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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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the, the a protest and venezuela after the re election of president nicholas madura, the opposition says it can prove it one the election. the, you're watching all to 0 lie from headquarters in delphi, i'm getting you navigate the also coming up. displace palestinians in gauze are again, forced to flee, is released strikes and health officials declare a polio outbreak. land slides in india to at least 24 people. hundreds
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more are feared truck until ford is in the philippines are working to prevent an environmental catastrophe. up to the sinking of 2 oil tankers. the hello we begin in venezuela where protests are turning increasingly violent following the re election of president nicholas. my duro opposition leaders say they can prove. very townsend has won the election, but mentor row accuses them of trying to stage a crew to raise a bow. has been monitoring developments from warner, so i raised in argentina, rested in one of my, the widow didn't all the way belong to be proclaimed precedents for another 6 years . on monday, the left travel forties handed my the credentials for his re election. even as the opposition cried, folly little available, i say,
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to the plotters to those involved. and to those who endorse this operation against venezuelan democracy, that we already know the movie. and this time there will be no weakness a few hours later, thousands took to the streets, protesting the results, and use of economic and political crisis that have forced the millions out of the country. the government says those who do not reco nice, the results could face up to 6 years in prison, but many did not seem to care. all these people are upset. we did not agree with the votes with the results because they are not for you. this is fraud for me, it is fraud. i was there, we checked everything, all the people talked. we talked and there was no madero supporters. there were 4 at the moon, though, despite confirming leveled with the victory on sunday evening, the electoral council has failed to upload the voting data to the official website for the opposition. this proof that massive fraud was committed doing
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a press conference by opposition leader and by the equity. now my child and presidential candidate and will notice that this will be a they say they have access to 73 percent of the tally sheets that these prove gonzales little the is the winner by a wide margin table that i'm deal today. we have great news to share with little venezuelans. it's a miracle, it's a miracle. but today i will tell over this way lens like inside and outside the country. oh, believe it's in democracy around the world that we now have the means to prove the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela. of the government says the electrical system was hacked and blamed members of the opposition. the results of venezuela collective has generated lots of concern across the region, has many governments are requesting the government to present the official tally sheets off this elections. and they want them to be independently verified by different organizations. the response by the government of nicholas,
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my rudo has been to expel the diplomatic personnel from 7 countries in latin. america accusing them of interfering in venezuela in affairs. for the government, the car in crisis is punish. so to buy the united states to over through the administration, but the thousands who took to the streets a desperate for things to change the so i'll just see that little side is renata cigarette is the program director for latin america and the caribbean at the international crisis group, she says it's unclear how the military will respond to the election in the military have a humongous role at this precise moment. the, the, the military are incredibly powerful even so a lot and no to has, particularly in recent months, being a like she has make every possible effort to keep being good graces with the military. he has 4 years given them very high position as a follower in,
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in areas that are not normally controlled by the armed forces. and it's very clear that even the armed forces were to say to him, okay, there is a red line that we're not going to cross. clearly the cards are, it goes to, you need to live. he will be hard press 2 to make a stay in those situations. but right now we don't have indications that that's necessarily the case um, yesterday the ministry of defense, who is the head of all of the armed forces, gave a speech which was a little bit cryptic. he didn't necessarily come out on the front mode. okay. his speech was before moto, so william had been announced by the electro. we'll start this. but he said we would welcome a new stage in venezuela in life. so there are possibilities that, that the army would say, we're not going to go. 0 out on the price of people as we've done in the past. what is important though, is that the armed forces are not the only armed after in the sweat allowed their
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use. these verbs that are called for the tables for land terms that are um, essentially the apartment retarded for that support and the government that have been financed by the government. but that are not under the control of an institution such as the army or, or, or the branches. and they have been on the street and they have been shooting not people. for now they've only been shooting, i'd be or but they've been using weapons to face this protest. and that is where things thing really get very tricky. palestinians and central gaza are being forced to move. yet again is really military issued, evacuated orders for thousands of people into refugee camps, and these are seen some and put a is refugee camp. people are fleeing with what ever they can carry. after more than 9 months of war, the u. n says 86 percent of the proceeds gaza strip is under is really evacuation orders. and this comes is really forces carried out more attacks across the strip
