today and retaliation for
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the 3 hezbollah people. 707011 is a who were killed yesterday, but it's really attacked. so it's still not exactly clear who did the firing, but it has been a, it's very precise and it's statements when that says it did not fire the rockets that landed emergency rooms, right? probably one, she believes them because they track record as one of the not exaggerating. they, they, they do what they say they're going to do. and they admit what they, they didn't do or did not do. but we have to wait a little bit for the details. the fact that this is going on as no surprise at all the golan heights is occupied, an amex, allegedly by israel. virtually nobody in the world except the us recognizes that amex ation. and the fact is a, as occupied territory. it is fair game for any kind of retaliation or
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resistance whether come from as rarely as from the boston. boston is from the syrians from 11 is, doesn't matter. but this is a typical situation that we've had for the not just as october for the last 1015 years, where retaliatory strikes by one side against strikes from the other build up tension. and this one is particularly dramatic because i've had a football field. i'm, you know, people talk in football, they is really response is really quite a bit historically a seattle of the there are concern for children being killed in a war. this is not believable in view of their incredible machinery that has. busy cust, i'm killing thousands, tens of thousands of children in gaz. or they don't care though they just, you know, they lie that exaggerated. they say hypocritical things,
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they say insincere things. and we saw, you know what the spokesman said today in israel, we saw this mirrored or foreshadowed by what? nothing. yeah, we're still in the congress as, as the actual drum dramatic shakespearean performance. which is designed to, you know, from people's emotions and heart strings and political support. but of course it doesn't because the majority in the us is against the war. and that israel is waging gasser. and therefore, what nothing you ever did really was focused on a domestic audience in israel, and a republican right wing of almost specialist to order in the united states. and so we see it as mirror today and what the military spokesman. so the fact is, there's a war going on, there has been a war going on since, really since 1917,
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if people really want to find out why this is going on, they should go back to the balfour declaration with the birth of zionism. and the plan to build a jewish and aware of that was 93 percent on and inhabited by palestinians. that's the, that's the origin of this that the finding that for top that we see now is just latest consequence as, as the guys are genocide. and i'm forcing consequence of slow down civil war has been the 10s of thousands of missing or stolen cars. must belong to people who depend on them to end a living authorities. if conducted searches, the because the found the often wrecked the moving the pulls from onto month. this crap yard in old, under mine in the to the news capital is where the product comedy has come to look for his car. he bought it with his live savings, he says, but left it behind when the fighting between the army and the rapids support forces
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forced him from his home. now it's nowhere to be found. out on the, when the army regained control of our district, we returned and couldn't find it. i taught those who stayed behind told us the rapids support forces had taken it. we were told by broke into the house and took out. com and our cousins cop cars. have long been a source of income for us to the needs, but they've become a defining feature of the latest violence video footage. show spices from the power military are a staff forcing people from their vehicles and using them in their assault on the army. so that's police say naming 40000 cars have been reported missing or stolen since the stars of the conflicts last year, while phone had been recovered after the army, weekends, territories from the ira stuff here in the capital. the conditions there found in tell the tale of what they've been through out of the severity of the conflict from being caught in the crossfire to hits by artillery abandoned vehicles abroad here.
