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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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i'll just say around the the color that i missed on c attain, this is the news our life from don't. coming up in the next 60 minutes. displaced dozens of times, palestinians, a whole city bombing again. as one of the 22 people kept in his writing and because of health ministry because of polio outbreak across the strip and blamed israel is relentless ministry, campaign, traumatized for refugee, this kind of torture, sexual abuse concert on the report from neighboring child fund. 2 then as well as president nicholas monroe wins a fun time and office,
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the opposition says the results are shot. and i'm far as small. have all the latest action from the pairs olympics, including now that job, which beats the wrath of a doubt in their 6, you had to had to match the when we begin this news outlet and central cause at web, palance students have been forced to fleet once again, thousands have in order to evacuate by the as rated minute train. that story of the scene in the elbow res refugee camp, over the last 24 hours. people are fleeing. as you see that with whatever possessions they can carry off to move a 9 months of one out of you and says 86 percent of the besieged clauses strip is now on the is re evaluation ordinance. oh, that's come as israel is riley forces have again carried out the tax across the strip killing at least $22.00 palestinians. stuff at nasa hospital and con eunice
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said they receive the bodies of 15 palestinians following and is there any strike in the southern city? target was in my thoughts now from daryl bella on these is really evacuation or this is what else the patient forces have passed and is shooting you controversial military evaluation orders for the residents over res. i'm just a rush procedure tab. as you can see that some of these right now are going to sleep from these areas heading through directed by um to a zillow wise up, trying to find some sorts of safety. they have been told by these very all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an act. so what was the these cause on a 12 to know that with mattresses, people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas after receiving these orders, despite the police that there was no any place in gauze. i say the start of the i
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received a call from the army. this will leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children the about and give them both on the line like me. i am in the line is so we are, we in the, in the pricing get the circumstances. we left the home today and we both know we what are we've got on the go and know. and then as a minister man in the we've been displaced from the law, they told us, and i believe to central garza then to russell and we went to rough. uh, then went back up to new site and we got stuck. then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all locked is in pieces. we have nothing, no one, but god to us, the new skill all. now we can see that people are even moving on for to trying to go to these areas, trying to find
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a nice place that could be suitable to be shown to f with them. as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip are the last remaining results. what palestinians also being told to seek refuge and so its errors. but apparently it had tons right now to be a new active was own, which means that as well as a still own govern with its escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be monetary and safe zones. recognize them which is 0. there that i had a strong meanwhile goes as health ministry has decayed, a polio epidemic across the strip. the world health organization announced on friday it would be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to gaza. often a highly infectious disease was discovered in sewage samples. humanitarian agencies had been expressing concerns over a potential outbreak due to the deteriorating sanitary conditions and the lack of access to health care. well, let's get more on this with conclude. our issue joins me out on the line from darrow bala in central garza and we've been hearing the warnings of this could
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happen some months now. as we've been saying, this is a highly contagious disease that has been voted the eradicate to them in most parts of the world. how bad could this get? well, we're talking about more than 10 now of destroyed infrastructure at garbage everywhere a little bit. that'd be where and also thousands of hundreds of palestinians have been having access to the bathroom that they're building their bathrooms inside making up their own bathrooms in the side of the time. so hardy vargas may be to, was found at, in waste. okay. and can you live in the mid high that's too complicated areas where they have asking you to stop the way into these places. and that's why they're not be at it. then it senses populated. now, they did not have the recorded cases,
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but the reason is the miniature of house doesn't even have the supplies and the tools and the lab supplies at there is any cases, because this is something that god, that did not go through before and all of it even if someone is a heart disease, this a could not even know if someone is infected and they also do not have medical supplies to, to that we're talking about at months now without anybody cause supplies into a strip, nothing is coming in at all treatments. no normal treatments are going to imagine like a virus like pull you and that's why you and has agencies such as it's going to send a 1000000 call us back see bozza and and it's not only there's a lot of raz kids, jesus putting to children and babies,
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mainly those who are living in fact i'm for months now. i've been with this case, is still psychotic. talk. it's a and happy time to be according to have so that this is nothing compared to what god is going to do with this up here at this. and because people are copied on the street there, there's a lot of in you can, this is and also causing to, for example, i did not been available in the, in the top, the market. so people are not even having any of them. i mean, they need to have and such, any of those that are in the southern parts. now, we know that this has been found in the way, you know that there's something you know that. so you and is going to have all these, lexi, but we do not know how effective this, what we do not know. it's just going to come out of the viruses or some of that because a people are going to witness and are sitting with me. say, i'm sorry,
