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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the crate. this has been use our line from coming up. in the next 60 minutes, venezuelans turned freedom in the streets of to prison. nicholas madura declares victory in an election, the opposition says was a sham this place dozens of times,
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palestinians are forced to flee foaming again as another 22 people are killed in his riley attacks guns as health. when the 3 declares of polio outbreak and blames is rouse relentless military campaign and use prisoners into a fight and says he wants to make a size, make changes to the supreme court. the ballast lee, this is his plan is dead on arrival. on far a small will have all the latest action from the olympics, including any record after game in paris is molly oak. how can sponsor australian teammate to win gold the we begin this use out in venice. why that we have protest as of taken to the street shortly after president nicholas montero was officially declared the winner of sunday's election. the president says the opposition is trying to stage crew, but many
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a skeptical of missouri is declared victory. shortly after the ceremony frustrated, protest as to the streets of correct is too rarely against mature and just stood presidential 10. many were meant by police who find tear gas to disperse them, protest this chunk of freedom and an open act of defiance. the demonstrations have also tough all the statuette assess. hugo chavez, in the size of fell co. chavez was the founder of the socialist political movements that rules, fitness, filess, and mentors mentor. each and angry venezuelans have also been banging pots and pans. these sounds have been coming across the capital. the crack has. anyone accuse of public instigation could face up to 6 years in prison, so some a choosing not to take to the streets. well, he is wanting the door ahead to say after he was fully declared, the winner by the state run. the electrical commission been set on fluffy mall to
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defeat fascism of a multitude of the devils with the strength of god of boulevard end of java. as they will, he is a historical achievement and our people have achieved. and once again, our people have the cheapest right table except his constitutional and legal document from the outlines the power to carry out the electoral policies of that as well. the sovereign power of venezuela has issued an order which i receive with humility because i am a humble worker. feel physician is cooling the results on sunday's election, fraudulent and demanding transparency littlefield. we'll add it. they will. what happens during today's polling day was the violation of all the rules to the points that the majority of electro registers have still not been handed over. a message of reconciliation as peaceful change still stands. we're convinced most
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venezuelans also want this. i'll struggle continues and we won't rest until the will of the people venezuela is respected. follow the license to we're joined now by paradise about who is monitoring reaction from argentina is capital bonus, holidays today. so we now seeing protest is tied to the streets to gas as being 5 in some circumstances. there are really serious repercussions for anyone who goes out and protest this result isn't there? well, suddenly we're seeing co tests across the capital, cost of where people were seen on motorcycles chanting freedom, demanding the resignation of preston. nicola, my little, i'm on god with things that were hundreds of people in the main highway in cut out costs that were also summer focus across the capital with people setting on fires hires and a main highway towards the airport. people coming down from the hills some,
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some of the forest ferry. i think i got again to protest against the results on sunday, on this election. we also saw, for example, people protesting outside an air base in the state of iowa. hundreds of them outside again, protesting, and this is something that we saw across the country because there's lots of frustration with what is happening of what has happened. there was lots of expectation with this election. many were hoping for some type of change of the years if i didn't put on the crisis of political crisis that force millions out of the country. many of those protesting are young people who are hoping for a better future and but as well. so what we're seeing right now is what the attorney general, but it's when in a press conference earlier to the warren, the population that not accepting the results of the election, we saw this could lead to prison times 3 to 6 years in prison. 10 for 20 years, some 20 years in prison. if you promote hatred, for example, among the other things, this is what we saw were waiting to hear from the opposition leaders to see what
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they're going to do. next, we do know that they're going to challenge the results. they're saying that fraud was committed. they won from sparren. c. a recount. this has not happened, but we do know that there's going to be a press conference in about 2 hours where we're going to hear what they're going to do next. in given the challenges you've been telling us about these results, the true commission uh, website. crashing is an example. it'll appears like, uh, these results came out very, very quickly. the what i said is we have seen that the, the, the defiance of this uh monday morning at the electrons council, which he was proclaimed precedent to let us we left for another 6 years. we're seeing now that those who have questions about is we solve, including several countries in latin america, lake gardens, tina, she knew panama, i'm on dollars. the government has just and now we're seeing now that they're selling
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a requesting to leave the people now take emissions. all of them do. we're including 7 countries including argentina, to nickel started. we got to find them. i got there. so suddenly the government continues to challenge, they say they're under attack in a press conference, the big viewing of the attorney general. she said that the system venezuela was hacked on sunday. the say that this attack came from from north macedonia. he actually was members of your professional being behind this attack. something unique. whatever happened in minnesota on a sunday evening for the 1st time. the president of the, like for the council announced that we saw the saying a little was the winner, but we never saw that. we saw a feedback trade counselor. the website is down. nobody's able to access the results of it. and this is what generates lots of, i'm sorry, no, it's only along with your profession for rocks. and for a we count, but also from countries across the region from the united states or europe and union once at funds,
