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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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a witness. the volunteer on out you 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm for me to my know this is and use our life from zillow coming up in the next 60 minutes. and these really strive can be rude, kills at least 3 people is al, pays us as well. the his for the come on to was killed for the um, the groups easy survives, the attack involves or palestinians come home to a city and ruins, displaced families with tons of communist, which is really strikes of reduced and tie and neighborhoods to rumble. and you've pushed in the concept in sedans, avoiding all me and reference
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a for forces agree to us with these folks in geneva and in venezuela, thousands of all positions supports as rarely against president nicholas madura disputed election victory. at least 6 protesters have been killed in the on with the we begin this news. allah was breaking news out of the liberties cabinets will be rooted with these very minute traces. it's carried out a targeted attack. at least 3 people have been killed, a mother and 2 children, and 74 others have been injured. it's happened in the southern suburb of how to take a notice from hold of the wall and back his beloved group. the explosion went of near the office of the groups of central decision making authority. this is all me said the attack killed one of his, but as a top come on does that's watch. sugar is below says he survived to these very
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strikes israel. it says the come on to is responsible for sat today's attack on the occupied colon heights, which killed 12 people. his blood is repeatedly denied any involvement in that strike to an a statement the is really all me said. it's all get to the invite route. the commander responsible for the murder of the children in the much those strums and the killing of many is really civilians. at this point there's no change the directives of the home front come on. if they are, any changes will update. meanwhile, hamas has released the statement saying it's strongly condemned to the attack and considers it a dangerous escalation. iran is also denounced as well as bloss don't be root and described it as a vicious attack liber loans for administer the condemned is very striking, says he planned to file a complaint to the united nations loudly hush and reports from bay root to we're
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sending just few me to us from the building where one of has the last fall commander because it's all get to and is ready. so they should attempt this building cover the building block was attacked by is really war planes. and jones slide show us the is really the 3 announcement was the socket and he's a member of his last, you have to tell us that he's among the 2nd line of the land in the organization. once the advice is red, once it by the united states of america, however, this attack, that's also several casualties among civilian civil engine does no find the number. yes, we can see investor teams working to try to recover the bodies from under the problem. however, this is a decisive point now, whereas both has one line is run out of forms of the moment of to, to is wrote through the ball of fi into has the log hand. so now as well,
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i would have to decide how to retaliate to this task, whether to go beyond the rules of engagement, that's all think of day to day after the date or to keep the retaliation within the ministry. sockets, which is the, of the things that has been happening over the past few months. this isn't the 1st find that the southern solid is being targeted by and is really attractive. just a few months ago. father had auto the deputy police bureau chief of how much was killed just few street away from here has a lot. it's on the 8th and then why hitting one of is rose, advise databases. mute on today with this situation has been lost his way and gets options. and of course the coming hours are going to be very decisive. i'd be actually much, i see it on how to fake they with southern some of the strikes and they would comes as has been on as well. have continued trading fire across the border. us
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a big has this update from my june and southern living on. so what we've been saying is a square isaac escalation throughout this 10 months long conflict. now what we saw today was a strike taken facing. what we believe is either shop. now i, the shop is a ton that's been one of the most heavily hit by israel over $300.00, strikes against it since october last year. now we also visited that town over a month ago. and what we saw was many buildings that had been destroyed, damaged a, but that's the case along this liberties southern border of many towns and villages . but there was also a drawing strike early on tuesday morning in the bay play for one. his with member was killed then he's funeral to face that today as well. then when we will act that vintage, there's also destruction and damage buildings. but again, the strikes taking place every single day to and fro across this border between his bud. uh and israel. uh,
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there was another one in bad shape to date. the 3 people were injured. he, i'm not far from mazda. you'd was history like henry and white fuss ris, uh, effect her mom was hit, but his will also said that they struck the head go shooting settlement. and they've also said that they've used. could you show rockets against the headquarters? it's of this, the head battalion and bait his his, uh, uh, the barracks. so the strikes us constantly on going with it or you can here is ready. aircraft is ready. drones, artillery strikes. these have been going on. that has been stepping up a notch every so often and then coming down and then stepping up. so it's very unpredictable. but now everyone is just bracing themselves as to what happens next . how with his with retaliate? well, he's really on the spokesman, the dialogue already spoke about the strike and the last hour he said his bullet is, quote, dragging the entire middle east into
