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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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ash before to use the fellow on the bulk of business. the news lived unto coming up in the next 60 minutes. palestinians return to the ruins of the homes in southern gauze after this way. the forces withdrawal from pulse a con eunice high ranking has full of souls tells, i'll just say where the group will respond to any is radio question 11 on as board attentions mount heavy rain crickets, land slides in southern india, coming into the 70 people. hundreds of the of trucks on demand and deputies
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and thousands of people protest across the finest way to off to present nicholas madura is declared, the winner. i hope the disputed election is for the past, and in fact, tries to loan has been postponed due to dangerous levels of pollution. organizes are still hoping that with this in a will be safe to swim in by wednesday. the thanks for joining us. there is a, the forces that withdrawing from positive con eunice and southern gaza, up to 9 days over renewed military offensive some palestinians. and now returning to what little remains of the homes civil defense team say. they recovered a number of bodies from neighborhoods that were attacked by his ready forces. at least 42 palestinians were killed in the region of the past 24 hours. thousands of people are forced to head west towards milwaukee, where families are living in tents without enough food or running water, as well have previously declared. while we have to buy c a so called safety of
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occupation zone, but has attacked it repeatedly. what kind of a mood is live and central gauze as largest city, dera, bhalla, and had a, what are you hearing about the states is early. so just of left calling you just in keeping in mind, of course the most of the city was already destroyed before this latest defensive. well let's just start with the updates that we're receiving from remaining health facilities in the city of honie on if and here. and there is the last city that the number of bodies removed from the streets and the roads and inside buildings under the rebels. it from the city of han unice has reached for the 2 bodies, including bodies of women and children who were trying to sleep the residential homes that they were targeted by either the quite captors or by the heavy artillery . the number is expected to increase. there are areas that the paramedics and civil defense, the crew has not reached it. i don't fear that these really military might targeted
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again the are at the, the further eastern part of the city 9 days ago. there's really military started of military men over in eastern hon, unison just within the past couple hours of issued a statement explaining that these really military or declaring that there's really one is there has ended operations in eastern hon units. and there is a bit of confusion about the statement as it goes on, describing what the military did dismantling. what did describe as terror infrastructures in the, in the city, including the illumination of $150.00 militants. contrary to what we're seeing on the grounds, the trails of devastation of destruction caused by really monitor we're talking about almost 100 percent of residential buildings have been bombed, either severely damaged or completely destroyed. infrastructure, public facility evacuation there, there's no presence. what so ever do. evacuation centers in eastern part of honda is completely destroyed and pushed out of service,
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including privately own medical clinic fan health facilities and the friend part people who are making their ways to eastern hon units to their homes. so their neighborhoods are pretty much described. 9 beings there themselves, going to pretty much a waste land that has no surfaces whatsoever. no, at present, do they are no signs that their homes are the same day after they've been destroyed . then they're, that's contrary to the statement that there's really monetary release. there is much focus on what it did, but largely ignoring the sheer level of destruction that is caused as, as the, as i mentioned earlier, the paramedics and civil defense corps are still searching for more bodies. there are some areas that they haven't read and the number is expected to increase 40 to the confirm number. they've been removed, added to really 100 to plus people who were killed in the past 9 days as the
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operation where this bill going on with the very latest, the phone. madero by the honeymoon. they thank you. is so high ranking as well as sources of told i'll just say are they will respond to any is ray, the aggression and 11 on including a ground invasion. and that's the 1st time the group is commented on this browse reasons, right? so retaliation is ro blames has the law for a rocket attack on saturday that killed 12 people in the occupied golden heights. the own group though has denied any involvement send a hold of joins us live from bailey. it's on this and that is, and it took us through this statement from hezbollah. yes, the high ranking source making the group's 1st comment really on israel's threats to carry out a strike on on the 11th israel has been threatening a harsh response to significant response following the rockets attack on much the summit on saturday. that killed civilians as well blames that attack on hezbollah
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and hezbollah denies the that it was responsible this or saying that for an m boys have been suggesting to it has the law not to respond to any strikes. so as not to expand the conflict as well. as response to the score and, and for is, is that that will not happen. they also said that for an invoice are trying to convince is ralph not to carry out some attack against civilians and also carrying out with an attack on lebanon to infrastructure. the ports of the airport bridges, but according to the hezbollah source, we do not trust that as well. that has the source also warning israel against carrying out a ground offensive. they believe that israel will not do that, but they're saying that husband law is ready if that has well, that will take the fight to is relevant spots a 1st time. the group has said that the few weeks ago has full of liter and i'm really interested in invasion of the gallon need, if you know that that is
