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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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even using that administrator gives their power as their drones against palestinians, but we're also seeing civilians who are living in legally in the occupied with banks. the form of those is really sucks is attacking and harming and everything. palestinians, this is the reality on there as well. as ministry of corporation, and this is why we've been seeing a wide support of how much you're in the occupies westbank because they believe that this is the political group that has taken up arms and has decided to fight these real military d, as opposed to the other approach that has been taken on by the palestinian authority, which is the political solution, the negotiations. and this is why if palestinians have mourned the assassination of the late have mazda the that is main, honey. if we've seen a full on strike here in the occupied this bank as well as prove this as well as condemnations from the top of the p a that has of the palestinian authority president would pass to the prime minister of pembroke most of all as well as all
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the fafsa should be theirs, calling for unity. and this is the issue that many palestinians haven't been asking for when we, with the poor thing in the streets and talking to palestinians before and after the war. the main demand is for the political leadership to re unite, to regroup, and to be of producing really one front against as well. talk to page the for him. that was the reaction for us from the announce replied westbank. thank you. need a hostile, a head here on the elders era nodes wrote in will scare us sidney's army chief on both sides of the hun, remains to find minutes of the escaping and assassination attempt. the a week. the look of the worlds to please me stories. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back?
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the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually pulling. why is that? counting the cost? oh, no jersey or investigative journalism voices from different corners . stories from of the angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative of the world today on now to sierra was a journey through every story. every step is a narrative celebration of what we can choose when to reach the welcome. to send me an extra design,
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a redesigns, luxury leasing, crafting of future. today we create in the end to live with anger and bitterness of hatred. it if it's you up inside and i can tell you that from personal experience, you have to be able to that go to go for the journey was a great success. but there's no success until you've achieved the actual thing that you set out for that is the release, at least of the one present other we've been focusing on on a personal level, i think returning to this place as being the, it's just a dream to the background part of it was a nightmare, so it's a nightmare and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night that the
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welcome back. let's remind you about breaking news out. is there a journalist? small al gore and cameron an rami or refill has been killed in an as rainy as strikes. that call was hit. this strike adds to the rising, told of palestinian media was covering israel's foreign causes. a 2nd developing story, this our is the assassination of last politically that as well. here, he was killed along with his party, got entire on state media say that he was staying in a special residence for war veterans. when that attack happens, around 2 am, local time around says it's investigation the killing, and that it will be eventually come out, says also said the assassination will not go announcement or the killing of alaska
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is money in a runs. capital is the latest in a string of assassinations against the group. in the past, several senior leaders have been killed and targeted strikes, which israel then confirmed it had carried out. michael apple reports. this is the last known footage of a smile. hon. yeah. the political lead to of home us was into her on, on tuesday for president, my sued, possess scans and organization. just always off to the ceremony. he and his body guard pictured here, with killed by what media report suggest was an a born projectile launched from outside iran. well, how may i send a run as well as several other countries blame as well? it has not commented on the attack, but israel has been killing how mass lead is for decades of the one of the most recent events of solar allowed rudy in bay route, which was a high profile have mass figured in once headed to groups. prisons in the occupied
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waste bank. it was the 1st targeted attack on the groups hierarchy outside palestinian territories since the october, the 7th attack on israel last year. a man who remains on these rails most wanted list is jo. yes and was he's the leader of him, us in garza prime minister benjamin netanyahu. coles and mar, a dead man walking. that'd be this in war. is part of the long line of how mass targets the groups found is shape made? yeah, cnn. abdulla is these all run t c were assassinated in 2004, dozens of other. how may i ask them on does have met some of the sites. but analysts agreed this strike was different. this was an attack any or on the iranian who, who knows how they're going to decide how to respond. remember that when they're the beginning of april, when they're console it in damascus was attacked, and several of their military leaders were killed. they responded with
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a missile attack on is really soil. israel hasn't achieved it's stated, aim of completely eliminating how much the palestinian fights has continued to baffle these riley troops in gauze and previous assassinations did little to stop the next leader from imagine graveyards in the middle east. a full of a senior leaders of uh how much that is, but uh it one in there couldn't be replaced and they have been replaced. israel strategy of targeted assassinations appears to be a relic of a previous age. it's also a strategy and likely to break the resolve of palestinians mike level, which is their, as well as aligned you about what we now know about the assassination of a small honey. i'm also, as a political leader,
