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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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an international insight, corruption, excellence, award, denominator hero. now the, the kind of thing is under way in that is way up as government and opposition. support is equally wait for the results, which would shift venezuelan politics, the drugs, the whole rom, and you want to go to 0 or life. but headquarters here in the also coming up israel security cabinets, authorize the response to the attack, the kill 12 people in the occupied golden heights. the government planes has belong the lebanese group denies involved, but he's really strong. st. garza killed more than 60 pounds of sentience. has thousands more of fools to flee the violence a message while 5 in northern california is not one of the largest in the states
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history and is expected to but for several more weeks. the welcome to the fact that we've been getting that as way of the votes kind of because underway after poles closed in the countries presidential election, incumbent nicholas medea are seeking a, it's a 6 year time polling before the vote. 10 of the opposition gaining grounds. the 1st time in years now the retired diplomatic lender gonzales is the leading contender to an seats. but the road, if he does it lead to a seismic shift in venezuelan politics. now, there was being scuffles outside of holding station in the capitol caracas presents demanded to enter the station to witness the vote codes while charging liberty and slogans against the government. a center of p i t has both on both the top a neighbor and columbia. both of close the cross been a sweat at the end of a very long day uh of both thing. the both stations have been open for over 12
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hours and there has been a massive turn out of both there's and what is promising to be one of the most if not the most consequential action and a generation there haven't been any major incidents. however, some opposition figures have been now and stuff as a minor incidents and a number of holding stations where they say outside is a drive to slow down the boat. but other all, i've been a calm day, a peaceful day of voting across much of the country and also outside of venezuela. here in the capital of columbia, both bath hundreds of venezuela migraines have k might have come out to vote on that small number of been able to actually cast their votes because most of them have not been allowed to register. but they have turned this day into a celebration named to an early
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a street bar that has been going out through out the day. and people here value that they're hoping that the police, they call that an eventful political trends formation in the country. they hope will allow them to return soon. home. enamel is the same as the all of us colombians with totally excited. we will also happy. this was great for everything, even the economy and encourage people to come together. and it was great. this is how things turned out to me, and sadly, my promise has to be the most critical moments of this day. the accounting of the votes is now under way, rather than an equalizer. my buddha has asked venezuelans to respect whatever results the decision. uh that will be presented by the national electoral counsel at the opposition. and in particular, my the equity, you know, i tried the driving force behind the candidates, the of the inside. alice said that they have an army of electro width and they says
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in practically all pulling stations across the country to observe the vote and as ask them to get a copy of the original tally sheets that will come from that the both. and that they say is that their rights to have. so now we're going to have to wait for that, the counting to continue. and for the 1st bullet thing that will come out from the national move extra channels to allow ever it's on clear how late that will be. alice done that. i'm did this, i'll just see it. i will go fast. know this, i'm doing that is way over dying. economic crisis that's led to hyperinflation. about 8000000 people have left the country and calculate this or die. and as more it's described as the most consequential election indicates a vote that could in 25 years of socialist rule in venezuela the stakes
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are high, many voters, wind the streets of the capital, cut out gusts, waiting for hours to cast their vote. we'll get better here, you know, i thought different. i just hope that everything remains calm and peaceful. forget it. and of course, i hope that whatever the results may be, that they are accepted with tensions running. hi, there was anger and frustration at a one pulling station with people said they were not allowed to go when the good they won't let us in what we want to avoid. we want to see a free event as a well, a nation, not one imposed by late president chavez or president my doodle. despite series of electoral fraud, president nicholas my little says he will respect the election results. right, so let's do the city. i recognize and we will recognize the electro media i to the
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official bulletins and i will ensure they are respected. i call on the 10 presidential candidates on the 38 political policies to respect and declare publicly that they will respect the official results but doubts, link or institutions loyal to the president have not allowed a 1000000 so then as well, and so broad to register and vote it's also board the opposition, primary winter, money equity. now my total from running a whole show for replacement. former diplomat, edmondo gonzales has an advantage of at least $25.00 points. the opposition some state has the best chance it's had in here in next year. we have denounced for a long time, but these electrons are not transparent noncompetitive, but we also believe that the vote we reaffirm the overwhelming will of the people. the election is testing model is approved on power or something like that movie.
