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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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so many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged forest evictions of thousands of families. the bottom for the soul of anchored box part to adjust the un on head on habitable wasteland. palestinians return home to gauze. the southern city of con eunice needs to find the launch be destroyed by these rarely on. farther off in central garza 9 palestinians are killed in is really stripes on the elbow res refugee camp. the again, i missed all the attain. this is all just here at life from don't also coming to the dispute,
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the president nicholas monroe is victory continues 3 protest as have been killed. the key of position in figure out the rest of the heavy rains trigger. lance lives in southern india, killing at least 93 people with t. it is still very july. the when we begin in gaza way is riley forces, they've now withdrawn from eastern, con eunice, 9 days off to their renew, just sold on the southern city. on the left behind looks more like a waste on so in a neighborhood civil defense team say they've recorded recovered some 300 bodies since the offensive began. but thousands of people are still missing. an estimated 190000 people were displaced by the minutes reaction. even though there's nothing left of their homes, palestinians are returning to the area. because they say there's nowhere else to go . you want me?
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yeah, outside of the day of the invasion, i swear to god. we couldn't even take it to you said with us. these are the clothes that i left with and i'm still wearing them now. i would tend to funds destruction no tent, no house, nothing left in the attempt that we had. we have no money to replace them. as you can see, there is no team on this was my last shelter. some of the things we were able to take from the house of now being lost. now i, my wife, my son, and my brother's a homeless. the situation is bad. we have collapse physically and psychologically. if the decision to go to war, peace was in a hands, you would choose peace. but if an account described the greek split that is inside us, mostly the meanwhile funerals have been held. so some of those killed in israel is offensive. at least 7 people died. and overnight strikes, rescue i could say they found many bodies lying under the rubble or in the streets . line. palestinians have also been killed in his riley as strikes in the outer rage area of central garza. eye witnesses say several palestinian men were hit as
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they tried to move bodies belonging to the victims of an alias. strike on sunday is really forces ordered. the evacuation of the operators can declaring it the combat zone will not speak to him. cordell ready for the nicest. she's in darrell balance in central garza. and let's start with what's happening in con unit. so we know that is really small, just destroyed. most of it before this offensive people were times they tried to rebuild what is now left well, nothing's less complete, destruction. we're not only talking about the destruction that was all ready in 10 units. but after this 8 at the round invasion, more destruction has been happening. more infrastructure has been destroyed and more houses, more residential. where's great talking about hospitals. everywhere has been what everywhere has been destroyed and not only that, even graveyards a we're,
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we're also destroyed. we have been seeing a lot of digging in those graveyards by the is where new courses named all of the instructor in a. yeah, i knew and is this interesting. she was already destroyed with the is there any forces this it invasive? can you and is a couple of months ago people try to fix it and now they will re fix it again. so most of the houses are not even in habitable. there do not even have any resources or any essentials of living in the house, but people are preferring to go back to their houses because they simply do not have anywhere to go the worst concert in this, the streets for those 8 days. and they did not have any shelters, and all of the people in units are saying they prefer going back to the rubble of their houses because they don't have any place to go that's, that's like, that's it. or do what kind of thing is in the eastern parts. so can units are
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telling us will speaking of places to go here and we know that there are these new about creation orders for people to leave these refugee camps in central garza. i understand a good number of them coming to daryl, by the way. you are. what are you seeing now of the, what all the people he evacuated from the age literally came to the middle area and especially in the indebted. but we're talking about hundreds of thousands of families who are seeking childs are, and seeking refuge here in the last. they are seeking refuge in hospitals, you and shelters. and even in the agriculture that if you go outside right now, you even find people setting up their tents on the sidewalks of the streets because you do not have any place to go. and it's not only that, the sue, it's the but positive garbage and all of these are making it very miserable for those this place. policy news, they do not have access to hygiene to watch or 2 bathrooms and all everywhere is