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was killed alongside his bodyguard entire on any media. say that he was staying of a special headquarters for war veterans. media also reporting he was hit to find airborne guided projectile launch from outside the country. he a was entire on to attend. the integration of president must be, possess, scan on tuesday state media. so his funeral will also be held in tyrone. well, i'll just here as defense edison alex could top of us has more on the weapons that we'd like to use to not attack it now looks very much like a little heavier was killed by stand off miss all flied from quite some distance away. now normally the platform useful that sort of thing would be a grown um, drove and very much like the one that is real use of, of a boot assess of 18. the senior has belong lead to yesterday. this is unlikely in this scenario as well, and it's fine to be able to fly something like that. it would be rude because the space is pretty uncontested. but somewhere like over a run, especially with tyrone,
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where you have a very coordinates of the defense. you're going to need something very, very special indeed. and what they use for the unlikely used is that the version of the, of 35 still fight to. so they built this of the united states and they've tweaked it because at a small combat radius, they've boosted the fuel so they can now fly long range combinations inside to ron, inside iran, within the 10th or the to strike. emilita is, or indeed nuclear facilities, which is what it was originally bought for. what is likely now is the, there are 2 weapons that they were talking about using and they being pretty much taylor made for assassination. these or to cruise missiles, the wind storm, and the delilah. but send me sophie. they have about a 250 kilometer range. and they are extremely accurate. they could literally differentiate between landing here or that. but they have
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a 20 to 30 kilogram warheads. so then over to blue, blow up the building, they're not going to destroy the city block, but they will kill everybody in a specific room. and that looks very much like it was use and come to your point earlier that you mentioned that it was a missile fly from outside the country with that given range. it looks very much like it was fired from somewhere over the caspian sea as well here. was killed just alice, of the israel wants to strike on the lebanese capital and beverage. funerals have now been held for a woman and 2 children who are among 5 people who died and not attack. israel's hasn't killed a senior, has black colanda for chopin. so as, as the thing has body, it has now been found is what accuses him of planning an attack on the occupied garden heights that killed the 12 people on saturday. so called a reports from the average in only hours to leaders in a rounds regional network were targeted as well said it had killed senior,
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has the commander for ad shocker, and a single strike and they route. and as either my hours later, another strike into front assassinate that how masses, political leader is my honey, who's this iran blamed on israel with the attack happening on a run in soil supreme leader at least coming to a promise to avenge his killing. and the command of the revolutionary guards said what it's called the resistance front, including iran would respond. that could be called the response as well. you don't, has wound up as they yeah. many, there's a sense forces have also been active in the last 10 months. says the genocide in best i started and again last night that you had some bases in the rock that's that's best in it. so there could be a joint quote, the 4th add to make sure the response is either man. is that
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that is right. is a, with the, not the repeats, the same type of a criminal act. israel has neither confirmed nor denied its role. and the assassination of honey in the past, officials have said they would assassinate everyone who had a connection to the october 7th attacks in southern israel. pennies this is expected to undermine efforts, to mediate them and to as well as hor, on gaza. as an end to that floor is necessary to comb the lab and on front the country's caretaker government is not directly involved in the conflict, but held an emergency meeting and warrant. israel has shifted the situation to a state of quote, open danger. how's the law has confirmed? the shocker was in the building at the time of the strike. it was the highest ranking, has the commander as well targeted in the past 10 months since hostilities triggered
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by as well as for ongoing, begun shockers rank 2nd in command. and does she have the council has the law as decision making body has the law has opened the front against as well along the border with lebanon, and believes as well once war and says, it is ready. but since the strikes is where the officials are saying they don't want war, but are preparing for all possibilities. people keep asking about, is there a regional escalation or the prospects for regional war? we start regional war is already there and we've seen it of over the last 10 months . the question now is more about what kinds of retaliation there might be. in the past, at least it seems that ron loving not from the under hezbollah and so forth. i have been quite measured, strategic in terms of the way that they've decided not to kind of escalate their reprisals for israel's attacks on their sovereignty and on people in their
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territories that might change with as well, caring out coordinated attacks beyond regional borders. the response is also likely to be a coordinated one by iran and its allies. and they believe they are facing a joint us as well. the operation against their forces across the region and one that's raising tensions during a devastating war on garza, a scenario that many have warned about that include their elders either they lived . what of all done is a political commentator and writes that he believes that will be made, jet retaliatory strikes against israel. this is absolutely the complete disregard for international law and the unprecedented escalation in terms of scale. and, and we also saw an attack in iraq, so there's a really the, i mean, on every front that is the dealing with, that is really aggression, i guess,
