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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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this is on, i'll just sierra the colleges when the know i'm and there's a put on and distance and use our life from jo. how coming off in the next 60 minutes, the israel strikes deep inside 7 officer, a rocket attack that killed 12 people in the occupied golden heights. has been let denies responsibility. the u. one has closed for maximum restraint, prevent quote, catastrophe beyond police. evolved for have
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a new president that can muscle possess kim, left and economy fashioned by sanctions. we live in town and venezuela as most consequential election and modern history. presidents nicholas my doodle spaces, galvanized opposition. advertisement live in powers where refugees representing that communities competing as a team in the olympics is finding hold on or is it the israel has had towns and villages and 11 on a day off shore to choose has been lot of of rockets attack in the occupied of golden hives, the escalation has prompted calls from the un, from maximum restraint to prevent a catastrophe. oven items where the jets targeted areas and the towns of fire and bush al chamonix has bothers regional allied. yvonne has one kind of ease against
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what it called any new adventure 11 on. while the lebanese group has denied responsibility for the deadliest single attack across as well as the northern border. since the war and gaza began at least 12 people from the jews community were killed, the use foreign policy chief has called for an independent international investigation. let's bring in our correspondent, i live in on correspondence, dana father. she's joining us live from the capital beta zayna 1st. we've just how unusual is it? we've seen these tit for tat. the tax between has bala and 11 on for the past 9 and a half months since the one gaza began. but how unusual is it for has bullet to deny an attack? well, it is unusual, but has color categorically denying that it was responsible for this rocket's attack because claiming responsibility for an attack like this means such as well. 7 is changing the unreturned rules of engagement,
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which has really both sides have been largely confining their attacks to military targets. yes, civilians have been killed. over the past 10 months attends of civilians have been killed in 11 on civilians to have been killed on the other side of the border, but in one single strikes so many civilian casualties. this mass casualty event, that is where the army is saying that this, this is the worst incident since october the 7th. so this is has well as message when it denies responsibility, but as well is not convinced it is studying, it's a response and it is promising a what it calls a farce response. and that's not expected to come before the is ready. prime minister benjamin delta and yahoo arrives back in israel. he cut short his visit to the united states. he said that once he lands he will immediately head to the security cabin. if meeting was expected to take place of the 1300 hours gmc, before he left the united states, he said as well, will not remain silence and the,
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that it's going to not keep this on the agenda. so israel is promising a response. the biggest question is, what response will it be? will it change the unwritten rules of engagement, or will the response a mean that's hezbollah will have to retaliate further, escalating this conflict. so we are really as a tipping point and say that as you're speaking, we are looking at, i believe, the nation's pictures on the top right of the screen of the area in which that attack and the occupied golan heights to place a foot full field. 12 people killed. so and as you're saying, we will wait to see how as well decides to respond to what are, what are his comments calculations right now? well, unlimited retaliation is one of its options that will not trigger a husband a response. and that's the way it saves face and the conflict continues the way it
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has been continuing. the other has been over the past 10 months until the war on garza ends in some sort of a diplomatic supplement can be agreed or it can carry out the strikes that could trigger and expand this conflict. and this will definitely be a dangerous conflict. hezbollah and israel, both of them really have been trading carefully calibrating their, their attacks over the past 10 months. because 1st of all, hezbollah is a much more stronger for them from us. it has miss house and rockets that can reach every corner of his route, but as route to can her tests ballade can level as well as strong holds across the country of you know, bearing more pain on, on the people who support hezbollah. for example, even the lebanese government to, to, to issue a statement, deploying the killing of civilians quite shows you the seriousness of this crisis. because yes, even though the civilians are in occupied territories, they are calling the 11th grade. in many ways, this thing itself is the liberty states is not involved in the conflict which has the law that is at war with israel. so this is the lebanese government saying,
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you know, we, we want to distance ourselves and disassociate from what's going on. so it's a very serious situation, there is no doubt, but it will all depend on what kind of response is. well, we'll carry out what kind of a target it's we'll choose after that security cabinet meeting, we will no more saying that. thank you very much for that. that is a no for the with the nation's live and they lived while the white house has condemned the attack on the occupied golden heights saying us support for as well as security remains. i am clad patty calhane has moved from washington dc. this is going to be a huge concern for the biden ministration and had a gun briefing that continuously say how concerned they are that this could escalate to a war between 11 on and is really remember right. after october 7th, the us president sent navy assets into the region to send a message that they did not want to see this escalate. so showing concern in
