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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now the anger on the streets event as well on the off position. so as of trying to prove the president, nicholas metro last big election, the, you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters in delphi and getting obligated to also coming up displaced palestinians, and gaza, or again, forced to flee is really strikes. health officials declare a polio outbreak. we need
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a mandatory code of ethics for the spring quarter. we need it now. the us president calls for changes to the supreme court criticizing some offense, recent decisions as extreme as to don's army and the parent military rapid support forces are accused of sexual violence against women and girls. the color we begin, and venezuela we're protests are turning increasingly violent following the re election of president nicholas my door of the opposition says that it can prove that madura lost the votes. members of the national guard had been firing tear gas to try to disperse crowds, demonstrating in caracas, terrorism both monitoring developments from one of iris in argentina. a precedent by the window didn't all the way belong to be, proclaim precedents for another 6 years. on monday,
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the left travel forward is handed my the credentials for his re election even as the opposition cried. folly that are available, i say, to the plotters to those involved. and to those who endorse this operation against venezuelan democracy, that we already know the movie. and this time there will be no weakness. a few hours later, thousands took to the streets, protesting the results, and use of economic and political crisis that have forced the millions out of the country. the government says those who did not recognize the results could face up to 6 years in prison. but many did not seem to care. all these people are upset. we did not agree with the votes, but the results because they are not for you. this is fraud. for me, it is fraud. i was there, we checked everything, all the people talked. we talked and there was no madero supporters. there were 4 at the moon though despite confirming leveled with victoria on sunday evening,
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the electronic council has failed to upload the routine data to the official website for the opposition. this is proof that massive fraud was committed during the press conference by opposition leader by the equity. now my child and presidential candidate and will notice that it will be a they say they have access to 73 percent of the time. the sheets that these prove gonzales, who is the winner by a wide margin table that i'm deal today. we have great news to share with little venezuelans. it's a miracle, it's a miracle. but today i will tell all venezuelans by the inside and outside the country. oh, believe it's in democracy around the world that we now have to means to prove the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela. that the government says do electra . the system was hacked and blay, members of the opposition that we felt the venezuela collective has generated lots of concern across the region. as many governments are requesting the government to present the official tally sheets off this elections. and they want them to be
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independently very 5 by different organizations. their response by the government of nicholas, my ludo has been to expel the diplomatic personnel from 7 countries in latin. america accusing them of interfering in venezuela and affairs for the government. and crisis is potent, so to buy the united states to over through the administration, but the thousands who took to the streets a desperate for things to change. the civil defeat at widow site is eric farnsworth, is the vice president of the council of the americans. and he said that the international community has a role to play in getting transparent vote counts on protecting the off position in venezuela. it is the fundamental question, what can be done to dislodge him or if not that just you know,
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live up to venezuela's own constitution. that's a question that people been grappling with for a long time. but the reality. ready is he does control the courts, he controls the electoral system. he controls, as we've just been talking about the military and the security forces. so there's not a whole lot of leverage that the international community maintains at this point in terms of venezuela, particularly when we understand that there are some countries around both regions such as cuba and around the world like china, which continued to support the image originally. and so this is a, this is a complicated issue, but having said that, i think there are a couple things that have to be asked to be done. the 1st is that lots of both accounts have to be made public the, you know, there has to be transparency. how did we get from a situation where gonzalez was supposed to win in a landslide, to being defeated by 10 points or so, what on what basis was that the vote count determined? so i think the international community really needs to see that and has as asked for that. and i think the 2nd thing you have to expect the security and the protection of opposition leaders which has now been threatened by the regime
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already a and accused of leading cyber attacks and to applauding and all kinds of things that really put their lives somehow at risk so we have to be really careful that this does not get out of control. and his international community really has a role to play and saying, look, you know, just because somebody ran for president does not put the target on their back, their lives and their families need to be protected. the palestinians and central garza had been forced to sleep. once again, thousands have been ordered to evacuate by the is really military. and this is the scene that's been happening at the i bought a is refugee time for the past 24 hours. people are fleeing with whatever they can carry. after more than 9 months of war, the u. n says 86 percent of the besieged gaza strip is now under is really if occupation orders. and this comes is really forces carry out more attacks across
