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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  July 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the system even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the how do 0 correspondent, a smile boy land camera man around the owners. he have both been killed in an a striking cause of more than a $160.00 mutual workers have been killed in the conflict so far. the result is there a life from del, also coming up. the political leader of, i'm us, is my line here is assassinated into ron law springs as well, and falls revenge on is assassination. comes just on was often attack in favor
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by as well which killed a top is below. commodity plus is really a tax to at least 18 ballast indians across the strip since june on wednesday. the it's just paul's 19 gmc, i'm for me to molar. you're watching all g 0. we're continuing breaking news coverage coming out of gaza. or is there a journalist, issamotto gold and camera man? are all male recei have been killed in an is like in northern gauze of both. joining us with previously detained device, really forces or covering the one garza and abused while in custody. this was the scene at the o shot to cam moments off. the call was get completely destroyed. eye witnesses said it was mocks to show it was carrying journalist. they've been reporting you. the home of homeless political leda is marla, nea who was killed in
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a strike into her on is smile and from his colleagues they, together to move on. they held up their press badges to all know their colleagues. the governments need to office at a $165.00 credit engine journalists have been killed since october 7. well that a visual of all the journalist, the director of the gauze and mutual office, is my love to walk, to pay tribute to their work. a city measure the, the yeah, those really occupation forces have committed a new crime against the verola during this of gaza. they carried the message and took it upon themselves to convey the truth to the whole world. the journalist succeeded in continuing to expose the is ray, the crimes of genocide against our people. for the past 10 months, a 165 journalist had been killed while doing their job and exposing the truth. allow me and my colleague natasha tate spoke to her and committee. who's in that'll bala. she told them more about both smiling around me and i was
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a very humbug kind loving journalist who has been covering the wars since the one since the 7th of october. may is that many god displaced the box you waited to the, to the south are here in the southern parts of the causes for please say states in the northern parts. and he was reporting for uh, just the, you know, he always used to post photos and stories of his little doctor and how much she misses him and how much he misses her. because certain this or not only reporting the about what's going on in the gaza strip, but they're also living every single detail when you report about something, words to the living good night and was targeted as after he finished reporting and, and making a package about tonight and he is as a nation, and he was targeted along with his colleague and camera man. around me is the both
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of them. i've been killed and we got news that some journalist made it safe, but they were in a saw that refugee camp when they were targeted and it was very close to it's my and he is, has my is just like every other journalist, worst king and reporting since the one it was putting all his life in risk to report to the world what was happening because has been no international or for internal this coming in and the default. and the journalist of guys are the only source of information. stuff is coming out of gauze and informing the world's of what's really happening on the ground. he was wearing his oppress jacket. it was very obvious that he was a journalist, but the is ready for us is targeted him and a drum you. this makes the number of the palestinian journals that have been killed since the 7th of october, to 100. 65 journalists were killed while they were reporting
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on the war and the genocide that's taking place in the gaza strip hands. this isn't the 1st time either. that is small was talking to advise really forces. he was detained for some 12 hours torsion back in march. and yet he continued to report, well, yes, i remember when he made this away from that is really forces in history. some actually n t manage to escape from being detained. and i remember him calling me in his it's all telling me hands, i made it out and i don't know how i got the courage to escape from the is really soldiers, but he was so so gray view as so like we wanted to report the news reports every single day from because of the city and the another in parts. and if it wasn't a package or a report or no, just the day was also using his instagram platform to make reels in post. and
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instagram. he was, was reporting in documents and every single thing that was happening in because if he had connections with everyone, the so despite being separated, it never disconnected us from each other. and he calls me 2 days ago asking me how we can evacuate is a child to the southern parts to receive the medical treatment. but it wasn't the old a, a journalist, but he was also trying his best to help the people to help with feeding people for medicine a lot. you try this is best to help everyone in this community and not only reporting, but also spreading the message to half as much people as possible to another developing story. now is marla near the political leda, and one of the most prominent figures of whom us has been assassinated in iran. and these body guards were killed in a striking tihawn state. we just say who was staying at
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a special residence for the veterans. when the attack happened at about 2 am, local time. it runs its investigating the king and it will be avenged. demoss has declared the assassination will not go on on, said ron, and leave it on. and the resistance will need to leave this on on, said the resistance. and the brigade will never stay without an onset. what is being done by design is the entity is to doing the entire region to escape forward because of filed to achieve the goals. we have said more than once that is riley's don't want in agreement. i don't want to deal. they only want to continue their aggression despite all the finally this, this is a need to be, ron i, a to la combination has said since the operation took place on the erie annual swell, we see it as a duty to avenge his blood. he added the criminal and terrorist design. this entity by assassinating is, melania pays the way for punishing it harshly. o'neill represented almost doing
