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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the color everyone. now my la rock, this is the news our life from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes. this won't be the most significant change to us for since japan, censors creation. tokyo and washington announced a new era of military cooperation and condemned the growing alliance between russia
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and china. the community in morning after a rocket attack and the occupied goal on heights is well valves retaliation as well off denies responsibility. venezuela votes presently, customer through faces. your step as challenge yet from an opposition alliance, determined to end is 11 years in power, plus an escalation of violence in northern molly squared rebels playing. they've killed and injured government soldiers and russian mercenaries, and far as well with all the latest from the paris olympics, including after an opening doubles when with carlos alvarez. roxanne adel is also looking to reach the 2nd round of the singles. competition will have action from the game coming up the we begin this news, our with the u. s,
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saying it is revamping it's military command in japan and creating a new joint headquarters for their armed forces. that's the account of what it calls, growing regional threats from russia, china and north korea. michael apple begins are coverage. the united states is strengthening its decades old military alliance with japan. that country hosts more than $50000.00 us troops. hundreds of us, st croft, and washington's only forward deployed aircraft carrier strike group. but they take, they orders from americas in the pacific combined in hawaii, 6 and a half 1000 kilometers away. and 19, always behind japan. the announcements of a new revamp joined to come on and control structure will change that this will be the most significant change to us forces, japan, sensors creation and one of the strongest improvements in our military ties with japan. in 70 years. the us and its allies in east asia described the people's
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republic of china, or p r c. has the greatest strategic strength facing the region. we strongly oppose the policies efforts to unilaterally change the status quo by force . and he's trying to see in the south china sea, around taiwan. we agree on the importance of upholding peace and stability across the taiwan strait to us in japan. also worried about russia's renew, defense ties with peeling yang. a good you should look, we reaffirmed our cool for the competing, the nuclear eyes, ation of north korea. and we also shade our concerns about russia and north korea's military cooperation. fuel the changes come as china is rapidly expanding its nuclear awesome that combined with the ongoing threat of north korea, which continues to test it to solve. plus all side effect of russia is increasing
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its military prisons and did so in the pacific and increasing its corporation. we buy china and north korea. the, the us is military. industrial complex has been stretched by years of supplying almost to ukraine. and more recently, israel for its, for on cause the close to collaboration with the washington seek to leverage japanese factories to boost production of advanced weapon systems. for japan, it marks a significant shift from decades of post will pass if isn't tokyo, has doubled its defense spending and recent years under what the alliance calls and evolving security environment. mike level, how does there? and so the selling me reports now from tokyo, supposed to be this of the 2 countries,
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the prison biden. and mr. kachimba announced in april during the summits in the wire summit and washington on from the white house, then known as the new era, the relationship side entering this new alpha of uh, a corporation. and the, what we hear today about the event being the, the live, and also the cooperation. basically what that means, the military wise is that those are fund is hosting almost 50000 troops in its uh, items. uh, mostly, uh, this will sound located in the south uh, in south in japan, in okinawa and the comment for this, the tops is located there, but uh, it's uh on the uh, it's only commanding the 2 of us with that administrative decisions like pressing the training and the administrative affairs, but as for the employment uh or did that in so it engaged meant in military operations. the decision, it comes from how i and the with this and you announcement to apparently us is
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going to assign a new city starts, you know, to the comment in okinawa and he wouldn't be able to give decisions to engage in military operations or did that as so this is a very important obligated to the level of military cooperation between the 2 countries. to all persons of latimer putting says russia will resume production of intermediates range of nuclear weapons as rushes annual, a naval day parade and st. petersburg. he wants the us against deployed missiles in germany or elsewhere for that matter in europe. brittany says if washington deploys long range missiles on the consummate ma, scott will station similar weapons within striking distance of the west. the us plants to deploy long range missiles in germany from 2026 ship to us and they put me in lights. the situation recruits the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of the american pershing medium range missiles in europe. us implemented such plans,
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we will consider ourselves free from the previously one solid moratorium on the deployment of medium and show to rank strike systems today, the development of a number of such systems in its final stages, we will take mirror measures for the deployment taking into account the actions of the us and they satellites in europe and other countries of the world. and you are your shop of all of our reports now from oscar. i'm not sure where it says that it is quite serious and according to patient, russian will consider itself free from a moratorium on the deployment of medium and shoulder arrange missiles, a, b, u r. as in deep place dismissal, as in germany. would you repeat on her side that's in that address? the same is that the, the maybe the parade in saint petersburg, he has denied to that improved and russian government and ministry control facilities will be within the reach of those american missiles deployed in germany
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. if the yacht should deploy that to the slide time over 1000, right, and results, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, according to patient will be about 10 minutes. and of course, august the threatens. the russians have a treat uh defined that the united states is going to deploy a long range weapons in germany. for the 1st time since the cold war. it became known at the nato summit in washington on july. the 11th this yeah. deployment to weapons explained to begin in 2026 to rush to meet at no cost promised administrative response including a possible deployment. ok, you clear equipped missiles on its territory? so according to patients, the united states is escalating tensions of russian strategic lights. i based on slides a while and he said that uh the united states as the the us air force themselves.
