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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now. the and is rarely striking, very rude kills at least 3 people. israel says that his combined was killed for the alms group, hasn't consent to the carry johnston. this is alex, is there a lot for me to also coming up displaced families in gallons or return to con eunice where it's very strikes have reduced in time neighborhoods to revel. at least 5 people are killed and a drone attack on a base belonging to rocks fucking up moving on section forces and widespread
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flooding, overwhelms homes in china, to non profit authorities. one, the other river could best it's banks the but it's very striking. governance, capital b, which has killed at least 3 people, and mazda and 2 children. and now that $74.00 people were injured, as well as all me said, the attack killed one of his, but the off the top come on is fun. it also says the come on just responsible for saturday is that tackled occupied go down. hearts lebanese um group has the not involvement and not to attack and it's not confirmed. his desk say no, hold up against our coverage. now the problem is response, isabel structure and hezbollah. as far as the southern suburbs of the lebanese capital, they moved the target. so ad zucker, this really military said he was the commander responsible for sat today's attack
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and much those jumps that killed civilians. his state is still not known. circuit is one of the armed groups, most senior commanders, a member of hezbollah decision making body that she had the counsel as an advisor to its leader house on the solar. israel said it was a position straight. it was also a military target, which means as well didn't violate the unwritten rules of engagement between the long time enemies. but there were casualties among civilians. the strike had a building in a densely populated neighborhood and then take long for as well to claim responsibility. declare who it's targeted and announced that it's retaliation was over all indications that it didn't want to expand the conflict and escalate tensions that have been largely confined to the boarder regence now has been not
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decides what happens next hours before the assassination high ranking sources said it will respond to any strikes regardless of its nature. these are dangerous times and the 10 months low level conflict, triggered by the war on gaza, could be about to change the position of the most part. these are very far apart. on one hand because the ones to uh, to keep that it was of engagement as it with and they were preventing before october 7th. why is that? i are determined to change is the rules of engagement um that this uh me that that and compromised that for an extra day does not exist. in recent days. there's been back door diplomacy to de escalate tensions. we do not believe that all out war is inevitable. and we still believe that it can be avoided,
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and we're continuing to work towards a diplomatic resolution that would allow, is rarely love any civilians to return to their homes and live in peace and security. while the us says the focus continues to be on diplomacy, us warships are reportedly heading to lebanon's coastline in a clear message to hezbollah center for their elders. eda bailey is ready, ami spokesmen. daniel has already said his blah is dragging the entire the least into why the escalation, we prefer to resolve will still, it is with out a wider war. the adf is fully prepared. for any scenario. we have a duty to ensure the safe and secure return a visit rallies to their homes in northern. he's real and we will continue to act to defend o people of israel. o correspondent,
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rushman. jordan is in washington with moore and the white house. his reaction to the strike homepage, even as officials and residents in southern bay, we're trying to assess the damage from the is really air strike on tuesday evening . the us government was saying that it does not believe that a wider regional war in the middle east is in the cards. they say that this is all because they know that israel does not want a broader war. that they know that nothing good could come out of an escalation of tensions between israel and has full law. now, this is what the white house press secretary calling jo pierre had to say about the situation. a long d as rarely lebanese border on tuesday. we do not believe that at all out war is inevitable. that is not something that we believe and we believe that it can still be avoided. you know, this is a president, as you watched in the last 3 and
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a half years, he believes in diplomacy, diplomatic solutions, especially as we're talking in this moment along the blue line. that's, that is true as well. and so, and that will, and these attacks, if we have some diplomatic kind of solution from hezbollah once and for all in the later hours of tuesday, the bite and harris administrations message been changed to a very quick and cogent message. one saying that israel has the right to self defense when it comes to attacks from group such as has full law. but the u. s. also is working fever sleep through diplomatic channels to try to reduce the tensions so that the bombing that happened in the occupied go on heights on saturday. and the retaliatory air strike on southern bay route on tuesday will not repeat themselves ad nauseum. russell and jordan elder, sarah washington, the best bring it in the rich out. so now in the fairfax virginia, he's
