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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the the gold, the streets of that is way to the opposition side as it could prove that president nicholas. but do ro lost the election? the phillips of robin hood to go to their lives headquarters here in the also coming up, displace palestinians a gone. so all over again falls to sleep is really strikes as health officials of the strip declaring outbreak of polio. the us president j by says that he wants to make size big changes to the supreme court, but the house, the,
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the size is plant is dan's auto rival. and citizens via the power of military records, the gold full. since the birth accused of committing widespread sexual violence against women goes the book up to the public. and we begin in venezuela where the opposition says it can prove that nicholas bureau lost the presidential election. the people are refusing to accept the official result. that will be protested, the capital caracas web is of the national guard, have been firing to gas to try and disperse crowds. the jury says the opposition has tried to stay to 2, but many quested, the legitimacy of his victory. it's an actual criticism of the election is also being bound to get a response. why that is why it was announced, it's pulling diplomatic stuff from 7 lot to american countries. now the opposition lead maria cody, that was trying to, has just been speaking to the media,
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saying the truth cannot be denied. assembled, though we see citizens expressing themselves on they are refusing to have our future stolen. to have the truth denied. a step in space is also top of the site. so if you go chavez, of the city of the states, the thoughts field chavez was the founder of the socialist political, the rules that his way. but the rise then talk of the stuff to the actual commission full believe the client he bounced the with the said his waiting was a historic achievements. been set on fluffy mall to defeat the ashes of a multitude of the devils with the strength of god of boulevard and of the child, as they will do you is a historical achievement and our people have achieved. and once again, our people have been chief. this right table, i accept this constitutional and legal document that outlines the power to carry
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out the electoral policies of that as well. the sovereign power of venezuela has issued an order which i receive with humility. because i am a humble worker without a soviet trees, but it is all correspond to the following events. so some argentina is capital. but as i raised with no international observers and very limited international media crews following the selection, theresa and now both sides claiming victory. it does feel like trouble is on the horizon as well. most certainly, and what is happening is what was expected with both sides, claiming victory with one of those sides, the opposition taming that. the fraud was committed on this election. we saw nicole, i'm a little go to the electoral counsel very early on monday where he was proclaimed precedent for another 6 years. he would also denounce of the opposition was planning to cool. the government has also been denouncing that the electoral system
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was hacked by the members of the opposition. they named the precisely doing a press conference by the attorney general on the other side. we saw later on my the equity now my general position leader and also the candidate and on saturdays or coming on a press conference where they said they have proof that front had been committed that they have to tally sheets with the vote of many of the posting stations, they say they have 73 percent of those tally sheets, where all of this comes from it on sunday evening where the results were announced, the president of electrons council said that nickel, i'm a little was the winner was 51 percent of the vote. but there was never proof office in general in venezuela, those results the tally sheets are uploaded in on the west side of the latch from town. so well that website hasn't been down seen sunday evening when the opposition is say right now is that they have some of those results. 73 percent them,
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but there is no doubt that the moon on solace order will be i should be finished with less next president. of course, the government has not to make any mention about this later on, but we do know that they denied as they continue to accuse the opposition off of planning the code to the stop lies the current administration. but what we're seeing is that thousands of people started to take to those 3 things that are, i mean, other parts of the country, we know that in front of an air base, you know, that was, there were summer protesters there. have at least 11 person was apparently killed inc, that as we saw some very violent caches between the protesters and security forces, violent flashes in several areas of a tablet. something was also some live fire batch, bike and the cortex peebles, as our cold prior military groups, and respond to the government of nicola level, shooting up some of the protesters that were located there. so lots of tension, lots of instability is in venezuela as both sides are claiming victory. it's not
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clear yet where this is going. when there is a clearly an escalation, as both sides of the state. i say that they won't vis resolve the opposition is asking people to remain calm. they say that this is something that is going to be we sold legally. however, protestors are not confident, but this is going to happen. let's not forget that the government in venezuela controls the electrons council controls that judiciary. and many of the protesters are saying that they will remain on the street the be will remain, continue to protest, to defend their vote, to defend their right to the mind change in the country. well, if the images from day time anything to go by, it seems a difficult life is a head for those in venezuela for the moment tweets about him, but as always, thank you. renounce us a good is the program director for lots of america and the caribbean. of the