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parents access to the data that was collected on each one of the polling station. the how the government has not been able to provide this. they're saying that there was a hack that is preventing them to do so. but of course, as we're seeing on the streets, people do not believe them. they believe that and not say that fraud has been committed and they will keep a very close eye on the development. se thanks so much that i so by for us and bono sliders. so chris, the 17 e is a senior fellow at chatham house. he says the process will test, missouri, his grip on pallet including the loyalty of the well, it is a tipping point when it comes to, to demonstrations. yes. those are that were we sure see the threats and here are the threats over for consequences. but if people turn out on mass, then it will be very difficult to sanction those people. but then we turn to the issue of oppression in their return to a matter that i think is a concern which is will the armed forces and the police and the national guard
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respond to nicholas by those calls to fire on their own people. and i think you're really know the answer to that. there are groups of private militias that the government funds that, that they are basically criminal james, that we saw in the pulling places just on sunday. they will certainly show up. i'm not sure. always the armed forces will respond in a way to mother to mother was who believes they will. and so that will be the true case or will be they'll be refresh funding international. sonya, we're waiting to see there's, this is funny that my little sort of a signed the declaration of his re election. but we still have not seen results. and we still certainly haven't seen a level of results that are being demanded even by the brazilian government and the columbia and government the you that it's called that are calling for a recount of the balance, the
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palestinians in central accounts. i have been forced to flee once again. fountains have been ordered to evacuate by these rarely military. this has been the scene and the outrage refugee can for the past 24 hours. people fleet with what positions of i can carry optimal, the 9 months of all the you in says 86 percent of the besieged guys. this trip is now under is ready evacuation orders and that comes is ready for the zip. carried out more tags across the strip killing at least $33.00 palestinians. and it's ready is try can be on the wasi area in southern cause that has they have 3 palestinians did. teracon who was in reports from down by on these really evacuation. notice is this what else you patient forces have passed and is shooting you controversial military evaluation orders for the residents open res? i'm just a rush procedure because as you can see, that families right now are going to sleep from these areas. heading to divers, bella,
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i'm to as the why is that trying to find some sort of safety if you have been told by these very all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an act. so what was the news cause on a 12 to load that with mattresses, people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas officer receiving these orders despite the police that there is no any place in gauze. i say started the i received a call from the army to leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children, the auto body and give them both on the line like me. i am in the line. the so uh we uh, we live in the pricing, get the circumstances we left to the home today and we both know we,
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wherever we got on the go now. and then as a minister man in the we've been displaced from the north. they told us, i don't believe to central garza then to russell then we went to rough. i then went back up to new site and we got stuck and then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all locked is in pieces. we have nothing, no one but gone to us in this good law. now we can see that people are even moving on foot to trying to go to these areas, trying to find any place that could be suitable to be shown to f with them. as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip of the last remaining results will palestinians also being told to seek refuge in such it was. but apparently it had to end right now to be a new active was own, which means such as well as a still own govern, with its escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be monetary and safe zones. recognize them,
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which is 0 that are the kind of some jobs as health industry has declared to polio epidemic across the strip. the world health organization announced on friday would be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to garza to the highly infectious disease. was discovered in swords samples, humanitarian agencies had express concerns of an outbreak to, to deteriorating sanitary conditions, the lack of access to health care. margaret harris is the spokes person for world health organization. she says a polio variances pretty rapidly to, to a lack of vaccination access and gaza, such as variance. that's developed a originally a long time ago. was that seem to arrive, but it's managed to get into populations and tiny very, it just says we. so we've coded, there are many variants and we have track this variant in different parts of the well. and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do
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a big vaccination response to and that usually shots it down. so that's again why the waste water surveillance is so so important. but in this circumstance, and again, we've got a clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. but we have to have the, the, in the all, we have to have the security. we have to have the means of getting the vaccine into gaza and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in a bile well sitting in a truck. so there is an answer. but the answer is we need to cease by a most code or 75 percent of probably, or may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is, if you are one of those who get the vehicle, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about polio is it's a disease, it's just stays on the human population. so with bucks nice and we could have been
