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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the colored on the stuff the attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us strengthens military coordination with japan. as the 2 countries condemned russian defense corporations, china, lot comes as russia's president wants,
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the us against the pulling long range missiles and euro. israel strikes hezbollah targets and 11 on of a raucous attack on the occupied gold in the hives killed the feast. 12, the as well as the 9 responsibilities for that attack and the u. n. is calling from maximum restraints to prevent what it caused a catastrophe beyond. then as raylon's vote in presidential elections with nicholas ventura facing a strength and opposition on his full simone, violence has begun to hope it's a win more olympic titles, the full san goldman list is leading the usa in the same gymnastics events, the now the united states says that its re vamping its military command in japan as the
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2 nations face. what they, according to grace's strategic challenge, from china, us forces in japan will be placed on the new joint force headquarters to improve the way to minutes he's operates. this revamp comes off to russia, said it was committed to strengthening it some of the 3 ties with north korea, washington and took care to say their concerns by what they call an evolving security environment. as china continues to expand its new care also. both countries say they will scale up production of weapons like it and the sol systems washington believes it's decades on the alliance of japan, has been the cornerstone of in the pacific stability us actually state as new banking says the strategic revamp, enhances their lines. we have a number of 1st and these 1st you're going to have a qualitative impact on our alliance on its strength. on is fitness for purpose.
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first, we agreed to upgrade our respective command control structures, including a new joint forces headquarters to meet the challenges of this moment. second, we held our 1st stand alone ministerial extended to turns demonstrating clearly, in other words, that our iron clad commitment to defend our allies with the full range of our conventional and nuclear deterrence capabilities is fully enforced. 3rd, through a new form of defense, industrial cooperation. we launched, co production of advanced missiles, were leveraging japan's manufacturing capability to collectively produce critical national security technology. we do this at a time when we've seen some of the challenges that we all face to our defense industrial basis. our collaboration will strengthen our mutual capacity. all of this underscore is that our alliance has never been stronger. in fact, in my judgment, it's actually stronger than it's ever been. we must deepen and grill our
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alliance and enhance victoria's power in order to thoroughly defend the existing international folder. we are standing at the historic turning point, a critical juncture, where today's decision will determine our future prime minister cuz she does official visit a to the united states. this april, lots of historical significance of a things that japan you with alliance to an unprecedented type. we weren't able to show in a powerful way domestically and globally is that your kind of united states are global partners. office lama joins us now from the japanese capital. take your funding. took us through with these changes will actually look like and practicing in the 2 countries already had very strong with actually cooperation in place as well. that's true, but the both the, both the, this of the 2 countries, the prison biden on. but i'm, instead of case you,
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the announced inevitable during that sound that's in the why is some of the in washington on from the white house that knows the new era, the relationship side entering this new era of uh, of uh, the corporation. and the, what we hear today about 3 of them being that the living all the corporation. and basically what that means, the military wise is that so japan is hosting almost $50000.00 troops in its uh, items. uh, mostly, uh, this will sound located in the south uh, in south orange a button in okinawa. and does that come on for this? the tops is located there, but uh, it's uh on the uh, it's under commanding the tools with that administrative decisions like pressing the training and the administrative affairs. but as for the deployment uh or did that. and so it didn't gauge meant in military operations. the decision,
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it comes from how i and the with this and you announcement. so apparently us is going to assign a new city starts, you know, to the command in okinawa and he wouldn't be able to give decisions to engage in military operations or did that as. so this is a very important upgrade to the level of military cooperation between the 2 countries. funding we are again hearing this phrase extended deterrence. can you talk us through the strategic thinking behind that as well here they uh they, uh it's been, it's uh, 2 levels. the 1st level is the extending the, the number of companies that inc is out of out in gauging in distance. uh, actually today also uh with the 2 plus 2 meetings. we also, we witness the 3 lots at a meeting between defense and it says from japan, us and south korea and the south korean defense massage. it was the 1st time he got
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a visit. zip on in 15 years and the about and t they're going to uh get the help from other countries to keep what the, what they call the stability and safe safety in the, in the us vacation. the other meaning as explained by some experts here in japan about the extended difference in the mentioning the like a, the possibility of the us extending it's uh use those of, uh, different range of weapons. and the of the defense minister, mister lloyd austin had mentioned in his but his confidence that the us is committed to pick things up and using orange of weapons including nuclear capabilities. and the, that's a, that's very important because this is one of the very few times that the us we've such a humidity ocean with the mentioned using the military weapons to cover japan and perfect. this was very interesting dynamics of how do you so i'm at that with all the very nice as far as from took care. thank you, sadie. well,
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that's bringing craig mark. he's a professor in the faculty of international studies at he'll read through women's university and he joins us also from took your professor listening to that press conference on a. there was strong language from both parties in japan. describing china is re making the international order and its own interest. what is being seen as the biggest threat here as well. the fact that china is increasing, it's uh and false is it's, i took the largest 90 in the world and did sure it's going to increase your li, aggressively push for dollar. it's in the south china say, including around the same truck, a wireless is also increasing. and so i'm euclid weapon joshua lines to the increase in sauces, or at least a 1000 and strategic nuclear weapons. and so that combined with the ongoing threat on north korea, which i continues to test solve,