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and so i have always, always patrol, rushing board is to and there was a show of forced by both russian and chinese fleets during the naval parade. ships went on display in the strategic locations around the world, including the syrian ports of parties. and the sailors from algeria and india also took part the russian defense industries that over $100.00 military vehicles participated. and i'll just there as defense editor alex. so it could topple us, so has more in this range of missiles were banned in the cold war. and the treaty was signed by both um premier gorbachev and also president ronald reagan in 1987 as a confidence building measures. these missiles are designed to start the talk is extremely quickly. so instead of flying from say, of the continental united states, which would take about 30 minutes, this would be to 4 to 10 minutes, giving the enemy hardly any time to react. so, and of course,
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the last time these missiles were on western european soil, they would nuclear tipped. so we have this whole possibility of this whole shadow of the cold war reappearing. and it's, it's actually the, the truth was put, there is a confidence building measure. but what we're seeing now is the lowering of confidence between the 2 sides and possible responding kind as well. we're going to see its medium range missiles, probably be putting colleen and graphs, and also closer and closer to the boulder. and this is going to have this kind of tit for tat, building up. and what we're going to see is a new race very, very likely, as well. the foreign minister benjamin netanyahu has returned to israel from the us and is meeting the security cabinet to discuss a response to an attack in northern israel on saturday. israel blame the lebanese,
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the arm to group has fall off for the rocket attack and the occupied goal on hearts which killed 12 people as well. ah, has denied any involvement. it comes as the, the is really our, me says, 2 rockets were launched from lebanon at the, your northern border community of shula on sunday. and israel carried out strikes of its own inside 11 on earlier, saying ahold of reports from the root of about 7 years simultaneous strikes and multiple locations across southern lebanon on or isabel said it targeted as well as weapons depose, an infrastructure and a message, but not the response promised by as well, for the rocket, the attack that killed civilians and the is really controlled syrian occupied golden heights late on saturday. then they will give us a terrible tragedy in this,
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in boys and girls. it breaks your heart and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this, and they will pay the price has beloved denied carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event since october 7. this is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rockets while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent. on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game? because of the law and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict. will it stick to
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the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? well, how's will i be able to absorb this strikes without the need to retaliate? further escalating? the war of attrition? senior is really officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point, a dangerous one, then who there else was either beta. and in a moment, so we'll speak with the honda. so who to was here with me in the how because israel has bound to 0 from operating there. but 1st, let's cross over to where they were to, where i'm joined by a saw the big a side. um israel has struck some targets inside lobe or not. and there's also been some slight delays there as well. i wouldn't have you learned that's right. we understand that israel has its several size inside lebanon's, right?