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that was a very nice just for us. we'll be following this aspect of the story very closely. indeed. thank you. so much and as well as really drones dry acc has killed the to hezbollah fighters and 11 on and hit the ton of shock crowd a few kilometers from the border between the countries. a child is also among 3 people injured. well, this is kind of to israel secures and cabinet authorized benjamin s and yahoo and his defense minister to decide how to respond to a strike only occupied colon heights. israel blames has but also subsidies rockers attacked, which kills 12 people. but the lebanese on group denies enforcement. well nursing. yahoo, meanwhile has visited much dial sounds in the occupied coat on heights where that attack took place. he's found that his country is response would be severe. people who we are in bracing the families. we're going through this indescribable suffering redemption on these children of children. they are the children of us. old. the state of israel cannot and will not in that tunnel is
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a responsible comes to them and it will be severe within. but residents that in lifestyle shanice also demonstrates it against his visits or hearing protest, of shouting that you are not welcome him doing nothing yahoo to leave the area and area on sunday to moon is that protested against the presence of his rainy ministers at a funeral. for the people who were killed on saturday morning, as from the minority andrews community was seen by racing the far right finance minister as well as smart fridge. and the size of the rocket attack in austin, him to leave want trips responded to the strike on last. all. so i'm saying that 11 on as a whole should pay for the attack. well, let's mean low on bush are on his own. is there a senior political analyst who joins us today on skype from london? mon, the heckling that we've been seeing direct to the nursing yahoo and his coalition partners has been really remarkable. can you perhaps break that down from view is how does this particular community feel about israel and this and y'all has gotten
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to have decided to some 5 decade, 6 decades of occupation. the majority of the residence of most of the shops refused to accept his writing citizenship. despite so many attempts of appeasing the wording them for the possibilities of stating i had actually gone by since i was 1981, my dear we by is a part of my by degree the next the bottom highest. and they've been trying sense for the use slender and it's just not helping these people really to experience. yeah. busy so a very close attachments to see, even if it's a lot of executive side. but the bottom part of the world, even though there's a 2nd mostly, but there's a fucking fossil, uh, something that i want to, as well as the 1st time. so the idea that nothing, you know,
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what's called the children who died there were children because this is the obligations is beyond criminal is beyond. i don't know what to say because ultimately is he just got all the ultimate responsibility for the death of these kids. regardless of what shot, well, how is he on the accepted the ceasefire and got home and they wouldn't have had the northern fronts voiding the way these were what the southern guy he continues to incite and violate and put more conditions to shock. the ceasefire eventually have more and more children. well, let me ask you about those conditions more one because they're all meant to be these ongoing sci fi talks and run and some pretty big names all physically there. but we've now had these new hard line times thrown into the discussion by ness and yahoo. i know the americans keeps saying that they're up domestic, but this is a departure from the bible proposal,
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which next me all eventually said he's supported. so where does this actually now leave the talks absolutely doesn't want to do this. he's really shopping to one. i'm not sure exactly what you heard from him by the board foot. busy but clearly the message need to finish all you need to, why did you need to sign onto the is ready. i mean, it is all is as america, the ceasefire to face proposal, but you want to instead he's now with the right hand side or much wider, more with the one. what is nation. yahoo, strategic thinking here. we talked a lot about him wanting to prolong the war and gaza now with uncertainty about who might be in the white house come january, has any event changed his calculus going forward? we're looking at the, what's happening the very pages i would say. the say 3 factors,
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why he's really trying to for a long time watching the war at 3, why he might not be able to watch. it's basically that this one is i'm using what happened, the golan heights, has an excuse. you either wants to expand a want to go from one of the sonata confessions, lying the police off violence fee or something. and now that the mortar is winding down in the guys distort much. they weren't was the hispanic to the why, the military is mobilized. why the circumstances are bad and they can't afford to send out another from us, even much more of a 100 miles on the border. they're gonna have to take care of that dedicated. so did you see case, this is a fortune time while the manager is mobilized to take off his fall 3. they also think this is the right time because 10 months ago buying for me to america to protect think is all i need to do. it's your guys and the slide to remember they
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said that you got it was on so so, but again, so, so the fact cuz there's another 351 is i cannot really afford another 10 months of or 20 months of work that the most important question that they want to go to, the physician will see that when the guys come us, we really want to put another one in the door. i'm to can. is there any kind of the, what's another 20 to 3 months or, or already? is there any kind of yes for the last? and last but not least, we're not sure. it's by then. what's to commit to protect it gets started violated ceasefire conditions of people all say how this whole pays out in the coming days and weeks. well, in the shower, i'll just hear a senior political analyst as always. thank you my one. as,
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while speaking of tensions on that northern border, jordan's national carrier has suspended flights to be read on the monday and tuesday, early on. the airlines also delayed or cancel flights, choose attentions between israel and hezbollah. some now have resumed. as in a honda has been reporting from beirut, international have what she says. this is the 1st time the flights have been delayed or cancelled since attentions began. the air france becoming the latest, the airline to suspend slights to and from they with international airports already, the german airlines of 10. so this was the air they have canceled flights, debated with the air from saying that the suspension will last for 2 days. but that they will monitor the security situation to see whether or not it will they will need to expand that and 11 on is bracing for israel's response to that rockets attack in much those some us that killed civilians and attack israel. blame so on. has the law an attack has? well, it denies them any responsibility for so people are concerns and you know,