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plus olsa effective russia is increasing its military presence. and it's in the pacific and increasing its cooperation ways, both china and north korea search and the japanese perspective. so they face increasingly hostile strategic environment. and so that is the main motivation for the security agreement. that's just happened to that. as you say, this does go well beyond china. we had, there was several references to russia to was this essentially a vocalizing of what, by tokyo and washington, a seeing as a, as a potential board, a shift in the international wanna now, yes, and particularly since i directly mentions the upholding of the cycle rules by students and actually if a sense of goal, say the rest of the invasion would be trained in 2002 and the increasing corporation between rushman china and the instability in the middle east. above the
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united states and japan see a great potential risk coming from russia. and john shut down for cooperating more closely and served by increasing the inter operability of us forces in japan. and the japanese self defense forces would be announced changes to the high command that is said as increasing the potential for deterring any potential hostile actions by china, but also rushing north korea. well, japan does have a, a pacifist constitution. after world war 2, how far does take you now straying from not passive, a stones. what's driving that to the well this has been going on. it has since the previous administration of the prime minister. sions why, why is especially difficult a couple of years ago. he's government to introduce security bills in 2015 to allow
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a collective self defense, the self defense forces to assistance allies, principles of the united states. and so, and it seems then, particularly with the problem is to familiar just as a announcing a new national security strategy. a couple of years ago they did, stephanie, self defense forces are increasing the, the rules of engagement. and therefore, it's been a shift which has been a bit of a time coming by the, essentially the flexibility of interpretation of the circle past this constitution is allowing for this or right to expansion of a potential role for the jeopardy self defense forces in the region k hawk out professor and the faculty of international studies it can reach to women's university. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us on on the news. you're welcome. thank you. of the israel has carried out
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a series of strikes on several towns and villages in southern lebanon. these strikes come off to a real good hit a foot full ground in the occupied golden heights, killing 12 people. the israelites blaming has planned for that attack, that nobody is on the group that has the night involvement is in a corner reports from beverage of those 7 near simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern lebanon. isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure and a message, but not the response promised by as well for the rocket attack that killed civilians and the is really controlled syrian occupied colon heights late on saturday and the terrible tragedy innocent boys and girls, it breaks your hearts and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this and they will pay the price has beloved denied carrying out the strike,
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but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event. since october 7, the response is not expected to happen before as well as prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who returns home after cutting short his visit to the united states as will become the bus? and since i was informed of the disaster, i have been holding continues, secuity consultations, and i have decided to bring forward that will return to israel. i will immediately entered the security cabinet. upon my arrival, i can say that the state of israel will not get over this in silence. there's really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rocket, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 to times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had
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a football game? because of the law and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict. will it stick to the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? well has will be able to absorb the strikes without the need to retaliate. further escalating? the war of attrition? senior is really the officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point. a dangerous one center who there else is either beta a will that speak to zayna. she joins us now from 11 east capital, saying that as you've been reporting this has been going on some months, you've spent a huge amount of time down at that for that. but it feels like this is potentially
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taking on a different character. how significant does this escalation, do you think? well, no doubt, tensions are at an all time high in many ways we have reached across the road. it all depends on how israel responds, what response it chooses to to make. will it be a limited retaliation or not? now has the law appears to be on a state of alerts since design responsibility late yesterday for that rockets attack and much the chavez. we haven't heard any statement from any of us officials . in fact, there hasn't been any rockets or uh, drones fired to or, or from other across the board or so it, it's relatively quiet along the border. so really a lot of tension. you have the lebanese for administer saying that 11 on is reaching out to the united states to try to restrain israel. so there is a lot of concern, but has the officials have said time and time again that they believe that israel
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is not in a position to launch a full on war with lebanon to open a new front if you like, because it is bogged down when the war on goes up, but if you here is really officials, you know, talk about the need to restore a security along the board or the is really foreign ministry saying that this is the last chance for hezbollah to implement 2 in resolution, 1701 that resolution calls for an area free of arms and fighters outside the states control along that border. then you realize how, how tends, the situation is even the lebanese government played yesterday deploying the death of civilians. yes, this was occupied territory and of course, 11 on it as well are technically in the states horse, but the state itself is not, that's more of it currently with, with israel. this is, has the loss. so this is the lebanese states of trying to this associate itself. so there is a lot of tension. we are in some sort of a tipping point, but we have to see what kind of a response is. well, we'll carry out in the coming hours because we understand that to be is really
