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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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abuse and no the award winning document entries from around the corner which is 0. the the a rock its, its young people playing football in the occupied go live heights, at least 12 people are killed and many more in just from the cruise community. israel coles, it was instead since the war on cause it began. the blades has blocks screwed to nice little responsibility, the plugs, the hold, all the do what you want to 0 last headquarters here. and also coming up at least
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$36.00, including children killed by the is really strikes hit, a school sheltering injured, displaced palestinians in central gulf through president. because a states of the nation address of advising homeless, he crime, and corruption obligations the welcome to the public and we begin to it'd be occupied. go to the heights, what 12 people have been killed off to a rocket trouble. and i did decide souls hit the town of margins, old shots, bowls, and 20 others from the truth. our community have been in jet and the salutes ripples. the children were playing football here. and then a rocket hit. several people from the syrian drew's community of michigan shelves were killed while dozens of others were injured. israel was quick to attribute
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blame and said it was working on a response. the idea if you score and the holding a situation of assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act in the united states. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would return to israel as quickly as possible and convene the country security cabinet immediately upon arrival. has been long distance itself from the attack, the lebanese group putting out a statement, saying it categorically denies any involvement. but these really are me, says his bullet is responsible and claims the rock if fire came from loving on based on its own intelligence. is your response much more quickly when the jews are the casualties when drew's are casualties. this would have to be very dramatic for results. the response is of course,
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but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all the military says it's also conducting an investigation as to why it's ariel defense system failed to intercept the rocket that hit the football field. cross border fire between israel and his phone lot has intensified in recent months. but this is the deadliest incident in the occupied golan heights. and could yet test the on spoken rules of engagement between israel and his bella. and us and hoot and jesse at all levels go with condenser today's attacks on civilians and called for then 2 hostile it's, he's on all front and say they hold a passable from mount level as well as promising to act and to carry out what it calls the appropriate response for the rocket attack, and most of the, some us that's in the syrian occupied golan heights. israel is blaming, has the law dismissing,
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has well as denials that it was involved in this rocket strike. hezbollah did say that it carried out the operations in the golan heights, but it's targeted military directs and not the civilians. how's well as denial, it is really a message from the lebanese arms group that is not interested in changing the unreturned rules of engagement. those rules mean or have been that both sides focus their attacks on military targets. yes, the billions have been killed on both sides, but this is a serious incident of so many casualties, mass casualty incidence. so the question is, what kind of a response will as well carried out, it has so far been targeting has ballast infrastructure. it's fighters, it's even killed it's, it's a 3 of it's a top commanders on the field. it's, it's, it's targeted, arms deposed. now it's the response, i could trigger hezbollah retaliation, and that's why this, this conflict is now so dangerously poised,
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and nearly 10 months of fighting. it's still been largely contained to the border area. so will this all change now? many are concerned that is ro will use this as a pretext to launch what it has been threatening for some time now a full on war, not just against, has below, but lebanon as well, to hit the lebanon's infrastructure. but you know, it has beloved, has dismissed this threat, saying that isabel is unable to fight on more than one front as well. of course being part of the around him that so called excess of resistance. and they have opened up several fronts to help relief pressure on goes up. so it's, it's dangerous times it's, it's unclear of the trajectory of this conflict so far, which we've been witnesses, a sporadic escalation throughout 10 months of fighting that will that all change center for there was a 0 non club and on that as well as private, as
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a benjamin that's the all who has said has the level pay heavy price for that rocket attack? the is the, is really citizens like you? i was shocked off. i was shocked to see the terrible pictures following the motorist attack by head spa on most all shuns among the mooted small children who were playing football and also others mooted. all of our hot a, broken by the sites. the white house has also could that be it can be occupied gun and hide, say that the us support for israel security is i am clad. well posit, go, hate georgia. so from washington dc, the us certainly make it very clear where they stand. obviously, very worried about the developing situation in the middle east. this, there's going to be a huge level of concern. this is what the us has been worried about. the attack could trigger a response and then the response of that leading to
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a wider war. interesting. the statement from the national security council spokesperson, a spokesman says they condemned the attack in northern israel, not occupied. golan heights, went on to say that they support efforts to end these terrible attacks. no calls very strange in there. and then they went on to say, of course, the support for israel's iron clad add on waiver things, but still this is going to be a huge concern for you as president joe biden. not least because he's concerned and has been since the beginning of that this could lead to a wider conflict. but because he, they believe at the white house of there as close as they've been since that last cease fire that failed to another cease fire deal in gaza. we know bill burns, the c i, director the person is taking point on all of these negotiations is heading to europe for meetings on sunday with his counterparts from a cutter, egypt and israel. the white house set it up messages and the days leading up to
