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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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oh, again, the problem is the drum is running, i'm sorry. yes, i really, we have to leave it there will no doubt come back to little bit later in a few minutes. but let me just get to the top of the 4 of us or just joining us just let's take a moment. now to recap the breaking story. we're following this. the political lead of how much is melania has been killed in iran. and that's according to statements . from how mass and iran is revolutionary. god, iran say tvs also reporting he's been assassinated in the capital, according to the revolutionary god, money. and one of his body guards were killed in a strike on the building and to around where he was staying. he was in the capitol meeting, president muscle possess key on the head of his inauguration. so these are the latest pictures of that meeting in to around on tuesday. if you've been attending, possess scan the swearing in ceremony. iran says there's investigating the king of israel. i mean, yeah, well i'll just hear what you need a good takes a look back at this male. he has life and the events which treats him into one of the most prominent palestinian political figures. this is what happened to the i'll
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shut the refugee. come in northern garza, during israel's will. in 2023. it's what it's not of him. yeah. was born. he was the son of palestinian parents who were forcibly displaced from the home. and what is now i should go on off to the state of israel was created in 1948. he experienced 5 pound the challenges faced by millions of palestinians. and the search was stated that his future and influence would turn out to be different. the most that the humble must order here to americans take responsibility for giving unlimited coverage to this animal. to commit to these messages, war crimes and genocide. in 1987, i mean i graduated from me as lubbock university of garza, the same year a palestinian must uprising the gun against israel's occupation. also known as the
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1st intifada in its efforts to liberate palestine, the group of most was founded among gets younger members is smart. hi, mia is johnny would soon become linked to the rise, as opposed to english is role in prison tanya, several times for taking part in protests against the occupation of the southern cause longest, 3 years sentence. he was deported to southern lebanon, along with hundreds of moss members, near, retentive gauze, in 1993 after the signing of the os level codes, and became a close confidant shake um at the us in the found a film off. together. they survived in his radius sauce nation attempt the yes and was killed months later is rise to prominence came in 2006. when most participated in the palestinian legislative elections, the group one,
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apollo mentoring majority, making him the prime minister of the policy. nino socrates, that his appointment and the international community to hold to a to the p a, placing the governing body on the severe financial strain. i'm off is classified by many western nations as a terrorist organization. months of conflict between factions let the present moment of boss dismissing him yet and dissolving his government. this would result in an independent who must let the government in the cause a strip headed by hon. yeah. what i can, it had been his law, the caesar should not break our will and should not turn this conflict into an internal palestinian conflict. and that conflict should be against the parties that imposed the siege against the palestinian people in 2019 having voluntarily step down. honey, i left because of the gun living approved for which he faced substantial scrutiny
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in the face criticism for his absence from the strep. during israel's will and gauze in 2023. he left him off as diplomacy from a number of locations. a civilians were massacred in the stripped shop. he smiled honey as influence on the history and politics of palestine who liked the state for years to come on. for many he will remain a symbol of resistance in the face of occupation and adversity. while i was there was no a day, joins us live now on the line from ramallah that's in the occupied. westbank got no . so it just took us through how significant is handy is death. and what does this actually mean in terms of its implications and representations? while honey and the, you know, the face of the, of him off as a political movement. he is, someone was viewed as more flexible, more pragmatic. despite, you know, all the turn and you know,
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ups and downs of his career and, and the very complicated telephony and relations, honey is used. if someone who's flexible, who can be talked to, and certainly this assassination in insight on iran has a lot of significant. that's a lot of messages is in the context of israel presenting it with a 0 sum approach to the war on does not to how this war cannot and, and it reinforces the idea that that is available not stop until it eliminates behind my leadership. of course, the know from the past that if you don't have a documented money problem, of figures in her mazda, including the founder of chicago, by the se, in about 20 years ago in march. and that did not stop the movement because it is quite a sophisticated political movements and there is
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a way to quickly replenish those high a high racks if you will be there. the mechanisms are in place and come up and been hit. ringback several times with those kinds of attack, the nations of political leaders, but also of the military needed. so in terms of the efficacy of the movement, i think the indians understand that this will not completely change. you know the course of events, but it will certainly disrupt these as for now, there have been calls across the occupied color for the entire 3. couldn't go a bank for general strikes. it is uh bare and 7 am right now. so people are still waking up to the very big meals and i would expect that there will be, you know, across the board condemnation from political fractions, from even palestinian leadership that understands that these kinds of high profile