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of each of us the they hit the tire and tied district and decided to hit the turn of him in the measure you in district. we also understand those days, right? the drawing strike that hits a building, but there were no casualties, but that took place in easton 11 on. now we also understand that his beloved say that they have a strike against the system is against is right. the targets know the strikes come as the mean a line head, the middle east and lines has said that they will be some slots like today's to 6 of those sites. now we have spoken to the chair of the line and he told us it's because of the situation. the current situation here have been on what they don't want of like arriving late at night and in the early hours of the morning. so there's a delay. so those sites that haven't been can, so those lights will be shifted to the day time because the situation is so 10, st peeled back. they don't want to post any kind of risk to lights coming in or out of the country. so that's the situation stands in tens of strikes,
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taking places where you start, say never one of the delays to those lights. and the israel's initial response seems so unlimited. are there still fears in lab? and on the secrets of cushions from this incident could still instigate a major escalation. absolutely. right. you speak to people that have been using phases like tipping point knife edge escalation. and there is a fear that whatever is real does not could leads to something big. in fact, the farm is the uh, both have be, has been speaking. he spoke to the rich as news agency and he said that they have spoken to the united states urging the strain from is written in the united states into has austin live in these government to pass the message on to has begun austin for restraints. so all of that lies right now, well, on what is will do next wave. it is red stripe, who with this red stripe and how when israel strikes, and if that would need to
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a further escalation, that no one had once and would like for his beloved. and is that both have said that they don't want, it will, but i prepared for it. but the foreign minister here has said that a significant tech by israel could lead to a reasonable will. so they are real fee is that that could be a mistake, sofa the conflict and the size has been restricted to generally military targets and sites. although civilians have been killed, maybe 100 here in liber not including journalists, but who lives right now on what israel will do next. all right, so sorry, big reporting of from a b root to thank you so much for now. and let's get you more on these. the developments are correspond, thomas, who is here with me in the newsroom? so it seems the response has been limited for now. so does this mean this is the end of it? this is certainly not the end of it. in fact is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu cut his trip to the united states shore. in order to get back to israel
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as quickly as possible to convene the country security cabinets to decide exactly what kind of response this is going to be met with these really say they're blaming his bullet for this based on their own intelligence. but his bullet has denied this, but these rarely say the retaliation is going to be massive in scale. with some officials are indicating that it's still yet to be seen. whether it's going to be large enough to trigger some sort of spill over into a wider regional conflict. has bella and israel have both said that they don't want this larger regional conflict. they don't want a full scale war, but it's something they have also said they are prepared for the americans even last month. have said that if and all that were were to break out, is there a wouldn't be able to contain its meaning that the air defense systems will be so overwhelmed and the casualties on both sides would be catastrophic. so these really prime ministers meeting with the security and defense apparatus right now in tel
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aviv to determine how and when this response is going to take place. and all this as well are still denying involvement. his bullet is denying involvement still. and we heard this yesterday from them an indication that some were saying, distancing themselves from this because they're not interested in this sort of wider regional conflict. they're not interested in a larger war, but it's really officials from the beginning. we're pointing the finger options one way even though his bullet released the statement saying it wasn't us. these really said that they were lying. and they said that they, that they did an analysis of the rocket that hit this football pitch in the occupied goal on heights. that there was no other type of armed group that could have a sense, this rocket of this size, this scale with that type of war had attached to it around 50 kilograms. so these really is, are still pointing the finger rations bullet even though they are denying it. so the response is going to be against some sort of his bullet target or targets in 11
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on. but we still have to wait and see what these relatives are going to come up with here. and in the back dropped. are these cease fire talks in rome? what's the status of that? well, the head of israel's most sod to be spy chief, has arrived in rome with these really delegation. they're meeting with god, but his prime minister with egypt, spite chief and the head of the c i a bill burns. and actually some is really officials just a couple of days ago were saying that these talks could actually be headed for a crisis rather than a breakthrough. because of nathan, y'all who's hard in stance and the deal right now that's on the table has a lot of gaps that they aren't seemingly raging. we've been talking about the same deal since may and the talks have been collapsing over and over again because of tough sticking points. and that's and y'all whose position is so hard and that there can't be room summer saying for any further negotiations. so what some officials are speaking anonymously and saying is that they're looking for a path forward in a broader sense rather than trying to bridge the gaps that are on the table because
