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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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redesigns luxury, losing crusty, now seem to today. we create the israel of roots more palestinians of his time in central garza, but there's no less safe to go the on. the bulk of this is i'll just say with life the house of coming up doing is rouse prime minister and go from residence of the town. web 12 children were killed . they don't, replied golan heights. bruce president, promised to spend millions on mining health on infrastructure. but protested unconvinced she'll help them. and then they'll pick destination rides. a wave of development for somebody from santa christine in 5 minutes has been damaged.
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the thanks for joining us as a constant for palestinians living and goes away, shifting away, seeking a safe place to go with whatever belongings they can muster. this has been the scene of the outrage refugee camp during the past 24 hours following orders from the israeli ministry to move on up to move in 9 months. so for you and says 86 percent of the besieged gaza strip is now on the x ray. be f actuation orders a y c, and they're all by law. the only 2 areas in all of guys that designated a safe zones by israel. but still they've been constantly attacked by these really military target. but resume reports from deborah by is this what else you're facing? forces have passed and is shooting you when special military evaluation orders for the residents open res. i'm just a rush procedure because as you can see,
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that families right now are going to sleep from these areas. heading to divers, bella, i'm to as the why is that trying to find some sort of safety if you have been told by these many, all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an act. so what was the, these causes on a 12 to load that with mac, says people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas officer receiving these orders despite the police that there is no any place in gauze. i say instead of the uh, you received a call from the army to leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children, the daughters. i bought it and get them both on the line like me on the line is so uh we uh, we live in the pricing, get the circumstances we left to the home today. and we both know we what are
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we got on the go now and then as a minister man. and then i go to the we've been displaced from the law. they told us and i believe to central garza then to russell then we went to rough. i then went back up to new site and we got stuck. then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all locked is in pieces. we have nothing, no one but gone to us, the new skill all. now we can see that people are even moving on for to trying to go to these areas, trying to find any place that could be suitable to be show to have food. then as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip are the last remaining results, what palestinians also being told to seek refuge in it was, but apparently it had to end right now to be a new active was own, which means that as well as it's still ongoing with it's escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be human to terry and safe zones are recognizing
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which is 0 that are the kind of songs. and there's really drain strongly because code to hezbollah fights has and 11 on the hit, the town of shock, right? it's a few kilometers from the border between the 2 countries. a child is among 3 people injured, the drug and the time comes off the israel security cabinet, authorized benjamin that know who and his defense minister to decide how to respond to a strike only occupied golan heights is ro, blames has been out for 7 days. rocket attack on a football field which co 12 people, the lab is 11 days on group denies involvement. the 2 sides have been exchanging 5 since the war on guns that began with jordan's national carrier has suspended flights of babies on monday and tuesday. the other airlines that also delayed or cancel flights due to tensions between israel and has been on some of those sofa now, resumed. st. ahold has been reporting from babies international applewood, and she says it's the 1st time flights of being delayed or cancelled since the
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tensions began. the air france becoming the latest, the airline to suspend slights to and from they with international airports already . the german airlines of 10, so this was the air they have canceled flights to beta with the air from saying that the suspension will last for 2 days. but that they will monitor the security situation to see whether or not they will need to expand that. and 11 on is bracing for israel's response to that rockets attack in much those samus that killed civilians and attack israel blades on has the law an attack has? well, it denies any responsibility for so people are concerns and you know, waiting for this response and what will the response be? the is right, is security cabinets met last yesterday they instructed the authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the response and the timing. so the question here is, will it be a military target and where will this military target be hits or will as well
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decide to hit 11 on infrastructure, the airport, the ports of electricity. so a lot of questions and concern and people are also concerned that even if israel's responses limited vs, that may be a harsh response against hezbollah. what will the loving these arms do in return? it's retaliation. so this could really spiral a conflict which has been largely limited to the border area and widen it. so yes, there are concern slides disruptions. how began up at the airport is still operational us. hundreds of people in the is ready to go, keep. i'd go and hide so protested against the visit by this very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but i tried to prevent him entering most of the drums wherever they killed 12 people on such a day. protest this cold, messen, yahoo, a fascist, and a criminal during his visit. nothing you know? who said israel says palms will come and it will be hush as well. blame says paul,
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after the attack of challenge degree denies. well, on sunday morning has protested against the presence of his rating ministers of the funeral for the people killed in the golden heights on saturday footage. add by it's very media show drew's moment as but rating far. right? finance minister, best law. smart judge of the size of the rock at a time. i asked him to leave small intrigues, responded to the strike on much those from saying 11 on as a whole should pay for the attack. my own. but shaw is, i'll just have a senior political analyst who joins us from london to talk about this in more details. so my one desk now who's saying that when the is ready, response comes, it will be quick and it will be harsh us. we have the firms in the hold up and by root there, there was a tremendous amount of anticipation about whether potentially civilian infrastructure we'll be talking to the potentially military installations and also a lot of questions about what israel is next. move will be here. well certainly you know,
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it's possible that people do just that and is there have been already boasting of having some kind of news if you say, cuz it was usually for a 2nd. and so he says they have forces one, i'm capable of bombing the story of starting later, which is one of the guys as his relatives would like to both. but what of what can happen to is a good fight also says that they are more than capable of destroying a good number of sockets in the design that please include that. that is right here is a 4 time airports and back in a 20 years ago. or so on. each side of sol, solved the. so i think the, the system is a war could be
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a major catastrophic results for both 5 no, doesn't meet the nose, the cost of watches are the same. you know, having read a, b, b 's, filed murphy be a mazda. ringback book and he actually believes that means right. what is that? or the security needs a piece not piece of security. he actually believes funny for the future. but these are for us all not know my why not be nothing. know you has been accused multiple times of thriving on more of staving off legal action against him, of preserving his political immunity and the top job. i mean, is it really in his interest to say a political solution to diffuse tensions with has by what do you know? mean you're right. the good also see meeting is definitely not popular and is on.
