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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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same as smoke and dust and we're seeing some debris in the streets, some emergency responders rushing and obviously as you say, details are still very sent on the ground will be following the optimum of that very, very closely. indeed, correct me if i'm wrong is the end of it. this is not the 1st time that we've seen an explosion in bay root of this kind of nature. if i recall correctly the last time it was unclear who actually came responsibility as well during this 10 months conflict, the latest round of confrontations between israel and hezbollah, the southern suburbs of bales has been target to yes. once back in december, january, when is row was blamed for carrying out a strike that killed how mouse is number 2, so long as the saw the had already. it was a surgical strike. there was a meeting in one in the building and the residential building and the southern
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suburbs that they lose. he was killed along with a number of other members of him. a israel does not acknowledge its responsibility, but it was largely blamed for the assassination at the time israel to try to attempt to explain if you like that this was not a strike against hezbollah, that this was a strike against the palestinian movements. hum us because it was trying to avoid a retaliation from hezbollah because in the past, you know, both of these are long time enemies. and in each one of them have read lines which are known to each other. each side knows what red lines are and each side has made it clear. i mean, hezbollah has made as clear as time and time again. if you had lebanon's infrastructure, we will hit as well as infrastructure. if you hit the bay with international airports, we will hit the airport in tennessee so that the question has been set. now the question is, what if you, once we get more details about this explosion,
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what kind of response will there be? it may depend on what the target was. so we can only speculate at this point in time, but the high ranking has been a source. did comments earlier today for the 1st time about these it's really sweats, saying that they're taking them seriously and that they have promised no matter what kind of strike is carried out by israel limited not limited the, the scope, the nature or of this strike has beloved will consider it an act of aggression and it will respond that we know western countries in particular the united states of they have there have been back door channel diplomacy for the past few days to try to make sure that you know, this conflict will remain contained that it will not spiral out of control. according to the high ranking hezbollah source, we told elisha 0 earlier today that they told a 4 and
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a missouri's mediators that hasn't been law will respond. so we are at a critical juncture, if you like, and this 10 months and months of hostilities between as well and hezbollah really and the, the, the rockets attack and much the seamus has been described as a tipping point in this conflict. so we are still waiting to hear more details on, on this explosion of the nature of this strike and the target zayna. you mentioned the phrase red lines that i mean literally at an attack on a route had been previously described as a red line given the, the escalation that we've seen from both sides over the last 10 months. where all those red lines now do they still exist? have they shifted over the course of this conflict as well? again, we need to know the target of this, of this strike. so some reports are now suggesting that a,
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a high ranking commander in the lebanese arms goods could be, could be the target. again, this is unconfirmed. some security sources are being quoted as saying that it could be a high ranking commander. now that wouldn't be a military target, it wouldn't be the 1st time that israel assassinated or kills has the commander in this ongoing confrontation. they have killed a senior commanders in the field, 3 of them in the past few months. now will this be, well, has the law consider this as part of the unwritten rules of engagement and the fact that you know, it's not a civilian targets or civilians were not killed. i mean, this conflict there, there, there has been this equation, if you like, that both sides have can find their attacks. the military targets. no doubt
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civilians have been killed in the crossfire earlier today and is really civilian was killed in a how's the attack. and in fact, in the past few hours has been lost. has carried out quite a number of military operations against to is really military positions on the border. it was clearly a form of military pressure as uh, as israel suppressant a has been threatening a quotes harsh response. i'm sorry, we're just trying to make our way through the streets to try to get to the, to the sides of this explosion. and the reason we're so right, i just wanted to ask you briefly as, as we all seeing some more pictures of the streets of barriers at the moment we're seeing emergency responders rushing past. we are seeing now ongoing rising smoke. you talked to there about these unwritten rules of engagement. have those shifted over the course of the last 10 months?
