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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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cameron, boston's though i see the users progress, say that the toilet of this went to push the start of the nice are so the so you all are the is very full. so strike and deep inside leaven all to excusing. has a lot of kidding 12 people and then block is attack. but hezbollah denies responsibility. did you, when kohls, from maximum, was trying to prevent what caused a catastrophe beyond the lease? the
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challenges you in life from don't ha, also coming up, yvonne has a new president that can, must we possess young left and economy batch and by sanctions we alive and paid on venezuela's most consequential election in modern history. presidents and the cost mother to face with a galvanized opposition and refugees are inspiring host and resilience at the olympics as they represent the communities as the we begin in southern lebanon, where as well has carried out a series of strikes on several towns and villages. the strikes come off to a rocket, hit a foot full ground to be occupied golden heights. kidding. 12 people is, will blame the bloss on his bola, the lebanese group has denied involvement data for the reports from, they were of those 7
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years simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern lebanon. isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure understood the message, but not the response promised by as well for the rocket. the attack that killed civilians in the is really controlled syrian occupied golden heights late on saturday. i know that's a terrible tragedy in this, in boys and girls. it breaks your heart and i tell you because boys responsible for this and they will pay the price. ballade denied, carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event since october 7. the response is not expected to happen before as well as prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who returns home after cutting short his visit to the united states as country bus and since i was informed of the disaster, i have been holding continues secuity consultations. and i have decided to bring
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forward with will return to israel. i will immediately enter the security cabinet upon my arrival, i can say that the state of israel will not get over this in silence is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why its air defense failed to intercept the rocket, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the ivr. and on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game as well and as well, have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine . the trajectory of this conflict will it stick to the unwritten rules of engage judgments and focus on military targets?
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will hezbollah be able to absorb the strikes without the need to retaliate? further escalating? the war of attrition? senior is ready. the officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point, a dangerous one, then who their l. shaquita beta. this is, anna is joining us live from they root canals. i know we seem to be in some want on child to tout tree in the conflict over the past 9 months. because while we've seen tit for tat to tax and that time, this is the 1st time that hezbollah is denying any involvement responsibility for the specific attack. denying that they were claiming responsibility for such an attack means that it would be changing the unwritten rules of engagement and deliberately targeting civilians. both sides have tried to avoid this,
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but that goes without saying that civilians have been killed since the conflict began 10 months ago. so yes, there is concern, but testable officials have been saying time and time again, but they believe as well is unable to open a 2nd front, a full on or one. it is false down in god, in the war on gaza and that it's among tesla sufficient. but at the same time as well as the able to level and destroy areas where hezbollah hold sway has been left to can the fire miss house and rockets on every every corner of israel. so this, it's not an easy decision for either one of the worrying sides to make. we heard a short while ago from these really foreign ministry, what they are saying down to the way to end this conflict is for hezbollah to implement 2 and resolution, 1701, which calls on the arms group to pull back from the border. and that's the whole border region will be free of arms and fighters outside the states control. and the
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foreign ministry statement saying that this will be the last chance. now the implementation of $170.00. 1 is a proposal that has been put on the table by western nations to end this conflict, but it cannot end as long as the war on garza continues, as well as says it will not stop firing or discuss any new arrangements until the aggression con garza and so as long as this conflict continues, this fit for test exchange of fire continues the possibility of this conflict, which is largely contained along the border area. expanding is real soon. and thank you very much for that. that is dana folder with the latest live in bay, wrote to southern garza, now we overnight is where the air strikes on. con units have targeted the eastern and southern parts of a city that has really been ordered palestinians in congress to move to on the wasi on saturday. that evacuation order is the 2nd to be issued in a week. that's part of my correspondence hunting muscle and he's joining us live from unlocks the hospital with an injured from
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a very large attack not far from where you are to place multiple attacks honey on a field hospital and 2 schools that with sheltering injured and displaced people we saw so much action behind you day yesterday, so many ambulance was coming in for hours. tell us about the what when learning, you know, need be 24 hours off of those attacks. what's being the, the, the full scale of the devastation cost and those attacks as well the, the extensive israel, the talk then it to protect the keeps on folding here in the hospital. the we just, within the past 30 minutes, we really talked to doctors inside the hospital just just sort of a conversation on what's going on here. and the field right now was not in the inside the hospitals, not only that is not able to accommodate this large number of injuries inside,
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but the fact that some of them, some of the vendors are treatable as one doctors described to us. but because of the lack of medicine and pain medication, they're watching those when did at the, on the floor of the hospital, the emergency department, a guy and because they don't have the capacity, what is right to intervene and to save their lives. a 120 critically injured the right to the hospital. again, some of these injuries are quite possible degrees, but the lack of minutes and just making it very, very difficult. those are the, the result of the attacks on the school in what's going to be work a facility that educational facilities that start the organization that has been offering services to orphans for the past. years turned into a shelter. a field hospital was set up inside and for the nation with the i c r c and it started just transferred patients and injuries it from my locks. the hospital they worked as the supporting facility here just to reduce the pressure on