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premise or nothing i hope will be holding consultations with security officials. before conceding his security cabinet then hold up there with a very lysis for us from the lebanese capital beverage. thank you. zanna as well. let's get more on these developments from our correspondent honda. so i'll have to transmit here in the studio. and as we were just hearing that from saying that there is this emergency missing being conveying these really is a taking this very, very seriously indeed. and nothing else is coming back on me. that's a yahoo is cutting his trip to the united states short and his office released several different statements yesterday. i mean, every 15 minutes there was a new statement from the piano's office saying that nothing y'all is going to convene the security cabinet immediately upon his arrival back to israel. but he's meeting with his military officials who he brought with him to the united states. but he was conducting phone calls with israel's defense minister and other security officials. and then it was interesting that his office also released the statement saying that the prime minister is coming back on his own volition. and he didn't want any sort of negative press that the prime minister is not coming back early in
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the face of a tragedy. so it was really officials are saying that they're going to meet to assess what kind of response is going to happen next. these really army chief of staff hurts the how levy was speaking and most of those jump last night said that israel is preparing itself. i think it's readiness on the northern border for any type of scenario. but this is something we've heard from these really military before. so not necessarily a change in policy, but the army spokesperson said that they are assessing and even defense minister you'll have go on to office, has said that they do have these options. they're just waiting for the security cabinet to convene to decide on exactly which one they're going to take. so definitely be following that meeting as it happens later on today. you mentioned nothing yahoo is coming back early. i understand protest as a can be gathering at the airport ahead of his arrival. that's right. look, there was a lot of backlash for nothing. you all who stripped to the united states to begin with, you have a country who's at war. this is supposed to be a war time prime minister,
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and these really public is saying that he went on the international stage to address a joint session of congress for his own personal gain. not announcing anything new when it came to a plan for the release of the remaining is rarely captives. he also met with family members of captives in the us, some of which were even escorted out of that joint session for protesting. so it's not a surprise that there's going to be protests at the airport when nothing y'all who's coming back and look even at the funerals for these children must have shops. there were a lot of is really officials who went from missing yahoos party from the far right . and they were kicked out the people there didn't want to see them. and they were protested upon arrival immediately, even at a funeral. just to give you a sense of how unpopular that's and you know, whose government is back home. i'm to sell hopes. thank you for, for joining us. a, in the studio with the latest. well, that's bringing lies far, how to use it. we're tied lebanese army general, he's now a minute for you were such a and he joins us from they root. liz has the law, as we've been reporting,
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has categorically denying that they are responsible for this attack on the football field. what do you make of that? and yes, it is a direct resistance acquisitions on a basis, because uh, 1st of all, uh nobody had side ends in the region of was that chance, which usually a being lost in the neighborhood and of not thought however, i did go land or kayla when has a lot, bump then. a 2nd because uh uh nobody sold the uh, uh, the item dome uh, defense misfire. as long as i guess the support for the law. uh besides that is supposed to hit the target and, oh, the out and the and my dish comes. busy the 2nd attempt that uh, since the last stop of this uh uh, can flashes. what is it i and to support the guys. uh, uh, the less thought about good. the only admitted 3 thought guess admitted to the
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parts and the, the guy lead. uh. and they did, but uh, i'll get the even a, uh, the videos and as i so why they would uh, get the tv downs in. okay. 5 city on 3030. uh the. see that the, the is that a spokesman said that that is the opposite lady. the citizens know they are the syrians and they insist that the students that if she was b, as i said, that the ship and the f, a c, and the after 5 goal on which the everybody that smokes a month, i'm going to to declare that there is a go on up to 5 by is that uh so uh the, the, uh, set mental problems that they denied for the what the, as i q has been. and is that have been many, many ongoing concerns from multiple parties about accidental escalation. what is the danger? is that at the moment? yes,
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uh. without expecting gas out of the meeting. go to the cabinet this afternoon or when the uh, but i must have nothing now, which is what i am. uh she is, if they uh, want to escalate the situation and they, they, but they thought that the, uh, i mean a and about on the inside limited on if they thought get it. and the lady is now what shows up for the 5 year term. it has been has a lot of funds also and the same page with the same uh, violence of. busy as i said this 4 or 5 kilometers, but uh, people are afraid that if uh the thing, yeah, on the government have decided to attack and they root or, and uh, a southern, uh, southern a by uh, generally. yeah. and then has the lowest i can fill out if i'm paying for on the so we will get the, it will get through the wide scale of war. and not only between the buttons as the
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name of the old asian, i myself, i rule out any decision of escalating and they weren't. that's what it goes. busy 4th grade one under the john, because that a, the as a is for the band for the a, the if you, of you, uh, the, the observer of the, the money is a bought on the well not is that the bad of no deployment offensive deployments of the lady out of me that the can can indicate that there is a, a ground that back i can step out on that as the case was at 206 and before it is 1982 or like within 7 days a. so then the, the, the get on 1st, the pet about the 4th about all of us. but we expect that i can buy ad forces and thought gets in and depend on and. busy response for, for as of his beloved on targets and is what i will certainly be watching the situation. very interesting, dave here on onto 0 me as hot a military analyst joining us the from buried always great to get your thoughts.
