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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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which is the around the houses here, a correspondent, as my uncle and come and then from me on re fi have both been killed in an striking gauze, assessing the most positive, hey, this is elder 0 life and go home. also coming the politically to of him off a small him a is assassinated entire on i'm us blames israel and vows revenge around supreme lee that promises revenge 2 against israel for the attack carried out in his country's capital. he is assassination. comes just alas, often an attack and beverage by israel and which it claims to have killed the top
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has well come on. the meanwhile, on the ground and gaza is really a tax can at least 18 palestinians across the street since dawn on wednesday, the law does now just past $1600.00 u. n. t uninstall is your time you're watching out a 0. we are continuing a breaking news coverage coming out of casa out. is there a journalist as well? i'll go ahead and come and then run me. i'll re fi has been killed in israel's latest attack. they died when the call was hit. of the strike adds to the rising number of palestinian medial workers killed. wall covering is rouse war on gaza alia. i spoke to our correspondent angle during cheese. inter hope all on central garza, she told me a little more about the bus is mount and rami smiles. was a very humble kind, loving journalist who has been covering the wars since the one since the 7th of
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october. may is that many got displaced. the box you waited to the, to the south are here in the southern parts of the causes for please say states in the northern parts. and he was reporting for a just either he always used to post photos and stories of his little doctor and how much she misses him and how much he misses her. because certain this are not only reporting about what's going on in the causes trip, but they're also living every single detail. 2 when you report about something were to do the living, get my and was targeted as after he finished reporting and, and making a package about tonight. and he is us as a nation and he was start getting along with his colleague and camera man. around me is the both of them i've been killed then we got news that some journalist made
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it safe, but they were in a saw that refugee camp when they were targeted and it was very close to its main. he is house. my is just like every other journalist, worst king and reporting since the one it was putting on his life in risk to report to the world what was happening because there has been no international or for internal this coming in and the default and the german, this of laws are the only source of information stuff is coming out of the gods and informing the world's of what's really happening on the ground. he was wearing his oppress jackets. it was very up missed that he was a journalist, but the is ready for says target. it's him as a drum unit. this makes the number of the palestinians during those that have been killed since the 7th of october, to 100. 65 journalists were killed while they were reporting on the war and the genocide that's taking place in the gaza strip hands. this isn't
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the 1st time either that a smaller was talking to advise really forces. he was detained for some 12 hours torsion back in march. and yet he continued to report, well, yes, i remember when he made this away from the is there any forces in history, some actually, n t manage to escape from being detained? and i remember him calling me in his it's all telling me hands, i made it out and i don't know how i got the courage to escape from. uh the is really soldiers, but he was sold to a gray view as so like with one to 3 ports he used to for, to every single day from because of the city and the another in parts. and if it was in a package or a report on know, just need a was also using his instagram platform to make reels and post. and instagram, he's what he was was reporting in documents and every single thing that was happening in because as if he had connections with everyone in the south,
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despite being separated, it never disconnected us from each other. and he called me 2 days ago asking me how we can evacuate ill, a child to the southern parts to receive the medical treatment. but it wasn't the only a journalist, but he was also trying to use best to help the people to help with feeding people for medicine and a lot. you try the best to help everyone in this community and not only reporting, but also spreading the message to half as much people as possible. i a while this is not the 1st time these really all me has progress. a john left many of them watching for al jazeera cameraman, some of who dock. i was killed on december the 15th, while reporting and con eunice who was injured and then died. when is really forces prevented ambulances from reaching him to 5 hours. how does your,
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our books bureau chief in gauze a while to do was injured in his writing, striking to send his wife, son, daughter, and grandson were all killed in 2 separate attacks. his son holmes was also an entre 0 john. this, at least a 165 palestinian medial workers have now been killed since israel's war began. john list working in areas of conflict, all protected on the international humanitarian. val, israel has been accused of violation that will repeatedly kind of thing in general to say israel is trying to kill there is telling the wild what's happening on the ground in gaza. which already comes back, is the president of the committee to protect john list. she says that appears to be a positive to israel's attendance, to silence information coming out of counseling on the slopes and that lady, these are 2 killings, dots, mark, the deadly as conflict for done this that the committee to protect on this has
