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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the un security council holds an emergency session of the assassination of the masses, politically, the smell from the as 5th of a why the conflict escalate the carry johnston this is i'll just hear a lot from to also on the program a mass on the wrong about revenge, $400.00. tyrone it says the killing is a grave breach of it. so frontier needs ready. s try con. garza kills alpha 0 correspondence smell. i'll cool and kind of mountain around the roofing. more than
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160 media workers have been killed by a sense of troops and thousands of police are injured in a u. k. a. during the romance for the nice attack that killed 3 children. the un security council has health and emergency meeting called by ron. from this test, the nation of a master political need is smell honey, the entire run around and her mass of pledge to avenge and he is death. both of blamed israel. kristen salumi has more from united nations headquarters in new york . i. yes. can you all to is this? do you want security council met at a ron's request? it's in bassett or i read over the assassination of mos negotiator is mail her name as he visited the ronnie and capital many council members including china,
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russia and now the syria condemned israel's act as a violation of iran sovereignty and territorial integrity. so did palestine violence inter are clearly israel's main and only currency, not international law, not diplomacy, not mediation, not respect for human life. there is no red line for israel, no lot will not reach no norm. it will not trample around blame the united states, as well as israel, the responsibility of the united states as this throughout the july and main supportive of these regulars, you mean division to must be overlooked in this call to crime. this act could not be a care we taught the authorization and intelligence support of the us. the us denied any knowledge of the attack instead of broader war was neither imminent nor inevitable. we encourage members of council with direct influence overrun,
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to increase pressure on it, to stop escalating its proxy conflict against israel and other actors. indeed, every member of this council should call on a rhonda stop arming, advising in financing terrace groups, and to rein in the actions of proxies and partners who threaten regional peace and security. israel also blame, drawn without admitting responsibility for the attack is of merely a sponsor of terrorism is the very engine driving the machinery of death and destruction the freaking social of the blood of innocent children, and much those from some of the victims of october 7th, mexico, and all the victim since then. meanwhile, the head of un peacekeeping and other envoys have been meeting with government officials in lab. and on for the targeting of a senior hezbollah official, resulted in 4 dead civilians. they are calling for restraint. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations un secretary general set the latest events on the mind. efforts
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of a cease fox. the white house still believes there's a bible process for negotiations to continue. we still believe the gaps are narrow enough to be closed. we still believe the details can be hashed out. it's too soon to know based on the reporting of the last 2448 hours. what impact any of this is going to have on? it was always complicated. it remains complicated and, and reports coming out of the region, as we've seen again over the last 24 to 48 hours. certainly don't make it less complicated in contact with the safety cutter to reassure them to stay conversations, to just say that we have and maintain routine communications with our counterparts in egypt and in color. and with israel, those comp, those communications are ongoing. correspondence for us in jordan is in washington dc with more on this now the president, how concerned is washington? the latest developments in the middle east? the one thing that you've been hearing coming from members of the board and harris
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administration, since the 1st reports of as well funny as kelly, early on wednesday and turnaround is that while this is not something that they wanted to see, given that how much is a terrorist organization under the eyes of us law, they also wanted to make it important to note that the removal of one person involved and then it goes to ations for a cease fire in the war. and garza is not going to necessarily up in those negotiations. the us is trying to stay focused on what it says is the bigger picture, which is bringing an end to a conflict that is now entering. it's 301st day in gaza in the us. it wants to make it very clear that it is working very diligently to try to reduce tensions between israel and its neighbors. even though it does say that israel does have the right
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to self defense, especially in light of the latest attack coming from huntsville law onto a playground in the occupied go on heights this past weekend in washington dc forest as i brought it in. thank you for message physically, the smell honey and his body guard were killed in a striking tie rod on wednesday state medias say he was staying in a special residence for who veterans when the attack happens about to am local time . around says it's investigating the kidney and it will be avenged until mass has declared the assassination will not go on sit. i was, was the ron and leaving on. and the resistance will need to leave this on on, said the resistance. and the brigade will never stay without an onset. what is being done by design is entity is to doing the entire region to escape forward because the filed to achieve the goals,
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we have said more than once that these reilly's done once in the agreement. so i don't want to deal, they only want to continue their aggression despite all the finally these ready, prime minister says his country has delivered crushing those to its enemies. benjamin netanyahu singled out to his, come on the flag shook, alleging he was behind, and attack and occupied go then heights. he also says that these rel is now facing threats from every direction, but it's prepared for every single area in gaza out, is there a journalist as male? i'll go and come around around the re fi. i've been killed and is ready to run strike. i'll just hit our media network who's quoting it's a targeted assassination by is rarely forces. they've been reporting at the home of mass political, the, the smell i knew who was killed in a striking throughout both turn this sweat previously detained. by his very forces or covering the war on garza and abused, wanting custody on the cell phones. a scene that's become all too familiar.
