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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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well, the other kind of reaction i have kind of just as a, as a, as a point of fact, you know, in, in march of this year the senate majority of the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, democrat of new york, gave a speech where he said, basically the problem is nothing, you know, and you know, many proponents of the posting in cause said, well, you know, it's, it's bigger than nothing yahoo, it's the, you know, it's dynamism in the state of israel, etc. but i do think we have to also look at the timing of these events. i mean, we were talking about, and there was a lot of coverage about how it is really security figures and military figures were very frustrated because nothing, you know, personally seemed to be holding up the, the, the tasks for a ceasefire and a and a prisoner exchange in, in, in gaza and the stand ending that horrendous, a genocidal conflict. in addition,
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we just have seen the from yesterday of israelis writing for their, the right of their soldiers to abuse and even rain palestinian detainees. we're not talking about that anymore and nothing yahoo, you know his political you know, our day of reckoning has been postponed as the region gets plunged into further chaos and more suffering. so this is also very interesting and very kind of a sinister timing as well. okay, all right, so what is tied, we have to leave it there many times for your insight and analysis on this on this story. so let's uh, recap from view as who are just joining us here on our to 0. let's take a moment to recap. of the breaking news that we've been following for the past 2 as the political lead of how much is melania has been killed in iran and that's according to statements from us under ron's revolutionary god, uranium state
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t. these also reporting he was assassinated in the capital. now, according to the revolutionary god, on the, on the body guard were killed in a strike on the building where they were staying. he was in the uranium capital to meet the rainy and president, the new ringing president must suit, possess, scan ahead of his enumeration. and these are the latest pictures of that meeting on tuesday, and yet then attended, possess good on the swearing in ceremony. what would you say? it was pretty good, takes a look back at the smell of honey as life and the events that shaped him into one of the most prominent figures in palestinian politics. this is what happened to the i'll shut the refugee. come in northern garza, during israel's will. in 2023. it's what it's not of him. yeah. was born. he was the son of palestinian parents who were forcibly displaced from the home. and what is now i should go on off to the state of israel was created in 1948.
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he experienced 5 pound the challenges faced by millions of palestinians. and the search was stated that his future and influence would turn out to be different. the most that the humble must order here to americans take responsibility for giving unlimited coverage to this animal to commit to these messages, war crimes and genocide. in 1987, i mean i graduated from is lubbock, university of cause a the same year a policy indian must uprising the gun against israel's occupation. also known as the 1st intifada in its efforts to liberate palestine. the group of moss was founded among its younger members, a smart honey a his journey would soon become linked to the rise of the palestinian israel in prison. tenea several times for taking part in protest against the
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occupation of the southern cause longest, 3 years sentence. he was deported to southern lebanon, along with hundreds of moss members, near, retentive gauze, in 1993 after the signing of the os level codes, and became a close confident shake um at the us in the found a film off. together. they survived in his radius sauce nation attempt the yes and was killed months later is rise to prominence came in 2006. when most participated in the palestinian legislative elections, the group one, apollo mentoring majority making him the prime minister of the policy. nino star t that his appointment and the international community to hold to a to the p, a, placing the governing body on the severe financial strain. most is classified by many western nations as a terrorist organization. months of conflict between factions let the present
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moment have boss dismissing him yet and dissolving his government. this would result in an independent must let the government in the cause a strip headed by hon. yeah. what i can, it had been his law, the caesar should not break our will and should not turn this conflict into an internal palestinian conflict. and that conflict should be against the parties that imposed the siege against the palestinian people in 2019 having voluntarily step down. honey, i left because of the gun living approved for which he faced substantial scrutiny on the face criticism for his absence from the strep, during israel's will, and gauze in 2023. he lead time off of diplomacy from a number of locations of civilians. will mazda cut in the strip shop? the smile on me has influence on the history and politics of palestine will likely stay for years to come on. for many, he will remain