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the strip killing of these $33.00 palestinians. and is really are striking. the milwaukee area in the southern gaza has left 3 palestinians. that taught us do reports from dated by law on the is really evacuation orders of this. what else you patient forces have passed and is shooting you professional, military evaluation orders for the residents open res. i'm just a rush procedure because as you can see, that families right now are going to sleep from these areas heading to divers, bella, and to as the wise up trying to find some sort of safety. if you have been told by these very all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an act . so what was the, these causes on a 12 to load that with mattresses? people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas officer receiving these orders, despite the police that there is no,
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any place in gauze. i say you started there. are you received a call from the army? this will leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children, the auto body and get them both on the line like me. i am in the line is so uh we uh, we live in the pricing, get the circumstances we left to the home today. and we both know we, what are we got on the go now? and then as a minister man in the we've been displaced from the law, they told us leave to central garza then to russell then we went to rough. i then went back up to new site and we got stuck. then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all locked is in pieces. we have nothing, no one but god to us than this the law. now we can see that people are even moving
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on for to trying to go to these areas, trying to find any place that could be suitable to be sure to ask for them as we can plan. we understand that the entire central areas of the strip of the last remaining results will palestinians also being full to seek refuge in such its arrows, but apparently its hudson's right now to be a new active was own, which means such as well as it's still ongoing with it's escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be monetary and safe zones. recognize them, which is 0 that or that kind of stuff. well, thousands health industry has declared a polio epidemic across the strip. the world health organization announced on friday we'll be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to gaza. after the highly infectious disease was discovered and sewage samples, humanitarian agencies had expressed concerns over an outbreak due to deteriorating sanitary conditions and lack of access to health care. margaret harris is the
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spokesperson for the world health organization. she says a polio variance spreading rapidly, due to lack of vaccination access in gaza. such a variant that's developed a originally a long time ago was that seem to arrive, but it's managed to get into populations and tiny, very tough this we so we've coded, there are many variants, and we have track this variance in different parts of the well and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do a big vaccination response to and that usually shots it down. so that's again why the waste water surveillance is so so important. but in this circumstance, and again, we've got a clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. but we have to have the, the, in the all, we have to have the security. we have to have the means of getting the vaccine in to gaza. and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in a vile well,
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sitting in a truck. so there is an answer. but the answer is we need to cease by a most heartier 75 percent of poly, or may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is if you are one of those who get the vehicle, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about pony always, it's a disease. it's just stays in the human population. so with bucks nice and we could have been demonizing it from the world. but with the complex breaking out around the world, all that was old as millions of dollars, all those millions and billions of man and woman hours have been wasted because we've just gone backwards as well goes as health ministry says more of the 1500 patients needs kidney dialysis, but only 60 machines are available across the strip. so patients are receiving to
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dialysis treatments of 2 hours a week. that's a 3rd of what they require. loss and to whom for reports from come on odd one hospital in northern garza medical and health situation here. nothing does for business tell you're wasting day after day. as a result of that is why in the policy imposed, i've been brought us in this policy prevents the access any food or medical supplies to the nothing else read. i'm talking to think about a drug hospital which is follow model pushing cases. this kind of the season and kidney taylor patients. and when it comes to kidney failure, we have to mention of the call you in a non use only the he goes to for the alex is a 3 times a week. and i and i did that. my kidney is failing because i have been eating canned food and drinking pals used it and contaminated water. we live in scores where nothing is clean. we need to take showers and we need to clean our bodies
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enough there to water enough contaminated water. i want to clean water. i'm not able to conduct the center. my son to be at least 11 years old. he had a kidney transplant 7 years ago. we managed to continue his treatments for 2 months after the war started, but then he couldn't get treatment at all for 4 months, which damage the transplanted kidney. he's unable to walk now. he lost almost 21 killers because of malnutrition. i urge the arab nations and all the people of conscience to treat my son abroad and bring him back to normal. all could we feel actually, yeah, northern guests right on slide and keen to in this genocide in garza and received the need necessary treatment. it was just nothing does a slip the sign and is really drone strike has killed to hezbollah, fighters and 11 on it, hit the china, shut it out. a few kilometers from the border between the countries is really