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demonizing that from the world. but with the complex breaking out around the well, all that was old as millions of dollars, all those millions and billions of man and woman hours had been wasted because we've just gone backwards regardless of the health industry. so there's more than 1500 patients need kidney dialysis, but only 60 machines are available across the strip. so patients are receiving to dialysis treatments of 2 hours a week if food of what they require a lot of colors reports from come out and one hospital in northern garza, a political and health situation here. nothing does slip as instead of waiting day after day as a result of the policy. and those have been brought us in this policy to prevent the access of any food or medical supplies to the nothing else dread. i'm talking to a friend come out of the drug hospital, which is follow model nutrition cases, this kind of the season and kidney taylor patients. and when it comes to kidney failure, we have to mention of the call you in
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a 9 years old of the law. he goes to for dialysis 3 times a week. and i, and i did it that might give me this feeling because i have been eating canned food and drinking polluted and contaminated water. we live in scores where nothing is clean. we need to take showers and we need to clean our bodies enough there to water enough contaminated water. i want clean water center, my son to be at least 11 years old. he had a kidney transplant 7 years ago. we managed to continue his treatments. the 2 months after the war started, but then he couldn't get treatment at all for 4 months, which damage the transplanted kidney. he's unable to walk now. he lost almost 21 killers because of malnutrition. i urge the arab nations and all the people of conscience to treat my son abroad and bring him back to normal. all could we feel actually? yeah, nothing else,
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right on slide and keen to in this genocide in garza and received the need necessary treatment was incredible. i just need uh, nothing dollars for a dollar sign and is ready joins drunk, has kills to his beloved sizes and living on it hit the town of shocks, a few kilometers from the border between the countries. the child is among the 3 people injured. so it comes off to as well, security cabinet authorized benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister to decide how to respond to a strike on occupied golan heights. his route blames has belonged to sensitize rocket attack, which killed 12 people to live in these um, group denies involvement as it vague is following developments from southern living on. it's just being a series of is really strikes drawn, strikes on activity strikes across $711.00 on. now you understand who has, with the members were killed in the southern liberties, the town of chicago. we also understand from the lebanese civil defense that 3
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people, the engine, including the child and that history law, say that they have responded to what they call the assassination of 2 of them. members by targeting is ready positions. i didn't miss all. and they also say that they targeted and is really espionage technical assistance. the mother keeps sites . now, as i said, the term, the times of trust and village is a trust assistant, has been hit at the time over a bunch of his chapter of his, his message about confront him. um we understand an individual the motorcycle who has talked to it into for a month. and if you had cuz was hit by a drawing for name and not long ago, we also sold the town of couple of kids being hit by what we believe was a drones right now. the foreign minister of the bowl heavy has been meeting with a delegation from his bizarre. now that hasn't been an official statement from that meeting, but sources from his without telling us that that meeting has been good. i positive and yes, the all consent of an escalation and they have been contempt for the escalation.
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foreign ministers from various countries have contacted the lebanese government, but ultimately it will be his will. who will decide what they, what, what retaliation would happen if and when israel striking no one is bracing themselves full, that is radia response. but his have always responded them said that if it is an escalation that they will respond, that they don't want to the type prepared for it. so they are real concerns half of this escalation. and that this could turn into something much larger aside. baker data mojdeh unit 711 on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has visited most all shelves in the occupied golden heights where the bulk of the attack took place . he found his country's response would be severe. or mr. behold, we are in bracing the families. we're going through this indescribable suffering that didn't fit on these children are children. they are the children of us old. the state of israel cannot and will not,
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not only hold on the responsible comes to them and it will be severe within the residence and martial sean has demonstrated against his visits right here. so it shows that you're not welcome here and it's missing yahoo to leave the area. is there a senior political analyst smile on the shower says the is really prime minister and his government ultimately responsible for the attack are slight to some 5 decade 6 decades of occupation. the majority of the residence of most of the shops refused to accept his writing citizenship. despite so many attempts of appeasing the words in them for being part of the possibilities that city had actually gone. i, since i was 1981, was there really by his range of mind by degree the next the bottom highs and
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they've been trying since 14 years later. it's just not helping these people read it to you. i think sir, you guys have uh, also a very close attachments to see, even if it's a lot of it is, i guess aside, but the bottom part of the world, even though, does that do sex mostly. but this is part of the possible, hopefully i don't want to, as well as the 1st time. so the idea that nothing, you know, what's called the children who died there, our children is, is the obligations is beyond is beyond. i don't know what to say because ultimately is he and he's got all. busy of his responsibility for the death of these kids regardless of what shots were. busy how is he on the accepted the ceasefire and god we wouldn't have had the northern front voiding the way these were the southern by he continues to