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a wider escalation that we prefer to resolve. still, it is with out a wider war. the adf is fully prepared. for any scenario. we have a duty to ensure the safe and secure return a visit rallies to their homes in northern he's real. and we will continue to act, to defend, o people of israel. and these are the defense minister. you have come down to is also commented on the strike and they root he posted on the social media platform ex, writing is blue, cross the red line. all right, let's get more on this without correspondence from the so who we've been hearing a fair amount of from these really government as the night progresses. what else are you hearing in terms of what potentially could happen? well we're hearing from is really officials that there isn't going to be some other
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sort of is really attack the this was the retaliation for what they say was the, his ball lot rocket attack on the occupied go on highest, but his bullet has repeatedly denied responsibility but these realities have said that it was them, they do not believe they are denial of this event. and when daniel how godfrey was speaking, he said that they don't want a wider escalation, but it's something that is real would be prepared for. and he said that israel has an air defense array that is quite powerful, but it's not quote, full proof. and this just goes to show you some of the security assessments that have been floating around this since the idea of a war between israel and his bullet came to light, meaning, but israel's air defense systems would be so overwhelmed in the face of a full scale war with his bola, these really are me is saying that there is no sort of change in their policy that they're ready for whatever potentially comes next to. but they're not looking for
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war. and that we've heard this and previous months from defense officials who said they're not afraid to turn in jobs to turn baby with rather into one other gaza. and that's something they would be willing to do. but again, their military is so overstretched that it's hard for some defense officials to see how it would be feasible to fight 2 words at once. the 2nd meaning, of course, the war on god. so imagine many would argue that as well does want a regional war. and if that was the case, despite some of the statements coming out. but if that was the case, what all the regional security concerns, there's a lot of security concerns. there are concerns that other actors in the region who are allied with his bella and him, us the access of resistance, so to speak would be involved. israel has said it themselves that they are not just fighting one front in gaza, that they are fighting, quote, 7 fronts that they are being attacked. they say from all sides, from enemies states in the middle east. so you're looking at
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a wider regional conflicts here. if there is some sort of full scale war with his bullet that israel wouldn't be able to contain these realities have said repeatedly that they will quote, defend themselves in the face of whatever threats come their way. but we do know again that the military is overstretched. it wouldn't really be something that they would be able to contain. and there are so many countries, especially allies of israel, that are urging com and urging restraint. because if this were to spill over into a wider conflict, there would be so many casualties on both sides of that board or that neither country can really afford for that kind of war right now. i'm to, thanks very much for that analysis and insight into the developments coming out of live in on the sun. so they've been on the floor and administer says it plans to file a complaint to the united nations following the is really striking. they route to the kristen salumi as move from the united nations. a. do you on special coordinator for 11 on janine,
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had us plusher express her concern laid on tuesday over the bombardment in the densely populated suburb of the route which led to multiple civilian casualties. she said in her statement that there is no military solution and she urge both israel and 11 on to use the mechanisms of the united nations that were set out and resolution 17 o one to work together to de escalate the situation. i had, as pressured said that she has been in close contact with all sides to the party. we know also that the head of peace keeping the under secretary general for peacekeeping operations. a jump here on the quad is also in 11 on for a pre schedule visit. the un has been staying on an almost daily basis since that attack and the goal on heights which killed 12 children that there is real concern
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about this conflict escalating. and they have repeatedly called for com and de escalation, kristen salumi, algebra the united nations of us has responded to these very a strike on barrow saying it's still believed and all whole could be avoided. whitehouse folks person said president joe biden. so believe's, the diplomatic solution can be found. we do not believe that at all out war is inevitable. that is not something that we believe and we believe that it can still be avoided. you know, this is a president, as you watched in the last 3 and a half years, he believes in diplomacy, diplomatic solutions, especially as we're talking in this moment along the blue line that, that is true as well. and so, and that will, and these attacks, if we have some diplomatic kind of solution from hezbollah once and for all a corresponding growth in georgia and this in washington,
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dc with one this was another us is saying it's pursuing diplomacy. it doesn't believe who is inevitable. what can you tell us about what's come out from the phone? what we have heard in the past hour from the us, vice president, pamela harris, is that israel has the right to defend itself from attacks, from groups such as has full. and the us would support israel in it's right to self defense. but the vice president also told reporters in atlanta, where she is on a campaign trip, that the us also is working very hard behind the scenes to try to end this tension across the blue line between as well and loving on. so that child peace can be restored, the production of tensions can be eliminated. and so this is what is coming out from the pilot and harris administration. we're also hearing in the past few minutes from the state department,