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a paper statement, but at a doubtfully they're all working. the phone's all the, all the principals here trying to make sure that this does not escalate. because a big concern here is the cease fire in gaza. we believe the ca director bill burns, who has been the point person on all of these negotiations is in a row meeting with his counterparts from cutter, egypt, and israel. the by the ministration has been sending a very clear message over the last few days. they believed that they are closer than they've ever been before to a c, sorry, or temporary cease fire that could lead to a permanent ceasefire saying the framework's been agreed to there just some gaps that need to be filled in. just have them gone now with all the nicest ready strikes on. con eunice, have targeted the eastern and southern parts of a city that is very military order, palestinians, and con eunice to move to milwaukee on saturday. it was the 2nd evacuation order issued in a week as well. those attacks of the south came out as opposite as well and carried
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off multiple as drives on to schools and central gaza. at least 36 palestinians were killed. most of the children, the schools were being used to shelters and a field hospital for injured and displays. people thought a couple wasn't reports from the children used to study here. this exclusive gurus in gary, she's few hospital and the suits are due in the is very minute to fit quest foamed twice, clean. those if the not release to destruction is every way be my fault on my daughter's outside for treatment. but we had just been right, yeah, in this room. oh my god, god bestowed, he's mostly on us. thank god, my family is okay. how do we know as not very beneficial,
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the most densely populated areas in terms of, crammed with displace posting and she lives has took the wounded to the cities of ox, the hospital as well. so it's 10 to the 2 most command and control center to say, and most of the victims most of the effect. in fact, most of the injured children and women who are in very serious and critical condition. many of these injured women and the children came with unprotected limitless isabel eclipse, have destroyed more than $300.00 schools and universities since october. the 7th. even to is used as filters by families, as knew what else to go every one of the injures i received a good treatment of me. there's a very, please, sir, just as slight solutions. most lease. he said that i'm sort of like to be your
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military and things of direct about him. i was just the last that i kind of saw it as well. let's bring in another one of our correspondence honey, my move he's joining us live from outside unlocks the hospital with the injured would take it and honey, last time we were speaking, there was a very large said strikes on that school near you. what's being the optim off of the multiple strikes on that field hospital and school sheltering displays. people the yes, well, the people are still a sore being what happened? they are still living the aftermath, indeed catastrophic it. implications of this attack. they just didn't point out, this is a shoulder that house hundreds of displays. families in the box that between the 1st that talk the 1st to 3 bonds, the dropped in. the 2nd type. where is another, 3 bonds were dropped into school. the entire facility was completely destroyed.
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there is nothing licked up. the facility is just a pile of progress right now. and people were just rushing out of the of the schools, the yard of the school, the, the, the room that they were cnn, and the seeking protection. and she'll turn to this 3. it said the vicinity of very and leaving everything behind. this was another problem for the display families who lost all of their blues inside the school that when it was destroyed, everything is buried under the rubble, let alone the fact that many of the peoples where injured and the paramedics and the civil defense, the crew were trying so hard to remove them from under the rubble of the work ordered sharply by b is really military to leave the corner of the hospital. many of the bodies left, those would have been saved, were actually lived under the rebels were in the courtyard of the school and the were killed in the 2nd attack. 36 people so far, confirmed, killed in the attack and they, with the breakdown of the number, we have 15 children under the age of 15 were killed. we seem,
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the majority of them coming here straight to the more of the hospitals. there 8 women and the remaining number made of the man who with guilt inside the, the facility of a 120 people is critically injured because of the trap. those in the nails. these bonds are packed with these little pieces of metal the are when they're flying at the highest speed, the cut through the plastic parts the bleeding, severed leading on top of that, the severe burns that many of the cases that we're able to see in documents coming to that department, the emergency department of the hospital, the medical, the top, i have expressed their concern that many of these versions are severe and are the quite alien to them. they have no ability whatsoever. they have no pain medication, they have none of the necessary medical supplies to intervene it and save life. this is a charity, a facility and has been offering educational services,
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entertainment service before or offense since it was established the years ago. and for the past 9 months, it has turned into a back ocean center, a shoulder and then a hospital. a field hospital was set up inside the facility to work as a sub board system supporting facility for almost the hospital that has been overcrowded with many of the injuries that are literally on the floor of this facility behind me. and of course, of just the latest field hospital, the nature of school sheltering just plays people that has been attacked and gaza. and although there was a lot of focus on that attack because of how deadly it was yesterday that have been other attacks across because a continuing attacks over the past 24 hours had a what's happening in con eunice, after the evacuation orders that were issued for southern con units yesterday on saturday you were telling us that people couldnt flee safely yesterday because of the ongoing bombardment. are they able to do so today?
