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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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in the of the i'm for me the, this is the news, our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes is a launch is a strike and lebanon's capital b roots. israel says it's talking to the, his black amanda, following a deadly attack on the occupied golden heights. lebanon's foreign minister says he'll logic complaints that the united nations a mazda has condemned the attack on the white houses, it's working for a diplomatic solution. also head on the news hour. so that's boring. sides agreed
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to attend us with these thoughts in geneva as if it's mounts to in the world. largest mandatory in crisis. and in sportsman via leaves the united states to gold and the women's gymnastics team. fine. all the 27 year olds in near a flawless performance. the cements are status. one of the sports all time. great. the it's 2100 gm to you. you're watching all to 0. we're covering breaking news out to the liberties capital by a route with these really ministry says it's carried out a targeted attack in retaliation force at today's walk and strike on the occupied golden heights. it happened in the southern suburb of her take a note stronghold of the wrong back to his beloved group. explosion went off now his beloved she ra console, which is the group's central decision making authority, as well as close to his blog. i think 2 people have been killed. we're trying to
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independently confirmed that information. they're also saying, here's one of the top come onto ford, sugar, also known as most in sugar, has survived these really strike as well as all me says the bay would strike targeted to his bullet, camacho, responsible for the occupied golden heights attack his beloved repeatedly denied any involvement in that's in the statement, the is really all he said it targeted in they wrote the c'mon to responsible for the murder of the children in the muscles, drums and the killing of minis, way the civilians. at this point there's no change in the directives. of the home front come on. if there are changes will update almost has released a statement to say it strongly condemns the attack and considers it to a dangerous escalation. iran is also denounced israel's bloss and they root and described it as a vicious attack and liberal ins. foreign minister condemned these very striking civil plans to file
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a complaint to the united nations. to leah hush and joins us from the root of the what's being happening there. you are very close to, to the side of that strike onto the yeah, that's actually the dates uh was hit today with that is really well phase and joe is just behind us. you can see this building, the building behind it is the one that was fog. now didn't the moment i said little people can, i don't have to find those number and several people enjoyed. they were all taken to nearby hospital. however, the fate of chick or the from on that interest, the lives of very senior from under, he's a member of did you have the counseling law, one of us on the smallest the assistance mitra assistance, his face isn't clear yet there's no decisive and satisfied what forces are saying to the agencies here and there at the moment,
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there's no clear picture has rely silent then that means that as well as the one who's of course going to announce whatever happened was that this is really as, as a nation attempt has failed all succeeded, now we're waiting a statement from has the law which can be, which could be issued at any time. but this area was struck by this attack. many people of course witnessed it because it said residential area. it used to be the show what our council council used to be close to where we are hot at the fake, which is the hot of 8 was southern southern. i've asked the 2006 and his rose was in 2006 that destroyed and showed icons that's not true counts and never existed anymore in a certain location or something sensor. but it's still known as the short i and, and just to recap some of these developments the last couple of hours and you've just spoken about it that they all conflicting reports is early said that they have
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killed watch because of that high ranking, a colanda of his blood, his blood has instead of lots, but we also understand that as well as claims have been denied for is well, how important is he as a target while it's been, it's been for years. that's why trickle was one of the top targets was rather not only for us, but even he's on the american uh wanted. and that makes him, if we have to take this as a nation into the context of the american attempts over the past few days to contain the situation. this, this could have been on the compromise, given the fact he is, wants to on the american this, he's wants it for his red, he's a dad. this could happen this way at the same 5. this is amazing ministry saga with us is ready to start getting him this food in a way. i don't know if the
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a bush has lost a situation. busy it's can't retaliate in a way that could take things into will. and of course, this issue is mainly one of the main concerns on both sides. neither has will law or is right to the moment i'm showing any indications that they have any interest in an old alco. and this is based on the fact that there is a kind of a balance of defense on both sides of forces. red is one of the strongest armies into was an has, will also is one of the strongest month, non state actors in the war with hundreds of thousands of rockets on the sides with the best sick knology on the other side. both sides. no got any, all outward would mean destruction on both sides. but i'll ask whom is in bible to thanks very much for that update from this on the of the striking b root comes as his blog and as well have continued trading file across the border
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as a bank has this update for mojo and, and so then they've been on what we've been saying is a square isaac escalation throughout this 10 months long conflict. now what we saw today was a strike taken facing. what we believe is either shop now at the shop is a ton that's been one of the most heavily hit by israel over $300.00, strikes against it since october last year. now we also visited that town over a month ago. and what we saw was many buildings that had been destroyed damaged, and that's the case along this liberties southern border of many towns and villages . but there was also a drawing strike early on tuesday morning and they play for one his with member was killed then he's funeral to face that today as well. then when we will act that vintage, there's also destruction and damage buildings. but again, the strikes taking place every single day to and fro across this border between his