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this that they thought that the framework was agreed to. now there were just a few sticky points that they could easily or could be bridge through negotiations . and so the concerns not only going to be that this will lead to a wider conflict, but that it could be around the ceasefire talks president joe by knows that he's not going to get anything done in the next 6 months. it domestically. congress is to focus on the next selection. he's really going to be looking towards foreign policy to warn you crate. and the war and gaza he sees this is a big piece of his legacy. getting the cease fire. going to be concerns not only again that it's going to lead to a wider conflict, but that it will darell what they see is really hopeful ceasefire talks because he likes to be update, obviously will as if it with you as a way we get more developments from dc like so, he's told him sikes not because to go with heights as a strategic plan, so boldly leveled as well as jewel visits and actually recognize as part of syria. but 2 thirds of the area is all coupons by israel after it was captured at the
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$196076.00 they will. sylvia attempted to retake the ever even 1973, but failed to you and observe a full size being the supervisor of the seas file on ever since. when his route has built thousands of illegal settlements, the occupied colon heights and in 1981 declared it was alex like the territory around 20000 legal is why the setlist lift that alongside around the 20000 drew's arabs. the body is a built vested fellow at the center, full conflict on humanitarian studies. he says the occupied golan heights is a strategic region that's effectively a mountain range that allows israel and to threaten the rest of syria, including its capital, damascus. from it. it's worth recalling that after 1967 is real built, it's for settlements. i'm not in the west bank but in the golan heights,
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and it annexed the golan heights, formerly in 1980, for which it was condemned by the u. one security council and, and diplomatic negotiations between israel and syria. during the 1990s. these failed because ultimately, israel was unprepared to accept a comprehensive withdrawal to the pre june of 1967 lines. and it has major intelligence installations there. and since october, 8th of last year, as part of what has mother calls that support front and support of the false city. and that has also been showing military installations and the gaza strip. i think there's another element here, as you know, the international court of justice recently ruled israel's role in the west bank and gaza strip, including east jerusalem to be unlawful, the legal and that it must. and immediately,
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although the golan heights was not part of that case, and i think the, the determinations made by the i c, j, about the occupied palestinian territories apply just as clearly to the occupied syrian golan heights earlier on saturday as well tower that multiply strikes up to schools and central garza kelly, at least 36 palestinians, all those top of those with children. the schools were being used to shelters, housing injured and displaced people. a couple is able to pull stuff up there in about a the children used to study here. this exclusive goes in gary each shift fuel hospital and the suits are due in the is very minute tweak it crest found twice, clean, dozens of pieces, not released. the destruction is every way me,
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my father and my daughters outside for treatment. but we had just been right, yeah, in this room. oh my god, god bestowed, he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. others we know as well do it. that is one of the most densely populated areas in terms of ground with displace posting and she lives has took the wounded to the cities of august. the hospital is where it says it's 10 to the, to how most command and control center to say most of the victims most of the effect. in fact, most of the users are children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and children came with amputated land is valid. troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th, even to sue's as filters by families is know what else to go with
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the injures i received a good treatment. me, there's a very, please just as slight solution area is the most least he said that i'm sort of like to be your military and things of direct about him. i was just the role that i had to sign. well, he was moved as opposed to the life of the wood was of these really strikes has carried out the, his position, the absolute horror is dominating the scene right now across the central area and a lot of the hospital here, we're not only we're seeing here the really, the number of casualties is increasing, but also the number of people who are seeking shows are, is inside the courtyard of the hospital. those are worse filtering in the 1st the school and the field hospital and or those who were from across the building. they just got targeted, 0 moved here, thinking killed that this would be the final,
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the final resort for safety, for them that we know the hot spot is not also they, if it's quite difficult to imagine that the large number of people inside the house was good to be safe, ambulance are still coming in the hospital, the carrying them those who are injured from the 2nd that's talk but the, the 2nd attack across it from the 1st one from the shoulder and a few of the hospital just presented ambulance and paramedics and symbols of his group from continuing their work to remove people who were buried under the rubble of the 1st attack inside the field house within the schools. many of the people, according to appearance, paramedics, when we spoke through, had been ordered by it is really another 35 phone call. now, right now it's just happening again. got another explore. this is another, another is drive it's, it's another,
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it's another is try at the same, same exact size. it's a clause, it's a cross of from, it's across from the school. and so, so far, silver was the now the smoke is rising as you see from the frame of the camera. and this seemed to be a constant treated attack. and here's projects on the same exact side we're talking about. the 1st desire be the ones that jump on the heart of across from it all in one area. one of the complex. it's an a education of conflicts with the multiple is that have turned into a shoulder for this way as family for the past 9 months to judge the from the huge dark cloud that the small, it's an indication of the intensity on the scale of this attack again, many of the people were injured in the 1st part. we're still under the rubble and