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a symbol of resistance in the face of occupation and adversity. while i'm on somebody's the statement on his website saying, brother, later on, monica is melania. the head of the movement has been killed and a treacherous design is right on his residence into wrong. after participating in the no gratian ceremony of a new radian president. all right, let's go back to the alley how strongly joins us live from 11 east capital fer routes and even we've been talking to you all morning and giving us context about this story and, and also you've been covering stories from us out of iran as well so you have a really good understanding of the uranium context and also what's happening a bad route in terms of hezbollah. what's happening? where you on now, as this news breaks about the smell of how many a being killed and the why, the significance of italy it was, it said and to twine conflict with that as a nation invaded with the company yesterday. a major to us as a nation and to her on today. and this is it called 6
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a very big tall 6 that ron is leading an axis that is fighting with is rather big caught inside on different fronts in different ways. so this is why this association has, 1st of all, given the fact that the us as a nation of i see that is itself a ground breaking at development on the other side such a. busy sedation has its impact on what's happening in the region because there are many things to take into consideration. first of all, take into consideration that uh how much lead that was targeted in here on, i mean, really inside. so this is one issue. the 2nd thing, how this is going to impact this company, we saw how iran reacted to the assistant ation of funding of it. so that it really does in damascus on any raymond side, which is the ring and console, as we saw before, piece of april,
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gosh on israel. and so today we are anticipating the ring and retaliation. and what's going to happen, and whether it's going to be the same like in, on the 4 piece of paper, or whether there's going to be any ring in retaliation at all. now, we had a hearing reports of the national security counseling, the wrong convening. that means that all decisions to be taken, but at the same time that is a new president, the fresh new president just became president yesterday and today without his own cabinet, without his own defense minister, without his own security in minnesota intelligence, minnesota. and it's unprofessional time, how is he going to take decisions? we know that he is not the so of decision maker. what he is spot of the decision making any is executive and move on. so it's very, very, very complicated to look into what's happening from. busy several other lenses. 11 on we have. yes it is us
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a sedation of logical till the moment. there's no war from hezbollah and the fast and we, we uh, based on precedents as well. i used to announce the assistant ations or whoever is skilled from itsco. mine does the few hours after the the attack today does the moment threw it away. think it's been, i was a probably close to a 18 hours since the us as a nation. and we don't know what happened before i took this 5 piece is really confirmation. aside from this is read also. the more because it is what i did not announce or i claimed responsibility. but given the fact the main i accused in this i thought you think is what is what is saying. anyway, i will know that that's um is very long and if can reach to the one that means also that the lead as a, what's known as the axis of resistance. i didn't say anywhere with that enable wanting to have on point in damascus or anywhere in the war. let's just go back to
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what happened yesterday in better route where you are israel saying it's on to 50 flagship. it says he was responsible for that strike on the occupied go down heights on saturday. that killed a number of children. just give us something more context. who is a, what can you tell us about some of the context of what seems to be this whitening of the war? the well, why to go to is one of the has started kind of minutes. we come out and as often as will lie is up in the same style a did. all right? i might move the, the, the full amount of law. most of the menu names that were very well known or famous to be involved in the decision making process of his beloved today, patrick or. busy as known, also say it, but since you're good, he is a member of the do you have the council as law, that means the war cabinet as well, like once you kind of describe it. so he's one of the smallest main main
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assistance a they call them the minutes, the assistance he's one of of 8 or 7 minutes. we are assistant to cover for us all of all the aspects of the war. he's one of the commanders of this war. in the past months and weeks we saw as red as this in a thing like per month. the speed for monday, unit commanders such as the, the, the come on that off the, the, the, the front in the south west in front of the eastern front. but now we're seeing, as well as the, as an 80 or at least targeting one of the coal mines is the girl was overlooking the whole process of the war. and that's why this is very significant. i mean, whatever was happening, what's significant also we're not saying that what stuff was insignificant booked today. it's different and they're getting closer and closer to the. busy stops excellent, all this game, of course, after as well,