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and he eventually what is the price for his son? he has been invited a number of charges and sooner or later if he survives this, he's going to be pursued for those charges. he's 2nd, the already been on the same day international court of justice for justice i. he's probably going to be so not that you can't throw some for what charge by the international criminal court. so you can say that nothing you know, pre suggest news personally because he's just saying that we're the big more fortunate because uh, could you possibly can you guys i left it on and beyond and he probably would want to explore our extended coverage. i don't think he gives them about
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the cost. the 1st thing is one of is low on money. thanks for that. always good to hear your thoughts how just it was my when showing that. as far as the military police offices were confronted by soldiers from a reserve unit off to several of its members which use of torturing posting and detainees, the tension followed his right to investigate his invest the resting 9. the soldiers suspected of sexual abuse upon his team to pay any help to the negative deserts, his being taken to the hospital with severe injuries from administer. it's my bank of us as the 2 soldiers questioning was shameful. a cold on security services to support them instead or the floor hard to believe just some of the reactions defend this way this presidential election results the state control. delightful council has announced president
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nicholas mate during the winter of the election on sunday. is political opponents on disputing the result of a son's rep. catchy has the support from neighboring columbia. 6 hours after both close to business, where the electoral council controlled by government loyalist announced that nicholas my daughter had won a 3rd term as president little change the policy and was 80 percent of the ballots counted in with a level of participation at 59 percent. the results are as follows. first nicholas, my do it on, most of the grand total. past 3 article got 51.2 percent candidates, moondog gonzalez. so the messa uh, the loud when the dad got 44.2 percent of it's a toy youngster. and my daughter says his victory was undeniable, blaming the delay, and then specified cyber attack from abroad and calling on the people in the international community to respect the results. well, let's see if i can say before the people have been as well,
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i'm the world. i am nicholas but doodle models, re elected president of the boulevard in republic of venezuela, and i will defend our democracy. pablo and the people the opposition made by presidential candidate to move the ones salads and political power house my the equity. now my child to denounce the result clean, they had 170 percent of the vote. they accused the government that withholding boating data to hampered their ability to challenge the result of the little problem. in other words, this is not just another fraud. this is a gross disregard and violation of the people sovereignty. there is no other way they can explain and justify this. for the 1st time, the opposition has managed to unite behind the single candidate in gain ground over my daughter with pulse predicting and over whelming victory. millions of vinny swelling, skewed for hours to cast their vote on sunday. in what seemed like the largest turn
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out in decades staunch allied, such as to buy and believe me, i quickly congratulated my daughter what other left these leaders like to them. president gabrielle bar. each said he will not recognize and your result that is not verifiable. almost 8000000 venezuelans fled the economic and humanitarian crisis in the country. in the last decade, some living in mexico cried in disbelief when my daughter's victory was announced. the fort against the tennessee for 25 years. we demand international community act . today we want venezuela to be free and respect to people's decision. there's no doubt that these results came as a shock for millions of venezuelans hoping to see political change. the biggest challenge for my daughter now will be how to govern a nation unlikely to see a selection is fair and see him as they are legitimate, the president, i listened that i'm get, i just need i looked at her, it was president
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a is trying to turn around a political crisis by outlining up times to boost the economy. but without government embroiled or corruption, scandal protest is demanding justice for people killed in the 2022 unrest. betty, remain unconvinced. are we on a sanchez, how's this i'm leaving? are receiving the, you know, a lot of they began videos independence days by blaming former precedents. the castillo, for the country's problems you, i received a paralyzed country due to the last government, the course, the worst crisis of confidence in 50 years, a divided country. and most in a deep political crisis, but a lot of the said she plans to spend millions of dollars on mining health and many other infrastructure projects before leaving office in 2 years. that's offered no message to the families of 49 peruvians killed by the army and police in protest. soon she took office 18 months ago to make this easier. yet no
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one has been detained. no one is guilty, nothing. there is no justice bridgewater to spend 5 hours reciting her government's accomplishments, but she's the most unpopular leader in the america, with an approval rating below 5 percent. congress is equally unpopular, the better, but she doesn't represent us. she has a packs with congress, many of them delinquents, she's publicly lied during the corruption investigations. this is a dictatorship 84 percent of peruvians want general elections now. the harshest criticism against what they came from bitterness, most important religious authority. the archbishop of lima told the herd ministers and other politicians. this is not a democratic society. in his sermon, archbishop tablets castillo directly took on it, whose political clause the most. i go to those who use and corrode the state by
