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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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so takes advantage of an incident with on clear of features to expand its aggression. and it must adventure that would put the entirety of an eastern agent on the creator of luck in. no, i warn you of probably didn't get to with cover and support and justifying it semester course history will spare no one. the present as best or the future is dark. and what starts in the middle east was fed to the whole world. said the mister president, that your minnesota 11 on buddies, international legitimacy. and as all the small states, the united nations charter is the legal and more wife umbrella that it has 6 of them. and that it's resort to to however, unless of your seems counsellors continued process and i have been to, to you to, into much resolutions on israel, which is really refuses to abide by our faith has been shaken. and we are more convinced that international just tennessee is no longer enough to maintain international peace and security. therefore, it is important for this or
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a counselor to amend its approach or to take a firm stand before it is too late. i thank you sir. you have looked at, i think, cause a representative of lebanon for his state shows he up to the study, and that will give her the flu to the representative of iraq. think it was for person to they would like to think or talk with miss decarlo the u. s. g for her briefing. i would also like to thank you for holding at this meeting to discuss the situation in the middle east to the precautions of the, the is there any occupation and the violations by its forces? these are
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a result to all the accumulation of occupation aggressive policies for more than 7 to 5 years. so what has happened since the 7th of october 2023 cannot be seen them separately from the accumulation of occupation, denies of rights that the you and in all its membership. and this council was not able to find the last thing and comprehensive and to it after years of conflict, bloodshed to violations. ringback ceiling gland and building settlements during these becca, it's the international community, have views of the diplomatic track, international initiative, you know, general assembly and split the counselor resolution to and the is your e mail to patients to. and it's so aggressive policies and violations against the person and people. however, this is their being entity has ignored the,
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the chart to the provisions of international humanitarian law without any accountability. and they are finding full sp, extra to defend these crimes. so 0 has previously like other countries of the world war and of the escalation and the expansion of the war. and they sort of cushions on international peace and security. and the reason would be so security which would lead to more instability in the region. and the well perpetuates attention is there is continued to aggression, disregard for international law resolutions through the crime that is escalating crises and expanding conflict. this would have a see user precautions in the region that's that's it cannot be controlled further . the aggressions, by the is, are either occupation forces on palestine loving on syria is no longer a defense, a self defense as soon as claimed by israel as a legal it is that it is now steps down the path of reprise the
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genocide. today we see the occupation forces launching aggressions on the 3rd threes and the sovereignty of states under false pretext. so in a disregard also the purposes of the charter and the you and then international legitimacy resolutions. i would like to take this opportunity to express our condemnation in the strongest terms of the continued aggressions against the 11 on the syria and the around. and we condemn this criminal behavior of the assessing nations. mr. president that we call upon the council and the member states, to show the responsibility of the council towards the maintenance of international peace and security to end the war in the gaza strip and to save lives of and to open border crossings and deliver humanitarian aid. and protect to the palestinian people. the security council needs to be more decisive against the is really
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violations the back to being to, to load the stability in the region and the security of the peoples of the region. we call for support to, to the brother sending people towards the salesman termination and ending the occupation and establishing its independence to speed on the line to follow us on that same just cause we look back to representative iraq for your statement. sure. we've come to the end of the list of speakers. the meeting is adjourned. a while you've been listening to the united nations security council's urgent meeting on the assassination of a smile, anita and the political leader and one of the most prominent figures of almost rocks and fall. men from my end is a professor of modern, middle east politics at the university of cambridge, and she's joining us live from london. thanks very much for your patience. and joining us in 0 to 0 this evening as we listen to the representatives of those
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various nation states, address the security council. now iran as already said, that is why i need is this is a crime and unlock will not go on punished, saying the you in is failed and its duty to maintain international peace. what do you make of it runs comments that the security council before i answer that i did want to give my condolences tell to 0 for having lost 2 of its correspondents and the war of gaza today was moving onto the issue of iran. i think that the assassination of a representative of any other country in on, on territory that is in a country up in which he's been invited to attend a formal meeting, certainly is
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a breach of international law. and i see a bronze perspective on that claim. i think that it is a clear case of iran feeling a certain degree of humiliation at the same time that its intelligence failed and that it was unable to protect and visitors such as is miles on the in an official capacity in which he was there for the operations of the iranian president, but i think there is no question that it is a breach of international law. now, israel has used the events of the weekend on saturday. it's referred to that saying that's the roots of the car in crisis. the attack on the occupied golan heights on saturday with 12 children were killed, as well as not claimed responsibility for that. and that is occupied land. we've had serious say that as well con,
