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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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right, transport is changing rapidly. so what does the future hold full view technologies change the way we move goods to and how can i help aviation to make the transition to green energy. capturing the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that run install is the attain. this is and use our life. and on coming up in the next 16 palestinians, return home to con eunice and southern garza need to find the is ready. all mean has left behind of waste palestinian prisoners speak of her risk treatment and his really custody, including torture and abuse,
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least 93 people are dead and we'll see it buried off the heavy rains trigger. lance lions in southern india at least 3 people have been killed in protests against election results in venezuela and even more demonstrations all set to start in less than an hour. and in sports, one of the greatest gymnast of all time smelling bottles will be in between her 1st cold metal since of re eval lympics. in 2016, the american will lead her side in the women's team funnel later on choose day, despite having a tough injury the well, it is now 1500 gmc and we begin this news hour in gaza is really forces they've now withdrawn from eastern con eunice 9 days after their renewed assault on that solving since he began, what they've left behind, looks more like a wasteland in the neighborhood. civil defense teams say they've recovered $300.00
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bodies since defense of the gun. thousands of people are still missing. an estimated 190000 people were displaced by the minutes reaction. and even though there's nothing left of their homes, palestinians are returning to the area. because they say there's nowhere else to go . the government to this day, outside of the day of the invasion. i swear to god. we couldn't even take a t shirt with us. these are the clothes that i left with and i'm still wearing them now. i return to funds destruction. no tent, no house, nothing left in the attempt that we had. we have no money to replace them. as you can see, there was no team on this was my last shelter. some of the things we were able to take from the house of now being lost. now i, my wife, my son, and my brother's a homeless. the situation is bad. we have collapse physically and psychologically, it's a decision to go to war or peace was an a hands. you would choose peace, but ever. i cannot describe the greek split that is inside us. meanwhile, funerals have been held for some of those killed in israel,
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is offensive. at least 7 people died to an overnight strikes rescue. i could say they found many bodies under the rubble just lying in the streets. let's speak to him to dine issues across sort of this for us from the bottom in central garza. and we know is there any soldiers destroyed most of the con units before this latest defense of people trying to rebuild what's left now of the well, another ways of mazda destruction, where even walters pipes were destroyed, infrastructure, even graveyards, were policy and use were buried. also were destroyed, infrastructure buildings or design and residential houses. anything that kind of thing is try to repair, was completely destroyed, but part of sydney and especially those in the eastern press. what i'm doing is i have no place to go. and that's why we're seeing palestinians returning to their houses today, even if they're like, their houses are completely destroyed,
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their houses are turned into rubble. people are still setting up their tens above the rebel of their houses. so those people who manage to evacuate this ground in agents where we're, we're literally scott's right across the street, and that's why they chose to go back to their houses. despite the success is everything that has been destroyed. but the thing is, this is not the 1st time kind of thing. you, especially those units are going to go back to their destroyed houses, destroyed infrastructure, where they tried to rebuild and re fix and repair as much as possible after the 1st is really invasion. to send you a new so now palestinians are going back to their houses, but still there is no way there is any kind of resources, but they don't have any other option. well, in terms of what people are being forced to do now your and they're all valid. we know that most of the people who have in order to leave the refugee camps and central goals that they were coming to darrow. by the way, you uh,
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what are you now seeing on the so there was evacuated orders from good age and the parts of most laid off. and all of these policy is came here to the middle area because they simply can't go to community and they can't go nothing to the god the strip. so we're talking about hundreds of thousands of palestinians squeeze into the 100. we all know that there has been a, has a very small city. it's a couple of neighborhoods. only palestinians already came here since the 1st day of the world. we're talking about more than 9 months of being displayed. and there has been a, has already passed and overwhelms. you're talking about hospital schools, ethan m. c. agriculture labs are no mix if comes, if we go outside right now, in the vicinity of, of up the hospital, you'll find people with tends to set it up on the sidewalk. so there is no resources. there's no space,
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but kind of movies. do not have any other option then the middle area, despite the fact that the is where the forces are saying that the debt is but is a safe and humanitarian bidding. but it has been still being targeted. and we have an update that today is where the forces targets to houses and in today's were at least 12 products. and these were killed after they at targeted to houses in the area. and the air strikes are ongoing. and so far, the part of things do not have any other place than dead. sorry, that for us in their umbrella in central 1000. thank you. well, children in garza are covered in source of the months of living and crowd of tents without access to clean running water, garbage and bowl sewage, all festering in the streets with many palestinians will say force to sleep. cases of other infectious diseases are also searching. the un says up to a 1000 hepatitis cases are now being reported weekly. michael apple has this.