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a site and violate and put more conditions to start to cease fire and actually have more, more and more children on the demonstration isn't israel have broken into a military base and the negative desperate and support of soldiers who are accused of torturing palestinians of time days. the 9 is ready. soldiers were arrested early on monday on suspicion of sexual abuse or palestinians, the tiny homes. indeed, and they gave visits was taken to the hospital with severe injuries. after the army buys the storm, demonstrate is also broken through a military cause and move on as well. for 9 is ready, soldiers had been transported the following, the detention, some members of the is ready can this is, are among the protest is the sedans army is accusing the paramilitary rapid support forces of targeting civilian
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infrastructure and l. sasha, the capital of north duffle stage, the iris if has intensified the tanks with good consecutive di. several facilities had been damaged, including a dialysis center and both of stations, the ami and paramilitary group have been fighting for control of the city. for months. both sides are accused of killing civilians. the new report from human rights watch found that both the students born bodies have committed widespread sexual violence against women and girls. the report found women between the ages of 9 and 60 had been sexually abused and the soonest cities of cotton bar in on demand since the conflicts began. in mid april 2023, the sudanese army and the rapid support forces had been implicated in right child marriage, forced marriage and sexual assaults. now women and girls experience severe, psychological and physical trauma. and at least 4 cases,
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the victims died from the injuries of people often baffled to access medical assistance. due to deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian. i'd conflict related, sexual balance is a violation of international humanitarian law and classified as a war crime. i hope to hear a spoke with a teenager and talked to him who said he was ranked by mentors of the rapid support forces. yeah, yeah. so what i mean? yeah. when is the city going into one of my boss? hold on a while for you. i'm not about to do. and then if you did the, the swan mom mom on the phone for a while. i mean, oh,
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well the only one that this time she with that in the back to me it's immense us custom duty and it is kind of give them senior counsel to move into sort of that i'm willing to give. this could be something that, that sort of the 2nd level of minutes. so if it doesn't pop up, so when he, when he went to
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a dad who ways to at least by the must have made me laugh to give you the such as he abida is the deputy africa director of human rights, which she says the rival science of blocking victims from getting health, respect to service providers for, for 2 reasons. first of all, because of the incredibly difficult context at the moment to do this research remotely, ethically. but also because we wanted to tell the other parts of the story, which is the incredible china in truth which survivors of facing in order to access care. now that is because of the conduct of both scoring policies. on the one hand, you have the student needs on both states who have been creating a dfcs type real page on assistance,
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including medical medical supplies from going into our a set controlled areas of the town. and this came up again and again in the interviews with service providers, with that concerns with that inability, quite often to ensure that reg, to its, are available once and especially certain types of drugs are available and made available who survived on the ground. here we are speaking to service providers who have directly themselves provided assistance to over 200 volumes. now, i think it's under it's important to, into school. that numbers don't matter. yeah. one case of sexual violence isn't of use, but what is very clear from our research. it is that many survivors are not able to come forward. they are not able to come forward physically because of the ongoing fighting in the town because of her some, an intimidation attacks that check points. notes will be set up by the rapid
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support for states across the town. also local respondents, i'm not able to access the volume is quite often. so here we're really talking about context where survivors of doubly victimized because of the conduct of the warring parties. so i just want to bring you bank to our top story for a moment and show you some live pictures from cut off cuz the fitness equipment capital. since president nicholas missouri was to cleared the official window of sunday's presidential election, just a few hours ago street protests have been growing. the police have been firing take as the trying to spruce crowns suffice potentially heavy legal penalties for protesting the results of the election. we, i'm monitoring that situation in practice as it develops and will bring you more coverage in the hours ahead of us. so head here on al jazeera authorities in the philippines rising to avoid an environmental
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catastrophe. following the sinking of 2 oil tank is mining company site under the minerals are needed for a green. the future will explain why some scientists convinced elijah in support to of tennessee as old time grades when hit to hit a harris games statehouse coming up later in the program. the, it's had a lot of a, let's have a look at the weather forecasts of europe over the next few days. and despite the heat that continues to cling on to the south west, we all seen the development of some cloud across the iberian peninsula, that set to bring some welcome rain to pots of spain and portugal splashing across into pots or fronds move in areas some heavier rain the chance of a storm in paris on choose day. the weather will continue to push its way east into
