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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the. ringback the, the polls officially close in venezuela as the opposition looks to end present nicholas ventura is 11 years in town, the gloves, the whole robin, the watching all their life and also coming up in the program. israel security cabinet is old. the rise of a supposed to be attacked and killed 12 people in the occupied colon heights. the government blames has belong the liberties, groups denies any involved,
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but he's very striking guns, a killable then 60 palestinians as a 1000 bull ruffles, to flee the violence. and russian president vladimir putin was the west against deploying us. nuclear missiles is chubb the welcome to the prize, and we begin in venezuela. wet poles have begun to close the country's presidential election. these allies, picture some caracas. we have just started off with this, not to this ongoing polling stations incumbent nicholas, but there i was seeking a 36 year term but polling before the votes had the opposition gaining grounds for the 1st time is retard diplomat to been. the gonzalez is the leading contender to on seats with the right the seat. does it lead to a seismic shift in venezuelan politics, alice, under the t as well football guitar,
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and they bring columbia close up close across most the venezuela at the end of a very long day of voting. falling stations have been open up for 12 hours and that overall this has been a peaceful day without any major incidents, which was one of the worries, especially on part of the opposition. there has been a number of small and sedans. uh, some of the announcing accusations of us loading that slowing down the voting and some uh, pulling stations. but overall, we understand that the uh, benefit ends were able to both and in mass and water seem as the most consequential election and had generation here in neighboring both with ass, hundreds of minutes where the migrants came out, some of them to cast their votes, others justified 50 by not being able to register for the vote to come out and
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participate in what us turned out into a major a party, a street party. and now they're here waiting for these uh results and possibly the most critical moment. well, now start with accounting as about the opposition as put in place on army through the of the electoral width. and it says practically in all pulling space and they say they have a 1000000 of these width and it says that will be over low king over seeing the both my, the equity, not my child, the at the driving force be fine. the opposition has said that that they have a right to be there and also to have access to a copy as to the 1st valley sheet that will come out. that's because among the opposition there is a fear of possible fraud that i sent to by the government to eventually i failed to
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the election in their favor. but so far everything has gone up quite well throughout this day. and we will have to see in the coming hours what the 1st, the announcements of the results will be part of the national electoral council. now does that and get in that as well as the economic crisis, that sled, too high for installation about 8000000 people have left the country and kinda tailored is how do i and possible it's described as the most consequential election. in fact, gates a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela, the stakes are high. many voters wine, the streets of the capital gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here. you are such a thing. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful. and of course,
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i hope that whenever the results may be that they are accepted with tensions running hi, there was anger and frustration that a one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the job do they won't let us in what we want to invite, we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez, or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas moto says he will respect the election results. right? so let's say i recognize and will recognize the electoral media i to the official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results. but doubts,
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link, or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed a 1000000 so then as well as a broad to register and vote, it's also board the opposition, primary winner, money equity. now my total from running a yet poll show for replacement, former diplomat, edmondo gonzales, has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition. some city has the best chance it's had in here in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent nor competitive. but we also believe that the boat we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people the election is testing. my daughter is appropriate on power. that's on the right, that will be in the less what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear,
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but last week my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face a blood bath leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, a little bit of a yeah. how does you read off as a good is the international crisis groups program director for lots of america and the caribbean. she believes is unlikely, but there it will keep to his word and respect to the results. considering the past, it is not very likely that he will just step away as promised. but if us, we are thinking there is a massive organization of the opposition and the opposition williams by enormous numbers in might be what triggers and then go see ation to establish the terms in which mode or will lead the executive and, and we can start the transition to a new region. it is yet to be seen. if that will happen, there are still many scenarios that will stop such a transfer of power but,