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possibly defend those people as they occupy that territory. but israel is using it to justify its most recent actions isn't it's as well. certainly no one has claimed responsibility for it. and it looks as though it's quite a complex of operation to unwind. so i think in many ways we need to see who actually was responsible for that attack, but it has certainly been used by israel as a, an excuse to expand the war. and the timing, i think is quite critical. nothing. yeah. who was the prime minister of israel, has just returned from a trip to united states for he presented both of us congress and had meetings with the president and clearly returned, having a confirmed re support for the united states. certainly in the amount of arguments that it will be sending him and in his strategy. and i think what we see is that
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these 2 assassinations, 111 on a flood shocks. uh, the one of the leaders of hezbollah and israel had had, yeah, any ron have certainly followed that trip quite immediately. and i think perhaps the for administer of cuts are assigned of summed it up very well because of course what's on the line is a ceasefire. negotiation as well as a number of other elements in the guns, a war and the foreign minister of cutter signed it up, saying that mediation is extremely difficult, would one party assassinate the negotiator of the other party. and i think that in a sense, sums up the situation of the region generally. what would this meeting then lend to cease fires talks? where do you see those going at this point? considering one the events of the last 24 hours,
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but also close to the united nations security council to assist in bringing about to cease via as well. i think the united nations is it has does not have a great number of options its own. um, uh, a refugee age association en route is being attacked as well. and uh, it has not been able to get into gaza. certainly at the level that it would like to in many of its own members have been threatened or, or have died in the effort. i think that it certainly is a case where the great powers are involved in negotiations. and i think the, unfortunately the ceasefire negotiations, the cuts are, was significantly leading with the input of the united states, egypt and others, other countries. and which thomas and israel needed to agree to. i see little
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chance now that nia has been assassinated, that the, the negotiations will go forward. but i have to add that those the cease fire negotiations were stumbling in any event. and i think what we see is that it's been very clear, especially also from netanyahu's words in the united states before congress that he has as his priority the destruction of hamas, which is what we see in his having picked up the, the leader of nia and so i don't see that his, his priority is a cease fire or a cease fire, a negotiation then in fact, i do not see that his priority is the hostage release either. and i, and i think we did hear a number of times within that meeting that the counsel criticism that the counselor is failing and its duty in stopping the war. thank you very much. rocks and phone
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bundle for my an a professor of modern, middle east politics at the university of cambridge. we appreciate your insights and thanks again for staying with us. a thank you very much. the . let's take a moment to recap our top story. the saw where the un security council is held and emergency meeting following the assassination of homeless political lead to is maya nia, into ron. he and his bodyguard were killed in a striking to her on a stay to me just say you was staying in a special residence for war veterans when the attack happened. that was about to am local time around says it's investigating the killing and it will be avenged. how much as the cleared, the assassination will not go on. onset palestine is representative. told the u. n. c, emergency session,
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that israel must be held accountable for the assassination and its crimes and gaza . violence inter are clearly israel's main and only currency. not international law, not diplomacy, not mediation, not respect for human life. there is no red line for israel. no lot will not reach no norm, it will not trample, know, act to deprived or barbaric for its occupying army and subtler malicious and no child woman or man off limits. even babies considered legitimate targets. these rarely prime minister and his coalition of government, extremes, and military commanders believe there will never be a cost for their crimes. they believe they can literally get away with murder and runs, and bassett, a told the security council, the assassination of i knew it was
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a grave reach of iran sovereignty. all this stuff total is just not the most efficient money for station off is why it is decaying long because of terrorism. and summit i started getting for the stay in the as an auto supplement. as an sympathizers off the senior calls across the region and beyond. in addition to it, stories objective is that i was also posting political goals with this act. aiming to disrupt the 1st day of the new governments of the stomach, people because you one respondent rosen. jordan isn't in washington dc and she's been following this urgent meeting at the united nations. a ross, what would you say of some of the 2 takeaways and what people should be paying attention to from that meeting as well. what you heard, where it's probably not that much of a surprise, israel accused or role of fomenting tensions in the region,
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directly against the as rarely state through its proxies, hospital law, her mos other organizations, and urge the security council to hold around to account for you heard of like, was the accusations being aimed at israel from the palestinian deputy ambassador, you heard it from syria. you heard it from a run itself. all of these parties being invited to take part in this emergency session on wednesday afternoon at the un security council. you also heard the deputy us on bassett or robert would essentially say that while, while the killing of his mental honey or the political chief of homos with a nother road brave developed. but he did not say that in the us, his view that this is going to put an end to efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in dollars between our mazda and the israeli government, to the deputy
