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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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so many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged forest evictions of thousands of families, the bottom for the soul of anchored box pots and one on the chest, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the news now in life and stuff coming up in the next 60 minutes. holes close and venezuela's election boat counseling is getting underway, as the opposition looks to end president nicholas mentors live in d as in power as well. security cabinet authorized as a response to the attack that killed 12 people and the occupied goldman hides,
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the government claims his belong. the liberties group denies. involvement is rarely strikes and guys can move in 60 palestinians has thousands more, forced to flee the violence and the massive wall. fine. northern california is now one of the largest in the states history. and it's expected to been the civil war with the we begin in business find that we've only thing has just closed in the countries presidential election. incumbents. nicholas ventura was taking food 6 year 10. the polling before the vote had the opposition gaining ground for the 1st time and years for tied. diplomats, edmondo gonzales is the leading, contented to unsafe madura and if he does, it will lead to a seismic shift in venezuelan politics. because he left his hoodie on begins l coverage. it's described as the most consequential election, in fact, gates
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a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela. the stakes are high. many voters, wind the streets of the capital, cut out gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you are such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful, forget it. and of course, i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running high, there was anger and frustration at one pulling station. people said they were not allowed to go when the good they won't let us in what we want to avoid. we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas my little says he will respect the election results. right,
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so let's do the same. i recognize and we will recognize the electro media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results but doubts, link, or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of them as well as abroad to register and vote. it's also board the opposition, primary winner, money equity. now my total from running a whole show for replacement. former diplomat, edmondo gonzales, has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some state has the best chance it's had in here in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the boat we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people.
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the election is testing model is appropriate on power or something like that movie . and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face a blood bath, leaving both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, look this up again. how does your list speak to alejandra romp yet? he joins us from bogota. neighboring columbia, and the country's hosting millions of venice islands as we have been talking about . can you just give us a sense of what it's like then now that polls are starting to close? is there a potty atmosphere like you've been describing a yes, so what i can failure here is that a funder is of venue sweat on the migraines have there in this class that close to
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the only polling station during the capital booklet that for them to vote into an early as 3 part d, this is a show of just so i just how excited they are about this an accident about the possibility of a political change and their country after so many years after having had to leave from their country. they say for the economic collapse, they are about to talk about more about all of this, we are joined by since the slide is a 24 year old when it's been a migrant who has been out here in columbia for more than that, back in to help us understand a little bit what these elections mean for you and all the people who are out here today. i mean, i think that this is the most important day for an event as well in both outside and inside of the country. i mean, look at these people,
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these government has been in power for over 26 years. retire and have a better future. so yes, this is really important for us and want to we want to let the people here and let them know doesn't want to be free when a better future. one of the reason for that, not only for me, but for my people as well. and yet the majority of the people who are here, i have not been able to register to vote. was that the case for you to? yes, unfortunately, that was my case. i think that that's another way that we can see that the government is trying to push it down or do you motivate us to try multiple times? not only here, but also trying in venezuela. i never received a confirmation. luckily my family was able to, but they were defending the moving centers by the most of the cases here, i don't want to say like a stupid number, but i think that most of the people here who are not able to vote because of the
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same reason i'm talking to the people here, many of them told me that what's most important for them as to be able to reunite with their family. do you think that this is one of the main motivations for the great numbers? now the millions of that, and it's what i'm the asked for. yes, i can mean i haven't seen my family over 56 years, and i really miss them. a lot of my family members are here with me right now and, and i really miss them. is the most of the cases here as well before either family, they're selling their children and their mothers. and i think that that's the most like people are trying to pull our industry from. but the people know these because the one that goes back, that's the main reason we're doing this. and i have friends that haven't seen the 1015 years, 20 years. my father has seen over 30 years. so
