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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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thousands of families. the battle for the soul of anchored bucks parked one on the jersey. the israel camera is out for us strikes on some level. it follows a rocket attack on the occupied goes on sites. it's going to, has been on the 11. these group has denied responsibility for the attack, which kills at least 12. people can choose the i'm carry johnston. this is all just here. a lie from day. well, i will said, coming up at least 36 people are killed by is rarely strikes, targeting a school sheltering displaced, protest themes and central guns and wildfire. rage across the western parts of the
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us. if occupation orders have been issued in oregon and kind of for the, the begin in southern lebanon, the israel has car down to a series of strikes on several towns and villages. that will be anything but a strikes come off to a rocket to head to foot whole ground an occupied going on heights cutting 12 people is route plaintive. last on has been a lebanese on group, has been night involvement. st. ahold of has more now from mount lebanon. we have been receiving reports of a number of is ready air strikes in a number of locations across southern level, non explosions, have been heard in the southern city of tire and surrounding areas. and um, let me just give you the list of the, the areas we have,
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the gym for kayla tear harforth. but these 2 villages are frontline village is there, close to the border, and they have been repeatedly hit during the course of the ongoing confrontations between these really military and has the law. but we're getting reports of air strikes deeper inside lebanon, close to the southern city. of tire in the towns of bushes, mainly in other caea and bushes. smelly reports that residential building was targeted and obviously you were getting reports of minor injuries because of glass falling. now these 2 villages have not been evacuated, they're not considered frontline villages. they're there quite a few kilometers away from the border, but, but it's not clear yet. as you can imagine, this just happened a few minute minutes ago what the target was. and what is not clear also is that if
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this is the response, the promised response. by the is really military following that rocket to attack in the town of most of seamus. and is this the response or is this the beginning of the response? we understand that this way the security cabinet is going to be meeting on sunday. at 1300 hours g m t with these really prime minister warning has the law that it will pay a heavy price of for this rocket to dark. now we have to remember that has beloved denied that it was as the constable for the strike. it did claim responsibility for carrying out a number of attacks against military locations in the syrian occupied golan heights, but not the attack that killed children in a soccer field. so what we have at the moment is that a series of air strikes and the number of locations in southern lebanon. we still
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do not know how significant the target was at this point. but as we mentioned earlier in the occupied go on heights 12, people were killed off to a rocket from an auto identified source, hit the town of match, dial shems, more than 20 other people from the jews. our community have been injured and us so who has this report? children were playing football here and then a rocket hit. several people from the syrian drew's community of michigan shelves were killed. 12, dozens of others were injured. israel was quick to attribute blame and said it was working on a response. the idea if you score in the holding a situation of the assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act in the united states. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would return to israel as quickly as
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possible and convene the country security cabinet immediately upon arrival. has been long distance itself from the attack, the lebanese group putting out a statement, saying it categorically denies any involvement. but these really are me, says his bullet is responsible and claims the rocket fire came from lebanon based on its own intelligence gives you a response much more quickly when the jews are the casualties when drew's are casualties. this would have to be very dramatic for results. the response is of course, but i don't think this will be enough to take us into all the military says it's also conducting an investigation as to why it's ariel defense system failed to intercept the rocket that hit the football field. cross border fire between israel and his phone lot has intensified in recent months. but this is the deadliest
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incident in the occupied golden heights and could yet test the on spoken rules of engagement between israel and his butler. i'm doesn't who and jesse to. whitehouse has condemned the attack in the occupied golden heights. i think that us support for israel security remains ironclad. popsicle hate has more from washington. this is going to be a huge concern for the biden administration in pedagogy briefings that continuously say how concerned they are that this could escalate to a war between 11 on and is really remember right after october 7th, the us president sent navy assets into the region to send a message that they did not want to see this escalate. so showing concern in a paper statement, but at a doubtfully they're all working. the phone's all the, all the principals here trying to make sure that this does not escalate. because a big concern here is the cease fire in guys we believe the director bill burns,