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taxed. and over ones of people, and this happened before the evacuation orders from my goodies and you can, you imagine more thousands of policy means coming to this very small area. we're talking about more than a 1000000 and contents and use now squeezed into that but, and they literally don't have any space to go to. they can go through some units that they gotta go to that far. and they also go, can go back to the northern parts of the gospel city. so everyone's trapped here with no other option. and they do not have anywhere to go and even did it by less than a human to turn in zone where the is there any forces have been kind of some used to evacuate is also being targeted and hold. all right, very important for us from the ground from general ballot and central cause. i thank you in a high ranking has well, a source has told down to 0 that they will respond to any is really aggression and 11 on including ground invasion. and this is the 1st time the group has commented
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on israel's recent threats of retaliation. israel husband blaming has beloved a rock is attack on saturday, the killed 12 people in the occupied colon heights beyond trip. there has denied any involvement as in a lot of reports now from the root. a firefighters work under difficult conditions and villages along lebanon's border with israel. for killer has been repeatedly targeted during 10 months of hostilities between has the law and as well. but this low scale war of attrition could be about to change, as well as strengthening what it calls a harsh response to the killing of civilians. and most of jumps on stuff to day has the law the night carrying out that strike the the whole from. and i believe his 5th from the is really in the me to react if it people are living their life. normally. life goes on in a country used to instability and whores. but many are concerned for the federal jani. regarding will,
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people are afraid and people are monitoring the situation. i am one of them. we are monitoring day by day if the situation escalates or not. a slights have been disrupted at david's only international airport with some international airlines suspending them completely. some people have decided to leave earlier than planned, but there is no sense of panic nor mass evacuations, while many embassies are advising their citizens to leave. we recommend us citizens develop a crisis plan of action and leave before a crisis begins the lebanese state. there's not directly involved in this conflict, but has been involved in backdoor diplomacy to de escalate tensions. we don't want this connection. the most important thing is that uh if, if the setup portion for them to do this, obviously it shouldn't be big. because we know we cannot control hezbollah till the
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issue is what many people believe israel may target. they root southern suburbs, known as has well as heartland or the nearby airport, which as well says the group uses the store weapons as well as sources have set for an invoice. are trying to contain the conflict by convincing as well to avoid targeting civilians, the lebanese capital and key infrastructure for the 1st time has by law has commented on as well as a recent high ranking sources have told associated that they're taking them seriously. and that the arms group will consider any strikes and aggression, whether it is limited or not. the sources also said that for an invoice address, that's a helpful law to refrain from retaliating, so as not to expand the conflict, they were told that won't happen. this video clip a pass in this role as well as chief threatening to respond in kind to any is really attack is flooding, social media sites. these are long time enemies who know each other's red lines,
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and they will make their choices accordingly. so i know who they're osha zeta they as well media. and israel is reporting that one is riley has been killed and a rock is attacked on a settlement in the north. the man died off to 10 rockets for 5 into israel from 11 on. according to these randy ministry, one of them hit the keyboards, have a friend settlement which is near the occupied golden heights. well, there's also been more is really strikes in southern lebanon, one hezbollah pfizer was killed in his ready drone strike in the early hours of tuesday morning. as a big isn't bailiff in southern governor, it basically says the location is ready drunk. so that tells one member of his bluff and the up tuesday morning. his funeral is taking place not, not the 1st time this village has been struck as does disappear, telling me to go away from his radiant position. now as living on grace of itself or in his reading, your tech calling the death of those 12 people that must have shown something is
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there any government has named his beloved for his beloved has denied any involvement incidents. if could be villages like this one does bear the brunt of any is really retaliation, not senior his with our sources have told us to 0 that the don't expect israel to 9 to ground invasion is in a state of comparison of the photos of the 0 israel does not to grind invasion that it is ready to evade together they not, it's not the 1st time that they have threatened to do so that's being hit with all sorts of also told the 0 the international going to go through. and demetrius approach has been a awesome and good luck to retire to any. is there any attack? something has rejected. they say that they will retaliate any of radio tech, no matter how limited to high broad. it may be an add, this tension build the daily strikes across the border between has done is will continue. many times the villages along the board. i've been here today and had with a have talked to is there any positions also in the statement has with us as they