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bud. uh and israel. uh, there was another one in bad shape to date. the 3 people were injured. he, i'm not far from mazda you'd was history like henry and white fuss ris, uh, effect her mom was hit, but his will also said that they struck the head go shooting settlement. and they've also said that they've used. could you show rockets against the headquarters? it's of this, the head battalion and bait his hit all the barracks. so this strikes us constantly on going with it or you can here is ready. aircraft is ready. drones, artillery strikes. these have been going on. that has been stepping up a notch every so often and then coming down and then stepping up. so it's very unpredictable. but now everyone is just bracing themselves as to what happens next . how with his, with retaliate or his really defense minister, you have glance has posted on the x since the attack and by root writing his below has cross the red line. a. all right, let's bring it home to salute
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a. i'm the if we look at what has been said up to now and israel again saying that the come on to of his villa of a for the shooting has been killed. what more they say? well, in fact, these really armies broke spokesperson, daniel ha, gary is speaking right now saying that these really military did, in fact kill. this is bella commander going on to say that this is the top, his bullet commander that has been killed by israel in the last 9 months. now, there's been conflicting reports initially, a source within his bullet headset that this was a failed assassination attempt. but these really are saying that they are adamant that the target was him and that he was killed. and it comes after days of these really are me. and this is really politicians saying that there is going to be some sort of larger reaction and retaliation to this, even though his bullet had denied this from the beginning. but israel said that
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they didn't accept that they didn't accept their denial accusing hezbollah of lying and saying that they will be held responsible and accountable. and right now these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is holding a security assessment at israel's defense ministry in tel aviv meeting with several officials trying to decide what's going to happen next. if his bullet does have some sort of large retaliation to this. if in fact, this commander was killed, if his bullet confirms that it could lead to some sort of wider escalation, but a lot of countries, even the united states, have been trying to urge calm. even the un peacekeeping mission has said that they have met with both israel and loving on trying to maintain calm, trying to make sure this doesn't spill over into some sort of wider regional conflict. but again, only time will tell what's gonna happen here. and of course, there's a lot of speculation what, what other concerns the security concerns specifically around a regional escalation. what are we looking at? well, we're looking at mass casualties along both sides of the border 11 on southern order,
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israel's northern border, even the united states, a security assessments have said that israel would not be able to contain a full scale war with his bowl of their air defenses would be overwhelmed, the casualties would be too much to keep up with, and he's really army is already so full, are overstretched because of the war on gaza. that's 10 months in an israel doesn't really know what kind of weapons capabilities his bullet has. we've only seen the sort of short range rockets and some drones, but we don't know what their arsenal looks like, but it said that they do have miss aisles that can reach all parts of israel. so if they were to launch a full scale war, the both sides have said they don't want, but that they are prepared for. it would be something that is real would not be able to contain. i'm that thanks very much for that insight into these developments . i'm the son who well the us has responded to these various strike one they were saying it's still believed in all out will, could be avoided. we do not believe that at all out war is inevitable. that is not
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something that we believe and we believe that it can still be avoided. you know, this is a president, as you watched in the last 3 and a half years, he believes in diplomacy, diplomatic solutions, especially as we're talking in this moment along the blue line. that's, that is true as well. and so, and that will end these attacks if we have some diplomatic kind of solution from hezbollah once and for all. let's stay with the story. all correspondent grossman jordans in washington dc with more on this for us than us says it's pursuing diplomacy. and also that's a voice is not necessarily inevitable. what else is the us saying? in the past few minutes, we have heard from the us, vice president tom a law harris who told reporters in atlanta that the us believes that israel has the right to self defense, particularly against
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a terrorist groups such as has full law. and that to us would support israel, that said, of the vice president also told reporters that it is very important for diplomacy to continue to be used to prevent a broadening of the conflict. preventing a, the start of the regional war. and she said that the diplomacy does continue. that is again in the past few moments from the vice president common law harris. the us has been stressing the important of diplomacy, particularly in the last 24 hours. because of the ongoing concern that tensions between as well and has full law could turn into essentially a 2nd uh war for israel on it's northern border with robin on. so they are involved there. don't want to get into details on who is speaking to home, but the biden harris administration is very keen to stress that is trying to
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prevent all of this from turning into a regional tactful gratian. oh, rather than the afford, uh shocker. the, his blood camacho, targeted by israel, and he was being wants to buy the united states, hasn't de, and that's right. there's been a $5000000.00 bounty of ford shockers had because of his central role in the planning of the 1983 attack on the us marine corps barracks in the route. 241. marines were killed. more than a 100. others were badly injured in that attack, and so the u. s. has wanted for 41 years to bring him to trial and to try to convict him for his role in that deadly attack of the. of course the rob now is that all the money would not be disbursed if in fact he is declared dead in tuesday's attack in southern bay a route. but if he did survive,
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the us would still have this bounty on ford shore course had. because it does believe that he was a central part to what had been a very deadly attack on us forces in the middle east. arose. and thanks very much for that reporting roseman jordan there. now there's also been reaction at the united nations, kristen salumi. it joins us from the un headquarters in new york course and living on says it plans to file a complaint with the united nations. what more could you tell us about that, or whether you and is still waiting for that complaint and they haven't officially reacted to this latest escalation. but i can tell you that the message here has been pretty consistent. it is calling on all sides to exercise restraint, and that message has been reiterated on an almost daily, on a daily basis, particularly since the attack and the goal on heights that killed 12 children.