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who has been the point person on all of these negotiations is in room meeting with his counterparts from color egypt. and israel. the by the ministration has been sending a very clear message over the last few days. they believed that they are closer than they've ever been before to a ceasefire. a temporary cease fire that could lead to a permanent ceasefire saying the framework's been agreed to there just some gaps that need to be filled in and usually means if bill burns is, is talking in, if he's there with his counterparts that they're close. so the concern washington is going to be, is this going to route whatever progress states that they believe that they've made so far? so up, so far as to paper statement from the national security council. and we were looking to see if there's any more reaction in coming hours, particularly al jazeera washington. a good on heights is a strategic apply to bordering lebanon, israel and jordan. it's internationally recognized as parts of syria, but 2 thirds of the air is occupied by israel off that was captured in 1967. that
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60, sorry, attempted to retake the air in 1973, but fail you and observe. the force has been supervising the cease fine line of a sense as well, has built thousands of illegal settlements in the occupied good in heights. and the 1981 declared it was unexplained. the territory around 20000 illegal is where the settlers now lift that alongside around 20000 syrian drew's roads. about is the middle east. physical i'm, let's see. says it's not yet clear who is behind the attack. it is difficult to know to what extent, well, you know, that will be able to tell what scales that it's always going to respond with. it's worth noting the fact that we actually still don't know who was ultimately responsible for this rocket attack, as well as denying it. we don't have all the facts, we would need an investigation to really know. but also worth noting is that this is almost certainly an accident,
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regardless of what's responsible for it. no party in the entire region has either a political interest or a military interest in targeting a kid's soccer game in a throughs, talent, and the occupied goal heights. and it's also rebuilding that there is a desire on both the product as well on israel to avoid a full scale war. and we have seen this different time between them going back and forth. however, this could very easily get out of hand, even though neither side was a full full scale escalation because you've got the, the situation is effectively right for a major escalation. given the fact that we are stuck in a dynamic, in which there doesn't seem to be any end in sight because of his boss perspective, these uh, back and forth attacks are not going to end until the ost locked and got the end. it was a gauze and now israel, a car without multiple strikes on 2 schools in the central gauze there on saturday, killing at least $36.00 palestinians, almost half of those with children. the schools were being used to shelters, housing, injured and displaced. people parked as
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a reports from the all the children used to study here. this exclusive goes in theory, each shift field hospital and the suits are due in the is very minute to be fit. quest foamed twice, clean. dozens of pieces. not released to destruction is every way be my fault on my daughter's outside for treatment, but we had just been right. yeah. in this room. oh my god. god bestowed. he's mostly on us. thank god my family is okay. others we know as look very beneficial. the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed with displace posting and she lives has took the wanted to the cities of august. the hospital israel says it's 10 to the 2 most command the control center.
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look to say you most of the victims. oh, so the effect that, in fact, most of the users are children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and children came with amputated levels, is valid. troops have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th, even to so used as filters by families is know what else to go. every one of the injures always isn't good for me. there's a very, please, sir, just as slight solution area is the most least. he said that i'm sort of like to be your military and things of direct about him. i was just 0 there is that i don't prefers sidwell or is that true? i'm a search and the from the us. he worked at the european hospital in on units in gauze
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every much. and i spoke interest about his experience that a guy that was unique compared to everything else i've seen. there were few reasons . one was the director of the tax on the health care system they're. they're completely devastated everything. it's impossible for the health care system to function in this environment. the with hospitals being destroyed, deprived of even view of the clean water at this point, is simply impossible to, to accomplish anything better with the situation. the 2nd thing must be a direct attack on health care workers themselves on the health care workers and goals are extremely dispirited. they know they're being targeted by these really is a lot of them express sentiments like we're just waiting to die. we're going to kill all of us. what's the point? it's, it's very, very it's so it's, it's a very, it's a very hard thing to see. your own colleagues and people who were site and the
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other the last time i guess that was well there's, there's a lot of things actually, but the sort of thing i would say was the, the way the violence was very clearly being directed as, uh, not only civilians but actually specifically a shorter and mark and i wrote about this we, we regularly saw and i buy regularly or you know, on a daily basis we saw the children shot in the head inches often more than one at the same time. and not only that, the morgan, i wrote a letter to the us and ministration recently that signed by $45.00 total authorizations and nurses where we wrote that everyone's all the same thing. it didn't matter when they weren't cause it didn't matter which hospital. ringback everybody saw children shot in the almost every single day and us, it's hard to believe that that's just a consequence of more is that to see that i can't imagine how that's not to us. and israel for test is on maintaining pressure on the nets and yahoo government to sign a deal with them as to free the is rarely captives health and guns at the sky.