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confronted is very well trained as they broke the sign value over liberty advanced placement. again, let the 1st time they say exactly has happened as the country prepares this up for a possible next stage in this country in some countries, including the united kingdom as their citizens, to lead level. no, no, i started big. i just basically southern lebanon. the whole and then is where you left wide spread protests currently again underway as chris, excuse nicholas miro, a stealing the election. thousands of people is you can see that have taken to the streets of correct as to oppose. mura is declared victory. the opposition has been cooling on these demonstrations to remain peaceful. it says it has proof that the opposition presidential candidate mondo gonzalez won the election was more than 70
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percent of the voters. at least 3 people have already died, an anti government protest and opposition. nita has also reports of a been arrested wanting to do or insist that the opposition is trying to stage accrue the national assembly as calling on versus to stage account to protest. and venezuela's defense minister has expressed absolute loyalty to me during a moment. they are flattering, this is a moment for us to show our loyalty to venezuela and its institutions. i call on all political factions, especially the opposition, which has done so much damage to venezuela, who i call on it to accept or democratic and constitutional policies. so we can honor the vin as well, and people who are asking for understanding the cooperation and dialogue hold tourism. but it has been monitoring reaction for us from argentina's capital one is aries to raise or we're seeing these huge crowds back out on the streets today. despite yesterday's violent cracked on what should we expect as
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well? that's correct. lots of tension. we've been seeing on the streets of venezuela with violence ashes between security forces and protesters. this tuesday, the opposition has asked, is supporters and people to take to the streets again in front of the united nations office in cut out that they're demanding the international community to acknowledge that fraud was committed. and they're doing this by saying that they have proof that of the regularities, that happened on the sunday selection. they say that they have 73 percent of the tally sheets that who are supposedly hidden by the government. and that prove that to as the move? no, i'm sorry, so lucas should be venezuela's. next precedent. this has the whole controversy right now. at the same time we've been seeing the government, the pinnacle of the little calling. wanted to force to take to the streets again. this tuesday to show their support for the government, we saw an image of the administrative defense addressing the nation. he was wearing
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a military fatigue surrounded by his stop military commander showing his support for an equal level. the st on what's going on in venezuela is that cool that's been organized to by imperialism later on. we also saw the attorney general venezuela say that the protesters are not peaceful, that they have been setting tires and buildings on fire and they're being paid by new positions to be taken to the screen. so again, lots of tension on the street. so the government has warned those who questioned the election we saw could be detained between 3 to 6 years in prison. and we heard that very early on tuesday morning, our leader of the opposition for the suspect leno was taken from his home. he was put into a vehicle by armed, armed and with a very nice man. supposedly they could be from the counter intelligence unit in venezuela. there's also been lots of reports of this. i've used by the security forces of paramilitary groups known as clinic people, as in venezuela,
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of showing as civilians in the city got back i. so again, lots of tension, lots of uncertainty. nobody's really sure where this is going to lead, but what is sorry, is that this is not the 1st time that nicola bhutto has faced protest. this is not the 1st time that he has face controversial elections. however, it is the 1st time that it is happening in the middle of time, and it's not civic one on the crisis where millions of people have left the country where there's lots of different chattman where the opposition is saying that they have actually pull that fraud was committed and they're willing to show we done presented and apparently there's millions of people in the country that believe them trans up or that keeping an eye on things for us from one is areas right now. thank you very much. during all, still a head here on algebra, trying to contain an oil spill on near the philippine capital, but it might be just too late. so those who rely on the scene for their life,
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the in the case of forecasts for the last day of july, right across asia, here's what you need to know. get to see the highest level alerts issued for conrad because states in southern india, with his monsoon rains picking up, also through the north. all of this what, whether these months to rains or drapes, over northern areas of indo china and all of that. what the weather is also point into the southern slice of china, but you know away from the rain look at somebody's temperature, shanghai, 38 degrees, but yeah, with this breeze of to see here, it will feel closer to 50 degrees over the next few days in shanghai remnants leftovers of type room gave me have injected a lot of moisture and humidity into north korea. so the country, so it's hot,