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a possibility upon the table. so what testable as doing right now is raising the stakes and, and it is around really hasn't said what kind of a response it's going to carry out. there's been a lot of speculation. will it be a military targets? will they target? they boots there really? so many unanswered questions, but this is hezbollah, making its position clear that any strikes, regardless of the nature, even if it's as limited as well, i will respond and say what all of these uncertainties? what does this amplified rhetoric? what does it all mean for the mood in the country? them as well as you can see behind the life goes on. this is a country really used to instability use towards, but there is no can no doubt that people are concerned. people are worried that they believe that as well could widen this conflict. some of them believe that this is what is well, wanted to do to use this, this rocket strike on most the summit has some sort of an excuse to widen the
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conflict. but then there are others who believe no, they don't believe as well is capable of widening the conflict. because it is bogged down in the war. i'm in garza, they don't believe that the army is ready to fight onto funds, and they believe that hezbollah, how boss, they're all part of the around me. and let's so called access of resistance, that they will open the front steps for more than one direction. so israel has to tread carefully so you get these mixed reactions with flight schedules at savings international airport. the only airports has already been disrupted. you have international airlines not flying to be rude suspending their flights for the next few days. and then you have embassies calling on their nationals to leave the country. this is a summer season. many x spots are in our in 11 on some people are changing the reservations and leaving earlier than planned. but the most spill is a one of concern. but there's still no time in the country. right then saying over the very latest the in vibrate. thank you very much. say no, hold on. okay,
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let's look into this a bit more detail now with the i don't have the default or right so of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs. thanks for joining us at all. so it was, we heard the it will have defied rhetoric most between israel and of course now from has blah senior command is as well it appears at the moment to be a war of words. but is this a pretext for, for something a lot more serious, or are we seeing merely as a kind of security re calibration on the border between has blown and israel when the, from that and is there any perspective that has to be some sort of a response to the in some defense happens of in the same time tests via the calibrated response. because if it goes to hard, perhaps destroying infrastructure, a civilian targets, hands on, it may risk out why the war, but there has to be some sort of response. and as you're reporting as highlighted, really is what cannot afford to be bogged down on 2 fronts. which such it was such a serious opponent, such as the hezbollah and talking about as well as capabilities. it has shown
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itself to be quite a sophisticated adver 3 in recent bombs flying drones into northern israel, the web reports many years ago. so it has below even being able to hack is riley drones as well. so we're talking about potentially a challenging opponent. pay for his rep that is correct and the limit on is not the cause of his beloved is definitely not thomas. we're talking about the force that is well equipped. there's also button pardon, from years of fighting in the syrian civil war, they are supplied by iran. they possess some uh, technology that's quite the advance. so any potentially with uh, talisha or extension or would be very different. we also have to look at the regional context. if there's a lebanese front, as when we, we for potentially see response in iraq with the heading to shelby the pm. it forces against us bases in the region. we'd also potentially see the whole seas also escalate in the red sea and also iran attempts maybe also response. so again,
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the word and it has as one thing, but the word level is a whole other situation. how my intentions on the is really lebanese border play into the backdrop to one of this was of course these on going to folks in room 2 broke or lost in the cease fire in guns, or was he likes to complicate those efforts? they may complicate, but in the same time it would really put the emphasis on us to push is there a towards the potential ceasefire which they have been courting for, but so far are unable to reach such of you. but the sticking points of the spin remain because we don't know 1st off, we're still going to look at the security of has the, once the ceasefire happens, i'm looking further afield. what happens with the customer who's going to be in charge of the governance of cause or so in the same time, the philadelphia card or is there a scale it retains? if in egypt wants it back, i'm finding the ortho, as part of the seas for the refugees or sports or turn to northern because again, this is another sticking point that is not, is there it is not the for return of people to go back to northern it has
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a so that it means a bunch of sticking points and we will see if the folks enrollment able to resolve them or not. in a very, let's say uh, what does this puts level and do you think it's a country that's been through so much politically, economically, in recent years now is we heard that from zeta holder on corresponded in by root. the mood is not the best, but people of been sent for pets. the possibility of war in that country for so long. it's almost almost 2nd nature. now with israel released certain voices in this way, the government's threatening to hit infrastructure of civilian infrastructure, potentially 11 on. what does this mean for the country? the country of course is a in the middle of an economic crisis and various issues on his starkey. i suffer from most of or, but from multiple visits and talks with my colleagues and friends, it's a very resilient country, evaluating the culture they're used to going to war and rebuilding again. so what's happening now is not something new to them. a toll free does not escalate because if the airport is attacked and people are unable to leave, this becomes a whole other potentially why the war in the region to 70,
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i'm 70. so many of nobles at the moment i don't have to give up. thanks for joining us. around as president elect must, who possess kion has met with the senior officials of lebanon's, hezbollah and palestinian islamic jihad groups entire on ours before is an organization survey. possess scan is taking office at a time of escalating tension in the region to the israel's war and gaza failure. he won the israel of serious consequences for any targeted hits on level a 20 mile ahead on the news, including you, case, new labor government may soon and weapons exports to israel. i live in westchester country in china or america's top different masses in the philippines as us to the seas, with badging intensify over the south china sea. the
