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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the last model is declared the winner of what man is weighed as presidential elections at the opposition disputes. the results. the no, i'm elizabeth donovan. this is algebra live from johal, also coming up slots. a cancelled and they did favors a force because of hostilities between israel and has been lost. the ready for release,
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the 1st of thousands of inmates of being freed from crowded presence of the democratic republic of congo and admin pick destination wise, a wage development of the summer consent dieties for steven farm and just being damaged the old and hosp depending some of the reaction to nicholas mother to winning a vote that gives him stood 6 year term as president. the stays controlled and actual council made the official announcement on sunday off to avoid any exit polls suggested the opposition word when my daughter says the electoral system is transparent, but hack is trying to compromise the outcome. it's the we suffered cyber attacks. we to most of hacking, we know which countries behind it, but i will mention it's a cyber tech on the transmission infrastructure of the electrical system. they
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didn't want the foods to be added up for the final results to be announced today. the latest the venezuela is opposition coalition have rejected some of those victory. they say big candidate, edmondo gonzales, 170 percent of the vote is asking his support is not to take to the streets, will come at acts of violence to throw them off. in other words, this is not just another fraud, this is a gross disregard and violation of the people sovereignty. there is no other way they can explain and justify this. while the us and a you are calling for transparency and accountability in the village, count, us secretary of state antony blinking, says the global community is watching developments closely. we have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes for the event as well and people. it's critical that every vote the county fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and
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independent observers without delay. and that the electoral authorities publish the detail population about the international communities watching this very closely and will respond accordingly. but move on to 80 percent of the votes counted. here's how. when as late as an actual outcome stands, 6 hours off to the polls closed, the national electoral council declared nicholas mother to the winner with 51 percent of the vote. opposition candidates and window gonzales got 44 percent. the electoral authorities has to announce was 59 percent. among the 21000000 people registered to vote. alejandro on p i. t has been following developments from neighboring columbia. the venezuelan electoral council came out announcing the results in 6 hours and this was their 1st bullet in 6 hours after the bolts closed, which seems to indicate to a number of people of servers inside venezuela that they were discussing or
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thinking inside the government. how to proceed, but they did come out and announced that the person in the class and my daughter has won this election with 51 percent of the vote. and a said that in 2nd place was his main arrival. if wound double in silas with 44 percent of the vote and they also said that the address, 59 percent of eligible. ready there's a came out to vote, and this seems to go against the what we had seen anecdotally throughout the day with huge qs, with people staying in line for hours to be able to pass the vote. and also a people that had spent the night outside of some of the polling stations to make sure to vote in favor of that opposition. so this, there's no doubt that this announcement came as
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a shock for all of those people that were expecting a change in power after $25.00 a year. busy there's the uh, in, in the power by the socialist party in the country. we've got some indication from the press conference that the opposition gave after the announcement. and one key strategy there will probably be that to insist that and when they're gonzales as the president elect jobs, venezuela, that he won the elections by 70 percent. this is what they're saying. and insisting that they need to be able to verify the and it's really drawn strike has killed 2 people in injured, 311 known as hit the town of chocolate, a few kind of nations from the border between the countries. a child was among the
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injured and some flights at 11 on the international airport have been cancelled or delayed because of hostilities between israel and has been law. that comes off to as well as security cabinet authorized to prime and defense ministers to determine its response to an attack on the occupied golan heights on sunday that killed the 12 people as well, blames has voted on, but the lebanese on group denies involvement. the 2 sides had been exchanging fast since the war and gaza began as bringing our costs fund and say, know how that she's joining us live from. they were to international airport zayna . how unusual is it for flights to be delayed or cancel because of the attention and what impact as it had of the well, no doubt, it is unusual. the confrontations between the israeli military and hospital i've been going on for 10 months now. and this is the 1st time that this has happened. some airlines counseling overnight slides telling them to the morning some airlines
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counseling flights altogether. if you can see behind me, the airport is quite busy people the leaving, but we have to point out that this is not a massive actuation, at least not yet. you. we've spoken to people here. some families have told us that they're leaving the country earlier than planned due to the security situation due to the, the tensions between is relevant hezbollah, you mentioned these various security cabinets yesterday, authorizing the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the response to has well, those rockets attacked, at least as well, believes hezbollah was behind that rocket to attack that killed civilians in much the sum is something that has the law has dismissed. so people here are bracing themselves on what kind of responses that will be. some people are speculating, it could be the airport because it was one of the 1st targets uh, one of the 1st is really targets during the previous war in 2006. but it's really media is talking about a significant,
