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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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a exclusive stories explosive results. i'll just say around investigations the, [000:00:00;00] the know i'm and this is put on them in distance and use our life from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes. land slides took and buy of a net less rain and southern india can at least $36.00 people. he was more fear trapped, the protest break housing men his way to as nicholas, my daughter is declared, the winner of a disputed election is ready for his withdrawal. from pots of con eunice and tell them, does offer a military offensive. at last, at more than a week,
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smoking up the fuel and oil spill off the coast of men in the bay, which is the shores of nearby fishing villages would have been live. and the power so let me fix the men's try as long as postpone because of, of a sense as to contamination at the at least $36.00 people have died in hundreds more fee, a trapped on the modern debris after heavy rain triggered land flies and southern india that happened in y in our district and the state of cadillac storms and blocked rows of ham, from search and rescue efforts. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help in the same day for all of us. because uh, if any area is completely middle from the rest of the
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district to discuss fuel pressure inside also becoming increasingly difficult. we haven't data team dead but far more team, so it'd be joining there. and also, um we have fires force teams there. civil defense team is there, and also navy will be publishing their phone number. the chief minister has inform, so the chief minister has the sort of the help of the army, maybe except off a quarter abraham, his journalist at the news minutes. and he's joining us on the phone from cadillac . mia met by the that's in the effected line on the region. caught a net play is the worst effected area tell us, amazes information you have on how many people have been affected the right to as of now, who should be, should that be fine, but that's all for the face to face. with that, i'm pretty sure that that, that story to 5 going to the people on the ground that i be speaking to this big death. but it still is like eating increase of itself in the coming cloud. like of
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course i thought it actually helps age and that if your patients that going on, you just take a moment and explain that the best of it does affect your patients. are going to be john. and just at this point, and because of the condition that why you're not, you're definitely bleeding finch dots might bend that this late might make the most of the aides odyssey 9 dated. make good for that. if you apply forces to go to the event, the bad place to have hope good, like, uh, uh now that's your solution to are going to get in for the past. like, i don't, i wouldn't do any cost or to be in the area. and more than just at the other place to be. hi, thank you said once the bunch of people are stuck in that stage, going to try to send somebody out if it's almost 700 feet off the inside the data
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be to get out. but it also can be part of your shift get. that's what they find the best that i just just do a few months that might show up with the feel fine. i didn't get, don't get to do to get down and double check that under the dates as well as for this. so because, and this is that an auto worker, a book date you've been teaching a lot of spaces for the name is what the status of just being completed. walker walker, but you always don't, which is also destroyed. you wouldn't the labs night. so that's odd white, the 2 parties that is the, the, i is the lord of bottle, you know, it once bought the cheapest one. i bought, i bought the neighbors for the baby for sure. it's all said a lot of kids to feed off the table and get you to the police, but something has happened and
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a quarter and do we know the number of people who've been displaced and if they have any way to go, sorry, i didn't get that yeah, do we know how many people have been displaced quarter and if they have any way to go have evacuation centers being set top? yes. so, so as of right now, but it's not available, but like i said, the data over that, and i that i face of the 50 inch the to bed at on the bluff advantage. that's also a distorted, bad oxide, because why not the patient has to be able to get them that i think the students with thoughts present exam at all the pieces made up of that, but that's, i don't, i don't want us to understand all the stuff into the talking to the good now once again, very between them both and keep it like this please just of the people, the website. what's the, i don't the people they add more kids to educate what good web you did you take?