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time slides triggered by heavy monsoon rains of code at least 63 people in india. hundreds of fed trapped on to month and debris and hailey districts in the southern states of carola, local soon sharif reports once pictures region now multiple land slides close by heavy months and brains have switched to paid villages in one district. it happened to the early on tuesday, dropping people in the homes. one day select search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believes to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go fish and stop being got it open and lawful police in the auto fire photos and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the army has
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deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service. with the unstable terrain destroyed roads and collapsed bridge efforts. separately, inches, people have been taken to the point. there were about 5 to 8 people with the people will switch to when i saw them being swift. i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live with that. being rescued, i carried my mother on my shoulders would give it a to, to, to live through even live in the social media post prime minister miranda movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition lead to a former mc from fly nod draw. we've gone the has called for an action plan to map land flood prone areas. heavy rains flooding and much slide, so coleman and catalog during the months and season from june to september. in 2018, 8500 people were killed in the state. in one of the worst floods on the consumption
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eve entre seasons are essential and as a journalist at the news minute, so she describes the situation on the ground a it's a heat deadline which is of dr. keith plantation. so basically display conditions on the heels and the employees and the labor does work and these transitions are moving and we just take 2 minutes in the hill. so then due to heavy rain. so when these last flights of heard of it and only the mike from the there was a boost back up feeling around these religious have washed away in jail area. faxing everything i mostly separate religious has been slackened. and along with disagreements, unfortunately, the kinds of meat was connected to them, connected to the neighboring village to them and with a breach. so in this glance laid on the flat bed halfway though the breach was broken and the stopping to do was lost and the draft sound good. and uh they saw
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the even the angiano friend. otherwise people just couldn't reach that. that had to be some kind of a temporary breach to get the student they're trying to each other more forces have to reach those even to air. they're trying to reach them to fight. so when the guy has a religious but the stones is completely up to the back end like this was just, there was a school without that has been destroyed. and most of the people are in the us few resorts in this particular religion. so most of the people who have a take a day if you was in these are the so it's, it is or 10 hawkins many else as far as we know because there are no much before someone does i, somebody has reached it. so as far as we know that many of the houses and there are several 100, the police dropped outgoing window in the us, the secretary of state and defense secretary, you have met the philippines,
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foreign and defense ministers. the military headquarters in manila, increasing maritime tension with china, dominate to the discussions. and to the blinking says the shares the philippines concerns about china is actions in the south china sea. he's announced half a $1000000.00 and ministry funding to help modernize the philippines armed forces and coast guard. when they la and beijing locked in. several territorial disputes were now allocating an additional $500000000.00 fund miller trade financing to the philippines to boost security collaboration. with our oldest treaty ally in this region, new steps to strengthen the alliance once in a generation investment. to help modernize the filipino armed forces and coast guard, the philippines will continue to uphold and protect the rules base international order. in the midst of a regional landscape, that is significantly under stress in our discussions, i've conveyed the situation in the west philippine c and the south china sea. and
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that it remains a priority to our government authorities in the philippines of racing to prevent an environmental catastrophe. often to oil tank assigned, quinn tie for in gamey hit last week. but people in affected areas say fish are already contaminated on below report summary of atlas and the problems of bus on it had been days since a tanker carrying 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel fuel had capsized before carla also and especially in crew found it just 500 meters off the coastal town to funny ballast within many other bait, the young and yeah, at 1st we could only see the tip of the boat. so we thought it might be a small one. let me go near. we found was a big vessel, and there was already an oil seen a lot of surface in, so that's why we caught fish. a fishing band was put in place, but some fishermen are defying the order because they say they have to make
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a living. i believe there has been an oil spill because the fish we bought from the market smell from the diesel. i mean, the ship sank as type of gave me was barely across the philippine seat. its crow survived, but are being investigated for not reporting the incident. the coast guard has deployed to vessels and says the leaks have been stopped. between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel, that's where a 2nd tankers think. last week, it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked dye. that was the documents show it's tanks were empty, coast guard divers say it appears it's carrying cargo fuel authorities hope the fuel that sleep from the smaller vessel will eventually dissipate in the heat. as their focus remains on, containing 1500000 leaders of cargo fuel from another tank right nearby. we have a good progress along the wayne and then yeah, yada. unless you're not, then you'll uh, my boss and that is very important from $2.00 per minute. uh,