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yes, that's the main reason that you see people are already settled great thing, but the truth is we don't know who's been away in the election and all so people are very worried about the possibility of the government trying to pills the results in their favor the possibility of fraud. do you think that president because my daughter will recognize an event, so the feed i don't think so. i mean we're like to have these. my own general has been in power for 20 years. don't be easy for the d by another person. to power up, there are concrete am. yes, like most of my family that is in minnesota has been giving me about how they feel and most of the folding centers are as slowing down the process. so the, the motivated amount and, and say a lot hayes, i'm just not going to go by like tell them,
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don't worry about that. keeps mind that the we can change the future. thank you very much stuff for. yeah, for your words here. so as you can see here a water set moment. 1 venezuela, both the position in the government say that people have been voting massively in the country. the polls are starting to close and we will hopefully know in the coming hours what as happens, and this gets sorry, connection that thanks so much sandra. listen jerome, yes, we did for us in boca to for more in this, we're joined now by pedro already. who is it less than american political ellison and the former executive board member of the state to oil company joins us not from washington d. c. thanks very much for being with us here on out to their physical. we understand the turn out has been huge and business weather today. what do you think is behind that? and is it a sign that people simply won't change? and i think people want change and they suddenly stole the candidates,
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were actually a good thing because it's not one candid is a leader of the opposition plus a person that was allowed to run as people that guarantee change. i think people began to see and they just kept growing day after day and the campaign. and i think certainly even that should be stuff that this affect the attorneys just because clearly, you know, the damage of the economy has affected everybody in the me. sounds like otherwise the ability to just heard the solution and just your benefit of his followers. but the image has been totaled, the immigration has affected every family men as well as i think certainly be they realize is that well, this combination of a very powerful woman, a very determined and coherent woman and a very decent man that we didn't know we've never seen him, but he looks decent. he looks like he's not lived there, not over promising. this looks like is a perfect nation to give us change. and honestly, i believe that this caught the region completely by surprise. but when the material
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has said that he will accept the election results, do you think that he will stay true to that pledge and what happens if he loses and doesn't to my sense. and we have a real problem here. monday to has obviously a lot to lose his be. they have even more to lose. many of them are having diamonds. many of them are being investigated by the international criminal court. and they've seen maintaining power as the way to maintain impunity . and my sense is, in the sense we're all afraid because we believe that for them the marginal cost of doing anything, just staying power is smaller than the risk of losing power. but i think what we're seeing the streets and we've actually been seeing, i think that as well as have been voting for weeks on the streets. and now finally they have the opportunity to go. and actually the positive votes is a real real landslide. and my sense, and i'm someone concerned,
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i think we all should be concerned that the, the margin of victory is too big. most people can not do anything, but not only that, but i think you're talking about a situation where even he's ability to govern in a very long on unusually long procession because of the shortening of wherever wins . what happened in january. so we've got a very long period of time. i actually believe that we could be facing tonight. a result that is show, so lopsided on the side of the opposition that we actually faced the crisis of govern ability. almost. you mean, well, what do you think the next? yeah, sorry what, what is going to happen over the next 6 months? the then if uh the prison. so i'm going to be sworn in until january. i mean, what do i, here's my, my, my, my sense that people don't really use my sense that they would be a blow by just measure it, cuz i don't think there's going to be a bloodbath. i actually do believe that the,
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the fear is being one to those be and used to scare people. i think people are no longer afraid. i believe that the armed forces are fractured and that's dangerous. but the majority of the all forces is clear that they will not oppose the will the people, and they do it not just out of the country. it looks like we have the last out connection. that was picture it, but really, who has a less than american political analyst? we will hopefully get more on the venezuela elections as polls would you to close? about 10 or 15 minutes ago. the so right is riley's security cabinet has authorized the country's prime minister and defense minister to determine the response to sensitize attack and the occupied golden. hans benjamin netanyahu meant the cabinet on sunday,
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after returning from the us, as well planned to live in these group has belonged to the rocket attack, which killed 12 people. his belong has denied any involvement. the 2 sides have been exchanging fire on sunday was on a hold of reports from virus. the 7 near simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern lebanon on isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure and a message, but not the response promised by as well for the rocket attack that killed civilians and the is really controlled syrian occupied golan heights late on saturday. that's a terrible tragedy, innocent boys and girls, it breaks your heart and i tell you, because boys responsible for this and they will pay the price, has beloved denied carrying out the strike,
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but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most significant event since october 7, this is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rocket, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent. on monday that i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game? because of the law and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent with is a largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict. will it stick to the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? well has will be able to absorb this strikes without the need to retaliate. further