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assassinations are not just unacceptable, politically and, and legally speaking, but they do impact public in public and they will have a significant impact on the course of events moving forward, especially, especially for thousands that we are we lots to get any response from the, from the publisher. and i'll forward to you in month one of us. well, i mean, conventional wisdom would say yes because not responding, not having a reaction to this would be viewed as a is completely unacceptable by the palestinian public. we'll have to wait and see about that and but, but i think we, we can't expect realistically outside the had all the other pedals in factions to issue statement. as soon as they're, you know, immediate people are, are up and aware enough to day to the news because otherwise, you know,
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it would be unacceptable. otherwise, when it comes to assassination palestinians do not factor in, in their, in their relation their paula fix, their division in the, in their reaction run into condemnation of such as really actions they all, without exception, been affected in hip, with those kinds of political assassination. in the past decade, they all understand how dangerous it is and the fact that none of them are say so, and again, it's a fascinating if my honey yeah. and, and, and choosing to do that, in fact, on tons of very, very loud message. politically, not just to california, and there's a wider region, it comes off the hill shortly after the assassination of a top favorable figure in the heart of baby. this is not a,
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an escalation that is limited to the palace and an issue. this is, is a flex thing. it's military and intelligence muscle across the region and really keeping card the biggest players in the region be, is it on and shipping over its sovereign territory or has been la at now come up. so this is something that will be, i think closely monitored by politicians and, and kind of find the wider region and most definitely internationally. because now you get on in the next to see how things are going. being react some already from the 4th exuberant in on condemning this attack and calling it a terrorist attack. so like i said, the regional invitation is this a fascination? it's timing. it's location cannot be underestimated. yeah, i know it just a final thought to you. i mean, you would, you'll, you'll obviously based in the upside westbank, but i mean,
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does this hot and the result of palestinians across the occupied territories, both on the west bank and gaza, or i think it doesn't. it is hardly position across the board. i remember in 2004, when a, when she got some idea of seeing was assassinated. i was in, in gaza working as a journalist there. and i remember, you know, the deep impacts that have the psychological impact that affects the nation. had a number, of course, she had some ideas in was on a wheelchair. he was on his way to morning prayer. it was a very significant because it was very significant and it only contributed to hardening the possession of her mouth. and other factions in that same coalition of resistance with either of them, i did expect the result of this assassination to be quite similar. and again, we are in a different time right now in the public opinion,
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a context where you have public opinion groups who have with their ground for 10 months. despite that genocide and does that, they continue to be defiant, to insist that they will continue to fight on fact the head of her mouth is political way. which of, you know, one of our, i guess the earlier said seems to have been unaware of the attack on october 7. and i tried to reach a lot of political solution to the war, will make it much easier for the hard lines within her last, within the national movement as a whole. to say there is no cost. what is available, there is no way to reach a middle ground with as well as the was going part all or nothing. and we have to get together. so the next in the coming hours, i think will be important to monitor how the, the groups react at politically,
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but also militarily. all right, so no dialogue from the in ramallah in the outside westbank. uh no, we only come back to you a little bit later uh for more reaction. uh and context of this as we've come to the westbank for us here without just evan. that's bringing somebody out. are we on his direct service center for his nomic and global affairs at piston boat design university? um, let me start by asking how significant then is there somebody which is spoken to, i guess about this just complicates the whole issue of the war one does. but now we have all these different levels and an factors coming into play and fields of escalation. what's your response to this? and it's certainly very significant. and so when you talk about the mass lead to being assessing a did that on. i mean, this says you pull it to come impacts going to have a lot. so the interest across the region is the state is no longer a state,
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it's an outlaw terrace, broke state. i mean, i think this is for all to see we saw last week, basically the prime minister of this state uh, through the 9th in the midst of his speech. and we had seen also the, the members of congress applauding him and clamping. so there is an implication that the us has on it the us this part of this onslaught taking place, not only as a genocide against the pedestrians and gas, but it's on the rampage that's going throughout the region, trying to assessing that lead those. this is not the concept of a civilized or the behavior of a state that is recognized as the what we're talking about a very significant impact. it's going to have, this is a huge escalation. what happened yesterday and live in a what's happening today and to hold on, it's an escalation by this state. and that's going to have conversations significant, but yeah, i was, i was, i was gonna ask you about, you know,