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and the last, what we've seen signals from some sports people that are different from what we had heard previously saying the results will be recognized and that they will respect the result as and that is precisely what the entire country wants to hear. but last week, my brutal war and that if you were not re elected the country could face upload path, leading both venezuelans at home and abroad on edge katia, a little bit of a young challenges here. and that's a good idea, is the instructional quizes for its program to write to full lots of america and the caribbean, that she believes it's unlikely. missouri will keep his word and respect the results. considering the past, it is not very likely that he will just step away as promised. but if us, we are thinking there is a massive organization of the opposition and the opposition williams by enormous numbers in might be what triggers and then go see ation to establish the terms in
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which mode or will lead the executive and, and we can start the transition to a new region. it is yet to be seen. if that will happen, there are still many scenarios that will stop such a transfer of power. but, but it is definitely on the cards. chevy's mon, our old scene since the beginnings in 1999, has appealed to the tories centers of venezuela. it is a socialist party, so it has spoken to the need to bring more equality to a country that has a norm is levels of being the quality and that could deduce its main base. but we also have to acknowledge that that base of support is, has been shrinking as the economic crisis has progressed for decades as he does, the situation is not better, but yes, absolutely. there are enough people out there that support my, the window and, and, you know, it could probably may be legally we,
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even the opposition had not more relies, as massively, as it did, which is what has happened in the past in the majority of the nation is not all of them, but the majority have be warned by tribunal in fair, at least in, in, in clear accounts. and that has not been electoral fraud. so that could be a possibility. it seems unlikely, considering the number of people that mobilize today, the israel security cabinet has authorized the countries prime minister and defense, minnesota to determine the respondents desanto days attack and the occupied golden heights. benjamin netanyahu met the cabinet on sunday, after returning from the us. now as well, blame the lebanese on group has the law full, the rocket attack, which killed 12 people. hezbollah has denied any involvement. the 2 sides have been exchanging fire on site today to us that that caused moles and they re tell the reaction to as well as the latest strikes is that it has cars that server the drive
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on southern the run, but also a drone strike on eastern limit on routes tend to building was hit, but there are no casualties, no reported casualties. now his brother have said that they've talked, it is way you positions i to is right, the settlement. now the situation here is somewhat tense. now the liberties, foreign minister, a do the but heavy eve has said that the liberty of government has spoken to the united states urging restraints from israel. but he's also said that the united states has passed the message to the liberties government urging them to tell his results, also show restraint. and he has said that the significance attacked by israel would be to reasonable. will that people here do think that this is a tipping point because of what's taking today's an own eyes on israel about where they will attack, who they will detect and what, and if that would need to an escalation that both sides have said that they don't want to put up prepared for it. so tension high in the middle east. airlines have
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one of the main carriers here in never known, has said that they have to like to date some of the flights so that they don't learn to late at night during the early hours of the morning. knowledge of the spoken to the chairman. but how much of a hold of that a line and he says that's because of the situation and the tension here and living on at the moment. so right now, own eyes on israel and what they will do next. i said vague. i just data base route living on the well inside goals was ready as drawing so killed at least 66 people since today in calling you this is really a town called a home killed 10 palestinians. the more i see what see is really military to types of sites and at least 5 people killed. and if it is really a ton of 10 sheltering displaced palestinians, so israel has all the palestinians to evacuate the barrage. compan dead in bella. behead of underwashed felipe last. the rainy has wold 86 percent of the gaza strip
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was on the evacuation orders, palestinians on the ground say that they've been forced to flee several times, and that there's no way left to go. as the way i swear, i don't know where to go in 1948 though it displaced once, but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us enough. where do we go? they destroyed all homes. they've killed our children, the display, so women, um and where do we go enough of this? where do we go? and who's we has the latest from data data in central casa, and it's still escalating in the gaza strip in special in newness where the is where the forces targets is as tense in milwaukee. it also has to be also targeted a residential house in the western parts of some unit. those areas where the signal a safe light. that's where the courses for more than a week. now policy means who did not manage to evacuate after days. where do you