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this little body is covered, the solar system also has marks all over the we are struggling with hygiene. we don't have cleaning products like shampoo, soap or sponges. we are living in tents and sand with the insect overcrowded tank camps and temporary shelters with no running water, toilets, or sanitation, or a breeding ground for the rapid spread of disease, sewage systems, dissemination, ponds, and water supply networks that will been destroyed by his radio attacks or has no fuel to function. the summit has been declared throughout the cause of the children are particularly vulnerable. they compromised immune systems, con flight. the garage of jones, they're up against the bottle. spots are appearing on my other son. it's an
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infection we're sleeping in the dirt with know where to go. it's very tough. please help us please supplies with shampoo, even a bar of soap to wash her children's hands. hygiene. is it a lecture? there isn't enough water to drink. they to learn wash, talk to us middle florida, kids up the pediatric department of not sore hospital in con eunice square. the waiting room is packed people desperate to see the should have been and the reason behind the spread of these bacterial diseases is the complete destruction of this in a taishan system. you have ground water and mixing with the sewage. this, the severe overpopulation that the extreme heat and a lack of ventilation garza is facing the public health image and see for the 1st time and a quarter of a century, a polio epidemic has been declared. the virus was detected in samples of sewage and waste water flying between tens. he's really a texas killed,
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more than 16250 children in nearly 10 months of those who survive these righty, bullets and bombs, combination of famine, disease and displacement compounds and misery like level which is their this demonstrates has including members of these really parliament have stormed a military base and the negative, desolate and supports of soldiers accused of torturing policy and detaining 9 is really resolved as to arrested on monday on suspicion of sexual abuse, a palestinian prison, and held out that bass was taken to hospital with severe injuries that left him unable to walk in wrong confidence. it should have been an internal military matter. instead it's turned into a flash point between these ready, oh me. right wing politicians and white wing protested on monday, these,
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where the army sent a team of internal military police to a prison just outside of goza. to investigate soldiers accused of abusing a palestinian detaining. almost immediately protest broke out of the facility as right wing politicians encouraged, protest as to storm the building a cool. they hated country all touch your little bill. this is the people against the government, the eclip lights or whatever. but it didn't go to not the people who died defending just the national security administer at the moment. think of it has been accused of stopping the military police from investigating the allegations of abuse. the defense minister says the prime minister benjamin netanyahu must open an investigation into being there that's only deepening the already public tensions
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between the $3.00 and $9.00 soldiers a will face a military court hearing, but those quotes on notorious lenient charges already brought. and the military can sit is it's an internal matter, not a civil legal rights groups have long criticized, stating that in prison, the association for civil rights and as well as a q. so does that seem as abuse of detainees? one lawyer says about $200.00 published indians are being held in that facility, and many of them have recounted their own stories of silence until in wrong con, which is their well since 1969, a succession of young reports have detailed these rarely abuse of palestinian prisoners, evidence shows mas treatments has intensified in the past 10 years. wanting some view as may find the images a neuro day story to study of shaking and visibly in shocked, eyes, betraying, suffering. the mind cannot father, repeated,
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proud to know most and private thoughts electrocuted us. such harrowing scenes repeated hospitals every time israel release us palestinians taken from gaza during this brutal war documented cases of torture and sexual abuse of palestinian detainees have reached unprecedented levels and human rights organizations say israel is carrying out in force disappearances of thousands in gaza. men, women, the children, an elderly people from all walks of life, like eod, who worked in a supermarket in the town in northern gaza. before the war. shifting the soldiers took shift between us with us for water, the shop sand and the amounts was tight and blindfolded the whole time. i didn't know who was next to me, yet disappeared for 75 days. taken from one on disclose. come to another was at one point they told us to kiss these riley flag in
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a beach house before we could during that time his wife. so pay you didn't know he was dead or alive. how can you send me an e mail to different man, physically and emotionally, shortly after her husband returned. so p a 17 year old son. she had disappeared on long island. i hope he's detained. i know what goes on there, but at least he'd be life. you can recover, we ask the red cross, but they tell us they have no information. israel has refused the red cross access to palestinian detainees. are you so i was released in may after 22 years and then is really prison. the last 7 months were worse than all those years combined. he tells me enough of some of them. it wasn't in their starved and beaten, stripped of everything, but i lost nearly half my weight in those months. my father didn't recognize me. i was shocked when i finally saw myself in the mirror at home,
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and there were some captives from garza in the prison where a so was held. the heard their cries, he says he also heard the last words of a boss who was beaten to death by his really guards. woodrand. hi, who called out for his mom, listened helplessly. i'm free now, but i almost feel guilty. i survive with sheltering in dogs. a sea of tents, thousands of families permanently changed by los greece and the torment of not knowing. my son had it comes to me in my dreams faith in them, we cried together. after losing every thing. so pay and thousands of mothers and guards. i have nothing but hope to hold on to foreclosure in the form of a reunion or even a marked grave. not all the arrows ita talestine. a high ranking has been a source has totals out to 0. they will respond to any is really aggression and they've been on including
