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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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for very efficient, very determined who will fight the f one point, the 0 was fighting against 6 different groups. finally, famously across the middle east, many of them blink with when they arrived. the only way to stop that. and the only way for jewish to and zion is to actually have a peaceful state where jews don't live as jews peacefully which they have a right to. but they don't have a right to do that. and my home and post time, they have a right to do it upstairs on empty desert island for this, we negotiated the negotiating option is on the table. still, this may have a you wrote a letter to george bush and i think the 2010 or i think the around 20082010. he wrote a letter to george bush offering to actually it was 2006 after i'm the one of the legislative elections. how much one. and he became prime minister of a for a 1000. he wrote to bush saying, you know,
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the fewest democracy should negotiate with the posting of democracy and were willing to have a truce long term crucial digital. in other words, a serious piece offer. and he repeated this many times, but there's never any answer from the, as rarely as one of the amount accounts. and this is the, the real challenge to the world is for the world to come to richmond. the reality that zionism and the state of israel, as modern and body mind needs to be defined and contained a people are willing, i'm anxious to live peacefully with a jeweler, stay some have the jews live in a normal situation so that they don't have that white racist apartheid a treatment that they got from what christian here appeals in north america and rush for several 100 that. so that's the, that's the ultimate point is that of the,
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there has to be a political resolution. and how much has been one of the parties offering to go just the israel keeps, are buying with killing and the funds on the side. yeah. let me get, let me just get a final thoughts from you around me because we want to go back to gaza and speak to our correspondent that just to get some context and, and, and reaction from people in gaza. i mean, it's interesting, right? because you're talking about this whitening of a circle level, these groups of israel is fighting a human living on westbank from us in gaza. iran, syria, i mean it, you know, the list just gets bigger and bigger. what about the impact then on the war in gaza? all we know even further away from any kind of ceasefire. i me, i really don't know. i don't think anybody knows. my suspicion is that we're maybe getting closer to and she's fired for several reasons. the person in the world who is most terrified of what's going on now as, as criminal harris, the democratic candidate for president who expects to him. now she is
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a terribly difficult situation. she knows that one of the reasons bye, who lost so much support is that he was facing tremendous opposition from most of the americans and progress of jewish and others in the us. that the power of the, the genocide israel is conducting with the, with, with the, to the aspect of american support is something that the majority of americans refused just to accept it as a moral load on the american spirit. to be supporting a genocide like this. and they have found the electoral way to, to send the message. so i think the americans are going to start putting real pressure that will them come to your pims then also nothing you know, can now say look, we've killed this person was killed the person with that we were do start ability to fight. we've achieve their objectives. that's like the americans,
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we have not investigated. you know, when we did, we have that my zation and we can go home. and of course, the last and that hasn't negotiated doesn't we have to go and same thing and it's gonna stay the same thing is going to happen in palestine. you're going to see the americans, all these really is negotiating with him as sometime soon. i don't know when, but you know, in the next year or 2 are you going to see from us negotiating directly or indirectly with the israel on the west. so it's possible that this made push the a, a pressure for a political ceasefire immediately on an exchange of prisoners and hostages, and then get on to the next phase. but this requires what i said, which is a read the emissions of the definition of the, the, the physical, geographical and political, a context designers. i'm with what designers, and what is the, is right of the state. they cannot be what it is now that has to be contained and the fund. and this is what people should effectively push for. and i don't roll
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that out, but we have to wait and see all the time running for a really good as well. ways to get your insights and analysis on these big breaking stories around me will no doubt come back to you a little bit later in the morning at. so let's head to central gaza and try and speak again to out to 0 is honey. my mood uh in the around the bala, honey, we're trying to get you and around, but i think that some communication problems. let me just ask you 1st kind of what's been the response there from odin, regardless of what suffering on the israel is? will they haven't gone now since october. the 2nd power they responding to this news as they wake up this morning. yes. well, the news did not go public until the past few minutes, as you know, our viewers know for the past 9 months, the, there is a total, our power outage and internet is not connected most. and there's a problem with connectivity. it makes it hard for people to get the type of stories