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evacuation or does the eastern new this are still propped without fluids. walter medicine and no one could reach them. even the civil defense environment, except that they are having a lot of challenges to receive, to go to those area and to recover the bodies. there's also saying that there are dozens of policy new still trapped under the rubber. now they're not only evacuation or just in newness, but earlier today, people in the middle area also receive documentation orders, especially in a good age and in most laid off those palestinian spots of this are, you are safe and that's why they evacuated from different parts of bras, the gaza strip, to the middle area. people do not know where to go. they're all squeezed into the middle area and community. they can go through the they can go to the another and parts of the gospel strip. but according to most of the hospital, they receive at least 18 policy means killed or near today, most of the hospital is the only hospital facilitating and drop off and can you and
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is this. so the situation continues to escalate and policy news did not have anywhere to go in the cause of the odyssey to that. but if god took his present, but if the other one says this country could intervene and as well as war on garza, that he was speaking to members of his party on sunday, at one made references to the 2020 conflict in libya when the country sent troops to support the government. he also mentioned last year as operation went to kias i as the by john to control of the corner kind of off. the other one said to kia could do something similar in israel, but did not elaborate. a good, good, good. well, we need to be very strong so that israel cannot do these ridiculous things to palestine just as we entered, caught a box just as we entered libya, we can do something similar to them. there is no reason for us not to. we only have to be strong so that we can take these steps. israel's foreign minister,
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israel accounts as compared to texas present ed, one to the late full rock. you need us out of me saying, he said 81 follows and the footsteps on the side of me saying and threatens to attack israel, just let him remember what happened there and how it ended. so the same was hanged in 2006 after being sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. still a head here on out is there a topic levels in molly's say they've killed and injured thousands of soldiers and russian medicine rates. also at a time to try and one and a half 1000000 liters of industrial 2 oil meets the rough weather in the philippines. the had loaded them on soon rains in south asia. ah, picking up in that northeast corner will also see more rain pouring into pockets
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done in the days ahead and all that heavy rain that's been affecting western and central parts of india has continued to cause a flood issues in maggio per dash. and the rain is still here on monday, pushing across into good dropped some heavy rain to come here. the rain continues as well across the western edge of india's breezy conditions as well. and as the rain that picks up, it is looking west to from eastern and northeast scenarios on choose day and foot pakistan with some very heavy bus rain moving from a corrupt cheek, further inland. as we go towards the mid week. heavy rain is also the story for east asia. thanks to tie food going may, that's broken apart, but it's remnants continue to flood west and pots of china. they will push up into the north. those bus of rain, they light the course of some flooding in beijing on choose day as well that heavy rain as well affects northern parts of japan. but you can see the width and windy weather swelling away as we go into choose they often noon is much dry of course,
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eastern areas of china, the korean punch. let's see those exception heart conditions as well as about 37 in japan. on tuesday, the a 150 is the gyptian history. seen through an extort, larry photographic archives, stepped into the opulent 12 of egypt as well. finally, were photographs, recruit every moment as king photo slavish fighting in 1938 bucks behind the eclipse. perhaps he also captured moments, the trip egypt scroll coats, egypt through the lens, room marriages on to 0. the
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book about the what you observe makes the whole rahman into how reminder of all the stories. polls of officially closing that as well as presidential election present because mid to the seeking another 6 year time that poll shay the opposition is gaining ground. israel security cabinets has authorized the prime minister of defense minister to determine the respondents just not today's attack. and you'll keep up going heights, which kill 12 people that the government has blamed. the lebanese group has below. the group has denied any involvement and is really a strong thing. garza have killed 66 palestinians. the past 24 hours. at least 10 were killed. and it strikes on a residential house in con eunice, 12 reg rebels in northern molly say they've killed and injured dozens of soldiers and russian medicine. res. fighting is believed to have taken place on the