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evidence documented in the 3rd, 2 years that we've been recruiting killings of done this, we have documented over a 111 gentlemen. so media work has killed and as you said, the number may be higher than that. it is an extraordinarily dangerous environment for joined the list. and this is the age of this deadly example. when we know that done is have been directly targeted by is ready for says in gauze, at least we, we know to have been deliberately targeted. we're investigating at least 10 more, and the number may be high. i'm not some adults just the pots and that we've seen in this conflict in this war. it's a passing that we've seen over the past 2 decades. with regards to is randomly it's done list of repeatedly targeted and it's positive, unfortunately about the past. and that we've seen that has that, that seems to attempt to silence and stifle information coming out of cause that
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we've seen it with the bombing of l. just there. are we seeing that with the high numbers of a rest of john elizabeth and garza and in the west bank, the attacks on media facilities direct to types of media facilities and of course repeated communications blackouts as well, that's getting more on this without corresponding honda. so head hyundai use of forces in the region and as we've been hearing that there is a pattern that has been imagining, especially since october this pattern has been emerging even before the war on gaza . pulsing and journalists have repeatedly been a target for these really military, but this has been the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. and the only people who are reporting on the ground or posting in journalists for in press are not allowed in to gaza. this is a restriction by the is really military, the only journalist from foreign press who have been allowed in go in with these really military on strict army. and that's where everything is planned and
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calculated the journalist only see what these really army shows them. they're not allowed to venture off any further. and what we do know is that israel repeatedly denies any wrongdoing. they always denied the fact that they are targeting journalists. but it's difficult to believe when a 165 journalists have been killed and members of their families as well. and we said repeatedly, they're marked as press, they're wearing their black jackets, they're wearing their helmets, and they're still targeted. so shortly, a pattern by these really know terry always denies any wrong doing well, not only of the journalists that being targeted, having to live through the war as well as reports on that. can you describe a little bit of, of the conditions that people are having to, to live on the, in order to get these stories in one word horrific. horrific. imagine not having a home to go home to after a long day of work. i mean, they're living in conditions that are on livable. they're living in tents. they're
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living in areas with thousands of other displaced palestinians. so they're not just going to work as journalist reporting on the story. they're living the story. they're watching every single day on full before their eyes and then having to garner the strength to go on television on print on social media and tell the story of their own people who are under siege and a war or 40000 pulses. he has, has been killed in a wars that's perceived as a genocide. so how they are living and telling the story is, is difficult to comprehend. it's difficult to imagine. but again, form press is not allowed into goals. that this is something these really military has said since the beginning and several foreign press agencies have denounced the saying that time and time again. israel wants to skew the narrative, the form for us, the association even came out with a statement that said, what is israel not want the world to see? why did they not want to allow for an press into gone so? so these posting and journalists or colleagues here it is either they are the
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information, lifeline coming out of gallons or they are the information lifeline. when it comes to this war without them, we would have no idea the extent of this war and this genocide that's going on against the palestinian people. who thank you for joining me again on the news. thank you. well that's bringing them all on the shower on out of here as senior political analyst here joins me now from london. my, when we were talking about accountability, which has clearly been solely lacking so far, but you think that could change? well yes, it could change. i'd be otherwise there is not included, right, because we don't have whole if we don't the kind of a song minimum as the ration that the justice needs to be said. otherwise we are doing it if to quote brand new so nothing. yeah. oh, barbarity. when's a good supervisor? she is starting to think, by the way i agree with brand new students. i know. but if it was for those stooges
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in genius, it was that the us congress that should come on. i think we would have seen that going to be too long time ago, but maybe there's something about it's the 2 different american democracy. they're standing behind the back seat unfold nowadays. and before individual is, i mean, he was around the world, you'd be cheap, cheap to find it easy to detect. who is the 10? who's the civil? i think our call you can just share that experience slight dumped this other drug, another some guys that are suffering side. you guys are the shipping the at the receiving end of the address bar, bird. and so as this was continues time for his routes continues to be empowered by concerned by didn't administration