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a ground invasion. and this is the 1st time that the group has commented on israel's reason, threats of retaliation. israel has been blaming, has been off for a rucker's attack on saturday. the killed 12 people in the occupied colon heights, the ons group, has consistently denied any involvement as in a hold of reports now from babies of firefighters work under difficult conditions and villages along lebanon's border with israel for kayla has been repeatedly targeted during 10 months of hostilities between has the law and as well, but this low scale war of attrition could be about to change is rel, is strengthening what it calls a harsh response to the killing of civilians and most of sums on saturday. has the law the night carrying out that strike the the whole from and then i believe is fear from the is really in the me to react the people are living their life. normally, life goes on in a country used to instability and tours,
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but many are concerned at all. yeah, i mean, regarding will, people are afraid and people are monitoring the situation. i am one of them. we're monitoring day by day if the situation escalates or not. a slights have been disrupted at david's only international airport with some international airlines suspending them completely. some people have decided to leave earlier than planned, but there is no sense of panic nor mass evacuations, while many embassies are advising their citizens to leave. we recommend us citizens develop a crisis plan of action and leave before a crisis begins the lebanese state. there's not directly involved in this conflict, but has been involved in backdoor diplomacy to de escalate tensions. we don't want this good ation. the most important thing is that uh if, if the instead of purchase it for them to do this, obviously it shouldn't be big because we know we cannot control,
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has validated the issue is what many people believe israel may target. they root southern suburbs, known as has well as heartland or the nearby airport, which as well says the group uses the store weapons as well as sources have said for an invoice are trying to contain the conflict by convincing as well to avoid targeting civilians, the lebanese capital and key infrastructure for the 1st time has by law has commented on as well as a recent high ranking sources have told el associated that they're taking them seriously. and that the arms group will consider any strikes and aggression whether it is limited or not. the sources also set that for an invoice suggests that the house belong to refrain from retaliating, so as not to expand the conflict, they were told that won't happen. this video clip a pass in this role as well as chief threatening to respond in kind to any is really attack is flooding,
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social media sites. these are long time enemies who know each other's red lines, and they will make their choices accordingly. so i know who they're osha zeta. they lived. the one is really hasn't killed and a real good attack on a settlement in the northeast. the man died off to 10 rockets. we'll find into israel from 11 on. according to these really ministry. one of them hit the keyboards, how go straight and supplement which is near the occupied colon heights. well, let's speak to us and beg our correspondent to joins us from roommate, which is in the southern oven on fairly close to that florida. as we know that tensions have been extremely home on the border. i understand it has also literally just been a strength behind you. what's happening yes, just moments ago there was a strike behind us. we believe it's i the show now that town has suffered considerable damage. that in fact is one of the times that's mean most had over
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$300.00 times since the start of this conflict in october of last year. now that strike just took place, but this strikes taking place every day across $711.00 on. no, we understand this in the i was of this morning in a village not far from have bait. leave a drone strike cuz one has was on them. but now we would just ended up village and the funeral was taking place and a that village has also kinds of stuff with considerable damage, as has many board attends and villages along this southern border. this we're not far from. is there any positions where we're standing now? now we also understand that it has struck and dip shit. where we, where we understand from the start is that 3 people have been injured that his beloved you said have said that they've hit the have go should i mean, such a much. they've also said that the 5 contributor rockets at the headquarters of this, the hell the battalion inmate hit the barracks. now you're on the sound of is brittany, across the breaking the signed battery. it could be heard across something the
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wrong and also be route that has relying the statement said that the force is fine . that those rockets that came to find that those rockets forcing them to increase in that us. that's something the 1st on his was on made those claims. as i said, the daily strikes taking pace across southern lebanon. how 10 says the political situation now inside 11 on as, as well, that continues to way up its options. as well as considerably 10 steps. some people think that this is the, this was not escalating to an or the actual, but they are genuine fee is not, as you heard from my colleague, as they know who the she was talking about this high ranking his beloved officials talking to a 0 just talking about what happens if it is little kids that these attacks and here's the, has promised to retire to even though they have been international victories through and to me just trying to get his blood not to reach out to retire to his real has said no they will retaliate and kind and as she said,
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the videos of the need to not has done this without having circulating social media and that has been law. i've also told, i'll just say that they don't believe israel, the 9 to grind invasion, but if they do that has with us also threatened to evade the gaiety. uh, but the situation is tense and as you've heard previously, some flights have been delayed to cancel and then some countries have co listed to events to me if in fact the united kingdom kingdom funds actually has told purchase citizens to me they've been on. now, i some vague that for us on the southern lebanese border, thank you so much. i said when i bring them all in the shower, i'll just hear a senior political analyst who joins me today from london. mon, everyone keeps talking about red lines in your mind. how serious is that? the rest of a profound escalation right now? i think it's serious. especially you've got good things. simply
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a good time to even dance. they are not mentioned. as happens uh, lots of think history and the issues with the c and the issue of this conference, it is certain always necessitates, especially by thunder. sidney is especially recent never satisfied testable. and that's and that's why i think probably the biggest question we're facing today is not simply how we decide if any 8 or what is the biggest question. the most important question. how, where pacebutler is that the, i guess is there any and if it does, what does it need and how far it go? why is excellent? because we didn't want to lose. it's the teachers and the on the way while attempting to is are now for in the future,