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jim, i'll play you says the recess to his car and how to where he used to live. the are a see if came in. now neighbors see they stole out. com. when we heard cows were being recovered, we came to see if it was among me and we found it. and others aren't as lucky. social media pages help people trace their vehicles and authorities have launched a campaign to reunite owners with their vehicle. that can sell us and so we'll get that done that we've set up committees and we help to expand them. so everyone who has lost the vehicle? nope. just costs, but motorcycles and rituals will be able to find it. people only have to report the vehicle missing online. we work under secure to the umbrella. we take permits from authorities to go and look for because once in areas secure. but the ongoing fighting means minister denise are in limbo. people like taught it, are hoping to find their cars and re gain some of what they've lost in the conflict
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. he but morgan onto 0 on their mind. one of the late is it makes the coast and a low a drug cartel has pleaded not guilty to drug charges. and these you with federal agents arrest. it's is smile is on the bottle. also known as elmo in texas. on friday, he was detained along with why, keen to goodman look as the son of l. chapo goodman. not the drug kingpin who is in prisons in the us. julia got in or has moved from mexico city. this was the moment 2 of the world's most wanted drug lords were detained on us soil, as might it might have something by the 76 year old co founder and leader of the scenario of cartel. and what king guzman lopez, son of convicted drug, lord of chapel, whose mind are now in us custody. the circumstances that led to this remarkable moment remain unclear, but a lawyer representing a miles that his client did not arrive in the us willingly, and had not planned to turn himself in. suggesting he had been set up by an ally to
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walk straight into the hands of us authorities. it fell to the security minister to break the uncomfortable news of telling the country and mexico had no prior knowledge of the detention of 2 of its most wanted drug lords. c 4 were investigation. if this was an arrest or if these men had it themselves over, this is part of the information we are waiting to get from the us government. the mexican government who did not take part in this detention or hand or thought less than 24 hours after his arrest, somebody to enter a not guilty plea before us judge. both men are facing multiple charges in the united states for leading the cartels criminal operations, including its deadly drug manufacturing and trafficking networks. and see how low the mexican government sent special forces and anticipation of violence breaking out in a possible power vacuum in the cartel. physical freedom, electro thinking like this and by that phone together, if it is confirmed that is might have somebody that was destroyed or set up by a rival section of this
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e mail. i've got them together. we could be looking at the new media use of accessible rates of violence. here you see not often this in the lower, somebody that is the last major drug, lord of his generation having avoided capture for over 4 decades despite leading one of the world's most important drug empires. while us authorities have described these detentions as an enormous blow to the scene, a little cartel, the reality is such a rest in the past has failed to make much of a difference to the organization's operational capabilities. and few here believe that violence levels will go down, or the amount of fentanyl being traffic into the us will diminish as a result of these arrests 3 ago. yeah, no, i'll just sierra mexico city for mike for who is the former chief of international operations at the drug enforcement administration. he says the rest of is miles and bottle is unlikely to send the flow of drugs into the united states. slave. some bother was the lens, it wasn't very upfront traffic, correct?
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mexico. he was in jane's in english, a drug trafficking for about half a century. and he never stepped inside a prison cell ever. he made pain a presence in the golden triangle, which is, which consists of the states sort of seen on the one she was in also do bundle. so she basically constructed a tremendous criminal organization that currently operates in 6 of the 7 continents around the world. and basically generates profits of over a 100000000000 dollars miles some by the is one of the most respect in couples in the drug trade in mexico, even by rivals,
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the capture of one individual or 2 individuals whose bank going on. i am in fact a highly structured criminal network like this, you know, of course, tell that came into existence in 1989 and seen the car. now, unlike most cars are all set and have a vertical structure of this one. as before, as nano structure allowing decision making authority to cross many lines. so if i'm going to have an impact, because, you know, we all know that if you don't destroy the infrastructure of a, from an organization is going to continue operating and see. and although we'll continue to send more and more drives in to the united states, peruse and present in a little while table deliver a state of the nation addressed either on sunday to month 203 years of independence . the speech comes as a government sizes, accusations of corruption, a weak economy, and rising poverty and crime,
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ariano sanchez reports from lima. the killings on the streets of peters capital. now a common scene, homicide, and robbery rates are up across the country. prove units are frightened and angry at the government, and congress they say, are oblivious to their needs. we don't know how to defend ourselves, the president, the congressmen, what are they doing for our security? they have to wake up in president. he never loved his 20 months in office. nearly one 3rd of it was 34000000 people are now living in poverty. so man, at least accused the government and political leaders of governing for themselves, and that's impacting the economy located. we don't mean this one. okay, what dominates today, a personal agendas for support and interests and not policies that improve the quality of life, of the average citizen. this is being seen with a degradation of strength that prove had its physical strength because it's being