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on the 1st uh uh, dave, uh, type sardino my uh side were not in a blue one. the 3rd for our but the concern is that the spill may have started to drift away towards towns closer to the capital, minute, threatening their shore lines. which is why 40 said the racing to drain the fuel by next week, the barn below algebra. but the on the philippines. one second rains, which was in by type food game you have delayed the coast guards, response the vessels comp sized off the coast of about tom peninsula, off to typhon gave me hit the area last week. well, the old spill is now stretching for more than 50 kilometers, reaching the coast of coffee today in the capitol vanilla south. there is popular with fishermen and there are fee is the spill could affect both the fishing industry and marine life are poor to bottom, reliable, the $1.00 wrong. this even
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a slight wrong move would flow the tankers bob's wide open and could send the fuel gushing into the ocean and they don't want to. they don't want that to happen, of course. and so what they've been doing since sunday, so tuesday, as we speak, is feeling that the tankers falls in 1st, they feel devolves, that they found to be leaking, but they're not stopping there. they're, they're now sealing the valves as well that they have not found to be we think they say this and say, this is really important because after that they're going to be pulling the, the ship from under water. and 1st they're going to be a cycling of 300000 meters from the tanker and then that would make the ship achieve some buoyancy for it to float and then they will box to ship. uh and then that's squared they will siphoned off the rest of the fuel. the oil spill
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appears to have read so many different postal towns around manila bay. and this has been observed by environmental non profits as well as sufficient man. and as you mentioned, we are here in the province of could be the south vanilla. and we spoke to fisherman here and they said that they sailed out to the see this morning. and they saw oil seem loading on the, on the sea and to the direction of a further south. but from here where we are, and we also spoke to people here and we saw them actually leaving debris from the beaches and a lot of the, the free have oil stuck on them. and we saw stacks and stacks of these to be so definitely the oil spill has reached the shore lines of many different coastal towns around manila bay. but the philippine coast guard is saying, is that that oil spill that a space,
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the coastline that will be it because that's the oil that leak from the tank or the 1st few days after it's sing of introducing j a bought something called who's director of the institute for maritime affairs, lord the c at the low center. he joins us live from manila. thanks for joining us here and i'm to 0. so a complicated effort we're talking about to slick see it impacting the entire region. took us through if you made the clean up operation of what the key priority is at the moment. uh well of course the, the priority, the present is containment of the larger the doctor's bill from the m b. i don't know, but as explained by the news report and on the vessel, the sound and the companions, 1.4 meters of florida. and that could be devastating for the entire deal of money to be uh, the ships are practically at the mouth of the bay and on the pounds of the car and send the c conditions. it could potentially, uh, you know,
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dispute it good. but there has been, shall effect the entire uh, the uh, uh, area. um we've seen that uh some of the initial speed has already reached some pounds. uh, like in down what kind of north and now of the that the south. both of these areas are economically a valuable because they are producers, so of a fish to alcohol. check on the northern side and shown fish on the southern side. so you, you could potentially see in bucks on, on livelihoods. huge, huge impacts on likelihood of this area. in addition to the capture fishing which compared to the applicants that updated these easy so that the know yeah, i want to talk about the above. so i be the impact on, on lives of likelihood. so in a 2nd, but 1st i just want to get a practical sense of how, for instance, the siphoning process actually works. so we talk about literally oil being sucked
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off. the surface of the water is not oil, then cleans kind of be we used as well. uh, there can be some of it that can be covered. um right now that we're looking at over, sorry to say it's it's, it's all based on the simple to put it in, in the backs of the best. so there are, there is that the ship, my bring up like is that the, the, the issue the been the unfortunate and the best advice i'll probably call when we are having a bit of a price in line with you at the moment. uh, let's see if we can. let's see if we can persist. i'm just gonna ask you one more question. hopefully the, the line will have stabilized. you were talking a little bit earlier about the impacts on lives and livelihoods. clearly the
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impacts on the fishing industry. the, i mean when it comes to the low governing incidents like this, etc. oh, unfortunately i missed the bathroom because we've lost him in the process of asking that question. but as you heard that clearly the impacts of these 2, almost like having a massive effect on people across the entire bay area that in minnesota, maybe on this or i still a head here. and i would just say, when you, in a sense of decide of regulations for decency mining, which environment let's say, could cause a reversible damage to the ocean's floor and support. could this celebration prove to be the most enduring image of the parents? olympics scientists here with that story, the the
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hello, any way you look at it, it has been downright cold north, or has been havior when we're talking about the sunshine coast. colors are on dark, the blue and the purple. the colder it was so cool this night. in nearly 2 decades for the sunshine coast, just $1.00 degrees, that's the temperature of story. let's talk about active. whether this disturbance is coming into w a. it is going to lash perth with wind gusts, 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. that could cause some damage and you know this, the winter storm, it drops your temperature down to just 14 degrees on thursday. also a winter storm for new zealand. so some of the mountain passes on the south island here, 4 or 500 meters above sea level 25 to 35 centimeters of snow. so tricky travel to be sure. with a breeze picking up here that's going to produce some showers for indonesia. so the ways the islands on both bali and same for east, you have a province on intern easy as main island of java. and there was months in range really picking out the cross northern indo china. all of this. what weather is pouring into southern china, but a way from the rain. it is hot and sticky. 38 in shanghai. factor in the humidity.