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a basset, or did stress that is very important for everyone to essentially, double down on diplomacy to reduce tensions and to try to end the war and golf. so because there does seem to be this overarching view that as long as that war continues, other incidents are going to be taking place that could possibly develop into a regional war, which the us says it does not want and which many other countries of the region say they don't want to see either a number of major players have commented and also use this platform to further their arguments. what kind of tone have we heard from washington? what is the usage as well, what you've been hearing from the button harris administration is essentially what we heard from deputy about sort or wood. which is, even though this is not something that they were aware could be happening. they
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certainly don't know whether or not israel was behind the killing of this my. busy honey, a, the us does not believe that his death alone is going to be enough to derail those ongoing negotiations to end the war and gone. so you have also heard from a number of us officials from the secretary of state and the defense secretary to the vice president. and who are the spokes people at the white house in the state department that the us is still committed to trying to use diplomacy to resolve these tensions. that said, they also have issued a defense of israel to the to attacked itself from attacks from enemy groups and countries. whether it's a roland or one of its proxies. i'd rather than thanks very much for keeping us updated as ross and jordan, they in washington d. c. as in gaza. old a 0 journalist issamotto goal and camera man or i me l. vc has been killed and then
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is really drone strike old. is there a media network is cooling? it's a targeted, assess the nation by is rarely forces. they've been reporting of the home of homeless politically. they smiled near who was killed in a striking to run both during the list were previously detained by his rarely forces. while covering the one gauze and abused while in custody. humble salute has moved a scene that's become all too familiar. palestinian journalists targeted and killed by israeli forces and is just need a correspondent. it's not a nother who and camera man drawing me of the feet were targeted fine is really air strike on their vehicle. while they were clearly marked as press the. this faced is the phrase by international institutions, but it did not predict alcoholic is smile or any other colleagues of thought. you
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can see how his face has become stained with dismay of blood and some of his body parts. what the smile do to deserve to convey the sufferings of the people and the true image. the blood on this face is a testament to the sacrifice his body parts still on it. the is makayla, drawing me were reporting in the shop, the refugee camp in northern gonzo, or the home of him as political chief as 900. a year was assassinated earlier in the day, and 8 on witnesses from the scene recount the harrowing images saying their bodies were in pieces and the to have a time when i heard the sound of a missile landing. so i rushed out of the house. and so is now coming out of india's house with the press and getting into the vehicle. they told me the military had showed the house with a missile, was a warning on the roof. they immediately began to leave and evacuate the area of the on this moment, slights i received
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a call that the as mail. i'll go have them killed in a statement and just need a media network, condemn the killing, saying these really occupation forces targeted the vehicle in which is valued and drawing me. we're traveling with a missile, resulting in cold blooded assassination. this latest to tap on and just need a journalist is part of a systematic targeting campaign against the networks of journalists and their families. since october of 2023, israel has repeatedly targeted palestinian journalists covering the war on concepts . at least a 165 journalist and media workers have been cube and is really a tasks in what's become known as the deadliest conflict on record for journalists . have this and who was just ego to my calling? this? does it say it spoke to him? cordelia was in. that'll bala, she told her more about both. it's my land or on me tonight, it was
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a very humbug kind loving journalist who has been covering the wars since the one since the 7th of october may as many god displace the box you waited to the to the south are here in the southern parts of the causes for please say states in the northern parts and he was reporting for a just either he always used to post photos and stories of his little doctor and how much she misses him and how much she misses her. because certain this are not only reporting about what's going on in the causes trip, but they're also living every single detail when we report about something were to do the living, get my and was targeted as after he finished reporting and, and making a package about tonight and he is as a nation and he was start getting along with his colleague and camera man. around
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me is the both of them i've been killed then we got news that some journalist made it safe, but they were in a slot that refugee camp when they were targeted and it was very close to its main . he is house. my is just like every other turn in the ranking and reporting since the one it was putting on his life in risk to report to the world what was happening because there has been no international or for internal this coming in and the default and the journalist of gods are the only source of information. stuff is coming out of the gods and informing the world of what's really happening on the ground. he was wearing his oppress jackets. it was very obvious that he was a journalist, but the is ready for says targeted him and a drum you. this makes the a number of the palestinians during those that have been killed since the 7th of october, to 100. 65 journalists were killed while they were reporting on