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palestinian journalists targeted and killed by israeli forces and is just need a correspondent. it's not a nother who and camera man drawing me of the feet were targeted spine is really air strike on their vehicle. while they were clearly marked as press this waste is the phrase by international institutions, but it did not protect alcoholic is smile or any other colleagues of thought. you can see how this faced has become stained with dismantled blood and some of his body pots. what the smile do to deserve to convey the sufferings of the people and the true image. the blood on this face is a testament to the sacrifice his body parts still on it is mine and drawing me. we're reporting in the shop, the refugee camp in northern gauze,
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though you're the home of him. as political chief is 9, he was assassinated earlier the day and 8 on witnesses from the scene recount the harrowing images saying their bodies were in pieces and the to have a ton. and when i heard the sound of a missile landing, so i rushed out of the house and so is now coming out of finance house with the press and getting into the vehicle. and they told me the military had showed the house with a missile warning, and the roof immediately began to leave and evacuated. the area, moments later i received a call that the as mail. i'll go have them killed out in a statement and just need a media network, condemn the killing, saying with these really occupation forces targeted the vehicle in which is small. you draw me, we're traveling with a missile, resulting in cold blooded assassination. this latest attack on inches either journalist is part of a systematic targeting campaign against the networks of journalists and their
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families. since october of 2023. israel has repeatedly targeted palestinian journalists covering the war on concepts. at least a 165 journalist and media workers have been cube and is really a taps in what's become known as the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. have the said who was just, you know, for any of my colleagues associates, hey, i spoke to he and who do i, who's in the, i'll blog, she told her more about, but this male and running a man who has a very humble kind, loving journalist who has been covering the wars since the one since the 7th of october may assign many god the space, the boss you waited to the, to the south are here in the southern parts of the cars are for please say states in the northern parts and he was reporting for
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a just either he always used to post photos and stories of his little doctor and how much she misses him and how much he misses her. because certain this are not only reporting about what's going on in the gaza strip, but they're also living every single detail when you report about something, words to the living good night and was targeted as after he finished reporting and, and making a package about tonight and he is us as a nation and he was targeted along with his colleague and camera man. around me is the both of them. i've been killed and we got news that some journalist made it safe, but they were in a spot that refugee camp when they were targeted and it was very close to it's my and he is, has my is just like every other journalist, worst king and reporting since the one it was putting all his life in risk to
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report to the world what was happening because there has been no international or for internal this coming in and the people and the journalists of gaza are the only source of information. stuff is coming out of gauze and informing the world's of what's really happening on the ground. he was wearing his oppressed jacket. it was very obvious that he was a journalist, but the is ready for us is targeted him and a drum unit. this makes the number of the palestinian journals that have been killed since the 7th of october to 100. $65.00 journalist 3 kills while they were reporting on the war and the genocide that's taking place in the gaza strip. hands. this isn't the 1st time either. that is small, was talking to advise really forces. he was detained for some 12 hours torsion back in march. and yet he continued to report. well, yes, i remember when he made this away from the is there any forces in history,
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some actually n t manage to escape from being detained? and i remember him calling me in his it's all telling me hands, i made it out and i don't know how i got the courage to escape from uh the is really soldiers, but he was sold to a great view as so like we wanted to report the news reports every single day from because of the city and the another in parts. and if it wasn't a package of our reports or no, just the day was also using his instagram platform to make reels in post. and instagram. he was, was reporting in documents and every single thing that was happening in because if he had connections with everyone, the so despite being separated, it never disconnected us from each other. and he calls me 2 days ago asking me how we can evacuate, is a child to sue the southern parts to receive the medical treatment. but it wasn't
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the only a journalist, but he was also trying his best to help the people to help with feeding people for medicine a lot. you try this. this is best to help everyone in this community and not only reporting, but also spreading the message to half as much people as possible. i to at least 14 protest indians have been killed in a several is very strikes taunting cause. in our late in central garza, well this is the scene from the strike. 5 people were killed when the car was telling you to the vehicle was used to a score on your trucks with somebody hearing aids to central guns that israel is minutes. we destroyed 2 more causes in this area on wednesday, so it's coming out to sarah 3 of the 5 non 11 defendants at guantanamo, including the next most of mine beach and a p t or with us prosecutors. and then picks competition on the shadow of conflicts
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around the house games. the security is tight. nick's attention has been released. the missionary selves leader who fought in a brutal 21 years civil war and switch on to become so dense. first, vice president, a news release, global knowledge to which we would identify what happens next is still a mystery. which is the real world tells the story of john graham and mysterious death analogy. african stories from african perspective. some of them are on a henry to me this month for us, a mouthful of sam is in you to me, kind of to show documentary by african filmmakers from donna and box