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some of what, what, what is the threat now, how serious is the threats of escalation right now, that as i'm searching it as an escalation, and there has to be a response net response would come in different forms from us has been fighting. the problem with that is, that is right. isn't that it hasn't been able to achieve its objectives, but it depend or mandatory. so out this conflict that is surpassing now 10 months, we're talking about the a state that has said that is going to eliminate time as eliminated. see those. and that's acting on that. but still not able to diminish the impact of what happened on the 7th. and other words, the is everybody not fulfilling its objectives. i've been lashing out to the region and that could also have a huge significance in terms of a region of conflict that cannot be contained. the us has been supporting is an in many aspects, military, political and otherwise. and is trying to contain this conflict,
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but it is also defying and challenging this by attacking beasley, those throughout the region. i mean that the perceived wisdom somebody will be that is where i presume he doesn't want that up front to deal with a living on. obviously conte affordable so where does it run factor in here? it talks about that relationship and that complexity it has been also hit by the is or it is. it's concert. it was a stricken about back and it put it on respond is in a way that the to not escalate the war. that states has been very much involved in this conflict by the trying to convince the front part is not to escalate but is what has been the one to escalate and or the law. so it's pretty difficult to say how it's not going to respond when a leader of this significance get assessing he did, and in to hold on during. and then on the ration for that we, we had the, you know,
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dozens and of lead this from around the world at the end of this event. and for this to happen, that's going to have an impact certainty. and we're going to see what the us is going to respond, because it's, it's a mad dog that is left. this is not on the leach, how many the united states needs to, to, to rain and this, this outlawed states. otherwise, things will really get out of hand and we're talking about an election yet in which this is, this may actually be the result of this election may hinge on how the united states is going to the strain or not understand is right. just just taking it down to it. simplicity is something up. so what about ordinary palestinians suffering on the israel is war on guns, injustice dash hopes of a cx 5 for them given that his felony a was the scene of the go straight to here? i think the slopes have been dashed long time is all pretty clear that nothing you know has no intention of implementing a ceasefire. missing the whole has different objectives. some of them have been in
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the open, but some of them have been also a secret. you know, he's trying to cleanse destiny, click land scott. his name is from com. so that's pretty obvious for those who don't see it, of not being paid. paying any attention. when you talk about the whole infrastructure of civilian infrastructure and garza has been decimated with talking about hospitals, i'm talking about america, schools, universities, a public buildings, you know, over 80 percent of the as a civilian structure has been destroyed, lots of southern nation plants, every aspect has been destroyed in addition to the number of people that have been killed. i mean, we know for a fact that the box 8 percent as much as 8 percent for the stadiums have been impacted in this. in addition to the 10s of thousands of injuries, this is not a conduct of someone is an award. this is a condo, if someone who is wage and genocide against the 1st stance. so the 1st thing is
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i've seen this and they understand the type a nature of the enemy. and here they are determined and stood fast to continue holding the bill and continue holding into the struggle that they're not going to succumb. they're not going to accept is really dictates, and that's been very clear now for 10 months. all right, uh so me, i larry, i'm that a live press on soon from istanbul. somebody. thank you very much. when they come back to you a little bit later in the program, well, how much has reached the statements on it's the official website. it says brother, lead to a mazda is male. how many of the head of the movement has been killed in a treacherous design is raid on his residence and tear on off to participating in an old ration so many of the new iraqi and president and to ron's revenues and had got his all seventies a statement saying early this morning, the residents of the smell of honey and tara, and was struck, resulting in his and one of his body guards mazda the cause, is under investigation and will be announced soon. so there's 2 statements back coming from a mass on the radians. let's get more now with all corresponded immune connie joins
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us live on the set to in mind. you've been coming to war and gaza since it started . and you've been over knocked about easter eastern for quite some time. you're back with us here. now i'm. it's nothing yet from these rays, but the thing has been pointed at them. absolutely. but they will be nothing from these readies officially. now this precedent for this, remember in april when the i o gc come on the in damascus, it was hit by ero, there was a response from iran and unprecedented response. drones and missiles from iranian territory fell in is right. you territory. we've never seen that before. the difference is the, this was very well telegraphed by if you're running state calculated this response and they took place, knowing that it wouldn't escalate, and that would draw a line under that particular episode. however, the is really, as i've said to the americans that we have told you that we are going to do this.