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the hospital. i was under attack as well, 36 people pronounced did right away at this number. the confirmed by the health ministry and the management of the hospital here looking at least 15 children among those where it goes arrive to the hospital. here we see them at low in here and through the more of the hospital, some arriving, he's is arriving to possibly bed this reading because of the intensity of the bombs and the strap. those that are floating very high speed through their flesh. absolutely have are succeeding yesterday and i imagine today as well behind you there, honey. meanwhile, what's happening in con units with so many people in last week of the east of now in the south of being told to evacuate. but from what we're hearing, they haven't been able to do so safely, assessing the they couldn't yesterday, has that changed through of the well, it is hard to find a safe place here. it is also quite meaningless to describe areas in,
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in gauze as safe zones because you can simply create a safe zone and awards on it. the word has been raising for the past 9 months, has been dominated by the presence of this read in military by air land and see the, the intensity of the bombing campaign and making it very difficult for people to move from one place to place to another is almost right now, moving any leaving your neighborhood zone residential building is a quiet so excited because the moment you step outside of your house or your residential area, you'll be in a chase by the describe product or the surveillance drones the attack during the dark cheese and people and shots to the more of these evacuation orders are perceived by the population in find you and is whether in the east or the southern part of the city as, as a push for it further internal and force displacement that people have no place to go and of course the creating all the, uh, the tragedies that the, the bad implications of moving it from one place to another. constant displacement
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is causing much of trauma on, on people to really displace and traumatized by the bombing campaign. honey, thank you very much for that honey muscle relations live in data by law in central garza. what is one have flattened most of gauze and town homes and 2 villains. but despite the destruction and bloodshed, palestinians of finding ways to make use of what is left it with another lady wanting to know them, goss historic, municipal punk, and met palestinians trying to find some joy. i am here, stand at the front door. does. i'm going to submit it to park. it has been a part of our community for almost 100 years, providing a place of peace and joy, or generations. it also has been a safe place for many families, a place where children play memories are made. but to day it's once by brands most viewed, those a different story. the ongoing war has lift. it's marked here. as you can see,
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parts of the bar have been damaged, partially by the occupation yet i'm, it is the destruction. life goes on. families does come here to blow off steam despite the ongoing war and god. for many, this part is more than just a re recreation of the area. it's a lifeline. a place where they can remember when 3 or get war at most, via and the children experienced a bit of joy and freedom. and i have a zain out of one says that and the fan that's, we're here in the park for some relief. trying to forget what's happened so, but it's in vain because we can't forget everything we've seen with auto noise, despite the pump being completely destroyed. and despite all the devastation in the siege, kind of forget magic with you on the, on the assets and then the just when i come here every day to escape the war, i come here for an hour or 2 to enjoy the views of the trees bracing maybe with
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shelly near the pockets and refugees from our mountain l software i have arrived. we come here often to escape the shelling. we don't stay long because it's not safe . you know, and if not, if checking the we have noticed children come to this car which is partially destroyed, to escape the trauma of the war and its impact on they will be we have formed a team, gather the children, organize some games and dedicated this place to focusing on children's psychological needs, we concentrate on what they need and what makes them happy. let me know. it's a powerful system into the spiritual was that people here continuing to live life and find joy, even in the hardest times or the municipal parks. sands is a symbol of these islands. this part may be partially destroyed by this periods of the community remains on a broken muscle. it possessed count is about to begin. his tenure as around new president supreme leda, ayatollah ali jimenez. addressing officials of the ceremony possess can least one
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into full parliament on tuesday, one this month's presidential bon off on a promise to revive negotiations with the west and on the phone to paul, your middle of time is here to serve the honorable and great nation of iran that consciously came to use a vote for change to those who voted for me, and those who voted for the other candidates and to those who out of complained to protest, did not take part in the elections and put the responsibility of change on the system at the time for me and the upcoming government to respond stotts today in as bringing our correspondence, heidi hush him, he's joining us live from the iranian capital. then ali, tell us about the significance of today's ceremony, and what comes next. well today the supreme lead, a 100 president position john the degree that makes him a president. now, given the fact that the head of spacing it on
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a is the supreme leader, this drunk the new president. the offer shows blessings during this says ceremonies of ones offended by you of several senior at all for shows the flooding. diplomats minifee commanders at the president, also showcase default office agenda for the coming 4 years. and the supreme leader seems as though fortunate to give some public advice, is our instructions to the new the elected president. so this a ceremony today is mainly the establishment endorsement of the election of the president with us from now on just be away one day away from going through the problem and sweating in and then becoming officially the president of the republic on this, on the public appeal and ali, no shortage of domestic international problems. challenges facing the new president?