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i guess as long as i can measure the chances of la denied that the what a 7 on a guy who has these that and is right and wanted to restart the age. so there were lots of discussions, reconciliations, international mediation, surprise, as much as possible. thank contain this escalation. now, i mean, after this, we are in a different situation right now. we are in a completely different settle, especially after just as a nation of us made any yeah, this was the thought maybe development yesterday till 5 o'clock in the morning before the clock in the morning when then use break. and then the slide had e as a, as a nation over well, the whole picture. and now we are trying as much as possible to deal with these 2 developments. of course, the other development that they had on has its own. why that implications there,
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but i'm going to love it all with habits. implication of the beginnings is ready for the the association of it's right. any, any one will have its implications on the regional picture, on the stand off between the lawn and is read and also on how the united states is going to deal with such a situation where the whole region is on the brink of something that we don't know what we got, seriously, i can't use technologies and was for the moment because i can't really predict what's going to happen. all right, so we have some light for us the in the liberties capital bear, route lead. thank you for that. what around seventies may god is also released a statement saying early this morning, that's wednesday morning. it smells honey as residents and tear on was struck, resulting in them. often with him on one of his body. guns goes on to say the cause is under investigation and will be announced soon. let's bring in a bust offline and he's
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a senior research fellow at the center for middle east strategic studies that joins us by a skype from the rainy and capital of us. you are our 1st guest from iran, so it's really good to get you now. i mean, how significant from where your sitting is this assassination of is melania and how is this being viewed in iran where you are given the political changes a new president. uh uh, well, you know, the significance relates to the official was been assassinated, the quality of the assassination. um, because i'm in that place, he was us as a native in the capital city. the context also is important because he was assassinated on the i'm in just after the inauguration ceremony of the rain and president and meeting senior, even in officials. um, you know, of this and at the moment that the speak,
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discoloration seems indivisible. it's on the same that the view you ran and president bush is speaking of dialogue and engagement with the bus. i think this is happening on the school. it can somehow, as some of the predicting cause complicates being gauge been process between the run and the rust. and the time, you know, doesn't want this to happen. but also, you know, we might be saying good bye for now to the ceasefire because you know, this kind of the scale i can tell you original war on the. so it is really prime minister is fine to everything in order to prolong his political life . he wants to somehow continued to war and i think these are not just on demand to impact the processes into wrong or in the region, but also in washington as well. he wants to somehow impact the political campaign
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in the united states, maybe a, somehow undermining the democrats and giving a more chance to donald trump. and how serious a bass now is that strength of escalation given. but as you say, you know, it happened on a rainy and so we know iran isn't afraid to hit back at israel. so how is iran liked it to respond 10 minutes? i really as well. it's a bit late to talk about the quality and the type of the response, but i think it a retaliation will be. and if it's a button that new braun has no choice, but to respond to this action the, the, i thing they will the study and investigate that in what methods and how they can respond to this. as you know, previously by any runs, embassy was taught to get to then that must because the ron respond the directly to israel. but then it does not necessarily need to be the same way. but i
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think you wrong, but need to respond because this is happening in the capital city. and the, i think the need some time to study that what options are available on how you bottom can respond in order to, you know, to revise the, the terrorist. but the for sure to the wrong, has been assisting that is, does not belong to a regional war. but it seems that the israel wants to push the some parties into this war because they want to lengthen this process. and the point is that of the time that the us government is done, it's, you know, find them months in the office, you know, it's restraining impacts that influence on his role is also decreasing. and this somehow increases the chance of an unpredictable. so now we're in the situation of a, a, an all out war. a next part, you know, a war
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a which it could include all the region is not something that the wrong ones. but this is a scenario that is doing is pushing different parties, including your bond to the side. but i think we have to be watching that. what options are available that the wrong 10, the response through uh, a original or you know, is more likely than the ever we need to fasten our seat belt. but we have to wait and see that, you know, how this type of, you know, response could be because yesterday we had an attack on a route later. and i know i don't, early morning hours, you know this assassination happen. and i think this cycle off, you know, extra zone reactions. mike continued the days to come. and it's important that what joel, all other players like in the united states will be playing in this regard. in order to contain the situation of us. let me get a,