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of seemingly that that's not going to happen. and that's how it's reporting. thank you. so much greatly appreciate it. thank you. and would like to welcome now or hike or famine? he is the project director of iraq, syria and 11 on at the international crisis group. he's normally based in b, which but he joins us now from cots in austria. a good day sir. how do you see this all playing out as well? i mean, it, it's in a way is what we have to see us for a long time, or what we were warned against is not to this did for tots. that is one minus where i have been engaged in since october eventually or could lead to a situation where one's or the other side. it's more than what they intend to hit on. it's something that they're all under intense, right? so we have that civilian run on and that's to put the side that is it will feel
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compelled to step up the excavations very significant. ok, i can term that then obviously the dangerous thing to how to drive and that there's a dangerous thing that we may not know that the u. s. the diplomacy in particular, may not be able to control. right? because we understand, of course not everybody is appears to be scrambling to avoid this from escalating. of course, the question now is can hostilities to be contained or who has leverage as well as i mean it's, it's clear that anybody has leverage over this waiting since you're waiting for what the sliding so i'm going to do with everybody that anybody else leverage it it's to us, um if this escalates items are loaded up into a full fledged war, then israel will need to us support and console her resupply or weapons, political support and whatnot. and so, um, do you guys have made it very clear previously that they're not interested in this, this kind of thing blowing out. so that's, that's what the language is. that's what,
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that's the plan the one way or that's coming up with can keep this, perhaps on the control. but the bottom line is, these things will continue to happen. is we will, of these are difficult situations with slide it into the escalation is like a hard to, to check and as long as the guy is going on, we need to cease fire and got a lot to stop this from, from uh, potentially exposing another products so i called in i, i want to pick up on, on this idea that the us has a leverage and this, the situation enrollments to go with the us. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer was asked about this incident. and he responded by saying that is real, have to right to defend itself. you know, obviously he's not the one who dictates. so the foreign policy of the united states, but um, you know, it does indicate where the us stand right now. ready or that's what to you as
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always satisfied, 2 reasons, the right to defend itself. that's the standard to line law. but then the question is, how do you know what makes sense? you know, does it make sense at this point in the course of this defense to go down the road that leads to a larger war that leads to a situation where now the only the person of israel, but that large part of northern is where it maybe even up to 12, it's will be on the attack or is that what, what is that the meaningful defense of i'm, i would say a meaningful defense or meaningful way out of this situation where on tens of thousands of is what 80 is displaced is to, to get go to the root of the problem now, and we just set this the situation guys are now um the us ministration has perhaps not done enough,
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but so i think we can say that's to bring guys up to an end could do more. and so this is a very potent remind on now why this, why it's necessary to stop this war, not just in all this way or so the, but this regional or the that the potential regional conflagration of that comes out of this on ending contradicting dollars. it may, that hasn't bowl game and that may involve the wrong that has involved the wrong at some point already. so all of this is an extremely difficult, a dangerous situation that needs to be stopped and it needs to be stop that source . and that's where the asymptote, which has to go, and we would like to see more of that type of in a project director for iraq, syria, and lebanon at the international crisis group. thank you, sir, for your time. thank you very much. and is really air strikes, have killed dozens of people in the southern,
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gaza over the past 24 hours. and just the past hour on eunice and is really attack on a home left 10 pallets. 10 used it. and then my where see a so called saved zone according to the is really military. at least 5 people were killed after attend sheltering, displaced, palestinians was targeted. and whether it has the latest from the better in central garza and there was 2, evacuated orders in some units in the past couple of weeks. and today, in the past, our new situation orders to call us in use in the area. and specifically those in a good days and in part of that and it's laid off. now there is a huge wave of frustration, despair, helplessness between palestinians not knowing where to go. so that is really forces us at the palestinians in the eastern parts of con eunice to go to the western parts of con eunice. but that is ready for us to just target at the house to up and sell them. how many in the western parts of con units and kids,
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at least 10 palestinians among them were babies. and we are seeing a very part of it. you were a father is was able to recognize his. it tries from the clothes she's wearing because here is she was be headed in and, and she was in 2 parts. it's very hard to see the video and it's also very hard to describe it. and earlier today, another $500.00 simians were killed as the is there any forces targeted a tense in milwaukee also in the so called safe area. so now kind of in the middle there, you are also evacuating their searching for a place. there is 100 people here in the middle there you are asking, where should we go? but there's definitely like literally no place or policy needs to go. everyone is being squeezed between community and, and there is blast. there's no place to go. you can go to the horse because there's a ground operation there. you can go to the eastern parts of request because
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there's a east of can you just because there's also friend of races and you can go anywhere after a mislaid us because there's a check point that separates the southern parts of the cause of true to the another in parts of the gaza strip. so people are trapped everywhere. it's overruns. you and it's schools have been targeted shelters are being targeted. people literally do not know what to go and they also do not have any place to go. and as we mentioned earlier, the head of, as well as most of the intelligence agency, is in room for in direct talks for a cease fire and goes on. david deborah now is meeting with the head of the c i a, the guitar e, your prime minister in egypt, intelligence minister mediators that have been working for months to broker a phase to cease fire deal in god's i'm and i'm no joint here on the set by otto abdullah, how far the director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east