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switzerland, austria and northern parts of italy by the mid week. now, despite this little weather feature, it is looking largely fine and dry across much of the north, west western parts of europe, and down into the iberian pen into lots of sunshine and settled with a dominating across the mediterranean and into the south east. we could see some showers of bubbling around coastal areas of the black sea, some of that rain pouring into northern pots of turkey, temperatures, offsets come down here slightly in the days ahead. they've already come down across the northeast. you can see that weather feature continuing to bring rain across into western parts of russia. terms is all set to come down there as well as the balkans, but the heat will continue to build across much of the mediterranean with loan seeing associate degrees on wednesday. the once the capital of the come there, empire, the serene, ancient city of uncle,
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and present day cambodia is a protected your next school world heritage site. but as its temples of lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged forest evictions of thousands of families, the bottom for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey and the latest news as it breaks several investigations are underway and put in the meantime, trickles testimony as early as to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel the manual macro is doing everything very tiny in order not to appoint an extra inc, prime minister from around the world to this particular account that i'm more than 220 $6000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 suiting this refugee is in charge. i know the,
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the the you watching else is here. a reminder about top stories. the south protest is in venice. while i have taken to the street shortly on to president nicholas missouri was officially declared the winner of sunday's election. administrators have been met by police certified tech guys to take us to disperse them. your position is the results of full chillax. the palestinians in central council are happy in order to leave, once again off to israel issues, new evacuation orders up to 9 months of hold of you and says he's 6 percent of the siege guns. this trip is under his ready evacuation orders and it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has visited the occupied goldman hobbs with a broker to tack on,
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says that i kills 12 people. but residents demonstrated against this visit, include on him to leave at least 2 children have died and 9 of those had been injured in a stabbing attack in northwest england. it happened at a children's don's class, north of liverpool, police say the rest of the men and seized the knife and said there's no one to threat to the public. the attack is most of remains unclear from this to kiss donna has described the incident as brenda's deeply shocking. this passenger train has crashed into russia, leaving at least 140 people injured. it was traveling from the southwest and city of cuz on through the coastal town of iowa and derailed in the vulgar grounds of region. witnessed the side of the try and collided with a truck which was at a railway crossing the media reports i 7 or 8 carriages or the tend to leadership of all of
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a has more now for most of the number of people hospitalized due to the d. raymond, or the passenger train, have increased, or at least $55.00, including children. and this number may grow the accident took place in the vulgar garad region in the southeast of the european part of russia. the russian imagines as ministry confirmed, that's more than 140 people were injured. 9 trained costs the road 7 of them of attend, according to russian railways, the close of the accident was a collision with a come lost track. the tracks cabin was completely destroyed, but the driver survived. it turns out to be a 43 year old man. it has been hospitalized in a serious condition. russian re where he stated that he violated his traffic rules and proved to the costing well the along was on the train trying to apply state imagines to break, trying to avoid the collision, but it was unable to do so. the rescue operation continues. in the meantime, temporary accommodation centers have been organized for the rest of the train
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passengers. the investigator can be se opened a criminal case into the traffic safety rules, violations come and say, there were no reports about a possible sabotage or any criminal intent. you now should pop out of an older 0 most current. with our seasoned the philippines, the pricing to prevent and environmental catastrophe of to, to oil tank is capsized. when typhon gave me his last week, there's been some progress, but residents, i fish in the affected areas that already contaminated. barnaby. lo has more from our a palace and the province of boston. or it had been days since a tankard carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before carlos also and especially in crew, found it just 500 meters off the coastal town to fuddy ballast within many of the bay the under. yeah. at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat, so we thought it might be a small one. let me go near. we found that it was a big vessel, and there was already an oil, so you know,
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a lot of surface. yeah. and so that's why we caught the fishing band was put in place, but some fishermen are defying the order because they say they have to make a living. i believe there's been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smelt of diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. it's crow survived, but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stopped. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tank or a sink. last week, it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye now of the documents. so it's tanks were empty, coast guard divers say it appears it's terry and cargo fuel authorities. hope the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat. as
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their focus remains on containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tank right nearby. we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yada. unless you're not, then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute. uh, on the 1st uh, uh, dave, uh, type sardino on the side were not in a blue one. the 3rd for our but the concern is that the spill may have started to drift away towards towns closer to the capital, many life threatening their shore lines. which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel by next week. for an below l g 0, but the on the philippines the united nations body or the same deep sea mining, is making into make it to finalize regulations for the controversial practice. the 5 day conference is discussing with it's a band approval for the delay such mining mining company site,