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escalating the war of attrition. senior is really officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point, a dangerous one. santa who there else was either beta. has it bag is also in favored with more reaction on the licensed as rarely strikes. it has car that server, the stripes on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern liberal understand the building was hit but they are no casualties. no reported casualties. are now his, with a have said that they've talked, it is way you positions i to is ready settlement. now the situation here is somewhat tense. now the liberal needs foreign minister, a do the but heavy eve has said that the lebanese government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel. but he's also said that the united states has passed the message to the liberties government urging them to tell his results,
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also show restraint. and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is, it's a tipping point because of what's taking place. an own eyes on is real about where they will attract, who they are with the tech and what and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to become prepared for it. so tension high in the middle east airlines have one of the main carriers here in never known, has said that they have the light delayed some of the flights so that they don't learn to late at night during the early hours of the morning knowledge. and they have spoken to the chairman, but how much of that is on. and he says that's because of the situation and the tension here in living on at the moment. so right now with eyes on israel and what they will do next, slide vague. i just had a baby to live in on. meanwhile, you as far as prison coming to harris has been braced on the attack. the spokesman
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says she's reiterated the us as i am clad support as well as eco heine is in washington. with more so far, the only senior us official we've actually heard from on camera is secretary of state entity blinking. he's travelling in asia, he was asked the question, he went on to condemn the attack. he said the us believes that it was in fact a rocket fired by has the law even though the group denies it. and he said, this is one of the reasons why they're working so hard to get a ceasefire in gauze. they said that it could extend to a piece along the blue line a lot. and, and a statement from the national security council. they said that they are working towards that goal so that people on both sides of the border can return home safely . now, this is all happening is we believe the director bill burns is in room with officials from cutter, egypt, and israel. they believe that they are close to a cease for the white house has been signaling that for days they said the framework had been agreed to. they were just trying to work out some of the
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sticking points. they said they thought that was doable. so far, no word from the talks, whether or not they've been successful or exactly which kind of person the us are reaching out to the officials in loving on or israel. but they said those conversations are taking place. they want to make sure they say that this does not escalate into a broader conflict, particularly elda 0 washington. meanwhile, inside gone, so it is really a strong self killed at least 66 people since saturday and con eunice and is ready to tack on a home till 10 palestinians in l. milwaukee, which the is ready, military declared, the site's done. at least 5 people were killed off the end is rarely a tack. on the 10th sheltering displaced palestinians as royal, has ordered palestinians to evacuate allegories camp and down by the head of one rose phillips, less of reading his volt that 86 percent of because this trip was on the evacuation orders, palestinians on the ground say that i've been forced to play several times and that
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there was no will left to go home and i swear, i don't know where to go in 1940 i to the displaced ones, but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us enough. where do we go? they destroyed hines. they've killed our children, the display, so women, um and where do we go enough of this? where do we go ahead and del color? it has the license from darrow balance central casa, is it still escalating in the gaza strip? in special in newness where the is where new forces target to attend in milwaukee to fund the also target is a residential house in the western parts of sun, eunice, those areas where the significance a safe light is where the forces for more than a week. now, palestinians who did not manage to evacuate after they've already evacuation orders and the eastern, some units are still trapped without food. walter medicine and no one could reach
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them, even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies are also saying that there are dozens of policy new still trapped under the rubber now they're not only evacuation or just in units, but earlier today, people in the middle area also received documentation or just especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinians. thoughts of this are, you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts of bras that allows us to do the middle area. people do not know where to go, they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. we can go through the they can go to the another and parts of the gaza strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today in loss of hospitals. the only hospital facilitating in drop off and 10 units the so the situation continues to escalate and policy news did not have anywhere to go in the custody of
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the, the didn't. but because of the tickets, the president's friendship type at one, it says this country could intervene in israel's war on guns that he was speaking to. members of his policy on sunday, everyone made references to the 2020 conflict in libya when the country sent troops to support the government. he also mentioned last year is operation. when to key is l i as a by sean to control of them that going to cut back region at one. so it's took, you could do something similar in israel but didn't also leverage to the pretty good as good. we need to be very strong. so that israel cannot do these ridiculous things to palestine just as we entered, caught a box just as we entered libya, we can do something similar to them. there is no reason for us not to. we only have to be strong so that we can take these steps. israel's foreign minister as well cats has compared to turkish president edwin's a delightful rocky leave to set them aside. he said,