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discussions on the seas. why initials won't garza carter is one of the main mediators of those in direct talks between all of us and israel. in the statement on social media, a prime minister mohammed been of the mano, tanya said, political assassinations and the continued to targeting of civilians in gaza while chose continue leads us to ask, how can mediation succeed when one party assess the nice to negotiate to on the other side, he goes on to say, piece and needs a serious part does, and the global stones begin to disregard for human life. laser l has delivered a crushing blows to its enemies that was prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his message and attend advised address earlier. is it those who oppose israel will pay a heavy price. that's a no singled out to his black amount of watch, real good. a legend you was behind and attack in the occupied gold and how it's
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these really lead a said is countries now facing threats from every direction. but israel is prepared for every scenario now, so you're not going to come out since the beginning of the war. i have conveyed that we are in a struggle against iran, z axis of evil. this is a war of existence against a strangle hold of terrorist armies, and miss files that are run wants to tighten around our next, you know, label internationally at the congress. a few days ago, i mentioned the 3 main branches of this axis of evil, a moss, who these and has the law to. hi lawanda shaw result is there is a senior political analyst is joining us live from london. little one is, well, would look at these assassinations as huge successes based on what that's when you all a sit in the policies achieve these objectives. one would think what does this corner him into a ceasefire? no, not necessarily. not unless he actually once one meaning using the assess the nations
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in order to show that he was more than capable. and he was a war hero and he's there. busy to, you know, go ask that reserves that, and he's also so forced to use that as a heart to off uh to pass the ceasefire piece, the 1st phase. but as we know from the past and months, he has actually to no interest in that cease fire, he doesn't want to cease fire. and by the way, as of today, i still couldn't get the ceasefire treatment. seizing the process through seating, seizing the crime, seizing the general side. it's not just about caesar. fire, and you, stephanie, in is in no, i'm mindset to seize the general size of the work crimes and so on, so forth. he things that is, there are, is a war for its existence, or at least for his government existence. and he's going to continue with the water, i guess, the palestinians that came to the needs. and potentially that gives the earnings
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with the help of the united states. now, the only way that this could actually open the way it's to choose to some kind of a seizing whatever the season guess is if the united states shuttle is there. and the horner, judging from what can be heard from the national security spokesperson, junker, re, doesn't seem likely to buy the revisions shop and get anywhere us. and at this point, whatever pressure netanyahu has previously phase doesn't necessarily amount it too much. and that's what i want it to look at. practically speaking, what happens to those or waiting fragile piece towards what does it mean for the future of palestinians, at least in the short term, cause this will have a direct impact. well, you know, different from what we heard from him, us resistance, existence or existence. right. but again, what, you've known product austin months to start, is there a is incapable of different things from us?
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so which is the kind of thing that people that's why we could die continuously says that how much has been more or less of collateral damage. the real targets have been to the senior population including the jo, noticed and yes, the children's and the doctors and the nurses and the academics and the students and so on. so for this, that's why we call the genocide because it is really meant to destroy it. as a whole or part to finish treating people. but strangely speaking and that then, you know, i'm going to use government believes that the best way to defeat an organization like how much is to go after the people is to power. those who they love is to hurt their social their, their. busy their, their, their, their, the loved ones, the social context, their social networks, and so on, so forth. and that's why is it has been going back to their relatives after this time. it is after even there, the trans after the refugee camps and so on,
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so forth. and the video really believes that, and that's why you're allowed to wait. and this is really important. even if we have a ceasefire, it's not gonna dissolve anything. because nothing, you know, does not want to go from phase one to face to the can you, i wash long as it gets phase one through. and that's why now, in the negotiations, the fraud john negotiations, he's insisting on releasing the biggest number of calls is there the captain's from gaza because he wants to continue with the war after phase one. so read is not about ceasefire anymore. it's about stopping is jazz genocide, the government, the, the ceasefire. there's only one step forward. but the western powers that support is right. and part of the countries that have been a b, 's it goes right must stop because the ceasefire is not better. so if we do it is
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all hold on, it will only be used by that time. you are to getting more credibility in order to continue with the war a guess. right. more one, thanks very much. as always the valuable to get you inside. some are one bushera that out, is there a senior political analyst, the united nation? so could you, general and tony, a gutierrez said the latest events undermines if it's of a ceasefire, but the white house still believes is a viable process for negotiations to continue. we still believe the gaps are narrow enough to be closed. we still believe the details can be hashed out. it's too soon to know, based on the reporting a little as 2448 hours. what impact any of this is going to have on? it was always complicated, it remains complicated and, and reports coming out of the region as we've seen again over the last 24 to 48 hours. certainly don't make it less complicated in contact with the cutter to