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or to get their names up to the latest of what's going on. but as soon as the news is target, the both buyer people's reaction here so far what we. busy and just from the few minutes we're standing here, people are commenting the following. that her mouth is much of an idea as it is people. and what nathan, yahoo is doing this really prime minister is putting a muscle flexing, showed that he can reach to by route as of the attack of last night. and then now the top ron and then limited leadership of his the opponents a in, in the palestinian territories. this is not the 1st time was the in top leadership being eliminated. the father of how much was assessment in 2003. and then just within the span of one month is the 2nd person and then how much moving was also fascinated and, and just the earlier this year, a lot really thought of how are we another top honestly, that was assassinated in bailey. but how was that of faxing the, the notations or the conductive or it's not clear whether it's this going to have
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any impact any time soon. what would be the the, the new procedures for example, for a ceasefire. the has been installed this sort of house and months and then every time we get closer to what seems to be a solid a ceasefire agreement, something happens, a sudden turn of events that regressed as much of the effort into this. these parts . however, on the other hand, there are those who are watching what happened a close. this is the part of what it benjamin it's anyhow, has repeatedly referred to as the absolute victory where it's where it means on the ground that he is able to read stewards, anyone on the killing less the pretty much as far as the front as far as they would or here across the guys is true, but so far what we're seeing here there is no, it's significant to change on the conduct of wars here across the gaza strip. the killing continues, the destruction continues, operation and roof. i continue to destroy you much of the remaining parts of,
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of the city and, and it's causing much more difficult if there's a comment that i screwed on the way here, as from a prisoner said, is the, the, uh, the cost uh to, to in this, for an assassination of the political leader. uh, this might be something that palestinians will be able to uh, to accept, given the fact that we're close to 40000 people, have been killed, so apart. and if this will of quinn's nathan, yahoo, thirst for blood. then let it be so the killing of children and women would have stopped sometime soon. honey, let me get a final thought for you. i mean, we know that the smell of honey a lead. how much is diplomacy from a number of locations outside of gaza, where you are? how was he viewed by people there in garza particularly now we've been doing this, this terrible war that's killed many 40000 civilians in gaza. how. how was he
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viewed by people that as well again, the bigger concepts of this genocide, the war unfortunately, has been linked to uh how mosse and its leadership since the one. but what we're seeing on the ground is the total we're on palestinians. people, what we're seeing here is the boss, number of civilians are being killed, the women and the children, the entire families of blood treated. but it seems to be convenient. they've read time for nathan. yeah. how to play this card that's to read, to direct the world's attention. it's not a war on palestinians. i'm not feeling the children and disability, and i'm not putting them into these difficult. it's about how my son is leadership in here. i am after that this seems to be the political maneuver that it is being. 4 on, on the display right now, we see this happening, it earlier this year where the number was,
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is still increasing and we were at the least 20000 people drilled then. and there was an out of that world the globe allowed to cry on to stop. and the fact that the ice easy was at its peak at that time, the inside is real with board crimes and it did the assassination of fall. how are we took place and they've verted the attention and it pretty much missing the on succeeded, and they rearranging the, the attention towards how much and it's leadership. but from what we're seeing it from what we have documented for the past 9 months. it's definitely the civilians were paying the hit price if their livelihood is the safety and security. it's the difficult living conditions that have been put through as a result of the intense bombing campaign. but again, it seems to be right now it's convenient to play this card one more time, regardless of the heavy civilian casualties across the gulf strip. i just mentioned that the award and it's one that has not
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a change the our delay could be further clearly from where we're standing here. there are as drones, the skies of the central air and the cloud in this many surveillance of draws. we have report just on what's going on in rough ice city. this is more of that, this traction that do with or what happened in by root last, early evening hours of yesterday or on what is going to happen next because there's still these evacuation orders taking place. these really military is insisting on coming to the central area as it stays, there are more infrastructure here or how much than it's that the military wing that needs to be dismantled. but the focus right now seems to be on the assassination of his name, honey. all right, honey. my food life was the uh, in uh, the ballot in central garza honey. thank you for that. we'll come back to you a little bit later. we'll the king of hunting comes ours off to on his right. strike on lebanon's capital by a route, at least 3 people were killed,