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edwin follows in the footsteps of set them who signed and threatens to attack as rome just made him remember what happens there and how it ended. set him, his son was hanged in 2006 off to being sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. the throne supreme leader has officially endorsed masood possess scan is the country's new president. the vice has many challenges including fulfilling his campaign promises and managing an easy relationship with the west of the house. him has more from her on the you're on has a new president to the supreme leaders come phone. i know special ceremony was how much is this? john received his appointment to be signed by it's a lot of these come in
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a he then addressed the nation, highlighting his priorities. eat on, you know, the vision of the sonic republic presents iran as a developed country with leading economic, scientific, and technological stature in the region. it is our unity and cohesion that can bring us to our envision to position in homes. you see the ceremony. the crucial component of the integration on the score, the supreme lead as role as head of state in confirming the president's selection. and let think it gets better well for you to valuable on some european countries to not treat as well in the past few. yes, you're on can prioritize interaction with europe in states if they give up on such behavior. i also recommend that the government rely on domestic potential, but it doesn't mean nothing. gauging with foreign opportunities. senior officials, military commanders and funding diplomats attended the ceremony late president to bring him about you see,
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what's the problem in an absentee and this is depth and helicopter crux last may lead to the election. but while you entered in president, well, how about looking at what's the 4 the handling? this was the 1st time in the wrong that there has been a presidential handles, offers between 2 non kinetics showed the moment for the scanned receive. this decree marks the 1st time in 2 decades. the form is full edition has become president for this, present the president that the quote to can come with difficulties, how to fulfill the problem is this to their support, this one abiding by the commitment to wants to establish the new president lose basic falling and dominated by conservatives, his 1st bottle would be to secure confirmation for his new cabinet. in his fasting creates business count, appointed reformist lead time for my vice president, for how much was out of as his best deputy. but in the run, it's the supreme leader who has defined those say,
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in the countries support and then you can get the policies and the new president's choice for the cabinet positions and the actual address here. there are also a hit here on al jazeera and escalation of finance and moving money to a rig. rambles climbed off, killed and interest government soldiers and russian missionaries, and to prison crisis and the democratic republic of congo. we looked at the mass release of inmates from other crowded mcculla chat the the had a lot of that will start in australia and it seems when it finally rains in past it pours, the city is seeing it's fast, which is an average month in more than
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a year and the rain continues following heavier on tuesday. then monday those showers expect to to last through the week they could turn fund or however, by the mid week rain is there. you can see it on choose a much dryer across the north county conditions for broom darwin, claudia as well in cannes we will see some way to whether starting to creep into the east coast in the latter part of a week. but it is looking largely sunny. i'm a little bit warm, awful, that southeast corner with sunshine and sydney on choose day. and the sunshine is getting knocked out of new zealand by a pretty for roche just weather system. it's going to bring some heavy rain and snow to the sol file and you can see the rain start to drip in across the north island. on tuesday. more heavy rain is on the card for china. thanks to typhon going aids, fuller and a pa does. it means its way further north, stretching out towards the northeast, bringing some heavy falls as well to northern parts of japan on monday, but for the south. so this is a story of heat and humidity for much of japan,
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the korean peninsula, and eastern areas of china. the latest news as it breaks, as you 80 minute 3 is up stating a minute to strikes a host the entire strip. the main focus is on the central areas with detailed coverage, the rolling of the international court of justice and the legal status of the as rarely occupation comes. after 5 months of deliberation from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of the time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the, to be honest. it was an airbag, my name is how i was abducted by the c. i a in 2004, a german citizen was kidnapped and tortured by the chain of republicans. let me in to interrogate a powerful documentary,
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tells the story of how the geo politics of the post 911 while we were in the life of an innocent feel my suitcase phone, which is here. the the you're watching. i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl version continues in venezuela's presidential election. even look homes for mix professionally, cause the salad presidents. nicholas winter. i was taking another 60 attend, but opinion polls show the opposition gaining ground. this round security cabinet has authorized the prime minister and defense minister to determine the response to
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sensitize attack the occupied goldman pipes which killed 12 people. the government has blamed living. these i'm group has blocked, the group is denied any involvement and is ready as products in kansas trip have killed $66.00. tell us to me in some specified at least 10 people were killed in the strike on the president shall house congress. the us is bolstering its military commands in japan and creating a new joint headquarters for the forces us defense. secretary lloyd austin says it's the most significant change since the alliance was formed 70 years ago. and comes at a time of growing regional military threats. michael apple has more united state strengthening its decades old military alliance with japan. does that country hosts more than $50000.00 us troops? hundreds of us, st croft, and washington's only forward deployed aircraft carrier strike. but they take,