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thank you for joining us again. any as well and southern goes on as the light is really stripes on con eunice, have again targeted the eastern and southern parts of the city is really military ordered. palestinians in calling us to move to on the wasi on saturday. that evacuation order is the 2nd to be issued in a week. well, let's speak to honeywell when he joins us now from outside the locks the hospital where the injured taken. honey took us through what's actually happening on the ground. then con eunice, up in my mind, this has been an ongoing offensive fit to over a week. now. yes, that is great because we don't weeks is days really military started this military operations in the eastern part of time. eunice, coupled with many of the valuation, ordered there all the leading into more of the in force displacement over already
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a traumatized display. population beat on to move for the past 9 months from one place to another. like this. just remind or you are the city of unit suffers from multiple retirement or incursions out the for 3 months. it was under full is randy control the entire year, including last evacuations, that had been targeted repeatedly. but this time is, seems to be concentrated on the eastern part of the city. this is part of what this very monetary has announced to establish a buffer zone. which means that a clearing much of the agricultural land, the residential buildings are from their own residence. and all these structures in that area, including public facilities and as well as infrastructure, a very, really heating up. these are part of these can part of the city of hon units and the past week the attack has been also concentrated in the southern parts of the city. right at the edge of the we're not older, we're seeing displays with the fact that this recurrent incursion is causing further civilian casualties. and i insist on that because these are the scenes that
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we've we have. we looked at from nasir hospitality from the field waiting field. the hospital in the western part of the city, nearly at the loss. evacuations on scores of women and children of other civilians are arriving to these houses just within the past 45 minutes. another time, it would cause the desktop of 5 of children so far, who arrived to not their hospitals and some of the damages we looked at it from inside the house. but the big rock bigger children are soaked in blood and some of them are arriving with really severe injuries. those are this wrap nodes, the nails and the, the little pieces of metal. there are, these bonds are packed with are very lethal and deadly and the causing depth right away due to the severe bleeding that that car uh that that causes death right? that way and becomes almost in one place to rush the injury to the house. because anyway, the lack of, of men,
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pain medication and medical supplies necessary for steven lights are not available . and that's why most of the doctor that the keeps telling us they are very desperate. the they are, they feel helpless, and they can't, they don't have the capacity, they don't have what it takes to save lives, particularly when it comes to young children. i don't know what that was that come apart for us from outside deluxe, the hospital and all that. thank you, honey. what is right has flattened most of garza and town homes into runs. but despite the destruction of the blotches, palestinians are still finding ways to make use of what's left. even though clearly when to northern goals of historic municipal park. and that's how that stand instead of trying to find some joy. i am here stand at the front door does. i'm going to submit it to park. it has been a part of our community for almost 100 years, providing a place of peace and joy or generations. it also has been
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a safe place for many families, a place where children play memories are made, but the day it's once by front at most viewed, those a different story. the ongoing war has lift. it's marked here. as you can see, the parts of the bar as have been damaged, partially by the occupation. yes. i'm, it is the destruction. life goes on. families does come here to blow off steam despite the ongoing war and god. for many, this part is more than just a re recreation of the area. it's a lifeline. a place where they can remember when 3 or get war at most via and the children experienced a bit of joy and freedom. and i have a zain out of one says that, and the fan that's, we're here in the park for some relief, trying to forget what's happened to us. but it's in vain, because we can't forget everything we've seen with auto noise, despite the pump being completely destroyed. and despite all the devastation in the
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siege, kind of forget that you put you on the, on the assets and then the chest. when i come here every day to escape the war, i come here for an hour or 2 to enjoy the views of the trees bracing maybe with showing the other pockets and refugees from our mountain l. sabra have arrived. we come here often to escape the shelling. we don't stay long because it's not safe. you know, and if not, if secondly, we have noticed children come to this car which is partially destroyed to escape the trauma of the war and its impact on they will be we have formed a team, gather the children, organize some games and dedicated this case to focusing on children, psychological needs, we concentrate on what they need and what makes them happy. let me know. it's a powerful system into the spiritual that people here continuing to live life and find joy, even in the heart of science or does i'm going to split parks sans as a symbol of these islands. this part may be partially destroyed by this periods of
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the community remains on a broken off the head here on out of there an attempt to drain one and a half a 1000000 liters of industrial fuel well needs. rough weather in the philippines will live in the mail. and in school, the latest from the lympics as assessing gets under way into the team that's coming up shortly with id the had a lot of the southern parts of europe have been sweltering and a heat wave conditions. lots of hot and dry weather to be found across much of the mediterranean, and now those conditions have given rise to beautiful sunsets in places like send to reni greece. it's not as pleasant, however, in the southwest for the library and potentially further enlarged temperatures. in