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the palestinians in goza, we've seen an unprecedented escalation and we're waiting to see what happens next. i mean, there will definitely be a retaliation that it will be a stronger retaliation than any of the reasons we saw for previous assassinations that have occurred over the last 10 months. the because we've seen is real assessing the field commanders that have been taking part in the battle against the israel and, and the ongoing uh, the support uh front that they call it, i guess, uh to support the palestinians and their war against that is right. the aggression and so we've seen a previous uh, assassinations that we've seen, where there's phone. there's no doubt that this response will be much bigger in scale for 2 reasons. first of all, the caliber of or the rank of the assessment, 8 to person. and the 2nd of all because it took place in b route in the southern suburb of a route. and in the past there's been
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a clear indication by the secretary general office buller that if they were, if they would hurt to be targeted, their response will be and the major city in the and the occupied territories. so we will see an attack on the city that has not been targeted yet. and it will probably be on the major military installation. but i will wait to see. so let's get more on this now with our correspondence. honda so hut, honda to successful essentially assassination attempts literally within the space of 12 hours, one of which i haven't yet been claimed by as well, but i see we are going to be hearing from nothing yahoo and an address to the nation truly. that's right. we are going to hear from us and yahoo and just around 30 minutes time and an address to the nation. this is not going to be a press conference is a office announced. this is going to be a closed event and it comes after near 3, our security cabinet meeting that was conducted and called by and that's in yahoo. and reports within his really media were circulating, saying that israel is now thinking about how to deal with the fall out of not only
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the south, the nation invaded with last night of this, his bullet commander, but also of him. us leaders mine, honey. you remember several months ago israel also assassinated solid liability, one of the top guys within him, us, but never claimed responsibility for it. but this is a much different ball game that we're dealing with here. we're talking about the head of the political movement for him. us and remember israel set out these goals in the beginning of the war that they are going to destroy, have massive military and political capabilities and that included targeted assassinations on all of their military and political leadership. so we don't yet know exactly what nothing. you all who is going to announce if there is going to be some sort of acknowledgement of the south nation on it only in soil, but again, he gave a directive to his cabinet not to speak on the matter. so a lot of questions will be answered when it's in you all who speaks will be following that very interesting day time. that sounds good. thank you very much. i'll still ahead here on elder there. human remains found at
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a shrine and uganda belonging to a missing traditional or sheila, an investigation is now underway, the in the end to live with anger and bitterness of hatred. it at each you up inside. and i can tell you that from person experience, you have to be able to that go to go forward. the journey was a great success. but there's no success until you've achieved the actual thing that you set out for. that is the release, at least of the one present other we've been focusing on on a personal level, i think returning to this place as being the, it's just a dream to the background part of it was a nightmare. so it's a nightmare and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night.
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investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative, as to where today on now to sierra of the the hall. welcome back. let's round up some of the other stories around the world today . so don's ami colanda has survived an assassination attempt at a military graduation drawn and reported the target to the size of a 100 at a certain many inch of it, which has an eastern sit on the,
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the army there. it says that the hon escaped an injured video from the student e silver and council shows him being shit on by his support as of the he was of that choices, at least 5 people that were killed in that attack. the armies rival the permanent through rapid support forces. it says that it's not responsible for this time. and the we will not retreat. we will not surrender that we will not negotiate with any party, whoever they are. there's nothing that scares us. no drone will scare us until we die. earlier, the sudanese army did agree to participate and us led peace folks in geneva and of ending this complex the devastation of the country since april last year. positive ones, the permanent through rapid support forces to fast implement measures that were agreed upon in saudi arabia last year. that deal stipulation degree from last withdrawal from civilian homes and all the public facilities. the leader of the r
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assess, has also agreed to take part in the negotiations. meanwhile, this conflict has forced to move in 10000000 people from their homes creation, the world's largest displacement crisis. the police in central uganda has launched an investigation of to at least 17 schuman skulls were found at the side of a former shrine, and belongs to a traditional kayla who has been missing since february 12th of july and thoughts. this is could longer village about 50 kilometers west of u, kansas, capital kampala, it's where police have discovered these cases full of human skulls. wonder why you got you. and the case. it was on sunday when children came looking for firewood that they came across this piece of wood double stuck in the ground. and when they were pulling it out, the soil collapsed and the suitcases. you'd have called me my soul the cases. and so i called the officials and when the officials opened the cases or 4 of them and