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in the end of the day, the wife wants to have what install the bombs uh set that you saw. so i could do that, but i'm sorry, was like, it was before, you know, i'm not sure. so i kind of assessed initially there because it does not have the comfortable the world before they get back to the united states on the left. these are the testers that just recently held is read accountable. this is a for, it's by the include the, it's many wireless patient guys where it just, you know, work all week. and that was sent to you. believe the judges in that verdict, or based on national court of justice is an american and a german and so forth,
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british. so the highest course of the whole thing is really the international criminal court prosecutor is the pursuing, is those leaders for more times? i think she did, but i could space and use geniuses in the us congress that continued to cheer. uh the uh, the, the product and service i was in the garage, the more things, but not just once, twice, 3 times. so much sides. did you do more id like about what is it doing and gosh, or what is the way to 5 west back in june. so i like the sign, the general no one has little dresses or defenses. right?
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it's going to be very helpful. does it comfortable? well, in terms of accountable, let's say we were talking there a little bit about legal accountability. you mentioned earlier shifts and public opinion around this. we've always leasing for one condemnation of, of the depths of john les and gaza, the targeting of 8 walk as a targeting of medical stuff. could we do things now, especially given that we are seeing a potential political shift in the us as we get closer to the election? could we see a change to political consequences? i think already the video is changing in the united states as a result of the year and certainly changing around the world and changing to not going to be sure and certainly not and say about the status of the governments. it is government that do nothing. you know, what's the use of both get out of the focus rather stupid american taxes.
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but now, here's 2 entities. wait, wait, wait, load us. it's below one 3rd of the most recent pause in the united states. it within the democratic party, the party in the united states is the white house of the senate. secondly, in the right, so it's about talking partners right. has last see all the word. and i think the most important manifestation is the younger generation. when by this month you do logical generation to generation has really reached this book. that is there are these items i don't read by and you decide to go for that piece. i continue. ready to carry war crimes, i guess does that include the i guess children, others, but i don't. the world needs to seek out. we are not doctors and nurses. we are human as an academic,
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we include the capacity to reach the pin and the companion around the world. especially in the west that supports his door. he starts taking or at least in defense for their fellow jewelers is not a site. and therefore a simple reason is not for conscientious. more reason for such was it risky? because when you stop getting, the 1st thing is, i'm not sticking out. but you know who's next on the shower and i'll just hear a say any political unless the 20th runs and thanks now. a lot on the ground and gaza is really forces have continued depth on bottom into residential areas and civilian infrastructure. and these 9 palestinians were killed in 2. is there any drawing strikes on the vehicle? and as a way to and 42 bodies have been recovered from con eunice,
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following the withdrawal of israeli troops there on tuesday. as on the which has the aftermath of and is rarely drawn, striking garza one vehicle reduced a tangled, wreckage stained with blood. 2 some palestinians were killed in owls of a directed you account with us to say there were law enforcement personnel who had left their out by law to secure a site for distribution and cooking gas a critical resource and the warrant towards the straight no such as it none of us must go up and then i heard this huge explosion and i saw people and other things flying in the street. the scene was horrific. no one would ever think of seeing, such as the site and saving their life. this isn't just this, it is unfair to treat civilians in the many bus like this. the spell experience rushed to health is really forces caught them in the 2nd jerome strike. their
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bodies were taken to alex the hospital for a funeral force help. meanwhile, it's fun, eunice. civil defense teams have recovered hundreds more bodies found in schools previously use the civilian shelters or casualties of a days long crowned to peroration vice really forces that has left widespread to destruction with much of gaza, demolished, and unsafe that was seen us have no place to shelter and every day is full of uncertainty and danger. access i much out 0. well to another developing story now is money. the political leader and one of the most prominent figures upon us has been assassinated in iran. he and his party, god were killed and a striking tear on state media saying that he was staying in a special residence for war veterans. when that attack happens at around 2 am, local time around says it's investigating the killing and that it will be avenged.