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the essential the green technology. critics site the practice damages, ocean ecosystems. louisa castle is the, the level project later at green pace international stop the deep sci mining campaign. she said that the deep ocean is one of the few remaining pristine places on this. like the refunding tank sized mining machines whom it says below the subset, the waves really risk of a reversible and unavoidable home to these ecosystems. it would be preaching the frontier and out of movement way over to me in a nature in climate crisis. it is taking us in totally the wrong direction. that would be risk of pollution at the, at the mind sites, but also the throughout the that was to call them. but also all of noise that could travel and effect species like whales. and because we still have so much to discover about the deep ocean, there's also the risk, all of extinction of species and turn species we haven't even discovered yet. and just as a sign of how much we still have to discover about these incredible effect systems
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. this phenomenon of dark oxygen at the very no tools that are being targeted by mining companies, could in fact be producing oxygen in the total absence of sunlight. so really revolutionizing our understanding of how oxygen is produced on this planet. a paper came out about that just last week and showing you know, just how ground breaking at the discoveries are about with the patient. and that's why it's totally the wrong time to be pressing ahead with destroying an ecosystem that, that frankly in we know more about the steps of the moon. then we do about the depths of all actions or hundreds of people are still living in salons at homes. mold and we comp to, to windshield ryans at northern vietnam. people in the village of been void using the boats to get around. the low line village is prone to being flooded off to heavy grind and mold down pools are expected. in the coming days. the, the flood waters reach one and a half make is in some places. life is hard. now we've been traveling by boat. it's
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hard for us as we struggle to find a dry place to grind rice, how sprout daily meal us president joe biden says he wants to make size, make changes to the country supreme court. he's laid out his plan in the speech of the lens and the johnson library, where he also knock 60 years since the signing of the civil rights act. the biden has called for 10 limits for supreme court justices, a code of conduct for the cold. and crucially, a constitutional amendment reversed to reverse the decision made earlier this month on presidential immunization. the plan stands really no chance of passing congress budded, seen as an election message devices at a crucial campaign. monday, i've been told that live over say more supreme court nominated the senator, vice president president. and anyone who history anyone alive today, i should say i agree,
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respect rise to the separation of powers laid out in our constitution. but what's happening now is not consistent with that doctrine of separation. the power extreme is, is undermining the public confidence and of course, decisions. for more on this, we're joined now by rob reynolds, who is in austin, texas, and rob, as we hit supreme court reforms, a data on arrival that secured into the house later. so what's the significance of even announcing them now? well it's, it's interesting the president, the biden referenced that comments by house speaker john city saying that his thinking is dead on arrival. that got quite a laugh from the crowd here. but to respond to your question, i think the president may be unveiling
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a new weapon in the presidential campaign. you know 60 percent according to some polls. 60 percent of americans say they disapprove of the port. it's of performance. and including in that, of course, the ethical scandals that have like the poured over the past couple of years. so this could be another front in the election for another issue if you will, that then president of fighting can use vice president terrorist and her eventual vice presidential running mate pick can use along with all of the other things that they have, you know, they've. busy already been hammering away at the supreme court's decision on abortion, leaving abortion rights up to the states and saying that that was wrong. and that that is a powerful issue for the democrats in this presidential race. so, here is another one,
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a tapping into this wide spread. the dissatisfaction will get the lights on and just the 2nd here, sorry, but it's tapping into the wide spread dissatisfaction with the presidents with the excuse me, with the supreme court's behavior. and it's a recent rulings, or just just on the campaign, the speech was originally supposed and their little lights go. there we go. here we can see you again. them in the speech was supposed to be to bite and to write his own presidential campaign. obviously things have changed significantly. i mean, how is he actually doing is a support tech for couple of harris as well. he has really been acting as a super good for for capital harris. yet this is really his 1st big public appearance since he decided to forego his quest for a 2nd term. he of course, made a uh, white house, the oval office address, but that wasn't really
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a campaign events. this is a, an event that you could see as a campaign of it. he had of course kind words for campbell harris. it's unclear to what extent of the current president joe biden will be used as a surrogate. will he go to pennsylvania where he's quite popular, for example, to, to campaign while they go to other states. but it's one other thing i would note, and this is, this is the accumulation of the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act. and i think it's a powerful symbolism here for bite and to come here. and point is though, he didn't even really need to points in explicit terms to the fact that now there is a black and south asian vice president of a woman who is running for president. and that is a big change since lyndon baines johnson signed the civil rights act 60 years ago and day thanks so much rob rob rentals for us in austin, texas,