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but it is definitely on the cards. chevy's mon, our old scene seems to beginnings in 1999 has appealed to the tories centers of venezuela. it is a socialist party, so it has spoken to the need to bring more equality to a country that has a norm is levels of the quality and that could deduce its main base. but we also have to acknowledge that that base of support has, has been shrinking as the economic crisis has progressed for decades. as he does, the situation is not better, but yes, absolutely. there are enough people out there. that's where my little go and, and, you know, it could probably may be legally wayne if the opposition had not more relies, as massively, as it did, which is what has happened in the past in the majority of the election is not all of them, but the majority have been won by trevor useful in fair at least in, in, in clear account that has not been electro fraud. so that could be
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a possibility. it seems unlikely, considering the number of people that moving nice to day the, this is where the security cabinet has old arise. the country's prime minister defense been decisions. timing responds just not today's attack of the occupied carolyn heights. but even this would be all who met the cabins on sunday after returning from the us. and israel blamed the lebanese on the group, has belong folder. walker to tag which killed 12 has the law has denied any involvement. the 2 sides would be exchanging fire on sunday as it back possible from the route with reaction on the latest is riley strikes is that it has car that server, the stripes on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern liberal understand the building was hit, but there are no casualties, no reported casualties. now his brother have said that they've talked, it is way you positions i to is ready settlement. now the situation here is
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somewhat tense. now the liberties, foreign minister did a but heavy eve has said that the liberties government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel. but he's also said that the united states has passed the message to the liberties government urging them to tell his results. also show restraint and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is a tipping point because of what's taking place? an own eyes on israel, about where they will attract, who they are with the tech and what and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to become prepared for it. so tension high in the middle east. airlines have one of the main carriers here in never known, has said that they have to like to date some of the flights so that they don't learn to late at night during the early hours of the morning. now do they have
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spoken to the chairman, but how much of that a line? and he says that's because of the situation and the tension here in living on at the moment. so right now with eyes on israel and what they will do next. i said vague, i just data base roots living on the low side goals as rarely as strikes are killed at least 66 people's incense today in calling you. this is really a town called a home killed 10 palestinians in milwaukee which day is mainly military declared to say so. and at least 5 people are being killed. as soon as maybe it's not going to 10 shopping displaced palestinians. well, israel has ordered palestinians to evacuate the barrage compan due by the head of and one for the plaza really as well. that 86 percent of the cost of strip was on the evacuation orders. palestinians on the ground say they've been false to free several times. of the there is no way left to go home and i swear, i don't know where to go in 1948 though it displaced once,
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but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us enough. where do we go? they destroyed our homes. they've killed our children, the display, so women, no matter where do we go enough of this? where do we go? in the re, how's the latest from the bella in central garza or it's still escalating in the gaza strip in special in newness where the is where new forces target to attend in milwaukee to fund the also target is a residential house in the western parts of sun, eunice, those areas where the signal a safe light is where the forces for more than a week. now, policy means who did not manage to evacuate after they've already evacuation or just the eastern. some units are still trapped without food walkthrough medicine and no one could reach them even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies are also saying that there are dozens
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of policy new, still trapped under the rubber. now they're not only evacuation or just in her newness, but earlier today, people in the middle area also received documentation or just especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinians. thoughts of this are, you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts across the plaza strip to the middle area. people do not know where to go. they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. we can go through the they can go to the another and parts of the gaza strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today, most of the hospital is the only hospital facilitating and drop off and communicate this. so the situation continues to escalate and policy news did not have anywhere to go in the custody of the, the didn't. but because of the, the took his present risk, the bad ones as his country could intervene it as well as war on garza. he was
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speaking to members of his party on sunday. the other was made references to the 2020 conflict in libya, but the country sent troops to support the government. he also mentioned last year his operation went to kias ally as a by john to control the dakota kind of boss. other one said took, you could do something similar in his role, but did not elaborate a good good. we need to be very strong so that israel cannot do these ridiculous things to palestine just as we entered, caught a box just as we entered libya, we can do something similar to them. there is no reason for us not to. we only have to be strong so that we can take these steps while this rolls for him. but as the israel tap says, compared tech is present at one to the late full, but iraq, you lead a sudden we say you said the follows the foot steps on the side of the site and threatens to attack israel. just that to remember what happens that and how it