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a mouse has declared the assassination will not go on on send the iran and living on. and the resistance will need to leave this on on, said the resistance. and the brigade will never stay without an onset. when it's being done by design is the entity is to doing the entire region to escape forward because of filed to achieve the goals. we have said more than once. that is riley's done once in agreement. i don't want to deal. they only want to continue their aggression despite all the finally, all the supreme leader of iran, i had told her all the human a has said since the operation took place on a rainy and soil. we see it is out duty to avenge his blood. he added the criminal and terrorist design is the entity by assassinating as well. gimme a page of the way of punishing it harshly. well, i knew it was representing a loss during discussions on a safe spot and israel's war on garza kata is one of the main mediators of those in
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direct talks between him, off and israel. in a statement on social media, prime minister mohammed then abdominal sony, said political assassinations and the continued targeting of civilians in gauze a while to works continued. needs us to ask, how can mediation succeed when one party assassinate the negotiation? on the other side, he goes on to say peace needs, serious partners and the global stones against the disregard for human life. while the secretary state has said that washington was not involved in the killing of the last leader in an interview. and to me blinking said this is something we would know is a way of or involved in. it's very hard to speculate the best way to bring the temperature down is with cease fine. will she ever times? it joins me now from washington, dc. she have just how worried is the white house now about how the school trigger a much more serious regional escalation and we've already seen and so difficult to to tell because ever since we've seen the is really bombardments of gaza items and
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from the expansion regionally. there's always a sort of sense that, well, we don't want it to expand originally even as we can see, the conflict expanding to lebanon to around, to syria, to young and, and so on. and yet they see. so now we're still working on the cx, 5 deal. this is going to be the on. so it was interesting on monday, john toby, the national security council, spokespersons that we would value rated to think that could be some kind of without regional war. he's going to appear before revolt is in the next hour or so. so i think the obvious question is, is that still the white house opinion, the executive side? lincoln, he says that's bad building, the americans have nothing to do with the hon. yeah. assassination. interestingly, the a ronnie ends have written to view and security council president saying they don't believe that they think the us, the, the only way as well. cuz i thought it was with the authorization and help with the united states. and then the quote for a un security council meeting,
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an emergency one this afternoon, local time of 20100 gmc, which is which, which has been prompted by the president security council, russia. so that is a very interesting line that is just developing right now. um, so yeah, there is this, i'm blinking is also cool because our prime minister actually, who you see they're using that. how can you have mediation, which the categories are heavily involved in when one side is killing the other side? i mean, it doesn't seem to work like that, but still we keep them having this, this mantra, basically look, we're working on this, these 5 deal with please don't give up hope. but there's because the blinking has been making, we understand to various diplomats and the reach will continue following us very closely to from washington dc. so you have a ton of data for us. thank you. she has the honey is funeral, will be held entire on on thursday. he'll then be buried and castle on friday to read. i get takes a look back of his life on the events that propels him to become one of the most prominent figures of the palestinian resistance. this is what happened to the i'll
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shut the refugee come in northern garza, during israel's will in 2023. it's what it's not him. yeah. was born. he was the son of palestinian parents who were forcibly displaced from that home. and what is known as cologne, off to the state of israel was created in 1948. and the experienced 1st hand, the challenges faced by millions of palestinians, and the search was stated that his future and influence would turn out to be different than most that the humble must order here to americans take responsibility for giving unlimited combat to this enemy. to commit to these messages, war crimes and genocide. in 1987, i mean i graduated from is lubbock university of cause a the same year a palestinian must uprising with guns against israel's occupation. also known as