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what that like i mentioned before, the meeting can switch for that. yeah, that's going to be the deck easy as possible. especially if the 4 digit code on that side by side, which is the highest also company. so that would be a bit trapped like a span that's a sport, a score that also beat us up like as of now if you, if i could look like talking with that. because if you don't mind, i get disability to please spend those good luck imply i got a positive joint reason for it quarter. thank you very much for that update that is local join join on his quarter abraham with the laces from why not apologies that the phone connection wasn't the best at times that that's the ones why the news in thousands of people have been protesting across the venezuela against the re election of president nicholas my doodle, at least 2 people have been killed. both my doodle and his challenge and window
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gonzales have claimed victory and sundays presidential election. my daughter was accusing the opposition of trying to stage accrued more protests are expected in the coming hours. today's, the boat has been monitoring the demonstrations from argentina. a resident model did not wait long to be proclaimed precedents for another 6 years. on monday, the leg travel forward is handed model. what are the credentials for his re election? even as the opposition cried, folly little available, i say, to the plotters to those involved. and to those who endorse this operation against venezuelan democracy, that we already know the movie. and this time there will be no weakness. a few hours later, thousands took to the streets, protesting the results, and use of economic and political crisis that have forced the millions out of the country. the government says those who do not recognize the results could face up
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to 6 years in prison. but many did not seem to care. all these people are upset. we did not agree with the votes with the results because they are not for you. this is fraud for me, it is fraud. i was there, we checked everything, all the people talked. we talked and there was no madero supporters. there were 4 at the moon though despite confirming leveled with the victory on sunday evening, the electoral council has failed to upload the voting data to the official website for the opposition. this is proof that method fraud was committed during a press conference by opposition leader in mighty equity. now my child and presidential candidate at will knows that this will be a they say they have access to 73 percent of the tally sheets that these prove gonzales who is the winner by a wide margin a little bit on that. today we have great news to share with little venezuelans. it's a miracle, it's a miracle. but today i will tell over this wayland spiked inside and outside the
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country. oh, believe it's in democracy around the world that we now have the means to prove the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela. and the government says their electron system was hacked and blay, members of the opposition. the results of venezuela collective has generated lots of concern across the region, has many governments are requesting the government to present the official tally sheets off this elections. and they want them to be independently very 5 by different organizations. their response by the government of nicholas, my rudo has been to expel the diplomatic personnel from 7 countries in latin, america accusing them of interfering in venezuela in affairs. for the government, the 3rd crisis is punish. so to buy the united states to over through the administration, but the thousands who took to the streets
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a desperate for things to change. the civil defeat up widow site is that her funds was as well as president of the council of the americans. and he says, the international community needs to ensure transparency and vote counts. that is the fundamental question, what can be done to dislodge him, or if not that just, you know, live up to venezuela's own constitution. ah, that's a question that people have been grappling with for a long time. but the reality is he does control the courts. he controls the electoral system. he controls, as we've just been talking about the military and the security forces. so there's not a whole lot of leverage that the international community maintains at this point in terms of venezuela, particularly when we understand that there are some countries around both regions such as cuba and around the world like china, which continue to support the image originally. and so this is a, this is a complicated issue, but having said that, i think there are couple things that have to be, has to be done. the 1st is that a lot the both accounts have to be made public the, you know, there has to be transparency. how did we get from
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a situation where gonzalez was supposed to win in a landslide, to being defeated by 10 points or so. what on what basis was that the vote count determined? so i think the international community really needs to see that and has asked for that. and i think the 2nd thing is we have to expect the security and the protection of opposition leaders which has now been threatened by the regime already uh, and accused of leading cyber attacks and to applauding and all kinds of things that really put their lives somehow at risk, so we have to be really careful this, this does not get out of control and international community really has a role to play and saying, look, you know, just because somebody ran for president does not put the target on their back, their lives and their families need to be protected. the israeli forces are withdrawn from eastern, con eunice and southern dogs, a 9 days, often launching
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a military offense of there. if he's 21 palestinians were killed in the area in the past 24 hours. and now the 43 was injured in taken to me now. so hospital, the cities last functioning health facility during the offense of thousands of feasible for us to head west towards our milwaukee, with families and living in tens. israel had previously declared alma la c, a so called safe evacuation zone, but has attacked it repeatedly. that's broken on correspondent honey mcnulty is joining us live from central dogs as largest city bed, algola county. what are you hearing about the state? that is why the soldiers have left eastern, con eunice, and keeping in mind that most of the said he was already destroyed before the native defensive of the yes, of all these rated military would start withdrawing from eastern part of hon unit says early hours, those last nights under heavy coverage of air attacks then heavy artillery is that