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ended. let me say was hanged in 2006 sense of being sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. still a head here on out, is it a try reg, rebels and mom? you say they've killed an engine, dozens of soldiers and the russian mass and raise the mass of off our northern california is now one of the largest of the states history that is expected to but for several weeks. the a 150 years of a gyptian history scene through an extraordinary photographic archive. step into the opulent 12 of egypt through a family. with photographs recruited every moment as king photo slavish wedding in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse, proper, etc. also attempted moments,
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the trip egypt scroll course, egypt through the lens, room marriages on on to 0. the colleges here with the book about the what you all just bear with me. so rather than holler by the of on top stories, polls of it's a should be close to that as well as presidential election present because literally seek, you know, the 6 year time but poll show the position is gaining ground. these are a lot of pictures on correct because we understand the position activists on i've
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gone to totaling stations. israel security cabinets has authorized the private as to end the defense with a, such as the time and a response to such today's attack could be occupied. katelyn heights, which kill 12 people. the government displayed lebanese, all group has the law. the group has denied any involvement. at is really strong. kid garza has killed 66 palestinians in the last 24 hours. at least 10 were killed and assigned to the residential house and called you this. a russian president vladimir putin has repeated its hays warning against the pun, deployment of us nuclear. besides in germany, he made the comment to the annual navy day parade. that's a piece of book due to the cues, the west of clinging to coldwell bid talents a valid says moscow stations, nuclear capable weapons that can target jeb and cities and is collected grad and place it in a shop of out of
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a possible from moscow. a european capitals to become a target for russian missiles presents like even patients. response to the united states analysing is, will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time since the cold whole f. as when you would disagree, you may see important the russian states and military objects. our administrative industrial centers, our defensive structure, will fall within themselves range flights time to targets on our territory for such marseilles, which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes in the us declared as a nation assignment and washington at this month, that will begin deploying the missiles in 2026, a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intimated range, nuclear forces treat feel on this, between the united states and russia 5 years ago. okay, so to us and then from united. so the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment of american pershing medium bridge. we styles in
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europe. if the us implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previous imposed one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium in short range strikes since russia had promised it would not restore the production of such missiles as long as the united states did not deploy missiles, a bold, a position that's now changed, please. and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 until 1000 service. when on the box said she bustles also taking part warships from china, india until jerry demonstrating the ministry partnership a show for a month off to russia and north korea. finding new defense popped on the same day. the united states made a tree, announced a strengthening of its middle tree coordination was to upon, to counter will, did called the strategic challenge from china box by most go you leadership of all
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of a ultra 0 most go spin. sylvia dozens of russian navy vessels prided through the pulse of tanza songs, celebration of the day, up to $15000.00 russian service, but, and have opposed to be taking part in the parade. russia, at least the polt fall bits by syria in 2017 and use it as a pub. but it's dave will base in the back to, to radio to eric rebels at those and bodies they've, they've killed and injured thousands of soldiers and russian best race funds. he is believed to have taken place on the outskirts of the town of tens watson. the boda with of jeremy. a video is on social media shaded intense. find to commodities minutes you could to to rushes voc, the route for security assistance after the spelling french pulses in 2022 that we did show he's he is a principal of james defense intelligence company. he says the attack is a major setback for voc was forces in africa. it's significant in that it's
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a major issue. the biggest uh defeats a frankly that's sudden or a suffering molly. and it happens at the time where the 13 a 5 so in the year we checked to other member states, something new sales data lines. are us turning to russia to provide the case of root canal. so mercenaries as well contractures to support their efforts in the security field sites. it's not exactly a, a great signal for 5 there to face these kind of a fluffy just now this particular defeat uninstalling is unlikely to rock the entire, uh, uh, make it easy. most power, molly, but that it's, it's an important set that particularly because uh, molly, in the money in government as well as a lot of a social media you, few answers are, be not pushing these narrative that the russians were doing the job that the french could not do and both, whether it's the french or you refused forces,
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they never suffered the kind of defeat that we see here. uh, visa textures, last number of dead and uh, and significant loss of equipment as well. so it's, it's a signal that the, the, the mic at least around 5 in there and it goes to a military pro choice, does it as being decreased? uh, partially uh, squash the us is bolstering it some of the 3 combined in japan. then creating a new joint headquarters full that forces us defense. secretary lloyd austin says it's the most significant change since the alliance is full and 70 s k. and comes at the time of grading regional military threats. michael apple explains the united states of strengthening its decades old military alliance with japan that country hosts more than 50000 us troops. hundreds of us, st croft, and washington's only forward deployed a cross carrier strike group. but they take,
