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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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congress who lives himself, the motion of the country's biggest star, egypt through the lands stage in street on the in the us announced as a major way of them spend its minute chicken. 8 structure in japan's accounts up and contain that china is growing into the color there. i mean this does he tell you, this is alda 0 life and also kind of the community in morning, off to a real cause attack and the occupied go down the heights. israel valves, retaliation has blocked, denies responsibility,
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process prizes and threatens to resume the production of intermediate range nuclear weapons. if the u. s. to poison the files your and the pivots elections event as well as present nicholas madura who is facing a strong golf position determined past the now the united states is re vamping its military kalonde in japan as the 2 allies faced with big holding the grace a strategic challenge from china, us forces in japan will be placed on the new joined force headquarters to improve the way that the 2 militaries operate. the refund comes off to russia, said it was committed to strengthening its military ties with north korea, washington, and took care of say they both concerns what they calling and evolving security environment. as china also expands its new k. also. both countries say they will be
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scanning up the production of weapons like as a missile systems. while the rest, every state on st blinking says this strategic event enhances that decades the headlines 1st, as we agreed to upgrade our respective command control structures, including a new joint forces, have a headquarters to meet the challenges of this moment. second, we held our 1st stand alone ministerial extended to turns demonstrating clearly, in other words, that our iron clad commitment to defend our allies with the full range of our conventional and nuclear deterrence capabilities is fully enforced. 3rd, through a new form of defense, industrial cooperation. we launched, co production of advanced missiles, were leveraging japan's manufacturing capability to collectively produce critical national security technology. we must deepen and grill our alliance and enhance the victorious power in order to thoroughly defend the
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existing international folder. we are standing at the historic turning point, a critical hood to juncture where today's decision will determine our future. well, that's not bringing our defense editor alex could topple us. alex, can you talk us through some of the practical and pull the implications of the decisions that have been made here? what, what is it going to look like? so the headquarters of the pacific can do. i'm in the need to come on to the forces for the united states. women move from hawaii to japan. now this is significant because what we're seeing here is basically a commitment by the united states, a deeply commitment by the united states to be able to say we are with you know, by to watch. and that is part by the way, the extent that the parents, a nuclear deterrence that will cover not only japan but also covers self career as well. now it's a similar approach operation between south korea and the united states. and this is
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something that japan is united states are going to mimic as well. so you're gonna see stronger bilateral ties, stronger defense exports as well. that helping you to the design extended range missiles that could reach possibly china, possibly north korea. so japan is solely and firmly moving away from its precipice policy now looking for offensive weapons. and the united states can really help with that as well. could this potentially be seen as, as a threat to buy all the powers resulting in any kind of escalation? what, what does this mean for the region? well, 40, i think, i think 20, we'll definitely see it as a friends. absolutely. i mean, the whole reason why they would be brought to japan is because of the rise of china, the assertion of china, and also tons of succession in the south china sea. you go north korea, but frankly, that's probably going to be a less a concern. it's all about of china with this until i was of course, as well as this umbrella will extend the only future path also to taiwan and china
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news as well. now, it will, this provokes some sort of count to move by china. it's very likely that you will see an increase in military activity, especially around taiwan. we will start testing defenses will certainly be watching those dynamics very closely. alex could helpless out defense out of the thank so much the the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has returned to israel from the united states. he's currently missing his security cabinet to respond to an attack, which they say is by hezbollah. it's claiming the lebanese arms group for strike and the occupied garden heights on sunday that killed 12 people has been, i mean, while as denying involvement center call that reports from babies. a lot of those 7 years simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern 11 on isabel
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said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure a message, but not the response promised by as well for the rocket attack that killed civilians and the is really controlled syrian occupied colon heights late on saturday and the terrible tragedy innocent boys and girls, it breaks your heart and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this and they will pay the price has beloved denied carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event. since october 7th, i shall come to the bus and since i was informed of the disaster, i have been holding continues. secuity consultations, and i have decided to bring forward that will return to israel. i will immediately entered the security cabinet upon my arrival, i can say that the state of israel will not get over this in silence is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense
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failed to intercept the rockets, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the ivr. and on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game as well and as well, have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine . the trajectory of this conflict will it stick to the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? will hezbollah be able to absorb the strikes without the need to retaliate? further escalating? the war of attrition? senior is ready. the officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means