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it's night on record dipping down to about 30 degrees. that's a number of stories. here's the precipitation on wednesday. again, these are all left over as of what was type from gave me quite a bit of rain for that northeast corner of china, pushing into the far east of russia. let's go through it even easier with the breeze picking up here that's going to spread some showers into so the ways the them both folly and java islands on wednesday. and we'll lend this weather report in buckets somewhere the month to range. also picking up here for sim providence and for below just on and for your on it's all about the heats many spots in the forty's on wednesday. in the south korea police receive up to 200 reports. while it's every day when a is to investigate career lead from one out to 0. this is the 1st genocide that we see. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is cut the the welcome back to watching i was a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound is really forces has now withdrawn from eastern positive con eunice and southern gauze. that's 9 days off to a renewed assault on the city. the space palestinians has been returning to the ruins of dallas. is there any media reports that one person has been killed? in the north and iraq is attacked launched from 11 on not comes as hezbollah tells
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out his errands, ready to respond to any as really aggression on 11 on, including a potential ground and nation. and then that as well and widespread anti government purchased. so once again on the way i saw mchugh is nicholas monroe stealing sunday's president to the election. the opposition says it has proves that it's come to visit monday. gonzalez won the election was more than 70 percent of the 1st . well that's getting a lot with pull drops and he's an independent journalist and he joins us now from marietta and western venezuela. what do you make as mentors claims? especially given that posing before the election, had them training way up to 30 points. this is very simple for the government to resolve this problem. they found themselves in with the elect for results, and the way through solvent is full of the. and that's no electro counselor to see any administrator to photo tradition and publish the paper ballots with back up
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the results in every benefit and election. and they do this, they put them on that website and there was 4 transparency for all of them on his way to is to see who very good and every voting send the boost region and so on. this is not being done this time, and this is causing great suspicion. well, why hasn't all the dates have been released from the housing stations as not only the opposition is courtney for the independent. the job is including the call to send it from outside. the country will been requesting the c n e, claiming that the system was hacked and on both the day itself on sunday, and that they haven't been able to restore the facilities at the moment. however, this seems on the likely and the voting balance themselves. the, the receipts which come out of every machine are given to the positively to go witnesses of every voting center. on the right we can come to the far right candidate, and the ones are less, yesterday came out just spent to the nation and told the country that he has enough
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of these ballots to prove that he won the election. and in fact, they have set up a website whereby people can check the right balance for 74 percent of the voting sentence. let me ask you, pull didn't do you believe that this election was free and fed with the credible result? this is the electric process, which i bought so many elections in venezuela. so i thought said many elections on this, i have to say from the very outset was modifying irregularities. there were a number of candidates who wanted to run in the election. you weren't allowed to run some very specific. we reason whatsoever candidates from black wing potties administrating communist party with bod, from running for no reason whatsoever. even right when confidence as well. you are in the campaign as well. we saw a number of people arrested for next specific reason of a button and supposedly supporting putting up selling but petro, 2 of the condos of a nicholas missouri. so the house with
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a number of irregularity leading to the day at so the day itself seemed to go out without too many problems for it. and that's an election of this size. but there is the problem with the results is very severe. the announcement made by the left to authorities around 1 am after the voting day does not seem to tally, does not seem to correspond with the empirical data we saw here on the ground during the day. for as we see these protests continue, people continuing to take to the streets. what are the options now moving forward for the position and support is understand up to a 3rd. if people said they might leave venezuela, if this happens to yes, your position is have good limited also options to be honest with you. this seems to be the 1st time in 25 years. they've actually provided credible proof of fraud. they claimed it on many occasions without providing any significant evidence, but this time the evidence does seem to be faddie faddie,
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a trustworthy. the vague said the receipts which they published on the website. and if so, and i think they, they have to really try to convince the venezuelan people to pressurize the government institutions, on particularly the military to overthrow the, the results of the selection to revis are the results of the selection and, and, and still with the person who, who essentially won the election, did this, is there any option without this, this is going to dwindle out again and the, it will staying out for the next 6 years. point, you yourself have been a defender during his policies, particularly in the past. do you get the sense that they. 7 all now discussions behind the scenes to arrange a peaceful, dignified exit from the dora the public pretty just being very few signs of this company. whether this is happening behind the scenes ease, ease, ease, suspected. but it's hard to tell that the maintenance yes. at the moment or the,