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reassure them to stay conversations, to just say that we have and maintain routine communications with our counterparts in egypt and in color. and with israel, those comp, those communications are ongoing. all right, so correspondent rosen and jordan is in washington d. c was one. this was listening to that reaction that how worried is the white type of snow about how those could trigger serious regional escalation of the buying harris administration has always been worried about the potential for a regional war between israel and it's our neighbors. certainly the killing of israel honey a early on thursday and how hong does raise more concerns. but the us is position is that it has to continue engaging in vigorous diplomacy in order to try to reduce tension and not spark a broader regional war. as we just heard from john kirby who is
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a sports person for the national security council, this is a situation where even with the death of the smell honey, it is not enough to say that this has derailed ongoing efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in garza so that the captive still being held inside guns, i can be returned to israel and so that a mandatory and a can get into gaza. so that health care assistance can be brought in. and so that to some sort of home can be established. now certainly does this complicate matters as we heard john kirby say, yes it does. it does not mean that the us is prepared to proverbially, throw in the towel. meanwhile, do you. and to also very worried about recent events. they'll be an emergency security council meeting and that's in the coming all is a uh that is going to be happening in the next hour or so out the web security
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helpful in new york. this is an emergency meeting requested by a ron endorsed by russia and china, among others. russia, having the presidency of the security council for july has scheduled this emergency meeting so that the iranian government can make its case for trying to resolve it for trying to punish israel, which has not claimed responsibility for a smile honey, is killing. and to try to see if there is a way to end this cycle of escalating violence. certainly there is a real concern about how the, the status of, of, of peace in the region. and certainly there's not going to be, or any resolution that will be debated, but it will be an opportunity for the 15 members of the un security council plus or wrong plus any other country that wishes to speak to express their views of the situation. and perhaps to try to set the groundwork for trying to reduce these
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tensions. right. thanks so much rosalind jordan there in washington dc. we'll certainly be tracking that united nations reaching as it happens. are still a head on al jazeera. we'll have an update on the assassination of the hist for the mazda in a route on tuesday. we'll also be live in the occupied with banks, and that's off to the break, the . it's the 1st day of august. let's go with your forecasts for europe in africa. many parts of europe are baking in the heats, and as a result for seeing some date time heating storms flare up here, thunderstorms are expanding across england and wales. still some jolts and bolts in the forecasts for france, for example, and all of this energy is moving further toward the east. so it's beginning to pull
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into germany, finding its way into check republic, austria just in to northern italy, in the zone here could see some severe thunderstorms. this energy will eventually catch up to hungry. so budapest, you're looking at century downpours on friday, and that's going to knock out the heat there. bang on 30 degrees for friday, back to the here in our file. we, sir, do have heat still in southern and central spain, but around the coast with this breeze off the valley r a c r, so long a 32 degrees for you for the 1st day of august, other end of the mediterranean. okay. still seeing some showers done in the long turkey as black sea coast, and we got this band of potentially severe storms right along the border which had these air rated into northern nigeria that could trigger some flooding to southern africa. we go some showers in storms for south africa and still quite hot for this time of the year and by the way of 25 degrees for you on thursday. bye for now as the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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to watch. and also, is there a reminder about top stories, the sour? oh, is there a journalist to smile? goodman is camera man around the all the fee have been killed and it is really a strike. the call was hit. the tech adds to the rising desk, told them palestinian mutual workers covering israel's will, and goss, i'm sorry, my and our 2nd developing story of the always the assassination on us political lead, a smile. and yet, you was killed alone with these party, got into raleigh safely. just says he was staying in a special residence for war veterans. when the attack happens at about 2 am, local time around says it's investigating the killing and it will be avenged. i'm us is the assess the initial not go on onset. as i knew it was killed, all was off. the israel launched a squat on the liberties capital b root funerals have been held for a woman. and 2 children who were among 5 people who died in that attack is all it
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says if killed is she now has block amount of blood sugar. and his blood is now confirmed. his death is real accused him of planning an attack in the occupied golden heights. that killed 12 people that took place on saturday was in a crowded reports from the route and only hours. 2 leaders in a rounds regional network were targeted as well set it had killed. senior has the commander for ad sugar and a single strike. and they route, how many hours later, another strike in test run assassinated, how masses, political leader is miles, honey, whose dest you run, blamed on israel with the attack happening on a run in soil supreme leader ali, some in a promise to avenge his killing. and the command of the revolutionary guards said what it's called the resistance front, including iran would respond. that could be called the response as well.