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council on global affairs are good to have you back with this here is real is continuing its scorched earth approach and gaza. so we are 10 months in this war with no and then sites and it's increasing, becoming cold, isn't that it's really focused on the collective punishment of the pedestrian people, 40000 that destructions of school was hospitalized. there is a huge fight on the deal, but they, we have to look at the domestic considerations. perhaps nothing you know does not want the deal is just bidding for time because he has to go to his own consent. just a quick intro, see with the, with the sort of a win win, he's unable to get that when so if it is a score, or if, as you said right now, are you mentioned dentist, you start talks in a room. i mean, what are some of the, walk us through some of the main sticking points that they, you know, that still form an obstacle when there's a number of issues that are still sticking. first of all, who's going to take a look out for security and as in the day after we still do not know who's going to be in charge on the ground. they haven't been reports of that. and then my rocky force and addiction for sticking
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a control and partnership with us. but this is not yet confirmed. and which mandate with the have an following cuz they need you day. what happens in the long term governance? so because the public speaking authority should pay it over, but again, israel has been against us because it wants the west bank and gaza to be separated and divided looking for is there a fee of or so what happens to the philadelphia quarter is what does not want to give back different a delta cargo, which is part of the peace treaty was egypt. and finally, the return of the refugees from rough off as part of the view, but sure they're turned back to an order because then again, it's not allowing them to fully return. and even in the meantime, we're seeing this sentence, the whitening of the, of the offensive campaign in hon units. so it doesn't really seem like there's an end to this uh, in the immediate future. yeah, i mean that goes back to the point about the collective punishment of the palestinian people. perhaps there is a ceasefire coming. i'm tennessee fire is reached, is raised. are going to inflict as much pain on the palestinians as possible to
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have the twin, ford, but then you have to go back to his constituency and see here, look at least for this point that uh now um of course uh we just a basement at yahoo we just returned from the us. uh, you know, he didn't announce any deal there. um were have lane duck president in the united states. so, you know, where do we go from here? well, i think of the k as in the, in the us and all the issues unfolding that really plays into that then. yeah. was hands because the attention is focused elsewhere, you know, and, and now the as a war and the issue of the palestine part of the state to it is now an issue that is divided republicans and democrats. so this gives me a time to continue with this one thing. destruction of us. all right, thank you so much for this conversation. greatly appreciate it. thank you very much . and still head here on out to 0. avoiding a disaster authorities in the philippines are waiting for weather conditions to improve, to safely remove oil from a sunken tanker and in sports,
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find out which olympics superstar pulled in a celebrity crowd at the purest games fair. i will have that story for you. the the, i had low that exceptional heat across the car been, is resulting and exceptionally hot nights. and some of the islands will get that in a moment, fast to south america. and is the story of heat as well for the northern half of the region was seen july record smashed in places like peru as well as bolivia, power, g, y, and brazil. but for the south of us, it's much cooler thanks to a weather front. it's pulling its way further north bringing heavy showers on sunday into monday. the with the potential for storms across southern parts of brazil, power block bolivia, and into peru will see temperatures come down. here comes as however,
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picking up the santiago in chile, the wet and windy by the confined to the very south. and we'll see some wet weather across the very move of the content in particular for venezuela. but it remains very hots in ecuador. we have a warning salt high temperatures, places like kito, seen the temperature about 6 degrees celsius, above the average for this time of year. and there is a heat across the caribbean with the dominican republic. i think it's hot of july 9th on record. it's largely hot and dry here on sunday into monday we'll get well towards the end of the week. but what weather for now is pouring down from mexico into central america as to whether update the oh to there's no place like home. except when home
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is for the part of the lebanese filmmaker documents as likes to one of the country's most turbulent times. the pills, i'm the anxious and fatal. a witness documentary on that jersey at a, in the south korea police receive up to $200.00 reports while it's every day when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0. the government challenges here with
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the the welcome back. you're watching it. i'll just say we're a reminder of our top stories. this our, the us is re vamping its military command in japan. as the 2 nations face, what they call the greatest strategic challenge from china. us defense secretary port austin said in tokyo, it's one of the most significant developments in the history of their alliance is really forces and the lebanese army who has a lot of carried out tit for tat attacks. israel's prime minister is meeting the security cabinet to discuss the response to an attack and the goal on heights on saturday. israel blames has full off for that attack in which 12 people were killed and is really our strikes in southern guns. i have killed dozens of palestinians in the past. 24 hours is rarely forces issue new evacuation orders in hon. eunice for