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a strong and harsh response. but unlimited one as well, but the biggest question is, is whatever response is well carries out what well as well as response b. and is this document probably ation that will decide whether this conflict can be contained or not. so of course, these are dangerous times. there's a lot of tensions, but other people will tell you that, you know, life goes on life goes on in the country, which really has seen the recent peers and zayna. that's exactly what i was going to ask you. how and disconcerting is it for people and 11 on given that they have live in through not as the last 10 moments of, of, of conflict, heis intentions of israel, but many years of well yes, 10 months of conflict which have been largely confined to the border area, i mean here in a root, there are no signs. so for par twos,
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x fast returning this is the summer season when x pass, return to the country. um, you know, of the airports really has been very busy over the past months. we still do not have any reports of flights being cancelled in the days and weeks to come. so this is a society really that has seen many, many wars in the past, but, but the tensions really are absent all time high and the feeling is among some people of course is that as well does one wants to whitening the conflict? now hezbollah, through its actions and its words, has been trying to contain the conflict to the border area, saying that it's open the front just the supports garza and not starts a wide conflict. so really reaction is mixed here. some are afraid, some believe that this will be a limited strike as well. will say, face has follow, will respond, and the conflict will be contained along the border. but others say that you cannot pull out this escalate thing. but what is clear is that there's
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a lot of back channel diplomacy going on between the united states. so we also understand that they're talking to the iranians a to try to de escalate tensions. not just along this front, but the region as a whole. so thank you very much for that for now. that is zayna for the with the very latest and contacts. from davids, the inside garza is ready as strikes, have killed at least $66.00 people since saturday and con eunice and is rarely attack on the hall. and kills 10 palestinians, and an alma wasi which the is riley military has declared a safe zone. at least 5 people were killed in the strike on a 10 sheltering displaced people. well, many palestinians site f field full oft is where the authorities order them to evacuate the output age camp. and then on the bottom of the head of the un agencies, the palestinian refugees is wanting 86 percent of people in the gaza strip have been told to leave palestinian. and so they've been forced to free several times
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and there was no where best to go. i swear i don't know where to go in 1940 i to the displaced ones, but this is the 10th time for us. i swear to god, i don't know where to go to the find a solution for us enough. where do we go? they destroyed all homes. they've killed all children on the display. so women, no matter where do we go enough of this? where do we go? or that's bringing our corresponding hunting muscle with, he's joining us live from the ball out in central, gaza and the un pushing of figure honey on just how much of the strip is on the evacuation. what as well, according to philly valesa, rena, you the head of the united mixers for palestinians. rock d g. they're only 40 percent of the total area of the golf and strip that is not effectively not under a is randy evacuation orders. but in fact,
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when we look at the past week, these areas, the humanitarian zones designated by that is really when military has been repeatedly targeted items that do to put more context into that there is a grain of a truth in the fargo. much of that, this information by this very monetary, these areas are not safe. and in fact, it just, if we go with the narrative, you can to create a safe zone in a wars on people are, are start, get pushing into further in turn of displacement of from one place to another. the fact that these people are leaving now raise revenue come under heavy artillery is the, this is their 3rd time the past couple of months have been quite difficult and the eastern part of the res, i'm not in the right you can. and people were made displays the couple times before this, 3rd time the recurrence, mass, evacuation orders for people that are large, the parts see that nothing toward that and force displacement as every time people
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are moving from one place to another. they're losing much of their energy at the losing much of their belongings. they end up in a place that doesn't have any of the basic necessities to help them survive. the, the difficult conditions in the hot book ends up paying and created by these very intense bombing campaigns. the boss measure, the people are concentrated right now and there is the city of radius city is overcrowded, packed with people, a displays of from the early weeks of south this genocide. the word from the northern part from java stay more recently from con unit and dropbox. uh, city already pack doesn't have enough facilities. doesn't have infrastructure to accommodate this large number of people. but the fear right now is mounting on people here because this is the last resort for people to evacuate to after deer. but there is no safety place at all there. but has the only the only city across the gaza strip that is relatively,
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is still intact. there is much of the destruction on frames of devastation caused by the intense bombing campaign, but it still has some of the buildings that people can shoulder and, but now the fear that after grades and those that i do believe is next. and we definitely keep hearing all these the statements and all these news lines of from days really excited about the central area and how the plan, the how really it is really military to come to the entire central area. honey, thank you very much for that. that is, honey must move with the laces, live in the bottom, central gaza so it is present in charge of 5 and the one says the country could intervene and israel's one gaza speaking to members of his party on sunday, as one made references to the 2020 conflict and libya then took a support with the un recognized government. he also mentioned last year as operation when ally as of by john took control of these not going no kind of box region. and of the once as tequila could do something similar to help the