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they orders from americas in the pacific combined in hawaii, 6 and a half 1000 kilometers away. and 19, always behind japan. the announcements of a new revamp joined to come on and control structure will change that. this will be the most significant change to us forces, japan sensors creation and one of the strongest improvements in our military ties with japan. in 70 years. the us and its allies in east asia described the people's republic of china, or p r. c. has the greatest strategic strength facing the region. we strongly oppose the policies efforts to unilaterally change the status quo by force . and he's trying to see in the south china sea, around taiwan. we agree on the importance of upholding peace and stability across the taiwan strait. us in japan, also worried about russia's renew, defends ties with peeling yang. a good you should look, we reaffirmed our cool for the competing, the nuclear eyes,
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ation of north korea. and we also shade our concerns about russia and north korea's military cooperation. fuel the changes come as china is rapidly expanding its new, clear, awesome that combined with the ongoing threat of north korea, which continues to test it to solve. plus all side effect of russia is increasing its military prisons and it's the civic and increasing its corporation. we buy china and north korea the, the us is military, industrial complex has been stretched by years of supplying on to ukraine. and more recently, israel for its, for on gauze the close to collaboration with the washington seats to leverage japanese factories to boost production of advanced weapon systems. for
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japan, it marks a significant shift from decades of post will pass if isn't tokyo, has doubled its defense spending and recent years under what the alliance calls and evolving security environment. mike level, how does their or the russian president, vladimir persian, has repeated his warning of matching the plan deployments of us nuclear themselves in germany in the next 2 years. he made the comment at the annual navy type right in saint petersburg. putting the cues, the waste of clinging to a cold woman tell us a freelance is most go stations, nuclear capable weapons that can target german cities and it's killing granite on clive. it's really a ship of oliver has more for most guy, european capitals to become a target for russian missiles presents like even patients. response to the united states analysing is, will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time since the cold full of a zoo. and you will receive a, me see important, the russian states and military objects. our administrative industrial centers,
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our defensive of structure, will fall within themselves range the flight of time to targets on our territory. for such marseilles, which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes to the us to class as a nation assignment and washington this month. that will begin deploying the missiles in 2026. a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intermediate range, nuclear forces treat feel on this between the united states and russia 5 years ago . okay. so to us and then from united. so the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of american pershing medium. rage be silenced in europe. if the west implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previous imposed one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium. in short, rage strikes as since russia had promised it would not restart the production of such missiles as long as the united states did not deploy missiles, a bold,
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a position that's now changed please. and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 and haul size and service. when the bulk said she vessels also taking called all ships from china, india until jerry denis, tracing the ministry partnership a show for a month off to russia and north korea finding you defense popped on the same day, the united states made a tree, announced a strengthening of its middle tree coordination was to upon to counter will it's called the strategic challenge from china, boxed by moscow. you live ship of all of a ultra 0 most go oh, just here as defense is to alex could helping us has more this range of missiles were banned in the cold war. and the treaty was signed by both on premier cooper, charles, and also president ronald reagan in 1987 as
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a confidence building measures. these missiles are designed to start the talk at 16 the quickly. so instead of flying from, say, the continental united states, which would take about 30 minutes, this would be to 4 to 10 minutes, giving the enemy hardly any time to react. so, and of course, the lowest term, these missiles were on the west of european soil. they would nuclear tipped, so we have this whole possibility of this whole shadow of the cold war reappearing . and it's, it's actually the, the change was put, there was a confidence building measure. but what we're seeing though is the lowering of confidence between the 2 sides and possible responding kind as well. we're going to see and to medium range missiles, probably be putting colleen and graphs, and also closer and closer to the boulder. and this is going to have this kind of tit for tat, building up. and what we're going to see is a new race. very, very likely, as well as a thousands of fireflies as a working to contain wildfires in western canada and the us west coast. strong
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winds and a summer heat wave, a threatening to split the flames even further. she likes no more, has more ashes and charged remains. are all that's left across much of the result. town open. jasper. a fierce wildfire swept through here just one of many burning across western canada about 1001 and 60 active fires across canada. 580 had the full response to 180 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned within no bird, a $175.00. well fires. 2.3000000 actors that have been birds. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month, fine, as in oregon,