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a senior that line to counsel and former us state department official. welcome to, i'll just see it right in your opinion, is a lot of could to be further escalation or do you feel this will essentially be contained or well, it's good to be with you, i think right now neither side night, but it is really side nor is bowling or running, and backers have a real interest in escalation beyond the level of tit for tat that we've seen iran after all it is back. i bank rolling and the supporting his bullet in this low level warfare. it's been conducting in the border area which has made the probably 6 or 7 kilometers of dep along that border on level bridge release for the past 10 months. so they're kind of getting what they want out of that. now, the rules of the game or rules of engagement, the jeep heard, referred to, essentially, means that both sides have a limit to the type of strikes they'll do and, and the number of casualties there will cause. what was remarkable about the attack on much those shops, which is a drew's village and a, the golan heights,
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was that it was a higher level of civilian casualties and clearly not launched against the military target. so his rule had to respond in a sense, but of both because they're trying to get the deal done and draws out to bring that fighting to a close. and because neither side really wants to fight and extended campaign over the southern lebanon south of the lit potty, i think that this is about as far as that goes, there might be some more pinpoint strikes one against the other. but i don't think we're looking at a wider work. how does the escalation happen there in a way that both sides can say that they've achieved some? yeah, well, so i think is all has to do with intelligence and the quality of preparation for the strikes. in the case of israel like ever having read the dumpster on uh, the gentleman uh, watch sugar. who has a long pedigree of being behind the molten attacks against israel and even against the united states. going back to the 1983 attacks on the u. s. embassy and barrier,
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this was a very carefully selected target. and the amount of force that was used was uh, not designed to inflict a massive amount of collateral damage or civilian surely in casualties. so that sort of careful targeting and restraint in terms of weapons selection is how these rarely signal and actually constrain any possible escalation winter guards. but here's my luck. i think, you know, they'll promise retaliation. they'll talk a big game, but it, but it nations, as long as they, they keep the attached to sort of what they've been doing for the last 10 months or so. they're essentially saying we're not because let's keep in mind, here's what, what has an arsenal of much longer range rockets and missiles that they want it to escalate? they might use some of those. i think if they refrain from that and keep their targeted attacks within the border area, then i think they're doing the same. they're signaling no intent to escalate. but can you really control everything? i mean that frequently unforeseen events, which can be rarely existing boundaries or will that's true. so you know clause
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which and that there is a war always mentioned that war. among other things is a political clash of welsh. it is a primordial act of violence and it is a game of chance because there's always things that can happen that will force the hand of one or the other. it's never entirely under control and yet recalls which also said that it is the clash of political wills and i'm extension of policy through violence that is at the heart of war. and this is a war let's, let's make no mistake about it. so as long as you're on, and here's volt, luckily, which is backing, i have the intent of keeping it at a low boil rather than some sort of warfare that might actually spill over, in effect, it run more directly then. then i think that that element will dominate, and the element of chance or losing control by accident, it will be subordinated without some. thank you very much indeed for joining us. a good to be with you. thank you. what's happening to the situation on the ground in gauze are now past indians. return it to con eunice. in the south, have discovered
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a city in ruins, off the is very forces withdrew from the latest ground operation. the when estimates about 190000 people fled in the army and now is to renewed offensive last week, including the quotes from there on the, in the streets of newness, once full of people are now in ruins. hundreds of policies, i'm returning you to southern gaza carrying the fuselage sessions. we have left around 0 have i'm of the police from those absence. i'm coming back and i have faith in god. i don't know whether we will live or die, but it's all for the sake of the homeland. on the 8th day, is there any ground operation has left behind a trail of destruction. homes reduced to rubble, streets impossible in tie, your neighborhood shattered. civil defense team, see they recovered dozens of bodies most were found in schools