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is by really doing what it says. and it says, and by the time you can just, you know, say for us and by whatever you want to know, we once we started because of what happened, then before i see it again go and then i think is right. it's going to be the ones that, again, how it's when i take any action on whether i will go beyond the existing ones. i'm trying to understand the calculus here for both sides because israel presumably doesn't want and now the front to deal with as we've discussed 11 on con, to, for the war. where does a run factor in here? to what 2nd do you know? there is no mystery about certain size even more so that sense behind these it to isn't really, to me in the sense that definitely the big investment these people want has
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invested heavily as well as other seer. yeah. and it's really consensus has by that to be and that's why it wouldn't get involved in some form or another. it really goes beyond the existing rules of engagement. but i think here really we need to pay attention to the idea that is on the wrong. what happens between them actually seen in the past several months is that it could be somehow distorted for it could be defined or it could be measured. but it's not clear because this one is going to be a 2nd hang on. so the search with a no, no, no, it has to be forwarded yearly. where be on the country, the software for the new york city, because how the other countries are not picking up the national responsibilities. and i'm not saying that it's on the but in any other form to seriously affect the
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situation and guys side. so as far as picking up the monitor or is this is a, is these are the state of the price. it has always the same. the press, almost like a said say to the one that we can level where we could operate and re assess what is inside is one. because why there's a good number of reasons why it shouldn't be compromise that it's new says, could you just say such as the sportage the treasure. let's see that the guys i've talked about today. it's the right time. these are the 3 is mobilized, is looking at the car mass, 2nd, or to or southern america has committed to project. he's right, he's regional caution long does all as well so. so the amount of reasons why this product,
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the pressures is ready to government money against the big question is, what is, what do i do and what is, are the things that we do? what say that the southern, the southern uh, neighborhoods of where it's sort of a song these were the didn't. so for, for any other such installations i see as for like that. or was that the issue that goes major research to see these 44. what do you need? the, how do logic both and 4 is your password. okay, a very, very sensitive time for both sides right now. we'll continue watching very closely . indeed on the show. all right, i'll just share a senior political analyst always great to have you on the news. now, thanks for joining all around this president. my soon possessed scan has met the senior officials of hezbollah and the protestant andrews' is mom and she had entire on not took pace just hours before hasn't orations, harmony possess scan is taking office as pensions,
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escalating in the region due to israel's war on casa ali, and he wanted is relative serious consequences if it attacks more targets and 11 on was that to get some of 80 countries attendant project scans and organization. these are some of the scenes from parliament and the capital to iran, around the new president is seen as a political or fullness who has promised to walk towards cooling intentions with the west or the moving on now and lance lions triggered by heavy monitoring rains, have killed at least 93 people in southern india. hundreds more. sophia trapped tons of knowledge and debris in a healy district and the state is carmela. let me close even show a full one speak to this region now in
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multiple landslide schools by heavy months and brains have spoke to faith villages in one or district. it happened to the earliest on tuesday, dropping people in the homes. one of the select search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go. patients being guided open of off with the police and the fire force and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service. with the unstable terrain destroyed roads and a collapse of bridge into an effort separate inches, people have been taken to the point. there were about 5 to 8 people
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with me. it was with the when i sold and being swept away, i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live with the being rescued. i carried my mother on my shoulders, would give it a to, to look through and then they would say in the social media, post plumbing this to move range of movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition leader form and pay you from find out wrong, we've gone the has called for an action plan to map landslide prone areas. the heavy rains flooding and must slide so common in catalogue, getting the monsoon season, from june to september. in 2018, nearly 500 people were killed in the state in blown of the worst floods on the consumption eve arches. even hundreds of people have valued and abandoned actually capital to protest against police killings during recent anti government demonstrations that they johnson slogans against a prime minister, shakera sienna, more than
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a $150.00 people account that during protest against the government job quarters earlier this month, supreme court has since scrapped most of those questions on still a head here on elders here trying to contain an oil spill in the of the philippine capital. but it might just be too late for those who rely on the see for their logic and and for could this high flying celebration proved to be pa somebody's iconic image of the powerful impacts far will be here with that story. the the, it's tuesday, july, the 30th here's what's going on across the americas, a blanket of heat sitting over a central and southern us. so heat alerts in place. you're not tough to see why. when you look at some of these temperatures in arkansas, little rock at 36 degrees,
