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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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it is one of those cases, the possibility to see how the system works. it is the 1st place over generation from the voting continues in venezuela, as the opposition looks to end present nicholas madura is 11 years in power. the thoughts of robin whitfield is ever life my headquarters in the coming up as well. security cabinet is old. that was the response to the a tank of killed 12 people in the pipe goes in heights the government lives has blocked. the lebanese group denies any involvement. is there any surprising cause
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that killed more than 60 palestinians? this 1000 more forced to flee the volumes. and a massive qualify in northern california is now one of the largest in the states history. that is expected to fund for several more weeks. the beginning. that is why the poles of officially closed in the countries presidential election. but the thing is still ongoing. and some stations, well, there's a huge vice a ton of income, but nicholas missouri. so you can use the 6 year term, but polling the full the vote. had the opposite in gaining ground. so the 1st time in yes, we're tied diplomats admin to gonzalez is leading the field to and seats the do right now. if he does, he'll lead to it will lead to a seismic shift and that is why let me pull up to catch up with other intervals. it
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fits described as the most consequential election. in fact, gates a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela, the stakes are high. many voters, wind the streets of the capital, cut out gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you are such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful, forget it. and of course, i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running high, there was anger and frustration at one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the good they won't let us in what we want to avoid, we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez, or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas moto says he will respect the election results. right?
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so now you're going to say, i recognize and will recognize the electro media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results but doubts, link, or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed millions of them as well as abroad to register and vote. it's also board the opposition, primary winner, money equity. now my total from running your poll show for replacement, former diplomat, edmondo gonzales, has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some state has the best chance it's had in here in excel. and we have denounced for a long time,
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but these electrons are not trans savings. it's not competitive. but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people the election is testing model is appropriate on power or something like that movie. and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, a little bit of a yan houses here. so it's close to a correspond alison drop. yeah, thank you joyce. different bogota and they bring columbia holly out of sundry. well, the poles will soon close, but it's a vibrant thomas the way you are, but the well venezuelans be on the boat are able to vote as
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well. so very few of them actually have been able to cast a boat official number is that just 69000 venezuela and outside of the country have been able to register and to cast their votes about that. we're talking about 5000000 eligible venezuelans that they have outside of the country. and most of them have denounced almost impossible requirements that have to do so. and that's because most con, 2 bytes and hand bussey's, where they were expected to register that require them to show our, for example, our residency visa, which in some countries like here in columbia that didn't exist by feminist women's who are c r gabby, are given a temporary protection staff to switch to minnesota and i was sorry that said that they would not receive as the proof of residency in the country. so just a very,
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very minor number of the total type, those who live here in color. when as you speak to us with, you might say x pence behind you waving flags and pets would have liked to evaluate as well as this thing live pictures of nicholas missouri support is incorrect because at the moment that's just where the way you are, what people are telling you about sort of the aspirations that they want to see for the country, which is deeply divided politically. absolutely . well, what i can tell you here is that they, during this day of voting into an army celebration as sort of streets party, a carnival that's been going on throughout the day. and they've been seeing the national terms. they've been dancing by 18 ranging here. and this by close to the following station time, they say that this is their way to support the people that are both in game
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venezuela and their way to show that to the rest of the world that they're hoping for. a political change in the country and they say that what they hope the most is that that believes the co change scared that i should bring i'm economics transformation in venezuela that will ultimately allow them to go back. this is their main aspiration. these are people that have been here now for a number of years in most cases, and many of them have not been able to go back up and not been able to see the rest of their family. and they are dreaming about the possibility of turning back up going back home. and this is something that the opposition can be bay window gonzales. thoughts about a lot during the day that he's hoping to bring at least thousands of them back the way to the election. it was also the 1st thing he talked about today after casting