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the war and the genocide that's taking place in the gaza strip hands. this isn't the 1st time even it is small, was talking to advise really forces. he was detained for some 12 hours torsion back in march. and yet he continued to report, well, yes, i remember when he made this away from that is where new forces and he's treat some actually, n t manage to escape from being detained. and i remember him calling me in his it's all telling me hands, i made it out and i don't know how i got the courage to escape from the is really soldiers, but he was so so gray view as so like with $1.00 to $3.00 ports and you through for to every single day from the cause of the city and the another in parts . and if it was in a package or a report or how does it a was also using his instagram platform to make reels and post and instagram. he's
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what he was, was reporting and documenting every single thing that was happening in because as if he had connections with everyone in the south, despite being separated, it never disconnected us from each other. and he called me 2 days ago asking me how we can evacuate is a child to the southern press to receive the medical treatment. but it wasn't the only adjourned in this, but he was also trying his best to help the people to help with feeding people for medicine. and a lot you try, this is best to help everyone in this community and not only reporting, but also spreading the message to have as much people as possible. jody ginsburg is president of the committee to protect journalist. she says that appears to be a pass and to israel's attempts to silence information coming out of gaza on the slopes and that lady, these are 2 killings, dots, mark,
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the deadly as conflict for done this that the committee to protect on this has evidence documented in the 3rd 2 years that we've been recruiting killings of done this, we have documented over a 111 gentlemen. so media work has killed and as you said, the number may be higher than that. it is an extraordinarily dangerous environment for joined the list. and this is the age of this deadly example. when we know that done is have been directly targeted by is ready forces in gauze. at least we, we know to have been deliberately targeted. we're investigating at least 10 more, and the number may be high. i'm not some adults just the pots and that we've seen in this conflict in this war. it's a passing that we've seen over the past 2 decades. with regards to is randomly it's done list of repeatedly targeted and it's positive,
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unfortunately about the past. and that we've seen that has that, that seems to attempt to silence and stifle is information coming out of cause that we've seen it with the bombing of l just there. are we seen that with the high numbers of a rest of john elizabeth and goes on in the west bank? the attacks on media facilities direct to types of media facilities. and of course, repeated communications blackouts is only for those of also continued attacks and residential areas. and so within infrastructure, at least 9 palestinians were killed into is ready. drones strikes on a vehicle, you know, as a way to and 42 bodies have been recovered from con eunice, following the withdrawal of israeli troops that wasn't tuesday, axles, m a, which was more in the aftermath of indies. rarely drawn striking garza one vehicle reduced a tangled wreckage stained with blood. 2 some palestinians were killed
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in owls of a directed you count with us to say, there were law enforcement personnel who had left their own by law to secure a site for distribution, cooking gas, a critical resource and the warrant went straight such as it another must go up and then i heard this huge explosion and i saw people and other things flying in the street. the scene was horrific. no one would ever think of seeing, such as inside and saving their life. this isn't just this, it is unfair to treat civilians in the many bust like this. then spell a stance, rush to health is really forces caught them in a 2nd. jerome strike. their bodies were taken to alex the hospital for a funeral force health. meanwhile, it's fun, eunice. civil defense teams have recovered hundreds more bodies found in schools previously use the civilian shelters or casualties of days. long ground
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operation buys really forces that has left widespread to destruction with much of gaza, demolished, and unsafe. the students have no place to shelter, and every day is full of uncertainty and danger. access i much out 0. a. still a head on al jazeera. the protest isn't bundle dish to mazda hi quote, and co release recently arrested student demonstrators. and one to range complicated rescue effects holding align slides in the southern carol estates, the hello good to be with here. here's your forecast for the 1st day of august across
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asia. we'll get to australia as well. hang tight onto range ramsey and operate across the indo china, particularly for northern areas where we could be doubts with about a 100 to 200 meters of rain. all of that is leaking into southern china. but when you get away from the rain, it is hot and muggy, so shanghai next few days, your temperature, your feels like temperature will be around 50 degrees with some chances to catch a few drops of rain over the next a bit as well. the seed also extending into japan, we seem record temperatures here, seat stroke alerts in play for all of the islands, with the exception of how kind of island and it's been equally as hot through the korean peninsula humid there as well. introduce it looks like this, mostly con, few scattered showers here and there. but i think the best bet to see prolonged periods of rain will be on borneo island on thursday, and still showers in the mix for w. a. stretching from the pill drive right into the kimberly, that's now moving into the fight, but for the other end of the country. okay,
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let's put the colors on dark, the blue and the purple. the colder it is sub 0 in camber, up waking up friday morning. but let's go back to thursday, still cool for new zealand, south island and rain for the east cape. that's it. see you later. the, the latest news as it breaks, the united nations hopes that the focus on the refugee team will help people understand the stigmatize ation. marginalization and violence suffer 5 refugee with detailed coverage. the appropriate has never experienced a lot slight on the scale of with this. so many people killed from around the world . between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week it's so close to the store. we can see it clearly within they can die or the