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waiting for this response and what will the response be? the is right. the security cabinet met last yesterday. they instructed the authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the response and the timing. so the question here is, will it be a military target and where will this military target be hit or will as well decide to hit 11 on infrastructure. the airport, the ports of electricity. so a lot of questions and concern and people are also concerned that even if israel is response is limited. yes, it may be a harsh response against hezbollah, which was the lebanese army group to do in return it's retaliation. so this could really spiral a conflict which has been largely limited to the border area and why then it's uh so yes, there are concerns like disruptions house, again, about the airport is still operational will still tend to more heavy with new zone, including presidents or vital novels constantly the whole united states,
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top corporate kind of pos, congress. the students on me is accusing the permanent to rapid support forces of targeting civilian infrastructure in al sasha, the capital of north stafford dates the are, says, has intensified attacks. now for us, the consecutive day several facilities have been damaged, including a dialysis center and water stations. the ami um the permanent treat group has been flashing for control of the city and off a month. both sides are accused of killing civilians. tens of thousands have fled, sued on to neighboring child to try to escape the violence and the del for region. many of them showed signs of torture on sexual violence. health walk is say, thousands of traumatized and like adequate health and refugee camps there in eastern chad and interest reports now from the board of the town of audrey.
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how much of what can increase its being treated for to to once he says way inflicted by an i'm good boy accuses of ethnic cleansing funny the they tied me to a call, drag me a long distance between mused everything they could lay their hands on and breaking my arm in the process is doctor said he's physical ones making, he'll be on something about his mental health and nobody them and we treat guns just another wounds, but some victims to the trauma center for psychological management, which item grandma had a baby struck try back when fi to his attack, to the intent of the displace people's camp in elgin 8 indigenous the highest with that 2 bullets, pierce my arm and hit my baby and it killed him instantly. so many of the women say they've been subjected to another weapon of law, roof inspection violence. a couple of topics here in most cases go unreported.
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helpful could say it's difficult called victims of abuse. will likely carry this promo for the rest of their lines. after months of counseling, some survivors receive lessons emitting weaving an declaration, however, fewer refugees get this lucky social services workers that concerned about recent reports of suicide. i'm going through the news refugee ca use to chat conflict into that. i come here. no one, no, no one but a 5 minutes of him on also is the pick up next his existence we do not get in because the use income of the money to bring by them was crippled and one day after weeks of torture, he also witnessed his family and neighbors killed, and the houses burned to ashes, like many suit and use refugees here. he has won,
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which no one piece pretends to sit down, we will go back to seek justice. there's so many on speaker board trustees committed an alternator. unspeakable of trustees. but after 20 years of conflict in the for on the car and fighting and so then to believe they will ever see justice. somebody agrees obviously to agree on the charge suit on board. a new report from human rights watch has found that both students warring parties have committed widespread sexual violence against women and girls. the report found women between the ages of 9 and 60 have been sexually abused and certainly is that he has a lot of cartoon about re an underline. since this conflict began in mid april 2023 . the certainly the army and the rapids, the vote forces have both been implicated in rape child, marriage, forced marriage and cetera sold, women and girls experience severe, psychological and physical illness. and at least 4 cases. the victims died from
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that injuries. people are often baffled to access medical assistance to jews. it deliberate attacks on health care facilities as well as restrictions on humanitarian aid. conflict. delays of sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law, and it is classified as a war crime. who let's bring an additional beta. she is the deputy, ask a director of human rights while she joins us now from ryan leticia. this isn't the 1st time we're hearing about widespread sexual violence and that's contact kind of your report in particular focuses on cost to them and the surround here, it's being perpetrated by both sides. but i understand it is predominantly the recess in these areas, targeting women, because these are the areas they control. yes, so this new report looks into wide spread, sexual violence in the capital and since the beginning of the complex. now as you say, as we know, the rapids support forces took control of many parts have got to me and it's 26 the cities by c and go to my in the 1st weeks of the complaints. and so,
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reporting looks into wide spread of sexual violence by the records support forces in the context of the control of residential areas. we found that the forces committed to the rape game rate, adopting women and girls held them in context of detentions, but days, sometimes weeks and again committed sexual violence against them and also both women and go into marriage. now this was happening very much in the context, so back control of these areas of the town. what we will say found was that since the beginning of the t m, when the student, nissan forces began to seize control of the mind and boxy, we begun to receive an increasing repulse of sexual violence in creating guy right by the a suit of nissan and forces and the patient i understand your report is predominantly based on reports from service providers. so health care facilities it's, it talks about,