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international crisis group, she says, isn't clear how the military will respond to the election in the military have a humongous role at this precise moment in the military are incredibly powerful even so a lot and no to has, particularly in recent months, being a like she has make every possible effort to keep being good graces with the military. he has for years giving them very high positions of power in, in areas that are not normally controlled by the armed forces. and it's very clear that in the armed forces were to say to him, okay, there is a red line that we're not going to cross. clearly the cards are, it goes to, you need to live. he will be hard press 2 to make a stay in those situations. but right now we don't have indications that that's necessarily the case um, yesterday the ministry of defense, who is the head of all of the armed forces, gave a speech which was a little bit cryptic. he didn't necessarily come out of different mode,
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okay. his speech was before motors um when had been announced by the electro started this, but he said we would welcome a new stage in venezuela in life. so there are possibilities that, that the army would say, we're not going to go out on the press. the people, as we've done in the past, what is important though, is that the armed forces are not the only arms actor in venice right now. there is, is verbs that are full for the tables, collectives that are um, essentially the apartment retired for that supports and the government that have been financed by the government. but that are not under the control of any situation, such as the army or, or, or the branches. and they have been on the street and they have been shooting not of people. for now, they've only been shooting out the or, but they've been using weapons to phase this protest. and that is where things can't really get very tricky. the
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person needs and central girls that have been forced to fleet once again, thousands of in order to evacuate bodies by the ministry. now this is the theme that's been happening uh the other guys refugee code for the past 24 hours. people are playing with whatever they carry the doctor more than 9 months of all the you and says 86 percent of the besieged cause and strip is that and that is really evacuation. notice now this comes as is really false, is covered up more types across the strip can like at least $33.00 palestinians and it's very strong because it hasn't been wasi area in southern garza has left 3 palestinians that causes health ministry has declared a polio, could academic across the street, the world health organization, and now so in front of that, it would be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to gauze after the economy. infectious disease was discovered in sewage samples. humans having agencies how to express concerns over an outbreak due to deteriorating symmetry conditions and the lack of access to health care. the bulk with harris is the stakes tests and fold world health
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organization. she says a paley, apparently a very and is spreading rapidly due to a lack of vaccination. accessing garza and such a variant that's developed a originally a long time ago was faxing to arrive, but it's managed to get into populations and tiny, very tough this we so we've coded. there are many variants, and we have track this variance in different parts of the well. and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do a big vaccination response to and that usually shots it down. so that's again why the waste water surveillance is so so important. but in this circumstance and again, we've got the clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. but we have to have the, the, in the all, we have to have the security. we have to have the means of getting the vaccine into gaza and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in
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a bile well sitting in a truck. so there was an answer. but the answer is we need to cease by a most cold, you're 75 percent of probably, or may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is if you are one of those who get the vehicle, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about pony always, it's a disease, it's just stays on the human population. so with flux nice, we could have been demonizing it from the world. but with the complex breaking out around the well, all that was old as millions of dollars, all those millions and billions of man and woman hours have been wasted because we've just gone backwards but is very dry. it's probably because cold to has bloss sizes in 11 on the town of shaka, that's through court, which is on the border between the countries. there's really liberties,
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tensions of escalated to south today's attack, all the occupied go to the heights which killed 12 people. the israel has blamed, has belonged while the group denies any involvement us bank. how small from southern lot of them to this being a series of is reggie air strikes drawn, strikes on activity strikes across southern leper not now you understand to has with the members were killed in the southern liberties the town of shafter of we also understand from the lebanese civil defense that 3 people, the injured, including the child, and that history law say that they have responded to what they called the assassination of 2 of the members by targeting is ready positions with guided me. so they also say that they targeted and is really a spin out technical system at the mother keeps site. now, as i said, the terms are tons of trusts and villages across the board to have been here at the time over a bunch of had chuck drove his head message about comfort him. i'm going to stand an individual. the motorcycle was talked to him for a month and if he had cuz he was hit by a drone inclination and not long ago,
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we also saw the town of couple of kids being hit by what we believe was a drones right now. the foreign minister of the bowl heavy has been meeting with the dedication from his bizarre. now that hasn't been an official statement from that meeting, but sources from his without telling us that that meeting has been good and positive. and yes, the all consent of an escalation and they have been contempt for the escalation farm. and this does from various countries have contacted the lebanese government, but ultimately it will be his will. who will decide what they, what, what retaliation would happen if and when israel striking no one is bracing themselves full of that just radio response. but his would have always responded them said that if it is an escalation that they will respond, that they don't want to become prepared for it. so they are real concerns half of this escalation. and that this could turn into something much larger aside. baker