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the 2nd time in a week. but thomaston, hughes said there is nowhere left to go. all right, i'm going to change topics now and turn to venezuela, where millions of voters are heading into the polls to elect their next president. you cannot some of the role is seeking another 6 year term, but polls show that for the 1st time in years, the opposition is gaining ground. and there's anger over a dire economic crisis that has led to hyper installation. about 8000000 people have left the country. well, now the opposition is hoping, overwhelming victory could force my doodle to negotiate a transition of power capture lopez or de yon reports. it's described as the most consequential election. in fact, gates a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela,
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the stakes are high. many voters, wind the streets of the capital, cut out gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you are such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful, forget it. and of course, i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running high, there was anger and frustration at one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the good they won't let us in what we want to avoid, we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez, or president my doodle. despite the series of electoral fraud, president nicholas my little says he will respect the election results. right, so let's do the same. i recognize and we will recognize the electro media i to the
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official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results. the spot doubts, lingering institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of them as well as abroad to register and vote. it's also board the opposition primary winner, money equity, no much total from running yet poll show for replacement. former diplomat, edmondo gonzales has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some state has the best chance it's had in here. in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. the election is testing model is appropriate on power or something like that movie . and the last,
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what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to here. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country, could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad, on edge catchy a little bit of a young houses here. and we're about to show you a live look. here you see a the main opposition candidate, edmondo gonzales. there are surrounded by a supporters for some very your consequential day for venezuela were millions of voters are testing their ballots to elect their next president, and he, himself is expected to vote shortly. yeah. all right, let's talk to our reporter all the thunder. and i'm here to you. she drawers us
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from book without in neighboring colombia. of course, the country has received millions of venezuelan refugees or immigrants as you wish to name them. um now um i want to ask you in terms of give us a sense of, of what's happening there now yes, layla, hundreds of venezuelans came out the facts here in downtown. but that to try and cast a vote in these very, very important elections. there also, as you can see here, behind me, they're celebrating the fact that they hope that there will be a change in their country after 25 years of ruled by the socialist party of a late president to go chavez. and the last at all, i have been able to vote,
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and that is because only 69000 that the many and very friends that live outside of the country that are eligible to both at been able to register. that's because they say they would have to face almost impossible requirements that the documents they have were not recognized by the any split into institutions here . so they haven't been able to both, but they wanted to come out to, to participate and celebrate. they said that uh for this possibility with the other people that instead of being able to register and allison to tell us exactly what's at stake in this election. i mean, my daughter has said that his party is the only one that offers a piece while the opposition is set that they are the best chance to preserve a democracy. a yes, a good context. it's key here. obviously. now
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a gift of my daughter has been in power since 2014 has a party of been in power since 1999. and in particular, since my daughter has been the president, the country has been slowly falling into and they put nomic collapse that has then become also humanitarian price. is that as far as almost $8000000.00 people, or almost a quarter of the, of any sweat on population uh, tv, but also uh there are indications that throughout the years the government has become more and more out, sorry, area. and it's a decisions. and also it has been gaining control of the entire states apparatus. so right now they control the attorney general's office, the police, the military, the electoral council. so the feeling is that then as well as less than 5 democratic at this point,
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then the people feel that this election and their situation, it offers them the best option to change that to and they do to redeem and bring a desperate. a government and to power for the 1st time in a quarter of a century. what also has changed is the fact that for the 1st time, the vin is sweat on a position that has always been quite divided, has managed to unite behind a single candidate that has not happened before. and the last 25 years. and so this, they think, and also the fact that we're seeing along the lines across men instead of people coming out to vote, is that indeed they believe that that's possibility is, is, is a possibility today. and i will send them to you as you are reporting a. we've been showing a live pictures of the opposition candidate to window gonzales reporting. i'm not reporting it. so testing his ballots there. thank you so much,
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greatly appreciate it. oh, there he is. and he is about so this is just a few moments ago where he was casting his ballast, as i said, it's really meant to stay there for venezuela. all right, so let's take you now are to our guests rebecca hanson. she is an assistant professor at the department of socio allergy at the university of florida, and she joins us from lima, peru, a good day, a good to have you with us. and if i can ask you as well, you know, to lay out just exactly what's at stake. yeah. so, i mean, it's really hard to over emphasize the enthusiasm around these elections right now . but also the, the stakes didn't really not be much higher. i mean, before the government matter has been trying to walk a very thin line between guaranteeing his ability to win these elections. but also trying to convince the international audience that is, are going to be legit at that he really needs to be able to win these elections.