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and as robe was mentioning, just in the bottom of the speech, was also intended to mark the end of history of the signing of the 1964 civil contact. the law was the result of decades of activism to ends, legal, racial segregation throughout the country. but especially in southern us, states that as a result, advice default position from southern politicians and the constituents of to months of de loc and congress us president. lyndon johnson signed the act on july, 2nd, 1964. he was joined by black, civil rights activists including martin luther king jr. a little more than this we joined now by george cheney, who is a democratic strategist and legal policy experts. she shows us from washington d. c. thanks very much for being with us here on al jazeera for having me in his space. joe barton, link civil rights in his supreme court reform saying the court has been with an authorized against civil rights. what did you make of those statements in particular? you know,
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president vitamins really been on the role. i think he was so eloquent in wrong the to and using this as an opportunity to say that wherever to unveil the supreme court reforms that you just talked about and you're get eloquently put them in context. and it's just a moment where we have this new, you know, we have this new presidential candidate in cumberland harris. we have him celebrating the, the 16th anniversary of this, the right back. but also talking about the future. and in order to make good on the right back, we have to make sure our supreme court justices are ethical and they're not bought and paid for. this obviously being a blank of presidents the now there's another like presidential candidates. can you just put into perspective for us just how far the country has come since that act was signed? yes, so this morning i had the privilege of going to the white house for an event that was coming rating the civil rights act of 1964 and in particular,
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title 7 and title 7 in particular pro prohibitions on that discrimination. and it was, it was the full circle moment because i spent the entirety of the by the, the, the obama administration as an appointee at the o. c. so it was great to be home and to be talking about new issues. and one of the things that was referenced has been out of the women. it was mostly women in the audience. none of the women that were in that audience would be holding the jobs that we are holding today. if it were not for title 7, if it were not for the civil rights act of 1964, and certainly we would not have a vice president carmella harris. and certainly we would not have a potential president, pamela harris, or a, or a president obama himself. so these are this legislation that was far reaching 60 years. it has taken us to get here. but if it were not for that legislation, we wouldn't be here. yeah, despite that the, i mean,
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we've already seen in the solution campaign questions about with a couple of harris. the black woman is if you go to hood who with both is so there's still clearly a long while ago. oh yeah. i as president, bind as all of his name is a, this is we are a edit at a point where we can see a lot of progress when we can also see where there's a long way to go. right? as you just said at that event earlier today, we had someone who was representing a case from 50 years ago would filed them as you know, against united airlines flight attendant. well, we also had a young african american woman who just this past year, settled a lawsuit about here, discrimination and louisiana. so we know that that discrimination doesn't go away and that we have to keep having laws that evolve. and that need the moment and whatever, you know, right now we hear discrimination as part of what we're dealing with. we just are
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dealing with eligibility to plus discrimination. so as we looked at the future, we're looking at how am i an artificial intelligence? they have a role in the workplace discrimination and how do we guard against that leaves the lights, alive and well and being refreshed, what is being adjudicated by judges. and that is what we have to make sure we have that the most people on the court who are not already one sided because they are getting donations from corporations or people who are at odds and civil rights. the other thing we have to make sure is that even if they are ethical, but they just don't look ethical, make sure people feel confident in their decisions and that is frankly what present it by just looking to do business through. thank you so much joy. we really do appreciate your time and your insight into this of this george cheney for us, a democratic strategist and legal policy expend. thanks again. thank you
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so. so the heads here on out just their ends and let me pick destination tunes, care adonis upside down to some of its residents. the house coming up soon and support the these business. uptake these voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the these business uptake these roads thought of bundle dash football. he is the of the school now his far tom, thank you so much. another olympic record that the games in paris has molly o'callahan spend her australian teammates when gold and the 200 meters freestyle and tetanus was the favorite to defend her limbic title. and when is forced full metal. but it was of how hand to break the record to miss said in tokyo, and when a 4th gold of her own it was her 1st individual,
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gold and sickness had to settle for silver. 17 year old canadian summer mcintosh won the 400 metres individual madly and dominant style getting 2nd place by almost 6 seconds. mcintosh was just 14 and she took part in the tokyo olympics. she now already has to lend pick metals to her name after taking the silver. and the 400 meter freestyle on saturday, or rather than to dial says he'll make a decision on his future after the olympics. the 38 year old made the comment following a straight sense defeat to old pho, nope, at chocolate chip, paris games. the pair have won a combined total of $72.00 in french opens at this very horse. and they've now played together on 60 occasions, documents the spaniards for the 31st time to reach the 3rd round is never one of the length of the title it out is already a to turn cold metal is and he still has