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so the americans, apparently, according to his riley, local media, well aware that this was going to be happen. so we go to talk about the calculation here. it's in a mass leader in tyrone. it doesn't matter how they hit that particular building. the location matches far more than anything else. now it's about seeing well as role size next. now, we like has like went get a official confirmation of this, but we are getting the cultural minister for example, saying this is a good thing. and they'll be dribs and drabs throughout the day. low level cabinet ministers, politicians saying this is an amazing thing. this is what we wanted for this plays into nothing, you know, whose hands he is now able to say we're going off to mass politically and militarily, which is the goals of the war for him. but he was doing that goes, it wasn't during an international territory, this is going to be a very concern, a real concern to assemble, which is hosted, how much leaders in the post castle?
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yep. the which is hosted. i'm asked leaders, impossible fitting is melanie or who was here? i think he only left in july 2020 to 3. i think so. this is a very, this is a real concern for everyone, but we've got to understand we're going to try and figure out why israel for this right now was a good idea is a good idea that folks that so that brings me nicely and in run to what, what's the broad, a message from israel? hey, i mean, we saw that i talked yesterday in by a roots training that killed a scene that has, will come on to his blog. haven't said anything yet. they me, but, and if i'm not denied it, now we have the political ito hamas is melanie had been killed on a rainy and soil. that's a huge leap as you're talking about now. this going to broad a regional implication. what is the boat and message from these ratings? well, these are, these things is going to be very simple and you'll hear it throughout the day. we can get these people where they live. it doesn't matter if the in occupied
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territory or if they're there, wherever they are internationally. and that's the message the, the, these readings unofficially will push. let's see what the official responds is. let's see what the problem is that benjamin netanyahu says later on in the day when he makes a statement. he might not talk about any honey up completely officially. but he will talk about the fact that this was, this is a good thing. and i think the talking points that these ready politicians are getting from the problem. this is office are going to be pushing the fact that this is a good thing as well. but with out officially saying, we've done this now. this is about the escalation where, where this goes next and the running response, like i said in april, there was a strike, very well telegraphed from ronnie and territory into is ready territory. i was bad for that. i sold as rockets come in from around in territory. these really is didn't respond directly to the books,
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the wrong hands. and now go to figure out how to calculate a response to worry is how, what sort of response not could we see from the radians, given this much telegraph response to when this thing that come on to was killed in syria. but, but, but this is likely to be a huge concern now as to how iran responds, it is, but there was another precedent for this. remember, customs of the money in january 2023 was assassinated in baghdad by the us under the trump administration. the iranians didn't respond to that, particularly directly to the americans. we is rarely as well what we think we might be able to get away with this because of cost them. so the money to come to the money. my home address is a haiti in syria, a now any a tech, hong really does actually have to do something vocal and direct, and now it might be through how about us it might be through as below is below, i've got a different color calculation right now. like you say,
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that's the new model come on that was killed yesterday. so there is a lot of calculations going on when this kind of escalation happens. miscalculation is the biggest danger the response. this is one of those groups miscalculate. i'm, yeah, it's something that they shouldn't or they didn't want to. oh is ro miscalculate and does something that they really didn't want to do, but has done that. that's where you know, that's why real problems will have. what do you think this means now? then in been for hopes of any kind of ceasefire. i mean this now seems to be getting further and further away, given israel's expansion of the conflict. what i mean, let's just go back to the cx 5 just a few months ago with us president joe barton was very clear, vision is really approved the sci fi deal on the table. and that never came to fruition is riley, is a very surprised by this. probably mister benjamin netanyahu said we gave you this,