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there is an active whether it's talk about though that surround the midwest, the great lakes, all of that pulling into the us northeast and know for a time yesterday new york saw some hail could see a repeat on tuesday, but once the showers in storms clear, we will bump in the heat and humidity with that breeze off the appliances, westbound. we go. okay, we got some heat through the northern plains here, and it touched cooler than should be at this some of the year and vancouver 19 degrees and you'll catch a few drops today on tuesday, fairly quite for the us south west, somewhat weather moving across the state of idaho, but if i take you to central america with these winds fairly strong right now, it's steering rain into nick, or rockwell coast rica and panama and off we go to south america, a pretty good verse of rain along the border here with ecuador, and paid through on tuesday it's still this cool breeze for patagonia, so just 10 degrees for come. a thorough re vidalia moisture being scooped up off the south atlantic. so some charges in the mix for that southeast corner of brazil today on tuesday,
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the soon as the sun goes down so far we've challenging place to work from as a journalist here. so you can't do it. it's not allowed to be a field. we always pushing on boundaries for we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. a meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time. in one year. we source that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of know about the slower it's maria ressa and professor michael wooldridge explore the titles and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it
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changes the way we think, and then the way we all can protect ourselves. studio b, b a. i series on a jersey to the the, the match and watching else is here on. that's remind you about top stories for sound. heavy rains have triggered land slides in southern india, killing at least 93 people. hundreds more of the trapped on the month and debris and healey district and the state of caroline. the army has been sentenced to help with such and rescue. is there any immediate reports that one person has been killed in the north and a rocket attack launched from 11 on that comes as hezbollah tell zones is here. it's ready to respond to any is really aggression on that. and on including
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a potential ground and vision. while there's really forces half withdrawn from eastern parts of con, eunice and southern gaza. 9 days off to a renewed assault on the city. the space palestinians had been returning to the ruins of their homes to the human rights group. besides these really minute tree killed thousands of civilians during the operation in gaza. city of this month, civil defense teams were coveted around 60 bodies from the streets of to is ray, the troops pulled out among the women those as the haws family shots while trying to flee their home on july. the 8th, so ha, witnessed the killings and told i was there how she survived in her and once to the express purpose of the so the tell it in a sort of the month old fashioned. i'll put on the floor. i'm going to thought the center glad to know. ok. so how to some off mama.
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we're not in the machine. most of us that is out with them because mom way of sort of the whole her vision home our mom was because of the you know the whole mama, young upset. i'm not sure so south of mama city, especially for the for my food i this country a bit of the month. it's a benefee the cannot, will set an alarm and this is odd attorney last year and at the hold on several stuff. awesome. and pull the sauce and not enough for the land i had upset him and south and the south in the for your input. and the issue is up sort. osborne used with mama. no one most of the whole. so huh. what about how it is almost a part of the laptops that are coming stipends if something awful at the got out of
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what it is i thought sort of last month or you have easy and how much is it just for the month of the month to come over the phone by 9. so how about you, what it will not let enough of on the list and then me into shut it off on a month. is a setup in order to for the next one. question i'm looking at the on britain has delayed its decision on whether it will continue to sell on to israel until later this summer. the bridge finds x ray david allow me, is under pressure to announce a total ban, but something ministers and the newly elected labor government would prefer to suspend the licenses for specific weapons linked to suspected will crimes and casa allot, allow me, it would have questions about recognizing palestine as a state, but rather reiteration calls for an immediate cease. fine. we're not of as an individual, it's not from westminster. the british foreign minister david law, me has been a depression, but he's
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a bad batch and he's to suspend or even reduce the um, sales to israel. now what we do know is that officials helping us to review evidence of any potential will crimes in gaza. because what minnesota is wanting to do potentially is to suspend specific lessons licenses where they can link those weapons to will crimes being committed. and that is an inquiry that would take some time and the u. k. parliament is about to go into a summer recess and will return in some 10. but thought david lani housing aust. about this today in parliament taken listen to that exchange resolved. very, very serious issues that the test on the criteria to see is whether if ever is a clever vouchers based on very capital assessments. i'm cash on assessments of the little he would expect. so to see that with a little surprising, i do check,
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let's see. and that is what i intended to do is also was pointing out that the u. k . sales of arms to israel are relatively small, was about 18000000 pounds last the but however they are reduced. it could be a slash point in relations between britain and israel. and another in a series of steps that this government in the u. k has taken to show that they all willing to take a slightly toughest off is in dire relations with israel. for example, they have dropped the planned opposition by the previous government of receipts to not to oppose the international criminal court seeking an arrest warrant for the is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the specs passing full kissed alma the new but it's 5 minutes to saying that that semester, for the quotes they also restored funding to on right the you an agency helping palestinians. now that funding was cut off to israel accused
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a number of unrest offers, of taking part in the type of the 7 attacks. now, subsequently this being a un pro that found the israel did not provide any evidence to back that up. so the u. k. has not restored that funding, but all these steps are different in that approach to the previous government has had to what is raleigh does show that the new labor government is willing to toss. it tells me that there was any nights out 0 london the in venezuela at least 3 people have now died, an anti government protest which so violent police crack down on monday. so i'm curious, nicholas monroe of stealing the election tensions of announcing in the capital. and one opposition leader has also reportedly been arrested. caracas is on edge with more protests just getting underway. we're looking at live pictures now from the capital of opponents of madeira. he's been gathered that on the streets. the opposition there has been cooling on,