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. ringback the, the, you're watching all to 0 reminder of our top stories miss our and out a 0 journalist, a smile girl. and is camera that are on the, i'll receive, been chosen. and these really it strikes their call was hit the attack ads to the wise and death told them palestinian media was covering israel's one gaza view and
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security councils held and emotions and meeting the following. the assassination of homeless, politically the, is smile on the intent on your on says it's investigating on me is getting and that it will be avenged on the boss has declared the assassination will not go on onset . both inflamed is well for the attack to. this is what we know so far about the us and the assassination of the is smiling in almost a political leader was killed alongside his party, got into ron uranium to meet his say. he was staying at a special ed quote is for war veterans immediate as also report to you was hit by enable guided projectile loan from outside the country. i knew it was into hong to attend the negotiation of president. my food position can on tuesday, a safe me to say is funeral will be held in town or on. i'll just,
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there is defense editor. at least the top of us has more on the weapons likely used in the attack. now looks very much like a little heavier was killed by stand off missile fired from quite some distance away. now normally the platform useful that sort of thing would be a drone um, drove and very much like the one that is real use of, of a boot assassinating the senior has belong lead to yesterday. this is unlikely in this scenario as well, and it's fine to be able to fly something like that. it would be rude because the space is pretty uncontested. but somewhere like over a run, especially with tyrone where you have a very coordinate to the defense. you're going to need something very, very special indeed. and what they use for the unlikely used is that the version of the, of 35 still fight to. so they built this of the united states and they've tweaked it because at a small combat radius,
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they've boosted the fuel so they can now fly long range combinations inside to ron, inside iran, within the thames are the 2 strikes. and then the leaders, or indeed nuclear facilities, which is why it was originally bought for what is likely now is the, there are 2 weapons that they were talking about using and they being pretty much taylor made for assassination. these or to cruise missiles, the wind storm and the deadline. but send me sophie, they have about a 250 kilometer range and they are extremely accurate. they could literally differentiate between landing here or that. but they have a 20 to 30 kilogram warheads. so then over to blue, blow up the building, they're not going to destroy the city block, but they will kill everybody in a specific room. and that looks very much like it was use and come to your point earlier that you mentioned that it was a missile fly from outside the country with that given range. it looks very much
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like it was fired from somewhere over the caspian sea to i knew it was killed, was off to, is a launch the strike on the liberties. carpets will be root, funerals have been held for a woman and 2 children, who among the 5 people who died in that attack as little says, if killed a senior has will come on the 4th sugar as well as now confirmed his death. israel accused him of planning an attack in the occupied golden heights of guilds, 12 people on saturday. they know, could you report from the route in only hours to leaders in a runs regional network were targeted as well said it had killed senior, has about a commander for ad sugar and a single strike. and they route 2 hours later, another strike interest, ron assassinated. her mouse's political leader is miles, honey, whose death you run, blamed on isabel terminals, even with the attack happening on iranian soil, supreme leader. and they come in at a promise to avenge his killing. and the command of the revolutionary guards said
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what is called the resistance fronts, including iran would respond that could be causing a response as well. you know, it has wound up as they yeah many, there's a sense forces have also been active in the last 10 months. a says the genocide in best i started. and again, last night that they had some bases in the rock that's, that's the best it is. so there could be a joint quote, the 4th add to make sure the response is in there. man is that, that is right, is with the knots repeats the same type of a criminal act. israel has neither confirmed nor denied its role in the assassination of honey. in the past, officials have said they would assassinate everyone who had
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a connection to the october 7th attacks in southern israel honeys. this is expected to undermine efforts to mediate them and to as well as hor on garza and and to that floor is necessary to comb the lab and on front to the country's caretaker government is not directly involved in the conflict but held an emergency meeting. and warrant israel has shifted the situation to a state of quote, open danger. how's the law has confirmed? the shocker was in the building at the time of the strike. it was the highest striking, has full of commander israel targeted in the past 10 months since hostilities triggered by, as well as war on gaza, began sugars rank 2nd in command. and does she have the council, has the laws decision making body has the law has opened the front against as well along the border with lebanon, and believes as well once war and says,
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it is ready. but since the strikes is where the officials are saying they don't want war, but are preparing for all possibilities. people keep asking about, is there a regional escalation or the prospects for regional war? we start regional war is already there and we've seen it of over the last 10 months . the question now is more about what kinds of retaliation there might be. in the past, at least it seems that ron loving not from the under hezbollah and so forth. i have been quite measured, strategic in terms of the way that they've decided not to kind of escalate their reprisals for israel's attacks on their sovereignty and on people in their territories that might change with as well, caring out coordinated attacks beyond regional borders. the response is also likely to be a coordinated one by iran and its allies. and they believe they are facing a joint us as well. the operation against their forces across the region.