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paramedics and civil defense. the crew were not able to remove them. and right now, because of this attack would be impossible under present, impossible to imagine that they are still alive or surviving the intensity of these attacks. i just wanted to point out that the skies of distance from the area nearly above us here about the courtyard of these. a lot of the hospitality, drones have been hovering at a very low level for the past couple hours. in fact, is there in the hours of this morning says we arrived here, we could hear them. we could see that they're quite visible in the sky fee. they fly at a very low level and a many people here at the hospital here, the link, the presence, the dense, the presence of, of these, the relative drones. today i talk to the moment we see them. it's a pretty much a bad omen for everyone here because we know exactly that. that talk is going to happen just one more time. this is at the same exact side. there was targeted uh
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within the past hour and one more time, it's hard to imagine right now that any of the people who were lift under the rubble have made it for the r surviving. these relentless ears try sending the forcing the still ahead here on out is there a 2nd day of training delays and cancellations and phones as a forward he said for those behind sabotaged techs on friday the i had a letter that let's have a look at the weather across north america, west, something of a worry, some situation is intensifying, occlusal custom parts of canada, as well as the us, and that's in the form of wild fi is one of those exploded in california. forcing evacuation of nights on friday, the houghton black conditions continue here,
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but we will see some cool conditions at west. so whether walking into british columbia and all, but of what wildfire have been raging. so you can see the width of weather starting to creep into british columbia. some of that will eventually work its way into the pacific northwest, but it remains very dry for the likes of california. a few spits and spots of rain across the desert, south west. now we'd like you to see some fondest phones across the northern plains, but these are pretty dry and could cause some issues in terms of wild 5. the which is of the weather is further out east stretching from the midwest down to the southeastern states of the us, but not much rain to be found out east. it is a very hot and humid situation for new york and washington d. c. temperatures all set to come down are close to pacific north west, but they'll be on the up in the very south. we'll see sunshine as well in dallas to choose day. the
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how much is happening there's no question. why. like this? len denise. this call on it's area relief. foundation of the the book about you what you'll just bear with me. so robin endo ha. reminder of all the
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top stories the latest is really attacks and gaza. that's killed at least $36.00 palestinians. 2 schools that are about a targeted make shift field hospital on the grounds of world schools. also it dropped to say most of the dead and injured women and children a role kids from an, an identified sol. so say take football pitch in the town, and much dog shops, it'd be occupied golden heights. israel says at least 12 people from the truth are committed to be killed, including israel calls that the worst incident since the world calls. and the guy that has blamed has for a long time, and it's supposed to be all who has said that the lebanese group will pay a heavy price for the attack that has the law says it has nothing to do with the incidence. doctor for sidwell is a troll. massage, and from the us he visited the european house. but the thing tanya, this in gauze, a box and alias spoke of his experience the i thought it was unique
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compared to everything else i've seen. there were few reasons. one was the director of the tax on, on the health care system they're, they're completely devastated everything. um, it is, it's impossible for the health care system to function in this environment. the hospitals, the destroying the private, the, the view of the clean water at this point is simply impossible to, to accomplish anything better with the situation. the 2nd thing must be a direct attack on health care workers themselves on the health care workers and goals are extremely dispirited. they know they're being targeted by these really is a lot of them express estimates like we're just waiting to die. they're going to kill all of us. what's the point? it's, it's very, very sad and it's, it's a very, it's a very hard thing to see on called the table, your site. and the other is the last time it gets there as well. there's, there's a lot of things actually, but the sort of thing i would say was the way violence was very clearly being
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directed as uh, not only civilians, but actually specifically a shorter and market i wrote about this. we, we regularly saw and i buy regularly or you know, on a daily basis, we saw the children a shot in the head inches, often more than one at the same time. and not only that, the morgan, i wrote a letter to the us and ministration, recently assigned by $45.00 total solutions and nurses where we wrote that everyone's all the same thing. it didn't matter when they weren't cause it didn't matter which hospital they were and everybody saw sean and sean at almost every single day. and us, it's hard to believe that that's just a consequence of more. is that not that i can't imagine how that's not the a full cost to say the multitude by total flooded the central indian city a by paul is likely to continue for at least about the day rescue. it goes has to move both in 2000 people to release cubs in the states of goods. ross will search
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teams in the southern ethiopia area, all still desperately digging football to use the size of 2 lands finds it kills at least $262.00 people be on stable ground response phase. both our teeth that could be further alarm slides issuing evacuation. oldest of the villages in the go for region by the dial. how's the stories of the village of delay in south of ethiopia for a week after long slice slipped through the city? most the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief. that way i can with barely any tools most are using them about hands. but they'll get think of the thoughts, minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud, the sole signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance,