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but convinced other leaders from other countries that these are going to be legitimate elections. the opposition are incredibly high because as many people have noted the officers, it's been incredibly fractured, and conflictive internally conflicted for a number of years. and this really represents their best offer. the best opportunity to um, take the president, see if uh the either the government steals the elections or legitimately wednesday, which is less likely. it's unclear how long doctors will be able to stay as unified as they have over the past year. now you know that there is an element of hope here is the, is there hold for change? i mean, why might this time be different? what has changed? that's yes, there's been a lot of different factors i think has moved forward with this election in a very different way. one is that as i mentioned before, the opposition has become incredibly unify 1st and my child. oh and now and one's all as he was the replacement candidate was how it was disqualified. so there's
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been an internal appeal here is that you would have seen the opposition? i think ever before. um there's also been some leniency, i think in terms of defining the ministration, specifically related to migration issues. um and there it seems that there's a massive turn out which is really the key factor that option in the eaves. because the higher the turn has a harder and will be for the government to produce 5 fraudulent was off. so i think that have a number of factors and really motivated. these are not anywhere near freedoms like fair elections, but they do a lot more level. the playing field, so that makes the question why has video even agreed to hold these selections? yes, so as i mentioned before, my daughter really wants to be able to completely consolidate. he spent a lot of time to pass, usually consolidating his control over very said institutions which he has successfully done. but he really wants international recognition. he wants to be
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able to stabilize the economy and in order to be able to do that, in order to be able to maintain negotiations open with united states and other countries. again, i don't think he really wants to belatedly steal these elections. there are other ways in which the government can go about manipulating the results. but that has really, i think restricted um the options that the government has uh, in terms of trying to ensure a favorable outcome for them. and to tell us talk to us a little bit more about the de facto opposition leader and maria and machado. how, how is her message resonating with voters? and it has been resonating, incredibly with biters and lucy, not in the news rays of the past few months. they've been doing an incredibly impressive job campaigning, both in urban and rural areas, which has an interesting candidates because for a long period of time, she was really a voice of the more radical, a branch of the opposition. and meaning that she was very much so in favor of for, and military intervention. um not that were kind of message over to the government
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. and so one of the, this is another kind of fact that is really shifted this less for oh cycle is that she has maintained steadfastly a dedication to the deluxe ends, which previously was not seen from the more radical branch of the opposition. and so it's really been kind of steadfast commitment to that last roll top um, but i think has really changed this particular election cycle. and yes, it has a, she's the reason why them dollars, if you ends well. and because people have is really, really behind her and people in social media had posted things like to know they would vote for my child's dog if that was uh, was necessary to be able to get my little out of office. um, so she already has been able to get her a uh, really impressive amount as is do is he hasn't run her campaign and then translate that into gonzalez's to team rebecca has an assistant professor at the department of sociology at the university of florida. thank you. for sharing your insights
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with us, you or the going to shift gears now where to where and go rebels in northern molly say they've killed and injured dozens of soldiers and russian mercenaries fighting is believed to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of since the west and near the border with algeria. videos on social media showed intense fighting commodities, military winter turn. so russia's wagner and mercenary group for security assistance after expelling french forces in 2022. that's why they are an ethnic group who have been fighting for independence since 2012. and a de la gay is a journalist, author, and a former director of the economic community of west african states. he says the
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twitter good fighters are getting outside help in their war with molly and forces that the man lives fighting for the independence of a watch, which is a huge swell of area in the north of money is the resource rich area. and so it says that the extent of these uh, moves to the quoted by giving you money in the $30.00 days. they got the support. uh, in the late uh, in a trusted way. uh, so to say from external forces. so even just but the federal government is supporting them, but also this up with it by uh, uh the uh, the step fussy is, uh, with uh, given the allegiance to. okay. the but the reality is that this is mainly a group definitely is made up of flooding people and they want to be freed from money. you remember that money is a very big tennessee. 01000000 a tournament, just quit. so this is really a book book,
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but is that this is that the inmate come up and said, we need to bring oh no force. he's pulled it up in order to fight the government already. remember that last year? the military fuzzies in money, the government surface, a managed to really take over many cities and the push back on the the better group to the what it but do something else to do both be done in the loss of money, which is due to the government of money as part of the wondering this domain again is something to do over the territory of money. the authorities in the philippines are waiting for the weather to improve before attempting to drain one and a half 1000000 leaders of fuel oil from a ship sunk by, ty phone gave me chemicals and booms are being used to clean up oil that's leaking into manila bag. and a landslide has killed at least 11 people in china is central,
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who non profits, at least one person is still missing. it was caused by flash flooding. the last slide comes as tropical storms in the aftermath of ty from gave me sweep through the country. as so head here on al jazeera celebrations for mercedes as a belgian policy, as george russell edges, his teammate louis hamilton as coming up in sports for the a 150 years of gyptian history. seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, a jeremy through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions,