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feeling about $45.00 and less dofer's of our type food. given us pouring rain for the northeast of china and to the far east of rush on wednesday of the african stories from african perspective. some of them are on a heavy to me this month for us. and sam is in your, to me, to show documentary by african filmmakers from donna and fox, one. 0, really simple. and those are both fine. i had a little bit of zillow who's a little of a sound of ceremony. and the interpreter, a new series of africa direct on i'll just sierra security concerns and political uncertainty, or just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games in paris
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. as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july. the 26th stay without a 0 for the latest updates, investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from of the angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative as to where today on now to sierra the the book about without just there is a reminder about top stores this our civil defense team say they would cover the number of bodies from the streets of con eunice. officers ready for since withdrew . at least 42 palestinians were killed in the southern region in the past 24 hours
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. high ranking as well as all says tales. i don't just say ever the group who responds to any, is there any aggression in 11 on the, including a ground invasion? would the tensions of escalated sense of rocket attack could be occupied the gun in heights that killed 12 children i'm substituting or at least 63 people have died and land slides in india. a southern states of carola as for fits, be tracked in february after rain, so we can the district of why not. the army has been deployed to search and rescue operations. demonstrated us including members of these ready parliament have stormed a military base and the negative does it, it was it supportive soldiers accused of torturing, posting into paintings the 9 is really was this were brought in for questioning on monday or suspicion of sexual abuse. a posting entertain e held at the base who's taking the hospital with severe injuries that left him unable to protest to say they would defend soldiers against anyone who comes off to the country. all concerned there's
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little bill to the people against the government, the left. like whenever you're ready to go to not the people died defending your smoking. one of my friends you still say in the hospital where here for on soldiers, not for a public. this is not for the tell really know really you do it. everybody knows the church, always brothers and thousands of people have be protesting across the venezuela against the re election or president nicholas ventura. at least 2 people have been killed by durham and his challenges edmondo. gonzales have claim victory and sundays presidential election, but the is accusing the opposition of trying to state your crew will probably test to expect it in the coming hours. trays of others be monitoring demonstrations from argentina. a precedent by the window did not wait long to be proclaimed
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precedents for another 6 years. on monday, the left travel forward is handed by the way to the credentials for his re election . even as the opposition cried, folly better available, i say, to the plotters to those involved. and to those who endorse this operation against venezuelan democracy, that we already know the movie. and this time there will be no weakness. a few hours later, thousands took to the streets, protesting the results, and use of economic and political crisis that force the millions out of the country . the government says those who do not recognize the results could face up to 6 years in prison. but many did not seem to care. all these people are upset. we did not agree with the votes, but the results because they are not for you. this is fraud for me, it's a fraud. i was there, we checked everything, all the people talked. we talked and there was no madero supporters. there were 4
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at the moon though despite confirming leveled with victoria on sunday evening, the electoral council has failed to upload the voting data to the official website for the opposition. this is proof that massive fraud was committed during a press conference by opposition leader in mighty equity. now my child and presidential candidate at bull nose sally sold the they say they have access to 73 percent of the tally sheets that these prove gonzales little. the is the winner by a wide margin, a little bit on yourself. today we have great news to share with little venezuelans . it's a miracle, it's a miracle. but today i will tell all venezuelans, like inside and outside the country. oh, believe it's in democracy around the world that we now have the means to prove the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela. that the government says the electron system was hacked and blamed members of the opposition. the results of venezuela collective has generated lots of concern across the region, as many governments are requesting the government to present the official tally
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sheets off this elections. and they want them to be independently very 5 by different organizations. their response by the government of nicholas, my rudo has been to expel the diplomatic personnel from 7 countries in latin, america accusing them of interfering in venezuela in affairs. for the government, the 3rd crisis is punish. so to buy the united states to over through the administration, but the thousands who took to the streets a desperate for things to change the sample. i'll just see that widow site is for eric farms with his vice president of the council of the americas. he says the international community needs to ensure transparency when it comes to vote counts. that is the fundamental question, what can be done to dislodge him or if not that, just, you know, live up to that as well as the own constitution. that's
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a question that people have been grappling with for a long time. but the reality is he does control the courts. he controls the electoral system. he controls, as we've just been talking about the military and the security forces. so there's not a whole lot of leverage that the international community maintains at this point in terms of venezuela, particularly when we understand that there are some countries around both regions such as cuba and around the world like china, which continue to support the image originally. and so this is a, this is a complicated issue, but having said that, i think there are couple things that have to be, has to be done. the 1st is that a lot the both accounts have to be made public the, you know, there has to be transparency. how did we get from a situation where gonzalez was supposed to win in a landslide, to being defeated by 10 points or so. what on what basis was that the vote count determined? so i think the international community really needs to see that and has asked for that. and i think the 2nd thing is have to expect the security and the protection of opposition leaders, which has now been threatened by the regime already
