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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of the stalls the attain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. us strengthens military coordination with japan. as the 2 countries condemned russian defense cooperation with china. lot comes as russia's present. one is the u. s, against the pulling long range missiles in europe. the community and morning, off the rock is attacking the occupied golden heights. israel vows retaliation and
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has the lot to noise response. but i see the pivotal elections have venezuela's, president nicholas durham who is facing a stronger opposition. determined to ask his for j master simone boss is might hurt . so into a let me pick competition positive to be the best and qualified on truth with up to 5 gold medals in the holy beginning. this news with the united states and it's aimed to read them. that's minute 3. come on in japan, has the 2 nations faced what they called the grace, a strategic challenge from china and us forces in japan will be fit placed on the new joint force headquarters to improve the way that the 2 minute fees operate. the 3 of them comes off, the russian said it was committed to strengthening military ties with north korea, washington, and took your say that, but as concerns by what they call an evolving security environment as china to
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expands its nuclear arsenal. both countries say they will be scaling out production of weapons like at and missile systems on the usaa cuz we stayed on the same blinking says the strategic revisions enhances that decades along the lines. at 1st, we agreed to upgrade our respective command control structures, including a new joint forces, have a headquarters to meet the challenges of this moment. second, we held our 1st stand alone ministerial extended to terrance demonstrating clearly in other words, that our iron clad commitment to defend our allies with the full range of our conventional and nuclear deterrence capabilities is fully enforced. 3rd, through a new form of defense, industrial cooperation. we launched, co production of advanced missiles, were leveraging japan's manufacturing capability to collectively produce critical
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national security technology. we must deepen and grill our alliance and enhance the victorious power in order to thoroughly defend the existing international folder. we are standing at the historic turning point a critical her to juncture where today's decision will determine our future financial on their reports about from tokyo, supposed to be this of the 2 countries, the prison biden. and mr. kachimba announced inevitable during their summits in uh, the summit in washington and from the white house, then known as the new era, the relationships on entering this new alpha of the corporation. and the, what we hear today about the event being that the live and also the cooperation. basically what this means, a military wise is that those japan is hosting almost 50000 troops in its uh, items. uh, mostly, uh, this will sound located in the sofa and cellphones,
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you'll find in okinawa and the command for this the troops is located there, but it's a on the but it's only commanding the 2 of us with the administrative decisions like person, the training and the administrative affairs, but as for the employment of that, did that in so in gauge meant in military operations. the decision a comes from how i and the with this and you announcement to apparently us is going to a assigned a new city. started, you know, to the comment in okinawa and he wouldn't be able to give decisions to engage in military operations or did that as so this is a very important obligated to the 11 of the benefit of cooperation between the 2 countries. the president autumn appears in the saying that russia will resume its production of intermediate range nuclear weapons and rushes annual naval day parade . and some peaches back, you want to the us against deploying massage in germany or elsewhere in europe.
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pigeons as if washington devoid is long range missiles on the continents. moscow will station similar weapons within striking distance of the west. the us cons to deploy a long range missiles and germany from 2026 to us. and they put me in lights, the situation because the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of the american pershing medium range missiles in europe. us implemented such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously one solid moratorium on the deployment of medium and show to rank strikes systems today, the development of a number of such systems in its final stages, we will take mirror measures for the deployment taking into account the actions of the us and they satellites in europe and other countries of the world. you, there's have of all of our thoughts for us from oscar. and i'm not sure where it says that if he's quite serious and according to patient, russian will consider itself free from amar tore him on the deployment of medium and showed a range, missiles, a, b, u, r, as in deep places, missiles in germany,
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would you repeat on her side that in that address the same is that the, the maybe the parade in st. petersburg, he has denied to that improved russian government and ministry control facilities will be within the reach of those american missiles deployed in germany. if they are actually deployed up to the slide time over 1000, right, and results, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, according to patient will be about 10 minutes. and of course, i've got obisky threatens the russians have a treat. uh, they find that the united states is going to deploy a long range weapons in germany for the 1st time since the cold war. uh, it became known at the nato summit in washington on july. the 11th this year uh, be deployment to what times explained to begin in 2026 to rush and meet at no cost promised. i'm going to try to respond including a possible deployment. okay,