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one. 0, it was the will. and those are fine. i will finish zillow, who's a little of a sound of ceremony, and the interpreter, a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra, investigative journalism voices from different corners. stories from other angles. programs that open your eyes to an alternative as to where today on now to sierra the without just a reminder of our top stores this. the un security council has health and emergency meeting for him,
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the assassination of the masses that to complete the smell on the entire wrong rounds and best the told accounts estimation of frontier was a grave breach of iran suffering wrong. that says it's investigating honey is turning not to who the offense an ass has declared, the specification will not go on on. most of blamed as well for the and i'll just say which and this is male, i'll go on to his camera man around me recently have been killed. and then he's really struck that car was kit. i'm just here at media network. he's quoting into talking to assess nationwide is very full since 3 of the 5 non 11 defendants at guantanamo, including the alleged most of mine, khalid shaikh mohammed. i've reached a plea agreement with us prosecute, has defensive gone, announced while it's been natasha and with stuff on her style. we were the other 2 to enter pre trial agreements. the specific terms and conditions has not been made
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available to the public at this time. that's where you were initially charged jointly under ratings in 2008 and again in 2012, in connection with the alleged roles and the september 11th attacks. o'con greenberg is director of the center on national security at the for them university school, the flow. she joins us from new york. welcome to the program. a break it down for us if you will. what will this plea deal actually mean for the defendants as well? we don't know the, we don't know the details, but it means a lot. what it means is that this trial, which has been put off for now 12 years, it will not happen. but the issue has been resolved with this pre deal. it means that the idea of bringing guantanamo to closure is one more step closer, because solving this case, resolving this case, getting to
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a verdict mean something. it also may mean that the united states was willing to entertain certain conditions that the detainees were putting into this play deal that they had not been willing to entertain in the past. and that included continued medical care for the rest of their lives. not having solitary confinement, so we don't know exactly what that means. i know this is a case that we have waited so long to see any kind of movement at all the judge in the case judge, i'm a call because already tried to resign. once he put it off a little bit and he had, he had indicated that he might put it off again if these pre trial here, he's kept going on. but there still was no trial date for it to start. remember, this is a case that we tried to bring to the united states many years ago after the 1st um, after the, after they were 1st charged in 2008. and our colder tried to moved it to the united
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states during the obama presidency. and it was a non starter, it just wasn't happening after 2015. no detainees were allowed by law to come to the united states for any reason at all, including trial or detention or medical care. and so what this means is that an issue that has laid on resolved in terms of legality in terms of human rights, in terms of many other things has now come to a resolution. let me ask you the, if i may forgive me, what's all the implications then for the remaining people still being held at one time? okay, so the implications are best. it means that the other is both in this case and other fears. there's, they're, they're only, they're only 7 people right now i, i think facing child potentially, it means that we can reduce the possibility of having to go to those trials. that there can be plea deals. the administration after administration in the united states that the misuse to enter into play deal arrangements,
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which meant taking the death penalty off the table. all of these individuals that are now up for trial in the military commissions are facing the death penalty. and so the question is, could they negotiate take death off the table in exchange for a live sentence or, or others in other cases perhaps and negotiate a deal that had some conditions attached to it. and this is drag on. and on the 1st time they tried to do this to enter a plea, deal with 2017. then again in 2022, it came up and it's been discussed and the score ok discuss. all right, forgive me. we're all going to have to jump in that we've run out of time, but kind of green, but thank you very much indeed for joining us. the law from new york. okay, thanks. police and the u. k. of charles a 17 year old male with murder, offering nice attack in the south for a monday. 3 goes all under the age of 10 were killed. others were injured in the attack on the suspect is also facing 10 counts of attempted murder. in the wake of
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the stop being dozens of police officers have been injured in bottom confrontations as far right demonstrates is known as the benefits census. this report from southpoint to the cleanup of the mess caused by the riots the night before. this must consult for a town in the north west of england was the target of a far right mold with tend to violence by force. room is online that a suspect in a mass stopping in which 3 little girls were killed with them is the refugee, the by police, will pelted with photos, breaks and 5 with 50 of them injured. and as became unfolded outside the mosque, people college inside the start same breaks like petrol, bombs. we are a fire just behind me when i run off, we for the actual building was on fire. we're just going to stop cry and thinking is i was i'm coming to an end i'm always have it on my shoulders