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i believe $262.00 survive is that strongly just the tip of the ice bass as we speak to service providers for, for 2 reasons. first of all, because of the incredibly difficult context amendments to do the research remotely, ethically. but also because we wanted to tell the other parts of the story, which is the incredible shining truth which survive us of facing in order to access care. now that is because of the conduct of both for rank policies. on the one hand, you have the student needs 4 states who have been creating a dfcs type bro page on assistance, including medical medical supplies from going into our a set controlled areas of the town. and this came up again and again in the interviews with service providers with that concerns we've expecting to be at t quite often to ensure that ready to it's are available once and especially certain types of drugs are available and made available. who um,
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survive on the ground, but as you say, i mean here we are speaking to service providers who have directly themselves provided assistance to over 200 survivors. now, i think it's on the important one, the school, the numbers doesn't matter. yeah. one case of sexual violence is an abuse, but note is very clear from all research. it is that many survivors are not able to come forward. they are not able to come forward physically because of be ongoing fighting in the town because of her some, an intimidation of attacks that check points know to be set up by the rapid support full saves the world, the town. so local respondents, i'm not able to access to volume is quite often. so here we're really talking about context where survivors of doubly victimized because of the comes up to the warring parties. leticia, you're also describing sexual violence being used specifically as a weapon of war, not just as a lack of discipline or,
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or lack of accountability amongst troops. can you explain that for us, that we're talking about sexual buying? that is happening within the context in which many other abuses are also happening and this is where it's critical for it to be investigated full so as positive. widespread or systematic attacks against civilians by the are assessed which could amounts to crimes against humanity. so this is happening in the context of widespread looting attacks on local responders attacks on healthcare facilities or which uh needs to be investigated. folks, so won't be off. we're also talking about history and we reported ourselves on events in westoff full body or in the west, sexual violence. and writing was very much for tours on an instrument this part of the campaign of ethnic cleansing, against the ethnic. my son eats unknown error communities in docile, very clear from our research is that women and girls and protection of another. and
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we are all reporting and kept them by own cases of men and boys who have also been sexually abused civilians right now on all sides. right, suppose the rock support for 6 reply to us with where we for shed our initial findings. it's very clear that they have made commitments to abiding by international humanitarian roles, but they have not prohibited sexual violence. and they have shown no evidence, but they all serious feet investigating both holding special says 20 pounds for the crimes we don't. you mentioned this report on the same goes for the see a whole series that have established a war crimes commission, but we need to investigate crimes by the record support forces. so we're talking about the context of a cheap tune of the, for the serious crimes which are happening throughout the time and a half and continuing from nonsense asia bay to the the deputy, ask a director of human rights watch. thank you so much for your time. with us on the on, on to 0. thank you. the head of almost allows, again,
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president jacob was doing that has reportedly been expelled by the african national congress policy. link documented from the agency is disciplinary committee found. the 82 year old guilty of bringing the policy he once led into disrepute. he was suspended in january of 10, launching arrival party ahead of the elections there in may. as leader of the n k policy, he effectively campaign against the n c z. and it was a member of advocates, oldest liberation basement system. 64 years. he now has 3 weeks to appeal against his expulsion. also a head here on houses in mining companies that say on the same minerals on needed for green, the future will explain why some scientists are convinced and staying in the water china. i have now move to the top of the metal tables on day 3 of the powers, and then by far will be here. the
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the hello. the record heat has new setting, new highs across the caribbean. we've also seen in new records across the pots of south america, where we begin our full costs. we got lots of hot and dry weather, dominating across brazil, power y, and bolivia, as well as peru. but you can see what the weather is on the costs as you go into the new week from a weather front. it's going to bring those showers all the way from bolivia down into power. gone with some heavy rain to come here. and some of the show was touching to southern parts of brazil as well. now it's also a dividing line between some very low temperatures across the very south. you can see the numbers coming down in santiago date on tuesday, and now the weather system will sweep into the very south bringing some wet and wintry weather. here, this, the story of hate is what a, some showers across the north we, but warning is not for those very high temperatures in ecuador through to choose
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day. and the temperatures have been sitting very high across the car, been was dominican. it's hot of july day on record starts 5 degrees celsius. the hot and dry weather continues to dominate so much of cuba, jamaica, and houston yoga. it's west of the west with a lively scattered showers, the southern parts of mexico. on monday, the, there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western, and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to listen to kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the, the, [000:00:00;00] the talking about you want to know to 0. let's remind you about top stories here. the