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when you click whipped missiles on it's terry teresa, according to patients, the united states is escalating tensions of russian strategic slides, a base and slides. and he said that uh the united states as the the us air force themselves. and so i have always always patrol, rushing board is as well. let's break this down without defense. that is a alex could talk less. alex, can you put this in context for us? it is a little reminiscences coldwell attentions very much so. so these, this range of missiles will bend in the cold war, and the treaty was signed by both on premier cooper, charles, and also president model ranking in 1987 as a confidence building measures. these missiles are designed to start the talk is extremely quickly. so instead of flying from, say, the continental united states, which would take about 30 minutes, this would be 4 to 10 minutes,
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giving the enemy hardly any time to react. so, and of course, the last time these missiles were all western european soil, they would nuclear tipped. so we have this whole possibility of this whole shadow of the cold war reappearing. and it's, it's actually the, the truth was put, there is a confidence building measure. but what we're seeing now is the lowering of confidence between the 2 sides and possible responding kind as well. we're going to see and to medium range missiles probably be put in colleen and grabbed, and also closer and closer to the border. and this is going to have this kind of tit for tat, building up. and what we're going to see is a new arms race. very, very likely as well. so lowering confidence, high lower templates, hiding tensions, and dangerous for everyone. out of cut off, less defense that i think he said for explaining that for the
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apartment as of benjamin us and yahoo has returned israel from the united states is using the security security cabinet. that's a form, a response to has the law of to what they say was an attack by the onto group on sunday is what has accused. the group of the rocket attack can be occupied golden heights, which kills 12 people has the leather has denied any involvement 7. honda reports now from weber's a lot of those 7 years simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern lebanon, isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure and a message, but not the response promised by israel for the rocket to attack that killed civilians. in the is really controlled syrian occupied colon heights late on saturday and they will give us a terrible tragedy in this, in boys and girls. it breaks your heart and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this,
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and they will pay the price. has beloved denied carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event. since october 7th, i shall come to the bus and since i was informed of the disaster, i have been holding continues security consultations and i have decided to bring forward that will return to israel. i will immediately entered the security cabinet . upon my arrival, i can say that the state of israel will not get over this in silence is rarely military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rockets, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent on monday that goes, i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes. this time is the hardest one, isn't hit the football field while we had a football game as well. and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in
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the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict. will it stick to the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? will hezbollah be able to absorb the strikes without the need to retaliate? further escalating the war of attrition. senior is where the officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point, a dangerous one santa who their l. shakita beta, hold on spring also vague. he joins us now from the lebanese capital. as the paps on. surprisingly, we are hearing calls for the escalation from the lebanese government. yes, we are the escalation and as you just heard from mike cunning, the, the, the phrases such as tipping point, knife edge,
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all the news know we understand the farm is the full heavy, has moved into the root cause news agency. and what he has said is that the lebanese government is also united states of israel, the soul restraints and in his office ever need them to off his beloved you. so the strings, not people say that it is a significant attack by israel, that this will lead to reach know will. but also that all of those that think that there won't be a region of both. but it all depends on the is rate the response. where will they strike? how will they strike? who would they strike? and would it force his block to respond to that over the last 10 months? it has been this task for test taking place. sometimes there's been some sporadic escalation, but it's been within certain rules, military targets. that's not to say the civilians haven't been killed since october last year, maybe a 100 civilians here and they've been, have been killed by is ready to be attacked including genesis. but right now with
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eyes on what israel will do next, not his beloved is well supported in parts of living on lives on watch is it will strike his blood again and again has said that they're not responsible for this attack, unoccupied. go with them heights, but they've also said that they don't want a will, but up paid for one, in fact, both sides as well and has because i have pretty much the same things that they don't want to vote, but are prepared for one. and we are dangerously close to one, depending on what happens next. but at the moment, the lebanese government has also united states to quote on israel to show some restraint for the eyes on what we'll do next off. a bag of that for us in the lebanese capital f, a root with all the latest. thank you. us as well. let's get more on these developments from out. correspondent, honda sounds good and we would just hearing i said the say that o lives are in israel, we've had some strong rhetoric out of his route in the last 24 hours. was that what
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should we expect from the security cabinet meeting? well, we do want to point out as real security cabinet is meeting right now is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu cutting his trip to the united states early to return to israel to convene that security cabinet to essentially decide on what the course of action is going to be last night we heard from the defense ministry from your guidance office, who said that the courses of action have been shows. and now it's going to be up to the prime minister, the army chief of staff. and you'll have going himself to decide exactly which course of action they're going to take. because while israel has said they're prepared for an all out war, these really army chief of staff for 3. however, you have said that they are preparing their readiness to the most possible level, but this is something we've heard from these really military before when it comes to the situation on their northern border. so it wasn't necessarily a change in policy before, but all eyes are going to be on what these really are going to do because it could spill over into a larger regional conflict and will certainly be heating a very,