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which are packed with mourners from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to the fresh and stories of last, imagine the soul of family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing. the suspect she's dead but can't find out, but they keep coming back here hoping for information, but must need somebody. it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and close to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd lance died buried in the mud. it took her life away. this man says he lost 21 pallets. we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing prime minister of the arrived by helicopter to effect his condolences, inflict support. there's no hope any more of finding somebody has
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hundreds of bodies, public dreams, but dozens of people. austin missing feeling, says alon slides, the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off. last everything. if you, if you haven't ever experienced a non slight on the scale of with this, so many people killed as a small community in the most south of the country. it, it's a catastrophe of untold precautions. how much fun does 0 delay southern if you will sell you the regional for seeing consequences to down civil has been the 10s of thousands of missed single stolen calls. also he's have conducted searches, but because they found that often wrecked hipaa move and report so from on to the this crap yard in old under mine in the, to the new scopic total is where the product comedy has come to look for his car. he bought it with his live savings, he says,
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but left it behind when the fighting between the army and the rapids support forces forced him from his home. now it's nowhere to be found. out on the, when the army regained control of our district, we returned and couldn't find out. tom. those who stayed behind told us the rapids support forces had taken it. we were told by broke into the house and took out. com and our cousins cop cars have long been a source of income for us through the need, but they've become a defining feature of the latest violence video footage. show spices from the power military are a staff forcing people from their vehicles and using them in their assault on the army. so that's police say nearly $40000.00 cars have been reported missing or stolen since the stars of the conflicts last year. while some have been recovered after the army weekend territories from the ira stuff here in the capitol, the conditions there found in tell the tale of what they've been through. out of the severity of the conflict. from being caught in the crossfire to hits by
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artillery abandoned vehicles abroad here. jim, i'll play you, says the recess to his car and have to where he used to live. the are a see if came in. now neighbors see they stole out. com. when we had cause were being recovered, we came to see if it was among me and we found it. the others aren't as lucky. social media pages help people trace their vehicles and authorities have launched a campaign to reunite owners with their vehicle. that can sell us and so we'll get that done that we've set up committees and we help to expand them. so everyone who has lost the vehicle? nope. just costs, but motorcycles and rituals will be able to find it. people only have to report the vehicle missing online. we work in the secure to the umbrella. we take permits from authorities to go and look for cause once in areas secure. but the ongoing fighting means maintenance within these are in limbo. people like taught it are hoping to find their cars and re gain some of what they've lost in the conflict. he but
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morgan onto 0 on their mind. pretty getting present data below table the states of the nation address states on sunday to about 203 years of independence. the speech comes as a government faces accusations of corruption, a weak economy, and rising poverty in crime by the sun. she has report so from lima, the killings on the streets of those capital. now a common seen homicide and robbery rates are up across the country. peruvians are frightened and angry at the government, and congress who they see are oblivious to their needs. we don't know how to defend ourselves, the president, the congressman. what are they doing for our security? they have to wake up in president the level of this 20 months in office. nearly one 3rd of it was 34000000 people are now living in poverty. some analysts accused the government and political leaders of governing for themselves, and that's impacting the economy located. we don't mean this one. okay. what
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dominates today, a personal agendas will support that interests and not policies that improve the quality of life, of the average citizen. this is being seen with a degradation of strength that prove had its physical strength because it's being right and left without improving the quality of life for peruvians. being able to face facing accusations of corruption and human rights violations. something she, the nice legislators also under investigation have a must so much power and the government institutions are under their control. freedom house has downgraded reduced democracy to partly free. and the fact that more trump for this institutional weakening is the achilles heel of the country. today. it is not so much the macro economic management, but the lack of direction of having a much more cohesive society with institutions that work democracy is very weak without counter weights and very severe crisis of representation that are fixed on economic recovery and obviously a fix the poorest traffic,
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but proceed in bold what this says otherwise. so most of the social, we are a reliable partner for the wild. our economy continues to recover. we have play a rules of the game and we respect the legal framework. we welcome responsible investments that generate development for our compatriots. polls say both the president and co west have an approval rating of less than 6 percent. hardly anyone here believes in their ability to run the country with 8 years of political instability and 7 precedents. one former government official says the countries leadership next for the belief with organized crime and public teeth touching daily lives for so many movie as hard, demanding elections on the loose independence anniversary. they say they have nothing to celebrate at the and offensive. i just needed lima front says as high speed trains will be running as usual by.


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