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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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can protect ourselves, studio b, b a r series on a jersey the, the venezuela goes to the poles president nicholas metastasized as his toughest challenge, yet from the united opposition determined to end his live in g as in power. the, i'm told mccrae, this is l 0. live from del, how so coming up is well balanced. revenge for the 12 killed and attacking the north on saturday. the government claims his palazzo lebanese group denies involvement in list greece and casa s. and this randy is try kills thousands of palestinians including a baby go plus an escalation of violence in the northern money to reg frivolous climes of killed and injured soldiers and freshman messengers
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the we begin into this way to win millions of folks is a hit into the poles to elect the next president nicholas madura was thinking, another 6 he attend. the polls show that the 1st time and g is the all position is gaining ground. there was and got a diet you can on the crosses that has the hyper inflation. about 8000000 people have left the country because he looked his hold of young begins down coverage it's described as the most consequential election. in fact, gates vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela, the stakes are high, many voters wine, the streets of the capital, cut out gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you'll have such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful, forget it. and of course, i hope that whatever the results may be,
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that they are accepted with tensions running hi, there was anger and frustration at a one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when you're not going to be the good. they won't let us in what we want to avoid. we want to see a free event as a well, a nation is not one imposed by late president chavez or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas moto says he will respect the election results. right. so let's say i recognize and will recognize the electro media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results but doubts, link,
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or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of them as well as a broad to register and vote it's also board the opposition, primary winner, money equity. now my total from running a poll show for replacement, former diplomat, edmondo gonzales, has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some state has the best chance it's had in here in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. the election is testing model is approved on power. that's all right, that movie. and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hit. but last
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week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, a little bit of a young challenges here. a correspondent tell us under on p a t as in neighboring colombia with more on want some venezuelans v. s. think about the election hundreds of benefit and migrants are out on the streets. i will go down here close to the only police station in the columbia and copy building with the help of our photographer here. one, just let me give you a sense of the situation here. these people have been here since the early morning hours and what is some somewhere between a pro se is an action in support of the opposition and a celebration because the people here are convinced that today will be the day that the, the united opposition well be able to and the president because my daughter,
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obviously nobody knows at this point what indeed that will happen. and while president, because my daughter earlier said he will recognize the results that will be presented by that as well as the electoral counsel which he controls. he never said that he will be willing to recognize that the fee for the almost $8000000.00 venezuelans who have fled the countries, the economic collapse, and humanitarian prices for this is they see it as their best opportunity to be eventually able to go back home to the family members that they haven't been able to see for many years. if you look at the signs that people have here, a lot of them say grandma, i hope to see you very soon. this is our day, very swell, i'm far. but i'm close to you, i had spoke to you in, in, in my part that is so that i will be back soon. so that's what the people feel here
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is that political change in minnesota. i could bring an economic change in an opportunity for them eventually to go back. this is something that the opposition can do that and uh, gonzales underlined throughout the campaign. the same with my the equity. now my child of the driving force behind this can be they see that the person who the position well, who won the primaries of the opposition, my wife's been banned from running. so the expectation is that this could be a watershed moment, one in which it could bring a major change in the country and a slow reconstruction of what they see is that country and shambles. obviously we're going to have to see what happens if indeed the polls are right when they talk about an overwhelming when part of the opposition are not. and also what will
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be the response of the governments is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has met the security cabinet to discuss the response to an attack in northern israel on saturday. is are outlined to live in these alms group has belonged to the rocket attack. and you'll find golden hans, which killed 12 people. the u. s. has also said has beloved is responsible, but the group has denied any involvement. send a hold of reports from favorites of about 7 years simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern 11 on isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure, a message. but not the response promised by as well, for the rocket attack that killed civilians and the is really controlled syrian occupied colon heights late on saturday. the terrible tragedy, innocent boys and girls, it breaks your heart and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this. and they
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will pay the price has beloved denied carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event. since october 7. it is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rockets while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent. on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game? as well, and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict. will it stick to the unwritten