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and one that's raising tensions during a devastating war on gaza. a scenario that many have warned about that include their algebra 0, they lived. this is where the prime minister says this country has delivered crushing blows to its enemies of benjamin at to now single doubt that his will have come on to ford sugar alleging he was behind and attack in the occupied golden nights. he also says that israel is now facing sweats from every direction, but it's prepared for every scenario. now it's got them to come out. since the beginning of the war, i have conveyed that we are in a struggle against iran, z axis of evil. this is a war of existence against a strangle hold of terrorist armies, and ms files that are run wants to tighten around are next and it will be internationally at the congress. a few days ago, i mentioned the 3 main branches of this axis of evil. hum us who these and has the la protest isn't a wrong of condemned the assassination of a smile on yet?
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government supports is gathered up the universe you have to around and wednesday, just all was off to the killing. they held up the palestinian slag and pictures of the homeless leader. well, according for a decisive response to the attack protests against the assassination on funny. i have also been elderly, occupied with bank demonstrations, have been taking place in the cities of ramallah. now bruce and hebron, the good the destination of the lead, it has increased our determination and our resolution will cover the ship a heavy se they have before assassinated. you and you have seen and yes it out of thoughts and fatigue, and shackleton life with go on to the most wise. this will lead to a bit of confusion, but our resistance will continue when leaders will come to take us specifically to to because this clause is not only ours is of what else though. then we have become
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accustomed throughout our lives to the assassinations of the leaders of a national affections with the from whom also others like fonts out of the lift his movements. but the affections continue in the struggle continuous. this smell in honey is one of the great leaders of the how much movement and is left in prospected by everyone for sure. he's assessing nation will have some impacts on the resistance. if it was back. the sedans all me come onto survived an assassination attempt. that's a military graduation of jo reports of the target to the fact that we're on at a ceremony intervention eastern. so then the, the, all me says we're on, escaped and injured the video from this to the needs of and counsel shows and being chewed on by support is off the he was evacuated,
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at least 5 people were killed in the attack. the armies rival, the paramilitary rapids support forces. it's not responsible for the attack. on the we will not retreat. we will not surrender that we will not negotiate with any party, whoever they are. there's nothing that scares us. no drone will scare us until we die. one of the of the sudanese army agreed to participate and us led to peace folks in geneva, end of ending the conflict. that's devin state of the country since april last. yeah. but it was the fact that the 2 rapid support forces to 1st implemented measures agreed on in saudi arabia last year. that deals stipulated the group must withdrawal from civilian homes and other public facilities. the leader of the rapids support forces is also agreed to take part in the negotiations. the conflicts has forced more than 10000000 people from their homes,
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creating the world's largest displacement crisis. well yes it is a done is a visiting live tra, at the national university of sedan, who joins us lives now from the seattle. thanks very much for joining us. and i'll just, sarah. yes or this is the estimation attempt. to what extent is it a security failure? thank you for having me. it's. yeah, it's a, it's a clear that is a security and intelligence failure on the, on the part of the students on sources. but it also another yet a proof of research malicious behavior that are not committed to disappear, to geneva tongues in, on august 15th of this, all these that died closer which why it has been, has been taken by a drawing can be causative, drawn, which is also link to and the united kingdom permits. also highlight that there is
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regional, intervene is even in, in gene for saddam as well. do foss this assassination attempt complicating the upcoming talks if not do wailing them? of course. so if, if you what a whole is a piece stokes, you need at least like a sufficient hostilities like this and the end. but this has been the case for the iris. i've seen say the jet adults eh, each time there's like kind of dissipated dogs. daughter said actually at the start a new attack either like and how to, they're in dot for, for recently. and so, you know, it is that this set turned on on board and it's actually like us, a message that we will continue to disrupt. so don security, even though we're good, the pigeon from the united states and other countries to go to the docs to expect
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the talks of told to be any different from the previous ones to i'm, i'm very spectacle. in fact, big day, there is no way any that there is no any evidence that this stuff is going to be fruitful. beside what happens in gender of daughters sense has lost many of its a combined and controlled kind of entities. and if, if, if, if this talk is going to ask you, if anything, how about one would ask, how would daughter say, actually implement the agreement even like, especially when you have seen from jet to talk. she's that there has no way in be any implementation of egypt. i agree. and then in getting out of the civilian houses and sibling infrastructure. so it's, it's, it's very structured by skeptical and there is no, any new inside that could actually
