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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the business latest you sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the political leader of the mas as mouth, honey, a, is assessing either the wrong mazda slammed as well. so the attack that the is riley's has not come in around supreme latest is because they got price and took place on a rainy and soil is the countries juicing to avenge honey, the top mccrae, this is just a line from the also coming up on his assassination comes out through and is rarely striking by roads as well as is it killed,
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a senior has been like come on to invite route, but the group hasn't confirmed his desk. and, and gaza is ready. attacks have killed at least $42.00 palestinians, and 24 hours, many more bodies of trench under the russell, the politically to all from us as well. honey, a has been assessed and i said in a run, he and one of his body guards were killed in a striking to run state media. so, he was staying in a special residence for war veterans when the attack happened at about 2 am, local time around says it's investigating the killing. at the mazda is the assess, the nation will not go on opposite for an assignment on its website. how mazda is bravo, leda, and martha is mal honey. the head of the movement has been killed and a treacherous design, just right on his residence in toronto. after participating in the integrations,
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there are many of the new around in presidents to data. i can take a look back, it is male, honey is live and the events that propelled him to become one of the most prominent figures of the palestinian resistance. this is what happened to the i'll shut the refugee. come in northern garza, during israel's will. in 2023. it's what it's not of him. yeah. was born. he was the son of palestinian parents who were forcibly displaced from the home. and what is known as cologne, off to the state of israel was created in 1948. and the experienced 1st hand, the challenges faced by millions of palestinians in the search was stated. that his future and influence would turn out to be different than most. that the humble must order here to americans take responsibility for giving unlimited combat to this enemy to commit to these messages,
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war crimes and genocide. in 1987, i mean i graduated from is lubbock, university of cause a the same year a policy and in must uprising the gun against israel's occupation. also known as the 1st intifada in its efforts to liberate palestine. the group of moss was founded among its younger members, a smart honey. his journey would soon become linked to the rise of the palestinian israel imprisoned tenea several times for taking part in protest against the occupation of the southern cause longest, 3 years sentence. he was deported to southern lebanon, along with hundreds of moss members, near, retentive gauze, in 1993 after the signing of the os level codes, and became a close confident shake um at the us in the found a film off. together. they survived in his radius sauce nation attempt the yes and
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was killed months later is rise to prominence came in 2006. when most participated in the palestinian legislative elections, the group one, apollo mentoring majority making him the prime minister of the policy. nino star to the, to his appointment and the international community to whole, to a, to the p, a. placing the governing body on the severe financial strain. i'm off is classified by many western nations as a terrorist organization. months of conflict between factions let the present moment have boss dismissing him yet and dissolving his government. this would result in an independent who must let the government in the cause a strip headed by him. yeah. what i can, it had been his law. the caesar should not break our will and should not turn this conflict into an internal palestinian conflict. and that conflict should be against
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the parties that imposed the siege against the palestinian people in 2019 having voluntarily step down. honey i left because of the gun living approved for which he faced substantial scrutiny on the face criticism for his absence from the strep. during israel's will, and garza in 2023. he lead time off of diplomacy from a number of locations, a civilians will mazda cut in the strip shop? the smart i me has influence on the history and politics of palestine, who liked the state for years to come on. for many, he will remain a symbol of resistance in the face of occupation and adversity. honey represented him us during discussions about a safe spot and gaza got out as one of the media is of those talks between him. austin as rilen and a statement on social media prime minister mohammed, it's been up till rahman been just an alpha and he says political assassinations