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the 1st intifada in its efforts to liberate palestine. the group of moss was founded among its younger members, a smart hi, mia is john and he would soon become linked to the rise of the palestinian good. israel imprisoned tanya several times for taking part in protest against the occupation of the southern cause longest 3, a sentence. he was deported to southern lebanon, along with hundreds of moss members, near, retentive gauze in 1993 after the signing of the os level codes. and became a close confidant shake um at the us in the found to a film off together. they survived in his radius stuff. nation attempt the yes and was killed months later is rise to prominence came in 2006. when most participated in the palestinian legislative elections, the group one,
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apollo mentoring majority making him the prime minister of the policy. nino star t that his appointment and the international community to hold to a to the p, a. placing the governing body on the severe financial strain, most is classified by many western nations as a terrorist organization. months of conflict between factions let the present moment of boss dismissing him yet and dissolving his government. this would result in an independent must let the government in the cause a strip headed by hon. yeah. what i can, it had been his law. this caesar should not break our will and should not turn this conflict into an internal palestinian conflict. and that conflict should be against the parties that impose the seat against the palestinian people in 2019 having voluntarily step down. honey i left because of the gun living approved for which he faced substantial scrutiny in the face criticism for his absence from the strip
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during israel's will and gauze in 2023. he let him off as diplomacy from a number of locations. a civilians were massacred in the strip to shop. he smiled honey as influence on the history and politics of palestine who liked the state for years to come on. for many, he will remain a symbol of resistance in the face of occupation and adversity on protesters and iran have condemned the assassination of this month. and their governments important as gather that at the university of tyre on, on wednesday, just hours of to the killing. there's a whole lot posting and flags and pictures of the whole months later. well, calling for a decisive response to the attack. posting and with ours he, president, one for the boss, has released the statement to say he strongly condense the assassination altamira. as a cowardly act on the dangerous development, he's also hold on palestinians 2 nights and to be patient and steadfast. in the
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face of his randy, occupation, palestinians have gathered in the occupied westbank, protesting against the assassination of each month. and the demonstrations have been taking place in the cities of ramallah novelists and hebron. many palestinians have expressed shots that say it doesn't change their determination to fight for their freedom. that is still good, and the destination of the lead has increased determination and our resolution will club the fellow ship a heavy se they have before assassinated. sure. and you have seen and yes, that outside and for to check off in life with go on why this will lead to a bit of confusion, but our resistance will continue. a lot more leaders will come to take responsibility because this cause is not only ours is of worlds in. we have become accustomed throughout head lice to the assassinations of the leaders of our national affections with the from him. also others like fonts out little the lift
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his movements, but the affections continue and the struggle continues. this is one of the great leaders of the how much movement and is loved and respected by everyone for sure. he's assess the nation will have some impacts on the resistance if it was back on the, the abraham that joins me now from the law. neither even is everyone there. i was trying to process the news of his death, the waves in the occupied westbank. i understand all continuing as well associated with just her that's that's those have been attacking a post in village near bethlehem to the south of the occupied west bank injuring 5 people. and one of those injuries is in a critical situation. so when we talk about these is really a tax against palestinians, we're not just talking about these really forces raising using that remitted to reduce their power at their drones against palestinians. but we're also seeing civilians who are living in legally in the occupies with banks. the form of those is really such as attacking and farming and everything, palestinians,
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this is the reality on there as well as ministry of corporation. and this is why we've been seeing a wide support of how much here in the occupied the west bank. because they believe that this is the political group that has taken up arms and has decided to fight these real military d, as opposed to the other approach that has been taken on by the palestinian authority, which is the political solution, the negotiations. and this is why if palestinians have more and the assassination of the late have most of these it is made honey. if we've seen a full on strike here in the occupied the spank, as well as proof this as well as condemnations from the top of the p a that has the of the palestinian authority president would pass to the prime minister of him. but most of all as well as all are such as should be theirs. calling for unity. and this is the issue that many.


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