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of the well people are still pushed into further internal and force displacement as the the, what this really military described as evacuation orders do a transfer people into safety. but here's the thing. these evacuation orders are as or as these really military describe them. they have been very confusing, very misleading, and a contradictory. there is no safe place across the gulf is preventing fox. you can to create a safe zone in a war zone. it's a war. there's bombing everywhere. intense bonding campaign, heavy artillery the or is the this high product or the surveillance of drones beef taco runs are, are the kinds of the central air, the skies of time units are clouded. would be the decree of this very dens intimidating atmosphere for a really traumatized, displace population. it'd be the moment to step out of their house. they, there is a huge risk. they lose their life as deep as their veins. drones in a package room,
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the keep it chasing dense in all the streets and the, our ways and the core doors of the city of hon. you and is the attacks are concentrated nearly in eastern part of pine unit where these really military continues to. we are much of the other culture land, the residential buildings, the public facilities, as part of it is the top listing of buffer zone, but the southern part of the city where people were given as little as a few minutes to evacuate their neighborhoods and residential blocks under tv, artillery and, and the, the presence of, of the surveillance of drones and a talking drones that carried, coupled with the massive air strikes on the building. people are those who manage to leave these areas are concentrated the center part of the city of tanya and instead of the city of nasir hospital, that is a really struggling and suffering a from the lack of basic supplies. the entire area that is really meant military is formed, it, it has turn into in more of a waste land. it doesn't,
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we have any of the basic resources. so if we think that people are moving there to set up their tents and to hot seek evacuation since it's in quite impossible, right, right now, because they don't have any of the basic supplies that good support them a little leaving these difficult living condition. in addition, the more people are pushed into the western part of the city, causing this ranking of the humanitarian zone that hasn't really been repeatedly targeted by this really monetary all in all, we can describe perhaps accurately dial 6, gaza, particularly find units in defense on the area that are evolving into more of a killing box where there is no safe place for anyone. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honeywell mode with all the license lines for us live and data while out in central gaza. and as honey was saying, israel has flattened most of gaza, turned homes into ruins. but despite the destruction in bloodshed,
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palestinians of finding ways to make use of what's left. if the him of highly went to northern gauze of historic municipal pox and met palestinians trying to find some joy, i am here stand at the front door does. i'm going to get it to park. it has been a part of our community for almost 100 years, providing a place of peace and joy, or generations. it also has been a safe place for many families, a place where children play memories are made. but the day it's once by front as much fear, those a different story. the ongoing war has lift. it's marked here. as you can see, the parts of the bar have been damaged, partially by the occupation. yes, i'm, it is the destruction. life goes on. families does come here to blow off steam despite the ongoing war and god. for many, this part is more than just a re recreation of the area. it's
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a lifeline. a place where they can remember when 3 or get war at most via and the children experienced a bit of joy and freedom. hannah zane adam one says that and the fan that's we're here in the park for some relief. trying to forget what's happened to us, but it's in vain because we can't forget everything we've seen with auto noise, despite the pump being completely destroyed. and despite all the devastation in the siege, kind of forget that you put you on the, on the assets and then the chest. when i come here every day to escape the war, i come here for an hour or 2 to enjoy the views of the trees bracing maybe with showing the other pockets and refugees from our mountain l. sabra have arrived. we come here often to escape the shelling. we don't stay long because it's not safe. you know, and if not, if secondly, we have noticed children come to this car which is partially destroyed to escape the trauma of the war and its impact on they will be we have formed a team,
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gather the children, organize some games and dedicated this place to focusing on children's psychological needs. we concentrate on what they need and what makes them happy. what mean metal? it's a powerful system into the spiritual that people here continuing to live life and find joy, even in the hardest times on the municipal parks. sands is a symbol of these islands. this part may be partially destroyed by this period of the community, remains unbroken. the pen people ahead of the news allah, including the ethiopia and the morning as the death toll from land slides continues to mount. on wall fires, rage cost western parts of the west of actuation orders have been issued in oregon and california. the
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was persecution involving the approaching of record number of people from the hollins. the u. s. has more than a 120000000 people have displays. that's $1.69 people on the planet to and they, so it goes from last year every day, more and more people to being forced from their homes in gaza, ukraine, saddam and conflicts around the world. but despite the darkness, the displacement and hardship, so the 7 actually to the powers olympics are given a glimmer of hope for the resilience and college. the see of the refugee team is the largest since its inception at the real games in 2016. while among them, is mohammed a mean alex allow me he 53 f a germany a decade ago. and although he is happy to compete at the olympics, he wishes he could represent his home country. david stokes reports mohammed, i'm in of salami arrived in berlin in 2015. the promising young athlete at escape