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which is deferring questions about the military strike in the southern bay rouge to the is really military. but again, a reiteration of the administration's viewpoint. that diplomacy is going to be the key to ending these tensions into allowing people to return to their homes as quickly as safely as possible growth. and they also reports. 6 that the, his blood c'mon de, infect uh at this point a mold and reports, but that c'mon to targeted was wanted by the you with what more can you tell us about that and the reasons behind that? well, in 1983, there was a deadly attack on the us marine corps barracks in bare room, 241. marines were killed, more than a 100, others were badly injured. it is believed, according to us officials, that he was a central figure in the planning and the execution of this attack on the us marine corps barracks. and so ever since the us has wanted to bring in for
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a check or to be prosecuted for his role in that attack, under the state department's rewards for justice program, there is a $5000000.00 reward for the arrest and conviction of flush a court in connection with the 1983 bombing now, whether or not he is still alive is a matter of dispute. the us will not go into any intelligence suggesting what it knows about the outcome of the bombing in southern bay route on tuesday. but suffice it to say, if, why should court, i did survive this attack, then the us still would be very interested in bringing him in to be prosecuted for the 1983 bombing roseland. thanks very much for that reporting from washington dc. well, let's take a closer look at watch will go to the his beloved romando. israel says was the target of the strike. he serves as a senior military adviser to his belinda hudson,
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isabella. he also sits on the g column. so his blood, top minutes, your body, israel's armies, the sugar is responsible for saturday's deadly attack on the occupied golden heights of killed 12 people. his fellows denied any involvement. the us state department also believe shorter played a central role as was and was talking about a in the 1983 bombing of a us marine cool barracks. and they root that killed $241.00 u. s. service members. he's been on washington. so those ones that list for many years with a $5000000.00 bounty on his head. the o daniel da russia is a professor at the national defense university. he uh, joins us from solomon's in maryland and apologies. david to rush. thanks very much for joining us this evening. if we look at the is really target in terms of being wanted of being on a us most wanted list for that
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a 1983 incident. what does this strike have suited to the us potentially a would the is well, i've had the support of the us don't think that the most which i'm or i left a little bit of some right answer the question that i think you're asking, sir. um, so the, um, the, it's not a bounty, it's not wanted dead or alive. it's for, for information that leads to his prosecution and conviction. so i don't think that what the us wanted to do with flagship where it was necessarily germane, tennessee is rarely calculus. he was only added to the rewards for justice program in 2015. so it took us a while to figure out his role in the favorite bombings. i think that israel's calculus is determined by the nature of the attack in marshal shops and by his role
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as one of the lead developers of has promised missile inventory. so i think that's what's doing it. that's the driving focus here. david, we, we ultimately, you're seeing escalating attentions and living on plans to file a complaint with the united nations. what are you in response? have any impact on what's happening at this point? it's hard to see. i mean, the un, there's a few places where the one is more discredited, sending level not. i mean, uh, you know, the, the attack and most of shaun's was launched from south of the latania river. there is a un resolution that hezbollah was supposed to be north of the latania river. there's a un force in, um, uh, south 11 on that doesn't serve much useful purposes. nobody's really happy with it . and indeed has butler showed a member of so you enforce a few last year. so without any consequence. so i think it's unlikely to have any um of on the ground effect. it will of course,
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be of use for propaganda purposes by a has fallen by other officers this rule. they are a number of factors that could continue to escalate the situation to expand the conflict, especially regionally. what are you particularly concerned by as well, i'm concerned that there may be a sort of uh, competitiveness with in the access of resistance. it runs group of proxy networks in iraq, serial 11 on, in yemen. and you know, as it is less likely, now that there will be a trump presidency then it was say, a week ago, but it's still a strong possibility. and i think that with the, with the arrival of trump comes the return of maximum pressure comes uh, turning off the tap said iran has to dispense to its proxy groups. and i see here that what you may see is that these groups will be rushing to show their relevancy
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basically stake a claim on a shrinking pool of resources. so i think we may see just in terms of enter alliance politics of attacks that probably don't serve anybody's interest, but are just there to elevate one proxy group versus another. now. so now the u. s . a said that it's pursuing diplomatic avenues to try and de escalate the situation. it would appear. uh it's, it's trying to avoid things getting worse. would that be a fair assessment and, and what would a diplomatic route? what would that look like by the us as well? it's a good question, i think that so when you, when you look at israel's response to match it l shims attack, they had to do something that was pretty visit visible and that had it has pull up pretty hard rather than some of the um scenarios that have been discussed general