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be used as temporary shelters. the. the symptoms of the composition began to appear on the bodies of the dead. this now up to the forensic science to determine the causes of death. and if there was torture involved in other things, we already found just mean that bodies to the court cup to direct targeting. for those returning the challenges are immense. food, water, and medical supplies are scarce, but they're eager to reclaim what's left of their homes. one level, so now this don't show a lot of what made us return to a home, said we had no rescue to shelter. nope, that's a good point. now, what's the reason toilet sort of enough? this is what made us return home on and by the grace of god just we have for what's a good as kind of thing is sift through the rubble of their former lives. they don't know how long they'll be able to stay here before the next wave of visually
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attacks or is that creation orders. this is just one sitting garza but the devastation is repeated in other areas across the strip. people here say they want to rebuild their homes and live in peace as the word enters, it's 10 months with no sign of an end to the is ready bombardment. many fear it will be long before their lives will be at risk. yet again. and then who did the, i'll just see it, i did it, but of cause a policy at least 5 people had been killed and 8 others injured in a drone attack on a bass belonging to the rocks popular mobilization forces. it happened in the city of jeff, i'll stock or south of baghdad. the wounded had been taken to hospital. the force is a coalition of several shared groups. the us says it says current balance and striking by bill problems targeting competence, trying to launch a drone attack roughly otherwise has more from by that according to xerox,
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a potent minutes, a popular mobilization forces at around 930 p. m. locals time to put chose belonging to the, to the popular mobilization forces were attacked by missiles long should from drones, according to the popular mobilization forces in the patrols the locations in georgia plus the area that is most of babylon or babylon province in central iraq and that is exactly so the rocky capital about the, the attack as it resulted in a number of death is and injuries. and a number of minutes we come under is a bit under to the popular mobilization forces, have condemned the attack and have a valid to retaliate. they say that they have all the resistance factions, any rock have to have to unite. and i'll go into their rights. this comes of the thursday attack that targeted, painted as admitted to the base that post as
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u. s. and coalition phillips, a number of problems in western iraq. it's interesting because it the attack on to his day comes only the week of the summer to us held in washington a by your lucky and us ministry officials at these are part of the and the minutes the commission that is tasked with discussing ways to winding down or don't sizing the coalition task in iraq without through i had a 0. but about to set a head on al jazeera, on the risk rose and venezuela of a sunday's disputed election results. the government accuses the opposition of pulsing and to a kia tends to round up millions of strange dogs across the country and it moves that's upsetting animals. the
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cause of forecasts for the last day of july, right across asia. here's what you need to know. get to see the highest level alerts issued for con, i'd say, because states in southern india with its monsoon range picking up also through the north, all of this what, whether this month to rains or drapes, over northern areas of indo china and all of that. what the weather is also point into the southern slice of china, but you know away from the rain look at somebody's temperature, shanghai, 38 degrees, but yeah, with this breeze of to see here, it will feel closer to 50 degrees over the next few days in shanghai remnants leftovers of type room gave me have injected a lot of moisture and humidity into north korea. so the country, so it's hot, it's night on record dipping down to about 30 degrees. that's a number of stories. here's the precipitation on wednesday. again, these are all left over is of what was type from gave me quite a bit of rain for that northeast corner of china,
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pushing into the far east of russia. let's go through it even easier with the breeze picking up here that's going to spread some showers into so the ways the them both folly and java islands on wednesday. and we'll lend this weather report in buckets somewhere the month to range. also picking up here for sim providence and for below just on and for your on it's all about the heats many spots in the forty's on wednesday, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about her mind to about top stores. this is rarely striking lebanon's capital bay roots has killed at least 3 people. a mother and 2 children, and all of a 74 people were injured strike costs. they destroyed the building in the southern something. all right, frank and the strongholds of the round box as belonging. israel's army has said the attack killed one of his bonaza top come on. squad shook. israel says the command is responsible for several days attack on the occupied going on sites the night in full. that's a talk and is not confirmed,