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loving these tensions of escalated after saturday's attack on the occupied golan heights killed 12 people. israel has williams has been a while. the group denies involvement as a big is following developments from southern 11 on or this being a series of is reggie strikes drawn, strikes and activity strikes across southern leper not now you understand who has with our members were killed in the southern liberties. the town of shuck throughout, we also understand from the lebanese civil defense that 3 people, the injured, including the child. and that has been law say that they have responded to what they call the assess the nation of to have been members by targeting is ready positions with guided me. so they also say that they targeted and is really a spin out technical system at the mother keeps site. now, as i said, the terms in terms of trust and village is a trust the southern board to have been hit at the time of or above. just hit chapter of this hit message about comfort her mom. we're going to spend an individual and a multisite because we've talked to for a month. and if you had,
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because it was hit by a drone inclination and not long ago, we also saw the town of couple decatur being hit by what we believe was a drone strikes. now, the foreign minister of the level heavy has been meeting with the dedication from his bizarre. now that hasn't been an official statement from that meeting, but sources from his without tell us that that meeting has been good. i positive and yes, the all consent of an escalation and they have been contempt for the escalation. foreign ministers in various countries have contacted the lebanese government, but ultimately it will be his will. who will decide what they, what, what retaliation would happen if and when it's really striking. and i have one who's bracing themselves full, that his radio response. but his have always responded them said that if it is an escalation that they will respond, that they don't want to pull the top prepared for it. so they are real concerns half of this escalation. and that this could turn into something much larger aside
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. baker data larger unit 711. i'm still ahead on alpha 0. all forward is in the philippines are working to prevent an environmental to task for fee. after the sinking of 2 oil tankers, the phone and counting the costs of this week, buckle up for a wild ride. transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold for view technologies change the way we move goods to and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy capturing the cost on al jazeera, unique perspective. i love that. i really like that because definitely i love and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much connect with
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our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable. that hor, what's the stream on al jazeera? they don't want to miss their dignity being displays and makes it comes and not being able to get access to food. asking questions, how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action from what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best or from the factories in india. i'll just say it was changed across the world when you closer to the house of the story the, [000:00:00;00]
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the cell phones on, on to 0. this our, the opposition and venezuela says it can prove that nicholas mother wrote last sunday's presidential election and that people are refusing to accept the official results. there been some protests and care of some members of the national guard firing tear gas to disperse crowds. and is really drone strikes has killed to has from the fighters and loving on it, hit the toner shut off. that's a few kilometers in the border between the 2 countries. i'm palestinians and the central gaza have been forced to sleep. once again, thousands have been ordered to evacuate and bodies, and on the side on the refugee chimes 5 is really military. after more than 9 months before the u. n says 86 percent of the proceeds because of strep is now under, is really evacuation orders. us president joe biden has called for
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a major changes to the country supreme court including term limits for judges. he laid out his plans are in your speech and texas on monday bite and also criticized some of the conservative lead court decisions which he described as extreme rubber . and those reports from austin as president joe biden proposed sleeping reforms of the supreme court saying ethical lapses and extreme decisions by the right wing majority have a road in the country space. and the institution extreme is, is undermining the public confidence. and of course decision he took aim and recent court rulings eliminating a portion rights. and in a case brought by former president donald trump, finding presidents largely immune from prosecution for crimes committed during their time in office. this measure was founded on the principal. there are no kids in america bite and wants
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a constitutional amendment to nullify the court's ruling. what's he also called for term limits of justice is conservative. clarence thomas has been a high court for more than 32 years. i believe the best structure is the 18 year term and that would help ensure the country would not have what it has. now. in recent years, justice thomas was found to be accepted without reporting them. hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and luxury travel from a billionaire republican campaign donor following the january 6th 2021 attempt to overturn the election a flag adjust the samuel a vito's property flew upside down a distress signal. many interpreted the showing sympathy for the mob biting was an enforceable ethical code and for justices to re queues themselves. in cases where they may have personal interest, court is not dealing with the obvious conflicts of interest. we need
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a mandatory code of ethics for the supreme court or we need it now. the legal experts say there's little chance of biting, pushing through the reforms, which would face adamant, republican opposition, in a closely divided congress for him to get anything done of that nature. that would require a constitutional amendment. it will not happen during the remaining part of his, but by his real name may be politically a head string, another potent weapon for presumptive democratic presidential nominee campbell, a harris to use in her campaign. but in supreme court proposals tap into a powerful vein of public discontent with the nation's highest court. new polls show as many as 60 percent of americans disapprove of the court, its behavior, and its job performance. rob reynolds alger 0, austin, texas. a suzanne's army is accusing the paramilitary rapids support forces of