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went on for almost all night long to the point people were thinking the the, the given the taking the impression that the military operation was expanding into further areas to the center. and the western part of the city is just given the intensity of the air attacks and the heavy are tell her yeah. and the heavy machine guns that could be heard loudly from the center part of the city and at the vicinity of nasir huffman. but as of early hours of this morning, there's really military has withdrawn fully from all eastern part of pon eunice. however, there isn't any official comments. busy a statement by these really military, about the un, into the military operations in eastern hon. yours, which makes it why it's risky. right now. there's spear that is mounting that there might be a recurrent incursion or a southern attack, as it happened 9 days ago when these readings military, i don't know where it's targeted. a talking at the eastern part of time unit said without giving any prior warning whatsoever to many of the families,
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the ends up pointed up. it's been a trap inside their residential homes, including people with some health complications, as well as disability, where it's wide, uh, unable to take shoulders or leave their homes incur the the. so i did not talk by give the art galleries an air attacks on residential homes. and a public facility is a crated advocate. created the state of panic among the residents of the eastern part of pine eunice who were either trying to leave their homes, seeking filters elsewhere. it was not until 45 minutes later, there's really a monetary issue of evacuation orders that it was still under heavy r. dillar is a, from the eastern part of the city that targeted almost at the entire it residential, the blocks in the, and the eastern part of hon. unit city, ordering people sharply to take a mile off. the evacuations on to that area. there's really monetary after 9 days
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left eastern on eunice, but leave and it's rails of the station and destruction to own means of life, including public facilities, including social services facilities across the city. i witnesses wars making their way through their residential home are describing what they are seeing as horrific, and they are going back to more of the waste land. that is because it has become uninhabitable. penny, thank you for that update that is honey. my food live in there. i live in central garza golf as house ministry has declared a polio epidemic across the street. and a sign of a listening health crisis is all has to have vaccinating its soldiers, but palestinians in gaza yet to receive any doses. on friday, the world health organization said it will be sending more than amileon polio vaccines to gaza. the highly infectious disease has been discovered in sewage
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samples and wasteful to intend comes. well, margaret, how is this a spokeswoman for the world health organization? she says the outbreak can be prevented if vaccines are allowed and to gaza as such a variant that's developed a originally a long time ago was that seem to arrive, but it's managed to get into populations and tiny, very tough this we so we've coded, there are many variants, and we have track this variance in different parts of the world. and again, wherever we see it pop up, we do a big vaccination um response to and that's usually shots it down. so that's again why the waste water surveillance is so so important. but in this circumstance, and again, we've got a clear way to respond to get the vaccination in that. but we have to have the, the, in the all, we have to have the security. we have to have the means of getting the vaccine in
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to gaza. and to the children of that seems no good if it's sitting in a bile well, sitting in a truck. so there was an answer. but the answer is we need to see file most, hold your 75 percent of poly, or may well be asymptomatic. it's, it's like many viruses. the problem is if you are one of those who get this a vehicle, you can be paralyzed for life or you can die. so that's why it's such an important disease. and we were at the, on the point of eliminating it. the other thing about pony always, it's a disease. it's just stays on the human population. so with bucks nice and we could have been demonizing it from the world. but with the complex breaking out around the well, all that with all those millions of dollars, all those millions and billions of man and woman hours have been wasted because we've just gone backwards. and none of the choices, including members of the, as rarely parliament has stormed the military base. and the negative death is,
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it was in support of someone just accused of torture in palestinian detainees. the 9 is what it is that reserve us arrested on monday on suspicion of sexual abuse, palestinian detaining held of the baby for state and hospital with severe injuries that left him unable to view for us to say they'll defend soldiers against anyone who comes off to them or if they touch your little bill to the people against the government, the left lights, or whatever. everybody can go to not the people who died defending just know timeframe. not my friends are still saying the walk in the hospital where here for soldiers not for public. this is not for the for the tell risk. know really you to let everybody know the church always searches our brothers, and we're now joined by all the up then golf, the director of the phone policy and security program at the middle east council on
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global affairs. thank you very much for joining us. how warning is this action that we're seeing against the detention of sol just being investigated for sexual abuse? not just by the protest as he broke into a military base. but the fact that it's being supported by several government ministers of politicians, including the finance minister, bessalo smart judge, who said um, who told the military advocate general to take a hands of isabel's heroic warriors spell the, i guess this is the wording but not really surprising. if you follow the discourse of is really does since this order up that there's been a constant dehumanization of palestinians courting them, animals and so on. and this is basically invitation for, is there any soldiers to act with infinity? we were watching this, this is over actually one incident, but the imagine owner of the thousands of other instances happen have not yet been reported in the news. and this is just the continuation of this, these war crimes that are basically unfolding out in the oh, nice. yeah, and we've got um the is really