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it feels like there was a lot more sense ahead of a head of what happens in gaza. and they have been obviously phase of accidental escalation and great concerns about what might have happened. often what happens in the occupied garden heights on saturday as well. yes, from the other was written rules of engagement that both sides have been largely respecting. if you like, it has been to confine the their attacks on military and military targets. but civilians have been killed in 11 on more than a 100. civilians have have been killed in the ongoing confrontations. now what happens in, in much less, unless this chums on on stuff today, you had up to 12 civilians killed and that's rock at the top that isabel blamed on has the law now has been law immediately issued a denial and said that they, they were not responsible for this rockets attacked with some security sources in
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less than on saying that this could have been um you know the result of an interceptor ms file because as well launches interceptor in this house as there are incoming rockets from 11 on now that was according to this is the way is really officials described as the top, the worst single. and then since october 7. and that they would promise a harsh response. now for hezbollah to deny tearing out, that's what i'll get to talk, which, which basically was a statement from hezbollah that they are not changing the rules of engagement, that they are not deliberately targeting civilians. now it will all depend on what the target says. yes, be root. babies has been targeted and we know that the united states has been trying to convince, please re lease. and this is what the lebanese officials have been saying. trying to convince the israel is not to target civilians not to target 11 on the
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infrastructure and to avoid targeting a boot. they don't want this conflict to expand or widen. so we have to wait to see what kind of response will as well, you know, what has been, has responded to this strike again. or if there's still, we still do not know the car gets, as you can imagine, a lot of unconfirmed reports. we are now stuck in traffic. you know, you, you feel that in the streets there is some panic people trying to make their, their way home. after hearing about this explosion in the southern suburbs of baby booth. and as it is painting the i as a, as has been thinking yes, an ongoing press conference that's taking place at the us state department. and we are getting some lines from this. they're saying that their focus continues to be on diplomacy. they want to avoid any kind of escalation between israel and as well
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as you say, details very thing on the ground about the actual targets of what appears to be a striking will be getting be, be able to have a lot more context around this when we understand that, but just within the, the calculus for both sides here, let me ask you this and we, we have a new range and president, he's just been in grace's and the head of that and organization he did meet with senior members of hezbollah. when we look at the count to us for israel and the count could us for has while i here, where does iran fish into that equation as well? before i answer that question, i can tell you that is really media is really media is talking about is saying that the attack and the southern suburbs of the root was an assassination. it was an assassination against a high ranking commander in has boss. so this is, these are the reports coming from israel, from israel and media that this is the target of the assassination. this was an
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assassination of a high ranking, has the commander, again just says, ready media reports. and to answer your question about yvonne, what iran iranian officials have been warning for the past few days now, warning as well against expanding the war against hezbollah. saying that this could read lead to, you know, a regional regional war because it has the law as part of the so called the be around hand. net so called access of resistance. the groups that make up the access of the racist have open support front for god, for the people of gaza. and for the ally home us and garza, the 11 on the front is one of them. you have the human side, you have the iraq front. so what all these groups have been saying in recent days is that if israel does expand the conflict with has the law, then they can expect more military pressure from other friends. and when you have
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leaders of the, of the access of resistance into ron, attending the inauguration ceremony of iranians recently elected president. these are all messages that are being sent that isabel is not going to be facing a former. they'll do so by the way, because has the lot as a much more powerful force, one of the most powerful non state actors in the world. and i'm like, how much so so many in leather, not believe that is ro is unable and not willing to expand this conflict. and that it, it, it cannot fight a war on more than one front. that is already its army is tired, they're there. they complain about the lack of armaments. so people here believe