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a and accused of leading cyber attacks and to applauding and all kinds of things that really put their lives somehow at risk, so we have to be really careful this, this does not get out of control and international community really has a role to play. and so i look, you know, just because somebody ran for president does not put the target on their back, their lives and their families need to be protected of the now let me pick organizes, have postpone the men's tramp along because of high levels of pollution in the river send, well, try as long as the race will now follow the women's event on wednesday, training sessions at the river were cancelled earlier this week. over the space is standing by, by the center in paris, a button that, i mean, it was meant to be this unique center piece to the games on it, but it wouldn't go ahead this ponds. i mean, what's going on maybe this was the event that was supposed to deliver
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the while back to the athletes. swimming in the sand and running and barking past them. use a goal, say in the ground, i live the great monuments of pilot a power as they spill hope. they can pull it off on wednesday. they'll test the water very early on wednesday. and if it's clean enough, then the manual swim off to the women. but then it will be much opposite because the mid morning by then if it's still no good on wednesday, they'll try again on friday of both events push to friday and it's still on the wall. it is not late enough. then the trial, the trial one will become a july 1, but they really hope they don't have to take the final step or i, but it's with the latest the, from the olympics and the powers. thanks a lot for that to take you to a live event to have the right case. britton's house of comm, i've said the furnace actually david allow me is addressing a little make, is that all in the case, sales of arms to israel, you close review into its policy of to some of the side british columns could be
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used to perpetrate human rights abuses and it goes to strip assisting in boxes. it is a junk cools. i remember what protocol to bring that about to say to a people that these minutes to complete the, to replace this with. cause the trouble is the mike doesn't think you will and it's a lot of them are saying like you're supposed to be at to so many stuff. i hear what makes the sides. but what do you agree that they need, your recognition or the state of palestine is a vital so that you case commitment in whole or holding or international laws. unknowns b by code for the process is required to bring about an immediate i just piece and also advise her to the notion that diplomatic means i'm not by that means to result in this conflict. i'm in taking this matter further with them. and so i agree that failure to recognize the state of palestine has already and continues to have
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catastrophic implications on the people of palestine as a face. what the international quote has described as the close of all genocide. thank you for me to speak to the owner who transferred his ross that peace will be a chief through a political solution, not through ministry means, but i disagree with him that it is recognition itself. bring around big about peace . it is the bible that is on the times that we would like to see how mass that set of cost to the, to ship, that these remix boxes won't get to $65.00 a deckers to a place where we can achieve that 2 state solution without terms of the shuttle for receptor. i'm pretty much this is because my welcome the phone secretary to his new position. since this is the 1st time we've met across the dispatch spot,
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since we swap sides and all of his team and especially the new are with member from lincoln who was previously a respected and defective official, impose to administer his where i served as a cabinet minister my on the phone, secretary to avoid any suggestion of some sorts of international legal moral equivalence between the terrorist motor and the elected head of a democratic states. and then any questions of homes in boxes to remember that just a few weeks ago, pretty psalms and military personnel with defending a allied is from the style, was launched by a wrong a mr. space, can i begin by welcoming the owner projects? went to his position, it's bright to see him where he is and notes on this saw i can, i say to him, he will know that these are very, very serious issues that the test on the criteria to see is whether there is
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a claris factions based on very capital assessments, i'm can from assessments of the know he would expect. so to see that we don't surprising. i did check, let's see. and that is what i intended to do. the dennis folks, the slightly more all. thank you mister speaker. the effective date will get hold of me continuing to press him on the recognition of the state of palestine and i hope not to test his patients. it's because i know in my home it is what palestinians need to. we can like the her to say cannot happen without that hope to unite palestinians behind a final cause that will stop the killing for good will has to stop. yes, but that is not peace pieces to states. and he knows, and that's in the all who rejects it. so when he spoke to nothing you all did he
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mention and speak about the 2 state solution and in particular the recognition of palestine. and does he not accept that if the u. k for the other and a 140 countries that have done this, that would send a powerful message to both the princeton and people, but not to be on who as well. well, colorado sure will be wonderful. i do the raising this issue does not test my patients. and she writes, i reject and disagree with those it israel, but say that can be no 2 state solution because he says no to state solution. then every side, the state, or no state a to a miss to speak to. so i recognize why this is the pressing machine and she can raise it. but as i've said, we will do it at the appropriate monday and hopefully working with all the problems as i wrote to that, to states that week is all the problems you face. is
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it my 2nd week in the row i i travel to israel and to the west pine and cooled an immediate cease fire something nother my previous taxes had done and in my maintenance with both printers i called for an immediate series. amazing, urgent case. as has been described for credible pop towards the 2 state solution. and i welcome, i run some of the friends that seem to get placed as well. i might just on came to a cooling for this the fall when did visit is round that side has had a profound impact in my constituency. does he agree that a permanent c $5.00 is necessarily essential? so the future of people in, in gaza would also helps with who tensions in the middle east, particularly given the
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a top colon heights. and the tensions are escalated to between is the law israel as well. well, a model for this, right? the tax and destruction in casa is intolerable. who needs to end now? and it is on the side of the cad expect giving the escalation functions in the region . if the 5, huh? is the top 2 by both sides. we would see that escalation come down, and so for life in casa, so across the region is in the background. so talk to the key performance with permission, mr. speaker, i'll answer questions 45610151 the 22. together. the people in the casa phase, so she monitoring catastrophe to monetary and age is a moral necessity. almost 90 percent of the population in gaza,