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attacks across so 11 on it and the because valley what you saw was basically a targeted attack against one person. so i think, oh, although there's a substantial amount of damage incidental to that loss of life, i think that the american diplomatic core would probably look at that as a limitation that got israel's pursuit due to american urging. i'm not sure if that's going to make his bullet happy, but i think it is well within the sort of rules of the road that have been established for as paula is real attacks and counterattacks are david rush, thanks very much for joining us this evening. and for your insights, uh david, josh is a professor at the national defense university, and he was speaking to us from solomon island in maryland. thank you. well turning to the situation on the ground in garza now, palestinians returning to con eunice in the south, have discovered
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a city and ruins of these really forces withdrew from the latest ground operation. they wouldn't estimates about a 190000 people slid when the army announced a renewed offense of last week. in cordelia reports from darrow bala in the streets of london, eunice wins full of people. are now in ruins. hundreds of policies i'm returning to southern gaza carrying the fuselage sessions. we have left around joe, have i'm of the police with those ad from the i'm coming back and i have faith in gold. i don't know whether we will live or die, but it's all for the sake of the homeland. on the 8th day, is there any ground operation has left behind a trail of destruction. homes reduced to rubble, streets impossible in tie, your neighborhood shattered. civil defense team see the recovery,
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dozens of bodies most were found in schools being used as temporary shelters. the, the symptoms of the composition began to appear on the bodies of the dead. it is now up to the forensic science to determine the causes of death. and if there is torture involved in other things, we already found this means that bodies due to court, come to direct targeting. for those returning the challenges are immense. food, water and medical supplies are scarce, but through eager to reclaim what's left of their homes, one liners are not just don't show a lot of what made us return to a home, said we had no record to shelter and let them know what's a good one what's the or even toilet sort of and this is what made us return home on. and by the grace of god, we hope for what a good as kind of thing is, sift through the rubble of their former lives. they don't know how long to be able to stay here before the next wave of israel cox,
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or is that creation orders. this is just one sitting garza but the devastation is repeated in other areas across the strip. people here say they want to rebuild their homes and live in peace as the work insurance. it's 10 months with no sign of an end to the is really been barred, meant many fear it will be long before their lives will be at risk. yet again, and then i'll just see that there is but of cause a part of the at least 5 people have been killed and 8 others injured in a drone attack on a bass belonging to the rocks. popular mobilization forces that happened in the city of jeff, i'll suck ourselves off, but that the wounded have been taken to hospital. the force is a coalition of civil on the groups. no group is claimed responsibility so far from the law it is live in,
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but that was more the what do we know about this explosion? well, somebody to, according to this statement, by the iraqi, a part of military group. the popular mobilization forces at around $930.00 local at time pm here at to patrols belonging to the popular mobilization forces where a tags were hit by missiles and launch it from drones, according to the appropriate mobilization forces statement in the locations in your facility area. that's in the oldest of babylon or babylon province in central iraq . and that is exactly it. so as of the capital at about a bad, the attack has resulted in a number of death is and injuries, and authorities better have declared the state of emergency at the hospital. meanwhile,
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minutes the commanders with the appropriate mobilization courses have issued the statements condemning that. tak, i'm calling on old factions tonight and hold, hold on to their rights, along with how well sort is dealing with the situation as well as over yet. so we know that to the probably minutes i'm how much? yes. when a has just to be towed in from to on where he was attending the when you do ration of the new administration or the it's state it of the new you run in the president . but as of yet he has not issued any a comment about this attack, but we understand that this attack comes only a few days after that you need as admitted to the babies. that was the eh, that is hosting us and coalition forces em. but providence, in western iraq was attacked on
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a service day. it is interesting to because these 2 attacks that tech on the u. s. a. b 's and it said on thursday and today, jet tech, they come only at a week after the assignment was held in washington at by iraqi and ministry. and you submitted c officials to work on winding down the coalitions, the task and iraq are multiple mood, excuse me, i blah here. thanks very much for that reporting from. but that and keeping us updated as the head on now to 0 human remains of phones at a sign in uganda, belonging to a missing traditional healer and investigations underway and heavy res trigger land slides. and so that means actually more than 100 people with many multitude varied alive
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the, the years here we're here, let's go with your weather update kicking this one off in southeast asia, or the monsoon range really picking up across the northern areas of indo china and all of that, what weather is leaking into the southern side. so trying to hear but away from the rain and storms. it is hot and muggy. so eastern china shanghai, 38 degrees. this breeze off these trying to see, watch what it does. the 3 take forecast shows is the feeling closer to 50 when you factor in that heat and humidity and really this heat's and muggy weather is here to stick around for the next several days. remnants of what was type, who gave me throwing a lot of rain to ne, trying to far east of russia. it's also injected a lot of humidity into the atmosphere as well. so it is hot and sticky and this part of the world reason is picking up through indonesia. so we'll see an increase