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palestinians but didn't elaborate. mm hm. we need to be very strong so that israel cannot do these ridiculous things to palestine just as we entered, caught a box just as we entered libya, we can do something similar to them. there is no reason for us not to. we only have to be strong so that we can take these steps. so them cool. so you want to has them all from this bundle. we all understand that he's trying to mean he can. he has the strength a power to do the same thing for garza supporting the roots on the ground in god's this is at least what we understand, but of course this i don't think that it was made by employee assistance. i don't think that he was trying to say he what he was trying to mean something else. but he was trying to show that some kid wants to be involved. also
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politically a in the solution for gods. because we have seen it being mediated between the palestinian groups and there was an agreement that at the a mom is a possible to recognize his group would be recognized as the sole leader all the policies. but now we're seeing that ad on is saying mom was on the bus, hasn't responded to his request to his invitation to come and speaking the turkish parliament. we understand that ours on wants to turn a new page on this debate and wants to be involved in the political solution process for the post of war in gaza. the still ahead on i'll just say that there is president promises to spend millions of dollars on lining health and infrastructure . the protest is on convince. she'll help them and the french semester to live at the full for the and then because
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the ally there might be the side of a new week across the you're but the old with a pattern as followed us through. we've got lots of heat to possible southern areas that is pushing its way further north. you've already seen exceptionally high temperatures in bordeaux with people flocking to the beach is nearby to try and then leave you to those hot dry conditions. now you can see temperature still fitting very high here on monday and cheese that we put amber lot salt for those high temperatures. and that's going to be a trend across much of the west of europe. we'll see madrid coming back up to 40 degrees celsius. a lot of that was pushing up across france into person on the island of island. and we will see a steady increase of temperatures across the middle section of europe. but
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temperatures offset to come down across the northeast on what we scenarios that thanks to developing area of low pressure as bringing exceptionally powerful winds . not just the northern parts of germany, poland, as well as the baltics western russia as well with heavy rain to follow that we are expecting some funding. we've readily. a a look out for places like the last few that rain, continuing to move across the bellows on which to russia with some of that rain falling in ukraine. we could see some rain as well. pick up across the west for pots of frond it is okay. sunny and paris with a threat of thunder storms on wednesday, was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative, a celebration of what we can achieve when to reach the welcome to send me an extra reading designer,
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redesigns luxury losing crossing l a future. today we create the, watching me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about told stories the solid. is there any as stripes? and also i have killed 66 palestinians in the past 24 hours. that these 10 people died in the strike on the house and some flotsap favors. appleton 11, only have been cancelled laid as as round to 5. how it will respond to the latest attack in the occupied colon hines, as well as governments claims has fallen,
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but the liberties group has denied and full underwriters. williams electro council has declared because some of the, one of the presidential election with 51 percent of the voters. it will be in the 3rd 6 year term as president has political opponents, oddest fusion. the result of his president has outlined her plans to end the political crisis and loose the economy with a government facing a corruption scandal and protest of them all. the injustice of people killed it on the rest 2 years ago, many a unconvinced money out of sanchez has moved from lima of the proceed in the novel why they began videos independence days by blaming former precedents. the castillo, for the country's problems you. i received a paralyzed country due to the last government that costs the worst crisis of confidence in 50 years, a divided country and most in a deep political crisis. but what they said,
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she plans to spend millions of dollars on mining health and many other infrastructure projects before leaving office in 2 years. that offered no message to the families of 49 peruvians killed by the army and police and protest. soon she took off is 18 months ago. the no one has been detained. no one is guilty, nothing. there is no justice bridgewater, they spend 5 hours reciting her government's accomplishments, but she's the most unpopular leader in the americas with an approval rating. below 5 percent. congress is equally unpopular, the better, but she doesn't represent us. she has a pacts with congress. many of them delinquents, she's publicly lied during the corruption investigations. this is a dictatorship 84 percent of peruvians want general elections now. the 1st is pretty system against what they came from fitness,
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most important religious authority. the archbishop of lima told the herd ministers and other politicians. this is not a democratic society. in his sermon, archbishop tablets castillo directly took on it, whose political class the most. i go to those who use and corrode the state by giving priority to their own interests, live in institutional disloyalty. despite nationwide discontent, the streets remain mostly quiet except for a few protesters who say they're not afraid of a police correct down to club descent. again, ascentis, i just see that email, the foreign ministers of the us, japan, india, n as tracy, i have mentioned tokyo as a tool is dominated by threats to regional security. china is military presence in the south. china city has taught the agenda at, at what's known as the quad summit. north korea's missile. busy which is cyber