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and the continued targeting of civilians in kansas while pokes continue. lead tests to ask, how can mediation succeed when one party assess nights, the negotiator. on the other side, he goes on to say, pace need serious, ponders and a global stance against the disregard for human life. can well, let's get some reaction from palestinians in garza. hello hi, all of us to his mercy on him. may his soul rest in peace? he was anita who worked on the pots of marches. dozens of lead is before him. a mounted and dozens off to him will be mounted. they'll lost their lives for the sake of freedom and independence. this doesn't mean that the will will stop. it will continue for some time, especially the mazda them as new jersey and hannah is a great national last for the arab and muslim nation in general. and to the palestinian people in particular is male and i a was an excellent country uptake man. he performed each year to deliver the message of the resistance and was up to his responsibilities. this is retaliatory war guys, to palestinian people. the leader is to be succeeded by
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a liter. how about us to show the love of those are good enough or not? it's very painful to hear the news of his mouth. he is mocked the time. the last is great and his market and broke our hearts. it was a big shot to palestine because most of them is the 1st step towards the victory of palestine. his and the all the leaders mounted him of the steps that will lead to our victory. all of us we woke up and heard the news at the bottom of his mail, honey and his body guarding around 11, appreciates him just as we love and appreciate the 40000 to a month. and then this will. we ask all my teeth and this will and to solve the problems that really how real or how many you round. it's a cowardly operation. if any, a is dead, there are a $100000.00 him. he is out bags. this operation will not benefit these re lease the killed document you have seen that may all of us focus mostly on him. i know the lead is came after him and the one in how most of the leaders will take over the leadership. the will will continue and it's porosity will increase. and that okay, well let's get some more reaction from on the ground in gaza. honey mac mood is
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a lot for us again and i'll buy on honey honey. i hit spin. this estimated spit to the palestinians and gaza. well, nothing's changed for them. they are still being killed. can you just bring us up to date on the lights of strikes? yes, said this is really military. it doesn't seem to be given palestinians across the gauze type to war and of the there do the did bodies of their children let alone their leadership, whether inside the gospel or a rock, just as we speak, 9 bodies arrived at the hospital in a drone at the top on a vehicle, this is a mini van that was carrying passenger from the streets of the center of the area, taking them to their destination when it was a struck by a, by a missile, fired by a drawing. and this, that resulted in the death of all the preston during the scene that you'll see in
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the hospital right now, the crowd that you're seeing right now. these are family remaining family members who rise to the site here to the hospital, just to check on remaining family members of their children, the relative who are inside this span. and this is, as we expected this, that the nation of, of, that's how a city and political leader the, the, the, the head of how much the political to bureau did not. it's changed the conduct of the war across the gaza strip. and it's unlikely due to the cause, any significant to change on, on the conduct of the war and it will remain on affected as right now, we're seeing it practically at the other. the primary articulate goal of the is ready to prime minister is the continued killing and the continued destruction uh the taking place across the gauze. the gauze was that there before the attack on this vehicle, we could clearly hear the heavy artillery than the eastern part of the central area
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and the on the, on the refuge. you can the read refuge account that has been under evacuation orders for the past due the 3 days because clearly here in the military, it shop for fire and heavy machine guns on various witnesses reported at lee in this 3 it's and running for their life as there was a in discriminant shooting by the military. it stop. i mean, why is this really military continue this operations in rough? i did the destroying remaining buildings and infrastructure is this drawing entire it residential, the blocks in the western part of hon. you understood? dear talk this, that the nation happened, but on the ground, where is the continuous is ready to print out the ticket place. okay, honey, what does this mean to the military leaders of a mazda and does this thing and nothing has really changed, since the assassination will kind of decisions my day. now mike, in the wake of his days for,
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you know, it's really hard to predict how, what's going to happen and how this story will be involving so far. everything from october, 7th to this, bombing, has been evolving in a very unpredictable wouldn't, it keeps the construct in terms of, from either this that's the name, assassination of the top leaders into a mass killing of entire families into the murder of its children and their, their mothers inside the residential delivery. they is full of work shopping surprises of a this why does scale genocide, black stick and it plays across the got it for the cost in months. it's not a clear what's going to happen. what is the decision, whether it's going to affect the uh, the, the, the course of the negotiations that for a ceasefire deal, or is it going to put it on the stop? is it just hard to predict as things keep evolving in a much, in a very, very much at a shocking audit?