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data mojdeh unit 7, let me know. is there any problem? and just a benjamin destiny, all who has visited bunch of dental shelves in the occupied golden heights, whether you walk in to talk to play. so he vowed, as countries responds, would be severe because we are in bracing the families. we're going through this indescribable suffering that didn't fit on these children are children. they are the children of us old. the state of israel cannot and will not let donnelly hold on, the responsible comes to them and it will be severe within both the residents. and both of those jobs demonstrated against his visit. the percentage shouted, you're not welcome here to the all who to leave the area will demonstrate as it is round, broken into a minute tree base. and that i give does it to supports soldiers who are accused of torturing palestinian detainees though it is very soldiers,
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but the rest of the day old suspicion of the sexual abuse the promise to be a detainee held. and that gives us, it was take the hospital with severe injuries, the protest as a saying the range that the ministry police are investigating is really soldiers. this is something that must happen, or when the time that these right establish something today. and we think the reason that it's happened because our government and especially the legal advisor of the government, wants to look nice to the, to the car thing hard or after they all be with the base was stalled, demonstrates is also back into the military cause it knows that as well, the night is ready, the soldiers have been transported there after that detention so that both of these baby can message for a bug. the protest is still a head held out there as well. but the tracking flies, blankets a pack to beat to the us. witnesses describe it like a dissenting, black cloud. the big destination tons powered ice upside down for some of its
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residents side stories after the break. the the latest news as it breaks. as you wait a minute, 3 is up skating a minute to strikes a horse, the entire trip. the main focus is on the central area with detailed coverage. the rolling of the international court of justice of the legal status of the is really occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation from the house of the story. water station are switched up for days or weeks of time. so there is never enough water to go around the of the
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. ringback the, there's a deliver it mission of house to mean humanity in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the book book you what you'll just bear with me. so robin at the by the top stories, the opposition of venezuela says it come through that nicholas that are law sundays
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presidential election. and the people are refusing to accept the official results that are being protesting, caracas with members of the national guard and the following. take us to disperse, the crowns, palestinians, and central guns that have been sold to flee once again, thousands of being forced to evacuate. find these ready minute traits. this is the same that's been happening of the authorized refuge account for the past 24 hours of sleep. we won't have it and they can carry today's rainy drug and strike is killed. at least 2 has the law sizes, 11 updates at the time of the chicago. a few come up, which is from the border between the 2 countries. to you as president joe biden says he wants to make changes to the country supreme court, but he laid out his plan in a speech of the live b johnson library, where he will say monk, 60 years since the signing of the civil rights act. but his cold for time limits
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full supreme court justices, a code of conduct for the cold and the constitutional event. but to reverse the decision made earlier this bump presidential community and the plan sounds that either chance of passing congress. but it said as an election message to vote is i've been told to live over say more supreme court nominated the senator, vice president president. and anyone who history anyone alive today, i should have great respect rise to the separation of powers made out in our constitution. but what's happening now is not consistent with that doctrine of separation of powers. extreme is, is undermining the public confidence in the course decisions profiles as well from austin and texas. the present button is for those 3 areas of reform for the supreme court one, he wants to limit the terms that justice is serv. currently,
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the concern for life, the longest serving justice clarence thomas has been there for more than 32 years. and he says that that limit should be 18 years. he also wants to, in have a new code of ethics for the court justices and forcible and strict. he says that the that would uh, restore public confidence in the court, which has been rocked by numerous scandals. many of them involving thomas and other conservative justices. and finally, he wants a constitutional amendment that would over turn, the court recent ruling that president's after they leave office are no longer a chargeable for any crimes. they may have been comfortable for in office a saying that the no man in the united states should be above the law. no person is a king that this is a country of laws and not have dictators rob reynolds, l g 0,
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austin, texas. so that if it goes full, the present jacob zuba has been expelled from the ruling african national congress . the backend arrival party in may's elections, zillow was suspended from the agency in january. i forgot to see that he would support the new policy, those as m k. so this contributed significant beasley as the losing as part of it to majority the 1st time since 1994 former president obama has been planning on the dentist flux. that's the cost doubt. on our end to i a close to dismantle the device. yes, me that out. the host of i'm to level does not have a blessed, including miss gps me calling into question to the, to the village of all i looked on processes without costs and just clarity that are not of a lot to the show system. so those i'll be as accusing the power of an entry dropping