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a mother and 2 children. another 74 were injured. the strike policy just drawing a building in the southern suburbs of her a trait that's a no stronghold for the iran backed has block proof. as well as real zombie has to have the attack killed. one of his blocks top come on, does fledged to israel says the commodities responsible for subsidies attack on the occupied golan heights, as well as the night involvement in that attack and does not concern his death. what are the hash him joins us live now from a bare root alley. so you've been covering this since the war and gaza at the guy. and then you're now based in beirut. what's happening, where you are now as people wake up to this news about the smell of honey other politically, the past being killed in iran. what's, what's, what's been the response that, what stands with people's minds? was that an this was a shocking and use activity for many people especially that these came just just a few hours when i was ready as, as a nation of 10 because the moment we don't have any has will like confirmation that
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for sure. good, normal size must say, sure, good was kids in that talk in general giving the precedence over the past is possible. will issue statements. she means that the after informing the families of whoever is being targeted. but it's, it's been, i was not what has the law didn't issue a statement. this could be for several reasons. the could be a judge with a very critical one. he could be maybe it's not that or there are some a fit that ations that says the light is doing. so we don't know mainly why hezbollah has an issue. this statement. yeah, this is on one side with respect to what happened in to her on into twined with what's happening in beta. this is, this is a very big picture right now. and this is making mistakes very high enough all the before, the, the, the ships the holiday. busy as well, i live in
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a look all you for, you want, but even for the people of the region, because this is a lot of inc, actually that there might be something bigger than what's already happening. got resolved just a few months ago when is when i get to that new radian phone, so that in the last good house, the region went into at war status for a few days. and then we saw the ring and i talked the ring of retaliation on is red . so right now everyone is anticipating we have to apply to the us as a nation to fall in higher ranking us as a nation's also this has another. busy i'm going to look out to killing someone like somebody in honey. yeah, the leader of how about us in, in the instead of rock, getting him into one means last fall, the lead as of what soon as the axis of resistance. that by, by you run, that means that there is no safe haven for them. because even if that into one,
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someone is going to target, then this is that this means that loss of just for how much music for his one life means for these, for the rockies. so this is also raising your loss of, of question. and if we go to the, to the big picture on how this is going to be reflected on this whole goal. so if we are actually in the middle, maybe one of the biggest, all 6 in the history of the region, very into one very multi layer. and uh, there are several of the phones engaged in it. whether directly or in direct the weather and so forth on the light. now 11 on the situation is becoming more like a direct confrontation. so how this is going to be. busy reflexive, these, these are also what people are thinking because this will have side impact on the life this will have by the impact on disability. so the problem is that everyone is
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seeing right now is rise, dragging here on into this conflict direct because an attack on your radian saw, it would mean a new radian retaliation just as we saw and that's ok in damascus. given the fact is the i mean ring and concert it was attacked. does another thing to take into consideration daughter and this is the 1st day for president. must always position, john impala. so it's a transition. affinity is also in iran, that is a defense minister who is inhabited from the fast cabinet. so there is no new one. the president should be off wanting. another one. that is no interior minister. it's just the outgoing minister. it's a, it's a country in front of the session at this moment on with such a very big attack, i mean the, the, the, the weight of that tax, the new government, maybe we'd need to take big decisions. that's why we are here and you guys know that as the supreme national security council,
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the neutron led by the supreme liza my vehicle really now we, we don't know what this is for them or not, but at least for now there are reports that disappear national security because it is full being, you know, whenever the discounts is gonna be in, it gets just a big decision. all right, so i'll just, there is out of hash them live the, from a liberties capital by a route ali. thank you for that. well, let me give you, it's not me to have a response because the deputies, 2nd, a general mohammed, hindi, has spoken to a lebanese tv station out my dean. he said this assassination is not only directed at the palestinian resistance and how much in particular, but it's also directed at iran. israel is on the verge of collapse and his reactions reflect confusion and inability to achieve any of its goals. it went on to say it is rather spacing such resistance for the 1st time in its history. what posted name president must have bass, has released the statement online,