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a shot at winning the doubles alongside carlos alvarez hall reese has more from the french capital, the 2nd set. but what a treat this was by anyone with tickets to the 2nd round of the olympic tennis tournaments. so rad, but rough on with all, i'm novak brokovich to meet so early in a told month 2 of the greatest plays in history. one of the big rivalries they 1st met, hey, in paris, all the way back in 2006 when brokovich was just 19 and it all was 20. how rough on with all of spain was and his height i, the king of quite rolling doris, was his kingdom 14 times a grand slam with the french open. but he's been largely injured for the past 2 years, while jokers, which is still the world number 2. and he really started the dots in the 1st set as a winning 61 that was by rabbit. and it's all doesn't show his characteristic fights. he did that in the 2nd set, but a joke rich one in the end. so much 616,
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full joke, rich still in calls for his 1st goal. but most importantly, maybe this is the last time we see these 2 mates on the big stage. pull, race out is era powers. the dogs doubles partner carlos alto as a 3 to the 3rd round of the singles. the french. what would you have any beat? tell on greeks for the netherlands in straight facts. question, roman and south of u. n. a. wait, so the next round, he'll be in doubles action with the dow on tuesday. tom pitcock rally from the puncture attired when a 2nd. it's 3 golds and a mountain biking puncture. left him almost 40 seconds behind french liter. victor correct ski photos type move around a tree, prove the difference to finish ahead of the level. say, trying is man, we're points to take a team gold in the gymnastics, but see why it's failed to stick the landing on the vault and then fell off the horizontal bar twice in the final rotation. while the mistakes paved the way for
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japan to take the lead die he has, you know, to is near perfect routine seals very well that gold metal has help of japan into 1st and the latest metal standings with 6 schools overall. friends have impressed in their home olympics with 60 metals in total, trying to australia and south korea joined them on the 5 gold american sprint. and no allows says he's mentally stronger than he's ever been as he targets in historic for olympic gold medals. louse has been open about his mental health struggles in the past, and he's now seeing 3 different therapist to help him prepare. he admitted difficulties when battling to problems and the 200 meters at the tokyo olympics. he's looking to become the 1st male track athletes when 4 goals in the same games. and the surfing is happening. 16000 kilometers away in the french pacific territory of tahiti. the decision to stage the events and one of the items most remote villages was a controversial as alexandra buyers,
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reports of the servers around the world know table. a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition stab. you have the it serves its publicity for them. it's an illusion. a minimum part of the population. profit from the games, not the maximum. i'm sorry, of that. i was disappointed. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. or do you want to control center filling what used to be fields of crops with rocks and temporary tents, not to we're used to common nature. the now we're seeing cars and trucks every way . money oring into building new facilities and infrastructure. villagers renting
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out their home. milton parkers spent $360000.00 building a new guest house. actually, we screw, i don't know. it's definitely changed. economic investment. it's good for us that brings people lodging. we do, but exclusions and jet skis, kind of a spend a year preparing. she's grateful but ready for it to be over. stop by see it. we hope it passes quickly so it's all done. less stress, less work to. it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard or you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the action. residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery, and there been complaints some people saying their home no longer feels like their home. it's adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packs up, unless alexandra buyers out 00 who the heating and that is all your support for now back to tom. thanks so much for all that. so for me,
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tell me the credit for this news of it. i will be back in just a moment with much more of the days use to stay with us. the i'm from take down interrupting discussions from a london broad cost center on al jazeera african stories from african perspectives. some of them i don't or henry to me this month for us. and sam is in you to me, kind of to show documentary spite african filmmakers from donna and fox one 0, who was the one that number 45. and i had a little bit of zillow for a little of a sound of ceremony. and the interpreter, a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra as china ramps up to full patients of north korean,
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defective human rights group, say they faced imprisonment, torture, and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals north korea's plane defectors on al jazeera, desperate for palestinians to this diesel, a nation to on a free day. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly filtered before the war. this punch provides it's 20000000 liters of a fresh water a free day, around 250000 people. now the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs off to the east, but only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuels which is radically running out how to study in west
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coast and coordination with the use very forces on now attempting to connect an external power line to the phone has been extra supply is restored, it's around for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the credit. this is the news. how in life, from coming up in the next 60 minutes and go on the streets of venezuela, police confront, protest is rallying against president nicholas monroe's disputed election. victory
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in guns are displaced, palestinians are again, forced to flee, is rarely strong,


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