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have burnt more than $400000.00 hacked is of land and in northern california, the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires largely and contained and an uncertain future. for many people living on the evacuation orders. it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p. d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and, well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car, me and the dog. and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things. you know? i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything i just grabbed the tubs and defies. are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave. and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, there will so hoping the hot weather we have some turn in the favor. felix new or
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old is 0. let's get to the latest on the impact of those files in california. j. tracy is a public information officer at the top 5 byte scan. he joins us live from chico and california. thanks so much for being with us. i imagine this is an extremely busy time for you. uh, 1st of all, this is as we've mentioned, one of the largest qualifies in california history. now, can you 1st of all put into context just how massive this is and the challenges that, that poses sure. well 1st thanks for having me. uh, it's a pleasure to spend a few minutes with you sure this evening. uh so the part fire is one of the largest buyers in the state of california. right now. it is not the only part of it is it is unfortunately the largest. uh, we reached just over 355000 acres today, which um, i believe in earlier discussions we, we think it's around a 142000 heck, there's uh if that sounds right. and uh, with that it was, uh,
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a really interesting uh start to the fire and uh, we had very rapid growth from, from the time of onset. what do you mean by interesting scott to define uh, just in the speed and the nature in which the fire grew. um fire typically grows uh, or runs in, in with 3 predominant factors. it's fuel, whether in topography, so all 3 of those kind of aligned and allow this fire to grow very rapidly. i understand that please correct me if this isn't correct. uh, that 0 percent of the fire is contained at this point in time. i'm showing up for lack of benefit. so what a find find is actually able to do with something that is on the sky when you've got so many things working against you. right? well, obviously, um, this task today we're, we're right at a concern about 355000 acres. that being said,
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we do have about 12 percent containment. containment means that we are very confident with the line the, i guess the proverbial line and the sound of this been drawn that the fire will not go past that line. so we have a 12 percent containment. we expect that number to grow, hopefully daily. and as conditions from yesterday today continue, it will allow the firefighters to do some direct fire attacks where they're actually going out and, and getting a hoses and, and actions right onto the fire line as well. ellis, i'm firing operations on the east side of the fire, which is what you're going to for further bill. all of that containment lying on the east side. what a conditions looking like, looking like over the next few days. and i know there's a heat wave there that there must have been exacerbating the issues that you facing sure and the days prior to. so we're talking um say wednesday, thursday, friday, the 1st 3 days of this fire. the weather did change to our favor yesterday. so the
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temperatures decreased as well as the winds slow down a little bit and the relative humidity increased all which are kind of big factor stress and fire funding because of the effects that it has on the fuels. with that being said, they expect the weather to kind of remain the same today as well. but tomorrow's a new day. so we rely heavily on local media or ologist to give us kind of an update. in addition to that, a fire of this size actually kind of generate some of its own weather. so it will have more profound effects on, on the local weather with inside of the fire footprint. relatively speaking, to, you know, say an hour or 2 hours away from here. and even if everything tens and you'll save a conditions was how long is this going to take to, to get on to controlling and to put out, we were talking weeks here at the, at the, at the least. i'm way right? well is so you gotta understand like there's, there's
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a lot of putting this fire to bed so to speak. um, you know, our 1st, our 1st goal is to obviously protect any lice that may be put at risk and then protect their property. so we're talking structures, homes and, and, and such also other infrastructure within the state, archaeological science or historical science. we try to protect those as well. um, after that we try to, you know, get the fire out and then we go through and actually get the fire to a point where it's as cold and out. so there's, there's no chance of that fire rekindling if the wind should pick up again or something like that. so yeah, that, that phase of the firewood say, you know, probably weeks after that, teams go out and they do a lot of repair. if they, you know, kind of fans to get through with a dozer or, you know, they are dr. dozers or, or maybe some of our 4 wheel drive vehicles through a small creeks or areas that are environmentally, i guess, fragile. they'll go back and try to do some repair to those areas as well. and then
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are damage inspection teams will continue throughout a pretty large footprint. so there, there's a lot of work to be done there because we will actually get boots on the ground. i as on every single property that has been damaged to doing that assessment. okay, thank you so much for your time. we really do appreciate that as a try. see public information officer working on the pot file. thanks so much. you bet. thanks your, as part testers have taken to the streets of lima as peru, monks, it's independence day. as no group of demons rises, attempted to approach congress with president of otherwise i was speaking, that they were blocked by hundreds of offices, demanding justice for those killed and injured, cheering and risk. in late 2022. following the ousting a former prison pedro castillo minneapolis or cooling for present on the last day to sit down due to corruption scandal. have us, hey, is a routine historian and journalist? he says, prove is deeply divided. they wanted to make sure full,