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demonstrates has remained peaceful. it says it has proof that the opposition presidential candidates, edmondo gonzalez, won the election with more than 70 percent of the 1st. well, let's show you the scene in caracas the day before. on monday, shortly, often, madura was officially declared the winner of the presidential election in an open, active defiance. people took to the streets, taunting freedom and demanding electro transparency. i will not speak to an officer segora, she's a program director for less than america, with the international crisis group. she joins us now from new york. we're not to, as we've been reporting there of already been 3 deaths despite what we're reporting the mostly peaceful demonstrations given the laws that exist in place in venezuela . how brutal could this crack down get yes. how many i think done unfortunately we're know, think about the laws, but more as a precedent because we have seen in the past not for many years, but we have seen propes is really becoming very violent because the armed forces
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have repressed the protesters. i'm i think that as pressure continues to build around friends in the as the last in america and most of the world is refusing to acknowledge he is um, we mean in the polls unless he shows proof that that there was no fraud on things as well. it can be very tricky via the very, very quickly. it's been interesting to see the rhetoric from the dora himself and he's accusing the opposition of trying to steal the election. and we have seen these doing demonstrations, just how much support does madura have, is not nearly as much as he would like to have or as he pretends to have. i mean, chevy is more, it continues to be unimportant for us in venezuela, which is not disney. is it by any chance by the oil in the every research that we've done indicates that the support for moodle is very quick. change lindley hill,
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the pores centers of the population had been traditionally the ones that chevy says has been appealing to. these people have been the most hard kids by the economic crisis, and other families are part of the families that have migrated. 7000000 people have less know better, so i live in search for better lives. so the support that he has is very few. a lot of the people who do some for him continue to receive some sort of material benefit by doing so. a lot of on demand that we have seen on the street since yesterday, that are part of what it's called policy was collective, and the slot is essentially a part of military group that has been financed by the government. well, let me ask you about the way for then, because pulling ahead of this election, had madura with a need about 20 percent of the vote, as you say, dwindling support, but is government is kaley doubling down on, on his declaration of victory. so what are the options now for both the opposition and for the international communities have been watching this take place,
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particularly given his evening madura assuming lack of, of care for the actions that have been taken in the past us? well we have, i think, 2 paths. right now we know that behind closed doors, there are being conversations we've mother, we don't get ministration to try and find a peaceful solution. it is very important that the government feels that they're using the exit strategy that allows them to vote safe space on the one hand, but also gives them some guarantees. if they were to need documents, you know, they are positioning the past, has said that they would go after the government, if they were to lose. so for understandable reasons, my load is worried that he might end up in jail. then his assets might be taking a way that even chinese more might be a lot. so the idea right now is to create a pass for words that allows them to leave power without those repercussions that they fear. if that doesn't materialize,
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and i am not saying it is easy for that to my to realize that is a very tricky task to go under. then i am afraid that what we're going to see is really kind of what's happening in the cat out what the use of the armed forces to quell any revenge, any pro, just on the streets. repression, we have seen already this morning, some high profile dissension of people in the old position. and we can see really up to law now throughout the authors area, and move on the part the menu. well ahead of the selection. as madura broke his promises about how the election itself would be carried out, crisis group was calling for calibration sanctions instead of a, a full snap back of us sanctions. for instance, if a violent crackdown does indeed take place, what should happen now? i mean, we have seen that so long sanctions do not work in removing mode of from power but actually do affect the populations standards of living. and in reality,
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more sanctions. that makes the situation more difficult being that that's why the food end up needing to more migration, which is exactly what the world doesn't want to see. however, it is important to review sanctions. i guess individuals that you know are in power and does have be taking advantage of their procedures in power. there's going to have to be a for the need it, i'm very thoughtful approach to how to get my little to, to be more reasonable. and we'll see if that does, eventually it's pronounced to go to the program director for last time america with the international crisis group. thank you so much for joining us on the out of the rent and use our announcer. thank you for having all the philippine coast guard says it's preparing to drain 1500000 liters of color fuel from a sunken tanka of the capitol. manila, it says most of the leak has been stopped, but oil has to washed up there on the shore. line,
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bottom below reports from cavity just south of miller. less than a week after a tank or carry $1500000.00 leaders of cargo fuel sank off manila bay. this oil spill has reached coastal towns at this ship yard, inconvenient south of the philippine capital workers and coast guards are cleaning the beach after only debris washed ashore from from uh, massey in the gov. this area was full of trash and there was a lot of oil. the stench of fuel was so strong, it had to be bad for the lunch. so that's why i reported to authorities right away, that they have booms and absorbs on standby. but the authority say they won't have to use them tuesday morning, the head of the philippine coast guard to over the bay would for an experts. he said the situation wasn't as bad as a similar tanker disaster last year. off orient doesn't mean door those earlier.