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very close on the situation. thank you. honda, honda is reporting from here today because of government imposed restrictions on our pushing from israel. thank you for joining. thank you. as well as these really minutes, we meanwhile has killed at least 5 palestinians and an as tripe on the 10th sheltering displaced palestinians in southern garza. now these really ministry had ordered palestinians from con units to have back to age to on the wasa, on saturday. and that's the 2nd of actuation order issued in a week is well, has killed at least 39320 for palestinians in gaza. since the beginning of this war . will that speak to him cordaris. she's the cost over this for us from the ground and they're all ballot and central garza. and what more can you tell us about what exactly happened to the phone eunice this morning? okay, so this brown and evasion and can you and is continues for more than a week. now people have received the 1st evacuation be evacuated. and now
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a couple of days ago they received another evacuation or their people were advised to evacuate to the western parts of the community. but earlier today, 5 policy needs have been killed as that is where the forces target to milwaukee area, which is this ignited by the. is there any forces as a safe, you know, human to turn in area. also since the morning among those uh cube things were also 18 honda seen use that were received, killed 2 of most of the hospital and the most of the hospital. the only hospital facilitating now peace of mind is exactly on the 1st a day of the valuation orders have no child through their sleeping literally on the streets. they do not have anything of their belongings and they're waiting and counting the seconds for this round operation to. and so they can go back to their houses in can you and this that's if they found any more customers, but it's still escalating. there's a ongoing artillery setting,
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there's ongoing restriction that is where the forces continue to target different parts of new and it's i'm not only the ones who where the significance as the read com box owned by those ready forces and then we're all getting reports of broadening evacuation, what is an incense? will garza focused through what, you know, if the states well, everyone's surprised actually because of. and then in the, in the past hour, there was people in the middle area in mostly dot and in a good age and parts in those parts. at we're at started receiving calls from the is where the courses asking them to evacuate. they put certain numbers of blocks, but those people are living in the middle area where that is really important. again, this ignited this area as safe the where the us people from roughly 10 units and another in parts of a, of the guys of city to it, back to
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a to the middle area is now so far there has been no attacks in that area. so far, but people are now currently being displaced and evacuating once again. now, is there any forces are you do need to, oh, nice next, but this time they only called the people and them to back to me know those kind of thing. you literally have nowhere to go, that the middle area is completely up. it crowded over ones and talked with people . those people have no shelter to go and specially the fact that there is there any courses have been targeting schools and new and shelters. people have no place to go and they're saying that wherever they go, they're going to be targeted and they're going, going to stay in the streets today if they don't have any shots or other them, their houses in the middle area. they're important for us from gerald. all that in pennsylvania is that thank you as well as your just had some hint,
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people have no way to go. israel has flattened most of cause the tiny homes and to runs. but despite the destruction of bloodshed, palestinians of finding ways to make use of what's left abraham l kelly, went to northern cause of historic municipal park and met palestinians that trying to find some joy as i am here, stand at the front door does. i'm going to get it to part. it has been a part of our community for almost 100 years, providing a place of peace and joy, or generations. it also has been a safe place for many families, a place where children play memories are made. but the day it's once by a friend of the most pure, those a different story. the ongoing war has lift. it's marked here. as you can see, the parts of the bar have been damaged, partially by the occupation. yes, i'm, it is the destruction. life goes on,
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families does come here to blow off steam despite the ongoing war and god. for many, this part is more than just a re recreation of the area. it's a lifeline. a place where they can limit wintery forget for us. most of the children experienced a bit of joy and freedom. hannah zane island one says that, and that's why we're here in the park for some relief, trying to forget what's happened to us. but it's in vain, because we can't forget everything we've seen with auto noise, despite the pump being completely destroyed. and despite all the devastation of the siege, kinda forget all the stuff and then the chest. when i come here every day to escape the war, i come here for an hour or 2 to enjoy the views of the trees bracing maybe with shelling the other pockets and refugees from our mountain l software i have arrived . we come here often to escape the shelling. we don't stay long because it's not safe. you know, and if not,