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war in syria, across the mediterranean and a rubber boat. and then will the rest of the way to germany. one of his 1st goal is on arrival was to find a gym, so he could practice long jump again. my leaving of reasons why he is bought for me is really be my life, especially here in germany. i'm all alone. life in germany is not easy. it's really not easy, it's good when i'm in training, especially when i perform well, all this joy, it's such a great feeling. 29 year old out salami has been granted asylum in germany. and he's one of the $36.00 athletes. and the i've sees refugee team for power is 2024, benefiting from a scholarship program which helps fund that training. assisting steve out to miss special germany and the refugee team has given me a lots of support to get that. that's not an issue. when we say for which country or 50 miles compete. of course i would like to compete for syria stuff else allow
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me was 15 when he discovered long jump. when sylvia's national schools championships. it's been a grueling jenny since but last year in budapest he competed at the world athletics championships. this came from me because i've been fine to with myself really hard to improve my performance, to be a lympics and want to at least make it to the final to show that we have that because we are competitive athletes and not just refugees. where the syrian colors in paris by achieving his dream of competing it's in the lympics else allow me, will represent more than a 100000000 full should be displaced. people around the world. david stokes. don't you 0 that spring and i'll correspond it better smith, he's joining us from power as well. the un high commissioner for refugees, felipe o brandy and ben and sleeper gladly took part in the torch relay to represent the wolf system. the displaced the we did? yes. elizabeth, representing a 120000000 impulsively displaced people in the world at the moment. the jeep lodge
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lea, a lot of it due to conflicts and belief. grande's with me here empower is now a sleep of festival. 36 athletes and the i is the refugee team this year. why? why so many? in fact, 37 and i think there are 2 reasons. one is a positive, we have the, the international olympic committee that leads this project with the support you're going to try has expanded from the 10 that were present in the vision and, but also, you know, more summer way. this reflects the reality of the 120000000 display spend, right to reduce the largest cigarette. we've have seen sweets started seriously comforting these people, and the book calls for an olympic truce before the stuff of the games, but little heat was paid. so that was that, unfortunately, but i think it's important to see it's important to, you know, the symbols are important and in the world that is unable to make peace,
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to say that this should be a moment of peace is extremely important. or so far the refugees of sleep. why, why is it important to have a refugee team in neil and to show that to record geez, 1st of all, are people like others young people that want to compete to win medals to be in the larger sports community. but also because it shows that when they're given an opportunity at refugees give back contribute, they mean this case they've contributed beauty floating through athletic prowess. i mean, they also offered, as well as of the faceless refugees. because so many of them we have the $120000000.00 plus vis put spaces to refuge these names to rest. yes, these are the visible 37. that's to speak, run jump fights also on behalf of of the other 120000000, i have to ask you about the current conflicting jobs. because bodies in the news
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again this morning because we have another place where refugees are hiding out. a rest seeking refuge has been hit by is riley bob, bob and all you making any headway in getting improved access for your people even got you in a chart is not directly involved, but the united nations humanitarian agencies are it's very slow, very difficult and fast leaking sufficient for the needs of the population trapped in gaza in this insane conflict that must stop as soon as possible. and so down as well as in the law, just numbers of refugees from. so you down one of the challenges that for you is for gotten crises, almost 10000000 refugees and displaced to military forces that to do not listen to reason and keep fighting and no funds to support that you many that are and response the project to have refugees in the olympics funded by the i of see how important to them to have this representation. i think it's absolutely
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important. i've spent all these days the 1st few days of the olympic games with them in to see as the ad this friend, the energy that they can be is amazing. and i know that millions of refugees around the world, especially the young refugees, follow them. it's a sign of hope for a 1000000. do they really follow them as, as a refugee team? do they connect to them? those refugees that they're all. as we keep saying, a 120000000, you'd be surprised how much they follow up in some places, we have established facilities for them to form a big screens and connections. and especially the countries where they come from or the places where they have been refugees, they are know their community is very much followed. yes, within twos, yes. up front of you on the high commission of revenues. thank you very much for talking to all this morning. there are 3 refugees taking pots and events today and judo boxing and the arrival felipe, everybody's up to see the boxing this morning. good luck to all of the refugees
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taking pump um box mosquito into then, and thank you so much for that brother smith. joining us live from paris still ahead on knowledge, sierra thousands of leaving much to lima protesting against wise and poverty and government corruption. as for food, not more than 200 years of independence and the land slide from the remnants of a tie, food shows at least 11 people in the central china. the had a lot of a europe is a sweltering and that's a very summary whether this we can, we've got lots of high temperatures with sunshine and settled conditions apart from an area. 8 of low pressure, that's raining on some of this parade across more northern and central area. so isn't very heavy rain to come for poland. searching down into the check for public