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they were full of human skulls and united, pretending that this shrine was built by local medicine man who used it as his home . he is a key suspect in the murder of the former head of the decline in book and the kingdom in february. police had been looking for him ever since. the book on the tripe is the largest single ethnic group in uganda, making up over 27 percent of the country's population. local officials say they've launched an investigation, was doing suspect more. that's why we are digging lots. i hit it in for men. the is covered, does the federal claim, but we're taking another one. people here are burning what's left of the strong saying they won't leave anything behind a source of jabari algebra 0. 0 sorry thing is in southern ethiopia, judging thousands of people that to move to say for ground more than
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a week off the land slides killed at least 257 people. long as all has moved from southern ethiopia, thousands of meters, a policy that way mountaintops to meet the clouds in very mode see domination of southern ethiopia. atl gosh, why jumps the soil seemingly oblivious to the hazards? but he says he's not. well, i thought i was going to do it. i know the dangers, but i've lived in my life. this is my farm and my home. i have nowhere else to go with it. like the peak of the season, the heat of sites are drenched. if the theme is best to cox, i imagine in the month eclipse, so that's an inc homes beneath nearby village. this man lost 5 members of his family unit. that's like the 13 a week. so it's a major $130.00 to hundreds of people. it gives you go for audio, fast us off
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a lot like as if the amount of grief on the feeling is unbearable. my brothers and sisters are gone, as well as my hon, what they want the authorities to pay attention to our situation and help us rebuild the lines on the scale of the go for disaster under the cut themselves down . slides within days have caused a lot of us both local and federal levels of government. elandis light is a downslope movement of edison materna due to gravity. as the main factor for this movement is at a phone stiffness o for the slope and the slope of martinez and also the human factors. atlanta is practice. that means under cutting and over letting go, the smoke smart data man made factors abound, especially deforestation. if you look up the hills behind me, you know, it is how much surface has been laid back by people. all those that had patches of the results of the cutting of trees to a lot for me. well,
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for the keys have issue with evacuation, oldest for villages near the disaster sites. but the environmental safe move needs to be done. avoiding using as a half or say to the month is one option. and that's a to is used for on as up for visitation, identify increase area is more susceptible for the salon flight and visit one degree susceptibility. we can classify the land into different categories of the ski area and low risk area. but until the government policies take effect, it's unlikely people here will change the way of leaving and site se climate change with only with natural disasters. how much fun i'm just gonna see dom, region stuff. and if you, the whole land sides triggered by heavy monitoring rains, have also killed more than a 167 people in southern india. hundreds more of sophia trapped and then coasting
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sharif holds one speak to this region now in multiple landslide schools by heavy months and brains have spoke to faith villages in one our district. it happened to the early hours on tuesday, dropping people in the homes. one of the select search and rescue teams have been trying to reach the hundreds believe to be trapped under the month and deeply. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go. patients being guided opening off with the police in the fire force and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the army has deployed more than 200 soldiers to help teams from the state emergency service. but the unstable to read this for drugs and to collapse the bridge into an effort
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separately, interest, people have been taken to the point. there were about 5 to 8 people with me. it was with the when i sold and being swept away, i don't know what's happened to the alternative to live or if they've been rescued . i carried my mother on my shoulders would give it a to, to look through and then they would say in the social media post problem in this to move range of movie has pledge full support from the federal government opposition leader form and pay you from find out wrong, we've gone the has called for an action plan to map land flood prone areas, heavy rains, flooding, and much slide. so coleman and catalog getting the monsoon season. from june to september. in 2018, nearly 500 people were killed in the state. in of the list slots on some should leave. i'll just save them. well, that's it for me and installs here. ok are aligned to those are breaking news to
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islanders. here a john have been killed in an as striking garza city as my alcohol and rami are re fi. stay with the business. latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination into by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles, programs that open your eyes to an alternative. as to where today on now to sierra the the
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safe, the meeting as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the aus is eric correspondent is my uncle and cameron and run the re fi has both been killed. and as striking northern gauze, the light on this dante, this is alice, is here at life from don't also coming on. the political leader of loss is money is assassinated in tehran from awesome plains, israel and valves. revenge all around. supreme data is also promised revenge against as ralph without.


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