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in the showers. sunspots like valley could catch a few drops on wednesday and a pretty powerful winter storm coming in to w. a purse could see wind gusts about 60 to 70 kilometers prior. it will be, you'll be in the thick of it as we head towards late wednesday night land in new zealand. it is cold and we've got some snow over the mountain passes here, could see up to 35 centimeters of snow in sun spots. so tricky, travel over the mountain passes here once the capital of the combat empire, the serene, ancient city of uncle and present day cambodia is a protected unesco world heritage sites. but as its temples of lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power investigates the alleged force evictions of thousands of families. the battle for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey,
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the or the midst of how much is happening in general question. why like this? let denise this quote. i find it's area of relief foundation. the torsional is, is there
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a reminder about top stories this hour and is really striking. lebanon's capital of a root has killed at least 3 people. a mother and 2 children. another 74 people were injured. to strike partially destroyed, a building in the southern suburb of 100 takes a known strong hold of the run back is one of israel's armies. it'd be attacked, killed, one of his bus stop. come on, does watch sugar, as was, is like a mazda is responsible for saturdays attack on the occupied colon nights, as well as to night involvement. and that attack and is not confirmed is this one bushera is old. is there a senior political analyst? the says there's a saber rattling on all sides. hold this off in more ways than one. and i just looked at the clips, but bypass of the soul of making a speech. these 4 words saying basically that is right. attacks and
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bonds, civilian structure didn't do that. as one of the candidates, i guess when busy is ready, cities but multiple buildings does things. so we will wait and see if he's a matter of his work is that is part of that even, you know, multiple times wherever the damage from his role is at our level or not. he's clearly uh, after he says by law and clearly it has a responsibility towards the people never, not enough to drive the image of war, but at the same time has by that has to maintain some part of the terrace, i guess for the future is really addressing the only way the reserve at the terms is by 330 ish. and that is that asian could take a number of possibilities. options. now, once again, the question becomes,
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what we've been trying to do once has won the time is to that issue. that with pro site, if this was gonna go um more regional, wider or next to sit in these armies agreed to participate. and us lived peace talks in geneva and ending the conflict. that's the state of the country. since april last year, the armed forces still insist its rival, the power military rapids. the 4 forces must 1st implement measures agreed to win a deal signed in saudi arabia lost ya. it's stipulated the group should vacate as the virginia homes and other facilities, the leader of the or assessor. would he agreed to take part in the negotiations? the conflicts force more than 10000000 people from their homes creating the world's largest displacement crisis. hey. but morgan has moved from cartoon the
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statements came from saddam's, ministry of foreign affairs, and it's read that the so the new government accept dockside or invitation by the united states to hold talks in geneva, in switzerland, in mid august. now the statement that came from the minister of foreign affairs also made it very clear that this will not be the socks or negotiations with the parent military rapids support forces. and that's any talk. so any negotiations have to be proceeded with the implementation of the agent, the agreement which was signed between the to the new army. i'm the parent military rapids support forces in may 2023 in the saw, the city of ted down. now that agreement was known as the declaration of principles between the 2 sides. and it's clearly stated that the parent military, rapid support forces should withdraw from the building home and service facilities, which is our plan. and what's a plan and that there should be a humanitarian asset or humanitarian quarter is open for those who need to leave areas of conflict as well as for him and his parent organizations been to be able
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to deliver aid. now those that agreement that was signed between the army and the recess and beside the city of tent, that in may 2023 was never implemented. and there was several rounds of talks have to help between the 2 side and close talks collapse in october, november, rather last year. now these new rounds are meant to try to end the fighting here at least temporarily. and that's because of the humanitarian situation. in the country, more than 10000000 people have been displaced, as because of the fighting between the 2 sides. not just from the capital called of him, but the other parts of the country as well. and they all consent that the conflict is feeling over 2 neighboring countries. and that's because the problem is here. rapid support. 4th is was able to gain territories along sedans, borders with other countries, such as such as chad, a central african republic and south them. and they often sense that it will gain territories along to dance border with if you, if you as well. so what the united states is trying to do is trying to ensure that there is
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a seized client in place to stop the continuing of the fighting. and to allow for humanitarian despite, especially because the united nation says that the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. and that's have the population is in desperate need of humanitarian assistance and a food to survive. even more going onto 0, how to go from one doesn't joined by o bushy edris. he is an independence, didn't these analysts then act of us and he's joining us live from nairobi. thanks very much for joining us. analogy sarah, as the hood, he been morgan talk about a moment ago. this is not the 1st round of talks. they've been several before this . why would these pieces to be any different? is it about timing? is it about the extent of humanitarian crisis that we're seeing as well? just as hipaa said, it's really a allegation of all of these, especially if taking place in august, which is the rainy season in sedan, which makes