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n g o. but it can decide and which is made up of all the veterans use this incident to remind people, you know, you're saying that this so much that's been under portion, but from the reporting so far and not just as a media, but american media, we've seen tens of detainees have lost their lives so many reports of these things, sexual, georgia, it is unusual for the military advocate general to even be taking the step to investigate. solved. is it not? is it that the, you know, the, is there, he's like to present themselves as the one of the most more armies in the world, sort of the cards within the arm. you know, deep within the governments on how to approach these abuse abuses. but we have to look at the broader picture, you know, $40000.00 dead, many of them children continue destruction, the use of starvation as a total for we also have the cases at icbc at icy j. so again, this is just the continuation of these world crimes that are unfolding it has. yeah . and the protests reminded me of the ones we've seen of is riley's attacking the age trucks going into gaza. what does this tell us about which is where the society
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is right now? well, i would say that the is there a society is a, is divided. i mean, some, a percentage of then once the hostages are turned and have, she's fired. but there are more stringent, stronger views to continue, and so called for the objective of eradicating come as a dis, highlights again, how the site is quite good at the rise and does not with the view, but us things any more as humans. and one of the interesting things i find on is ready, so as i, she's view on this conflict is whereas most of is there any society does seem to actually support a ceasefire with some us in order to get the captive that are being held in gaza. back a poll i saw from last month shows that most israelis more than 60 percent want an escalation. what has been a lot in the north, a lot of support and escalation, in order for the israeli government to, in some way control or defeat has been the we are waiting to see how is relevant to
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respond to that attack in the occupied golden heights that has all that has denied any involvement or responsibility for, and that's very much something that has bhalla is 11 on and the whole country has been that is waiting for a response for what do you think the calculations that is why the government is making right now uh, well eh, on one hand is really government has to have a response of some sort of retaliation for the ancient that has happened the test to activate it carefully because if it ex, too harshly too strongly, it may have a huge war on the times that it does not want that does not want to be fighting on 2 fronts. because the libyan was very different because of his blogs very different than him as a configuration with his beloved. and they also put in the p. m. if it has the sharpie forces in iraq, and they also put in iran, is my point in the hosting as well. his blogs buckled harden from years of fighting in the, in syria. so again, it's not going to be a type of cause or must, may have to be
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a longer configuration across the region that i think these are eighty's americans and it has below want to avoid for us the up and also thank you very much for your analysis as always, are printing more head on the news allah, including a counter in china, and mac has talked to different nations in the philippines as hostilities with the staging of the south china sea intensify. one of california is largest while supplies on record bands through thousands of hectic land, the authorities in different opinions of racing to prevent an environmental catastrophe . altitude oil tank, a sang when types winds gave me hit last week. that has been some progress. but rather than say, fish in that affected area,
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so already contaminated on to be brought low reports from monte village and the province of but um it had been days since a tankard carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before carla also in his fishing crew found it just 500 meters off the coastal town of funny valis within many of the be the young and then yeah, at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat. so we thought it might be a small one. but when we got near, we found that it was a big vessel, and there was already an oil seen a lot of surface. and so that's why we caught the fishing band was put in place. but some fishermen are defying the order because they say they have to make a living a level for i believe there's been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smell from the diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. it's crow survived,
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but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stuff us. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye. now of the documents show it's tanks were empty, coast guard divers say it appears it's carrying cargo fuel authorities hope the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat. as their focus remains on, containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tankard nearby. we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yada. uh, unless you not, then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute. uh, on the 1st uh uh, dave, uh, dave sardino. my child were not in at 21. the 3rd for our but the concern is that dispute may have started to drift the weight towards towns closer
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to the capital, minute, threatening their shore lines. which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel by next week, the barn below algebra, but the on the philippines. and that's cross live to barnaby. he's in cubby to south of manila with an oil spill has now reached the beaches in the area bottom a why the draining operations being tonight yeah, elizabeth, the philippine coast guard says it's because the draining operation is going to be a very delicate one. and so they want to make sure that when they begin to do it, every one will be safe, the ocean will be safe. they say that it will involve install the hose as the stipend off the 1500000 meters, industrial fuel from the tanker. and so one wrong move, even a slight wrong move, could slow the tankers bob's wide open and could send the fuel gushing into the
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ocean and they don't want to. they don't want that to happen, of course. and so what they've been doing since sunday, so tuesday, as we speak, is ceiling, that the tank response and 1st the fields evolves that they found to be leaking, but they're not stopping there. they're, they're now sealing the valves as well that they have not found to be kicked. they say this and say, this is really important because after that, they're going to be pulling the the ship from under water. and 1st, they're going to be cycling off 300000 meters from the tanker and then that would make the ship achieve some buoyancy for it to float and then they will box to ship. uh and then that's where they will stipend off the rest of the fuel. so they plan to start site cleaning off the cargo fuel tomorrow, or at least they hope to be able to do that tomorrow. but bar you, whether they're,