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killing at least $33.00 palestinians. an air striking on my wasi in southern gaza killed 3 palestinians. israel had previously declared that area so called safe zone, but has attacked it repeatedly, thought it was doing reports from dated by the on the is really evacuation orders. is this where the occupation forces have passed and is shooting. you can special military evacuation orders for the residents over res. i'm just a rush procedure because as you can see, that families right now are going to sleep from these areas heading to get rid of bella. i'm to as the wise up trying to find some sort of safety. i've been told by these many all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an active role. so in these cars on a truck to load that with mattresses, people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety,
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they are hidden from these areas officer receiving these oldest despite the police that there was no any place in gauze. i say, instead of the oh, you received a call from the army. this will leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances and my children, the auto body and give them both on the line like me i on the line is so we. 1 we live in the pricing, get the circumstances we left to the home today and we both know we whatever we've got on the go and know. and then as a minister man. and then i go to the, we've been displaced from the north. they told us and i believe to central garza then to russell and we went to rough. i then went back up to new site and we got stuck and then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all losses and pieces. we have nothing, no one but gone to us,
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the mysql all. now we can see that people are even moving on for to trying to go to these areas, trying to find a nice place that could be suitable to be show to have food. then as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip are the last remaining results, will palestinians also being tools to seek refuge in it was apparently it had tons right now to be a new active was own, which means such as well as a still own government with escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be human to terry and safe zones. recognize them which is 0 that i had of some well the health industry has declared a polio epidemic in the strip. on friday, the world health organization announced that we'd be sending a 1000000 polio vaccines to cause all us with a highly infectious disease was discovered in sewage samples. she monetary and agencies that expressed concerns about an outbreak due to deteriorating sanitation,
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limited access to clean water and the collapse of the health care system. margaret harris is the spokesperson for the world health organization. she says a polio variance is spreading rapidly because of a shortage of vaccines in gaza or such a variant that's developed a originally a long time ago was that seem to arrive, but it's managed to get into populations and tiny, very tough this we so we've coded there are many variants and we have track this variant in different parts of the well. and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do a big vaccination response to and that usually shuts it down. so that's again why the waste water surveillance is so so important. but in this circumstance and again, we've got a clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. but we have to have the, the end, the, all we have to have the security,
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we have to have the means of getting the vaccine into gaza and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in a bile well, sitting in a truck. so there was an answer, but the answer is we need to cease by a most cold, you're 75 percent of probably may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is if you are one of those who get the vehicle, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about pony always, it's a disease, it's just stays on the human population. so with bucks nice and we could have been demonizing it from the world. but with the complex breaking out around the world, all that was old as millions of dollars, all those millions and billions of man and woman hours have been wasted because we've just gone backwards and is really drones strikes, has killed to,
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has been left fighters and loving on its hip, the tanner shuck the a few kilometers from the border. tensions of escalated since an attack on saturday and the occupied go on highs. killed 12 people is real, has blamed, has been left with a group, denies involvement as a big as following developments from southern 11 on to this being a series of is reggie strikes drawn, strikes and activity strikes across southern leper. not now you understand who has, with our members were killed in the southern liberties the town of shuck throughout . we also understand from the lebanese civil defense that 3 people were injured, including the childs and that has been law say that they have responded to what they called the assassination of 2 of the members by targeting is ready positions with guided me. so they also say that they targeted and is really a spin out technical system at the mother keeps site. now, as i said, the terms in terms of trust and village is a trust the southern board to have been hit at the time of or above. just hit chapter of this hit message about comfort him. um,
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we're going to spend an individual and a multisite because we've talked to for a month. and if you had, cuz it was hit by a drone inclination and not long ago, we also sold the town of couple decatur being hit by what we believe was a drum strike. now, the foreign minister of the level heavy has been meeting with a delegation from his bizarre. now that hasn't been an official statement from that meeting, but sources from his without tell us that that meeting has been good. i positive and yes, the all consent of an escalation and they have been contempt for the escalation. foreign ministers in various countries have contacted the lebanese government, but ultimately it will be his will. who will decide what they, what, what retaliation would happen if and when it's really striking. and i have one who's bracing themselves full, that his radio response. but his have always responded them said that if it is an escalation that they will respond, that they don't want to pull the top prepared for it. so they are real concerns half of this escalation. and that this could turn into something much larger aside