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a lot of the terrain of the country go from through it into much essentially making the rapid support for us is just the support forces, meaning the mobility during this time wouldn't be as much in depth, a books, 3 d some which would be the center around. well during keys talks. and the problem is, but the sitting these all me trying to have the previous piece talks about the rapid support forces. is the daughter assess when use of these piece talks in tandem with attacking and incursion to, to, to different states. just exactly one months ago, the rapids support for us is attacked, sent to the next stage, capital of send, which is close to days. so can go to which i century prompted the socum prime minister to visit votes to don to meet general. but hom, so what is going on is a lot of different regional actors are now taking. and once again back into sit on
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just today. it's being told that my haven't been cited the president of the you a he has invited in egypt and dogs to have a summit, a quote, some it with a few other country leaders, including debbie of chad. this is in preparation for the upcoming geneva talks. this the difference this time compared to one's previous need is as mentioned of the regional players that now want to have a bit more direct time. in solving this humanitarian catastrophe. that clevi cannot continue and go on us. this wall goes on realistically. and these regional actors and involvement in what's happening and so that what is the realistic impact? is it worsening? well, being the situation. well, it's searching, glistening. it's as the war continues, it's just a young lives and essentially many lives that are being taken either by the to, by starvation. you a suppose the rep as a whole forces. egypt supports the cities on me, but at the same time,
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the other plays around in the region that could really a time develop. you could save us policy interests, including those of iran that seeks to make game roads or have made in roads with the cities and governments something that the us but not like and what not once the down the line, the however, sticking to the immediate region into is the way the regional players have being financing this will and being sending weapons, berry to tell you, leslie. but one could say that in terms of the amounts of evidence that's be happening in front of everybody's faces. it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a come and a node. well, unfortunately, but it's really good. i'm positive to be able to see that interest as come back again. and hopefully we can reach your constructive conclusion with these folks coming up. and it's not then, but hopefully use that as a, as a, as a pushing
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a balancing stone forward into much more constructive areas. however, once again, the stipulations from the principal agreements with the are assessing the people's homes that save roots and humanitarian, a convoys which opened up. and yes, we still find the will continuing. and if anything diminishes, and the rapids are full forces, still making further incursions into new areas into assess controlled areas with sauce really cons, hold their own for too long within those areas. and the head of the rapid support forces uh says, sedans, army, uh, says he hopes this will be a step towards peace and stability. and you've just spoken about perhaps some of the strategy that may be employed, even when having these piece thoughts. so what is the reality you for the student
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needs in terms of achieving peace? oh, so they need to achieve peace. that's a political kind of question and answer that this is denise, have to answer themselves. but at the same time, they also need to be in the room with the belligerent eyes, as it seems, the belligerents con, really, you have a, don't have much control of the crowd forces, especially with the are, and just crimes. we'd be hearing and reading and the witnessing unfortunate need on both sides of the equation. and so as the sending these people do one piece and, and everybody wants a peaceful that the sitting, these people needs to be inside these negotiating rooms. are these have that there were some deputies here and not only in the submitting space but in the ministry space to where community, the lack of humanitarian funding, the lack of safe colorado's. the lack of access to certain areas around
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sedan due to brock christine for a to to and so the best effect of me is hosting the 2nd these people the most, not the soldiers. we appreciate to analysis this evening. a elbow shade, edris and independent analyst an active, a speaking to us from nairobi. thank you. c. u in security councils adopted a draft resolution the lift and arms and ball go against the central african republic. the resolution drafted by phone so so imposes new sanctions against the groups. the counseling posed the arms embargo in 2013. when civil war broke out, often arms coordination. also the president front swap was easy. the violence has killed thousands of people and displaced more than a 1000000 others. now do the 2000 to the complete lifting of the arms embargo is an important decision because it is a historical to shed. and it is
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a crucial moment for peace and stability. not only in the central african republic, but also in the region police and central uganda have launched investigations of to at least 17 human skulls were found in a slight, formally used as a shrine. it belongs to a traditional hello who's been missing since february. those such a bar as more this is cub long. the village about 50 kilometers west. a few gone. those capital kampala, it's where police have discovered these cases full of human skulls. wonder why you cut your unable about case. it was on sunday when children came looking for firewood that they came across this piece of wood double stuck into the ground. and when they were pulling it out, the soil collapsed and they saw a case as soon as they called me my soul. the cases and so i called the officials and when the officials opened the cases, there are 4 of them and they were full of human scrolling and united pretending