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places like mer, madrid, heating, 39 degrees celsius. now the good news is, temperatures will be coming down across a much of the mediterranean, am eastern areas of europe, but they'll be on the rise from the west in areas and across the north. thanks to high pressure and that's building out west. but of course, east is that picnic area of low pressure, it's going to bring some very nice the weather across the baltic states moving on from poland. and we could see some flooding from that heavy rain in places like lot fear. that's where we put warnings out for the rain when one is having issues for is stony as we go into monday, you can see that wet and windy weather pushing across into belarus and into western parts of russia behind that lovely. come. why? whether it to be found particularly across fronts, we're going to see very nice conditions on monday,
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in paris for the lympics as a result. who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war. and which onto become suzanne's 1st vice president. a news release global knowledge to which we or identified what happens next is still a mystery, which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy . investigative journalism is quite chilly, moving through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but at the journey, voices from different corners of survival, it survivable survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles . life is actually music of the way people talk,
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the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra news . the imagine watching houses here. let's remind you about top stories. the sound us as revising its military, kalonde and japan as the 2 nations faced what they called this graces, strategic challenge from china. us defense secretary lloyd austin said and took care that this upgrade is one of the most significant developments in the history of their line is route has carried on as strikes and southern 11 long of to accusing has the rock is attacked in the occupied gardens, which killed 12 people. lebanese on the group has denied involved. meanwhile, on the southern gaza overnight is really strikes on con,
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unice has told us empty kingston and southern parts of the city. for the 2nd time is really ministry has ordered. palestinians that to move to the present government prison has said that russia will resume production of intermediate range and nuclear weapons. he's willing to the us against deploying the styles in germany or elsewhere in europe. and he said that if washington to boys long range massage on the continent, moscow will station some of the weapons within striking distance of the west. pitching was speaking as rushes annual enabled a parade and some pieces back. washington cons to deploy at long range missiles and john nate from 2026 stick to us in the united states situation because the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of the american pershing medium range missiles in europe, us implemented such plans. we will consider ourselves free from the previously one solid moratorium on the deployment of medium and show to rank strikes systems today,
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the development of a number of such systems in its final stages, we will take mirror measures for the deployment taking into account the actions of the us and they satellites in europe and other countries of the world. well, that's based on moscow correspondent give you an example of all of a newly a. just how much of a threat just put in view these massages being as well as national where it says that it is quite serious and according to peace in a rush of will consider itself free from a moratorium on the deployment of medium and short range missiles a big us indeed places missiles in germany would you repeat on her side that's in that address? the same is that the, the maybe the parade in saint petersburg, he has denied to that improved russian government and ministry control facilities will be within the reach of those american missiles deployed in germany. if they
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are actually deployed that to the july time of, but that is american metals, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear one has, according to patient will be about 10 minutes. and of course, i got this referenced the russians have a treat. uh, they find that the united states is going to deploy a long range weapons in germany for the 1st time since the cold war. uh, it became known at the nato summit in washington on july. the 11th space. yeah. did you problem? and so what time is explained to begin in 2026, as you noted, so rushed to meet at no cost promised. i'm going to try a response including a possible deployment when you click equipped missiles on its territory. so according to patients and also according to peace in the united states, is escalating tensions of russian strategic flights. i based on flights. and he
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said that uh the united states as the the us ad for themselves. and so i have always, always patrol, rushing board is usually i want to ask you about the naval day parades to this. it was a fairly interesting cost of participants pops a reflection of the international order that frequent would actually like to see. the one option a i today is the navy time russia and this holiday was passed, mocks a by consolidate times. a nice thing says you 5, so today is the age expense, anniversary of the owner ring of the soviet and the russian pleads obviously the fleet itself was found that centuries before that day it goes back to a piece of great times. and even before the page of the great time. and um, of course, uh, this very big uh, navigate parade in st. petersburg just finished. and the patient was press on that