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if checking the we have noticed children come to this car which is partially destroyed, to escape the trauma of the war and its impact on they will be we have formed a team, gather the children, organize some games and dedicated this case to focusing on children psychological needs, we concentrate on what they need and what makes them happy. let me know that it's a powerful system into the spirit of the people here continuing to live life and find joy, even in the hardest times. the municipal park stands as a simple of waves islands. this part may be partially destroyed by this periods of the community remains on a broken the wrong supreme lead. it has officially endorsed my super disk and as the country is new president possessed and will be sworn in the full parliament on tuesday, he went in this month's presidential run off on
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a promise to revive negotiations with the west and on the phone to paul, you may know times you had to, so the hon and great nation of iran that consciously came to use a vote for change to those who voted for me. and those who voted for the other candidates and to those who out of complained to protest, did not take part in the elections and put the responsibility of change on the system at the time for me and the upcoming government to respond stotts today in ali hudson. has more for us from tara to run as a new president specialist as a scan walk to his new office. a company is by the outgoing entering process. well, how about the book that the president attended today? uh the ceremony. uh, the supreme leader headquarters where he was handled by i to lie this tell me that he's the executive decrees that makes him the president of these honest republic of your one. of course, this is one of the most important juncture for the president and iran because it
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gives them the approval of establishment before going to the fall event where you'll be sworn in a business. john gave a speech. he highlighted the main points in his strategy and his own agenda for the next 4 years spoke about internal issue is about a social issue is how he is going to try to change the economy to hardships in the country. also on the funding side, he had several comments mainly uh, stressing that he would want to have better relations with uh, the uh, other countries and also the try to get into a new uh, deal with respect to the new toyota issue. uh, i have the last time we know you're on supremely dollars. he gave his speech and he sees the opportunity to give the new president some advice is on instruction. so stressing on the importance of trying to solve people's problems in iran and also it has things that countries
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a presence in the world. and now resident for this john is expected to have towards the probably minutes with him to come in 2 days on tuesday. mainly that will be a ceremony attended by international delegations, whether he where he'll be sworn in as the new president of based on a to probably copy it on the actual address, you know, different it's on the law just as a refugee team is participating in the parcel impacts. does he 7 athletes full, confused across the 12 sports? facing extraordinary odds to be at the prestigious event. they carry the flag for a 120000000 people have been forced to be displaced, gladly. then smith spoke with you on high commissioner for refugees. felipe burgundy. this reflects the reality of the 120000000 displaced. and richard is the largest figure. we've have seen sweets started seriously comforting these people. and the book calls for an olympic truce before the stuff of the games, but little heat was paid. so that was unfortunate for you,
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but i think it's important to see it's important to get symbols are important. and in the world that is unable to make peace, to say that this should be a moment of peace is extremely important, or so far the wreckage sleep. why, why is it important to have a refugee team in neil and to show that the record, geez, 1st of all, are people like others young people that want to compete with medals to be either larger sports community. but also because it shows that when they're given an opportunity, refugees give back, contributes, and in this case, they contribute beauty folding through athletic prowess. i'll go ask you about gaza these riley military as long as you miss opposite a school where refugees with sheltering is the un get making any any headway and getting improved access. but aiden's a gaza. it's very slow,
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very difficult and fast leaking sufficient for the needs of the population trapped in gaza in this insane conflict that must stop as soon as possible. and so down as well as in the law, just numbers of refugees from so down. one of the challenges that is for dr. cries, is almost 10000000 refugees and displaced to military forces that to do not listen to reason and keep fighting and no funds to support the human need. data and response on the time for the weather and his car, i had low that exceptional heat across the car been is resulting and exceptionally hot nights. and some of the islands will get that in a moment for us to south america. and it's a story of heat as well for the northern half of the region. we're seeing july record smashed in places like peru as well as bolivia, power, g, y, and brazil. but for the south of us, it's much cooler thanks to a weather front. it's pulling its way further north bringing heavy showers on
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sunday into monday. the with the potential for spoons across southern parts of brazil, power block bolivia, and into peru will see temperatures come down. here comes as however, picking up the santiago in chile, the wet and windy by the confined to the very south. and we'll see some wet weather across the very move of the content in particular for venezuela. but it remains very hot. in ecuador, we have a warning salt, high temperatures, places like kito, seen the temperature about 6 degrees celsius, above the average for this time of year. and there is a heat across the carrier being with the dominican republic. i think it's hottest july 9th on record. it's largely hot and dry here on sunday into monday, we'll get well towards the end of the week. but whether from now is pouring down from mexico into central america as to whether update. so instead of head here on al jazeera, russian law scenarios on the attack, and molly fluoride levels that say they're involved