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that this shrine was built by local medicine man who used it as his home. he is a key suspect in the murder of the former head of the decline in book on the kingdom in february, the the so these have been looking for him ever since. the book on the tribe is the largest single ethnic group in uganda, making up over 27 percent of the country's population. local officials say they've launched an investigation was doing suspect more. that's why we are digging lots. i hit it in for men. the risk of it does the federal claim, but we're taking another one. people here are burning what's left of the strong saying they won't leave anything behind door such a bar algebra 0. and then is why know thousands of people have taken to the streets of caracas, accusing nicholas madura all stealing sunday's presidential election demonstrates as to the all positions of presidential candidates,
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edmondo gonzalez. his campaign says it has proof. he won the election with more than 70 percent of the vote. tuesday mox, the 2nd day of demonstrations following madura is officially being declared the winner of the votes. at least 6 people have died in antique government purchase and an opposition leaders reportedly being arrested. the national assemblies calling for account of protest and vin, as well as defense ministers, expressed absolute loyalty to literal embalming. they are black. this is a moment for us to show our loyalty to venezuela and its institutions. i call on all political factions, especially the opposition, which has done so much damage to venezuela, who i call on it to accept our democratic and constitutional policies. so we can honor the vin as well. and people who are asking for understanding the cooperation and dialogue of correspondence. there is a boy is following the developments from argentina as capital one. those are,
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as the opposition has asked, is supporters and people to take to the streets again in front of the united nations. office in cut out, got there demanding the international community to of knowledge that fraud was committed and they're doing this by saying that they have proof that of the regularities, that happened on sundays selection. they say that they have 73 percent of the tally sheets that are supposedly hidden by the government. and that prove that to the move? no, i'm sorry. so lucas should be venezuela's next president. this is the whole controversy right now of the same time we've been seeing the government of nichol. i found a little calling wanted to for us to take to the streets again this tuesday to show their support for the government. we saw an image of the minister of defense addressing the nation. he was wearing a military fatigue surrounded by his stump military commanders showing his support for nicholas model. the st on what's going on in venezuela is that quote that we
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organize to buy imperialism later on. we also saw the attorney general of venezuela saying that the protesters are not peaceful, that they have been setting tires and buildings on fire and that they're being paid by the positions to be taken to this place. so again, lots of tension on the street. so the government has warned those who question the election we saw could be detained between 3 to 6 years in prison. and we heard that very early on tuesday morning, our leader of the opposition for the federal level was taken from his home. he was put into a vehicle by armed, armed and with the masked men. supposedly they could be from the counter intelligence unit in venezuela. there's also been lots of reports of this, so abused by the security forces of paramilitary groups known as clinics. people seem venezuela of showing civilians in the city got got so again, lots of tension,
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lots of uncertainty and nobody's really sure where this is going to lead. but what is sorry is that this is all the 1st time that nicolas michael has faced protest. this is not the 1st time that he has face controversial elections. however, it is the 1st time that it is happening in the middle of all 5 and 6 massive economic crises where millions of people have left the country where there's lots of different chattman where the opposition is saying that they have actually pull that fraud was committed and they're willing to show we then presented. and apparently there's millions of people in the country that believe i'm on pulled up . son is an independent journalist. she says, my daughter is government should publish a doctor from polling stations to verify the results. this is very simple. for the government to resolve this problem, they found themselves in with the left for results and the weight. the result of it is for the and national electro counselor to see any administrator to phone or
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tradition. and to publish the paper ballots with back up the results in every event, that's right in the election. and they do this, they put them on that website and there was 4 transparency for all of them. and that's the way it is to see. to very good and every voting sent a booth region and so on. this is not being done this time on. this is causing great suspicions. the see any, a claim in the system was hacked and on voting day itself on sunday, on the they haven't been able to restore the facilities at the moment. however, this seems on the likely and the voting balance themselves. the, the receipts which come out of every machine are given to the positively to go witnesses at that rebuilding center on the right. we can conduct the far right time to that and wound up on. so i left yesterday, came out and spoke to the nation and told the country that he has enough of these ballots to prove that he won the election. and in fact, they have set up a website whereby people can check the,
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the right balance for 74 percent of the vote. incentives is still a head analysis era. wide switch setting, overwhelms homes in china, is who non provence starts. these rooms the yellow river could bust as banks, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the land slides triggered by heavy ones, soon reins of killed, at least a 108 people in southern india. hundreds more off your trapped on the modern debris