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saying he strongly condemned the assassination of how much liter it's male. how many as a cowardly act and a dangerous development deals that cold on pallets, demands 2 nights, be patient and steadfast. in the face of is ready occupation let springing again nora day. she joins us live from room. i live in the upside. westbank. nobody spoke to you in evidently we haven't heard yet. and you official lines from the policy, you know, authority. now the president, my, for the past has responded to that was a bit more about what he's saying and what this means. a well, the bellows to me and president out 1st of all is called smiley honey of the late to smile, honey, a big leader and, and, and that in reference to his standing on the national scene in palestine. so this is the, he's not being treated as a mass figure, but rather as a senior prominent figure in the palestinian political scene, calling this assassination a cowardly act. of course, as expected, this is something that all factions, including failed to understand very well that israel has assassinated senior
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palestinian figures for which without bus heads considers that israel stands responsible for the killing or the passing of us that out of thought. it's founder and a national leader. we heard those sentiments echoed by the secretary general of the p. allows executive committee saying the staff will also issued a statement online to the same effects and palestinian factions. all of them. whether those in the p a low or how much on this long mix it had to have declared a general strike across the occupied was back. once again, a reminder for all palestinians that they are old targets of these really occupation. and that in the context of this floor in particular, there is really a 0. so approach from a palestinian perspective is real, is not holding back, it is hitting wherever, whenever it con. and there is a sense among ordinary palestinians, the,
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the only logical responses to unite and to present a different kind of political approach. now the politicians are in one way or another, catching up to that in their reaction to this day show us attack on the iranian capital. yeah, and, and that's an important point to make new. i wanted to ask you, i mean in, in simplistic terms, rob us, or just joining us now on this big breaking story. i mean, how significant is on the is death and what does this now mean? full pallets and then unity, which is what you've been talking to us about 5 down. hm. awesome. what does this all mean for that? for the, for that effort, as well in terms of the functioning of how much this is an organization that has a very sophisticated political structure, it is able to replenish. it's frank, it is able to substitute leaders assassinated by have must be saw that about 20 years ago and is real assassinated, the founder of have us verify some of the see and quickly it was able to recover in
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terms of leadership. but of course, that also has a message about the fractured palestinian politics. how will tell us the indians recover from that? how will they be able to rise to the occasion if you will and at present a different approach to the palestinian public. so far, factions have failed in reaching a real unity agreement. if popular sentiment is that, instead of talking about unity, palestinians need to actually enact it. for a unity government to consensus, government as it is called sometimes, and confront this war. united that has been very difficult to achieve for many reasons, including outside pressure. we remember that there are many z toes on palestinian unit c. on the one hand you have the international or the us primarily classification of him. us as a so called service group pressure on the from, with our bus not to include them in
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a unity government in order to receive money. money that is in a, you know, short supply for the palestinian authorities. since israel is taking most of it's or tax revenue income and keeping it on financial life support. so the p a on the one hand needing all the western support, but it can get and on this, on the other up falling short of popular expectations to reach unity to act as a united front and confronting the war and putting an end to what palestinian c, as a genocide of you know, live streaming before their eyes in the but also a, in the wider context in the occupied westbank. all right. i know right. a life as the in ramallah and the occupied westbank. no, we'll come back to a little bit later for more on this usually significant story, but for now. no, thank you. let's cross over to the us now until for john henry. the joins us live on the phone. no, he's that we can see him. i think i from harrisburg in pennsylvania, john,
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so you will, the, on the campaign trail for the us presidential elections is elected to be any response from democrats or republicans. there is likely to be responses from both democrats and republicans. donald trump will be here in harrisburg, pennsylvania. he is likely to criticize the u. s. response here, but the by the name in this ration has a strong point of view air, and they're able to say they supported israel in attacking a major home us figure. democratic party is very divided on the you know, the approach to the war and garza and for the democrats at will be able to say they took action here. donald trump will surely try to criticize it. but really on this particular issue,