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us both and cut out the pnc, the floors in boca to columbia. thank you, let's just take you to the opposition ahead quotes as well. i suppose is that we're also gathering seems a little bit of a chaos is i think a happening in some parts of the capital. but obviously the opposition, very excited about what may happen in the coming out schools will follow those pictures through the day here on, i'll just say we're, let's join renata segura, program director for lots of america and the caribbean of the international crisis group draws from new york could help you with this missus guerra on the program. one of the things that the incumbent president has said that he will walk away and respect to the result. what, what does, what the he will keep his word if the result doesn't go his way. and walk away if he loses. yes, yes, that is certainly the question, even everybody's mind right now. and the, considering the past,
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it is not very likely that he will just step away as promised. but if 1st we are thinking there is a massive organization of the opposition and the opposition williams by a norm is numbers in my be what triggers and then go see ation to establish the terms in wage. my order will need be executive and we can start the transition to a new region. it is just to be seen. if that will happen. there are still many scenarios that will stop such a transfer of power. yeah. um but, but it is definitely on the cards. yeah, it says there were 70 sort of variables at the but until we but really know until the vote count is completed in several hours while the poll is still open to the boat. but he has said that will be a blood bath if he's not re elected. that could be interpreted in different ways depending on your perspective of what he actually means to. yes,
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you sort of step back from those statements after the president of brazil, luna? that's hill, but it was very critical of them, but it is sort of bail thread that they, he might want to mobilize the armed forces if people are protesting, if they don't agree with, with the way in which the government um respects are not the results. we're hoping that we're not going to get to anything of that sort. there will be no blood gloves . the electrical system in venezuela is fairly sick. your committing open fraud is very difficult. so we will only see a stage of violence and kills e of the environment. for example, decides to stop the transmission of results. or if the opposition gets triggered by something that happens and goes into the streets massively, we're hoping that cool has will prevail and will not see anything of that sort. the general consensus when you have an election like this is of the focus,
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it's always on the opposition who are trying to overtime the result and use up an incumbent president. but dora does have support. he does have a support base as does his political policy. just for our international viewers, who are his supporters, who does he appeal to as well? shelby's molnar, old scene since beginnings in 1999 has appealed to the 4 centres of venezuela. it is a socialist party, so each has spoken to the need to bring more equality to a country that has enormous levels of being the quality. and that could be just its main base. but we also have to acknowledge that that base of support is, has been shrinking as the economic crisis has progressed for decades. as he does, the situation is not better, but yes, absolutely. there are enough people out there that support manual and, and you know, it's good problems may be legally we, easy opposition had not more relies as massively, as it did,
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which is what has happened in the past in the majority of the nation is not all of them, but the majority have be won by trevor useful in fair at least in the ink ink clear towns the has not been electro fraud. so that would be a possibility. it seems unlikely, considering the number of people that will be nice to then pick you up what you've just said there is while i mean, we have to look at it in a different way as well as ppos or no international observers. steve international media outlets a lot to cover the election, the images of large cues of people waiting to vote. we just say images of people who weren't allowed or couldn't get into a polling station. it all report once a week to make all of the time a free and fair election in venezuela, one that would be acknowledged and respected by the international community. a yes . deciding if this is a free and fair election is actually not so difficult because it isn't in the sense
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that the process that has led us to 2 days both was not free and fair. the government controls the majority of the resources for the electro. something controls most of the media, and then the toilet was incredibly the void of any campaigning. there were no signs, no posters on only a few events here in there. so it's not as the opposition has been able to compete with that. chevy says in, in the same terms, however, we do know that the electrical system, per se, is produced 50 gated, and it has being billed to prevent fraud that we see normally in other cases, 2 hours a day to day. there has been reports of isolated even to this, but unfortunately because the government revolves to the invitation to the european union that was going to be the electoral of servers. we don't have anybody on the ground at the time determine how fair the boat was in itself. the organization has more relies witnesses around 90 percent of their voting tables. had somebody from
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the opposition, you know, overseas the process. so we will have to rely on what they have you say, i think overall today we are not seeing a massive fraud attempt. there have been incidents in specific places. but unfortunately, there is not that over size that will be able to give the legitimacy to the process overall. it will be interesting to see what does happen when the vote account is completed. it'd be good to get you analysis as well. when that does happen, but not as a girl from the international crisis group, joining us from new york, thanks very much for your time. thank you for having the . let's be go to the days of the big story. it is rarely security cabinet. it has all the rise of countries prime minister and defense minister to determine a response to soft today's attack in the occupied government heights. benjamin