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in the healey district, in the state of carolina uncle some fairy for boats of the one speak to this region now in multiple land slides close by heavy months of brains have swept to pave villages in one district it happened to the earliest on tuesday dropping people in bay homes while they slept. search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go fish and stuff being gutted, open and lawful police in the out of fire force and various agencies. so actively involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service. for the unstable terrain destroyed roads
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and a collapse of bridge into an effort. separate inches, people have been taken to the boys who were about 5 to 8 people with me. it was with i saw them being swift. i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live with the being rescued. i carried my mother on my shoulders, would give it a to, to look through and then they would say in the social media post problem in this to move range of movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition leader and former mc from fly. nod draw, we've gone the has called for an action plan to map land, flood prone areas, heavy rains, flooding, and much slide so common and catalog getting the monsoon season. from june to september. in 2018, nearly 500 people were killed in the state. in one of the worst floods on the
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consumption eve entre 0 to ventral rain and flooding and china. so the new 9 province has killed. at least 4 people. sizes of people were forced to evacuate off the water levels, reached new wicked woods of china. as last a 69000000 view with the emergency fund for recovery, if it's laura wish, folk reports from uncle, the days of heavy rain, overwhelms barriers in china. is who none province. flooding people's homes with muddy water, emergency walk is rescued. people trapped as water's rose in this village. some could only escape through the windows, hastily see though it was so dog, the water was up to my waist. it was very deep in my key and i couldn't tell what. so i was stepping on. thousands of people have been forced from that homes. this is one of 4 schools in the area being used as a shelter. the down pools were caused by the remnants of tyson gave me that made line full in china is southern food young province. last week that led to waters breaching 3 dykes along the drawn show
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a river much of china has been battling to wrench, lorraine, and fledging in recent weeks with at least 15 provinces. now one, imagine see a lot. they triggered line slides and costs of villages. much needed supplies have been slowed and by helicopter. in the northeast, another low pressure weather system caused heavy down pause that flooded large areas of farm land authorities. one the heavy rain could impact the green harvest x . but say climate change is making this kind of extreme weather more common. one of the impacts of global warming is that it tends to heat up the ocean. and so therefore, there will be more moisture going into the atmosphere. these type fluids when they make landfall, because you have all this moisture coming in would therefore tend to bring much heavier rain to these places where they are not used to. the rain is set to continue in the north. in the coming days,
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china's lead is the warning controlling floods this summer will be difficult as major waterways like the yellow river unlikely to overflow. and with the types in season set to continue into august, the government is likely to come under more pressure to protect those who hon. laura westbrook colleges, sierra hong kong. the helicopters have been deployed to basil california is latest wealth file, one of many raging across the us states evacuation notice has been issued in riverside county with the mix and fire has bugged through nearly 3000 acres. there are currently 89 launch active wildfire has been full across the country. they've been 28000 well, 5, so fall this year, which we've collectively bunch through 4200000 acres or bases wrinkled, ranking summer, showing no sign of cooling down is locals. graceful, the homeless day of the new temperature record of 58.7 degrees celsius was set law
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says in cambridge and the east of england, london, temperatures expected to rise as high as 32 degrees and go to conditions destroying the livelihoods of many farm isn't it to me on the island of sicily, the lack of rains, transformed the agricultural landscape. fields have been scorched by the sun with locals reporting the idle forming equipment and drivers on a common sides. water shortages have made harvesting and feeding animals nay, impossible for farm is in the us. the metro formerly known as facebook has agreed to a $1400000000.00 settlement with the state of texas in the a privacy lawsuit. it sent us on allegations that the tick giant used to biometric dots of uses, such as the face or fingerprint, without their permission. the takes us to send a general said the settlement is the largest secured by a single state. and well,
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that's it for me. somebody to my left for this news our carry johnston will be here in a moment with today's news, the african stories from african perspective. some of them are on a heavy to me this month for us. and sam is in you to me, to show documentary by african filmmakers from donna and fox, one. 0, really simple. and those are both fine. i will, the zillow who's a little of a sound of ceremony, and the interpreter,
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a new series of africa direct on, i'll just sierra, the, as china ramps up to pull patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they face imprisonment, torture, and even death in the country in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals the north korea's plane defectors on al jazeera, the,
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the, the sites that even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now. and it's rarely striking by roots kills at least 3 people. israel says it has been combined that was killed by the group, hasn't consultants. is that the carry johnston? this is i'll just hear a lot from dave also on the program and going to protest indians come home to


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