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they've come from the mountains to not against for his president, why they're demanding justice engines for 2 of olympics lemmings all time. great. so i had to have in the swimming pool, and you will be here with that story. the, the latest news as it breaks several investigations are on the way. in the meantime, cagle's testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel emmanuel macro was doing everything that he time in order not to a point and measuring prime minister from around the world. this particular comes that i'm more than $226000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 soothing this refugee is in charge. i know it was a journey through every story. every step is in there to
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the celebration of what we cannot choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury leasing, trusting of future? today we create a news the cousin that you're watching out of here, and let's remind you about top stories here. that sounds for us as revamping is minutes. we come on in japan as the 2 nations faced what they called the graces strategic challenge from china. us defense x ray lot, austin said and took care that the upgrade is one of the most significant
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developments in the history of their lines. is there any minute tray has killed at least 5 palestinians and an as strike on attend sheltering, distaste, palestinians, and southern gaza. he's really minutes. we had ordered people from hong eunice to evacuate on the last the on saturday for a 2nd time. funerals have been held for some of the 12 people killed and an attack on the occupied going on heights. israel has carried out as strikes and southern lebanon off to accusing hezbollah, of being behind stout attacks, for the lebanese on the group is denying involved. while i'm now joined by, it'll have they'll golf, i use the direct to have the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs 8. all i want to, to reprise some of our conversation on now is there around where the cx, 5 talks are at the moment because there was obviously been multiple rounds. we are now hearing that a number of people are in room for the latest rounds of discussions, the,
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the most on chief, the c i a g 's still bands the cache. we prime minister, the egyptian pipes by chief. what are you expecting from the coming days when this is another attempt to, to formalize and reach the cease fire that's been talked about for multiple months now by all of these actors. but there remains a number of sticking points that are, that we'll see if we are able to bridge. the 1st of all is, 1st of is actually who takes care of the security and the day after. and because there's been folks of an exemption in iraq before us, but which mandate with have how long would it be there or so who's gonna in the long term? who's gonna look after the governance of guys that was about a senior. so if you play a role and so on, there's also still a sticking issue with the philadelphia card or what is going to retain its control . and finally, also in terms of the return of one of the refugees to north because israel does not want for return and this remains to be seen. and for that out for the, for the turn, often sticking points that haven't changed very much. and in months we are hearing that israel has put some new proposal on the table by some accounts toughening it's
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already tough stones. is that like you to gain any kind of traction? that's correct to the now the is there a these are actually put minutes sort of thing. yeah. i was proposing it sort of set up these checkpoints to throughout the rest of the strip to allow the people to return to the north. but actually the military, and is it or the thing that these are not 3 necessary to so this highlights how that then you always become x increasing interest urgent then perhaps you just don't want this needs to happen because if it does happen, he may be forced out to about well speaking of nursing, yahoo and and pressure on him. and obviously that's been building that has been growing support for some kind of the idea of especially to get to get the hostages back in, in israel. that is correct. the opening pulling is there's highlight to show that the more than 60 percent, that was the eighty's ones, nothing you know, to have a deep. they also highlight that more than 70 percent one wants nothing, you know, out of power. once this deal happens to see how these are both connected, so if a ceasefire does happen, maybe nothing, it will be forced out. how does that play into the seas?
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5 talks that are taking place and running. whereas that in terms of mentioned y'all, his calculus now because obviously there are a number of different moving parts here. here. well, given the complete scales happening in the us with the election and nothing else speech there, he may see that's now that the us is busy with what's happening there now that there's no need for that. i mean it's, he's fine. and perhaps he, in his mind can calculate that actually he would keep the war going at the low level until the next administration comes in. and potentially trunk comes in and give him the wind. that's a big cold or whether or not it would be trump, whatever it is, there's going to be a new administration in the white house. i'm coming to harris has, has signaled through some of her rhetoric that she might take a slightly different approach to, to buy than so far. so what is netanyahu's thinking here? whatever it is, he's going be dealing with a different us president come january. that's correct. perhaps with the i was here just read, think of it for a time, gave me does not want to have the cease fires to have them. so to a straight away this, despite all of us going, all physician within is right and he's just really playing for time. he also needs
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to go back to his public to also to the right wing the constituency, with some sort of a, when a leader of how may i ask captured on so on so far, there's no major point of a wind. and that's why perhaps something you know, does not want the ceasefire to happen at this stage. well, so there is the security cabinets missing that's taking place. now, this is a, a different body than we've seen before from the war cabinet. it's a, it's a broad body which includes more members of the far right. how is that likely to shift the trajectory of the will when they would be having a discussion? also to look at the, there's plants with the law and the potential escalation on that front. but at the same time is there is really over extend that it's going to have a conference down in the guys and also, and on that i believe the front. but also for his with lines of does not want a bigger configuration on the conferences. i want to have some sort of response, but not the response that we read into for out the solution on your ever, on. certainly trying to make their calculations today adopt. olga. thank you so much for joining us again. on the news though,