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support forces of targeting civilian infrastructure. right out of sasha, the capital of little style full states. the all right staff as intensified the tax rate that consecutive day now the o b and the power ministry group being find things to control all the cities. some months. both sides are accused of killing civilians. a report from human rights watch found that both the $2.00 will ring policies have committed widespread sexual violence against women and girls. it found that women between the ages of $9.60 have been sexually abused in the suited the cities of talked to bari and of the but since the complet begun to april 2023 by the cities, i'll be of the rapid support forces. they've been implicated in rape child marriage forced by rich and sexual assault. it also, i found that women a girls have experience severe psychological physical trauma. in at least 4 cases, the victims died from their injuries civilians. instead of all struggling to access
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medical assistance due to deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid, public related sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law. classified as a wall crime or how does it respect with a teenager and call to be said that she was raped by, but because of the rapid support forces. yang when, when is the city going into my my boss, hold on a while for you. i'm not about to do and then if you did the, let me see this one mom, my mom. but the, the whole the whole godaddy, the one, the city. why your, me well, the only one that
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this time she was in the back to me in the us costume duty and it is kind of give them c consulate to move into sort of that i'm so lazy like this. this looks like good. this could be a from something that, that sort of 2nd mobile minutes with a dozen bible. so when he, when he went to a dad who plays by delta,
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who would at least buy the as to how many get it. and it must have moved to this house in the home, in the, even in the monument as the purchase are being held across the view of to the country side to deal with the european union on lithium excavation, thousands of people rallied in the west. and in central regions of the country to raise concerns over the environmental impact of lexia mining. that even is aimed at producing the ease dependency on chinese results is it's so huge. so let's track and flies is descended on the beach in the us states of rhode island. thousands of the bronte colored insects the page. i mean, as is nowhere about 15 minutes speech go with say, if this form disappeared, it's unclear what prompted the drag and flies to visit be so. so i think the power is olympics is happening. 16000 kilometers away in the french pacific time. but you
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have to heat the decision to stage the event and say, well, the, the islands, most remote villages was controversial as long as under bias reports. surfers around the world? no. okay, hold on. a famous wave crashes on a brief, just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition step you have to do. it serves its publicity for them. it's an illusion. a minimum part of the population. profit from the games, not a maximum. i'm sorry of that. i was disappointed. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. the olympic control center filling what used to be fields of crops, with rocks and temporary tents, not to we're used to common nature. the now we're seeing cars and trucks every way
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. money oring into building new facilities and infrastructure. villagers renting out their home. milton parkers spend $360000.00 building a new guest house. actually it's definitely changed economic investment. it's good for us that brings people lodging. we do, but exclusions and jet skis, a ton of money spent a year preparing. she's grateful but ready for it to be over so far. we hope it passes quickly, so it's all done, less stress, less work to. it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard or you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the action. residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery and there's been complaints. some people saying their home no longer feels like their home is adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packed it up unless alexandra buyers out 0. so he
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sits for me for the moment with the weather is next settled inside story. we look at washington's expanding military cooperation with japan and its regional implications to stay with us here on the the the, had a lot of they were stopped by looking at the earliest satellite across the south asia . and you can see the shovel clouds from the monsoon rains and dominating across the western pots of india and the heavy rain over the weekend caused a flooding in maharaj. draw the flood waters off to that stranding people. but you can see the skies have cleared. it's not as wet as it has been across the west coast of india. we're still seeing some showers here. the warning is however, shifted to southern parts of pakistan. we are expecting some drenching down pull
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down force here on choose day with more heavy rain coming into the north, rushing into more northern parts of india. essential areas as well. seeing that very heavy rain with a lot salt, further east for additional on wednesday. you can see the rain as well, continuing to pull in to bundle dish and me in month by the middle of the week. it was a move to east asia. it's still a story of heavy rain from typhoid going may, it's broken apart, but remains to bring those wrenching down pools across into beijing. we are expecting some very heavy rain with thunderstorms here on tuesday. that'll cool things down because of has been very hot and humid with sunny spells coming in on thursday. it's funny, across southern parts of japan with warning, dangerous heat across the south. on wednesday, the unique perspective, i said, i really not them because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard
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voices, but we are committed to getting the best i can know all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere, lot of these positions, if there was problems or medical facilities and got positive to be preventable, that the horror of what the stream on out just the or as the u. s. is showing up. it's military commandant, japan, washington says that's the counter growing threats from china, north korea, and russia. but is this a realistic deterrent for could i provoke more tension in an already volatile region? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much in room the united states says it's
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