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this 3 phase plan. the by the administration announced saying that this was going to end the war. and because it was going to end the war and goes, it wasn't, it wasn't just the s 10, pretty safe. that's whole gone away. every time we get close to a deal, whether it's in car or whether it's in cash or whether it's in the us. the progress, the visual says no, actually we're changing the terms of this, this is very frustrating for i'm asked who i have agreed to receive. so i and then me is rarely say, well actually you know, this is what i'm asked as well. yeah, they aren't doing it. yeah, i'm not. so that's interesting because we, i'm also saying just yesterday that these rates again, of change the terms of the, of the propose these fun. exactly. and this keeps going on a no. the only way we are going to avoid any kind of this calculation, any kind of escalation in the latest round of this, which is, you know, in a different phase today than it was yesterday. let's be absolutely honest about that. we're in different phase now is a comprehensive, safe spot in costs,
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and that's the only way that has below gonna step down. so anyway, i'm actually going to step down and it's the only way that the americans are going to be able to push full reconstruction and goals or anything that they might want to be able to do. but right now the americans are back in israel, and israel isn't going for a place for them. as you say, things are going to get worse, or they get better, even calm, the always good get your insights and the losses and run the thank you. let's head to central gauze and speak to, i'll just say i was hunting my mood uh in a deer out by the honey. uh, we've been talking to you earlier since this news broke about this melanie is death . i mean, how, of people, how ordinary people gone since they're on the street responding that you know, a lot of people right now as the news is getting more public deer here and don't forget policy man, across the gloucester, been living with a all right, well, we seem to have the last time i can move that in the central central gauze. and
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let's, let's bring and run the curry again. he's a distinguished public policy fellow at the american invested barrier to joins us live from boston in the us. run me. so we were talking to you earlier about the wida significance. i mean portions of this assassination, just remind view as again, what does this old mean, submarines. the, the israel is going to continue and assess the nation. the campaign of scene are leaders of mass anywhere in the region or, or even outside the region as it's done before. and it's like an excuse to co pay a low leaders all over europe and the 1980s. so this is the main message that every leader of how mass, like every palestinian and gather, is subject to be killed by these relays. this real is not a runaway killing machine. ignores international law that ignores un resolutions is
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ignores its main supplier arm or protector and funder, which is the united states. and it just does whatever it wants to do. this is the ultimate kind of frankenstein version of design isn't that started out a 100 years ago to help the persecuted russian cruise to live in the peaceful homeland somewhere. and that's now a runaway killing machine that ignores o establishing homes and fields and it has exclusive rights that are not available to anybody else in palestine and nobody seems able to stop in them. the worst thing is that nobody seems to be trying to stop at this european power or something. no, strictly a kind of a, a, the us whole is big countries. good countries are not trying to do anything to stop
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this. so it's not just the assassinations, it's not just the genocide and does a it's a gang is going around the westbank burning all of the gross and burning homes and killing people's, of a $12000.00 palestinians in jail and israel. so israel has become a, a thing or a runaway killing machine that nobody seems to know how to control knob to be fair . the big power. busy from western countries have not tried to do anything. if they suddenly said they would stop their weapons exports. the israel you would probably find is really right in the image raising us. but what this tells us really is that these, this wage of violence, weather and global number of has voted on gas or him and now and other places
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are these waves of violence as they keep expanding they, they keep broadening the circle of militant groups that are very powerful, very efficient, very determine who will fight this river. at one point, the 0 was 5, and again, 6 different groups, channels painlessly across the middle east. many of them blink with when they arrived, the only way to stop. so the only way for jewelers to and zion is to actually have a peaceful state where jewels don't live as jews peacefully which they have a right to. but they don't have a right to do that. and my home and post time they have a right to do it upstairs on empty desert island, or if we negotiate, the negotiating option is on the table. still this may have a you wrote a letter to george bush and uh, i think uh, 2010 or uh, i think the around 20082010. he wrote a letter to george bush offering.


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