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and no just the russian ship as you mentioned, participation in that parade, but also ship some crews from china uh from uh oh drea indeed. you know all of them on septic pods and um uh a vis a vis. um oh, so this may be day parade also took place in the city or in city of tod two's in, in syria. so basically, uh, russell, once again, it wants to show the world that it's not alone. it's not isolated and there are space to actually support and participate in things like the navy, they parade to that you. there's a lot of a, the for us in the russian capital. thank you. a, molly's northern tour at rebels say they've killed and injured thousands of governments, soldiers, and russian mass. mary's fighting has believe to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tens of water. and that's near molly's border without g area on social media videos shows the lifeless bodies of several white men and malia and soldiers, scott, so they're on the ground. often molly,
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at spelled french forces in 2022 countries military don't have time to rush has nothing their units for security assistance the to our rag or an ethnic group. you've been fighting for independent since 2012 us. that was ours. he's in the philippines waiting for the weather to him for years before attempting to drain one and a half 1000000 liters of fuel oil from the ship that was sunk by typhoid and gave me chemicals and brooms of in use to clean up the oil that's leaking that into manila bay, while that speed truck correspondence ought to be low, he's on the scene for us in the may be. so we understand. now these efforts to contain this bill has been delayed. what is now the plan is, tasha, you know, authorities here have said over and over again that this is a race against time. and so the philippine coast guard had hoped to begin draining oil all 1500000 leaders of industrial fuel from the tanker on sunday. but as you mentioned,
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weather and the rough sea conditions did not permit the operation. but that's not the only reason there. um that they sent the divers underwater and the divers saw that 9 of the tankers balls had been leaking oil. and this is dangerous. they said, because any movements tanker or on the tank or could blow those valves open and put oil touching into the ocean water. and they don't want that to happen, of course, because this could potentially be the biggest oil school disaster in philippine history. and so now the decision is to see those valves 1st before they go into the siphoning operation. and the aim to be able to finish that by monday and then immediately go into the site for the operation which they aim to finish on tuesday . especially. sounds like a very complex operation. it's been what 3 days now since the concord kept size just how bad is the well spelled right now of the
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world on saturday, the philippine coast guard said that the oil slick around where the tank or sink has stretched to a length of 10 to 14 kilometers, but on sunday they're probably being coast guard said that that had strong, suggest 3 kilometers. now, what happened to the rest of the oil? the coast guard said that it could have dissipated or the oil could have drifted. now that 2nd scenario, of course, is the worst case scenario scenario, of course, that many filipinos living in coastal areas is hard spreading. and in fact the, in the environmental non profit we piece has monitored oil slick just for to law motors off the coastline of have boy in the properties. and that's closer to manila . and so with the garden of this city, opposite me people there. the check is typically piece of think that if that is to
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verify that that is true of able to banish eastern but not even because problem right now another ship has some, another motor tanker has sunk near where we are right now. and it seems, it appears that it is cherry and diesel fuel, although they don't know how much diesel fuel it is carrying. but now we have potentially 2 oil spills that the government has to deal with in the same reasons and stuff. so part of a lot of the monitoring the situation for us on the limit. thank you so much fun. thousands of file size as a scrambling to contain an outbreak of wildfires in west and canada and the us west coast strong winds and the sun, the heat wave could spread through his lanes. even further, felix knew our ripples, the ashes and charged remains. are all that's left across much of the result. town of jasper a fierce wildfire swept through here,
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just one of many burning across western canada. about 1001 and 60 active fires across canada. 580 had the full response. 280 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned in alberta, 175. well, fires. 2.3000000 actors that have been birds. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month, fine, as in oregon, have burnt more than $400000.00 hacked is of land. and in northern california, the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires large beyond contain and uncertain future. for many people living under evacuation orders, it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p
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d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and uh, well i packed up what i can pack up in the car, me and the dog. and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things. you know, i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tub. the fires are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave. and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, they're also hoping the hot weather, we have some turn in their favor. felix, new or old is 0. of holes of events and what's been described as venezuela's, most consul and so elections in a generation. 17000000 versus a choosing between the incumbent president nicholas madura and his rival, the tides diplomat, edmondo gonzalez. my daughter has been in palace since 2013. he's eating and now the 6 year time since 2014,
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the venezuela has suffered an economic crisis that's forced to lead a 3rd of its population to leave the country the us you and others have impose sanctions that have also further damage as well. industry still head here on out as you, as for to evelyn big swings, all time greats. go heads ahead in the pull that and is here with that story for the . the latest news, as it breaks, as you read the minute 3 is up skating the minute 2 strikes across the entire strip . the main focus is on the central areas with detailed coverage, the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as rarely occupation comes. after 5 months of deliberation from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the i pod,