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and austria. we have but from the still warnings out, some of those trickling into switzerland and move and it's me but the west of the rain you can see it pushing across the baltic states with the heavy rains a lot. feel this way. a stone. yeah. as well was to that moving across into belarus and western russia. that's one of what and when the weather could cause some problems that on monday. but behind that clear sky is lots of sunshine and settled whether to be found a few spits and spots of rain coming into portugal and spain. some rain as well. moving into northern parts of person and the island dividing. but lots of sunshine rushing across central air is the mediterranean as well, and into the southeast, with temperatures continuing to rise. now we might see 40 degrees in madrid and room on sunday. those temperatures coming down slightly through to monday, but the heat will be building across the north west will have sunshine in edinburgh to monday that you with the
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it, the victims themselves was when i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the japanese american veteran, mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with a friend to rescue his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the life of products. you don't realize that until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice
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volunteer on out you 0 the the watching. i'll just say out of me. elizabeth donovan don't have a mind to of on top stories. the salad. the latest is ready attacks of gods. i have killed at least $36.00 palestinians, 2 schools, and then on the bottom of a target to a make shift field hospice. one of the grounds of one of the schools was also head start to say, most of the dead in engines, a women and children. as one has carried out as strikes on several lebanese towns and villages, the u. n. is urging maximum restraint on the $1.00 to $11.00 is towns of fire ambrosia molly? are among the areas targeted?
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the stripes come off for a rock and hit a foot for found in the occupied golden heights, killing 12 people as well blamed the attack on his phone. but the liberties on foot denies involvement for the golan heights as a strategic plateau bordering 11 on israel. and jordan, it's internationally recognized as part of sylvia, but 2 thirds of the area is occupied by israel after it was captured in the 19676 day war. so we attempted to retake the area in 1973, but failed un observe. a force has been supervising the ceased fine line sense is around, has built dozens of the legal special events of the occupied golden heights. in 1981 israel declared it was a next and the territory around 20000 in league. and his very settlers now lived at alongside around 20000 sylvian. drew's arabs for jamal golson is a political commentator and riser, and he's joining us from the lebanese capital bay route. thank you very much for
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your time. has bala has denied responsibility for this attack, and hezbollah doesn't attack children's football games. so who could be behind it? or could it has been an accident? well, i mean the initial denial that the x would be targeted that there yet all of the other possibilities role is an error. the iron, the interceptor might have landed there or we cannot discount the possibility of intention and that can pause maximum damage and maximum killing all the pro young people playing football. but the goal some who would carry alton intentional attack on a football field with children? the plague, i mean volkswagen gratian so his existence as a pretext award. so we don't, i mean, we cannot see the discount that either. and if you're saying a full slab operation,
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then that would be the is riley's, or any of the proxies. i mean, we cannot speculate at this point, but yes, the is really the ones that we take full advantage of that and we have seen from their farming, terry, especially from the top of the grass. and then all of this is that they are really and the west to paul or an immediate escalation, which you would notice and the aftermath of been a strong in order for tv, the they using the events, whether they thought or they're using the events to call horde a solution or i guess the yeah, the language has been escalade tree but does have all of denial. open the door for the escalation, at least related to this incident. or do you think that as well as, are you saying it could be looking for a pre text to escalate that? we, we,
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it's the last almost. we've been hearing the calls problem. is there any side to escalate that open the why the more i guess, let me know that has not changed. the voices that i've been calling for that have used this event to actually raise the directory. and this is internal politics in the israel as though we see some of the photos in terms of the photo. nothing. uh, like uh, just as much space and then the a beer. uh, tubing falling uh, basically saying that he has a week back bone and cannot handle the situation in israel. uh, the others. uh, always been, uh, more movers. so this is uh, the issue has not really changed. the phone calls on the event has called them to come out, hold on one as the immediate solution. that's the new, the big and i was and why would those and this is where any government and
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certainly we hear officials often speak of what has been that as though it's inevitable. but why would they want something with the result of that war such as large unknown? sure. well there are 2 factors here. there's eric, this is very, there's a whole in all isn't amicable word base page that they can overpower. i mean, the military is that the space and other factor is frustration from the lack of military achievement or accomplishment it's been together since all of them is that basically committed genocide that goes to billions and struggle through the city and pump it across structure and have not really criminal, no resistance speak ability come up. so this will be the thing that they can redeem themselves by a true. yeah. for. and they didn't,
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i guess the bigger resistance in the region, which is the easiest as test. uh, it may be helpful and they think that will be leaving them for their family is that's the that's the only way i can see how they see it. right. a semester. that's tomorrow that goes and joining us live from a room. thank you for your analysis. a thank you to iran, now it president, to let my food possess gun is about to begin his 10 year supreme leda, i it went on a how many has handled him a degree. and as addressing officials as the ceremony possessed, can move a swan. and before parliament on choose to want the smallest presidential run off on a promise to revive negotiations with the west. but that spring, and i call us fondant ali hi sham. he's joining us live from fed on ali. we've heard from we've seen eyes where the ali, how many he's been speaking once they've been saying like the last minute i just thought that speaking few minutes ago off the funding