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they're not sure yet that, that, that's going to happen. elizabeth thought to be just how big is the task at hand? how big is the oil spill now of the yes. so the oil spill appears to have spread to many different postal towns around manila bay. and this has been observed by environmental non profits as well, especially meant and as you mentioned, we are here in the province of could be this south vanilla. and we spoke to fisherman here and they said that they sailed out to the see this morning and they saw oil seem uh, loading on the, on the sea and to the direction or not uh, further south uh from here where we are. and we also spoke to people here, and we saw them actually leaving debris from the beaches and a lot of the,
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the pre have oil stuck on them and we saw stacks and stacks of these to be so definitely the oil spill has reached the shore lines of many different postal towns around many levey, but the philippine coast guard is saying, is that the that oil spill that a space, the coastline that will be it because that's the oil that leaked from the tanker the 1st few days after it's sick now they've already sealed most of the valves, and they're only seeing uh, uh, less than one meter of oil leaking from the tankers at a rate of less than one meter per hour or, or per, per hour. that's right. of boiled leaky from the tanker. and so they said that they now have the situation under control, elizabeth barnabees, that she very much for that update bond to be know, live in covey. take south of men in the, in the us, secretary of state and defense. secretary has met the philippines fall in minnesota and defense minister of the military headquarters in manila,
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increasing match hom tension. the china has domination the discussions, minnesota and beijing, and locked in several territorial disputes in the south china sea. as being a series of escalation, confrontations between philippine and chinese vessels in the dispute goes away. i think uh today is genuinely historic. this is the 1st time that the philippines is hosted. are 2 plus 2. it's i think, really evidence of the steady drumbeat a very high level engagements between our countries that are covering the full range of issues and opportunities to bring us together not only security, but also economic. and we're truly grateful for this partnership. i am always so very happy that the, these communication lines are very open. so that the way all the, all the things that we are doing together in terms of our alliance, in terms of the specific context of the water situation here in the west for the
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pin c in the in the pacific are continuously examined. rigs examined under examines so we are a job in terms of our responses to the head of knowledge that they are on to as well, some basis of actuation. what is our finance of seeing aldridge and say that refuge you can most have been displaced multiple times. and a proposal chooses both saddam's army and the power meant to rapids apply forces of sexually abusing women and girls. one survivor tells her story, the it's had a lot of a let's have a look at the weather forecast to europe over the next few days. and despite the heat that continues to cling on to the south west,
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we all seen the development of some cloud across the iberian peninsula that set to bring some welcome rain to pots of spain and portugal splashing across into pots or fronds moving areas some heavier rain was a chance of a storm in paris on choose day. the weather will continue to push its way east into switzerland, austria and northern parts of italy by the mid week. now, despite this little weather feature, it is looking largely fine and dry across much of the north, west western parts of europe and down into the iberian pen and to look for the sunshine and settled with a dominating across the mediterranean and into the southeast. we could see some showers of bubbling around coastal areas of the black sea, some of that rain pouring into northern parts of turkey. temperature offsets come down here slightly in the days ahead. they've already come down across the northeast. you can see that weather feature continuing to bring rain across into western parts of russia. terms is all set to come down there as well as the balkans, but the heat will continue to build across much of the mediterranean with well,
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i'm seeing associate degrees on wednesday. the a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change, it became clear of that point that we really were in a kind of a new era of nobel peace, slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge explore the perils and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act. how can we protect ourselves? studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey though. the latest news, as it breaks, as you read the minute 3 is up stating the minute to strikes a who's the entire trip. the main focus is on the central areas with detailed coverage. the rolling of the international court of justice of the legal status of
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the is really occupation comes after 5 months of deliberation. from the heart of the story, water stations are switched up for days or weeks of time. so there is never, you know, flush her to go around the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching all just the odds of me. elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories to fall. at least 50 people have died in lance lives in india is something stage of catalog hundreds morphia to be trapped in debris off the reins of the heli district. on one of the army has been deployed to assist search and rescue operations. thousands of people have protested across the venezuela,
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often to collect my doodle was re elected president. opposition challenge at little gonzales says, shame on sundays and action and will challenge the results. and some palestinians are returning to eastern, calling you this off to it's rightful, says, withdrew from the area. the troops were carrying out a renewed ministry offensive, which began 9 days ago as well as a recreation orders and central garza forcing thousands of palestinians to move. yes, again, they've been displaced multiple times already. the u. n. agency for palestinian refugee says 86 percent of gaza is currently on the evacuation. and what is well, palestinians forced to leave say they have no with face to go. that it wasn't reports from the law to this. what else? the patient forces have passed and is shooting you controversial military evaluation orders for the residents open res. i'm just