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the ministers have minutes, your high come ons and all of the important plays in the venezuelan political scene at our closing file behind nicholas miller. and there is little to suggest that he is, he is thinking about a recount, for example, to be like 2 pallets or less to learn how to use a power, the main demand, not just from the main right. we can come to that, but all of the, the other candidates who run in sunday's election is for our recount the trust bound, recounts of the products. so the whole country can see whether he won or not. we'll certainly continue watching the situation. the volatile situation depends very, very, very closely indeed pulled up some that an independent journalist joining us that from west and on his way to thank you for being with us on eligible o l g r n is re cooling. it's invested as a funds of to present a manual background recognized morocco sovereignty over the dispute at westminster har region, the public, sorry,
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a front which is backed by algeria has been fighting for the territories and dependents for decades now in alaska, taking the home of the 6th, back on back to morocco, his proposal to give the region limited autonomy under robots control. he said the plan remains the only viable solution to the conflict. but algeria is foreign ministry is that it would hold power as responsible for any consequences resulting from that decision. hundreds of people have been rallied and the banks had actually capital this time to protest against police killings during recent anti government demonstrations. they talented slogans against a prime minister. so a casino, more than a $150.00 people were killed during protest against the government job cortez. earlier this month, the supreme court has been scrapped most of those questions. the land slides triggered by heavy monitoring rains have killed at least a 108 people in southern india. hundreds more are still fee of trapped under the mud and debris in a hayley district in the state of carola and make hosting sharif reports
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once pictures region. now multiple land slides close by heavy months and brains have spoke to faith villages in one our district. it happened to the early on tuesday trapping people in bay homes. one of the select search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this tragedy is much smaller than these numbers. let's go. patients being guided open of off with the police and the fire force and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service for the unstable terrain this for drugs and to collapse the bridge into an effort separately injured. people have been taken to
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the point. there were about 5 to 8 people with me. it was with the when i sold and being swept away, i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live with. they've been rescued . i carried my mother on my shoulders, would give it a to, to look through and then they would say in the social media, post plumbing this to move range of movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition lead to a former mc from fly nod wrong, we've gone the has called for an action plan to map land, flood prone areas, heavy rains, flooding, and much slide so common, and catalogue getting the monsoon season. from june to september. in 2018 of the 500 people who came to the states in blown of the worst floods on the consumption eve arches 0. the philippine coast go on, says it's preparing to drain some 1500000 leeches of cargo fuel from
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a sunken tank of manila bay and says, most of the leak has been stopped. but oil had already started to wash out there on the country's sho bonnet. below reports from cottage, a just south of men and my people are caring of oil sole debris from the beach is less than a week after a tank are carrying 1500000 leaders of cargo fuels. think off manila bay. this oil spill has reached coastal towns at this shipyard inconvenient south of the philippine capital workers and coast guards are cleaning. the beach after only debris washed ashore from from massey in this area was full of trash and there was a lot of oil. the stench of fuel was so strong, it had to be bad for the lunch. that's why i reported to authorities right away. they have booms and absorbs on standby, but the authorities say they won't have to use them. on tuesday morning,
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the head of the philippine coast guard to over the bay would for an experts. he said the situation wasn't as bad as a similar tanker disaster last year off or in 1000 mean door. those earlier the board, the site beings can be through those which are part of the the initial oil spill in the earlier days. the assessment, the bible, it's not as bad as mendota. i'd speed the, the quantity of why these uh, very medium with the, the vin doris bill took months to clean up the special man, inconvenienced, say they just bought an oil change on their way back to sure. hold on. let me pull out this too much on and the water and because of that, a couch was less than usual then for the night. i got the bulk showed us how some of the oil had stuck to their net. they're around $5000.00 fishermen in this town alone now with 4 provinces plus the capital manila around many of the be the damage
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to the environment and livelihoods. if the oil spreads, it's likely to be significant. maureen, scientist, at the university of.


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