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that isabel is not in a position to launch a full on offensive. but this again, we still need to know the target. we need to know how hezbollah responds to this strike, to know the trajectory of this conflict, but i can tell you we have tried to, we are trying to make our way to the southern suburbs of a route. we've already tried 3 different roads, but roads are blocked. as you can imagine, everybody is trying to get home right now because they're the people are worried. yes, there hasn't been much of concern as of late. we haven't seen panic at the airport . we haven't people's the same people, you know, changing their flights to leave earlier than planned. but when something happens like this in a country which is used to instability use towards the 1st thing they do is, is head home. so right now roads are blocked. we are trying to make our way to the
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southern suburbs of beta, but at that it is quite difficult with the traffic on the road. then it will let you continue on that journey to the southern suburbs and speak to once you get that . thank you so much for that same acorta correspondent, the in the lebanese capital. thank you, dana. we can now bring in ali hasha, another one of our correspondents who joins me also on the phone from babies. wins down, he's very close to the side of the explosion. i mean, what are you saying a while i'm on the southern, the saba, the explosion took place around 30 minutes ago and immediately the smoke was seen. and now we have the right information coming that this was on us as a nation attempt. no, there's no key of indication where the, the target, the solution is because or not, or only is bought. it was scared that a joe and i talked in an apartment in how the lake,
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which is known to be an area where it has a lot of functions. uh why did that behind that same of loss? could i call that has a name on the, on the on deluxe just started brushing it v. busy a heavy traffic right now, everyone is trying to rush to the houses. i'm being honest is auto auction to the scene of the, of the doc. and the, for the moment it's clear that this is maybe the beginning of a series of attacks. this is not the war for the moment, but it says at the beginning of a series of attacks. and is there any say in retaliation to the attack on measured oceans? according to this ready army, the say that they have access and they did or killed the person or the commander responsible for the attack. there would have to, of course, going across the check, the information coming from the thoughts as he had a level also to know what really happened. but for now, this was a clear, i faxed in this folder and saw that everyone, you know, the,
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the explosion. and it's causing a lot of finding here. what's going to be next? this is the big question. uh, the uh, retaliation is ready. uh, truck the truck to a dock has the last and the yeah, all this is just the beginning. this is also another big question and valley as we hear these really minute tree start taking responsibility for that strike, which as you say, said was targeting, come on. the allegedly behind that strike on the occupied garden hides west, reminding our view is that has the law has not claimed responsibility for what happened in moscow. sounds on saturday but has very much denied any, any involvement in that, in what israel was quoting of a rocket attack. the interesting to also hear from these really minute treat alley that they're saying that there is no change to the home front. come on the defensive guidelines. besides, you refers to the unspoken tons of engagement between the 2 sides. you spend
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a lot of time in southern lebanon near that board. can you give us a sense of, of what that actually looks like as well over the past 10 months? that's been kind of updated the rules of engagement. mainly these randy's on has the loved been. i forget the mid 3 targets. of course, over the past months, several civilians have been killed at 11 or on 100 so that he ends up being kills and quite a big amounts of people, for example, and about the in several areas. and lately the sec ok and most of some size use such as will not be enough game results. so it's actually they denied that they're responsible for it. however, now we're seeing a new level in this and this engagement thought in discomfort confrontation, of course this is not the 1st time that as well as targeting the southern felt that they're in january this year as well. i've talked to the commander of amongst
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deputy point bureau chief, allowed woody father had already in the father the father of getting him and got actually did not a like a full scale confrontation, also with today's office. the nation given the fact that both sides are clearly trying to distance themselves from a full scale confrontation. that's good food, scalable problem. it has the lives going to retaliate and it's going to be probably a called for this i talk. but mainly given the, the lines that are set, it's going to be able to call the ation or the minutes we target. because the target that is read has had today is somebody to thought, you know, given the fact be the psych wasn't available in the southern saw that this could give outside indication that has the law mike, the pin, it's retaliation. so we might see a slide that may be