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right and left without improving the quality of life for peruvians. being able to do what they is facing, accusations of corruption and human rights violations. something should be nice, legislators also under investigation have a must so much power and the government institutions are under their control. freedom house has downgraded reduced democracy to partly free. and the fact that more truck for this institutional weakening is the achilles heel of the country today. is not so much the macro economic management, but the lack of direction of having a much more cohesive society with institutions that work our democracy is very weak without counter weights and very severe crisis of representation that to fix our economic recovery and obviously a fix the poor us to you on the truck back, but proceed in bold what the says otherwise. so most of the social for we are a reliable partner for the world. our economy continues to recover. we have play a rules of the game and we respect the legal framework. we welcome responsible
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investments that generate development for our compatriots. we know poles samples, the president and co west have an approval rating of less than 6 percent. hardly anyone here believes in their ability to run the country with 8 years of political instability and 7 presidents. one former government official says the countries leadership next for the ability with organized crime and public teeth touching daily lives for so many movie as hard, demanding elections on the loose independence anniversary. they say they have nothing to celebrate at the and offensive. i just needed lima, 5 or factions and jim and have reached to you in back the agreement to restore the countries financial services sector. the governments in sana and the group also agreed to resume impressions of the national carrier. it is, it is moving in for about 30000 patients and travelers. it comes up to months of crisis that also affected the countries banks. it was still
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a hit here on al jazeera, a greek island. that's all on the bucket list, the millions of people, the locals, are now cooling for cap on tours. the african stores from african perspective. i like convince i dentist, authorities using different medium to show documentary. so i asked looking filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to a science it in, but i could meet with you pulled up on me, it says all of them on the left side, the bile, bob waste and all was fine. i used the drivers on, i'll just sierra they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and make gift cards and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting
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a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the ministry of health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world. when you closer to the cost of the story, the the full cost of side, the monsoon vine folder flooded the central indian city of ballpark, is likely to continue for at least another day. the heading down for roads traffic to a standstill damaged roads and destroyed a number of homes and businesses rescue workers to move to more than 2000 people to release camps,
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enclosure out sides. meanwhile risky workers have recovered the bodies of 3 people killed in a building collapse that happens in the western indian city is not being moved by the cause of the accident is still being investigated. and ty, once co, scott has a left with the cruise of 2 stranded frankly, ships to safety. the vessels were bassett, by typhon gave me which tore through the island earlier this week. the co scott is still searching for 1070 a flight chicago ship the tank off the southern coast. the storm has ground to the 8 of the ships in the same area. a bug with issue prime minister, shy casino has been to a hospital in dhaka to meet with people injured teacher and student led purchase against government jump courses. so the officials say at least 211 people have been killed in the young risk since july. the 1st shake of seem is government has crank down on the demonstrations and had imposed a k f u. and then if it's something she says the protests were
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a conspiracy and accused those involved of trying to reduce the country to a nation as big as 3 protest latest were taken into custody on friday. and then break on friday evening at a reservoir and russia has sent a deluge into a nearby village pushing away buildings, fences and costs. water levels reached one, meet the organize in the village. if katelyn near the center of the shelby inc. region, while casualties were reported over 160 people were evacuated from settlements in the area. it'd be ryan's being blamed for the bridge. the state of emergency was introduced and thereby districts due to the flooding us bonafide as a scrambling to contain an outbreak of wildfires on the west coast with oregon loan badly moving suzy launch places right across the states. and less than a month, the oregon fives. have towards more than $400000.00 hit is thousands of buildings
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have been destroyed in thousands of local space, evacuation orders, strong winds, lightning strikes, and driving normal conditions, a band. the 5 local branches have just described it as a catastrophic stats to the site. 15 season and in california, john 5 tornadoes have been filmed at the sides of the state's largest supplies. the pathfinder in chico, northern california is believed to have been sconces by an awesome just in his force. the evacuation of 14000 people defy, had been more than 239000 acres and destroyed hundreds of hundreds of seeing the sunset of the training and from the greek island of santa, where he needs a bucket list experience for millions of people but as some a holiday season peaks permanent presidents of center, any sites that can no longer cope with the holds of businesses and a cooling for a cap on tourist numbers. sonya geiger has more