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. baker data larger unit, 711 on welding is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has visited mess them shoves, and they occupied. go on heights where that attack took place and he promised a severe response. pumpkin. behold, we are in bracing the families. we're going through this indescribable suffering that didn't fit on these children are children. they are the children of us, old. the state of israel cannot and will not let connelly hold on responsible come to them and it will be severe with a new book to demonstrators in israel have broken into a military base. and the negative does are to support soldiers were accused of torturing palestinian detainees. 9 soldiers were arrested on monday on suspicion of race and sexual abuse, a palestinian detained e housing. the negative desert was taken to hospital due to severe injuries,
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the protest or say they are outraged that the military police are investigating is released soldiers. and after they stormed the army base, the demonstrators also broke into a military court and northern israel. the 9 soldiers had been transported there after their detention. some members of the connect that were along the protesters. at least 24 people have died and 70 injured. and land slides in india, hundreds more if you're to be trapped in the country. southern state of carola india is weather forecast, suggest. heavy rains are expected to continue on tuesday, hampering rescue efforts. and even the same day for all of us. because if any area is completely middle, it's from the rest of the district. this the fuel pressure inside also becoming increasingly difficult and at least 2 people have died. officer trains are
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railed in india state of georgia cons. another 20 people on that moon by bound train were injured. that happened early on tuesday morning. stairs is coming up right after the break, and a little pig destination turns paradise upside down for some of its residents. the had a lot of the historic heat continues to dominate across a southern africa with records broken in places like most and big. we'll get that in a moment. first to the middle east and live vans and temperatures are still sitting very high, a full full event pushing across into rock, q 8, and northern pots, all they run is exceptionally hot across the eastern areas of a run. and we have been feeding that heat across the gulf,
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but temperature is offset to come down in places like go how could talk. but as attempt to zip down the humidity is expected to pick up with ease and showers for coastal areas of i'm on a shower to in most central areas where the weather as well across the caucasus. but it allows you to, while i picture across much of the region and remains exceptionally hot and dry, it was the very north of africa. patricky the north west for morocco was seen temperatures come up here in the days ahead. it's very wet. however, out west was bus of heavy rain pushing off to more coastal areas on wednesday, and the rain rushes out for the east for the south of this. so it is a very dry picture for southern africa. the heat to cause the hot to stay in july on record in mozambique on sunday. the heat still that and choose date wednesday, but it is a lot cooler across southern pots, south africa, the
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unique perspective. i not that i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing of best buy. sure. now for all of us, you see so much connect with our community and talking to conversations, you won't find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the heart of what's the stream on our, just the, or the the, the reminder of the top stories on elders 0 this hour as well as offices. and so, as i can prove that, nicholas, my dear,
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or lost the presidential election for testers refusing to accept the official results of enrolling in cutoff house, members of the national guard fire to your guys, to disperse crowds. the is really ministry has order thousands of palestinians and the abilities and under se, dots refugee camps and essential dogs that to leave. after more than 9 months of war, the u. n says 86 percent of the surface vendor is really effective, wasted orders. at least $24.00 people have died and land slides in india hundreds more if you're to be trapped in the country. southern state of care law and just weather forecasts suggest. heavy rains are expected to continue on, choose the hampering rescue efforts. he was president joe biden has called for major changes to the country supreme court, including the term limits for judges. he outlined his pond during his speech in texas on monday bite, and also criticized some of the conservative lead course decisions which he
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described this extreme. rob rentals reports from austin as president joe biden proposed sleeping reforms of the supreme court saying ethical lapses and extreme decisions by the right wing majority have a road in the country space. and the institution extreme is, is undermining the public confidence in the course. the decision he took aim and recent court rulings eliminating a portion rights. and in a case brought by former president donald trump, finding presidents largely immune from prosecution for crimes committed during their time in office. this measure was founded on the principal. there are no kids in america bite and wants a constitutional amendment to nullify the court's ruling. what's he also called for term limits of justice is conservative. clarence thomas has been a high court for more than 32 years. i believe the best structure is the 18 year
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term and that would help ensure the country would not have what it has. now. in recent years, justice thomas was bound to of accepted without reporting them. hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and luxury travel from a billionaire republican campaign donor following the january 6th 2021 attempt to overturn the election a flag adjust the samuel a vito's property flew upside down a distress signal. many interpreted the showing sympathy for the mob biting was an enforceable ethical code and for justices to re queues themselves. in cases where they may have personal interest, court is not dealing with the obvious conflicts of interest, or we need a mandatory code of ethics for the supreme court or we need it now. legal experts say there's little chance of biting, pushing through the reforms, which would face adamant, republican opposition, in a closely divided congress for him to get anything done of that nature that would