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rules of engagement and focus on military targets? well has will not be able to absorb this strikes without the need to retaliate. further escalating? the war of attrition? senior is ready. the officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time enemies has reached a tipping point, a dangerous one. santa who there else was either beta. i said bag isn't buried with more on the light just as riley strikes. this is where it has tied that server, the stripes on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern limit on routes tend to building was hit but they are no casualties. no reported casualties. now here's what they have said that they've talked it is where the positions i to is right, the settlement. now the situation here is somewhat tense. now the liberties, foreign minister do the but have eve has said that the liberty of government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel. but he's also said that
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the united states has passed the message to the liberty of government urging them to tell his relooked also show restraint. and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is a tipping point because of what's taking today's, our own eyes on israel, about where they will attack, who they will attack and what and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to put up prepared for it to attention. ah hi, in the middle east, a line say one of the main carriers here in lebanon has said that they have to like to date some of the flights, so that they don't learn to late at night during the hours of the morning. knowledge of their have spoken to the chairman, but how much of that is i'm and he says that's because of the situation and the tension here and living on at the moment. so right now with eyes on israel and what they will do next. i said vague, i just had a baby to live in
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a more now on the is rarely as strikes on living own without correspondent home dst solution. it's just a reminder she isn't. uh huh. because as well as government has banned al jazeera from reporting within the country is the is really government's the security cabinet is convenient to discuss exactly what the next course of action is going to be prime minister benjamin netanyahu cut his trip short from the united states to arrive back in his role to convene the security and defense establishment as soon as he arrived. so what they're discussing is what exactly they're going to do next . last night we heard from his rules, defense minister, you'll have kalonde, who said that they have chosen a couple of options, but now they're going to discuss to see what is the best one for israel. we also heard from me is really military chief of staff, works the whole levy who said that they are rep preparing their readiness up in the north to the maximum possible level. but this is not
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a change within his really policy. this is something we have seen before, but look, there's also other external influence is you have the united states who also said they don't want to see this war just last month. they said that israel's air defenses would be overwhelmed and the casualties on both sides of that border would be catastrophic. and israel still doesn't really know what it's going to be up against when it comes to his bolas weapons arsenal. while these really do have quite a, an advanced system of air defense is it would be overwhelmed, indicates of an all out war. and while both sides, especially these rallies have said they don't want a larger regional conflict or full out war. it is something they said that they're prepared for is ready as strikes, have killed thousands of people in southern guns or over the past 24 hours in con eunice and is ready attack on a homeless to through the 10. tell us an instance. now in the y c, a circled sites soon, according to these rarely military, at least 5 people were killed out to attend to sheltering despised palestinians.
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this target has been dealt with, cut already, has the laces from del butler and central gaza. is it still escalating in the gaza strip in special in communities where the is where the forces targets, in a sense in milwaukee. it also has to be also targeted a residential house in the western parts of community. those areas where the significance a safe by this where the courses for more than a week. now policy news who did not manage to evacuate after days where the evacuation or just the eastern new. this are still trapped without food walkthrough medicine and no one could reach them even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to reduce it, to go to those areas to recover. the bodies are also saying that there are those as a policy now still trapped under the rubble. now they're not only evacuation or just in the earlier today. people in the middle area also received documentation, or just especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinians. thoughts of this are,
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you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts across the closet to the middle area. people do not know where to go, they're all squeezed into the middle area and to newness, we can go through the process. they can go to the another in parts of the gaza strip. but according to uh, not sort of hospital they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today, most of the hospital, the only hospital facilitating in drop off and can you and is this. so the situation continues to escalate and policy and you do not have anywhere to go in the cause of the odyssey to didn't. but around supreme leader has officially endorsed them, is suited, possess, scale, and is the country's new president. he will be sworn and before parliament on tuesday, he won this month's presidential run off on a promise to revive negotiations with the west. i'm turned on the phone to paul. you may know, times you had to say the hon and great nation of iran,
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that consciously came to use a vote for change to those who voted for me. and those who voted for the other candidates and to those who out of complained to protest, did not take part in the elections and put the responsibility of change on the system at the time for me and the upcoming government to respond. stotts today in is still a hit here on al jazeera, the russian flex is maritime muscle in st. petersburg as president plan members in balance to restore the production of the nuclear width and avoiding it. as also socrates in the philippines of waiting for the conditions to improve, to safely move oil from a sunken tanka, the the