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they're both kind of on the same page attacking a leader of them us. it is something that both the democratic and republican parties have been in favor of their divided on their support of benjamin nation. yahoo in india is really government in the waging of the war in gaza, but they are both. both sides are united on the issue of attacking the leadership of how much. so i expect. we're going to hear similar messages from both sides, but we'll find out later today when donald trump arrives here in harrisburg and he expresses his message on the presidential campaign. that how the democrats approaches, i suspect he won't be entirely satisfied. yeah, joe, not just that, just the final thoughts. you all know it's probably late in the night the we haven't had an official response from us officials, but i mean, how worried are us officials that this could lead to why the regional escalation,
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particularly because honey it was killed in iran. well the us administration is very, very concerned about broadening this conflict. they don't want to draw a run in and that's a major issue. the heck this happened in or on is it is likely a major concern of the binding administration. it's likely a major concern of cumberland harris who is of course, his successor as the presumptive democratic nominee for the presidency as the fact that this happens in iran escalated secans like the u. s. has been trying not to not to allow that to happen. so if this is a major concern, and it will become an issue in the american presidential campaign, while they touch on hands on line for us that in harrisburg, on the us elections, campaign trail, harrisburg, pennsylvania jones. i'm now trying to,
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let's bring in why the site is a progressive role and dean's faculty fellow at the university of colorado low school. he joins us from california. why did good to have you with us? so just focus through the significance, then i'll best estimation of estimate of how many uh, what does this mean broadly, and also for the warrant garza, i'm just being prosecuted now. i think is a kind of an initial matter. we have to look at the place of the strike in iran during the unknown. your ration of the new iranian president has an extremely significant factor. second, there's the issue of timing as it comes in the wake of an attack on his bottle of commander in the da here, the southern suburb of bay root and the timing and kind of do ality of these advance speaks of something incredibly dangerous. i'm serious in my
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view, and i have to question, you know, was we heard from the, the, you know, in the pre, from your corresponded in america to the united states, would of course, not have any problem with these very leaves assassinating mass leaders as they have an over multiple decades of killing how mass leaders and other palestinian leaders assassinating them. but the timing in the place speak of something much greater. i mean, this was an attack. any iran, the ronnie ins who, who knows how they're going to decide how to respond. remember that when they're the beginning of april, when they're consulate in damascus, was attacked, and several of their military leaders were killed. they responded with a missile attack on his really soil which took 5 or 6 nations in addition to the israelis to, you know, attempt to stop his baba has made very credible documentation of its ability to strikes these re lease. and now they've been hit in the area of their headquarters
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in the, in the area of a route in a civilian area. in an attack that so far, we know has killed civilians and injured civilians. and we don't know about the fate of the, of the flagship or the, the, the has the commander who was supposedly targeted. this is an incredibly dangerous moment and incredibly dangerous series of events and have to question what you know, the united states knew or how it felt it shouldn't, you know how it would possibly process such an incredible escalation this i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm this issue of escalation is really important, i mean, been tokens a guess all morning about about what's likely to happen now. i mean, you're talking about this is going to be, this is a really serious threat of escalation. given that it happened on your rain in soil . we senior, we're on respond to israel in the past, so, so, so how is terrible,
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i'm lucky to react to what of this now, you know, i can't predict obviously that, but i do know that in the context of the response to the tack on the iranian consulate it in damascus. the iranians said, okay, we're responding and we're getting ready to respond. and here come are drones and it took a long time and there were plenty of warnings. and even with that, even with that missiles managed to penetrate and hit, i believe, is really our air base in the hub, then the negatives of the desert. so i would only assume that there would probably be given the timing and coincidence and co incidence of these 2 events. putting them together, there would be some sort of a response that is quite forceful. and the other thing i, well, the other kind of reaction i have kind of just as a, as a, as a point of fact, you know, in, in march of this year, the senate majority of the senate majority leader, chuck schumer,
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democrat of new york, gave a speech where he said basically the problem is nothing, you know, and you know, many proponents of the posting cause said, well, you know, it's, it's bigger than nothing yahoo, it's the, you know, it's dynamism in the state of israel, etc. but i do think we have to also look at the timing of these events. i mean, we were talking about, and there was a lot of coverage about how it is really security figures and military figures were very frustrated because nothing, you know, personally seemed to be holding up the, the, the tasks for a ceasefire in a, in a prisoner exchange in, in, in gaza and the span ending that horrendous genocide will conflict. in addition.


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