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we've had un officials calling for com warning, against an escalation that would bring a neighboring countries into war with israel. and especially given the humanitarian situation. this is not good in lebanon, or israel, on the border with tens of thousands of people having been displaced as a result of cross border fighting. now, we have this attack further into the heart of lebanon. of course there is concern, but i'm also seeing you on officials exercise some restraint. they are clearly hoping that this doesn't prompt more response from hezbollah. i can tell you that un officials, the special coordinator for 11 on a woman by the name of jeanine, had his plus chart and the major general in charge of unit feel. the un peacekeeping force responsible for patrolling the border with lab and on. and israel,
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they have been holding meetings today. this was scheduled even before this attack happened. they've been holding meetings with this really and loving use officials to try to calm the situation. and also we learned today about the under secretary general for peacekeeping. jump here on the cloth, actually is in love and on. this was a pre scheduled visit to be rude. he is supposed to be visiting the border area again, patrol by una fell. we are waiting for an update from un officials as to where he is as in what his official response will be. but the un has been urging all sides to this contract to use the try par type mechanism that was set out in 2006 after the israel 11 on war. when do you, when was tasked with patrolling? that area and mediating between the 2 sides in an effort to get loving these forces
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to the board or something that still hasn't happened. okay, chris, and so me, thanks very much for the latest from the un or let's take a closer look at for chill cut, also known as 100 will see he serves as a senior military advisor to has been a lead to hudson estella. he also sits on the job council. his blood top military body is also on me, says sugar is responsible for saturday's deadly attack on the occupied golden heights of field 12 people his but as denied any involvement. the us state department also believes sugar played a central role in the 1983 bombing of the us marie cool barris in the baby boot that kills 241 us service members. he's been on washington's most wanted lows for many years with a 5000000 dollar bounty on his head. as well as just confirmed, the 3 civilians have been killed. one woman and 2 children and 69 injured 3 is
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a serious condition. now olaja magna is a military and political analysts and he joins us live from paris. a thanks very much for joining us on the algebra now is, is where it is a military. they say he's well as a new come on to killed in the bay with strike was the not right. and man, uh, for sugar we. we've not verified that, but what's your reaction to that claim that he's been killed and thank you for having me. i think could be, it really is understood the position of the flood shore. and this was because he was the 2nd in command to say no strong the in the you have you come. so he was the one responsible for directing the ministry operations in the 8th of october. it's a position that was in provides because of the war. now,
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i'm kidding in the section 18 foot truck or would trigger inevitably a response from hesper law, not against disobedience but the head one lot would remain within the rules of engagement. but what had definitely very a high value targets in is read and in particular in base of like high followed the view. and the point is, what is there is going to do off the that it is going to trigger every dining ation, delivery time to geisha or these readings of the swat or that and stock which we have seen that happening in the past. but we have also seen is read which funding and certainly cajuns that is the most difficult part. and with them of the lease is good to go from not long removing a very high value target life. the flood shopper is not going to cripple the hesper
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law because this is a known state that the with the horizontal leadership, your new one. another one would take it position and the wall would continue. it is real, has called this a talkative strike and you've just outlined that ultimately in terms of and it remains. speculation of people would be watching what his blood does next. and potentially what israel does of to that, despite saying that it considers this matter closed off the strike. but also under consideration is that should there be a response from his beloved and these conflicting reports that watch sugar has not been killed. what the strike would as well have considered it worth it. what full headphone law there is no doubt there is going to be a strike back because the these really hit the setup, a roof and siding
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a song and i said in the past and it hit the guest, the sort of a root with trigger. and the dot com that is eve. now this is something that has been locked in, not devoid. and these really days we're trying to impose the data that the advert. austin guides us, they've lost with who these guns are law in yemen. and they've lost with husband law, and now they trying to do something to introduce something new by hitting a place that to the set the off. then if it needs capital to be rude and information that was passed on by the americans that these rudy's where no extra phone, a route, all the stuff out of a route or the airport. now we've seen that problem is, has no being respected, resolve this what the americans all saying, oh, they have said that in a boss, all they would do in case is right, is going to be that has one that cannot avoid retaliation because we've seen in the
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past any time when it's ready to hit the target and doesn't receive a popular retaliation that is proportionate to the effect that was carried out by these really then these really can go further. so tomorrow they can at that 2 or 3 more valuable target. and there are thousands of people like target in the set up a route and somewhat as well, not involved directly in the world. and the road of engagement from the 8th of october has to be limited to attacking all those who are fighting against is right directly. so we don't think about the special forces. the read one full says we talking about the and the as a full service. we talking about the palestine unit that supporting the front of the seniors and nothing else. but if that will continue taking another ton hitting