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security and amount of time patrols are also being discussed. savvy phenomena is at the summit, and has this update of the security in the end of us have collision is the main focus of the ministers here. they refer to the situation in solving is china. see the countries are very, what about the sorts of policy is military policies of china and its presence in these waters. the confrontations that happens between china, the china is the coast guards and philippines bit non postcards during the last few months. also a very uh, here's concern for these companies. this is why they're going to announce the financial aid to many companies in this area to build their capabilities, the military of the patient kind of come up and it isn't this walters and also their law enforcement capabilities such as giving them money to buy new speed go scott, the votes. and also another concern is the north korea's misaligned on nuclear
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developments and you didn't get the last few months. also, north korea has gained the new capabilities and the ministers uh how, because nice that to today you. we could hear also and you can the mission to such a programs. the company is also going to announce a new, a financial aid to find out. so and clements and new communication system to help you uh, you didn't get national disasters that so many uh right. the range of issues, the $80.00 the main focus is the, as we mentioned, it's the situation in the, in domestic region. they defy the title, is that the decision should be on was open and city and to gain that they need to uh, to face the increasing influence of china. here are 420 prisoners have been released from one of the many of the crowd of jails in the democratic republic of congo. the move comes off to video, reveals shopping conditions and signed the presence spanking a national outcry. axles on events,
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reports the gates of mccullor presented the democratic republic of congo, open, but not for new admissions. instead, 420 prisoners spots free. the 1st of 7000 to the release of the coming weeks. a move welcome by prisoners rights activists. see a quote and susan see, do what i'm thinking is you, what you're doing is looking at the extent to which we can directly to just the overcrowding that'll make, enabling us to complete the defense to prison up front at the same time and building another prison as please you know, to please mcculla prison was built in 1957 for just 1500 inmates, but now holds 10 times more. most of them have never faced trial. i've never been called by judges. i've been here for 17 years and mcculla prison. i
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grew up here, i've never benefited from these grace measures granted. but here the people suffer and the release comes after a social media post by a journalist who was recently freed after 6 months detention. it shows a must see the prisoners sleeping on crowd this floors drinking from buckets and often suffering from various diseases. overcrowding and prisons has been a decade long problem in the d. r. c. human rights advocates say it's caused by a lack of state resources, an arbitrary detention is by security forces of last year. 66 inmates died in just 2 months for a moment, attrition and lack of care. the conditions are very difficult, the prisoners die every day. the people here and like you have no idea the prism of each very badly. the government says it plans to release $7000.00 inmates in total, potentially having
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a mccollugh speculation. they will be released at the rate of $400.00 a week. but critics, a deeper we forms are needed as more prisoners. so wait, their turn for freedom. it's a long overdue step towards the justice axis. i'm reaching out to 0. reckless raking rang for then china is one on problems, has course via flooding and left thousands of people without out of tricity will some people have been trapped in the houses as the remnants of time soon gave me sweep across the country. se transportation was being disruptive and telecommunications with down and 12 cities. north korea has also been hit by the time soonest, especially in the areas border and china, states media release. these photos of the to kim jones on inspect them the worst affected areas. media report say 5000 people have been rescued in city. we 2 are the border with china.
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farms has one it 1st and then pick some and gold and 12. yes, president. a 1000000 that concord down motion personally to congratulate him for race reports. as for the knights of great celebration, for the french and powers of the, one of the medal hopes, very much lift up to a height 22 year old little marshal, adding a 12 gauge round for the french in the pool, waiting gold, and the men's 400 maces, individual mentally breaking as they liberate right. hold of americans. right. michael felt in the process. i'm just missing out marshal on breaking his own world record that he took off phelps in the world championships last year. he still hasn't 3 more goals to go for these olympics. well i had a goose benz on the on the podium. i felt really proud to be myself and to be also french tonight. so it was, it was an amazing time for me. um and i was uh,
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yeah was really is living at the moment so it was pretty cool. elsewhere. there was a shock for great britain, this item hate to you. he was hoping to go for a red 3 page winnings the same event at $311.00 picks. in a row at the 1st month after michael phelps to do that. but he wasn't able to have big ad style in the mens 100 rates of breast drugs by it's always nickel or mountain n d y. just no point, no 2 seconds. full res. out is there a virus mall, the eyes of most olympic fans and powers this week? one, competition is planning out fall from the city of life. the assessing is being held and the french pacific attaching us to hate the decision to stage the competition. and one of the islands, most remote villages is controversial of alexandra buys reports from tay hopeful. this is a paradise for services. and for the people who live here,
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hope all is a big family. it doesn't matter of the last name. it is one big united family. this small village is nearly 16000 kilometers from the rest of the olympic events in france on the pacific island of tahiti, at the point where the road to the capital and most villagers like stars and lean parker live across the river. there's one foot bridge or you drive through the water and it's been bothering with olympic activity for a year. not to. we're used to common nature the now we're seeing cars and trucks everywhere. surfers around the world, no tay hope of a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. money for going into building new facilities and infrastructure.


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