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giving priority to their own interests, live in institutional disloyalty. despite nationwide discontent, the streets remain mostly quiet except for a few protesters whose these are not afraid of a police crack down to close descent. again, essentials, i'll just see that email. another use you as president shows by the assessment to announce sweeping reforms, the whole the highest quote you wrote and then pinion piece on monday that no one is about below whether they were president or justice of the supreme court. ruled this month, the form of us president donald trump has immunity. under certain circumstances, the verdict effectively blocks any prosecution of trump related to the january 6th storming of the capital building. still ahead on out to 0. we made the victims of torture and sudan who reached safety and shots, but the struggling with the mental scars the
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ready for release, the 1st of thousands of inmates being freed from crumb prisons in democratic republic of congo. the had a lot of, they were stopped by looking at the earliest satellite across the south asia. and you can see the sh shuttle clouds from the monsoon rains and dominating across the western pots of india. and the heavy rain over the weekend caused a flooding in maharaj, draw the flood waters off to that stranding people. but you can see the skies have cleared. it's not as wet as it has been across the west coast of india was still seeing some showers here. the warnings, however, it shifted to southern parts of pakistan. we are expecting some drenching down pull down pools here on choose day with more heavy rain coming into the north,
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rushing into more northern parts of india. essential areas as well. seeing that very heavy rain with a lot south further east. for additional on wednesday, you can see the rain as well continuing to pull in to bundle dish and me in month by the middle of the week as we move it to east asia. it's still a story of heavy rain from typhoid going may, it's broken apart, but remains to bring those wrenching down pools across into beijing. we are expecting some very heavy rain with thunderstorms here on choose day that will cool things down because of has been very hot and humid with sunny spells coming in on thursday. it's funny across southern parts of japan with warning for dangerous heat across the south. on wednesday the
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. ringback the, the the welcome back you without a 0. his reminder of our top story is this. so venezuela's electro council is declared nicholas the during the winter of the presidential election with 51 percent of the folks who will be mentors the 6 year time as president as political opponents to speak. the results protested as in the as randy occupied goldman
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height, so protested against a visit by these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they try to prevent him entering much notions wherever brokers have talked to 12 people. the suspects israel blames has velocity attacks, charged the group tonight a certain amount of trees or that kind of thing ends in central causes most around some of the range for if he comes to evacuate close to heading to debt around by less city, which is already shopping tens of thousands of displaced families. so israel is evacuation orders and relentless bombardment, also affecting critical health care. the health ministry says more than 1500 patients, the kidney dialysis. 3060 machines are available across the entire goals and strips . patients are receiving to dialysis treatments of 2 hours a week and that's a 3rd of what lay actually needs to have health leads to put some come out and one hospital in northern does it a medical and health situation here? nothing does slip as instead of waiting day after day as a result of that is why in the policy imposed. i've been brought us in this policy
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to prevent the acts as a ready for all medical supplies to the nothing else read. i'm talking to a friend, come out a drug hospital which is follow model nutrition cases, this kind of the season and kidney taylor patients. and when it comes to kidney failure, we have to mention of the call you in a non use zones of the law. he goes for the alice's a 3 times a week and i and i did that. my kidney is failing because i have been eating canned food and drinking polluted and contaminated water. we live in scores where nothing is clean. we need to take showers and we need to clean our bodies enough there to water enough contaminated water. i want to clean water. oh, my gosh, i center my son, the be least 11 years old. he had a kidney transplant 7 years ago. we managed to continue his treatments for 2 months after the war started, but then he couldn't get treatment at all for 4 months, which damage the transplanted kidney. he's unable to walk now. he lost almost 21
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killers because of malnutrition. i urge the arab nations and all the people of conscience to treat my son abroad and bring him back to normal. all could we feel actually? yeah, nothing gets struck on slide and keen to and this genocide and garza and to receive the needed necessary treatment was specialist. i just need a nothing goes for a dollar sign. when you use a passenger train has crushed in russia injury at least a 140 people. it was traveling from the side of the western city of cause them to the coastal town of adler. d railed in the folder grad region. a couch is over to and from the train collided with a truck which was at the railway, crossing the more than $800.00 passengers on both tens of thousands of people have flips to them to neighboring china, to escape violence, and the da for region. and he showed signs of torture and sexual violence,