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a rush procedure tab. as you can see that some of these right now are going to sleep from these areas heading through directed by um to a zillow wise up, trying to find some sorts of safety. they have been told by these very all me to no longer remain in such areas because it's going to be an act. so what was the these cause on a 12 to know that with mattresses, people who are trying to get some thoughts of safety. they are hidden from these areas after receiving these orders, despite the police that there was no any place in gauze. i say started the, i received a call from the army. this will leave the, the, my house is generally where you live in the bad circumstances. and my children the about and give them both on the line like me i'm in the line is so we. 1 we live in the pricing,
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get the circumstances we left the home today and we both know we what are we've got on the go and know. and then as a minister man in the we've been displaced from the law, they told us to believe to central garza then to russell then we went to rough or then went back up to new site and we got stuck. then we received instructions to move further north towards almost all losses in pieces. we have nothing, no one but god to us, the new skill all. now we can see that people are even moving on for to trying to go to these areas, trying to find any place that could be suitable to be shown to f with them. as we completely understand that the entire central areas of the strip are the last remaining results, what palestinians also being told to seek refuge. and so it was, but apparently it had tons right now to be a new active was own, which means such as well as a still own govern,
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with its escalation on the ground targets in areas that supposed to be monetary and safe zones. recognize them. i would just 0 there that i had a strong emergency services in india at the scene of a trying to rail then to the eastern states of job kind of at least 2 people have been confirmed, dead and 20 injured. the train was traveling across the country from holla and the east to move by on the west and caused several trains on the route have been cancelled or diverted. an explosion at a coal mine in vietnam has killed at least 5 people and happened to decline the province in the north. the country's largest coal mining area accidents that coal mines not uncommon in vietnam with coal power plants account for 60 percent of electricity output. low cost cutting mohammed has pod and more than 2000 prisoners . it comes as a nation for pass to celebrate holiday, mocking the king's 2050. yeah. on the throne. among those released were 3 journalists to
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a jail. dr. rising about corruption and abuse of power. human rights group say they arrest for most politically motivated russians maybe has launched a series of wide ranging drills that have mobilized most of it, please. it's maybe is one of the most powerful in the world. 20000 questions. first of all are taking pos and math exercises, along with $300.00 shift from 50 across the plan combat drills and to test watches the bachelor readiness. while she has often carried out much re exercises since its full scale invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago. the west president, joy boston, has coal. some major changes to the country supreme court including time limits for judges. he also criticized some of the conservative lead court decisions which he described as extreme rental supports from austin and texas. as president joe biden proposed sleeping reforms of the supreme court saying,
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ethical lapses and extreme decisions by the right wing majority have a road in the country space. and the institution extreme is, is undermining the public confidence in the course decisions. he took aim and recent court rulings eliminating a portion rights and in a case brought by former president donald trump, finding presidents largely immune from prosecution for crimes committed during their time in office. this nation was founded on the principal. there are no kids in america bite and wants a constitutional amendment to nullify the court's ruling. what's he also called for term limits of justice is conservative. clarence thomas has been a high court for more than 32 years. i believe the best structure is the 18 year term and that would help ensure the country would not have what it has. now. in recent years, justice thomas was found to be accepted without reporting them. hundreds of
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thousands of dollars in gifts and luxury travel from a billionaire republican campaign donor following the january 6th 2021 attempt to overturn the election of flag adjust the samuel vito's property flew upside down a distress signal, many interpreted, showing sympathy for the mob. biting words and enforceable ethical code and for justices to re queues themselves in cases where they may have personal interest. court is not dealing with the obvious conflicts of interest. we need a mandatory code of ethics for the supreme court or we need it now. the legal experts say there's little chance of bite and pushing through the reforms, which would face adamant, republican opposition, in a closely divided congress for him to get anything done of that nature that would require a constitutional amendment. it will not happen during the remaining part of his but
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by his real name may be politically or the head string, another potent weapon for presumptive democratic presidential nominee campbell, a harris to use in her campaign. but in supreme court proposals tap into a powerful vein of public discontent with the nation's highest court. new polls show as many as 60 percent of americans disapprove of the court, its behavior, and its job performance. rob reynolds alger 0, austin, texas. one of the united states strictest abortion laws has come into effect an iowa, the bill benz most determinations off to 6 weeks of pregnancy. most women usually don't know the present during that period. exceptions are allowed for women has been great little 1st pos last year, but was blocked by a judge following