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president. my so this is john, that degree residential degree becoming a president. now he's the us for once i read the moment because you don't that what he said is not the president to seize off what unity and build on the iranian people is potentials to progress because we have to develop the country. also, president position spoke prior to i the last time in a speech and i've suckled several issues with respect to the internal situation in the country to fulfilling the from it says also on a solid, the fight and developing yvonne's presence in the region and the world he spoke about also dev, it'll think it runs a defensive job abilities. so there are several issues that the president of taco today and his speech also for it's a lot coming to a who's already speaking right now,
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probably would be giving more advices to this government because this government, after president position would be sworn in. and in default, limits on tuesday should be formed and then it will it start uh its business in the country and there are several challenges that's going to be facing whether internally on the flooding level. yeah, absolutely. and there was so much made all possess can being, you know, the soul of a former candidate who was allowed to run and the election. what do we know about him? the presence, the so this is john is a well known politician in the country. however, he wasn't among the top to uh uh for the fissions. uh, maybe if we ask him if i was position 6 months ago with that he'd be a president, i'm sure they would have a positive answer. now that he became a presence, he can go back to his history. it was a have minutes that you didn't get president for how much shot them is 10 years uh,
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between 199792005. also he had a role to play. do it and got the revolution in the wrong before the ocean in 1979 . and after that, evolution is among the reformist politicians. as i said, he wasn't going to stop the boss. he's among the audi pharmacy. jobs on his election as the president is a turning point, at least a given the fact the, the circumstance stances of surrounding this election just a few months ago. the, uh, the 1st step of this as well and, and fall. and now we are seeing that a form is they fall and it was really surprising for, for many people. but this also maybe give an indication that does it change in the approach? yeah. and they are on especially given the fact that the country came out of, uh, uh, several months of a process into 2022. it's going through some serious economic hardships and on the
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international i'm foreign level, the a lot of the challenges already at the war going on in the middle east. yvonne has its involvement in the, in this, in a way or not that we saw on the 14th of april. there was an indian attack on his right and retaliation to another is ready to act on you on. so there are many does a fireball and right now in the hands of must always be official positions. yeah. i didn't have to deal with ali. thank you for that. that's my correspondent, audi hasha. joining us live from pet on and as ali mentioned, president possessed can takes charge with big challenges ahead. sanctions against around the nuclear program have, has it's oil dependent economy. one of possess cans, key election promises less to revive the 2015 nuclear agreement to help lift sanctions. but that will depend on supreme leader i of the already how many stones he maintains control of a major foreign policy decisions. so his f as a,
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as an assistant professor at the university of fed on and he's joining us from the thank you as always for your time is to allow the so the use foreign policy chief joseph bought a, sending his deputy to attend, possess cans and over ration does possess, can selection provide an opportunity for pet on its neighbors, the west, to turn a new page and diplomatic efforts a while that's or so the matter is that this girl came to the office was this idea of changing the trajectory of uranium foreign policy ad listed in terms of following in order to open up new opportunities to batch or negotiations with the west and the united, not the united states, but the west. but oh no, i think critically. the bolt is going to be in the course of the united states and is best and the lives easier to see this great opportunity to deal with the arrived
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to open up this new bronze. and it does enjoy this chest or further improvement of the ties or not. but at the time being, being able that doctor to this young has successfully gain the trust of a significant portion of the radio society his upcoming garden. and certainly both face numerous challenges. but 1st and foremost, the ringing and economy has been severely affected by us, the sanctions resolved and get an installation on employment and decline and leaving the standard. this is the top challenge for the next president to deal with . that is what it's about. and we heard him speak so much about it on the campaign trail, as you say, the boy very much in the west coast. and that's why we'll be watching what happens in the us selection so closely in november. because whether it's the democrats or republicans that elected that will make a big difference on whether the u. s. gets on board with any future nuclear dealing with yvonne again possess,
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key on wants that he's being advised. interestingly interesting me by the name of foreign minister mohammed jobs that a few broken the 25th day. and you can do with the west and palace is the supreme leader open to such a deal. those that we have to take a look at the context to answer those questions. there is certainly a clear air of mistrust among uranium ellis, including a supreme these are including the president elect down, including the previous government. one, the fact that i've, you mentioned the nuclear deal was signed and sealed back in 2016 and you're wrong . the started to pull all its commitments based upon that beautiful bridge by the doctor the us because of the resolution. but in return, and regardless of all these attempts by raining side to the wrong received nothing tangible in return particular he might have cost of its economy. and therefore, as i told you, there is the scanner mistrust. so the 1st, the either bits,