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a bit fall down to 10 to 15 kilometers dep stuff has the loss been talking in from occasion. so this could be the, the, the direct, the ation via accept it as well, which one to refile you to the recreation. and then we're going to look at this for top. that could change the card and tools of engagement to walk, maybe in why the space and how to, how do i hit ali hassan the in the southern suburbs as they route for us with that strike has literally just taken place and the last half hour or so ali, thank you very much, we'll come back to you a little bit later on that. so now let's speak to our correspondent in washington dc. she has her times the she have, we've been getting some reaction from the americans. there was a state department press conference, i believe it actually is still ongoing. uh yeah, that'd be the god. 18 minutes the guy. so of course the 1st question was, what do you know about these strikes and beyond that has been very,
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very vague. i don't have any updates on any specific activity that was saying i would have to refer you to partners in the region to speak to ox aust, quite to the has israel with in touch with you prior to any potential upcoming struggle strike. he just, we just have a lot of popular men slogans that were quite used to now we have been in continuous discussions with as rarely and lebanese counterparts since the incident over the weekend in the united states is going to continue to support efforts to reach a diplomatic solution along the blue line, but i hope as well and these terrible effects. and again, that is rarely and lebanese citizens on both sides of the boulder to safely return home. that's going to continue our remaining focus and go. he was an aust, generally about the the charles for diplomacy. i'm he repeated regulatory john cubby from national security spike specimens that on, on monday off is actually doesn't make it up. things are all about more is inevitable, but the new country can sustain the french,
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the israel bows. israel has its, i'm cod support, but i want you to offer wallet, you wouldn't be patel said something quite distinctive, really is it will have, i am capital not unconditional. support and he was asked about that. he just said, well, you know, people have to follow the law, but i'll get it off and ahead and put on conditional support in the end that way, but very vague from the state department right now. no confirmation that anything's happened. really a tool still focusing on that idea that the us isn't constant diplomatic contacts with the partners in the region. and i'm the adverse reason the region i suppose in order to find some kind of lost in peace along the blue line. the, the demarcation line between lebanon, the go out of heights and israel obviously go and heights occupied territory, talking the territory she have in terms of the escalating tensions that we've seen since those deaths in, you'll divide garden heights on saturday. we have been hearing that they have been behind the scenes conversations, discussions going on in order to try to prevent any kind of major escalation.
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certainly any kind of accidental escalation that that could take place. do you have a sense of, of how those have been playing out? the guy, i did all the ones that we've had over the last 10 months. as the u. s. does not want to buy. the administration does not want an escalation in the northern, you know, in the northern border, but as wrote it into a lab for them. that would be the last thing of this year. what's happening cause was bad enough, but here, especially now the bite is clearly as you know, it's been, it's rather confirmed, is incapacitated as easy. what they're supposedly has was great export on foreign policy. we know the foreign policy has been driven and has been driven by 3 men really, sectors a lincoln try, construct sullivan as the national security council and britain, the good national security, the middle east coordinator for the white house. they've been pushing this. we really don't understand biden's input, always other than the fact that he's a great design is that his, an immediate impulse from deep within him. not necessarily, you know, as oh,
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cool. and those are, those kinds of things may be in simply to defend his road, whatever costs. but what we always have is they do not want escalation on the northern, on the is really 11 and 11 and folder. and yet now we have, we have this, we don't know about consultations will take place. we know, but it's the american officials that have a c, i a and have the most signs and all the other key officials from the region meeting of the room. but the offensively about what was happening and colors are reaching the circle piece deal that we know they're very cold and contact. they're saying they're in constant contact. and yet, you know, of course we, we continue just the escalation. she advertises eva with the latest for us from washington dc. thank you very much. she have well, as we've been reporting and the last few moments, israel's mother, the tree, has claimed responsibility for that strike we've seen in beaver's in a statement. it said that the is really all me targeted in beverage. the come on to responsible for the mother of the children in most auctions and killed many is
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really civilians. at this point there was no change in the directives of the homefront come on. if there are any changes, we will update as well. let's speak tomorrow. i'm sorry, i'll just hear a senior political analyst who joins me now from london. my one literally just in the last hour or so we were talking about the potential for an accidental escalation. could this be the beginning of that? it could be, it depends on as little as calculus. and just as we were speaking, i said it's not just about reserves. we thought you should as well, because we knew what was going to. but what about as far as we thought the issue to the issue? and so now we know the nature of this attack, this effect on uh, on the east capital southern part of that is characteristics is really cool environment. so you guys are in the sense that place to be affecting one person,