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a legal challenge. my campaign is very problematic. i think that it is something that really is not what the people here want. it's not, nobody asked, nobody asked me nobody has, and i just think it's un, it's unfortunate that our state got caught up in what's happening across the nation . and it's not, it doesn't reflect. i don't believe it reflects the views of what people want. and especially what women deserve, i totally agree with it. i'm not for abortion. people are very concerned about women. i'm concerned about women. and i'm also concerned about children. god is to give her life. and that's not our place to take life. and so i base my opinion on the word of god. so that's the truth and so we need to reconsider what is happening and not be so selfish of
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a polish by human rights watch is found both saddam's warren policy is guilty of sexual violence. if someone woman goes and cartoon body and on the lawn has been sexually abused since the conflict began in april last year, both the sudanese army and the power military rocket support forces have been implicated and raped child mileage, fist mileage, and sexual assault. the report also found women and girls have experienced a severe psychological and physical trauma, civilians and sedona struggling to access medical assistance due to deliberate attacks on health care facilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid. conflict relation. sexual violence is a violation of international humanitarian law and classified as a rule crime. i was just, you know, i spoke to a teenager and cartoon who said she was raped by members of the rapid support forces. jane when when
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is the city going into a box hold on a wall for you on the and then if you did the let me see this one mom the mattress . but the, the home the one is 80. when i mean, oh, well the only my last time she was in the back to me in the us causing indiana to scotland. keep them seeing and constable to
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move. been sort of that. i'm so lazy like this death certificate could be as in the house of some sort of a mobile unit. so if it doesn't pop up, so when he, when he went to a dad who plays my double, who's asking me to at least buy the must have moved to this at some point in the, even in the model the but the south africa's governing african national congress has expound full president jacob's una a disciplinary committee found a 2 year old guilty of brain deposit. he wants to lead into disrepute. it was
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suspended in january after announcing he would support a new project for m k. the campaign for m k and the may and actions he has 3 weeks to appeal has expulsion. former president obama has been planning on a dental his blood that costs doubts on our end tie a close to 2 small device. yes, me that out. the host of i'm to level is not at our best, including mysteriously calling into question the cut, the ability to avoid that thought processes without costs and just credit team that are not allowed to teach us as the or are you damned and cold has charged the $36.00 opposition supporters with terrorism related offenses and followed the deportation from neighboring kenya. the group is linked to the farm for democratic change. one of you guys is major opposition, policies, the prosecution to choose the suspects of traveling to kenya to provide overseas
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terrorism training. the lawyers, so they traveled for a leadership and governance training course. these people have to come up to form cause different form yukon, gaming, cutting costs to the board, that kind of delta and go out of which, you know, want one assessment and then the funding amounted for getting it up because it was not in the full audit so you kind of to keep enough people, i went to some of the deputies, you cannot get enough people from, can you try get them done not to push to the head on knowledge as they are a how, pollution and of of us and has postpone and the and them to commence track loan,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the olympic organizers have postponed the men's triathlon because of high levels of pollution. and the brothers said, well, try a loan, says the race for now, follow the woman's event on wednesday training sessions, and they really were cancelled earlier in the week of spring. i cause funding bennett smith, he's joining us live from the sand in power as this was supposed to be such a unique aspect of the power as and then picks bid. but it's just being moved bad news and good for competitions and the river as it was on the organizers hope it comes still deliver the while fine to that. they wanted this event to be with the athletes swimming in the sand and then running past major, running and biking, post major, major power,
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some monuments. what's happened is the water is still too polluted, so the put off, but no, they'll have another test on wednesday in the battery allows a wednesday morning. if that passes, then the man will have better than after the women if it's still too polluted on wednesday. then the final contingency is that can push it to friday, both of men's and women's events to friday. and if that is still too polluted, then a child long becomes a g last one. but nobody really wants to see that. it's because a particular for the male athletes today is very stressful. of course, if you mentally prepare to race today and now to just go to think about racing again tomorrow. but the organizers really hope that tomorrow it will be out of warranty levels of the sites, you know, then funds spent $1300000000.00 on efforts to clean up the fed. why are the pollution levels so high a yeah, it's been a lot of money. buildings giant tank reservoirs embedded elsewhere along the river
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to contain overflow wolf, to have a while from spend over a $1000000000.00. all not, it couldn't do anything to control the rate on very unusually, on friday and saturday, it rained very, very heavily and it's to rain but increases the levels of the risk of infection to be co live in the river and is lots but still the athletes so it means that they need those levels to go down those decode i levels to go down to an acceptable level before they can swim. and the problem is when the, when the light rains very heavily in the water levels, rise, sewage is released into the river bodies. why? frankly, unfortunately, the water there are dangerous levels of the cell vicola image. so they'll hope, as i say, that they couldn't, perhaps the levels will reduce the weather is much better now, but it was over the weekend. hopefully that won't be too much more light and they can find it to make it safe enough to swim. invite to the thank you very much for