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outskirts of the town of tens, a walk near the boat without j area videos on social media, showed intense financing on these militaries into ton to russia's wagner group. full, secure, with the assistance of expelling french forces in 2022 to the restroom because of lot to mit. putin has repeated his warning against the pun deployment of us nuclear missiles in germany. he made the comment that the annual navy day parade and some pieces by piece it accused the west of clinging to a cold war mentality. balances must go stations, nuclear, capable weapons that can target german cities and it's collecting grad in place. it is a shop, a lot of has moved from most good european capitals to become a target for russian missiles presents like even the fusions response to the united states analysing is, will begin deploying long range missiles in germany for the 1st time since the cold hole of a zoo and you will receive a,
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me see important the russian states and military objects. our administrative industrial centers, our defensive structure will fall within themselves. range the flight to time to targets on our territory. for such we cycles which may potentially be equipped with nuclear warheads will be about 10 minutes to the us to class as a nation assignment and washington this month. that will begin deploying the missiles in 2026. a significant escalation intentions. following the ending of the intimated range, nuclear forces treat feel on this between the united states and russia 5 years ago . okay. so to us and then from united. so the situation recalls the events of the cold war era associated with the deployment to american pershing medium, rage b, sales in europe. if the us implement such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previous imposed one sided moratorium on the deployment of our medium. in short range strikes systems, russia had promised it would not restore the production of such missiles as long as the united states did not deploy missiles, a bold, a position that's now changed,
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please. and made his comments during an annual navy day parade in saint petersburg involving about 2 until 1000 service when on the box the 2 vessels also taking part motion from china, india until gerry dental tracing them ministry partnership a show for a month off to russia and north korea, finding you defense parked on the same day the united states made a tree, announced a strengthening of its middle tree coordination was to upon, to counter will did called the strategic challenge from china box by moscow. you leadership of all of ultra 0 most go amazing, all of the following ministers of india, the us, japan and australia is underway in tokyo, with threats to regional securities, helping the agenda. now the ministers all set to build on problem is made that last
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year as quad summit, which included condemnation involved with ballistic missile launches. now they're also expected to discuss issues around china is military presence in the south and east china seas, cyber security, and also visual intelligence that's costs to the japanese capital with already. so i'm standing by force for the latest on the somebody should be able to be expecting out of the meeting study of the well according to a statement by the governance for them in the city. let me think is going to cover a wide range of issues and many, as you mentioned, the security in the end of us have collision is the main focus of the ministers here that you refer to. the situation in south end is china. see, the companies are very awarded about a set of policy is military policies of china and this presence, and this was the confrontations that happens between china. china is the cost cause and should have been on vit non postcards during the last few months. also
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a very uh, huge concern for these companies. this is why they're going to announce the financial aid to many companies in this area to build that abilities that a military uh, was innovation kind of come up and it isn't this walters and also their law enforcement capabilities such as giving them money to buy a new, a new speed, click on the boards. and also another concern is the north korea's ms side on nuclear and development, doing good the last few months. also, north korea has gained the new capabilities and the ministers. uh how, because nice that to, to that you, we could hear also and you condemnation to such a programs. the company is also going to announce a new, a financial aid to find out. so and clements and new communication system to help you uh, doing good national disasters that so many uh right. the range of issues, the $80.00 the main focus is uh, as we mentioned, it's the situation in the,
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in domestic region. they defy the title, is that the decision should be on was open and free. and so getting that they need to uh, to face the increasing influence of china here. it'll be interesting to see what reaction countries like those career in china have to the meeting all the claude a because obviously they meet every uh, various levels savvy and they want to always assume i give the impression that it's of the countries outside the clause, the to the problem, i mean there's a real worry about it. the issue isn't that both from within the group of the quad and for those countries looking on what they're going to discuss. but that's very true. so high, but you know, we have seen the joining good but of just meetings, the very harsh reaction from, especially from china and north korea has been always good to go to any cooperation