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you don't, has wound up as they yeah. many, there's a send forces. have also been active in the last 10 months. says the genocide in best i started and again last night that they had some bases in the rock that's that's best in it. so there could be a joint quote and they said the forward ad to make sure the response is either man is that is right, is with the not the repeats, the same type of a criminal act. israel has neither confirmed nor denied its role in the assassination of honey. in the past, officials have said they would assassinate everyone who had a connection to the october 7th attacks in southern israel honeys. this is expected to undermine efforts to mediate them and to as well as hor,
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on gaza. as an end to that floor is necessary to comb the lab and on the front the country's caretaker government is not directly involved in the conflict, but held an emergency meeting and warrant. israel has shifted the situation to a state of quote, open danger. how's the law has confirmed? the shocker was in the building at the time of the strike. it was the highest ranking, has the commander as well targeted in the past 10 months since hostilities triggered by as well as for on garza began workers rank 2nd in command. and does she have the council, has the decision making body has the law has opened the front against as well along the border with lebanon, and believes as well once war and says, it is ready. but since the strikes is where the officials are saying they don't want war, but are preparing for all possibilities. people keep asking about, is there a regional escalation or the prospects for regional war?
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we thought regional war is already there and we've seen it of over the last 10 months. the question now is more about what kinds of retaliation there might be. in the past, at least it seems that ron loving not from the under hezbollah and so forth, have been quite measured, strategic in terms of the way that they've decided not to kind of escalate their reprisals for israel's attacks on their sovereignty and on people in their territories that might change with as well, caring out coordinated attacks beyond regional borders. the response is also likely to be a coordinated one by iran and its allies. and they believe they are facing a joint us as well. the operation against their forces across the region. and one that's raising tensions during a devastating war on garza, a scenario that many have warned about that include their elders. either they lived
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it is only forces have continued bombardment of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. at least 9 palestinians were killed and to his ready drone strikes on the vehicle in later and 42 bodies have been recovered from con eunice. following the withdrawal of israeli troops and tuesday, axels of which has moved the aftermath of and is rarely drawn, striking gossip. one vehicle reduced a tangled, wreckage stained with blood. 2 some palestinians were killed in owls of a directed you account with us to say there were law enforcement personnel who had left their out by law to secure a site for distribution cooking. guess a critical resource into one to a straight such as it mothers most hoping that i heard this huge explosion and i saw people and other things flying in the street. the scene was horrific. no one would ever think of seeing such
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a site and saving their lives. this isn't just this. it is unfair to treat civilians in the mini bus like this. this palestinian is rushed to hell. is really forces caught them in the 2nd jerome strike. their bodies were taken to alex the hospital for a funeral force help. meanwhile, it's fun, eunice. civil defense teams have recovered hundreds more bodies found in schools previously use the civilian shelters or casualties of a days long crowned to peroration vice really forces that has lacked widespread to destruction with much of gaza, demolished, and unsafe. the students have no place to shelter, and every day is full of uncertainty and danger. access i much out 0. to all silas denny is gathered in the occupied westbank on wednesday to protest against the assassination of
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a smile on you. demonstrations of taking place in the citizen from a lot no blue sun, hebron many palestinians have expressed shock. let's say it doesn't change. that determination to fight for freedom. need a bram joins us from romanella. nieto. what's the in the situation in the occupied west bank today as people process the killing all the small i me a of the, i mean people are trying to absorb the news of the assassination of a key and the national palestinian figure like $900.00 a year when they also were shocked to hear of the killing of our colleague is made available and on me as we see in the refuse gaza strip after they were hit by us, try to remember that palestinians have been following the news of the war uh with a lot of sadness, especially those the occupied with thing that they are watching their fellow
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palestinians being subjected to killing to bombardment, to 5 men. while they cannot really do much here for where they are today, they've announced a general strike. all walks of life came to a halt to come memory to remember the lady's hum ass the there is not a penny of it's very important calls that we've been hearing from palestinians for years now. calling for unit one spouse to me. indeed there's here in the occupied with bank and those are the receives because the strip to be unified under one umbrella. this is basically a demand that we've been seeing at code and reiterated again and again. but we're talking about has to be in school, have been seeing we'd be a genocide being played on national tvs on social media, on the world really to watch and they feel helpless. they feel that the world is not coming to the rescue and they're not pushing israel to commit to
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a ceasefire. that's why people have been saying they feel that they've been left alone by the world. but from people who has been speaking to they say that they've been used to israel assassinating and killing national figures. and the dot would not stop their quest for freedom, that they're not gonna stop them from seeking to fight against these with the occupation or in order to, to end the and live free on their lives. a need to bring him a thanks very much for that. the speaking to us from ramallah, the whole in other news, sedans, all me come on just arrived and assess the nation attempt that's i'm going to treat graduation. a drone, reportedly targeted of those at the hall and at


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