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targets that are randomly selected for that position, then we're talking about an open will. and just to remind that live in on has said that 3 civilians have been killed, a woman and 2 children and also dozens of injured. meanwhile, the united states is it's pursuing a diplomatic resolution no intervention. what would that look like to look like? nothing because now with it's a question of who's going to maintain his what and who's going to impose the data is and the rules of engagement on the other, the united states is outside this game. it's between is as runs and it has the law . these roommates have that they root, they have a tag the set up. okay, well, that's an act of aggression. again, the capital has been a lot, cannot avoid the retaliation. now it says will not be thought of yet and for set
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then nothing against civilian targets because his beloved lot would like to return to the same road. it's all so you can gauge meant to avoid having civilian casualties. then what is going to be of the response from been, you know, mean that the now that he is under tremendous pressure from his defense minister you, i've got on and he's bought this in the coalition in my being the and decided to smoke bridge. what the, why, the wall on the 11th, and now it is not in the advantage of being, i mean that then you have to go for why the will. because this is not something that you can dictate the temple when this is going to stop. and where this is going to lead to him, and what would be the cause of these on him and how long this war is? the not in guys that is different. he's more in control of this space. yeah, 364 square kilometers to controller and never know we talking about at least 4500 square economic does between that because i and the solve to have it done with
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open boulders with syria and the continuous flew off weapons from iraq and other weapons manufactured in syria. so all of that is completely different is not something that been there. mean that then, you know, can't control unless he decides to go full. why do will drive the americans in it because the americans call despite all that, when to avoid the on out wall, they cannot leave is right on its own. is that the objective open? i mean that then, you know, the answer would come in the next 48 hours when we would see 24 point day. how has one lies going to retaliate, and what would be the position of the history and a larger you might have touched on the so what do you but given the one, gaza that, that israel is in, is involved in what capacity does it have to deal with his will out to look at the
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will at on another front. what could it possibly manage um is it essentially the way to draw the width in and that's a very good question because we have seen how the been a senior resistance in gaza as spanish to cripple the is really the on the division and these readings with complaining about not having enough stems as trying those. that's even more important because they need they called bring tanks from abroad, from the allies and have trainers at the same time to go that route by time. now we know that our dance of thousands of is really troops on their live in these boulders. but these are not enough to stop the rules and break into the beginnings boldest and occupied pomp of never done. this is not something that these rebates can do. that has more lives as not shown all the strains,
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but you have the top chip on the sensitive plane driving the americans in the war. but that would cause been a minute then. yeah, hold on saturdays and would actually rate this. the end of this will either on guys up on that and on above. and this is not something that opinion. i mean that the now ones because he's some of the dodging, then negotiation all the time. he's introducing the new conditions and he can control the wall. busy and guides a by step by introducing the new elements every time the only go searching in the house or inc tyrell in rome. but with nothing. and if the americans all drag in, then he wouldn't be forced to stop the whole. and this is why he's going to face the domestic from why people were asking for an election visit the last scene that then you know, once before achieving what he pours the thought of victory. i lied to imagine a military and political analysts. thanks very much for your analysis as we see
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a escalating tensions. thank you for having me. still ahead on alta 0. the dispute over president nicholas maderos election victory continues in venezuela, 6 protest as it killed the key of position finger arrested. and you will then pick, withholding the full will bring you overlays this actually from paris coming up. and it was for the on the as the last day of july, here's a forecast across europe in africa. good to have you along talking about the heat and humidity through the u. k. same goes for brands. and as a result,
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some date time heating storms will bubble up here. i think the best bet for that will be across friends including paris, wednesday $33.00 degrees. the high for you were in the clear for most of central europe, plenty of sun to go round temperatures pretty well where they should be at this some of the year. but that heat still locked into various specifically for a southern spain. central air is as well severe could touch, 40 degrees, the end of the month of july, the 3rd year we go what, whether locked into the ne black sea coast here. that area is prone to flooding or keep tabs on whether we could see another round of funding here to africa, we go. it's hot across the mediterranean coast. 40 degrees on the nose for cairo. some big storms around sir. the own guinea guinea be sell there. could be some funding in this own here has been some fresh start. so the day in south africa. cool. but at least there is plenty of sun to go around. but the further north you go, it is hot for this part of the year. so in zimbabwe, while the way of 29 degrees, if you get there,