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predictable way. okay, thank you so much, honey. honey. mark me for us to do a bala. suppose any of those already? president smock motor boss has released the statements, so he strongly condemns the assassination of mosley. that is mal hernia as a cowardly act and a dangerous development. he also called on palestinians to unite and be patient and steadfast. in the face of his randy, occupation, palestinians have gathered in the occupied with bank to purchase the assassination of his mal honey, a demonstrations of taking place in the cities of remodel numbers. and hebron many palestinians have expressed shock beside the killing doesn't change their determination to fight for the freedom. you're still good. know for the destination of the lead. it has increased determination and our resolution will cover the shift a heavy se they have before assassinated. sure. and you have seen and yes, it out of thoughts and fatigue, and shackleton life with go on to the most wise. this will lead to
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a bit of confusion, but our resistance will continue. a lot more leaders will come to take responsibility because this cause is not only ours is the world's in. we have become accustomed throughout head lice to the assess the nations of the leaders of our national affections with the, from us. so others like fonts out all the latest movements, but the affections continue and the struggle continuous. this smell in honey is one of the great leaders of the how much movement and is left in, prospected by everyone for sure. he's assessing nation will have some impacts on the resistance if it was back. that's, that's more weird joins by know a guy who is in ramallah in the occupied with bank. and as we've seen it, many people clearly and shock over the success the nation has. they've followed the palestinian authorities. president mike moody. boston is coal for units. they have palestinians via come together. yes. all palestinians, ordinary palestinians are not as divided as their politicians. and that's why they
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welcome the announcements by the palestinian presidents announcing a day of mourning flags flying half mast in response to the assassination of the former prime minister is my niece. so this is a manual does not only represent the leadership of a very prominent formidable player in palestinian politics, but he also held the office of prime minister following a when a land slide when in elections there. we've seen protests across the occupied westbank, including here in the my love to show anger, to show unity among palestinians. uh, but also to say that i live city. and i've been there before. every major palestinian faction has suffered. and the fascination of at least one of its prominent leaders over the course of the past 5 decades. and so how funny is know how this will play out. it is a hard blow, but they understand that life and their cause for liberation has to continue. it's
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cannot stop at the death or assassination of any one leader tom. of course, this will have implications on the war and gaza and the occupation in the west bank . i mean, is there a sense that this could per long or wide in the war or potentially offer an opportunity to chat some sort of different paths here? there is, there is that concern. it's very real. after all is mild honey year, was a political player, not a military player. he was deeply involved in the negotiations, trying as much as the code to open political dialogue with governments around the world. and that's why we heard from governments h. p a and russia and china and jordan in across the arab world in egypt as well. and in all mind as well as i thought i naturally condemning this assassination. so it's not just blankets palestinian condemnation, people and politicians understand,
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but a smile on your was unimportant political acts or his absence will impact no doubt attempts to reach a ceasefire, which for now at least seemed to have been derailed. it will really take some time for him off to work through its own leadership mechanisms to see who will rise to power, who will assume that responsibility. but there is that concern that it could be stabilize the situation further in gaza, but also here in the occupied respond could know you were in gaza when i knew it was the latest on the grounds that what can you tell us about this leadership? uh, you know, as, as a, one of the main players inside garza, as well as my honey uh, has a bit of an interesting journey in political life on the one handy as the son of refugees. he rose to through the ranks of her mouth having gained prominence as
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well as being the confidence of the founder of the movement. check some of the seeing and when the elections were held in 2005 and how much one those elections that he became prime minister, he became the face of how much. so if you will not just for palestinians, but for many governments around the world, the fact that there was a very violent split between ham, us and the be a low. and in fact, the end particular there were classes, there were many this, and there was basically a dfcs. so how much the government run by somebody and honey a for nearly 17 years also gave a honey, a different dimension in the eyes of palestinians, but still leaving dogs moving away from there and trying as much as he could to remain focused on the rhetoric of units on the efforts of units, he always brought him back to the center of political life and political attention, if you will. he is not someone associated with the in fighting of much is not
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someone associated with the military waiting, but someone who was seen of programmatic leader of him, of a leader that can charge a different path for palestinians. one that can build on the beijing declaration, for example, the latest and those reconciliation efforts. but you know, some of the certainly somebody who can, nobody is eric, not eric, not replaceable, as they say, and palestine and so he will be mess. there will be a lot a to, to, to work on for him us. and it will remain to be seen whether the more hard line wing of him, us will gain prominence. now that israel has assassinated is, might had any you in this dash, just odayes, just minor info, head on in the air radian capital. so a lot of questions really that remain on search. yep. especially in these early hours. thanks so much. no, no, i day for us there in ramallah. so writing and supreme elidah ayatollah ali
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community says, since the operation took place on a rainy and soil, we see it as al juicy to avenge his blood. he added, the criminal and terrors is honest entity by assess, the nice thing is mount honey, a paved, the way of punishing it harshly around to invested it to live in on most tomba, amani says toronto still investigating the assassination. it was the ideas raft that on during the swearing in on tuesday and iran representatives of more than 70 countries were present, including our guests from the resistance. this is an indication that says iran is deeply interested in the resistance. unfortunately, a $20.00 to $30.00 g one of the top see there's was targeted in the capital to run . needless to mention the qualities of the resistance, neither is my money. at the end of the day, this brutal terrace operation took place and we are following all the details. hours have passed since this crime, experts in iran are studying all the details related to this incident. the supreme