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netanyahu coming to town sunday, after attending from the us israel blame the lebanese auto group, has been off the rocket attack, which killed 12 people. the hospital has denied any involvement. the 2 sides had been exchanging, filed on sunday. so the called the report. so from a rate of about 7 years simultaneous strikes in multiple locations across southern lebanon, isabel said it targeted as well as weapons to oppose an infrastructure, a message, but not the response promised by as well. for the rocket, the attack that killed civilians in the is really controlled syrian occupied golan heights late on saturday. then they will give us a terrible tragedy in this, in boys and girls, it breaks your heart and i tell you his bullet is responsible for this. and they will pay the price has beloved denied carrying out the strike, but as well as unconvinced saying the mass casualty incident was the most
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significant event since october 7. this is really military also said it is conducting investigations as to why it's air defense failed to intercept the rocket, while others question whether the incident was the result of a malfunction in the rent. on monday that goes, i want to remind everyone that this area was targeted by rocket attacks 5 times in the last 10 months. this is not the 1st time. yes, this time is the hardest one. is it hit the football field while we had a football game because of the law and as well have been largely calibrating their attacks in the past 10 months to prevent what is largely limited confrontation from expanding as well as response will determine the trajectory of this conflict, will it stick to the unwritten rules of engagement and focus on military targets? well has, will be able to absorb this strikes without the need to retaliate. further escalating
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the war of attrition. senior is really officials have been quoted as saying the response will be strong, but not one that ignites all out toward the conflict between long time and it means has reached a tipping point. a dangerous one. then who there else was either beta. when it's ready, as tries of kills 66 people in the gaza strip over the past 24 hours in calling unison is really a to couple home killed 10 paula city. is it a mossy which he has made? even if you decide they say so, and at least felt like people were killed for it is very attacked. all the 10 sheltering displays, palestinians, well, still had hit on, i'll just have an escalation of violence in those money. 200 gravels claim they killed and injured government soldiers, russian best rates at a time to trade one and a half 1000000 liters of industrial fuel oil beats across the west side in the philippines, the
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the hello that. let's have a look at the weather across north america with devastating wild fires on being baffled across the west in canada and west. and us is good news to come in the days ahead. we are going to see cooler conditions and some humidity coming in. now one of those fires in california, it's the largest one in the state this year doubled over night thanks to high winds as well as low humidity to the north of that in. 1 oregon, the us is baffling, its largest fire at the moment, and that's also being helped by lightning strikes. now the threat of critical fire threat remains across the northern plains on monday, thanks to those dry thunder storms. behind that we've got a weather system moving into western parts of canada. so cool of feel and some went to weather for british columbia. and i'll book the remains as long as the dry.
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however, for california with the temperatures won't be as high. instead we'll see the heat build a cool central parts of the us. that's as the thunderstorms roll off towards the southeast. me see some of those in kansas city to start the week that will dry up however, and instead we'll see some very hot conditions coming in, not to the course eastern parts of canada, but most central areas of the us with 39 degrees and kansas to wednesday, the, this is the 1st and i saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to scream at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. of the book about kill what you all just bear with me. so rob, the reminder of all told stories. polls of clothes in venezuela, but millions of people have not been facing it a presidential election. is it because we do it is seeking another 6 year time, but the whole show, the opposition is gaining ground. israel security cabinets has authorized the prime minister in defense, minnesota to determine the response to subsidize the kind of give you a 5 go the types which kills 12 people. now, the government has blamed lebanese boop, has prolonged. the group has to know if any and falls and is ready as pricing garza
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killed $6610.00 a city in the last 24 hours. at least 10 were killed. that is probably called a residential house. incognito 10. 3. how's the latest from the bella in central casa? is it still escalating the gaza strip in special in newness where the is where the forces targets is as tens in milwaukee. it also has to be also targeted a residential house in the western parts of newness, those areas where the signal a safe light is where the forces for more than a week. now policy news who did not manage to evacuate after days where the evacuation or does the eastern new. this are still propped without food, water medicine and no one could reach them. even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies. they're also saying that there are dozens of policy and you still trapped under the rubber. now they're not only
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evacuation or just in newness, but earlier today, people in the middle area also received dr. wasting order, especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinians. thoughts of this are your safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts across the gaza strip to the middle area. people do not know where to go. they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. they can go through. they can go to the another and parts of the gospel strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today. and most of the hospital is the only hospital facilitating and drop off. and can you and is this so the situation continues to escalate and policy news did not have anywhere to go into the data then. but i've got the policy by 12 meg levels in the body say they've killed and injured dozens of soldiers and russian best. and res fozzy is believed. have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tens was what's in the boat without jerry,