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that could be good enough for your hottest july day on record temperatures here, while above where they should be at this time of the year. the meeting of minds discussing the defining issues of our time being one year resources that change, it became clear at that point that we really were in that kind of a new era of a nobel peace. slower. it's maria, theresa and professor michael wooldridge and explore the pedals and possibilities of artificial intelligence. it changes the way we think, and then the way we act out can protect ourselves. studio b, b, a. i series on a jersey the or the latest news as it breaks several investigations are on the way . in the meantime, jiggles testimony is only added to the 5 pauses on calls for her to go with detailed coverage. people have said that they feel the manual macro is doing
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everything very time in order not to a point and measuring prime minister from around the world to this particular account that i'm more than 220 $6000.00, making the total to more than $1200000.00, soothing this refugees in charge alone. the . the, you're watching old is there a reminder of our top stories? the sour or let's just recap the breaking news we've been covering just before. 17 on the gym t. there was an explosion in a southern favorites. of up these really all me then announced that have carried out what it described as a talkative attack on a commander of the one back on goofiest for now. and the last 2 minutes,
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these really ministry spokes person, this is a watch struggle was killed in that strike. although here's what i and the liberties government dispute this live in on has confirmed the 3 civilians have been killed. one woman and 2 children and 69 injured the in a critical condition. the is really safe watch with was responsible for walking to tack on the occupied golden item saturday, which is a football field. 12 people were killed in that attack, as well as denied any involvement on the one beside why is, i'll just say we're a senior political analyst and it joins us live from london. my one, how serious is the threat of escalation right now as also there's lot of speculation and many watching for a reaction from his beloved go based off in more ways than one i just looked at the clips,
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but bypass of the soul of making a speech these 4 words saying basically that is for a tax and bonds civilian infrastructure in bill that has the biggest one business days is ready, cities, but multiple buildings decides. so we can see if he's a matter of his work is that, is that even, you know, multiple times wherever the damage from his drugs, that's our 11 on or not. he's clearly uh, actually has to meet as well and clearly has responsibility towards people never, not enough to drive difference. i measured more, but at the same time, hezbollah has come and do some part of the service, i guess for the future is really rushing. the only way the reserve at the terms is
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by $330.00 ish. and that is, that is she could take a number of possibilities options. now once again, the question becomes, what we've been trying to do was has one of the types of issues to that ish. that was probably the site if this was gonna go um more regional, wider products. where does a ron come into all of this? especially when we talk about a potential regional escalation the is a, is an important patron law. it has farm, supported by nice in many ways visible for many years now. but one has suited for size because we keep repeating that line again. and again, that's as far as school heritage has. well, y horn out of the occupation of lebanon by these are i, after it's invasion,
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forces that seem to find the country in 1980 it wants to take advantage of the fact that there was a fact you, there wasn't that russian. there was an occupation. i suppose it has, but just as in many ways it supports him as soon as you have passed, it does not create. it does not make them. they don't even go to the same rational this um, as your house and she has on better speaking groups. so what is by what the grassroots there are i'm what's the word. busy because there are really causes for what is one low resistance and on and how much is the resistance about us. because of is where you get brush because of the occupation is going to continue to hold as long as the causes,
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as long as the factors on fed for by the city is our liberties resist that home builders and to support them. they're probably going to have this little one given that of watch occurred was wanted by the united states. and it's also israel's biggest and most important allied would as well have had the us support on the strike. ah, well, you know, then i can say concerned about everything nowadays and they said they are concerned when they don't want to do anything about anything. so they probably got other things ready to get away with this because as you said, they had the bounty on demand. but just like you to put some, some perspective as i did just certainly of what we talked about that was see again, children who are killed in whatever strikes in the car and hides there. is there any children? and is there a use to attach to the kind of you to get slipping on bombing the bodies capital as
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well with the 1st thing you do or what shouldn't they took everything out of the issue to the cables. 50000 kim, best 10 use flat is bessette question here. when we continue to keep talking about the bounty on i live at least man working for his but allow for i guess that happened 40 years ago. but let me ask you, what would be the bounty in any one of those involved in the vision of the law on the invasion, or kind of sense, or any one of the tax or multiple signatures in the past 40 years. what was the found to be that 5w5xw2xw. so really, when we continue, said pete's idea that there was a 1000 amount, which is funny actually. and it's very important. but we need to put a big start as the says and we undermine the fact that my husband, oh my god, scary attached to the rustic facilitate with him us when it comes to a whole, say,