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needs, are i a to level many has made the statements regarding describes all the details including of what happened on tuesday. and the targeting of southern bay routes are being discussed. a living on this can take a prime minister has condemned honey, his assassination. he says the killing could expand what he called a circle of global concern and danger in the region and shapes and mccarthy called on the international community to force as violence with 65 and to abide by international resolutions. but one will just switch one now by on a caution who is in by roads, a very strong company is coming from the living, these prime minister there, or when in fact, the minis. 5 ministers commence with respect to the us as a nation alpha value and the expected because you're going to denounce what happened, but also because his country is going to be involved in this wide scale escalation
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given what happened yesterday in level. and given what happened today and just wrong, and given the fact that nobody's work has will up, is main layout and this regional conflict, that means a lot for level. first of all, the messages main messages from what's happening and that is run is directing this main message to what's known as the axes of resistance led by one that nobody say fine, just a minute. it goes as it doesn't strike reported in damascus, flows through the shrine of a site as a now and we don't know if this was another us as a nation or it's just attacking a kind of a ministry installation or whatever. but that is a key. it message hasn't been saying, and now we are seeing this in the reflection of what happens to the senses from the ring. a supremely the who gave it kind of a direction when he says it's all a duty. this means pain a, the, the, the re product of the supreme the, that,
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that this should happen at a retaliation should happen. and given the fact, this is not the 1st time that the ring and sign in the past, of course it's happened in damascus and the ring and confidence that we saw the resolve, the issue and the 4 piece of paper. now probably things would be different, maybe honda, it was also from around supreme leader saying it's around susie to respond well, lies really are looking towards around and what it could potentially do. what do you think? could the response actually look like? what you know, in the past response into the past retaliation on the 14th of april, the hunger itself she re enjoys midsize launch towards is this time there are several live, it's a multi they access the nation also with the background of the us as a nation yeah, in redwood. so why should the principal combined and has will this is creating
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a reason for the access of resistance as a scroll that by you want to go for a kind of a combined and pull out of the native to retaliation. and the fact is that it combined and re, and i called the native joy, you dropped retaliation, could see fronts 11 on see the give off. yeah, man. and you're on altogether logic besides enjoying sports. and i mean this been a period of extremely high intention, especially in the last 20 for 48 hours. the goals have been discussing the strike on this residential building. i know you're outside of the are and by region targeted his belie later. what's the latest from there? we are still here in front of this building is just behind the building and my background. the building is mostly destroyed. now rescue teams are looking for the remains of fried chicken or as known most in triple one of which as well as
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historically does. i'm for mondays is of course, one of the leaders of this war or the front in the south level. for now, there's only a statement from his last saying that he was in the building and does know the uh, onset to walk to a street straight. but this is not going to us, whatever the dance has, the loss would have to come out with a statement and say what happened? but now the context is different. yesterday there was, uh, we were speculating how this is going to be on how to do like recently ation is going to be put on a docking video. so we have enough that can be able to uninstall that for the sake is very good. thanks so much for all of that as a hush him for us there in virus is rarely heritage minister. i'm an a la who is the 1st thing is ready official to react to the assassination of his mail here in a post on the social media platform ecc says, this is the right way to clean the world of this filth. no more imagined replace
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agreements. no mercy for these mortals he goes on society on hands that will strike them as the one that will bring pace. and a little confidence strengthen our ability to live in pace or ends with saying, i mean is death makes the world a level best us as well as an else and not lies on either the northern part of israel or listened to a correspondent and burned council more than a reaction from inside is riley. how confident are we at this point in time that the assassination was actually carried? else buys ro, i think, a 100 percent. i mean, given everybody, the, everything that we're hearing from israel, from the media, from political correspondence from the ministry correspondence, the whole thing, this was an is riley strike. but these really government isn't saying anything. i'm the reason for that. is it effectively that tweet that you just read out, that kind of language is what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu dents to avoid? because he doesn't want to write up tensions to that will lead to
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a direct go with iran. so there's a lot of silence in his role from the government. you have gone to the defense minister has made a public parents with the soldiers. he talked about every sales of them this assassination. but that is going to be an iranian response, and that's what these, where these are going to be trying to figure out what that is, what it takes, and whether it's coordinated with has bullet notes. let's see what that, what happens that if it's a proportional response, then i have sentence will less than what there's a big right wing who wants a week. they want to go into some level by one to re occupied. that goal is to start and then the people in power and then the people who are keeping next and yahoo in power. which is why he may well have been emboldened to go off the honey up. because remember, his stated amesbury play the destruction of the mass politically and militarily.