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captured by photographers who lived and felt the motion of the country's biggest star. egypt through the lands stages free on al jazeera, they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and makes shift comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing? yeah. who would be arrested when visiting a fine reporting from the action. but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories in india. i'll just use chines across the world. when you close to the house of the story, the star grease for tears farrah high,
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fair. hi there. thank you so much my. let's start with robin to dallas quest for more olympic gold medals and he's in singles action against martin folks of x. this battery has made it through to the next round of the doubles with carlos alvarez. attitude on gold medalist isn't it just fine sets against the hungarian and a free concert in the final set that one of the biggest stars of the gainesville in bios has begun her attempt to win 5 gold medals. the most successful gymnast ball time looked feedback to her best in co sign austin when any goals at the last olympics after pulling out midway through the tokyo games to focus on her mental health. she didn't require strapping on her ankle mid way through this session. looks as set to qualify for the 5 finals. she's targeted. a boss has won a record of 37 metals at olympic and world championships. she has 4 olympic gold medals, all one at rio 2016. but last time out in tokyo, she only manages silver and bronze because
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a mental health issue known as the twist takes, forced her to pull out of several events. we can clearly see examples of olympic athletes that are trying to get into with their mind and their body by taking a break like simone biles. she showed us in the last olympic games that her mind and body were not connected. and this, it was impacting her performance. so we could take a lesson from her by making sure that we're prioritizing our mental health a. several stars were there to watch biles, including a movie star, a tom cruise, popstars lady dog and john legend were also in attendance. that was one of the performers at the opening ceremony on friday. i was trying his dominance continues in the shooting. shane you has one demand attendant meet her air pistol on his olympic debut. fall is trying his victory in the air rifle next team event on saturday, which was the 1st school metal of the games. plenty of swim reaction later on
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sunday as local or favorite liam, or sean will look to chase down. michael seltz's olympic record in the 100 meters, individual medley. meanwhile, australia is ariana toughness. so got the better of her american arrival. katie with jackie and the final is a 400 meter freestyle. 17 year old canadian summer mcintosh took the silver with la jackie, and the 3rd witness now has a 3 olympic old metals. she wants to $2400.00 metre free, certainly in tokyo, and it's on track to pull off the same double paris. or there are more concerns about the water, a quality of the river sun of the paris games, after a pre race triathlon event was canceled on sunday. organizers invested $1500000000.00 to clean up the river. heavy rain during the opening ceremony has led to worries of the waterway isn't clean enough for swimming competitions. patrice has more from paris
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a start season powers have invested $1500000000.00 in making the cents when level buy for residents buy next year. for the operates at these olympic games. they've done that partly by constructing a 46000 cubic meter reservoir. near the po they'll still, it's to contain waste water overflow from, for example, a sewage. just a, a 10 days ago the mer repairs on the delegates tried to prove assigned was safe by taking a dip in the river himself. however, the bad was bad weather in powers over the last few days. a heavy rain that effected the opening ceremony. i'm the events. yes, that i has made those um overflows impossible to contain the world travelling federation. the metering officials are for i am every day and i've decided that the levels of bacteria i'm not safe for the training to take place. however, the weather is getting finite in paris. so that's hope that it will be safe by the time of the men's events on tuesday. and the sun is just to start and throw away
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from me here at the hotel, the bill. it doesn't look the most inviting of the best of times at the phase perhaps of sickness, not something the operates will want to factor into the olympic preparations. but if it comes off a trap, loan in the sun should look spectacular. pull race out, is there a iris is now away from the olympics, and george russell has won the belgian ground, pre for mercedes for his 2nd to formula one victory of the season. russell, who started from 6 on the bread held off, a spirited challenge from teammates and 7 time world champion louis hamilton's last week's winner. mcclellan's oscar p asked re finished in 3rd with reading world champion match for stipend in fit. russell driver failed to win for the 4th straight race. the 1st time that's happened since 2020 the
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. okay. and that is all used for, for now. back to you later. thanks so much, greatly appreciated and that does it. so for us, some way laraca, i'll be back in just a moment. so we more of the days, there's hope to see you then the the latest news as it breaks. as you read the minute, 3 is up stating the minutes of strikes across the entire strip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage. the rolling of the international court of justice of the legal status of the is really occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation from the heart of the story. water stations are switched up for days or weeks of time. so there is never, you know, floods her to go around the african stories from african perspective. i like, i'm vince i, dentist,
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authorities using different media to short documentary by asking filmmakers from kenya and kansas. if it goes to a science event where i could meet with you pulled up on me to go on the west side, the valet waste and all was fine. i used the drivers on, i'll just sierra, the
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safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption excellence award denominator here on now the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to offsets on out to 0. the venezuela votes present the colors some of the faces. this stuff is challenged yet from an opposition elias determined to end his 11 years in power. the high there are way, little rock. this is alger 0,
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live from don't also coming up the community in morning after a rocket attack in the occupied go on heights,


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