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his name into beans is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with this is 5 digit, you say getting russell, they thought provoking. nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does era the the welcome back and it's time for supporting his andy with olympics action. thank you so much. the style is one of the biggest stalls of the game simone biles has begun
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her attempt to win 5 gold medals in paris. she's not the only star and sharp, majestic. so when you also are holding assets on cruise, that he sets to watch 27 year old palms leading the us team in the old round events, you'll compete in all 4 disciplines and qualifying the balance payment for exercise vote, and even balls where she made sense of pull off a move that's never been done before she does it. it will be named after the top teams advance to the same final on choose day. hope all is is one of records $37.00 medals at island picking will championships. she has full, a limited gold medal all want it ray our 2016. last financing tokyo shawnee. mr. silva in a bronze because a mental health issue known as the twitch, these full set of pullouts, of several events. as we can clearly see. examples of olympic athletes that are trying to get into with their mind and their body by taking a break like simone biles,
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she showed us in the last olympic games that her mind or body were not connected in this. it was impacting her performance. so we could take a lesson from her by making sure that we're prioritizing our mental health strategy is our incent, miscoded, but of the american rival, kate dillard, becky. and the final is the 400 me to freestyle some senior or canadian, some of microsoft to the silver with the becky finishing and the fitness that was 3 olympic medals. 2 on a 20400 free. and so i kept on track now to pull up the same level in paris 7. so i'm going to be jumping the becky side, which side golden by the $81500.00 mates of freestone. i don't feel like necessarily put together the 400 that i'm capable of recently, but um i know it's in there. i know i know what i'm capable of. so just a matter of, of putting it together and hopefully i can put some things together in the longer ones later this week. well,
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the same thing is happening 16000 kilometers away from, from, since the hate see. and it's the americans don't. and i think so far junk from florence would be to combine school to reach around 3, writing women's wheel champions. caroline marks old sites straight down crafts as that being cold in power. so by the winning stones, rough from the dial in color, south trust fruits around suing them and stuff is that always ready to time olympic champion who we are not very used to play those by thinking we played with the with the right, the energy, all the time right at the immunization and for the moments. and we are able to, to the, one that much of the day, notice how who we are happy for that, that represent think i work on the ground today. he's, he's a special on the being together and the same core to it. and so having a beautiful moment the hi sprencel mess, those goals of the games and the rugby seven's scum off. i just want to pass code centralize set up another in the when i the fiji on had skipped to the 15th. so i 6
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nations early this year. so he could focus on the olympics. a disappointment, noise the powers crowd in the women's pace. funnel holmes, favorite story on mileage worked on was 71 off into the side. on comb join is vivian come fixing that nights with 13 so all the sudden the just the foot olympic titles the, the nation in any well let's go and see power is not general correspondent pull receives the 1st pull. let's start with some developing using a story. this had a loss of coverage in the build ups of these games was the quality in the rivers sense? hello. so it will spring happening this morning. yes, on the will. the power so far as these have invested $1500000000.00 in making the sudden swim level. they say for residents by next year, but also more importantly, initially for the operates of these olympic games. they've done that only by
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installing a 46000 cubic meter reservoir at the phone, they'll still, it's probably to send to contain waste water from sewage, for example, the battery powers. and it's all ago took a different descent about 10 days ago to prove it was safe. however. um with the rain for wind power. sorry for the last few days effectively. i think so many of the events yesterday, it's been found that the bacteria levels in the sun on safe enough to guarantee the safety of the traffic lights that were meant to be training in the sun today. so that's been canceled. the weather has wound up and power is quite scorching. today's set to be fine. so that's how the the events come. i can go ahead the mens on tuesday. but so, you know, if you're at a live pick up, leave, the last thing you want to be thinking about is getting sick when competing in the olympics. now elsewhere in the swimming, plenty chlorine involve that. so no problem that today we've got out of p t of
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great britain who was hoping to be so joined. michael folks as the only swimming do a 3 page, wind, golden, the same event in the streets olympics in a row. that's in the 100 mates of breast rogue. i wouldn't call it a 3 pacing. and the elsewhere francais saw late on my show. i was hoping to come down to the french ro plus parties when he complaints. in the 400 meters individual might like know cooling at 3 p t by cooling at 3 pc. well them pull more positively for the organizes through the games, the highest profile athletes from the us. they all reduction today yes. uh somebody involves particularly is you mentioning earlier and the most decorated gymnast in history. 27 gold medals across the world championships and olympic games. and she's the, she's one of the biggest roles as since she might have been picked type in 2016, especially on social media. now, she's right here, come back because she had a bit of