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let me ask you another question here. do you think this will be seen as a failure? but iran security services? the new media was a target. israel made no secret that it wants to take out how massive leadership that actually happened. they killed him on arabian soil. did iran security services fail somewhere along the line here given that he was assassinated? so show what happened in the wrong was about the thing for the vent, a sick of a death or office on the point that it's a ron, might be feeling that these very and wants to undermine it's the terrace. and that's why you wrong so somehow feel that it has to respond to this. and i think i did find that the israel was somehow losing cleared international support. or, you know, i had some, you know, it wasn't a difficult situation in order to prolong the war is really wants to change the
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rules of the game and it wants to somehow uh, change the uh, the terrorist ballast, i guess that wrong. so from this perspective, this is not the good news for the sector with the process since it wrong. and the, you know, it's positions or strategies when it comes to the original, you know, develop funds. that's why i think a retaliation or response might be in the vegetable problem you've been inside. but i'm not quite sure about the quality yet. i think it is yet to be that sort of mine a but this was also from a security perspective. very significant buddy rock. yeah. possibly a failure to um, let me get a final thoughts on you than a boss before you go. i mean, i was around viewing any hope, per se, find guys that because it's gone, that's triggering all the other regional conflicts within the region. and i, every time that the effort, so negotiations for a ceasefire in the region,
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you know, and the final resort days of those negotiations, there was a good text from the east river side that they wouldn't accept the i mean the ceasefire. it was, you know, clear enough that and then suddenly a who didn't want a ceasefire. and by these actions that efforts, you know, to just kelly contain original war, or at least a, you know, in a, to a broader conflict in the region. and the, you know, which could have tensions that could make this war longer. it seems that is release the do not want you know, this cease fire in front me when a prospective met. sonya who in his room has been a measure of stack them for it, shaving the ceasefire. and you know, by what happened yesterday on last night the ethan ron. it seems, you know, more clear and the bad is doing, does not want
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a ceasefire. and we have to be seeing maybe the best conflict going on in the lease or months to come. this is not something that's a wrong ones, but this is the thing that practically is real science to uh, you know, make happen alright to of us as long as i live for us in the rain and capital with the reaction and analysis that from iran. thank you very much indeed for your time . a pleasure to be gen. now the deputy executive general of the of nomic jazz mohammed alan henzy, has spoken to a lebanese tv station out of my id. and he said this assassination is not on the directed of the palestinian resistance and how much in particular, but also at the wrong. he went on to say as well as on the verge of collapse and it's reactions reflect confusion and an inability to achieve any of its goals. he says it's the 1st time and it's history that israel is facing such resistance. let's get more reaction now from the ground in gaza. i'll just bear with honey. my
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mood is in central guys and dave, out by the honey, we've been talking to you all morning since this news perhaps. and what sort of response has that been there from? people are waking up to the news they're in gaza to the news of this melanie is coming into rock. yes, well, the vast majority of people are familiar. we at right now, are you getting closer to us and asking for all the questions that it's hard to give a straight answer didn't because it's hard to predict what's going to happen the but where do people here are still hearing about what happened as of earlier hours of this morning, the assassination of how much political leaders main idea in the ron. they're those who are quite a frustrated and thought and thinking this is going to impede any progress to us. these fires the and as they are exhausted, very tired. the ones in, into this dilemma, the mass going that is due to this place every single day. there are those would
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think that this might be pushing the, the toward to an end because nathan, yeah, has been searching for, for an absolute victory scientist do. they, they burn the or sway the public opinion among israel is who are putting the pressure on him and his government, particularly the families of the, of the hostages in, in the gaza strip. but old and old, what we're seeing here, all of this is happening and these really the military continue, is due to strike across the government goods. we don't see any discernible impact on the the conductive or just as we were preparing for this report. the military it shoppers in the center of the area for a for about 5 minutes, get fire and keep the machine guns on the eastern area of the central. busy part of the got the ticket on the bridge evacuation cabinet has been under evacuation orders for the past 6 uh 3 days and people are havent been able to get back to