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we heard a lot about these challenges during the election campaign. what was his priorities be of the why, in fact, the multi layered situation with several issues on challenges on different stages. whether it's on the intent, no stage, even within the dental stage, that also several uh, phases. yeah. the uh, the uh, economy, the social, the policy goes up now and on the following stage. that also the, the regional sand off right now, especially with the latest escalation as far priorities. i said, the president said deprived this would be getting the uranium is a better life. and he's the life also trying to really enhance the negotiations with the rest with respect to the and you clear the this with have its own impact if that is a view on the economy with respect to the social issues. it's also a priority,
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as he is been saying on the bridge, the gap between some sectors of the public and the establishment to hear any wrong . on the following stage, the president said that his priority would be to solve the fight runs position on to enhance and devil off. it's a defensive drop opportunity is while a reaching to a regional and also international players and the other countries in order to create a better situation. is that the relation with these countries on actually this is also what the supreme leader of our attempt to do to go for better relations with the neighboring countries. and also to try to expand the ones that are relations to us after we got all the bases on the thank you very much for that. on a hush and with the latest live in pet on still a head on al jazeera, thousands of people march through lima protesting against wise and poverty,
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and government corruption as provoke, mocks. more than 200 years of independence. the head of the southern parts of europe have been sweltering and a heat wave conditions, lots of hot and dry weather to be found across much of the mediterranean. and now those conditions have given rise to beautiful sunsets in places like send to reni greece. it's not as pleasant, however, in the south west for the i barian financial, a further inland temperatures in places like mer, madrid, heating, it's 39 degrees celsius. now the good news is, temperatures will be coming down across a much of the mediterranean am eastern areas of europe. but that will be on the rise from the west in areas and across the north. thanks to high pressure and
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that's building out west. but of course, east, the picnic area of low pressure, it's going to bring some very nasty weather across the baltic states moving on from poland. and we could see some flooding from that heavy rain in places like lot fear . that's where we put warnings out for the rain when one is having issues for is stony as we go into monday, you can see that wet and windy weather, pushing across into belarus and into western parts of russia behind that lovely calm, quiet weather it to be found particularly across fronds, we're going to see very nice conditions on monday in paris for the lympics as the was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative. a separation of what we can choose when to reach the well,
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to similes and exclude. does the redesigns luxury living crafting a future today? we create the i'm watching algebra with me, elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. a reminder about top stories. the sound is run, has carried out a strikes on several towns and villages and southern devon on the you. one is urging maximum restraint on the water. the strikes come off for a rocket, had a foot full brown in the occupied golden heights, killing 12 people as well. and his claim has been most of the attacks,
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but the lebanese group denies involvement as well as latest attacks and also have killed at least 36 hours to the ends to schools. and then on the bottom of a strong, along with a make shift field hospice in the grounds of one of the schools. doctor said most of the dead and injured of women and children's as was persecution. and volumes have full of record number of people around the world to leave their homes. that's according to the un that says more than a 120000000 people were forced to be displaced in may. since then, more people have been forced to flee every day by conflict such as those in garza, you claim to don the 37 at least of the past and then picks. i've given a glimmer of hope shows of resilience and coverage. the seat of the refugee team is the largest since its inception of the video games in 2016. that's bringing that
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correspondence. then as matthews, joining us live from paris, the refugee team occupies an unusual position at the games. bennett, i guess it does. what is? yes, because if they represent not a country, but individuals, individuals who for various reasons be conflict the will be environmental destruction. batteries, other reasons i out prevented from representing that countries are in fact 11 individuals from 11 different countries making up those to, to 7 refugees taking part in this year's olympics. first time they had refugee teams was in the rio games. and this is, this is the 3rd time they've been here, i believe program. the video and high commissioner for refugees has been here in policy, was one of the torch batteries of the opening ceremony representing refugees and explains it been very important for them for refugees to be representative instead
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. and we have the international olympic committee that leads these project with the support they're going to try. it has expanded it from the 10 that were present even think of there's an error, but also, you know, more somber way. this reflects the reality of the 120000000 displace. then right to reduce the largest figure. we've had seen sweets started seriously comforting these being the walls calls for an olympic truce ahead of these games but complex to stop around the world. it wasn't seated anyway. i most of the frustration not just of the un, but other humanitarian relief organizations and that all 3 refugees taking part in events. i'd be able to fix today in judo boxing at a rifle. they'll be taking to the bills of at the cost of that competitions. uh like the guy on something then and thank you very much for that. the smith's joining us live from paris to ethiopia. now we're search teams and the south of the