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the sky grad school, relative sense of pages of the cap seems gathered in central tennessee, but for a weekly radi and comes off to a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was visit to the us this past week. you said it's round we'll send to negotiate, just wrote in the coming days to discuss a ceasefire and captive release agreement. this is a time for president biden to forcibly be as loud as possible to do the deal because we are and in vans. of the americans, there's no easy and there's no better way to say, but these vendors and dentist and, and united states and prison, but by then this is the time you need to take control of things. bush baby to the will and tell him that he was the reason for everything. all these happen because of him. and now he has. he's say he's proud to get those people back. it was like
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mad crazy phil. i couldn't believe i. i watch a real person, he's not a person, he's not a human being anymore. well, so it's a come on, i'll just say i why many radians think that new presidents has given them some for that economic future on the head of sunday's election in venezuela. we speak to votes is about the polio position. it's been 30 years specialist moved to an end, the japanese american veteran mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with a friend to rescue his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the price of products. you don't realize that until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice
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volunteer on out you 0 on counting the cost this week, buckle up for a wild ride. transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to? and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy capturing the cost on al jazeera. so they don't want to miss their dignity being displaced and makes shift comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the ministry of health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories. and india out to do is change across the world. when you close to the house with the story, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching out is here a reminder about top stores. now this is ro is carrying out strikes on several towns and something negative in the photos and a tax on that multi pod go down to light switch isabel has blamed on his belong. lebanese group has denied involvement in the attack on a rocket case of football pitch, and it's kind of much now strong. israel says at least 12 people from the choose, our community have the tools, including children. the latest is rarely a taxing gauze that has killed at least $36.00 palestinians. 2 schools instead of our target, make shift field costs on the grounds of one school. also dr. site, most of the day didn't injured
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a women and children around supreme. neither are the how many will endorse to my suit possession the ends that presidential decree had a sermon and later on sunday is the 1st step in the process for possess can and to be sworn in and denounce his government. but as i have some reports from taylor on, the new president's task isn't going to be easy. in the heat of the sun into one unified needs to says something. if she wants to buy food, she's a university graduate. what works as a street vendor. she's been doing this for years and is one of the 10s of thousands of on employed uranium is the economy hardships, many caused by sanctions have crushed, to have dreams. as montalvan. it's heidi, the peoples purchasing power has decreased. they only worry about the basics. they don't think about buying accessories or luxuries. it's completely removed from their lives,
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which is bad for business. but really 5 says she's not giving call and you president has given kind of some hope for the future president for this account is facing you. but as challenges on several levels isn't headed to a weak economy and it comes with what's shaking by nationwide process less than 2 years ago. there's also a disconnect between some sectors of the society and the state which was evident and to turn off of the next one and only says in your on politics comes before the economy makes the government should have known since creating an alternate mis feeder in society. and without that, basic trust can not be restored. first, you need to create a real window of hope among people, and it starts with politics. then gradually you can move toward solving economic problems. and one of the biggest challenges is to start realize the currency, because fluctuations in the dollars have been knock on effect on every aspect of
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people's lives. for small businesses and independent ones, i've called plus drunk, got more reliable internet services, with a few of restrictions mom focusing into sort of more just as we don't expect miracles. we're asking for the basics. if we have high speed internet, but the dollar rate changes every day, it doesn't work. so stability is more important for me. the businesses themselves can make progress. as this can spawn, with the name comes from the war position, which is version of position. if you think perhaps for the president of the country facing chronic challenges and in need of good to get out there should be how should measure 0? there is way that is all set to head to the pose in the coming. how's your position is hosting for an overwhelming victory which could force president nicholas my to a to negotiate a transition?