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a griffin and wholesale faces an occupational one of the countries no other group or state to compete with is right and the united states, and yes, they ok. one thanks very much for that analysis. more one, bushera ultra 0 is a senior political unless speaking to us from london as we track developments coming out of a route. at least 5 people have been killed and 8 others injured in a drone attack on a base below me to iraq's popular mobilization forces. it happened in the city of jo falls like of selves all thought that the wounded have been taken to hospital before. is a coalition of civil on groups. no group is capable sponsibility. so for in the 70s always agreed to participate and us led to peace folks in geneva aimed at the ending the conflict that's devastated the country since april last year. the on
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forces did insist its rival, the power military rapid support forces was 1st implemented measures agreed to in a deal signed and saudi arabia lost ya. it's stipulated the group should vacate civilian homes and other facilities, the leader of the r as f as a. what do you agree to take part in the negotiations? the conflicts worth more than 10000000 people from their homes creating the world's largest displacement crisis. we have a move and has moved from cartoon the statements came from saddam's, ministry of foreign affairs, and it's read that the so the new government accept dockside or invitation by the united states to hold talks in geneva, in switzerland, in mid august. now the statement that came from the minister of foreign affairs also made it very clear that this will not be these thoughts or negotiations with the parent military rapids support forces. and that's any talk. so any go stations have to be proceeded with the implementation of the agent, the agreement which was signed between the to the new army. i'm the parent military
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rapids support forces in may 2023 in the saw, the city of ted down. now that agreement was known as the declaration of principles between the 2 sides. and it's clearly stated that the parent military, rapid support forces should withdraw from the building home and service facility such as our plan and what's a plan and that there should be a humanitarian asset or humanitarian corridor is open for those who need to leave areas of conflict as well as for him and his parent organizations to be able to deliver aid. now those that agreement that was signed between the army and the recess and beside the city of kent, that in may. 2023 was never implemented and there was several rounds of talks have to help between the 2 side and close talks, collapse in october, november, rather last year. now these new rounds are meant to try to end the fighting here at least temporarily. and that's because of the humanitarian situation in the country . more than 10000000 people have been displaced, as because of the fighting between the 2 side,
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not just from the capital out of him, but the other parts of the country as well. and they all concerned that the conflict is feeling over 2 neighboring countries. and that's because the problem in it's very rapid support forces was able to gain territories along sedans, borders with other countries, such as such as chad, a central african republic and south them. and they often sense that it will gain territories along to dance border with if you, if you as well. so with the united states is trying to do is trying to ensure that there is a seized client in place to stop the continuing of the fighting. and to allow for humanitarian despite, especially because the united nation says that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. and that's have the population is in desperate need of humanitarian assistance and a food to survive. he by morgan onto 0, how to and venezuela thousands of people have taken to the streets of caracas using the class will do it on the ceiling, sundays, presidential election and demonstrations to the oppositions. presidential
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candidates, edmondo gonzalez, his campaign says it has proved he won't be election with more than 70 percent of the vote. a tuesday marks the 2nd day of demonstrations off to the state. one in april commission initially declared were due to the winter. at least 6 people have died in the protests and then opposition leader has reportedly been arrested. and the is this, the opposition is trying to stage a clue. the national assembly is quoting for account to protest and been as well as defense minister has expressed absolute loyalty to my dual enrollment. they are flatter, this is a moment for us to show our loyalty to venezuela and its institutions. i call on all political factions, especially the opposition, which has done so much damage to venezuela, who i call on it to accept our democratic and constitutional policies. so we can honor the vin as well, and people who are asking for understanding the cooperation and dialog. the land
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slides triggered by heavy monsoon rains of killed at least a 108 people in southern india. hundreds of the are trapped under mud and debris and the healey district in the state of carolina on coast of sharif reports once which was region now including multiple land slides close by heavy months and brains have switched to paid villages in one our district. it happened to the earliest on tuesday, dropping people in day homes. one day select search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than this numbers. let's go fish and sauce being gutted, open and lost with the police in the fire force and various agencies so actively