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hooking displaced on the integrated food security phase classifications. recent form and risk assessment, there was a risk assessment across the whole if god a little bit. so i thank goodness or for her, i'm sorry. last week i met with the person on boss there to discuss the hot everything twice this in gaza since april the volume of a cargo entering the guys. this vet has decreased by red, 50 percent at the same time as possible to for me and damage or amenities is destroyed. that's why a welcome to 4 and sectors commitment to resume honor funding on whose demands for a ceasefire and division. so can i submit it? still, having resumed that funding, what steps the government are taking to load this vital age into gaza and help louis so desperately need a grateful to my honorable friend for basing to assist you. and we are deeply concerned that the number of the developments that he mentions the u. k is providing and who continue to provide significant monitoring
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support to casa, however, we are also clear. israel must meet its commitments to slots concept with age. it is by so it's important. thank to mister speaker, very much welcome. the farm sector sees the decisions on the exceptional criminal calls, and i'm responding this morning. i met with the office phone and they told myself and all the members of this house, they, today's the in the summer one problem it's and recess up to 70000 people in gaza would be killed or injured up to a 3rd of the children had given this can administer outline urgent steps. the government will take this summer in order to end this whole row, including the ending. you can say i was to israel. a sign to mister speaker is the speaker too many people have signs and gone on to miscellaneous is getting in. we are clear to this room must take concrete steps to protect civilians in age
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where a person in accordance with international humanitarian law. this includes the confliction between military and you, monetary and operations on supporting the minimum of rates and requirements of the u. n. agencies as well as of course the other masters. but my wonderful friend, the phone sex relieves, are including the need for an immediate action monitoring. so he's fine. does it cost? thank you mister speaker. last week i messed with some of my constituents needing psycho who lived in the honeywell roadway area. and they told me about hon. well, friends of stop us a friendship and support network between our corner of west london and a village in the north of the west bank. so my constituents have her 1st hand how palestinians are suffering across the territory. who do i ask? what difference at this decision do we start holding for on rob did you an age agency were made to the lives of ordinary palestinians?
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i'm what discussions she has had with one rose commissioner general to maximize that impact on the palestinian people. on to mister speaker, and i'm grateful to my wonderful friend for basing this much right because we're clear on is the only to magnitude and organization operates at the scale required in gaza or the phone secretary as members will be aware, confirmed the heist on the 19th of july that the u. k. would reduce the funding to on right on the same, the only minutes with the on ramp permission or general sleep less, we need to understand more from him about the situation on the crime, but also reforms. the under itself is undertaking we also talk about this governments. every so 21000000 pines and new funds to unrest to support its life saving work and gaza on the provision of basic services innovation. little touch smith. thank you mister speaker. mike and i am, we are approved by the death and destruction in gaza. they know what we do. the
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intermediate permanency spot, an exchange of hostages will put an end to this unacceptable and unbearable suffering. in the meantime, the minister reference this ready governments permits to flood causes with age. the reality is that they are putting in place of a piece of identity instructions. what conversations, how's the government have with israel to ensure that it is and this denial of my savings at frontier for speaker, and i'm grateful to the on who smelling of a friend for christ understand pressman. i didn't mean right before she came in to this place. i run the front porch is press prime minister netanyahu an old border crossings and to facilitate a significant new depress urgently for this close to our levels. speak up just fine . just it makes, it almost seems like you might have to have insights on every multiple is ready the s flights to thousands of civilians. and what would be many more results in the
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forming of a compound belongs to tractors, manufacture kind of spine, and it's not for the rest of the community. so cost them and stuff. what discuss and she is tied with who's rated counterparts. about stuffing any further tests. remember, wesley, and what space sconces that has been or the scope of these writing principals for their own safety? fun to mr. speaker. i'm aware of this issue is a personal concerns. mobile friend for these visited the region many times including funny results petitions, folks person at for the reach and i was specifically an issue all civilians within this conflicts. we on a weird it's right. 90 percent of the population been gone. so have nice being display some of them at more than one. at one time, we are very, very clear. we need to have a situation where civilians are for taxes, for age workers, and also treated in accordance with international humanitarian law. we need to ensure that there is the confliction and as i speak to before, things are not says that we have seen pricing as the new governments like this cap
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space because a lot of household goods, isaiah sion, as well in the sanitation and clean water due to the humanitarian crisis in casa means is a real risk of polio, spreading undetected among these of cancer. when will you take the pushing of my speculating explanation program in garza on breakfast, my wonderful friend for raising this matter, and i discussed it as well as the 4 and 6th street directly. we talked to don't trust the leader of the world health organization. yesterday. she is right to fight about severe concern of an employee, also right in the box nation scheme that the world health organization is working on. but it also points to the fact that when populations are not receiving the food and nutrition that they require no clean bolts or the potential for infectious disease, obviously increases the u. k. has provided as significant support survived food,
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nutrition, other forms of shelter as well. and essential materials, we will continue to do that and indeed to work for the world health organization on these important matters. thank you. can most of us thank you for speaking while the eyes of the wells are likely on the shopping situation, disturbing and situation in gaza. we should not forget the humanitarian situation in the west bank where it allows you defense. this population is being ever more persecuted, exposed to violence, seeing that homes and land stolen. can we please have a comprehensive set of sanctions against violent settlers? the organizations that support them in their activities and those are completed by the state level and what they're doing. i'm grateful to the right honorable member for basing this issue on the uh the, the health and wellbeing as there was in the west, pine voice. again, one of those issues that i discussed with general lots of really obviously from on