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cuz this the, all that the office for any other person, even they call it service. and once we have to follow off this developments in the united states. and again, there is bond for shoes. and that is the gravest strategies of the united states in vain stairs. this whole style approach pertaining to ron, regardless of the democratic or republican president, come into the office. this is for a, for more than 4 decades that they are following the following. the same to reject your hospital in such a name runs especially more hostile when the republicans are in power. mister, i saw the i'm afraid we'll run out of time, but thank you for your analysis. we appreciate it. i so the, well, let's go to the united states now and republican presidential nominate donald trump has blamed the biden administration for the attack in the occupied golden heights
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as an election valley with his running mates. j events trumps. as a lack of washington leadership contributed to the incident, which he says was carried out by the lebanese who has bola, he says, functioning in the middle east will get worse on this. the democrats have voted out in november. amy called because of republican political strategist. she says, trump would have preferred to face job, i didn't see an action rather than coming to harris. if it's interesting because minnesota we just recently have to pulls out since the couple of harris announced and kind of was leading in both which joe biden was also leading. but minnesota has been an unusual state where uh, president trump, uh, came with at one point in 2016 and it's always been kind of his weight. well, he believes that if you had spent more time here, what if one is 16 you what out? and now he continues to come here despite sort of not being one of the traditional states swing states that are needed for him to win the electoral college. last week
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i would have told you a bite and trump matchup that the president trump was going to in minnesota. it's just been at least you the results with vice president harris getting into the race . now i think it's very much up in the air or, but i'll tell you what. the president drum uh president trump had over a mile long wait for his riley today in minnesota. it's in a very small town st. cloud. i think that republicans really would have preferred to run against joe, but i think that it would have been all but um, kind of written and this that the, the, the harris jump in and present biting, stepping back, has absolutely shifted this campaign at it's one thing i say the seems to be the most inevitable race and yet, like anything could happen as that is weight ends with the head to the poles. and the coming out as the opposition is hoping for an overwhelming victory which could force president nicholas mother to negotiate
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a transition of paula. it is the biggest challenge to the, to the socialist regime, which has been impala for 25 years on the sands, around via 2 reports. it could be the most consequential election in a generation. ads calling for the re election of president nicholas my do to empower since 2013 flood the streets of the capital cut, i guess. but there's little doubt that years of the economy collapse and political repression have war down the socialist revolution started by late president to go chavis back in 1999. it's the 1st time that i feel very excited to be exercising my brought to voters after so long, i hope for a truly positive change. for all venezuelans. the boat comes at the end of a to monitors campaign and meet the claims of widespread. the ras meant in dozens of the rest of opposition activist institutions loyal to the president have not
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allowed millions of venezuelans abroad to register to vote and bar to the opposition primary winner by the equity. and i'm a chatter from running the phones show that her replacement, former diplomats, it moved to gonzales has at least $25.00 points. advantage. gonzales told i'll just eat. he believes my daughter will not relinquish power without a fight. but an over whelming loss will force him to negotiate a peaceful hand over in next year. and we have denounced for a long time. but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive. but we also believe that the boat we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people on friday, the government prevented a flight carrying a group of latin american former presidents from traveling to cut access to observe the elections. there was invited by the administration, visited some polling stations ahead of the boat. well, many fear my daughter will not recognize its eventually defeat. some political
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analysts say it might prove difficult for the government accuse of rigging elections in the past state to snatch them away. that's all right, that movie and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear gonzalez's running as a transition candidate. he says he's open to amnesty for government officials being investigated for crimes. and he's hoping to bring back some of the almost 8000000 venezuelan swift slips in past years. but last week, my do to warrant that if you were not re elected the country could face the blood bath, leaving venezuelans at home and abroad, and age allison that a be a, just either a thousands of people have taken to the streets and that the roost capital protesting against president data, but a lot of the,
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the demonstrations are taking place during peruse. $200.00 and foot independence anniversary or the last day of government is dealing with a weak economy. rise in poverty and accusations of corruption. money on the sanchez reports from lima, the in the capital demanding the resignation of president. and the thing was they are fed up with this many have come from places like i'm the why not? you know on the occlusal, where most of the 49 people that were killed during the protest between 20222023. they have come all the way from the highlands to demand justice for the families of those who are gone down. i'm here to demand justice and to month a dana palo alto, he resigns. my father was killed. they took away my rights. i have a parent, i am sad protesters say they want to go with
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a national strike. it's rare to see so many people demonstrating because the streets have been quiet for many months. people say they're afraid of police repression. want that you said to announce a serious of projects where millions of dollars will be spent in infrastructure. not the needs of these people. one of them now and they want to know still a head on al, jazeera of russian mercenaries under attack. and molly slide rebels. the bear involved the 150 years of a gyptian history scene through an extraordinary photographic archive. step into