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which is on at least 5 people have been chosen h office engine and a trone attack on a base belonging to rocks, fucked up mobilization forces. it happened in the city of jeff. i'll cycle south and back to us says it has come down to a strong in the bill for targeting competence. trying to launch, i'm trying to track are now then his way to thousands of people have taken to the straits of correct cuz accusing nicholas withdrew, stealing sundays. presidential election. officials from the us government have now threatened to position the this of mario corina machado and a window gonzales with detention accusing that move tilting a coach. theresa bo has more from the urgent turn in the capital. one is ours. again, on the streets of god, i guess protesters gathered in front of the united nations office to denounce the government of nicola model,
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which they believe is still last sunday's vote. we must protest in a peaceful manner. we should not fall into the publications. they, thanks for us. what they want to do is to make them is weighed in space each other . we were able to have and wanted to obtain 70 percent of the votes. we united the country and is waiting so wants to meet and trophies small, are with us today. the electoral commission declared my the what are the winner with 51 percent of the votes, but the opposition says they can prove there was fraud. even 48 hours after the elections happened, the electron townsend had still not published. the results and the tally sheets of how people voted. in fact, the website continues to read down. on the other hand, the opposition created a power, the website where they say they weren't able to get 73 percent of the tally sheets in the country where they say there is clear evidence that had no solid. is it for winter. however, when the security forces of a armed forces on their side,
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the government has a clear advantage. no matter how the majority of the population, bolton, the government says their system was hacked. president equal on my the address the nation saying that what is happening in venezuela is another cool sponsored by the united states. and he shall videos of people detained, saying they were paid by the opposition. you know, my little, well, we have identified a criminal band that is on to the teeth and works with mrs. machado and mr. gonzalez. oh, the uh, directly. i make you responsible, mr. gonzalez. oh, the uh of what is happening in venezuela of the criminal violence of the delinquency of the engine of the date of the destruction. you are going to be responsible. violent flashes have continued for 2 protesters and security forces. the government says over 700 people have been detained. the united nations express concern any like tool disputes should be resolved peacefully. and we
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need to ensure the full transparency of the election results, including as we've told you yesterday, that you needed breakdown of the of the votes by pulling stations. and that's what many countries around the world, including left his governments like columbia and brazil, also want to see menus. and venezuela are angry and frustrated. you know, the country that's been struggling with a political and economic crisis that's mean worse and why you essentially really core my, the dictator and say the want him gone. no matter surprise they have to pay the so i will, i'll just see that when a site is us, vice president come a higher it says wrapped top a campaign valid in atlanta, georgia. recent elections have seen the state to become a key battleground for presidential hopefuls. so george and associates will be back, and i am very clear. the path to the white house runs right through this day.
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the 2020. and we will do it again in 2024. so lavelle has mona, from outside the, in atlanta. well, this was pamela harris's 6th visit to the state of georgia. this year, a low suspect of a crowd of moving 8000 people who but crammed into the stadium assign, let me just such a slight amount of what did you think of what kind of hours at the site. i love her, what is it about it? and absolutely everything it's, she's standing out for the people and that's what matters to which is a tough state. so when you think she can do it, absolutely. why? because this is georgia. thank you very much. the reason georgia is a top state to win is because this is a case possible ground state. it is a state that is free. it's what was the republicans for decades, but in 2020 jo, 5 and one. if you want it with the smallest majority is just 11000 votes at
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a state that has really 11000000 people living in it. now the highest com page is confident that they can keep the states they're actually targeting disenfranchised republicans. those who was a noise, but donald trump try to overturn the results here. you remember the result audio recorded way. he called the secretary of state and said he needed to find 11000 bites. so we could overtime that results. i expect many more visits to display on those other key battleground states from pamela harris, from a soon to be named vice presidential running mate. and also from donald trump. he will be here with his number to j. d. bounce on south. did i fill out his era alonza georgia far right. protest as of class with police and the northern, the english ton of south for the following an attack on monday that killed 3 children. police say that demonstrates as well as supporters of english defense lee . this is previously staged, often bonded demonstrations against is not leased vehicles were damaged and sets