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it's the biggest challenge to his routing socialist regime in 25 years. i sondra around p a t reports. it could be the most consequential election in a generation ads calling for the re election of president because my do to empower since 2013 flood the streets of the capital cut i guess. but there's little doubt that years of economic collapse and political repression have war down. the socialist revolution started by late president to go, travis back in 1999. i gave it to the 1st time that i feel very excited to be exercising my brought to boys after so long. i hope for a truly positive change. for all venezuelans. the boat comes at the end of it to monitor his campaign and meet the claims of widespread. the rest meant in dozens of the rest of opposition. activist institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of venezuelans abroad to register to vote in barks. the opposition primary winner by the equity. and i'm
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a chatter from running the phones show that her replacement former diplomats it little gonzales has at least a 25 points advantage. gonzales told. i'll just see you to a, he believes my doodle will not relinquish power without a fight. but i know we're welding loss will force him to negotiate a peaceful hand over in next year. and then we have denounced for a long time. but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the boat we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. on friday, the government prevented a flight carrying a group of latin american former presidents from traveling to cut access to observe the elections. there was invited by the administration, visited some polling stations ahead of the boat. well, many fear my daughter will not recognize its eventually defeat. some political analysts say it might prove difficult for the government accuse of rigging
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elections in the past to snatch them away or something like that movie. and the last, what we've saying signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hit. gonzales is running as a transition candidate. he says he's open to amnesty for government officials being investigated for crimes. and he's hoping to bring back some of the almost 8000000 venezuelan swift slips in past years. but last week, a month with a warrant that if you were not re elected the country could face the blood bath. leaving venezuelans at home and abroad and age. i listened to the address either thousands of protests and produce a capital against the president of the nipple there ought to, and a government a government faces accusations of corruption on the weak economy and rising poverty already on
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a sanchez reports. not from the in the capital demanding the resignation of president, you know, would want that. and the thing was they are fed up with this many have come from places like i'm the why no, no i yeah, cool. so where most of the 49 people that were killed, that during the protest between 20222023, they have come all the way from the highlands to demand justice for the families of those who are gone down. i'm here to demand justice and to month a dana palo alto, he resigns my father was killed. they took away my life to have the parent. i am sad protesters say they want to go with the national strike. it's where to see so many people demonstrating because the streets have been quiet for many months. people say they're afraid of police repression. was that you said to announce
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a series of projects where millions of dollars will be spent in infrastructure, not the news or set them up. these people want them to leave now and they want to know japan and south korea have begun that 1st to buy the actual defense ministerial meeting in japan. and 15 years, the country's defense ministers have met the head of a tri natural conference with the united states secretary defense lloyd austin, comes i made escalating tensions in the south china sea. so dumb bray cut the rest of on russia has sent a deluge into a nearby village watching white buildings defenses in cause. both levels reached. one need to open items for the joy of acute in the center of the jelly. i'm in region,
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although casualties were reported to more than 160 people evacuated from sacraments in the area. heavy rains are being blamed for the breach us firefighters. a scrambling to contain an outbreak of wildfires on the west coast with oregon alone battling more than 30 large places across the states. and that's the month the oregon fires of torch to more than $400000.00 head says. thousands of buildings have been destroyed and thousands of local residents faced evacuation orders. strong winds, lightning strikes and drive the normal conditions of find the flames. launches have described because a catastrophic stock to the states, one 4th season and in california, john to spots on this, had been filled at the sides of the state's largest place. the pock 5 in chico in northern california is being blamed on austin. and i suppose the evaluation of more than 4000 people environmental activists on says,
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have relocated on endangered spaces of goods. those to disaster that may be an island for these young women because those on native to does it is of north africa . the new home is on file, i'm in the to museum. my. that'll be safe from animal hunters and predators, wildcats, and finest about how do i, how do you this campaign is the idea of all the young people in the town of the water. they organized themselves so a lot of the island is a big island. and now grandparents used to say that in the past with animals the but since the ice, he's until today, there are no more animals on the island. only birds are young people wanted to do something good for the island and for the people who come to visit tests to find gazelles. and that's a good thing for the island. it's on a surveillance camera and a pen. the reading facility in southwest china is captured plateful, moments between the females tend to unhook come. the mother appears to show off at cobb in front of the camera,
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while the baby seems more interested in playing with her or information on our website. i'll just say what the company's continues had of to accounting the cost. the, the, i had a lot of that, let's have a look at the weather across north america, west, something of a worry, some situation is intensifying across some parts of canada as well as the us and that's in the form of wild fi is one of those exploded in california, forcing evacuation of nights on friday. the hot and dry conditions continue here. but we will see some cool conditions at west the weather, walking into british columbia and all but of where the wild fires have been raging . so you can see the west of weather starting to creep into british columbia. some
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of that will eventually work its way into the pacific northwest, but it remains very dry for the likes of california. a few spits and spots of rain across the desert southwest. now we'd like you to see some thunder storms across the northern plains, but these are pretty dry and could cause some issues in terms of wild 5. the which is of the weather is further out east stretching from the midwest down to the southeastern states of the us, but not much rain to be found out east. it is a very hot and humid situation for new york and washington d. c. not temperature is all set to come down across the pacific northwest, but they'll be on the up in the very south. we'll see sunshine as well in dallas to choose day. the african stories from african perspective. i like convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary why african filmmakers from
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kenya and kansas. if it gets to a society then where i could meet with you pulled up on the test. so i'm on the left side. the bile bob wished for. and all was fine. i use the on, i'll just sierra, the the hello, i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on. i'll just see where you'll be to look at the world of business and economics. this week, i'll come up for a wild ride. taxis could take to the skies and self driving costs will become more


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