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the board, the site beings can be through those which are part of the, the initial or the speed in the earlier days. the assessment, the bible, it's not as bad as mendota. i'd speed the, the quantity of why these uh, very minimize the vin doris bill took months to clean up these fishermen and could be to say, they've just bought it oil sheets on their way back to shore. hold on, let me pull out this too much on in the water and because of that, a catch was less than usual then for the night. i got the bulk showed us how some of the oil had stuck to their net. they're around $5000.00 fishermen in this town alone now with 4 provinces plus the capital manila around many of the be the damage to the environment and livelihoods. if the oil spreads, it's likely to be significant. liens. scientists at the university of the philippines have been monitoring the oil spill and say their concern in human that
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there might be close nature of many to be and shower. what are these oil spill in? many let be dried beach to the whole slide and you're just kind of after a few hours. but the coast guard says, or leaking valves on the septic tank or have now been sealed in the district around where it's saying cause trunk to a length of one kilometer. they're hoping they can soon drain off the last of the cargo fuel. find it below address, there could be to the philippines. the lounge area is re cooling. it's invested at the front of the present, the manual back on recognized morocco sovereignty over the dispute at westminster. har region, the pablo, sorry, a friend which is backed by all g area, has been fighting for the territories. independents for decades. macro on has now back to morocco, is proposal to give the region limited autonomy and the robots control. but algeria is foreign ministry said it would hold paris responsible for any consequences
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resulting from that decision. i'm still ahead here on out to 0. she's one of the most successful female some as of all time, but she's still not finished. that's coming up shortly. and it was for the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by
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the business latest sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the welcome back. it's time to sports, i'm sorry. has all the, let me take action. yes, i do. thank you so much and spouse. yeah. one of the greatest gymnast of all time simone bios will be an action shortly as the american aims to win her 1st gold metal since the real lympics in 2016 solely the united states. and the women seem final, just by having a calf injury their favorite,
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and the wind gold. after finishing runners up to russia in tokyo, 3 years ago, 27 year old biles could win 5 golds altogether, having also qualified for the finals in the all round a vault floor and being a ton as well. number 2 cocoa golf had a tough time and paris heat as she exited the women's singles. the golf was unhappy with a line call that was made during her match with probation daunted package. the american went on to these in straight sets with beckett's should moving onto the quarter fund. germany's alexander's of rab looks on track to defend his olympic gold metal. the world number 4 beat check player thomas muck hacked in straight money behind the money to swimming and katy la deck. he is
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a scary prospect and the 1500 meters and she holds the 14th. fastest time ever in the event, the 11 time olympic metal is show that she's going to be tough to beat in the final after winning her. he's like 18 seconds. final is on wednesday. of a 2nd. china, i have moved back to the top of the metals table, the to gold and the mixed doubles. table tennis friends have impressed in their home olympics with 16 metals in total, australia and south korea joined them on 5 volts to bill. in fact, the trial plan could end up being a do offline due to dangerous levels of pollution and the river's fun events. ralph on was meant to happen on tuesday about has been postponed. men's events has now been moved to wednesday and will take place after the women's competition. if the water quality improves $1500000000.00 have been invested to try and make the river safe for athletes. but at times in june, the level of harmful bacteria was still 10 times the level imposed by sports federations. latree offline is a race made up of a 1500
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a meter open water swim 40 kilometer bike ride and a ton k run. if the water is still bad on wednesday, the final backup day for both races is friday, but the forecast is not good with storms expected in the next 48 hours, which could see pollution rise again. and if they still count race on friday, swim live will be scrapped, and athletes will compete and a do offline. instead, we know this is a fixed expectation. could be of possibilities as to why we preview some con contingency day. so tomorrow you will have uh, 2 competition in the morning if the quality water is good in us and the trend is actually put on the positive way. so we're still confident for tomorrow, waiving the 2 competitions that jamaica is not often a country associated with swimming uh the olympic, but one of the flag bayers in paris. josh curly will be competing in the pool and