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and lights and items were thrown at the local. most 17 year old man has been arrested following the staffing us adults events which wounded another 5 children. torrential rain and flooding in china is southern to a non providence has killed at least 4 people. thousands of people were forced to evacuate, talk to want to levels, which you reco, it's laura westbrook reports not from home come a days of heavy rain, overwhelms barriers in china, is who non provence flooding people's homes. with muddy water, emergency walk is rescued. people trapped is waters rose in this village. some could only escape through the windows, hastily see that it was so dog, the water was up to my waist. it was very deep in my key and i couldn't sell waltz . i was stepping on. thousands of people have been forced from that homes. this is one of 4 schools in the area being used as a shelter. the down pools were caused by the remnants of tyson gave me that made
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line full in china is southern food young province. last week that led to waters breaching 3 dykes along the g one show a river, much of china has been battling to wrench, lorraine, and flooding and recent weeks with at least 15 provinces. now one, imagine see a lot. they triggered line slides and costs of villages. much needed supplies have been slowed and by helicopter. in the northeast, another low pressure weather system caused heavy down pause that flooded large areas of farm land authorities. one the heavy rain could impact the green harvest x . but say climate change is making this kind of extreme, why the more common one of the impacts of global warming is that it tends to heat up the ocean. and so therefore, there will be more moisture going into the atmosphere. these type fluids when they make landfall, because you have all this moisture coming in would therefore tend to bring much heavier rain to these places where they are not used to. the rain is set to
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continue in the north. in the coming days. china's lead is a warning controlling floods this summer will be difficult as major waterways like the yellow river unlikely to overflow. and with the types in season set to continue into august, the government is likely to come under more pressure to protect those who hon. laura westbrook colleges, sierra hong kong. as the rent security council has adopted a draft resolution that lifts an alms and bucket against a central african republic, the resolution drafted by france also imposes new sanctions against on groups. the council impose the arms embargo in 2013. when civil war broke count, often on condition house to the president of possibilities of audits has killed thousands of people and displaced more than a minute and others facing that century again to have north investigation software . at least 17 human skulls were found in a site for me to use as a shrine, belongs to
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a traditional halo who's been missing since february. those the body reports. this is cabal and the village. about 50 kilometers west of you, kansas, capital, kampala. it's where police have discovered these cases full of human skulls. wonder why you got you. and the case. it was on sunday when children came looking for firewood that they came across this piece of wood double stuck into the ground. and when they were pulling it out, the soil collapsed and they saw kate, this is called me my soul, the cases. and so i called the officials and when the officials opened the cases or 4 of them and they were full of human scrolling thing, united pretending that this shrine was built by local medicine man who used it as his home. he is a key suspect in the murder of the former head of the decline in book on the kingdom. in february, rebecca felice had been looking for him ever since. the book on the tripe is the
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largest single ethnic group in uganda, making up over 27 percent of the country's population. local officials say they've launched an investigation, was doing suspect more. that's why we are digging lots. i hit settings for men, the risk of it does fail to claim, but we're taking another one. people here are burning what's left of the strong saying they won't leave anything behind or such a bar algebra 0 in the us. meta formerly known as facebook has agreed to a $1400000000.00 supplement. the state of texas and a prophecy lawsuit essentially, is on allegations that the tech john to use biometric data uses, such as the face or fingerprints without the permission. the texas attorney general, it says the supplement is a law just secured by single states took is
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parliament has approve the low that aims to round up millions of straight dogs and put them into shouts. as the plan is alarmed, i don't know the office is a mess. nutrient campaign would be a better solution. so them constantly reports not from the stumble. a roman go round. one of the most crowded streets of his stumbles. this fray dog is harmless. however, a crowing number congregate in packs and streets and rural areas. the population has reached 4000000 across to care. numerous people, including children, have been attacked. 7 year old across is one of them. this is how she looked after being attacked by a stray dog pen months ago, using the key yet allowed last more than the ones on her face. i pray that the dog wasn't rapid because there is no cure for rabies. your child may die before your eyes. she couldn't go to school for a year and will now repeat her 1st grade to prevent similar incidents and best to correspond them and approve the controversial bell to regulate millions of stray


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