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run because we are concerned about the situation we would expect are keeping all functions regimes on to review, including this one. and we were main concerns about the situation fully support the population, but also in terms of longer time issues of range. a 2 state solution that were referred to previously open intensive student. thank you very much. this. i think the, it's actually of the government as to the defense of the uh, but the challenges of the mid 21st century military related. they have development related times they are to, to mess with the latest. i would just like to share is at the front office is going to have a distinct role to play in the student defense if you particularly given somebody to the compensation that we just had purchased, the complexities of local officers. thank eh, i'm grateful to the wonderful member for his point. of course, all of these issues internally and strongly. we are absolutely determined that we
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will be working with colleagues and defense as well as indeed across the whole list government. so that we ensure that we are putting our country's interest 1st in the pothole protecting our security. the 1st responsibility if any government is to speak in recent months from us. have talked to these roles, prim shalom goods crossing with rockets and motors to prolong the misery of their own people and also estimated to spend a $150000000.00 constructing that talent networks misappropriating. so does the minister, except from us will always prioritize conflict with these right over the welding of their own citizens in dallas and the most that needs to be taken to stop the misappropriation of a by him, us a fine to mr. speak. i'm great. what's the wonderful member for his question, of course is materials must always be provided directly to those who are in need, particularly in a situation of humanitarian catastrophe,
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which is advocates currently within done site is incredibly important that the student nutrition clean walter, other forms of sanitation, medicines and shelter are provided directly to those in need. they must not be misappropriated. that is absolutely fundamental. of course, these are issues that we've discussed. for example, we fund rep when we met with them that we have discussed with other agencies as well. here in fulton to beach and thank you and know how are you trying to teach ending this. you might have teaching phases and guys, of course, is to stop selling weapons to those who shouldn't have to use them and just get them in at least again, civilians as been suggesting that the government content will continue to sail defensive weapons. but during the, as you define this entire town p as the thing. so how do we propose to tell us at the end of the review? and so i'm not sure if we might have kid in law just taken any of the $40000.00 civilians are being killed or killed with defensive weapons,
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as opposed to those types of weapons on what legal basis would such a determination be. meet the wonderful member, i believe will be well aware that this is a legal process. it is one which has to be complied with. the supplement is slightly clear that we must with integrity and ensuring that we are following all of those legal procedures. awesome. feed the phone secretary sent out last week in this type items to us is just set tight this morning punches which afford to speak as southern foreign secretary, the right honorable member for him stated cameron to publish the see the photo legal advice on whether it's route is reaching international humanitarian little in casa, as part of the secretary, just the new ministerial team still put there was a compelling case to publish the government's legal advice as well. the government be publishing it? yes, a. thank you mister speaker. i'm grateful to be on a board member for hayes preston. the phone sex tree has been crystal clear on this
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that he will be as transparent as he possibly can. he will ensure the problem and is fully updated on these models. did you just begin thank the minister for that response, messer and what they improve the amounts are in cities and gaza, then it's quite clear what got to do and what the reward does, that they're just getting rid of how much they murdered and the tires. they are, they hide amongst the skills, the height and weight, and the hospice i hate them on state is against. they are the people that are bringing that they death to, to the policy as a policy. and i mean, once they've given me a mock and eat that, we should then get better promise here. a sign to mr. speak. i'm grateful to the honorable member. and of course this government recognizes that how much do you civilians as human shields. we are deeply concerned about this. you monetary and situation. i said type a few moments ago our response to that we need to ensure that civilians are protected and we will continue to press for that awesome ultra oxalic. i can see
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the number 7, mrs. vega, i thought the other was as 1st question and this company is determined to increase the pressure on russia and continued support you, craig, but we will keep all rest of sections right, feed about the case review and we'll go further to reduce reference tests, white war the government has already taken any action or the further action, including abc incense making, an additional 11 ships as positive as efforts to disrupt the terabytes of product freight. and i can literally meetings, hop rates are for sections consistently with partners. we'll continue whitlock crisis allies in your, in the united states. so you kind of sanctioned 2000 individuals and institutions rushes low for full scale invasion of ukraine. yes. since 2022 there's. there's been one instance of u. k. law enforcement, securing sanction funds. what discussions is the minister having with counter costs across government to ensure that those who are based functions help to account. and the money held lawfully is secure to the public post. ready cannot find my 100
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percent for his question and it's a very good question. he's absolutely right to raise it. mister speaker at this government will not hesitate to take for the actions of placing pools and strengthening for some of the sanctions. he'll understand that i will comment on the feature designations or a full some actions for the said, we've already taken some of the steps on the shot a fleet. but he's right there is much more to do, but it's in pre compliance for to target those to be naples sykes and individuals provides a sanctions. i will of course, keep as closely updated. so don't want to go find the phone. so we are watching the session of the u. k. parliament, where the government is being asked by the opposition about various things especially to do with um, sales to as well. also the humanitarian situation and as well. and.


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