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before and that it was you my, i'm scared for my family as well. if i break, this town is trying to repair the damage. this is the wall of the most because it was fixed by local tradesman a community coming together. people bringing volta on a hot day. those that we supposed to say that the violence was committed by people coming from outside of this area. the disorder came in the wake of a tragedy. this memorial is for young children and 2 adults who was stopped at a taylor swift jones book shop in town. on monday goes h $67.00 and $9.00 were killed. 5 year old kaya was at school with one of them. what do you want to say now? good. say to say. thank you. thank you. very nice. so she's very upset right now and we are,
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we love her. she was very beautiful. the police arrested a 17 year old boy who they say was born in person, but all right, that goes on. social media claimed falsely that he was an asylum seeker. i just won the see whether the trace is being withheld and even really elected member of parliament. and i defer raj speculated online whether in his was the truth was being withheld horribly wrong. and that's the right is what causing havoc. the mother of one of the magic goals pleaded for them to stop on facebook. the style now forever mocked by the violence of the last few days later as you need to reach out to 0 south port. so don, so let me come out and that has survived an assassination attempt that submitted, treat graduation. a driving reported they targeted a bill, fight to of the hon at a survey and ship it in eastern saddam
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the, the army says the hon escaped uninsured. video from the city in these suffering counsel shows ending chair don't bicycles, himself. he was evacuated from the scene. at least 5 people were killed in the attack. the security operation for power is 2024 has been one of the largest ever for the lympics during the image of significant global tension. latasha buckley reports now from paris, a ballistics organized as hope that escalating tensions in the middle east of the masters. political leader is man, i knew it was killed in the wrong way to impact the games in paris, where athletes from the regional competing. what are you going to be doing in terms of the security? can we expect you to be stepping it off at home?
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and rest assured that there's very good security, very strong security there in touch with this all the time, assuring this all the time. but i can't actually go into the details of, of what the is cody of this week. french police open to the investigation into death threats, received online by somebody's ravia fleets. from his interior municipal says the team is being called a to round the clock. i decided that fund ruble, delegations, in particular these really did a gauge and would be protected 24 hours a day by the french police, as well as by specialized agents, a pulse dissipation of israeli athletes. and the game has and good some the age of the policy need and then pick committee debris over tube is calling for the team to be burned. i think is that i should not be in facts 85 percent of the lower than for the 5000 people can of kids, women and innocent people. what's more to convince 0 today is
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that it 2 days later this age palestinian athlete so in the competition among the books. so what's the matter of salt warship depicting children being born and creating ceremony? the r o c has strict rules on political statements, but the anti bully message was allowed and the t should represented the image that exists in palestine. today, children killed and dying under rubble. children whose families of moss and left alone without food or water. the i see will, the russian instead of russian athletes should compete under a neutral flag because must go to craig noon athletes when it's onyx to create new territory breaking olympic rules. the palestinian olympic committee wants to know why the stables dung, to point to ease row when it says at least 400 pounds. assuming athletes have been killed in the gaza, with the situation in the middle east ever move forward a tall it will be increasingly difficult for and then picks organizes to keep
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politics out of the games. natasha butler. i'll just sarah paris. the weather is next to the inside story examines the implications of this stuff. the nation of the mass that told me that this male honey, you stay with us the the, the hello, the nancy rains have really done a number on the southern indian and states of caroline. so a number of rescue is now being carried out with flood waters this high got to tell you the forecast on thursday shows these months in rains now transferring to ward central and northern areas of india. so things states like method dash, we've got heavy falls of rain in the forecast at the same time with this breeze of the bay, then goal that skipping up moisture and humidity, it's going to dump it on bung with dishes capital doc of so over 48 hours you're
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looking at about half a month's worth of rain is month to range also extending over northern areas of indo china. so in the zone here, we're looking at about a $100.00 to $200.00 millimeters of rain. and this is also point in to southern china, so there's been grounds of intense rain here, stretching up through this central gain see river valley, just not too far away from shanghai, but because shanghai is in the sunshine, hot and sticky with this free is of these trying to see the feeling closer to about 50 heat stroke alerts and play for all of japan's islands with the exception of her title and threw into an easier some rain wandering around borneo island. and we had this weather report and focused on with month to range, looking bad for punch at providence on thursday, around low for see you later. maybe his son goes head to head with his really historians that he morris. the jews were
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on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs, and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990 israel is committed numerous of all crimes since the hospital friends on the type of stuff. i'm fairly sure that'd be fine. the toward itself is not a wall time head to head on just a rough the what's the follow? it's from the killing of a smelly and had me yet into ron. from us, as a political leader was assassinated as tension in the middle east is running high. how much of a blow is this to her boss on to iran on put honey as death escalates into a full regional conflict. this is inside story. the .


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