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had a lot of that will start in australia and it seems when it finally rains in past it pause, the city is seeing it's fast west of an average month in more than a year and the rain continues following heavy um on tuesday. then monday those showers expected to last through the week. they could turn sundry, however, by the mid week. rain is there, you can see it on choose a much dryer across the most county conditions for broome and darwin. claudia as well in cannes we will see some way to whether starting to creep into the east coast in the latter part of a week. that is looking along, she's sunny, i'm a little bit, we'll muffle that southeast corner with sunshine and sydney on choose day. and the sunshine is getting knocked out of new zealand by a pretty for roche just weather system. it's going to bring some heavy rain and snow to the sol file and you can see the rain start to drip in across the north island. on tuesday. more heavy rain is on the card for china. thanks to typhon going mates for an a. pa does,
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it means its way further north stretching out towards the northeast, bringing some heavy falls as well to northern parts of japan on monday, but for the sound. so this is a story of heat and humidity for much of japan. the korean peninsula and eastern areas of china on the was a journey through every story. every step is in there to the celebration of what we cannot choose when. to reach the well to similes and exclude does under the redesigns luxury losing, trusting l. a future today, we create the
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to what single just here a reminder of how top stores the seller, millions of organizations, the polls and venezuela, to elect the next president's present. nicholas matures main. reinhold mendo gonzales has cost has pallets incorrect, would euro is taking another 6 year term, but polls show the opposition is gaining ground as well as the prime minister has met the security cabinets who discuss the responses with striking the golden hans on saturday. his ryle is binding his belong, so that's attack in which 12 people were killed. both sides heads carried out to tax this various trunks and southern guns. i have killed thousands of palestinians in the last 24 hours. is ready for us as have issued new evacuation orders in congress for the 2nd time in a week. the pell, assuming inside there was no,
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we'll lift a gun. what are you? it says it is re vamping, its military combines in japan and creating a new joint headquarters for the armed forces. that's the account of what it calls, growing regional threats from russia, china, and north korea buckle. apple has more the united states is strengthening its decades old military alliance with japan that country hosts more than 50000 us troops. hundreds of us, st croft, and washington's only forward deployed a cross carrier strike group. but they take, they orders from americas in the pacific combined in hawaii, 6 and a half 1000 kilometers away. and 19, always behind japan. the announcements of a new revamp joined to come on and control structure will change that. this will be the most significant change to us forces, japan sensors creation and one of the strongest improvements in our military ties
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with japan. in 70 years. the us send its allies in east asia described the people's republic of china, or p. r. c. has the greatest strategic strength facing the region. we strongly oppose the park. these efforts to unilaterally change the status quo by force. and he's trying to see in the south china sea, around taiwan. we agree on the importance of upholding peace and stability across the taiwan strait to us in japan are also worried about russia's renew, defense ties with shown yang, a good you should look, we reaffirmed our cool for the computer, the nuclear eyes, ation of north korea and we also shade our concerns about russia and north korea's ministry cooperation. fuel the changes come as china is rapidly expanding its nuclear austin, that combined with the ongoing threat of north korea, which continues to test it to be solved. plus all side effect of russia is
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increasing its military prisons and did so in the pacific and increasing its corporation. we buy china and north korea. the, the us is military. industrial complex has been stretched by years of supplying on to ukraine. and more recently, israel for its, for on gauze the close to collaboration with the washington seek to leverage japanese factories to boost production of advanced weapon systems. for japan, it marks a significant shift from decades of post will pass if isn't tokyo, has doubled its defense spending and recent years under what the alliance calls and evolving security environment. mike level of does their, the russian president, vladimir persian, has repeated his warning of matching. any deployment of u. s. new claim is solves in germany. he made the comments at the annual navy type,
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right. and some pages big. put you on the cues, the waste of clinging to a cold woman. tell us a correspondence julia, shep of oliver has moved from moscow. european capitals to become a target for russian missiles presents like even the precincts response to the united states analysing is, will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time. since the cold hole is when you, when they see good, you may see important the russian states and military objects. our administrative industrial centers, our defensive structure will fall within themselves. range the flight to time to targets on our territory. for such we cycles which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads will be about 10 minutes to the us declared as a nation assignment and washington and this month that will begin deploying the missiles in 2026. a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intimated range, nuclear forces treat feel on this between the united states and russia 5 years ago
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. okay. so to us and then from united. so the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment to american pershing medium, rage b, sales in europe. if the west implements such plants, we will consider ourselves free from the previously imposed one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium. in short, rage strikes it, since russia had promised it would not restore the production of such missiles as long as the united states did not deploy missiles, a bold, a position that's now changed please. and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 until 1000 service when on the box, the 2 vessels also taking part will ships from china, india until gerry dennis, tracing them industry partnership. a show full was a month after russia and north korea signed a new defense box. on the same day, the united states made a tree, announced