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i am reading on and molly's northern twilight rebels has made times of a major victory saying they've killed and injured thousands of government soldiers and russian mass. mary's a fighting was relieved to have been taking place on the outskirts of the town of tens of lots and lots near molly's border with algeria. off to molly and expelled french forces back in 2022. the country's military john to attend to rush as necessary units for security assistance. now the to our rag or an ethnic group has been fighting for independence since 2012 while we can bring it down to a guy and he is a john list ortho. and also the former director of information at eco us, the economic community at west african states. he joins us now from dr. down the by several accounts in these latest attacks. we're talking about 20 wagner fighters who has been killed. that's fairly substantial. also the collapse of the 2015 piece agreement. we know fighting was the last day of it. what is the actual situation on the ground and then also but just as you said,
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it is still the bus and the latest uh, around the city near a g. a julia is the conformation that, uh, the 2 patches us to uh, on. uh, really tough a button over the above words, but for sure of casualties. uh, the problem is that uh uh you never know. we tried to be strong, but the reality is that there's been a lot of blood and people in the last of the feminine to security subjects took her to your group. we shouldn't mean a frame to put in place since a made a movie that the, the group of flooded and other fuss these go, you mean uh, the area of the, uh, yeah. stating that the but implanted a huge damage to the, not the moment fussy is but also do minutes. yeah. for to the movies. burnett. on the other end. uh,
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the government of money is designed up saying that it had uh the bed. so you, nobody knows what it is, right? what strong do moment do we have the, is that the part of the countries underground budget, the only you talk about 2 sides. i just want to explain this for our audience because there are different groups fighting and some of them declare a legions to al qaeda. but then there was that new alliance that then you alluded to that it was announced to fight the government not so many months ago at that time there was to our ag leadership, but who actually makes up that coalition? what are they fighting for the man lives fighting for the independence of the was, which is a huge swell of area in the money is the resource rich area. and so it says that the extension of these uh is so uh they have quoted by the money in the book to reduce the support. uh, no tax fluid. uh, in a trusted point. uh, so to say from external process don't even says,
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but the federal government is supporting them, but also uh this up with in bye. uh uh, yeah, the stuff, a fussy is uh with uh, given the allegiance to. okay. the but the reality is that this is mainly a group is made up of flooding people and they want to be a friend. somebody remember that money is a very big tennessee. 0, $1.00 of them made a few inches square. so this is really cool, but is this, but the reality is that the inmate come up and said, we need to bring all forces to get that in order to fight the government. already. remember that last year? the ministry fuzzies in money, the government surface, a minor story that they cover many cities, a bush buck out of the the better group to the what to do. sometimes you must be done in the loss of money,
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which is due to the government of money as part of the wondering this domain again is something to do over the territory of money. now, what do we have seen? yeah, is you have electron plus is coming from various uh, boxes, uh from the areas and the uh, missions, whether it really just or the or the result is to 5 over the area adama. as you say, molly is a huge country, but the government also chose to basically kick out the un mission and they withdrew last year. and i know that's been a gradual process. how has that affected the fighting? has it caused perhaps some of these tensions and some of these areas to be honest, which wouldn't be very hard to say that the exposure state, the fact that the un fussy is minister must have been exposed the problem. money was created distribution, to be honest. the minutes money was not bad,
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but people want to go do you have been there for years and he did become really a real gusty, the un bureaucrats. you making money out of this type of to, from a full, a demographic to money across the fortune. and people are very proud of the treatment of the united ignition. a peacekeeping, fussy, so in the money, what comes it up to do you in the system dispatcher? change anything on the ground going to country? i think the, the oh of course, not the underground and i think the people, i know that they are not a big deal in either contributing to fixing the base or even containing boot challenges within the company. i'm a guy, the former director of information that echo was speaking to us from the call today . thank you so much for joining us. so announce, is there any is out a group of $420.00 prisoners has been released from an overcrowded jail and democratic republic of congo, and comes off to images, reveals dia,
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conditions inside the mcculla prison with inmates faced severe of crowding. non nutrition and disease, the justice ministry has approve the release of a total of $7000.00 inmates and a bid to is the crisis that the aim is to reduce the prison population by hoff the people that have been versioning and what's been described as venezuela's. most consequential election in the generation. 17000000 versus choosing between the incumbent president nicholas madura and his rival, retired diplomat as mando gonzalez, my dear or has been in power now since the 28th that day and he's teaching. and now that 60 a time since 2014 venezuela has suffered an economic collapse that's forced to nearly a 3rd of its population to leave the country. the us you and others are both imposed sanctions that defy the damaged it's oil industry. just showing you the model, i am the colorless model to model us president of the people, and i want to recognize the electronic referee. the word of the referees,