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sound palestinians and central garza had been ordered to leave once again to israel issued new evacuation. notice often 9 months now a full view and it says 86 percent of the besieged garza spread is on the is really evacuation. meanwhile, is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was visited the occupied golden heights with rock. his attack on south day killed the 12 people, but residence that demonstrates it against his visit, visit, and called on him to leave. annual report from human rights watch has found both sides of the warrants, who don responsible for the missing widespread violence against women and girls. health work has a thousands of traumatized and black out to put him in venezuela. the state controlled electro counselor has announced present nicholas mid during the winter of sunday's election. critics say the results of shocking and hard to believe. correspondence. alexandra rumsey, has this report for us from neighboring columbia. 6 hours after both close to
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business with us electoral council controlled by government, loyalist and now then the class. my daughter had won a 3rd term as president little change the policy and was 80 percent of the ballots counted. and with the level of participation at 59 percent, the results are as follows. first nicholas, my do it on most of the grand total past. the article got 51.2 percent candidates, moondog gonzalez. so the messa uh, the loud when the dad got 44.2 percent of it's a toy youngster. and my daughter says his victory was undeniable. blaming the delay and then specified cyber attack from abroad and calling on the people in the international community to respect the results. well, let's see. i can say before the people have been as well, i'm the world. i am nicholas, but due to morals, re elected president of the boulevard in republic of venezuela, and i will defend our democracy law and the people the opposition made by
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presidential candidate, the moon, the ones silas and political power house my the equity now my child denounced the result claim they had 170 percent of the vote. they accused the government that withholding boating data to hampered their ability to challenge the result of the problem. in other words, this is not just another fraud. this is a gross disregard and violation of the people sovereignty. there is no other way they can explain and justify this. for the 1st time, the opposition has managed to unite behind a single candidate in gain ground over my daughter with pulse predicting and over whelming victory. millions of vinny swelling, skewed for hours to cast their vote on sunday. in what seemed like the largest turn out in decades staunch allied, such as to bind, believe me, i quickly congratulated my daughter. well, either left the sleep, there's like to them presidents,
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gabrielle bodies. so if you will not recognize and you result that is not verifiable, almost 8000000 venezuelans fled the economic and humanitarian crisis in the country . in the last decade, some living in mexico cried in disbelief when my daughter's victory was announced. a fort against the tennessee for 25 years. we demand international community act. today. we weren't going to spell it to be free and respect to people's decision. there's no doubt that these results came as a shock for millions of venezuelans hoping to see political change. the biggest challenge for my daughter now will be how to govern a nation unlikely to see a selection is fair and see him as they are legitimate, the president, i listened that i'm get, i'm just the but with the more reaction on the do or his declaration to victory, let's speak to, to raise of other issues. and one of the areas for us to raise the country's waking up to another in the, during the time off to what's been a huge,
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really controversial election. i'm campaign took us through the reaction that's been taking place a as well. this is also a disappointing spans, especially among those who were hoping for change in our country that's been struggling with i see would you cannot make crises that had at least 7000000 people in the country trying to make it to the united states to you. it was casing the massive crisis that affected venezuela in the past year. so we have lots of disappointments, we're hearing them. there's protests with pots and pans only for now on the streets of cadillac, us in many neighborhoods, in cadillac us in venice. we left caps with kind of the same time this north of anger about what happened on sundays. we're hearing that many are questioning those who saw saying that what happens was uncommon in venezuela, many additive funds saying that what happened in the country is unprecedented saying that in the past at least the government try to preserve a level of respectful democracy. and that's not what happened on,
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on sunday evening. that's what we've been told by several experts were saying that what happened was a very strange with the precedence of electro townsend coming out at 1 o'clock in the morning and say that model had one with 51 percent of the roles is not here yet . where those we saw came from because they were not published. when you go in into the west side of the electron council, it's not working the government to say that there was a massive hack. however, it is very, very suspicious. we're hearing that silver fish anita. money, according to my shot, my shadow headsets, somebody have proof that they have at least 30 percent of the registries from the polling stations where it's clear that in the entire score at least a 70 percent of the votes a goes how this of the same time said that the elections were filled with irregularities, and that's why the opposition for now is a calling and demanding that the government presents the food resolves the food they have, which is what many people are waiting for, including members of the international community. oh,
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speaking of the international community tourism in the last hour or so we've had the 9 lots on the. c governments, according for an emergency meeting of the organization of american states to express the profound concern over this election is not going to make any kind of a difference as well. the way this one and government has gotten used to be nice latent by the united states, by other governments in the region, 9 across the world. however, it has the support of countries like china, russia. so i don't think at this point it is going to be like a different one we've been seeing throughout this monday. our stuff for example, are doing peanuts president harvey. i mean, they think that they won't recognize that we solve calling on venezuela's armed forces to protect democracy from healing. also from the left wing, the leaders like she is coming in board. each who's saying that there needs to be a transparent towns off the electric pulses that they also want to see the data. and we're also hearing from what is known as a feedback the invoice,