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a strengthening of its middle tree coordination was to upon, to counter will, did called this strategic challenge from china box by moscow. you leadership of all of a ultra 0 most go, which is here, is defense. it's alex could topless, has more this range of missiles were banned in the cold war. and the treaty was signed by both of premier cooper, charles, and also president ronald reagan in 1987 as a confidence building measures. these missiles are designed to start the talk is extremely quickly. so instead of flying from, say, the continental united states, which would take about 30 minutes, this would be to 4 to 10 minutes, giving the enemy hardly any time to react. so, and of course, a lot of time these missiles were on western european soil, they would nuclear tipped. so we have this whole possibility of this whole shadow of the cold war reappearing. and it's, it's actually the, the change was put,
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there was a confidence building measure. but what we're seeing now is the lowering of confidence between the 2 sides and possible responding kind as well. we're going to see intermediate range missiles, probably be putting colleena graphs and also closer and closer to the boulder. and this is going to have this kind of tit for tat, building up. and what we're going to see is a new race. very, very likely as well. it's a to river holes in northern molly said that's killed and injured thousands of soldiers and russian missionaries fighting is believed to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tins of attain near the portal without jerry and the videos on social media showed intense fighting colleagues, remember to turn to turn to vs. wagner. masonry group, the security assistance of drugs, spelling french forces in 2022. the total reg are an ethnic group who have been finding that independence since 2012. the jersey is the principal of james, the defense intelligence company. he says, the attack because it may just sit back,
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providing the forces in africa. it's significant in that it's a major issue. the biggest uh, the feats. apparently that's sudden or a suffering molly. and it happens at the time where the 13 a 5. so in the share it, we check to other member states, something new sales data lines. are us turning to russia to provide a, in the case of looking at the so mercenaries as well. constructors to support their efforts in the security field sites. it's not exactly a great signal for wagner to face these kind of a fluffy is just now this particular defeat uninstalling is unlikely to rock the entire uh uh, make it easy. most power, molly, but that it's, it's an important set that particularly because uh, molly, in the mountain governments as well as a lot of, uh, a social media you few answers are, be not pushing these narrative that the russians were doing the job that the french could not do and both, whether it's differential european forces,
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they never suffered the kind of defeat that we see here. we said captures last number of dead and, and significant loss of equipment as well. so it's, it's a signal that, uh, the, the, the mic at least around 5 in there and it goes to a billy to reprocess, does it as being decreased uh, actually uh, squash with our season. the philippines are waiting for the weather to improve before attempting to try and one and a half 1000000 leases of fuel oil from a ship sunk by tossing candy one improvement but lost his life. fishermen had been told to stay away from manila base and now found a below reports from luma before these here had said again and again that they are racing against time. the philippine coast guards had hoped to begin draining the 1500000 leaders of industrial fuel from the tanker on sunday.
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but bad weather and rough sea conditions did not permit this operation. but that's not the only reason. divers went under water bound, 9009 of the tankers valves are leaking oil. and so at this point, they don't want to do anything that could blow those valves wide open and st. oil gushing into the ocean. because this has all the potential to become the worst oil still disaster of the philippines. let them know nothing new, but we know the position of the ships, but we can't do anything just yet because of the leaks. so our priority now is to seal those valves. now their aim is to be able to finish sealing those valves by monday and then immediately go into the siphoning operation because it appears now that the oil spill is reading. the environmental non profit when piece has monitored oil slick just for kilometers off the coastline of have gone away in the province of full con,
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that's closer to manila. and so this is potentially now becoming a bigger disaster out. people are already attending to the reported oil spill and bullet can, but that's the only area where the oil has drifted sofa. but there could be an even bigger problem for star test confirmed that another motor tanker has sunk not far from where we are, which means it's not far from where the 1st oil spill happened. and initially, records show that this motor tanker was not carrying any cargo fuel, but now that the coast guard has sent divers underwater, they believe that they have found diesel cargo in the tanker. so potentially now the government is dealing with 2 oil spills within the same area. to find zillow, al jazeera, the mice at on the philippines. at least 10 people died when typhoon gave me made land full and ne, high one last week was the 1st time we're going to hit the islands in years, unleashing wrinkled levels of rain. but unlike in previous years,
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this time around taiwan was much better prepared. as soon as ken reports from ty, tragedy has hit this hill community after a landslide. dislodge multiple homes, a couple and their late sixty's died. i was panicking when i had people shouting, you know, at least 10 lives were lost after kimmy, the 1st type boon to land in taiwan in years. on least record amounts of rain on parts of the island. losses to agriculture and fisheries are estimated at more than $50000000.00, but the capital type pay is now being back quickly. unlike the aftermath of type, you're not in 2001. when widespread flooding came at the cost of nearly a $100.00 lives. this transport hub type pay.


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