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now the other thing that we all hearing from is where the media things may well have done this as a last ditch attempt to get to that goal. because he's, he's about to be forced into a c spot. but when you kill the negotiators, i mean, where's the ceasefire agreement gonna come from? it is exactly what we heard from the cutoff prime minister as well in his time, in a short time ago. thanks. so much and we're on con as well. the us secretary is identity blinking says washington was not involved in the killing of the mos late a shepherd. townslee joins us from washington, dc and the united states is just waking up to this news. i mean, we had a little bit from blinking. then what else do we have to say are about 7 30 in the morning, almost 7 30 in the morning here in washington. but key members of the administration are in southeast asia. so we have quite a bit of comments, turn your blinking. the secretary of state was a single pool and he gave it and you get a single point in television where he said, this is something we were not aware of or involved. and he was then off to the will
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the killing change, how the world progresses? to that, he said it's very hard to speculate. i've learned over many years, never to speculate on the impact one event on something else. and then he went on to talk about the best way to bring the temperature down is with a c supply. that's very much. and also in keeping with lloyd austin, who's in the philippines, the defense secretary. his emphasis was simply yes, we're just trying to keep the keep of temperature down. it kept saying that i've been doing things to take the temperature down. we don't see it will reasonable as inevitable. we're also seeing reports of the blinking of he's now on his way to mom, go to the from single, did call the cops already prime minister on his way to the airport in singapore, given your comments about how critical, because already officials have been about your fascination to one of the key negotiate is for the cx 5 deal that the us claims to be focused on. that seems rather key. i mean we, we have our white house briefing coming up in about 6 to 7 hours now. john coby
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national security council spokes bus will be there on monday. he again said that he's very confident about being the regional reports about the risk of a lot more exaggerated. clearly the question i have is that still the us positioning? how can we have this cognitive dissonance in the us narrative where they say that should be bystanders? it as, as ro assassinated. so key negotiate to, while that's still focused on the, on the east, wanted to go stations. these are the questions will be asking you in a few hours and a we look forward to hearing hopefully some answers to she. i'm for tons of data for us in washington dc. on the top of the top i is the co founder and ceo of the bone by center for applied research and partnership with the orient. you advise you were being published and make as in germany, you on a ron. he joins us now from decibel. thanks very much for being with us here. first of all, can we just get your reaction to the assess the nation and especially the fact that this happened on a rainy in soil. yes,
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obviously this is a huge operation with, with possible consequences beyond anybody's control. the few factors that are really important here will be how will is rarely officials position themselves because of the, the strike. and what will the inquiries and examinations actually produce as results as to how this attack was carried out. all of this will define and determine the level of, excuse me, the ation you wrong had to endure. and in my view also impact the potential future response. here we've already heard a strong woods from around the around even president is valid to make his way over grit, his killing. i mean, how strong will be a response be to this obviously, and this the when you qualify, something is strong. it's a matter of, of narratives. so we may think that something like that,
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like the april 14 for missile and drone attack by iran is a strong response for the iranians themselves for the leaders of the exit.


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