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the invoice to witness will again, asking for the data, saying that was really the way you think the publication of the data broken down by folding stations. so overall, governments in the region one to see the result of a one to feed where the we solves from sunday evening where an equal a 151 percent of those were those we solve are coming from and more we still have to see what happens next, they're gonna have to see whether these government is going to become a radicalized, whether the position is going to call for people to prove this on the street. and whether more venice williams are going to be forced out of the country, fleeing crises bring up political and economic crisis. trays of, of the across or that for us from one is aires. thank you, joyce. for you as president or biden is set to announce a series of sweeping reforms. so tries of a whole, his country's highest course erosion and opinion piece on monday that no one is above the law, whether the president or the justice of the supreme court. the court ruled in july,
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that republican presidential nominate donald trump has a presidential immunity. under certain circumstances. the verdict effectively blocks any prosecution of trump related to the january 6th storming of the capital building. here's a snapshot of some of the reforms that 5 is looking to push through congress. he wants to country is constitution amended so that the recent presidents let me, unity wrote and that went the way of trump can be scrapped. but and also wants to put an end to supreme court justices subbing for life composing 18 year term limits . instead, his pounds also include introducing an enforceable code of ethics, allowing for justices to be removed. oh course on an island, fisher has more on how these proposals could energize the democratic base. a 2nd and 4th thing to see is he's not going to get these through. he's essentially ailing dot presidency. doesn't have the numbers, even if by any chance you can get it through the send it, he doesn't have enough force to get it through the house of representatives. and he
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doesn't have the 60 votes to overrule the house of representatives who would be to it. so this isn't going to happen. this is about energizing the democratic face. they've been talking a long time about how do they want to change the supreme court with ideas from increasing the number of justices from 9 to 14, to perhaps looking at other aspects. and that's exactly what biden has outlined here. he's talking about creating a constitutional amendment, which would essentially be call no one above the law, which would mean that presidents that don't have immunity ruling matter. you remember the case study recently? they said that donald trump would have him unity for some official ex. well, joe biden, to say no, if you create, if you break the law essentially, even if you're the president, you can face a court action at the 2nd thing you wants to do is put a name to the justice is having a term for life. essentially the, the, until the die of the the site to step down. he wants to make an 18 year term with the president,
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essentially renewing the supreme court every 2 years. and then the sub thing he wants to do is that enforced a code of ethics for the justices. and that's really come about because in recent months we've had stories of both justices samuel lee to and clubs, thomas accepting gifts and travel from people who ended up with cases in front of the supreme court. and at no point did either of those justices repairs themselves, and in fact, articles of impeachment have been filed against both of them. so this is about joe by realizing he's not going to get these through. but this could energize the democratic base, getting them out to who not just what campbell, a, how does this president, if he's confirmed, is the norm and e, which we inspect, but also those done ballot tickets for the house and the senate to give them the power so that if there is a democratic president in 2025, then they have the numbers to be able to push this through with
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a house in the center of the united nations body overseeing deep sea mining is amazing in jamaica to finalize regulations for the controversial practice the 5 day conference is discussing whether to ban, approve or further delay supplementing. the international c bed also already is facing mounting pressure from companies that want to extract on the see minerals. they say the essential for green technology projects. so say the practice damages, fragile ocean ecosystems, or clean energy production requires mental such as cult and nichol. it's estimated that by 2050 it demands will be 4 times grace in the reserves available on land. mineral rich deposits have been discovered on the sea beds that are outside any countries, maritime borders. the car in tipton's or annual saying that is the world's largest . i'm the see regents and mineral exploration holding $54000000.00 tons of metals valued at more than $20000000000.00 have been discovered that it's the bed is full
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of so called non jewels that are packed with manganese couple to nickel. deep sea mining though is banned and international waters and the u. n is working on regulations to protect marine environments. let's bring in louisa castle. she is the global project lead to add green piece internationals stop at deep sea mining campaign. she joins us now from kingston, jamaica. let me say, let's start with what we actually know about what's in the deep sea because it still feels like we're learning. it's not only a potential source of all these for materials we're talking about, but it is also a source i understand of oxygen. so filter through what's at stake here of the deep ocean is one of the last remaining pristine wilderness is that we have on our finance that has been freed from a nation and from exploitation by industrial activities. and scientists on practically every expedition down to the depth of the ocean at discovering new species. scientists last year estimated that there were about 5 to 6000 species
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that were previously on described by science in the exact area where companies are wanting to mind the sea floor. and that there are thousands of species that i get to be discovered. so the idea of sending tank size mining machines to them, it says below the subset, the waves really risk a reversible and unavoidable home to these ecosystems. it'd be preaching the frontier and that i'm moving way over the, in a nature in climate crisis. it is taking us in totally the wrong direction that would be risk of pollution at the, at the mine sites, but also a further throughout the that was to call them. but also all of noise that could travel and affect species like whales. and because we still have so much to discover about the patient as well. so the risk all of extinction of species and couldn't species we haven't even discovered yet. and just as a sign of how much we still have to discover about these incredible effect systems . this phenomenon of dark oxygen at a different and no tools that are being targeted by mining companies,