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country is still desperately digging for bodies at the sight of to lance lines that code at least 262 people. the unstable ground has spot fee is a foot allowance, live of actuation orders for all the villages. the gulf of region have been issued . well, home involved reports on the village of denay as a week often on slides slipped through the city. most the region of southern ethiopia rescue workers and family members are still thinking of bodies and then taking another out the best of grief. they're working with barely any tools most are using them about hands, but they are getting results. minutes after the 1st body was pulled from the mud, they saw signs of another one. the bodies are taken up to him to funeral assistance, which are packed with mona's from nearby villages. a special burial ground has been prepared. as more people lead to the fresh and stories of last met,
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the simpler family is devastated. the only door to 22 year old on us is missing. the suspect she's dead, but can't find out, but they keep coming back here hoping for information. but mostly, if somebody didn't, and it was early morning during the rain when we heard a loud sound and close to help my daughter rushed to the scene to help with the rescue. but she did not return. the 2nd last, i buried in the mud. i took her life away. this man says he almost 2126. the we found the bodies in the mud except for one who still missing. prime minister arrived by helicopter to effect his condolences and let slip it there's no hope any more of finding somebody has hundreds of bodies possibilities, but dozens of people us to missing feeling further on slides. the government says
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nearby villages need to be evacuated. agencies are bringing food and also supplies to those off last everything. if you hope you have enough experience and then slide on this k of with this so many people to come to a small community in the most south of the con, think it's a catastrophe of unfold proportions. how much fun of disease delay, southern ethiopia. molly's northern tronic rebels, so they've killed and injured thousands of governments, soldiers, and russian most and res. fighting has been able to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tens, a watson that's near molly's border with algeria. video from the aftermath of the to day bass. what shows dozens of bodies lying next to ben top back, who's many of the dead appear to be watch. men reported to be part of the russian walk the most in the week was the army claims of the troops killed at least 20 to our exercises and destroyed several vehicles. atara go an estimate booth has been
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fighting for independence and it's 20. 12 off the molly expound french forces in 2022, the country's military home to attend to russia's less than a unit for security assistance. then as waiters will head to the polls and the coming out as the opposition is hoping for an over whelming victory that could force precedents in the class. my daughter to negotiate a transition of power. it is the biggest challenge to the ruling socialist regime. in 25 years. alejandro on p a. t reports. it could be the most consequential election in a generation. ads calling for the re election of president nicholas my do to empower since 2013 flood the streets of the capital cut, i guess. but there's little doubt that years of economic collapse and political repression have war down. the socialist revolution started by late president to go chavis' back in 1999. i gave it to the 1st time that i feel very excited to be
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exercising my right to boys off to so long. i hope for a truly positive change for all venezuelans. to vote comes at the end of it to monitor his campaign and meet the claims of widespread. the rest meant in dozens of the rest of opposition. activist institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of venezuelans abroad to register to vote in barks. the opposition primary winner by the equity. and i'm a chatter from running the bones show that her replacement, former diplomats gonzales has at least a $25.00 points advantage. gonzales told i'll just see you to he believes my daughter will not relinquish power without a fight. but uh, no were welding loss will force him to negotiate a peaceful hand over in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these elections are not transparent nor competitive. but we also believe that
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the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. on friday, the government prevented a flight carrying a group of latin american former presidents from traveling to cut access to observe the elections. there was invited by the administration, visited some polling stations ahead of the boat, while many fear mcgruder will not recognize its eventually the feat. some political analysts say it might prove difficult for the government accused breeding elections in the past to snatch them away. that's all right, that movie and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear gonzalez's running as a transition candidate. he says he's open to amnesty for government officials being investigated for crimes. and he's hoping to bring back some of the, almost 8000000 venezuelans with slipping past years. but last week,
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my do to warrant that if you were not re elected the country could face the blood bath, leaving venezuelans at home and abroad, and age allison that a bit. i just thousands of people have taken to the streets and peruse capital for testing against president dana boulevard, but i'm to administer h and the demonstrations that taking place in june. for those $200.00 and 3rd independence out of us, we belong to his government is dealing with a weak economy, rise in poverty and accusations of corruption money on a sanchez reports from lima in the capital, demanding the resignation of precedents. the one thing and the thing was they are fed up with this many have come from places like i'm the why not, you know, on the occlusal where most of the 49 people that were killed during the protest
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between 20222023 they have come all the way from the highlands to demand justice for the families of those who are gone down. i'm here to demand justice and to month a dana palo alto, he resigned.


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