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require a constitutional amendment. it will not happen during the remaining part of his website is really may be politically out of head string, another potent weapon for presumptive democratic presidential nominee campbell, a harris to use in her campaign. but in supreme court proposals tap into a powerful vein of public discontent. with the nation's highest court, new polls show as many as 60 percent of americans disapprove of the court. it's behavior and its job performance. rob reynolds alger 0 austin, texas for protests are being held across, serve you after the country, signed a deal with the european union unless the excavation, thousands of people riley in western and central regions of the country to raise concerns over the environmental impact of lithium mining. the dealers and reducing
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the in use dependency on chinese resources. lithium is used in batteries, notably for electric vehicles. so don's are music. choosing the paramilitary, ralph and support forces of targeting civilian facilities in a fashion, the capital of north or 4 states they are assess, has intensified attacks for a 3rd consecutive day. several facilities have been damaged, including a dialysis center and water sanitation stations. excuse me. the army and the parent military group have been fighting for control of the city for months, as well as a report by human rights watch and it, it's found that both resigns war and parties are guilty of sexual violence if found women and girls and how to tune bahati and undermine have been sexually abused since the conflict began in mid april 2023. both the sudanese army and the rapids support our forces have been implicated and raped child marriage force, marriage,
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and sexual assaults. the report also found that women and girls have experienced severe psychological and physical trauma, civilians and don are struggling to access medical assistance due to deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid and conflicts related. sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law and classified as a war crime. i was just there a spoke to with teenager and cartoon. who said she was raped by members of the rapids support forces. jane. yeah, so what i mean? yes. when is the city going into a box, a little box for you? i'm not about to do. and then if you did the, the swan mom mom. but the, the the, the, the,
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the when the city when i opened the my last time she with that in the back to me in the us custom didn't they describe them, give them senior counsel to move into sort of that i'm to me so lazy like this death certificate could be as in that that'd be something that, that sort of a mobile minutes with
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a dozen bible. so we'll see when he went to a dad who plays a double move out to at least by the must have moved to this house in the holy healing. now, did you in the south africa's former president, jacob summa has been expelled from the governing african national congress for backing a rifle party in mays, elections, zoom, or was suspended from the amc in january after announcing that he would support a new party called m k. it one, nearly 15 percent of the folks in c last is all the mentoring majority for the 1st time since coming to power in 1994 and you've gone to a court has charged $36.00 opposition. supporters with terrorism related defences.
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and this followed, there is a for taishan from neighboring kenya. the group is affiliated with the, for him, for a democratic change. it's one a few rounds as major opposition parties. the prosecution accuse the suspects of traveling to kenya with the intent to provide or receive terrorism training. their lawyers, however, said they had traveled for a leadership and governance training course. the author orders and the philippines are racing to prevent an environmental catastrophe. after 2 oil tankers, sanguine type from gave me hit last week, there's been some progress, but residents say fish in the affected areas are already contaminated front of below has more from maryville others and the province of baton. it had been days since a tankard carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before carlos also and especially in crew, found it just 500 meters off the coastal town of funny ballast within many of the
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be the under. yeah. at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat, so we thought it might be a small one. let me go near. we found that it was a big vessel, and there was already an oil, so you know, a lot of surface. yeah. and so that's why we caught the fishing band was put in place, but some fishermen are defining the order because they say they have to make a living. i believe there has been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smelt of diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. it's crow survived, but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stopped. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye. that was the documents, so it's tanks were empty,
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coast guard divers say it appears it's terry and cargo fuel. as a forty's hope, the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat. as their focus remains on containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tank right nearby. we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yada. and that she did not then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute. uh, on the 1st uh, uh, dave, uh, dave sardino. my child were not in a blue one, the 3rd for our but the concern is that dispute may have started to drift away towards towns closer to the capital minute, threatening their shorelines. which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel by next week. warrant below al jazeera, but on the philippines, an explosion at a coal mine and vietnam has killed at least 5 people that happens in the northern
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kwan then providence is the country's largest coal mining area. coal power plants provide 60 percent of vietnam's electricity. the united nations body overseeing deep sea mining is meeting in jamaica to finalize regulations for the practice. so it'd be 5 day conferences discussing whether to ban approved or further delays such meaning. the international c by the authority is facing mounting pressure from companies that want to extract under c minerals. critics say that practice damages, ocean ecosystems. the surfing at the paras olympics is happening 16000 kilometers away in the french pacific territory of tahiti. the decision to stage the events in one of the islands, most remote villages was controversial as alexandra buyers reports surfers around the world? no. okay, who.


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