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a fish or the region of actors who are supporting daughter, sit on their attacks and an executive that if we look back to those, to judge the tulips in terms of implementation, the agreements that came about from those talks ultimately fell away because of a lack of mechanisms and, and the agreements were not properly implemented. so with this round of talks rely on the good will of the reserve for example. yes, it's basically just like it's, it's a change of location. there is no kind of work unfortunately have seen now on the, on the media is like there is no any mechanism to actually force. so i can force the, if there is any agreements and the agreement signed in geneva, there is no, any horsemanship. there has been some talks about bringing in the united our parameter. it's an egypt for the indigo she asian tamar, which has been a,
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has it been that i've sent in to yet the dogs, but i still had who are we gonna see the u. a. e, in $14.00 to the, to actually get out of her tombs, a civilian infrastructure of dizzy era is doing that. i'm just hoping better tackling expansion and job for and, and then basically ends in end, especially if i don't see that coming. yes, it is a don, we appreciate your time and insights this evening. thanks again for joining us. us as a zone as a visiting netra at the national university of sedan is still a head on al jazeera. we speak to venezuela and refugees in columbia, who dispute the outcome on sundays presidential election, the
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these business uptake these voltage by the bank growth partner of on the dashboard to use the these business uptake the restaurant net bundle dash move forward to use
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the the 3 of the 5911 defend instead warrantable including the alleged most of mine. khalid shaikh mohammed have reached a pre agreement with us. prosecute as the pencil going announced while it been attached and most of our house. so we were the other 2 to enter a pre trial agreements to the specific terms and conditions of not being made available to the public. the city were initially charged jointly and a rained in 2008 and again in 2012, in connection with their let's roles and the september 11th attacks. lance lights
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triggered by heavy ones to rains of killed more than a 160 people in canada. in southern india, as far as he say, hundreds of more on missing emergency crews have been searching for survivors in y n a district since tuesday. but the conditions are complicating risk. you, if it's caught you lopez already on as more as much as this village in southern india has been swept away by land. slight emergency crews are hoping to find survivors, but they're also recovering lifeless bodies. most people here have lost everything in hospital survivors say the loss is overwhelming. fine on monday morning and more of what i'm doing to my husband rescued me. my daughter and my mother. we thought our son would jump out, but the water was coming too fast and pushed him towards the kitchen. then the
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house collapsed entirely. some villagers flocked to medical centers to identify the bodies of lost family members. like many mohammed weights and anxiously at a local clinic, hoping his family is still a bond in the bottom of the my mother's brothers and my 2 uncles and their children and grandkids are missing several of my relatives around 25 of them and all are still missing schools have been turned into temporary shelters, housing, survivors who have nowhere to go in there more new in the federal deals. i lost my son and my grandchild, the river shot them away. i don't have a life anymore. i have lost everything latterbush. reaching the affected areas is a challenge. homes were flattened by boulders and trees that were swept by lance lights on tuesday. what they're facing is a big problem of cutting into the houses which have collapsed. and for that they
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need heavy equipment at the moment vc on north and the positions of transfer heavy equipment across the river. it's the worst disaster in the state of care lessons. 2018. the area is a tourist attraction known for its hills and breathtaking views. now much of it is destroyed, covered in mode and debris. i had see a little this. what again, i'll just here a quote and get a sentence. full legends i need to most of that is come are up to 20 years in prison. of the was found guilty of crimes against humanity. camera was charged with murder, wave, torture, and kidnapping. linked to the massacre of more than a 150 people at the pro democracy riley in 2009 camera was denied responsibility. if captain loose does come or had disapproved of their abuses, he would have sanctioned them administratively,
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or taking disciplinary measures against them. something he did not do despite his knowledge of the crime is committed and the control exercised over their perpetrators. it follows that he also failed of his obligation to impose sanctions as provided for an article $28.00 of the rome statute. as a result of the foregoing captain muso dot, this camera should be found guilty of crimes against humanity on the basis of superior responsibility. of venezuela's, economic and humanitarian crises of, from, to millions to flee in recent years. and this under on p a t spoke to some of the people living in a neighbourhood in columbia about the declared election victory of nicholas madura . and this will include cakes this on the grills at the central park and book with the home away from home furnace style g, fitness room. but jeez, now also a space to share these appointments with the outcome of the sundays presidential