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a video is on social media showed intense funding. bodies splitting fugitive tons to rushes. wagner groups to full security assistance after expanding your french forces in 2022. these 4, regardless, that group have been fighting for independence since 2012 that one to show as he is a principal of james, the defense intelligence company. he says the time because it may just at bank full voc, this force is in africa. it's the significant thing that it's a major is the biggest defeats apparently that sudden they're a suffering molly and it happens at the time where the 13 of 5. so in the sheer, we checked to other members state something new sales data lines. are us turning to russia to provide the case of root canal, so mercenaries as well contractures to support their efforts in the security field sites. it's not exactly a, a great signal for 5 there to face these kind of a fluffy is just now this particular defeat on each stone. he's unlikely to rock
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the entire, uh, uh, make it even more power email. he but that it's, it's an important set back, particularly because of knowing the money and governments as well as a lot of a social media you. few answers are be not pushing these narrative that the russians were doing the job that the french could not do. and, well, whether he's the french or you repeat, it forces the never suffered, the kind of defeats that we seeing here. we said captures last number of dead and, and significant loss of equipment as well. so it's, it's a signal that the, the mic at least around 5 in there. and it goes to a military pro as does it as being decreased partially squash thousands of 5 sites. as i walk you to contain qualifies western canada and the us
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west coast. strong wind, sunday, summer, heat wave, a threatening to spread the flames even saw the phoenix, the water as well. the ashes and charged remains are all that's left across much of the result. town open, jasper a fierce wildfire swept through here, just one of many burning across western canada. about 1001 and 60 active fires across canada. 580 had the full response to 180 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned in over $275.00. well fires. a 2300000 actors that have been birds. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month, fine, as in oregon, have burnt more than $400000.00 hacked is of land. and in northern
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california, the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires large beyond contain and an uncertain future. for many people living under evacuation orders. it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car, mean the dog and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things. you know? i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tub. the fires are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, they're also hoping the hot weather we have some turn in their favor. felix,
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new or old is 0. a protest as have taken to the streets of lima as per box. it's independent states. a small groups of demonstrations is attempted to a page congress, right. as indeed as good not to was speaking, but they were blocked. first hundreds of offices implementing justice for those kills at the end, just during advised in late 2022, following the ousting of the full, but present federal castillo. many are also calling for president, belong, say, to step down due to a corruption scandal. russian president vladimir putin has repeated his warning of matching the plan deployment of us nuclear. besides, in germany, in the next 2 years, he made the comment, the annual navy day parade as a peaches back, due to the cues, the west of clinging to a cold war. been policy, you're the shop of oliver as more from both sco
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a european capitals to become a target for russian missiles presents like even patients. response to the united states analysing is, will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time since the cold hole is when you, when they see good image important, the russian states and military objects. our administrative industrial centers, our defensive of structure, will fall within themselves range the flight of time to targets on our territory. for such, we styles which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes to the us to class as a nation assignment. and washington, this month, that will begin deploying the missiles in 2026, a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intermediate range nuclear forces treat feel on this, between the united states and russia 5 years ago. okay, so to us and then from united. so the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of american pershing medium. rage be silenced in europe. if the west implements such plans,
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we will consider ourselves free from the previous imposed one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium in short range strikes as since russia has promised it would not restart the production of such missiles as long as the united states did . not deploy missiles, a bold up position that's now changed please. and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 and haul size and serviceman. and the bulk said she vessels also taking part will ships from china, india until gere denise, tracing them industry partnership. a show for a month of to russia and north korea finding you defense popped on the same day, the united states made a tree, announced a strengthening of its middle tree coordination was to upon to counter would it's called the strategic challenge from china boxed by moscow you live ship of all of
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a ultra 0 most go a little slow season. the philippines are waiting for the weather to improve before attempting to clean up one of the hall 1000000 liters. a few from a tank. a middle of bay, the vessel sung, catherine counseling, stormy weather on the state. while the decree, members was killed, oil has now reached the shoreline raising concerns over environmental catastrophe or correspondent bond to be low, has full for lemay. authorities here have said again and again that they are racing against time. the philippine coast guards had hoped to begin draining the 1500000 leaders of industrial fuel from the tank or on sunday. but bad weather and rough sea conditions did not permit this operation. but that's not the only reason diverse went under water, found $9009.00 of the tankers valves are leaking oil. and so at.


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