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hopefully that could save thousands of traumatized. like how to get help in refugee camps in eastern shot. i'm it interest reports on the board. a ton of address how much of a, what can increase it's being treated for to to once he says, way inflicted by an i'm good boy accuses of ethnic cleansing. funny the they tied me to a call, drag me a long distance between mused everything they could lay their hands on and breaking my arm in the process is, doctor said he's physical wounds making he'll be on such and about his mental health and nobody them and we treat guns just another wounds, but some victims to the trauma center for psychological management. which item had a baby struck try back when the fight is attacked to the intent and the displace people's camp in elgin 8 indigenous the highest with that 2 bullets, pierce my arm and hit my baby and it killed him instantly. so many other women say
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they've been subjected to another weapon of war, rape, and sexual violence. a couple of topics here in most cases go unreported help or could say it's difficult called victims of abuse. will likely carry this promo for the rest of their lines. after months of counseling, some survivors receive lessons emitting weaving and declaration. however, few refugees get this lucky social services workers that concerned about recent reports of suicide. i'm including these refugee ca, nice to chat conflict into that. i come here. no one, no, no one. but a 5 minutes of him on also is that for openness, his existence, we do not get in because the use income of demonic abraham adam was crippled. and one day after weeks of torture,
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he also witnessed his family and neighbors killed. and the houses burned to ashes like many suit and use refugees here. he has one wish, and no one piece pretends to sit down and we will go back to seek justice. there's so many on speaker board trustees committed an alternator. unspeakable of trustees . but after 20 years of conflict in the for on the car and fighting and so then to believe that will ever seek justice. how much increase out easy to agree on the charge. so the on board, the full most south african president, jacob zuba has supposedly being expelled by the african national congress party. and the document from the amc disciplinary committee found the 82 year old guilty. you're bringing the policy one sled into disrepute. you were suspended in january after launching a rival party had of elections in may as leader of the m k party effectively campaigned against the in see, see what was a member of i think is the oldest of a ration may have been for 64. he is,
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has 3 weeks to appeal against his expulsion. the $420.00 prisoners are being released from an overcrowded jail in the democratic republic of congo. the move comes off the video footage revealed a pulling conditions inside the prisons, sparking and national outcry. expos on different triples. the gates of mcculla presented the democratic republic of congo opens, but not for new admissions. instead, 420 presenters wants free. the 1st of $7000.00 to be released at the coming weeks. a move welcomed by prisoners to rights activists. see a quote and for zone. see, do well my goodness you, what you had doing is looking at the extent to which we can check the little juice to overcrowding. the enabling us to complete the, to service the prison front of the same time and building another prison as please, you know, to please mcculla prison was built in 1957 for just 1500 inmates,
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but now holds 10 times more. most of them have never faced trial. i've never been called by judges. i've been here for 17 years in mcculla prison. i grew up here. i've never benefited from these grace measures granted. but here the people suffer and the release comes after a social media post by a journalist who was recently read after 6 months. the attention it shows a must see a to prisoners sleeping on crowd the floors drinking from buckets and often suffering from various diseases. overcrowding and presence has been a decade long problem to drc. see human rights advocates say it's caused by a lack of state resources, an arbitrary detentions by security forces. last year, 66 inmates died in just 2 months for a moment, attrition and lack of care. the conditions are very difficult,
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the prisoners die every day. the people something here like you have no idea. the prism is age very badly. the government says it plans to release $7000.00 inmates in total, potentially having mccollugh speculation. they will be released at the rate of $400.00 a week. but critics a deeper we forms our need it as more prisoners, so wait, their turn for freedom. it's a long overdue step towards the justice axis. i'm reaching out to 0. that why the eyes of mostly big friends around paris, one competition is playing out fall from the city of lights. the surfing is in the french pacific territory of tahiti. the decision to stage the competition and one of the items most remote villages was controversial as alexandra by us reports to hooper. it's a paradise for services. and for the people who live here, hope all is
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a big family. it doesn't matter of the last name. it is one big united families. this small village is nearly 16000 kilometers from the rest of the olympic events in france on the pacific islands of tahiti, at the point where the road to the capital and most villagers like stars and lean parker live across the river. there's one foot bridge or you drive through the water and it's been bothering with olympic activity for a year. not to. we're used to common nature the now we're seeing cars and trucks everywhere. surfers around the world. no tay hopeful a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. money for going into building new facilities and infrastructure.


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