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votes. election of 32 declared and equal as my daughter, the winner, a result disputed by the opposition leading to widespread protest. they will all go through. i haven't slept for 2 nights, i'm so anxious. i hope you'll find a way out because i know that my daughter was capable off and i see a lot of people, but they will be killed. i worry about my family. i don't want that much. i have an age who has lived in columbia for 5 years as no doubt my daughter stole the election for it wasn't fraud, it was super fraud. absolutely. every one, the whole world knows that patsy. many of the more than 7000000 venezuelans who fled the economic collapse now called books to home. some say they thought the election was their last chance to go and see my daughter, who's been empowered for a decade do it. and yet i really hope the government would recognize the result this time because everybody went the extra mile to show they wanted him out. a lot of people, lot from voting made a huge sacrifices to go to venezuela,
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to vote many here, hope that political change in minutes while i would have allowed them to return back to their families. you said that you now fear that if my daughter stays in power, it will stoke a new wave of migration to suggest a quarter of the remaining population in venezuela's consuming, leaving at a time when latin american countries are erecting barriers to restrict the refugees and asylum seekers multiple funds. this is worries. some consider the situation at the dairy and gap. the new panamanian government is promising to close the border and to port migrants in the past year. we've seen the region moving away from integration towards containment. but this won't stop migration, it will only make it more dangerous. the back, that sounds relative and then he is convinced venezuelans will get rid of the president. if the way this time it will be different because the people come take it anymore. they've driven us to misery, but we will prevent what is clear is that among these migrants,
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the hunger for democratic change appears as powerful as my daughter's desire to remain power. i listen to them yet. i just eat, i'm a good that of the days of and search and see the olympic class long. this taken place in paris, the event was under swear due to high levels of pollution in the river, setting a full rece reports while the prospect coming olympic trough on going ahead without its rather crucial swimming element was finally light's arrest. on wednesday morning, officials declaring that the bacteria levels tested the day before indicated that the send was safe for the police to swim in power smith. i'm, it's all go to taking a dip in the sand to demonstrate that safety. a couple of weeks ago, she declared herself and power as 2024, very relieved on the left. then we one hour, but the pollution has been cleaned up. of course we have to see if all the new
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infrastructure that allows us to maintain good will to quality in the sense that we're working. and yes, it does function by the way, if the infrastructure hadn't been built, we couldn't have had people swimming today because of the storms that have taken place at these past few days. so we really are very happy and topping that off. we had the gold medal for france and the women's try us alone, as well. it was a women's trifle, and the ones i had 1st castle, ones at both hall winning frances 1st ever olympic gold in a trap loan. and then in the men's event, alex, you all the great britain catching new zealand, hayden wild out the last. so really for the organizes, i'm for the athletes will have more chance to see events in the sun with the 10 k swims on the mixed relay, traveling bacteria levels all being well. pull, reese out, is there a purse? well that's it for me. for me, the full this news uh well, but my colleague,
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attorney johnson will be back in a moment with a move on the days news and the latest updates, the ones to the capital of the compare empire. the serene, ancient city of uncle in present they come bowed. yeah. is it protected unesco world heritage sites? but as it's temples of lakes and irrigation canals are being preserved, many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power, investigate see events forced evictions of thousands of families the bottom for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey. this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. sears for miles is here. on the go and meet tonight. out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we the fix. analyzed from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new at you'll see that the with the nothings happening
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there's no question. why like this? let denise this call your mind. it's area where the foundation the united nations security council meets for an urgent session to discuss this explanation of the masses politically, the smile on the face of a why the confident escalate? the cherry johnston, this resolved, is there a lot from the also coming on a mass on the wrong. i'm following revenge near was killed entire wrong and is very as try con garza kills, i'll just say are a correspondent,
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the smell out. cool. and kind of amount, i mean on receipts more than $160.00 media workers have been killed. 5 is for hope since.


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