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son to blue sees and breathtaking views. santorini has drawn travelers for decades. this island with a population of 20000 regularly top's lists of must visit tourist destinations. i always wanted to come here. actually, this has been my dream since high school. so every year it's flooded with holidaymakers, including the thousands who visit a boat cruise ships to the point where the island is unable to cope with the strain of results. it is only one of the issues that have and good residents we, i don't know small island because uh, i some, during the casa, it has a surface for face 7 discredited meters. what kinds of things prospects to unique reinforce on visa is more likely, more difficult, we finding,
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kenesaw pacific time. so number, i mean without the, without creating a monster. tourism is essential to set to renew the economy. but the sector is also transforming the island in ways that a harming the population pricing money out of the homes, flooding communities with expensive abbey, a b properties that are forcing people to up route and leave. center really is not alone across the mediterranean and tourism hotspots. many residents are growing weary of the effect tourism is having on that communities in the spanish island to be ok. some have moved to the growing and complements of trump events because of rising rental costs and mazda 2 this month. this youngest, there was too much tourism that the oldest at sea behind rental prices because they knows every week, every full night they have different people. all local protest movements are gaining ground and major holiday destinations. they haven't put of visitors so far
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. but preserving these unique locations will be crucial to achieving a balance between tourists and residents if they're able to withstand the effects of mass tourism. so nathaniel, i'll just say around the north korea as much 71 years as the korean war, almost as with giant parades and fireworks displays. thousands of young people and officials have provided them to central pre own gang bills. korea calls the anniversary victory day, despite the officers orders near equal division of defending chalet and general acknowledgments, the war ended in a style nice. mass stone, st. vincent fireworks helped off the celebrations. for the dream jewel, it's a tennis fans and i've lit up the paras olympics with a fine performance roughly on the dial. and carlos l correct is a through to the 2nd round of the means doubles the spaniards dazzled,
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fansite rolling. carol sit down the identity and succeeds. they took the 1st at 76 on the tie break, and then came back from 3 last down to windows sick and 6 for the single the match rugby, stevens has a new and then pick a champion and it was possible and tons of punch, who helped from so the gold middle, the big fiji and the final 287 to phones going to tries as the host nation, secure with the gold middle with swimming is always a big draw at in the olympics. and then scroll down to why on saturday, i'll just here is pull race within the french capital to in this one of the most highly anticipated show downs of the guides. while this was being built as potentially the race of the century, 3 absolutely electric swim is in the women's 400 meters freestyle k to a techie of the usa. one of the greatest swim is in history up against defending champion ari on tip. most of australia on the 17 year old phenomena at summit macintosh of canada, all of them will direct code hold is on between them. with the $28.00 fastest times
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in history, in this event. well, the 3 of them ended up on the podium, but it was already on tape most, who looked pretty comfortable right from the start. she ended up finishing just under a 2nd ahead of macintosh with look, becky taking bronze. no. h a. when pick gold for the deck, a know 1st olympic gold, full macintosh, but a 2nd in a row in this event, full tip must perhaps the most surprising thing with these 3 pushing each other. no new world record. full rece out is era. paris. so valence camera and a pen to breeding facility and self with china is cap should play full moments between a female pen to enter a cap. the mother appears to show off her cap in front of the camera while the baby seems more interested in playing with it. the ching to research base of john panza . breeding is renowned for its work and preserving and breeding endangered animals . it's very late. so for me,
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tell mccrae for this news out. so how robin will join you in just a moment with much more of the dies use to stay with us the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on gaza? the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line,
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the unique perspective. i love that i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was published for medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the heart of what's the stream on our, just the or of the, i think there's different ways in which this country can view those who are in power as of far greater than anybody else to lead the way
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the lead the way by showing and proving that there's no retribution, no. the award winning document trees from around the corner which is 0. the the a role kids it. so young people playing so full of the occupied go live heights, at least 12 people are killed and many more in just from the cruise community. israel coles. it was instead since the war on cause it began. the blades has bloss screwed to nice little responsibility. the


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