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their home or if it were industries, operations continue and the city destroyed. the remaining part of the city there is heavy artillery that could be really clearly. and every once in a while from the point we are reporting a, if from people are giving mixed reactions right now in the, the, the dominating narrative right now, do you want to see and in to the war, either way, with the assassination of the political leader or with something else they, they're hoping that this is going to put an end to the war as 10 months of this unit side of what has, has have taken their calls on, on people, psychological and well being on their physical well being on their livelihood. the, the safety and the security of their families and their, their children, 40000 people. one person made a comments about 40000 people that didn't go so far. and this is not about a mouse,
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is not about its political leadership. is really the war with the very existence of palestinians, whether you're in the gaza strip and seen this in the past in months or in the occupied was back in. this was the past and months. it's been, i've been reading and dictated and, and doing palestinians and occupied with bank where how much is not active. and here's the vast majority of the 40000 people. i've been among the civilian population. so the way action that we're getting here that is a will continue to do what it's doing as a, as a, as a colonial and 3rd prize destroying, unoccupied population of color nights population. and whenever it's convenient, they will play the card off. no, we are targeting is 13 a group that is responsible for what happened on october 7th. all right, so i'll just see what's coming back. we would live for us there in central gods and did a bottle of honey for the time being. uh, thank you. when they come back to you a little bit late in the program to see what people in gaza thinking of the
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assassination of how much is politically. let's get a statement now from the palestinian president markham of bass. he's released the statement online saying he strongly condemned the assassination. as a cowardly act on the dangerous development deals that call them palestinians to unite and be patient and steadfast. in the face of is really occupation. i'll just say i'm a new a day, joins us live again from ramallah. that's in the outside westbank. so i'm know we've got that response from the palestinian president. mike went back to us a bit more about what he's been saying, and i'm the official p. i response. yes. so the palestinian president, wasting no time to issue that statements, calling this a cowardly act of political assassination. and also treating as might honey, as a senior and a national political figure. and not just as a senior figure or the head of the have mass political when we heard those say sentiments echoed by the secretary general of the pillows executive committee in
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the streets. and we also heard from all palestinian factions declaring a general strike across the occupied was to bind. this is a moment where, you know, old political differences are set aside. and palestinians who've seen and experienced political assassinations in the past decades know very well that a targeting or signaling out one faction does not mean that anyone is immune. and they've seen that work out, you know, a play out of throughout the past decade. so a moment, the very somber moment, very sad moment for palestinians, the public opinion here, views as my heading to you, as a very prominent, very influential political figure. one that represents a, you know, of a front, a different front from the more i q. yes. and the more willing to talk and
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perhaps even, you know, be subject to, to outside big tabs. the expectation, of course, is that this attack, this assess the nation would give rise and would strengthen the more hard line positions in palestinian politics, palestinian. see that israel has a 0 sum approach to the events going on right now and to the war in gaza. they are not to start getting military figures in gaza. they are targeting the head of the mouse movement. someone who's known to be a purely political figure, someone who's known to be pragmatic, willing to talk, trying to open pathways to dialogue around the world, visiting various capitals. we've already heard from the foreign ministry of turkey and russia commenting about this assassination. so that gives you an idea of the kind of engagement this might honey you had on the world stage as well. yeah, no, and it's important you talking about the issue of palestinian units. you have this
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at this specific moment about spoken about palestinians coming together, putting political differences aside for now anyway. makes sense. so how significant is his death and what does this mean and full pallets and in unity, given those divisions that you've talked about between how much some something well that would present on a porch in a t. i wouldn't might dare say for palestinian factions to find a different path forward. we know that over the past 17 years, tell us the new infections have failed. to put aside their differences to reach a unity agreement and to unify their political system, there was a recent attempt in beijing. a declaration was issued about the need to form a consensus government to, to work towards holding elections and renewing the palestinian political system. once the war on garza is over but there was very little expectation that that.


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