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involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service for the unstable terrain. this for drugs and a collapse bridge, a hindrance as a separate interest. people have been taken to the boys. there were about 5 to 8 people with me. it was with the when i sold and being swept away, i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live with the being rescued. i carried my mother on my shoulders, would give it a to, to, to look through and then they would say in the social media post problem in this to move range of movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition leader and former mc from fly. nod, draw, we've gone the has called for an action plan to map land flood prone areas, heavy rains, flooding, and much slide. so coleman and catalog getting the monsoon season from june to september. in 2018,
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8500 people with in the states in one of the worst floods on consumption eve arches 0. and they've been trying to its original reign and flooding and southern who 9 provinces killed at least 4 people. thousands of people have been forced out of their homes as water levels in some areas. we still wiggled levels of china as low as to $69000000.00 emergency fund for recovery efforts. laura westbrook proposed from uncle days of heavy rain, overwhelms barriers in china. is who 9 province flooding people's homes with muddy water. emergency walk is rescued. people trapped is waters rose in this village. some could only escape through the windows, hastily see though it was so dog, the water was up to my waist. it was very deep in my key and i couldn't tell what, so i was stepping on. thousands of people have been forced from that homes. this is
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one of 4 schools in the area being used as a shelter. the down pools were caused by the remnants of tyson gave me that made line full in china is southern food young province. last week that led to waters breaching 3 dykes along the drawn show. a river much of china has been battling to wrench, lorraine, and sledging in recent weeks with at least 15 provinces. now one, imagine see a lot. they triggered line slides and costs of villages. much needed supplies have been slowed and by helicopter. in the northeast, another low pressure weather system caused heavy down pause that flooded large areas of farm land authorities. one the heavy rain could impact the green harvest x . but say climate change is making this kind of extreme weather more common. one of the impacts of global warming is that it tends to heat up the ocean. and so therefore, there will be more moisture going into the atmosphere. these type fluids when they make landfall, because you have all this moisture coming in would therefore tend to bring
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a much heavier rain to these places where they are not used to. the rain is set to continue in the north. in the coming days. china is need is the warning controlling floods this summer will be difficult as major waterways like the yellow river unlikely to overflow. and with the ty soon season set to continue into august, the government is likely to come under more pressure to protect those who hon. laura westbrook algebra, hong kong the united kingdom is waykell. breaking summit is showing no signs of cleaning down a new which is temperature regular of $58.00 degrees celsius was at last thursday, and cambridge and the east of england and london temperatures are leaving somewhat mixed feelings about the impacts of climate change. a freight have a lovely day slightly when they come or from the know it's a bit worrying web page. the hats in a room a days that i think get
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a consenting but it's, it's kind of hard to become paid when, when the weather is like they are still a head on launches, era profile, an adult and the color is all gross proving to be an impressive pairing for spain, all the latest olympics action coming up in the in this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dash before he is the
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this business uptake. this makes it a restaurant. no bundle dash before he is the right. let's go too far, and i'll pull the latest in support. thank you so much for me. that on
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the front biles is why the united states of gold and the women's gymnastics team final, the same event. she withdrew from ab tokyo games 3 years ago. 27 year old was nearly flawless, and all 4 of her routines, the team of biles soon they say, lee jordan childs and jane kerry beat out it's holly and same results. it's just a bronze biles who now has 5 olympic gold medals. it add even more to her collection, having qualified for the individual finals the all around vault floor. and the australians were rent. kelly mccue and a has one. her 4th olympic gold medal buy successfully defending her 100 meters backstroke crown incredibly. that was the 5th time the olympic record was broken at these games alone. surpassing silver medalist reading smith the human miss out on her own world record by 200 of the 2nd. ruffin to do all might be out of the
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singles in paris. but the powers on in the doubles alongside carlos south or as the spanish pair or 3 to the quarter finals. the dial crowds as they're becoming increasingly no needed a $0.03 to defeat a parent, talent grease for and wesley. cool off the face, americans, austin, cries you. i can remove a raj in the last state. new dial one. dental school in rio in 2016 and the marine down. evans have done it the hard way yet again to keep their metal hopes to live in the doubles after saving 5 match points and their previous match. this one against belgium, parents, sanders, you and your hand view again. also went to a deciding type rate which day $1119.00. murray's time his career continues for at least another day. women's tennis will. number 2 cocoa golf had a tough time in the paris, kate. she accepted the women's singles. the. the
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old guy wasn't happy with a line call that was made during her match with probations don't. and package usa is library, went on to lose in straight facts with beckett's moving onto the quarter. finals will depend, are at the top of the metals table with 7 gold gold. and the pool for australia has moved them level with china. i'm back to gymnastic school. for usa gave them there for us to sit in 6th that jamaica is not often a country associated with some swimming at the olympics, but one of the flag bears in paris, josh curly will be competing in the pool and aiming to increase the profile of the sports in the caribbean. paul race reports excellence and track and field runs deep on the island of jamaica. and it's translated to elliptic dominance in athletics. who st volt celebrity has been the holly point in the history of gold. going back to the 1948 to lympics. well they haven't had much of this. this