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we do this year or the latest, the 2025. there will be just a moment to share the election in 2026. people have been demanding election but another conference. another person will want to be power because those are the election of many members of the congress at the moment. could not be what's done because of the law. which means that the congress wants to keep the position empowered on to print, to print the seats. i'd be happy and supporting the place and the president has left it because congress passed support. they need each other to survive in power. i got to use the reason why she's to steal that people's focus is steve supported by reputable post. so help say the congress, a 40 percent of all but popular we do. she has 5 percent of applied. just one thing is the executive on, on the believe this, the, just that if you look congress, something of the people who want to change, but people are still demanding early election. we should be the only way that the poor can move forward to a better future. because at the moment, people like senior unhappy with the husband who lives have one of the patients is
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supposed to stop on this a lot, a lot of intuitive in relation to the way the unfortunate behavior things protest is in 2022, 2023. so that is what's happening. they need each other, the cd killed as a needs. and that's why this isn't what happens to steve, where she is now a hey, group of 420 prisoners has been released from one of the many over crowded prisons in the democratic republic of congo. the move comes up to images of di conditions inside sales spots an outcry ex, onto which has more. the gates of mcculla presented the democratic republic of congo open, but not for new admissions. instead, 420 prison response free. the 1st of 7000 to be released to the coming weeks. a move welcome by prisoners rights activists. see a quote and for zone, see do what i'm thinking is you,
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what you're doing is looking at the extent to which we can just little just the overcrowding that'll make, enabling us to completely to service the prison front of the same time and building another prison as please you know, to please mcculla prison was built in 1957 for just 1500 inmates, but now holds 10 times more. most of them have never faced trial. i've never been called by judges. i've been here for 17 years and mcculla prison. i grew up here, i've never benefited from these grace measures granted. but here the people suffer in the release comes after a social media post by a journalist who was recently freed after 6 months detention. it shows a must ca, to present or a sleeping on crowd, the floors drinking from buckets and often suffering from various diseases. overcrowding and presence has been
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a decade long problem in the d. r. c. human rights advocates say it's caused by a lack of state resources, an arbitrary detention is by security forces. last year, 66 inmates died in just 2 months for a moment, christian and lack of care. the conditions are very difficult, the prisoners, not every day. the people something here like you have no idea. the prism is either very badly the government says it plans to release $7000.00 inmates in total, potentially having mcculla speculation. they will be released at the rate of $400.00 the week. but critics, a deeper reforms are needed as more prisoners. so wait, their turn for freedom. it's a long overdue step towards the justice axis. i'm reaching out to 0 to reg ripple's in northern molly say they have killed and injured thousands of soldiers and russian listeners finding his believes had taken place on the outskirts of the town of since of watson near the border with algeria. videos on
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social media showed intense fighting colleagues, military june, 1010 to russia's wagner brewed for security assistance after expelling french forces in 2022. the to rick are an ethnic group who has been finding that independence since 2012. the one that jersey is the principal of james, the defense intelligence company. he says the attack because it may just sit back. so wagner's forces in africa. this is significant in that it's a major is the biggest defeats apparently that sudden there are a suffering molly. and it happens of the time where the 13 of the test. so in the sheer, we checked to other member states, something new sales data lines are us turning to russia to provide the case of looking at the so mercenaries as well contractures to support their efforts in the security field sites. it's not exactly a great signal for 5 there to face. these kind of
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a fluffy is just now this particular defeat on each stone. he's unlikely to rock the entire uh, uh, make it even more power email. he but that it's, it's an important set back, particularly because of knowing the money and governments as well as a lot of a social media you. few answers are be not pushing these narrative that the russians were doing the job that the french could not do. and both, whether he's the french or you repeat, it forces the never suffered, the kind of defeats that we seeing here. we said captures last number of dead and, and significant loss of equipment as well. so it's, it's a signal that the, the mic at least around 5 in there. and it goes to a military pro as does it as being decreased partially. squash facilitate ronelle to 0 and attempt to try and one and
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a half 1000000 lives of industrial fuel oil. meets rough weather in the philippines . now lessons learned from previous talk soon to believe to have reduced by television, one phosphate gaming swept across the, on the as china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights groups say they faced imprisonment, torture, and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 11 east reveals north curious clean defectors on al jazeera, widespread flooding continues to inundate rural areas of not distant bung with dash, tens of thousands of stem stranded and in desperate need of fresh food and water. the select range enough enough is bangladesh is now facing new flooding from heavy monsoon,