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but in fact, big bombs at essentially nothing in the middle of a special neighborhood on the printer. so i'm starting to take someone from the new rapid reports of some of those tours with it that the think the story, the gone to sleep or we don't know exactly how many part so as a few minutes now we could basically report if one could use the word 3 for the inside off any day, one more is or i sees elements on start to another one that we were saying earlier, my one that israel presumably doesn't one to another from to deal with and 11 on obviously conte affordable. what is the strategic thinking have by israel can afford another funds given what it's already contending, listen garza. well,
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i actually as i really need to sort of 3 factors for why is right one 1st of all. busy we've heard today, vendor cities from that senior is really ministers like the smart switch side that she wants in, sorry for taking the test button on like a separate on the do what i teach where and they say is there any government that has bottom line from us, there's upfront, is there a security and that population the up to 5 season highest is considered by that as a pretext for. and i thought on that, but not to do think it seems that he's really been into the is already mobilized in the saw add some more hands on work, but this is a put cheese time to finish the job as well. meaning the job is not just because it's not just source back, it's not just living on it is in fact this. and besides that is there. i was
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somehow to emphasize that submitted to the strategic domination in the region and wants to make sure that it continues to dictate these policies based vision for what that might be. suicide a one party, whether it's somebody says, from anyone else whether or not that will be destroyed. so there is that understand that there's also the understanding that america has already committed itself to defending because for whatever reason, on the book rushes to it's more on gas. that was a commitment made by president. why do i send the others to guide you through the perio by issued so that's kind of the reason i go spend one day. busy design and so so for the nonsense for so the month if i say months if you sent
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28020000 pounds and besides that is right to help it when it's. busy in the south north so they all have these 3 factor. ready that support the war, so not even a grid more so now as i said, there are other scenarios factors that would undermine such, which is a visual, more kind of history for imagine more and that's good for them on the mind. it's economy. in fact, uh, 6 little bits economy to somewhat meet you potentially not just 10 months as with guys, perhaps 2013 months of work as well as we know it's far more powerful than us. and yes, and you said that is there a fee and it's a general side of the guys i'm to think of something on doesn't seem to be the
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smart thing, but they again we, we don't have to sign the b. that's it is we do have also precious supervisor, i think one of their own personal logical opinions more than they think all, i don't know say that people get on the floor that people. ready is. ringback not to read it is often yeah, the good sizes for why is on one side of the war against and why wouldn't it's going to depend to a large degree for how has we'll retiree is not what would be useful. as i mentioned before, to inform 11 on this to be basically similar to and some other ones. i thought to get a pen within this right? perhaps in a popular house, i guess i somebody i think the structure, i don't know, we actually don't know. but the number of scenarios i'm,
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she was already prepared for it on how to invite you to this. and why do i think his boss would probably have to resign you at this point? i'm sorry. oh no, it's actually a strategic dispute case. it wants to make sure that it does not news that sit there. and that's why it is right, but not decent. the war against his fall. i live in on the, on the number of kilometers on the border is because one of the side and number 61 is that we went over time and full google war on false meaning we, meaning our son law will not abide by any more. this is a sizable bar, i think they just now are special. do they in the use capital or saw? so the use capital ok. somebody is on the pretext this is a major estimation on his phone off in order to preserve incentives for any future
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is or was, it probably was going to have to respond in a way. what is there not? again, to stay with me, not one because i i want to talk to you a little bit more about how far this escalation could go. but we have now heard from the deputy spokesman for the us state department that on fatality he's been commenting as we were hearing earlier from she have on this recent escalation on the israel 11 and border discussions with is really loving these counterparts. since the incident over the weekend and the united states is going to continue to support efforts to reach a diplomatic solution along the blue line that our hope is will end these terrible attacks. and again, allow is.


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