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could in fact be producing oxygen in the total absence of sunlight. so really revolutionizing our understanding of how oxygen is produced on this planet. a paper came out about that just last week and showing you just how ground breaking the discoveries are about with each person. and that's why it's totally the wrong time to be pressing ahead with destroying an ecosystem that, that frankly is we know more about the steps of the me and then we do about the depths evaluations. louisa, you, you mentioned the, the climate crisis. there is obviously a trade off here in terms of wanting to move towards green technology and, and, and move towards the green energy transition and also protect eco assistance that has been a big dispute. i understand about who should head this to an agency. the election campaign has been, unfortunately quite controversial. we'll see where that ends up. the 2 candidates are represented fairly different futures. can you talk us through that as, as you were sitting there in jamaica? the absolutely. so i think so. so let's was pointing out on this trade off. he
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mentioned that's when he and now it's, if it's being pushed by the deep sea mining company, is it very much the deep sea mine is who was saying we're in this tradeoff here. we have to look at the companies that are making batteries that are making electric vehicles. many of those big brands have already said that they would not soles deep sea minerals at this point because the environmental risk of simply too big. um so, but you know, we're not seeing them on, from the clean energy sectors for dixie money. it is very much a very narrow group of a small, deep sea mining company. so i came to starch, and here we are at the international feedback of dorothy, whereas the sake for government, for face, for the big choice lights of this week, of who, with a heads up, this, this regulates the, all of the instructional c bed, which is supposed to be the common heritage of human kind. now this role of sexy general is supposed to be a neutral role. it's a kind of facility to civil servant role. and recent is at the current has office, the so called regulator has really become broke down and scandal. but allegations i'll find out for me is management's
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a thing too close to being perceived as being too too cozy with the mining companies and the even, you know, calling for an end. so peaceful process at c, when green peace took a peaceful process at c at the end of last year, against a mining company that is pushing ahead and one thing to start with the c 9 and even the in the absence of any rules. so i think what's really key this week is governments face this decision of, of who heads up. this regulates for the next 4 years. it's really important for them to prioritize those. so stand as a transparency of accountability the end of last week, at least negotiations. we so, you know, a really prolonged debate about these issues, but you know, this, this regulates a, it's a saving tax pay money, and it really needs to serve the interest of humanity. but the narrow corporate interest of a few companies. he was stop mining, which would cause unavoidable home. it means that speaking of, of all that control this a, it does seem that there are a number of entities with getting in the game here. and the islands need and have care of this as
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a result of events heavily involved in trying to shape the agency. but it also has close ties to the metals company we're trying to stand as so missing a mining application at the end of this year. just very briefly, can you give us a sense of what we actually know about the deep sea as people are trying to make these very big decisions? because i understand too that a lot of the research has actually been driven by mining companies. so we already know what is clear from, from particularly independent science is that deep sea mining would be hugely home full at we know that, you know, they've got the companies on talking about removing the parts of the habitat. that deep sea lies pretty senses around that unit may even be producing oxygen and in the deep ocean. and you know, the mining companies themselves happened clear that, you know, it is not possible to do sustainable dixie money because you want literally extracting a key parts of the habitat. so, you know, i think the, everyone is agree that there would be an environmental impact. we all seeing louisa, i'm sorry to cut you off that i do think that this is
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a incredibly fascinating subjects and i believe we've, we've lost or any way, but let's move on because still ahead here on al jazeera. well, number one progressives in paris and she looks for how fast olympic metal that's coming up next. and so the, the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the well, it is time to support and as far as status you thank you so much robin adel says he'll make a decision on his future after the olympics. a 38 year old made the comment following a straight sense defeat to old fellow novak dogfish. up in paris,
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games repair, have won a combined total of 17 french opens at this very court and look now playing together on 60 occasions. johnston, speeding the spaniards for the 31st time to reach the 3rd round. but he has never wondering olympic title to doubt. his argument and to time goals, novelist and he still has his shot at winning the double is alongside carlos alvarez hall reese has more from the french count. all right, come back to the 2nd. so what a treat this was by anyone with tickets to the 2nd round of the olympic tennis tournaments. so rare. but rough on with all i'm know about brokovich to meet so early in it told him it's 2 of the greatest plays in history. one of the big rivalries they 1st met, hey, in paris, all the way back in 2006 when brockovich was just 19 and the dog was 20. i rough on with all of spain. was in his hate. i the king of quite roland doris. was his kingdom 14 times
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a grand slam with the french open. but he's been largely injured for the past 2 years, while joker, which is still the world number 2. and he really started talked in the 1st set as a winning 61 that was by rabbit. and that's all doesn't show his characteristic fights. he did that in the 2nd set, but dr. rich, one in the end, so much 616 full junk, rich still in coals for his 1st gold. but most importantly, maybe this is the last time we see these 2 mates on the big stage pull race. i'll just era powers to well women's, well number one, a guess fans, hag is through to 3rd round in paris. the police started dropped just at 2 games on her way to the street. that's the victory over french player diane perry. a 23 year old is on track for her 1st electric title. most of china is new to the top of the metals table, raining a world champions land. jung, g and yang. how? one early goal for china. on monday it took the title and the men's as synchronize