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just currently is one of the just to jamaican swim is a paris 2024. there's a shift towards the sport after he was picked as a flight by right for the opening ceremony. but suddenly putting things, something in the spotlight. i know there's tons of on top potential in the car being the car being especially jamaica has like so much so much potential with ceremonial duties, i totally will make it look like they do in the 100 meters both to fly on friday. he's hoping to inspire young jamaicans. just as american legend michael phelps wants inspired him. when curly was 9 years old, or i've been dreaming of winning the metal for as long as i can remember. but like, i remember was that when i was surprised, fortunately the beijing and then pick start and like seeing stults just like, dominates a competition like it has nothing to. i remember like saying to my mother loves like, i want to be just like him. but i only austin for jamaica, i don't know, but like seeing this little light in the rising, the like, she loves the idea of me doing that though and ever since i've been striving to was that it's been a long journey from his local pool in london to fulfilling his dream of
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representing the country where his mother was born. but experience may be the most valuable item jamaica swim team takes home from these olympics. jamaica can continue the olympic gold rush here in paris. maybe not in the pool of what? 87 olympic medals. i'm the one that hasn't been in athletics, a cycling, bruns back in 1918. they have come close in the pool before. oh, your concern was fulton, the 100 mates of breast drug catlins in 2012 going on to win world championship, silver and bronze, as well as gold at the shore costs. well, miss atkinson is, is consumers. what bolt is for, for the track and field team. they both paved the way for future generations to pick up where they left off. so then that way, the one in the future will hopefully have just a successful same team as we do is the track and field team kelly and his fellow swim at sabrina lynn on. now the one setting this time that's part of this to follow. and hopefully put at least some aspiring olympians on a different track. dot com. pull. reese out is era power team usa big fellow
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sedan by just one point last week. they play them again on wednesday and we'll take nothing for granted. took a late lebron james riley to avoid a huge upset and an exhibition match against the olympic and w tons. so, so that have gone on to when they're open are against puerto rico. while there was a comfortable victory for the usa. again, serbia, for 3 minutes that was a wake up call for the 4th time defending champions that you don't get hired and just love it here. and you know, we can't just sleep, walk through any game and feel like when we have to bring the same energy for sure . like i said, it's appropriate here. we're beautiful if we don't play our game. but if we do, we have a lot of time that we can be there. but now take a look at when the most iconic images of the game. so farm, it happened in the surfing event, which is taking place in tahiti. that were tough conditions in the heats and some
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an onerous waves results. gabriel medina is a 3 time world champion, was awarded an olympic record score. he held up 10 fingers to the judges, but came up just short of that with a 9.9. and this is one of the incredible still images that was a capture that was taken by photographers around for this. even if he doesn't win gold medina will be remembered for the part he played in creating this picture. okay. and that is all you support for now. back to you. send me that. thanks very much so far. oh, well let's also it for me for me to model for this news. our, i'll be back in a moment with more developing news out of the route way as well as launched a target to strike. it says kill the senior military advisor to live in ons is black ford sugar. stay with us as we bring you those developments the
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a small army of urban artis, changing the space of one of mexico cities torres and most violent neighborhoods more than 11000 of these murals. now what during the streets and roofs, the step by that by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive. you stop a lot them. ural is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need towing if capital up as not just finance. there is a great history here. as the project has grown in the murals are more and more visible presidents and these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories and public display residents of the stuff a lot. but no, it will take more than painting their walls to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making and marginalized
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community feel seen again, african stories from african perspectives. some of them are a heavy to me this month for us, and sam is new to me. to show documentary spite african filmmakers from donna and fox one who was the one that knows of a fine. i will develop a little of a founded ceremony. and the interpreter, a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra, a japanese american veteran. mistaken. so the enemy, traumatized by the vietnam war were united with the friend who rescued his life from his fellow soldiers, fifties, and the price is price. you don't realize it until experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered coverage. witness the
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volunteer on out to 0. the the hello, i'm for me to minute this is and he's our life from dela coming up in the next 60 minutes. and he's really striking, very rude kills at least 3 people is al, pays us as well. the, his full come on to was killed for the um, the groups easy survives the attacks in bars or palestinians come home to a city and ruins. displace families with tons of communist which is radius.


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