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between these countries as it's in the target think it's on its own national security bucks for the china sits in the week would expect it's a harsh criticism to us to such uh, meeting a japan has been trying to enhance its uh, its own uh, military and security cooperation with so many different countries on the quad platform. also, it started in 2004 as a human to turn it down if you want me to be on a platform to help companies affected by the great, the indian. so not me, you then. and now it has become less if you go to, to buy a look on the these companies are playing good, any very hard to focus, not on china and how to address the issue is, especially in south ends. the is the china, c. it'd be interesting to see what the final communique is, what is this meeting is over for the moment, and how do you celebrate? thanks for joining us from took, you know, saying the regional policies in the philippines all waiting for the weather to
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improve before attempting to clean up one and a half 1000000 liters a few from a tank in the bay the vessel sung, customer encountering, stormy weather on thursday, now one of the crew members was killed. oil is now reached the shoreline raising concerns of an environmental disaster suggests have taken to the streets of lima as approved box. it's independent, stay that demanding justice for those killed and injured. joining in rest and late 2022. following the hosting of the former president petro castillo, many are also calling for president dean. it belongs resignation. eva corruption scandal. not really sanchez's in the capital. lima, of course, he didn't do, you know, a lot of they began videos independence days by blaming former precedents. the look a feel for the country's problems you. i received a paralyzed country due to the last government, the close,
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the worst crisis of confidence in 50 years, a divided country and most in a deep political crisis. but a lot of the said she plans to spend millions of dollars on my new health and many other infrastructure projects before leaving office in 2 years. that offered no message to the families of 49 peruvians killed by the army and police and protest. soon she took office 18 months ago to make the c panel. no one has been detained. no one is guilty, nothing. there is no justice bridgewater, they spend 5 hours reciting her government's accomplishments, but she's the most popular leader in the america, with an approval rating. below 5 percent. congress is equally unpopular, the better, but she doesn't represent us. she has a packs with congress, many of them delinquents, she's publicly lied during the corruption investigations. this is
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a dictatorship 84 percent of peruvians want general elections now. the 1st is pretty system against the ones that came from babies. most important religious authority. the archbishop of lima told the herd ministers and other politicians. this is not a democratic society. in his sermon, archbishop douglas castillo directly to con. it whose political clause the most i go to those who use and corrode the state by giving priority to their own interests, live in institutional disloyalty. despite nationwide discontent, the streets remain mostly quiet except for a few protesters who say they are not afraid of a police correct down to club descent. again, ascentis, i just see that email 2005 fi it is all working to contain was in western canada and the us west coast. strong winds and a summer heat wave,
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a threatening to spread the flying season sub as felix, the water explains the ashes and charged remains. are all that's left across much of the result. town of jasper, a fierce wildfire swept through here, just one of many burning across the western canada of 1160 active fires across canada. 580. um have the full response. 280 are currently out of control. ready 100 and the one are being held $199.00 and are also out of control. and it's already been mentioned within alberta, $175.00. well, fires a 2300000 actors that have been burned. $17000.00 of activities for the south. a similar fate for areas along the u. s. west coast. in less than a month, fires in oregon have boomed more than $400000.00 hacked is of land
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and in northern california. the most intense blaze this summer. thousands of crews deployed fires large and contained and an uncertain future for many people living under evacuation orders. it's right about the time i go out the door. i got to city p d officers at the door telling me i needed to get out. and well, i packed up what i can pack up in the car, mean the dog and i got out. i don't really care about my many material things. you know? i didn't even pick up the titles for my vehicles or anything. i just grabbed the tubs and defies. are largely fueled by a sweltering heat wave and why look forward, he's deployed.


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