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has reached a tipping point. a dangerous one said who their l shakita beta. let's get the license from awesome bag. he joins us from the lebanese capital. as soon as we hear all of this rhetoric, we are also hearing calls for de escalation and that ebony is coming of the we all, we understand that the lebanese fire minister abdulla both have be, has said that they, the government to has spoken to united states and off the us to just break from we also understand that the united states has off the lebanese government to pass the message on to the on who is the to also show the strings. but a bill uh well have you as also said that any significant attack by itself would lead to a regional vote. no tensions have been over the last 10 months and they have been to protect the tenants by both sides. and sometimes it is some sporadic escalation,
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then it comes out and then escalates again, but now with eyes on is rather than what they will do next. who will they strike wave of they strike and how they will strike will this force has blocked to retaliate further? and as you've heard from my colleagues, many people here saying that this is a tipping point. this is a dangerous one. that 10 already on sunday, they have been a series of a strikes of by israel on, in, in southern lebanon. but not only interested in the non goals in easton lebanon, but here's what was also said that they have hit. is there any targets and these where you set them into the sofa, the conflict has been restricted to search and made it to be targets. that's not to say that civilians haven't died. almost a $177.00 ends have died, including john and as but as i say, lies now on israel and what the next move will be. indeed, us a vague for us with a licensed from the lebanese capital bay route. thank you. awesome. well, get more on these developments from our correspondent honda sold hood. she joins us
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now and i'll go hoss judy, i'm the, we would just saying that security cabinet missing in israel, we believe is ongoing as also the st. all eyes now and israel, presumably that they're running through their options. that's exactly right, benjamin netanyahu cutting his trip to the united states short. so convenience, security cabinet immediately upon on arrival because they're going to discuss the plans, the course of action for what they're going to do next. the entirety of israel's defense and security apparatus has said that this will not go on answer that there will be some sort of big retaliation as a result against his bella, even options, bella has denied responsibility. the army is saying that they are lying. so last night we heard from the defense minister, you'll have go on to his office saying, but he has come up with a few courses of action. there are a few options. these really are looking to pursue, and ultimately it's going to be up to him. prime minister benjamin netanyahu mostly, and also the army chief of staff to see what exactly is possible and feasible. now
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the army chief of staff has said that they are preparing on the northern border. they're increasing their readiness. this is not a change within israel's policy when it comes to dealing with a threat on their northern border. in fact, we've been hearing it for months and then you have outside actors like the united states, who are pressuring for this not to escalate. but that has also been going on since october. they were publicly and privately pressuring this not spill over into a wider regional conflict, which could be the case. certainly we are hearing those concerns around regional escalation. honda sounds good, thank you. i'm a reminder that you are approaching from here because of restrictions on our pushing within israel pace that by these ready government. thanks. thank you. one of these really military has killed at least 5 palestinians in an as strike on the 10th sheltering displaced people. and on milwaukee and southern garza, the military had ordered palestinians from con eunice to evacuate west to on the wasi on saturday, and declared the area a safe zone,
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but has attacked it repeatedly. this about to ation or to now is the 2nd to re issued and a week. israel has killed at least $39320.00 full palestinians since the beginning of its war on casa a. well, let's go to canceled. all right, she is in there all by that in central cause of for us on the ground. and i understand that have been broadening about creation or it has now been issued fast and con eunice now in central gauze, it took us through what's going on. exactly. so there was 2 evacuation orders in san eunice in the past couple weeks. and today, in the past, our new situation orders to call us and use in the middle of the area. and specifically those in a few days. and in part of that and it's laid off. now there is a huge wave of frustration, this fair helplessness between palestinians not knowing where to go. so that is really forces us at the palestinians in the eastern parts of cleanliness to go to
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the western parts of con eunice. but that is where the forces just targeted the house to a boom selim, harmony in the western parts of the community until at least 10 palestinians among them were babies. and we are seeing a very part of it. you were a father, is it was able to recognize his tribes from the close she's wearing because her issue was be headed in and, and she was in 2 parts. it's very hard to see the video and it's also very hard to describe it. and earlier today, another 5 policy means were killed as the is there any forces targeted attends in milwaukee also in the so called safe area. so now kind of in the middle there, you are also evacuating their searching for a place. there is 100 people here in the middle there you are asking, where should we go? but there's definitely like literally no phase for product and used to go. everyone is being squeezed between community and, and there is but left,
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there is no place to go. you can go to the force because there's a ground authoration there. you can go to the eastern parts of your class because there's a eastern opinion just because there's also ground operations and you can go and anywhere after a miscellaneous, because there's a check point that separates the southern parts of the car goes through to the another in parts of the gaza strip, so people are trapped everywhere. it's overruns, you and it schools have been targeted shelters are being targeted. people literally do not know where to go and they also do not have any place to go. and we are hearing that just in the last hour, there has been another, is really attack on calling eunice several people that will be getting more details and then sharing them as we have them. as you say, that has been an ongoing operation in eastern con units. but for over a week now, can you give us a sense of the situation that on the ground? well, it's on describe the situation, can you?