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targeting civilian infrastructure in the fashion of that's the capital of the north star. for states. the r itself has intensified a tax for a 3rd consecutive day. several facilities have been damaged, including a dialysis center and water stations. the army and the parent realtor group have been fighting for control of the city for months. both sides are accused of killing civilians. under report from human rights watch has found the boats to don's warring parties, have committed widespread sexual violence against women and girls. it found that women between the ages of 9 and 60 had been sexually abused, and this was in the cities of her 2 body and under mon. since the conflict began in mid april 2023. both the sudanese army and the rapids support forces have been implicated and reap child marriage forced marriage and sexual assaults. it also found that women and girls have experienced severe, a psychological and physical trauma. and at least 4 cases,
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the victims died from their injuries civilians as to don, are struggling to access medical assistance due to deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid. conflicts related, sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law, and it is classified as a war crime. a fault is there a spoke with a teenager and how the tool was said she was raped by members of the rapids support forces suffice jane. yeah, so what i mean, yes. when is the city is what do i need to look at? my boss, hold on a walk for you. i'm not about to do. and then if you did the, the swamp. my mom. but the, the home in the
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city when i opened the one that i saw this time, she will that in the back to me in the us cause from the on the skyland given seeing and constable to move into sort of that i'm so lazy like this this for give, this could, could be as in that hampton law. that'd be awesome to watch something that, that sort of 2nd mobile minutes. we can talk
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about this. and when he, when he went to his dad, who plays my double, who is asking me to at least buy the must have moved to this house in la jolla. now, to give you the model of the but the the least 11 people have died in lance lives in india. hundreds more of fear to be trapped in the country. southern state of carola india is weather forecast, suggest that heavy rains are expected to continue on choose day hampering, rescue efforts. and at least 2 people have died after a trained gerald in india state of jar canned. another 20 people on that moon by bound train were injured authorities and the philippines are racing to prevent an environmental catastrophe. after 2 oil tankers sang, when typhon gave me head last week for an below,
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as more from maryville us in the province of but out. but on it had been days since a tankard carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before karla also and especially in crew, found it just 500 meters off the coastal town of funny ballast within many of the be the under. yeah, at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat, so we thought it might be a small one. let me go near. we found that it was a big vessel, and there was already an oil, so you know, a lot of surface. yeah. and so that's why we caught the fishing band was put in place, but some fishermen are defying the order because they say they have to make a living. i believe there has been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smelt of diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. it's crow survived,
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but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stopped. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye. now of the documents, so it's tanks were empty, coast guard divers say it appears it's terry and cargo fuel. as a forty's hope, the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat. as their focus remains on, containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tank right nearby. we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yada. unless you're not, then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute on the verge of a dies dr. david sardino by the side. we're not in a to one lead 3rd for our but the concern is that dispute may have started to drift
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away towards towns closer to the capital. many life threatening their shore lines, which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel. by next week, the barn below algebra for the on the philippines. well, more news at the top of the hour coming up next. it's counting the costs. thanks for watching the the had a lot of the historic hate continues to dominate across a southern africa with reco. it's broken in places like mozambique. we'll get that in a moment. first of the middle east and live vans and temperatures are still sitting very high, a full full event pushing across into a rock to wait. and northern parts of the run is exceptionally hot, of course, eastern areas of around and we have been feeding that heat across the gulf,
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but temperature is offset to come down in places like go how could tall but as attempt to zip down the humidity is expected to pick up with ease and showers for coastal areas of i'm on a shower to in most central areas, what, whether as well across the caucasus. but it allows you to draw my picture across much of the region and remains exceptionally hot and dry. it was the very north of africa, which i gave the north west for morocco was seen temperatures come up here in the days ahead is very wet. however, out west was bus of heavy rain pushing off to more coastal areas on wednesday. and the rain rushes out for the east for the south of this. so it is a very dry picture for southern africa the heat to cause the hot to stay in july on record in mozambique on sunday. the heat still that and choose date wednesday. but it is a lot cooler across southern pots, south africa. the
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investigative journalism is quite chewing walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but at the journey voices from different corners. so i would let survivable, survivor runs for reparations and justice stories from other angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the hello, i'm adrian said again, this is college in the cost, obviously where you'll be to look at the world of business and economics. this week, buckle up for a wild ride. taxis could take to the skies and self driving cars will become more


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