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pony. and i called on the 10 presidential candidates on the 30th political parties declared publicly that they would respect the official results. i found her rep. yes, he has more for us. that it could be the most consequential election in a generation. ads calling for the re election of president because my do to empower since 2013 flood the streets of the capital cut, i guess. but there's little doubt that years of economic collapse and political repression have war down. the socialist revolution started by late president to go chavis back in 1999. it's the 1st time that i feel very excited to be exercising my brought to bodies off to so long, i hope for a truly positive change for all venezuelans. the boat comes at the end of up to middle truce campaign and meet the claims of widespread. the rest meant in dozens
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of the rest of opposition. activist institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of venezuelans abroad to register to vote and barks the opposition primary when they're ready. equity. and i'm a chatter from writing. the polls show that her replacement, former diplomats, edmondo gonzales, has at least 25 points advantage. gonzales told, i'll just see you to he leads my doodle will not relinquish power without a fight. but i know we're welding loss. will force him to negotiate a peaceful hand over the next year, and then we have denounced for a long time. but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive. but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming waves of the people on friday. the government's prevented a flight carrying a group of latin american former presidents from traveling to cut access to observe the elections. others invited by the administration visited some polling stations
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ahead of the boat on the web. many fear my daughter will not recognize its eventually defeat some political analysts say it might prove difficult for the government accused of rigging elections in the past to snatch them away. also the right time of the end, the last what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hit gonzales is running as a transition candidate. he says he's open to amnesty for government officials being investigated for crimes. and he's hoping to bring back some of the, almost 8000000 venezuelans with slipping past years. but last week, my do it a warrant that if you were not re elected the country could face the blood bath, leaving venezuelans at home and abroad an age. i listened that to be at the address either thousands of people have taken to the streets of perez, capital,
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protesting against president dean above the wall. se until administration, these demonstrations are taking place on the $200.00 instead of us 3, it proves independence. but a lot of his government is dealing with a weak economy, rise in poverty and accusations of corruption. renaissance has reports from the law are the same, the capital demanding the resignation of president, you know, would want this. and the thing was they are fed up with this many have come from places like i'm the why not know on the occlusal, where most of the 49 people that were killed during the protest between 20222023. they have come all the way from the highlands to demand justice for the families of those who were gunned down. i'm here to demand justice and demand, but dina butler all say resigns, my father was killed. they took away my life to have the parents. i am sad,
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protest to say they want to go with the national strike. it's where to see so many people demonstrating because the streets have been quiet for many months. people say they are afraid of police repression. want that you said to announce a serious of projects where millions of dollars will be spent in infrastructure. not the 6 people. one of them now and they want to know with ours using the philippines waiting for the weather to him for years before attempting to drain one and a half 1000000 lead to fuel oil from a ship that was sung quite high for me and gave me chemicals and dreams of being used to clean up the oil that's leaking into manila. bay landslide has killed at
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least 11 people in china central hunan problems and at least one pass and is still missing. caused by flash flooding. bland side comes as tropical storms in the often loss of type your and gave me sweep through the country of thousands of 5 sites. as are scrambling to contain an outbreak of wall in size in western canada and along the us west coast. but strong winds and a summer heat wave could spread those rains even further. phoenix knew our reports, ashes and charged remains of all that's left across much of the result, town of jasper. a fierce wildfire swept to here, just one of many burning across western canada. of 1001 and 60 active as far as across canada, 580. have the full response to 180 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being
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held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned within alberta, $175.00. well fires. 2.3000000 actors that have been birds. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month. fine as in oregon, have burnt more than 400000 hacked is of land, 79. and in northern california, the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires larger young container and uncertain future. for many people living on the evacuation orders, it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car. mean the dog and i got out, i don't really care about my many material things. you know,
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i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tub. the fires are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave. and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, they're also hoping the hot weather we have some turn in the favor. felix new or old is 0. a. well still a head here on autism. and spoil the laces from the lympics as assessing gets on the way and see that's coming up shortly was on the the pod came in to be used. is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing. yep. one is government with the says, 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e, you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table?