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and if so, people have only a couple of minutes to evacuate. on the 1st day of this current operation and some people workshops. so you're talking about people for more than 7 days now, without food, without walk through without medicine, even the paramedics and the civil defense teams could not reach those areas. so according to a mazda hospital, they're saying that there's a lot of bodies concert on the streets. where the civil defense teams would not even recover them. and also the people who weren't able to evacuate are littered is the cartridge on the streets without shot through. they did not even have time to, to take any of their belongings to take any of their clothes. so they're also homeless right now, and there's no place for them. there's no like that. it's very crowded everywhere is crowded. everywhere is a target. so policy news are left, how does this they don't not know where to go, but it's still ongoing. as i mentioned, that is really for it says targeted to targets to date a tent and the house. and both are in the so called say,
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the signee to human to tell you. and so, so that's why people are very frustrated. so they evacuated from the eastern top sides to the western side. but the western sides are also being targeted. so people don't have anywhere to go that's that's, that's how people are living right now. uh scott, sort of between the trees, not knowing where to go. there is no, said sir, there is no safe area everywhere. it's targeted. so people are only counting the minutes for their desk or too low for the air strikes to target them because that's what kind of sinews are literally telling us. they're waiting for the air strikes that would kill them because this situation is getting them every minutes and have a portion of us from the ground and they're all bala and the central task of the strip. thank you. a hostile a head here on the 0, taking a tons of the was why fi sciences in one us state called desperate for heat waste and
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the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, the f one, his government with these 5 digit you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important effective. he of the story on talk to al jazeera, the
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. ringback the, on counting the cost this week, buckle up for a wild ride. transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to? and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy capturing the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the fuck match and watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories, the sound. the u. s. is re vamping it's minutes. they come on in japan as a donation space, what they're holding the greatest strategic challenge from china. us defense
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secretary know at austin said and took care that the upgrade is one of the most significant developments in the history of their life is right and has carried out as strikes and southern 11 on of 10 keesing has been of launching a raucous attack. and you know, combined golden heights of killed the 12 people that have been these honest group has denied involved he's really ministry has killed the police, 5 palestinians and, and as strike on attend sheltering the space, palestinians, and on the west, in southern gaza. israel previously had declared on the y c, so it would say certain but has repeatedly attacked and present. got him in prison . the saying russia will resume its production of intermediate range and nuclear weapons brushes annual naval day parade. and some peaches back to one to the us against deploying the solves in germany or elsewhere in europe. susan is saying that if washington deploy is long range missiles on the continent, moscow will station similar weapons within striking distance of the west,
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the west ponds to the point long range missiles in germany from 2026. to us in the united states situation, recruits the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of the american pershing medium range missiles in europe. us implemented such plans. we will consider ourselves free from the previously one solid moratorium on the deployment of medium and show to rank strikes systems today, the development of a number of such systems in its final stages. we will take mirror measures for the deployment taking into account the actions of the us and they satellites in europe and other countries of the world. it is of, of all of our reports out from oscar. i'm not sure where it says that it is quite serious and according to patient, russian will consider itself free from a moratorium on the deployment of medium and shoulder arrange missiles, a, b, u r. as in deep place dismissal. as in germany. would you repeat on her side that's in that address? the same is that the, the maybe the parade in saint petersburg,
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he has denied to that improved and russian government and ministry control facilities will be within the reach of those american missiles deployed in germany . if they are actually deployed up to the slide time over a 1000 right can result which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, according to patient will be about 10 minutes. and of course, august the threatens. the russians have a treat uh defined that the united states is going to deploy a long range weapons in germany for the 1st time since the cold war. uh, it became known at the nato summit in washington on july. the 11th this yeah. deployment to weapons explained to begin in 2026 to rush to meet at no cost promised administrative response including a possible deployment. ok, you clear equipped missiles on its territory? so according to patients,
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the united states is escalating tensions of russian strategic lights. i based on slides a while and he said that uh the united states as the the us air force themselves. and so i have always always patrol, rushing board is the incumbent president nicholas venturo has cost his version what's being described as venezuela as much consequential election in a generation. 17000000 people are choosing between the dura and his rival over time . different lot of wonder gonzalez, do row has been in palace since twenty's that 10 he seeking another 6 year time. but polls show that for the 1st time and he is the opposition, is gaining ground since 2014 and economic collapse has force nearly a 3rd venezuela's population to leave the country. just showing me what else i am nicholas my do to model president of the people and i even recognize the electronic roughly the word of the referees holy and i called on the 10 presidential