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10 meter diving. britton's tom, daily one gold and this event at the last olympics along the side to mattingly, he secured silver this time with new pardon, new partner, now williams. so china, top of the table, once again with 5 goals, followed by australia, japan and south korea on for then it's united states and has friends who have 3 gold specs and part to the heretics of the home are shown in the pool. and their city officials say they're confident olympic events will be able to take place in the river send as scheduled hod pollution level sa practice sessions in the river being cancelled for a 2nd straight day months. route one is due to start there on tuesday, and it's also the venue for marathon swimming. more than one and a half $1000000000.00 has been invested in infrastructure to cut see which levels we know why? well, i've heard that he was actually after the mess, right? and you had on the operating system and he, everybody,
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so that's for sure. but now the trend is going down. so we, i come to them to be able to organize the competition. i normally tomorrow. so we're going to see the last results sides of the trend is really doing better of in american sprint, or no. eliles says he's mentally stronger than he's ever been as the targets a historic, a for olympic gold medals. louse has been open about his mental health struggles in the past, and he's now seeing 3 different therapist to help him prepare. he spoke of his difficulties when battling is a bronze and the 200 meters at the tokyo olympics. he's looking to become the 1st male track athletes when 4 goals in the same games. are these world shop? did i just remember being so this is not it, this is not fun. this is not cool. this is not what i want. it is not what i thought it was going to be like. and that's of literally the last few thoughts i
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had going into my mind as i got into the blocks and it sucked. and i was like, yes on this guy change. so as i've go into this championship, this biggest stays in the world. i'm not saying i've been through the hardest parts i've, i've, you know, been at the bottom of, you know, felt my way back up. i fix the weaknesses. now, here i am stronger than before a, you know, if i lose this time, it's not going to be because i'd be myself. it's just going to be that they had to be that much better. but to be honest with know allows to be a know allows. so who is nobody who is right now the surfing is happening. 16000 kilometers away in the french pacific, a territory of tv, the decision to stage the events and one of the islands. most remote villages was controversial. i was alexander buyers, reports, surfers around the world, no tay hopeful,
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a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. as not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition is to say, we have the, it serves its publicity for them. it's an illusion. a minimum part of the population, profit from the games, not a maximum. i'm sorry, of that. i was disappointed. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. the limpid control center, feeling what used to be fields of crops, with rocks and temporary tents, not to. we're used to common nature. the now we're seeing cars and trucks every way, money oriented building new facilities and infrastructure, villagers renting out their homes. milton parkers spent $360000.00 building a new guest house,
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national reserve where we scale to. it's definitely changed economic investment. it's good for us that brings people lodging. we do, but exclusions and jet skis, a kind of a spend a year preparing. she's grateful but ready for it to be over. stop by. we hope it passes quickly so it's all done. less stress, less work to it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard or you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the action. residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery and there's been complaints. some people saying their home no longer feels like their home is adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packed it up unless alexandra buyers out 0. he okay, that is all you support from out in this down. see a back to you. thanks so much. fine. well, that's it for this news of the don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more. today's nice stay with us here on out of here
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the once the capital of the come there, empire, the serene, ancient city of uncle, and present day cambodia is a protected unesco world heritage sites. but as its temples of lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged force evictions of thousands of families. the battle for the soul of anchored body parts and one on the jersey. the japanese american veteran mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with a friend who rescued his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the price of products. you don't realize it until experience an epic
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tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice the volunteer on out, is there a small army of urban artis, changing the face of one of mexico's city scores and most violent neighborhoods more than $11000.00 of these murals. now what during the streets and roofs will be stopped by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive. you stopped a lot them. your role is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need towing if capital up as not just finance. there is a great history here. as the project has grown in the murals are more and more visible presidents and these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories and public display residents of the stuff a lot. but no, it will take more than painting their walls to bring less than change to their
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neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making and marginalized community feel seen again. the disciplining, thousands of times, palestinians are full stiffening foaming once again as another 22 people killed in his radius. the hello again on this tells you tell you this is alice is here at life and on will. so coming causes, health, ministry, because of polio outbreak across the strip and plains, israel's relentless military campaign,


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