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a bad time of talk here. 2020 sufferings was cold and that gymnastics the twist, these kind of a, a lack of ara awareness, meaning she couldn't really do have routines properly. she ended up taking a, a mental health break. you know, she's, she's got to go through a lot of therapy sheets revealed in 28 change had been sexually abused by the former us, dr. larry, not so sorry. she's had a lot. so i have a come on the, as you mentioned, to be trying to pull off thoughts, spectacular, move out these olympics elsewhere. le bron james, one of the greatest names in sports, competing for men's us basketball team. one nice thoughts again, so it'd be a piping for. yes. another goals, great stuff, pull, pull, race, that report thing. get frozen. parents plan single from pull. throughout the day i stuff or i shot a clay will start from pole position in sundays, elgin, a girl, and pray mccloud was on the 2nd fastest in qualifying. behind macs, the staff in the streets on wheel champion has been hit with
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a 10 place grid penalty if you're using so many engine post during the season cycle stuff in. lacey will summarize from a client's orlando norris who is full on the great show. hey, i'm telling you citizen, both the 2nd time run of the season, this late to separate from the i don't just couldn't run this thing from losing against the houston astros. tony soldiers have now lost 3 of the last 4 games. their name on the head of arts on in the human rights is are in judge. she also added to is tally the new young keys and they went over the boston red sox. that is now 37 high runs. but judge judge wasn't going to mess around. he got a pitch in the zone that was supposed to be awake. lots of attention on i'm on in the middle. the sun shone minutes. he is telling them see night. so rock and he's home countries, south career, part of the pre season. so wednesday, special play for ligan's team of the best place from mccully and on south today,
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they'll be taking on bon munich. all right, those high schools looking finance. those thanks so much sandy. well, the largest and the refugee team is participating in the powerful impacts. thus the 7 athletes are competing against across 12 sports vision. extraordinary odds to be at this prestigious bible sporting events. they carry the flag for 120000000 people had been forced to be despised. godly bonnet, smith spoke with the un high commissioner for refugees. sleep broke on the this reflects the reality of the 120000000 displacement, right? your d is the largest figure. we've have seen sweets started seriously comforting these people and the book calls for an olympic truce before the stuff of the games, but little heat was paid. so that was the unfortunate 3, but i think it's important to see it's important to you know, symbols are important in,
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in the world that is unable to make peace. to say that this should be a moment of peace is extremely important. or so far the wreckage sleep. why, why is it important to have a refugee team in neil and to show that the record, geez, 1st of all, are people like others young people that want to compete with medals to be either larger sports community. but also because it shows that when they're given an opportunity, refugees give back, contributes, and in this case they contribute to 40, through athletic prowess. i'll go ask you about gaza. these riley military is launch missiles of a school where refugees, with sheltering is video and get making any any headway and getting improved access . but aiden's a gaza, it's very slow, very difficult and fast. we can sufficient for the needs of the population trapped in gaza in the so insane conflict that must stop as soon as possible. and so down as well as in the law,
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just numbers of refugees from so down. what are the challenges that it's for gotten crises, almost 10000000 refugees and displaced to military forces that to do not listen to reason and keep fighting and no funds to support the human need. that or, and response sounds are mental activists and volunteers have relocated and endangered species of cause though to disaster. the libyan island, these young women cause as a native to desert areas of north africa. then you home is that to be on the firewall island where they'll be safe from animal hunters and credit is like wild cats and hyenas to the bottom. how do i, how do you, this campaign is the idea of all the young people in the town of the water. they organize themselves out of the island is a big island. and now grandparents used to say that in the past with animals via but since the ice these, until today, there were no more animals on the island. only birds,
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all young people wanted to do something good for the island and for the people who come to visit tests to find gazelles. and that's a good thing for the island. well that's it for me in the stalls you pay for this news out. this problem will have more for you in just a moment. and i will see you off to that, to stay with us here on, on the a desperate for palestinians to this, to decent a nation to on a free day. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money, even the water we drink here is not properly filtered before the war. this punch provides is 20000000 liters of a fresh water a free day, around 250000 people. now the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs off to the east,
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but only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuels which is radically running out how to study in west coast and coordination with the use very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the phone. electricity supply is restored around for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really unique perspectives. not really, not them because we are left and nothing if something is always on heard voices. but we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these vision cause problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable. that is to hold on what's the stream on al jazeera,
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the colleges when the new fast korea police receive up to $200.00 reports. while it's every day when a to investigate career lead on out to 0, the us trends military coordination with japan as the 2 countries condemned russian defense cooperation with china. that comes as the russians president wants the us against deploying long range missiles and you are the
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hello on elizabeth put on them. and this is algebra. live from doha. also coming up . israel strikes has all the targets and 11 on off for


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