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candidates on the 30th political parties declared publicly that they would respect the official results of the other sounds around jessie ripples. it could be the most consequential election in the generation. ads calling for the re election of president nicolas my do to empower since 2013 flood the streets of the capital cut i guess. but there's little doubt that years of economic collapse and political repression have more down the socialist revolution, started by late president to go, travis back in 1999. i gave it to the 1st time that i feel very excited to be exercising my brought to bodies off to so long i hope for a truly positive change. for all venezuelans. the boat comes at the end of it to middle truce campaign and meet the claims of widespread. the rest meant in dozens of the rest of opposition. activist institutions loyal to the president have not
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allowed millions of venezuelans abroad to register to vote in barks. the opposition primary winner by the equity. and i'm a chad to from writing. the phones show that her replacement, former diplomats gonzales, has at least 25 points advantage. gonzales told, i'll just see you to a he believes my doodle will not relinquish power without a fight. but i know we're welding loss will force him to negotiate a peaceful hand over. in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these elections are not transparent nor competitive. but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. on friday, the government prevented a flight carrying a group of latin american former presidents from traveling to cut access to observe the elections. others invited by the administration, visited some polling stations ahead of the boat to the web. many fear my daughter
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will not recognize its eventually defeat some political analysts say it might prove difficult for the government accuse of rigging elections in the past, expect to snatch them away or something like that movie. and the last, what we've saying signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. gonzalez's running as a transition candidate. he says he's open to amnesty for government officials being investigated for crimes. and he's hoping to bring back some of the, almost 8000000 venezuelans with flipped in past years by last week. my do it a war and that if you were not re elected the country could face the blood bath, leaving venezuelans at home and abroad an age. i listened that to be at the address landslide has killed at least 11 people in china central hunan province and was caused by flash flooding. and that comes as tropical storms and the off the mouth
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of type your and gave me continued to sweep through the country. i mean, while thousands of 5 sites are working to contain an outbreak of wildfires in western canada and along the us west coast. strong winds and a summer heat wave of threatening to file the spread those rains. fillings, new are reports, ashes and charged remains. are all that's left across much of the result. town open, jasper. a fierce wildfire swept through here just one of many burning across western canada about 1001 and 60 active as far as across canada, 580 had the full response to 180 are currently out of control. ready of 101 are being held 199 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned within no bird, a $175.00. well fires. a 2300000 actors that have been birds. $17000.00
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a vacuum ease for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month, fires in oregon have burnt more than 400000 hacked is of land, $79.00. and in northern california, the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires larger young container and an uncertain future for many people living on the evacuation orders. it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p. d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and, well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car, me and the dog. and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things. you know? i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tub. the fires are largely fueled by
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a sweltering heat wave. and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, they're also hoping the hot weather. we have some turn in their favor. felix new or old is 0. a concept for me and associates, hey, you can always find won't until as is there a dot com the had lower than the monsoon. ryans in south asia are picking up in that northeast corner will also see more rain pouring into pockets done in the days. ahead and all that heavy rain that's been affecting western and central parts of india has continued to cause a flood issues in maggio per dash. and the rain is still here on monday, pushing across into good dropped some heavy rain to come here. the rain continues as well across the western edge of india,
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some breezy conditions as well. and as the rain that picks up, it is looking west to from eastern and northeast scenarios on choose day and foot pakistan with some very heavy bus. the rain moving come from a corrupt cheek, further inland, as we go towards the mid week. heavy rain is also the story for east asia. thanks to tie food going may, that's broken apart, but it's remnants continue to flood west and pots of china. they will push up into the north, those bust of rain, they light to cause some flooding in beijing on tuesday. and some of that heavy rain as well effects northern parts of japan. but you can see the width and windy weather swelling away as we go into choose they often noon is not stria across the eastern areas of china, the korean punch. let's see those exception heart conditions as well as about 37 in japan. on tuesday, the
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african stories from african perspective. i like convince i dentist, authorities using different media to show documentary wise applicants filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to assign to them. but i can meet with you pulled up on me. it says all them on the last side, the bile, bob waste, and all was fine. i use the on, i'll just sierra the banquet that should seen some of its worst violence in decades. spunk by student protests against a government job, quite a system. the demonstrations say favorite support is if the ruling a want me leave the country supreme court has now scrapped the quote to, but with thousands killed and hundreds arrested. serious questions are made over the government's handling of the crisis with students demanding meetings from


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