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the opulent 12 of egypt, the real sign, the lease, with photographs recruit every moment as king photo slavish quenching in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse, proper, etc. also attempted moments. the trip egypt, scroll poets, egypt through the lens, all marriages on, on to 0. they don't want to miss their dignity being displays and make gift cards and not being able to get access to food, asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a fine reporting from the action and what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best or from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world when you closer to the house of the story. the
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molly's northern twine rebels. so they've killed an engine, dozens of government soldiers and russian most and res. fighting has believed to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tens of watson that's near molly's border with algeria. a video from the aftermath of the 2 day bash shows dozens of bodies lying next to boon. top back who was many of the dead, appeared to be white buttons upholstered, to be polished with the russian. walk the most and meet with the army claims its troops killed at least 20 twice slices and destroyed several vehicles. its hard on ethnic groups has been fighting for independence in 2012 optimally expelled french
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forces in 2022, the country's military home to attend to russia's mess and were units for security assistance to ethiopia. now was search teams in the south of the country is still digging for bodies at the size of 2 lamps lives that killed at least 262 people. the unstable ground to see a spot fee is a further lance live of actuation orders for all the villages and the go for region have been issued. bahama vall reports from the village of denay. it's a week often on slices slipped through the city most the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief. that way i can with barely any tools, most are using them about hands, but they are getting results. minutes after that 1st body was pulled from the mud. the saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral
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assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared as more people lead to this fresh and stories of last image. the still blue family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing . the suspects is that what can't find public, they keep coming back here hoping for information. but mostly, if somebody didn't, and it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and close to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd last, i buried in the mud. i took her life away. this man says he lost 21 time since we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing. prime minister of the estimate arrived by helicopter to effect his condolences and pledge support
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there was no hope anymore of finding somebody because hundreds of bodies ability. but dozens of people us to missing feeling, says alon slides. the government says nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you hope you have enough experience and then slide on this k of with this, so many people to come to a small community in the most south of the con, say it's a catastrophe. a fun told precautions how much fun of disease delay southern if you'll give us firefighters a scrambling to contain wall 5 on the west coast with oregon alone battling molden says heat launch. places across the state. dozens of buildings are being destroyed in thousands of residents face evacuation, which is strong. when's lightning strives and driving normal conditions have found the flames in california. john firestone. so saying that the size of the state's
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largest wal far delays in the northern city of chico is believed. having stalsen deliberately full evacuation, if more than 4000 people are reco with breaking huge waves and evolves capital has full so shut down of oil, public and commercial institutions. schools, banks, and most of the government offices are closed, the temperature and paid on, sold one above 40 degrees. more than 200 people have been admitted to hospital due to the extreme hate since friday. now finding this bulletin, environmental activists and volunteers have relocated and endangered species of gazelle to a deserted libyan island beyond the run. because that was a native, 2 dozen areas of north africa. the new home is on 5 long island where they will be safe from animal hunters and predators like wild cat and high in a. so and that set something elizabeth put on him for this news out of do stay with
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us on algae or we are back in just a few minutes with all the latest developments on the stories. because the, the latest news, as it breaks, as you read the minute 3, is up skating a minute to strikes a horse, the entire trip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage, the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as really occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation from the house of the story . water station are switch up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the a missionary selves to the leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war. and which on to become suzanne's 1st vice president in news. so good news, global knowledge to which we or i can define what happens next is still
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a mystery. which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after israel's war on gaza? the quizzical look at us politics the bottom line, the same as i say, the thought here. which is a shame in barstow. go activity the users progress. say that the
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choice of this much to push the start of the nice are so the so you all are the is really full. so strike and deep inside leaven all to excusing has a lot of kidding 12 people and then block is attack. but hezbollah denies responsibility that you, when calls for maximum, was trying to prevent what caused a catastrophe. beyond that, the, the challenges you in life from don't ha, also coming up. yvonne has a new president that can mostly possess young invest in economy,
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batch and buy sanctions. we alive and paid on venezuela's most consequential election in one.


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