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that. then a semester warning as live from paris. thousands of firefight as a battling one of california is largest wall 5 is it's destroyed more than a 100 structures evacuation or does have been issued for several communities in the area. it is currently the 6th largest swan file in california. history in china, the government says it's providing $950000000.00 for disaster relief off to tie for and it gave me struck last week. the number of people killed has risen to 22000 and so long the se enclosed a still being evacuated as torrential rain for the slot and land slides. to add a tally and charity has rescued $41.00, people from an older crowd of boats off the coast of libya. most of the migrants in refugee is from bond to they should. sylvia and egypt, or rescue vessel, those taking them to the designation safe porch and naples was the most of fully rescued. 41 people,
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mostly from bangladesh. the health condition is good and we're examining them one by one. there are some people with dizziness and sea sickness, but nothing serious for you is international. see that authority is meeting to discuss regulations for dixie mining. the authority is on the increase of pressure from companies that want to extract metals from the c bed. but critics say the practice of damages marine ecosystems from countries a calling for a bad, a pause to delay large scale. dixie mining of this kind or clean energy production supplies minimal such as cobalt and nicole is estimated that by 2050 demand will be full time is greater than the reserves available on land meant or which deposits have being discovered and to see those that are outside any countries maritime borders? the clarion clinton zone is the was largest on the sea region, from mineral exploration on $54000000.00 tons of nations valued at more than $20000000.00 have been discovered there. it's the bed is full of so called non
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jewels, which are packed with 9 to these cobalt and nicole. deep sea mining is banned and international waters and the u. one is working on regulations to protect marine environments. louisa cason is the global project leader at green peace international, and she says the d potion is one of the few remaining on touched places on us. it's the idea of sending tank size mining machines to them. it says below the subset, the waves, really risk of a reversible and unavoidable home to these ecosystems. it would be preaching a new frontier. and at a moment, way over to me in a nature in climate crisis, it is taking us in totally the wrong direction. that would be risk of pollution at the, at the mind sites, but also a further throughout the that was to call them. but also all of noise that could travel and effect species like whales. and because we still have so much to discover about the ocean, there's also the risk all the extinction of species and couldn't species we haven't
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even discovered yet. and just as a sign of how much we still have to discover about these incredible effect system, this phenomenon of dark oxygen at the very no tools that are being targeted by mining companies, could in fact be producing oxygen in the total absence of sunlight. so really revolutionizing our understanding of how oxygen is produced on this planet. a paper came out about that just last week and showing you just how ground breaking at the discoveries are about with the patient. and that's why it's totally the wrong time to be pressing ahead with destroying an ecosystem that, that frankly, and we know more about the steps of the moon than we do about the depths of all actions. a swarm of dragon highest has descended on a beach in the us stage of rhode island. thousands of the brightly colored insects spent a few minutes on the beach before disappearing. one time to it says the swarm took place outside the typical migration period for dragonflies, between mid august and september,
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arriving 5 had been known to relocate the habitat dry app. in that sense, to me, elizabeth put on them for this news out of do stay with us on our 0. i will be back in just a few minutes with another full names bulletin. thank you very much. for the sound of rocket fly. it can be heard and the way to cover him on the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here. there the streets are empty, houses damaged or destroyed. the conflict between his beloved and his ready forces as long delivered on the southern porter as forced tens of thousands from the hens . we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them my head was injured. the story of this village is one of many among his folder, almost everything within 5, cuz i'm because of his regular physicians have been targeted when you visit
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villages along the board to document this one. think that striking. it's the silence. there's no signs of amusement of people's talking of children. pink people have been forced from the homes of the 2 scared to attend. i still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or the actual a japanese american veteran . mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war, were united with the friend who rescued his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties on the price of products. you don't realize that until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered coverage. witness the volunteer on. ouch is era exploring diverse culture exciting political discourse, exposing societies,
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doctor award winning intense investigations. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia are in the pacific. 101 east. on al jazeera. they don't want to lose their dignity being displays and make shift accounts and not being able to get access to food, asking questions. how likely is it in reality that nothing yahoo would be arrested when visiting a fine look posing from the action. but what i would say to the administrative health is come to see the effects about the best off from the factories in india out to see who is changed across the world. when you closer to the costs of the story, was a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time in one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace,
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slower it's maria dresser and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of all sufficient intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act. how can we protect ourselves? studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the heavy rains for this lance lines and the southern india killing at least 50 people . hundreds. if you had trapped on the modern debris, the hello on and there's a problem and this is algebra, live from dog ha. also coming up.


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