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rain and upstream water from india. bad weather is also impacted burned the dishes, southeast region, many rowing a refugee is leaving the foothills of a can send while back on last 21. year old son in a land slide my to turn to and i tried to rescue him in the darkness. it was too late for many help is yet to come. the full thursdays and the philippines are waiting for the weather to improve before attempting to clean up one and a half 1000000 leases of fuel from a tank in the middle of by the vessel song of to encountering stormy weather on
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thursday, one of the crew members was killed, oil has now reached the shoreline rising concerns of an environmental catastrophe. found to be law has moved from the may before these here had said again and again that they are racing against time. the philippine coast guards had hoped to begin draining the 1500000 leaders of industrial fuel from the tank or on sunday. but bad weather and rough sea conditions did not permit this operation. but that's not the only reason. divers, when underwater found 9009 of the tankers valves are leaking oil. and so at this point, they don't want to do anything that could blow those valves wide open and st. oil gushing into the ocean. because this has all the potential to become the worst disaster of the philippines. let them know nothing new, but we know the position of the ship, but we can't do anything just yet because of the leaks. so our priority now is to
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seal those valves. now their aim is to be able to finish sealing those valves by monday and then immediately go into the siphoning operation because it appears now that the oil spill is reading the environment of non profit. when peace has monitored oil slick, just 4 kilometers off the coastline of have gone away in the province of con, that's closer to manila. and so this is potentially now becoming a bigger disaster. people are already attending to the reported oil spill and bullet can, but that's the only area where the oil has drifted sofa. but there could be an even bigger problem. postcards has confirmed that another motor tanker has sunk not far from where we are, which means it's not far from where the forest oil spill happened. and initially, records show that this motor tanker was not carrying any cargo fuel. but now that the coast guard has sent divers underwater,
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they believe that they have found diesel cargo in the tank or so potentially. now the government is dealing with 2 oil spills within the same area. to find zillow, al jazeera, the my foot on stick philippines. at least 10 people died and hundreds more were injured. when typhon gave me made land full and ne taiwan. last week. it was the 1st time for him to hit the islands in. g is unleashing re cold rain for the years of preparation and lessons learned from previous hyphens. i believe to have prevented many depths. you just can reports from ty. a tragedy has hit this hill community after a landslide. dislodge multiple homes, a couple and their late sixty's died. i was panicking when i had people shouting, you know, at least 10 lies were lost after kimmy, the 1st type boon to land in taiwan in years. on least record amounts of rain on parts of the island. losses to agriculture and fisheries are estimated at more than
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$50000000.00. but the capital type pay is now being that quickly. unlike the aftermath of type you noddy in 2001, when widespread flooding came at the cost of nearly a 100 lives. this transport hub type pay main station was inundated with rain water despite existing flood control measures rising to above 2 meters to paralyzed operations. for months since then, the city has raised its defenses against extreme downpours. newer subways now have flood, gave 2nd seo the underground space. in 2015, 10 metre high levies prevented the thomas. we a river from over flowing into ty, pay a city with a base and well, underground tunnels, whole diverted rainwater concave green spaces, such as these serve as community water catchers, data from advanced forecasting is compiled and dispersed via a real time map,
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so called type food holidays when offices and schools are closed, encouraged people to stay in doors, but it takes a village to prevent catastrophe says, you know, glue, founder of an organization that's trained thousands of civilians, an emergency response. it's even more important for emergency preparedness to be as focused on the public as it is on policy makers, decision makers. because when a crisis happens, communities won't have time to wait for professional help to arrive. self reliance is a discipline that is 15 year old is putting into practice in these drills or whole month's as a site. we have to hold strong and not become a burden for the police and military forces. we should protect ourselves. this is very important to navigate casualties, increase resilience that applies whether the perpetrator is natural or man made. una skim. alda zara taipei. well, that's it. to me, tell me the cry for this use. now you can find much more information on now.
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websites, my colleagues have raman, we'll be back here in just a moment with much more of the guys use to start with us. the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is come on and counting the cost this week, buckle up for a wild ride transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy capturing the cost on al jazeera of
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the . ringback the guy i saw this place was paradise. i fell in love with close re god. i decided i was going to go ahead and try to create a, a good the ways french america. people call it a lot of resort, a farm and living university. and it's all those things for me wrench, my goddess of living,
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worry. and this is an experiment trying to book because of the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place over generation from the a pricing continues in venezuela as the opposition looks to end present. nicholas madura is 11 years in power the floods overall the new challenges their life platforms as yeah, in the coming up as well. security cabinet holes or was the respondents to the a tank that killed 12 people in the occupied go then heights, the government planes has blocked. the lebanese group,
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denies any involvement. is there any surprising cause that killed more than 60


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