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they need to increase the profile of the sports in the caribbean. police reports excellence and track and field runs deep on the island of jamaica. and it's translated to elliptic dominance in athletics. who signed votes? celebrity has been the holly point in the history of gold. going back to the 1948 to lympics. well, they haven't had much of these based. just curly is one of the just to jamaican swim is a power is 2024. there's a shift towards the spoilt after he was picked as a flight by right for the opening ceremony. but suddenly putting things coming in the spotlight. i know there's tons of untapped potential in the car be in the car being especially jamaica has like so much so much potential with ceremonial duties, i currently will make his elliptic, they do in the 100 meters butterfly. on friday, he's hoping to in spite young jamaicans, just as american legend michael phelps once inspired him. when curly was 9 years old, i've been dreaming of winning the metal for as long as i couldn't remember, for like i remember was that when i was part of what you want the beijing and then
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pick something like sitting stultz disliked dominate the competition that there was nothing to i remember like saying to my mother like like i want to be just like him, but i only i'll send for jamaica. i don't know. but like seeing this little light in the rising, the like, she loves the idea of me doing that though and ever since i've been striving to was that it's been a long journey from his local pool in london to fulfilling his dream of representing the country where his mother was born, but the experience may be the most valuable item jamaica swim team. it takes home from these olympics to make it can continue. the olympic gold rush here in paris. maybe not in the pool like a whole. what? 87 olympic metals, i'm the one that hasn't been in athletics, a cycling, bruns back in 1993. they have come close in the pool before we can send was both in the 100 meet to press drug redlands, in 2012 going on to win world championship, silver and bronze, as well as gold at the short cost. well, miss atkinson is, is consumers? what vote is for, for the track and field team, they both paved the way for future generations to pick up where they left off. so
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then that way, the one in the future will hopefully have just a successful same team as we do the track and field team kelly and his fellow swim at sabrina lynn on now the one setting the standards for others to follow. and hopefully put at least some aspiring olympians on a different track car pull race out. is there a terrace, a team usa beats so sit down by just one point last week. they play again on wednesday and will take nothing for granted that the late bill braun james riley to avoid a huge upset and that exhibition match against the olympic a w tons. so sit down, have gone on to when they're open are against puerto rico, while there was a comfortable victory for the rest. say again sir. bm steph curry is featuring. and his 1st separate games and admit that was a wake up call for the 4th time defending champions. you don't get heightened just by being here. you know, we can't just sleep, walk through any game and feel like when we have to bring the same energy for sure . like i said,
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it's appropriate here. we're beautiful. if we don't play our game. but if we do, we have a lot of confidence. we can take a look at one most iconic images of the game so far. it happened in the surfing event, which is taking place in tahiti. they were tough conditions in the heats and some enormous waves results. gabrielle medina is a 3 time world champion and was awarded an olympic record score. he held up 10 fingers to the judges, but came out just short of that with a 9.9, the data now hudson to the quarter finals later on tuesday. of this is one of the incredible a still images that was captured. it was taken by photographers around for le even if he doesn't win gold medina will be remembered for the part he played and create this picture. okay. and that is all your support for now. back to you in the minutes. thank you so much. 5 as well. that is it for me and as long as you pay for
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this news, i'll have it done. go and i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of the day is news. you can also always find more on al jazeera dot com to stay with the the latest news as it breaks several investigations are on the way and put in the meantime, trickles testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage people have said that they feel the manual macro is doing everything that a time in order not to a point next to in 5 minutes from around the world to this particular account that i'm more than $226000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00 shooting discrepancies in charge. i know the south korea police receive up to 200 reports. while it's every day. when a is to investigate career, lead from one out to 0,
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the safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now once the capital of the committee or empire, the serene ancient city of uncle, in present, they come bowed. here is it protected unesco world heritage sites,
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but as its temples of lakes and erudition canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power, investigate see events forced evictions of thousands of families. the bottom for the soul of anchored box pot to adjust the un on head on habitable wasteland. palestinians return home to the goal is a southern city of con eunice. a need to find a launch to be destroyed by the is really on farther off in central garza 9 palestinians all killed and is really stripes on the algo res refugee camp. the


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