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hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not an important factor here. the story on talk to how does era, investigative journalism this is quite chewing walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but of the journey, voices from different corners of survival. it's survivable survivor runs for reparations. and justice stories from all the angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra news
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the it is time for sport and he's on the with everything from the olympics. thank you so much. this tells you what one of the biggest stalls of the games simone boss has begun. her attempt to win 5 gold medals in paris, the most successful gymnast of old time looks to be that 2 of us in qualifying for the city of alaska and picks up the thing up midway through the child care games to focus on mental health and say that she did request, stressing on her ankle midway through this session, fox, she looks at qualifying for the 5 finals. she was told us as well. several styles with that to watch bounds, including maybe spelt some cruise, but stalls lady going going. john legend also in attendance. go one of the forms of the opening ceremony on friday of course. now balls is one
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a record. so lets see 7 medals that island pick on world championships. she has for olympic gold medals to a 9. 0 one at re our 2016 but last time and i think child care, she won a silver and a bronze because of a mental health. is she known as a twist? these about full tests withdrawal from several events. we can clearly see examples of olympic athletes that are trying to get into with their mind and their body by taking a break like simone biles. she showed us in the last olympic games that her mind or body were not connected in the so it was impacting her performance. so we could take a lesson from her by making sure that we're prioritizing our mental health. so another high profile, american acetate will feature the lights are on the prom. james in the us basketball team play the 1st game against serbia in the same group. south sit down and making that games type view and they secure the 1st victory basing for the ricoh 90 to 79. is that the only african country in the men's events and they will
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be taking on the us in the next game on wednesday that al corrales as that being caused by the waiting stalls on saturday ruffin to dial in cove southwest streets around settlements doubles. so i'm going to jump into that, let's just go to the singles campaign on the way against hungry marks on which of which china is dominates, continues in the shooting show you as one of the men's send me to a pistol on his olympic w. i was trying to victory in the a wrongful mix theme events on saturday. australia is around sitting on the better of her american rifle taking the deck in the final. the full 100 makes a freestyle, 17 year old canadian. some of mackintosh took the silver becky in search to this man has 3 and then pick. so metals 2 and a 20400 free and so to all insurance to pull up that same double in paris 7. so i'm leaving the jump from the deck, his favorite state,
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golden by the 81600 mates are free. so i don't feel like necessarily put together the 400 that i'm capable of recently, but i know it's in there. i know. i know what i'm capable of, so just a matter of, of putting it together and hopefully i can put some things together in the longer ones later this week. this it is australia who are currently sell for the metals table with 3 goals. china also have 3 followed by sounds crew. the us, i'm friends francisco, scroll to the games that came in the rug, be sevens. 20 possible to try to set up another in the fiji on how to get these 6 nations early this year to focus on the olympics. the sort of thing is happening 16000 columbus has a wayne state c. and it's the american film, and i think is always thought gentle for us would be to combine school to reach around 3 reigning women's world champion caroline box or star training. the
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other more concerns about the whole quality of the river sent after traveling training session was canceled. heavy range during the opening ceremony has lets will receive will twice, isn't clean enough for swimming. competitions pull race has moved from bars. the authorities and powers have invested $1500000000.00 in making the cents winnable by for residents by next year for the operates at these olympic games. they've done that partly by constructing a 46000 cubic meter reservoir, near the point they'll still it's to contain waste water overflow from. for example, at sewage. just have a 10 days ago, the mayor of powers on the dialogue i tried to prove assigned was safe by taking a dip in the river himself. however, the bad was bad weather in power. sorry for the last few days. a heavy rain that affected the opening ceremony. um the events? yes. that i has made those um overflows impossible to contain the world trocklin
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federation. the meeting officials are 4 am every day, and i've decided that the levels of bacteria on not safe for the training to take place. however, the weather is getting finite in paris. so that's hope that it will be safe by the time of the mentor events on tuesday. and the sun is just to start in this right away from me here at the hotel to bill. it doesn't look the most inviting of the best of times at the phase perhaps of sickness. not something that operates will want to factor into the olympic preparations. but if it comes off a trap, loan in the sun should look spectacular. pull race out, is there a virus will sure. hey, and sony sony to be the next olympics when base full returns to the la gains in the meantime. you just said it's 30 seconds. 100 run of the major league season. be separate from the light bill. just couldn't run a scene from losing against the houston astros. the only amount ahead of i, tony in the home run race is, are in judge. he also added another to his salary for the new york on tuesday when
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i was in the boston red sox. now those 27 home runs to him and lots of attention on some men is putting him, arrives in his home country of south careers, part of the pre season. so on wednesdays spends will play friendly as a team of the best plus mckayla's. and then it's fine munich, only stuff today. all right, buddy, facebook looking pronounced. thanks so much sandy. well, environmental activists and volunteers have relocated in endangered spaces of gazelle towards the us of libyan island. these young women, gonzalez on native deserts, areas of north africa. then you home is on fire long island with fairly safe from animal hunters and predators like wildcat some hyenas to oh, that's it for me and associates have for this news out. you can always find much more on al jazeera dot com, but to stay with us, i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of today's news here on
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the a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of nobel peace. slower if maria, rest and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a r series on a jersey to
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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award nominator here on now. the showcase of the best documentary towns from across the new on the 0150 is the gyptian history. seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, a jeremy through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions captured by photographers who lived himself, the emotions of the country's biggest star. egypt through the lands stage and
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street. on the in the u. s. announced as a major rebounds, then it's minutes chicken. 8 structure in japan's accounts up and contain that china is growing into the color there. i mean this does he tell you this is alta 0 life and also coming the community in morning off to


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