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they orders from americas in the pacific combined in hawaii, 6 and a half 1000 kilometers away. and 19, always behind japan. the announcements of a new revamp joined to come on and control structure will change that. this will be the most significant change to us forces, japan sensors creation and one of the strongest improvements in our military ties with japan. in 70 years. the us and its allies in east asia described the people's republic of china, or p r. c. has the greatest strategic, straight facing the region. we strongly oppose the policies efforts to unilaterally change the status quo by force. and he's trying to see in the south china sea, around taiwan. we agree on the importance of upholding peace and stability across the taiwan strait to us in japan. also worried about russia's renew, defense ties with peeling yang. a good you should look,
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we reaffirmed our cool for the competing, the nuclear i zation of north korea and we also shade our concerns about russia and north korea's military cooperation. each q will, the changes come as china is rapidly expanding its new, clear, awesome that combined with the ongoing threat of north korea, which continues to test it to be solved. plus all side effect of russia is increasing its military prisons and it's in the pacific and increasing its corporation. we buy china and north korea. the, the us is military. industrial complex has been stretched by years of supplying almost to ukraine. and more recently, israel for its, for on gauze the close to collaboration with the washington seats to leverage japanese factories to boost production of advanced weapon systems. for
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japan, it marks a significant shift from decades of post will pass if isn't tokyo, has doubled its defense spending and recent years under what the alliance calls and evolving security environment. mike level, how does there the sizes the firefighters are working to contain was western canada and the us west coast, strong winds and a some, a heat wave, a threatening to spread the flames even saw the phoenix, the water pools, the ashes and charged remains are all that's left across much of the result town oven jasper. a fierce wildfire swept through here, just one of many burning across western canada. about 1001 and 60 active fires across canada. 580 had the full response to 180 are currently out of control. $101.00 are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's
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already been mentioned in over $275.00. well fires. 2.3000000 actors that have been burned. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fateful areas along the u. s. west coast in less than a month, fires in oregon have burnt more than $400000.00 hacked is of land. and in northern california, the most intense blaze this summer thousands of crews deployed fires large beyond contain and an uncertain future. for many people living under evacuation orders, it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car, me and the dog. and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things.
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you know? i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tub. the fires are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave. and while authorities deployed more personnel to back to the blazes, they're also hoping the out whether we have some turn in their favor. felix, new or old is 0. the dozens of men have taken parted, a centuries old diving competition to the both of these that he has. most of this is the full 100 of the $58.00 times the event is being held. it attracts visitors from around the world. the competition evolves. dive as jumping from the 16th century style re booked bridge and plunging 27 meters into the the correct the river. i spoke with you. oh yeah, no, but yeah, i think is among the key factors for boosting, tourism in the whole of bosnia and herzegovina. not only in this town,
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we all know how many local and foreign tourists are attracted to the traditional diving competition, which is in its full 158. yeah, and i'll be having to go in by next visit the actual thought set for the webpage mode. you said, call it side story is next tuesday with the the had a lot of the monsoon, ryans in south asia, are picking up in that northeast corner. would also see more rain pouring into pakistan in the days ahead know that heavy rain that's been affecting weston and central parts of india has continued to cause a flood issues in my dia per dash. and the rain is still here on monday, pushing across into good dropped some heavy rain to come here. the rain continues as well across the western edge of india, some breezy conditions as well. and as the rain that picks up,
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it is looking west to from eastern and northeast scenarios on tuesday and for pockets done with some very heavy bus rain, moving from a corrupt cheek, further inland. as we go towards the mid week. heavy rain is also the story for east asia. thanks to tie food going made that's broken apart, but it's remnants continue to flood west and pots of china that will push up into the north. those bust of rain. they want you to cause some flooding in beijing on tuesday and some of that heavy rain as well effects northern parts of japan. but you can see the width and windy weather swelling away as we go into choose they often noon is not stria across eastern areas of china, the korean punch. let's see those exception heart conditions as well as about 37 in japan on tuesday. and their results with leader who fought in
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a brutal 21 year civil war and switch on to become so dense. first, vice president, a news release, global knowledge due to the identifying what happens next is still a mystery, which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death on the it's an election that could bring major change to venezuela. president nicholas venturo is seeking another 6 years in office, but after a decade of economic crisis, many are disillusioned with the country socialist revolution. so could it be in there, it's in, and how's the sole being viewed in the region? this is inside story, the .


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