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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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friendly solutions to come back to our planet. on tuesday, around the united nations security council needs for an urgent session to discuss this estimation of the masses. politically, the smell from the 1st phase of a why the conflict desk the on carry johnston. this is out to 09 from also coming out of mass under on 5. revenge for honey. tyrone says the kidding is a great breach of itself, which is very astro icon garza kills alex's era correspondence smote. i'll go and comment on that. run the, i'll be more than 160 media workers have been killed by israel since i'm a new tape for the same the fall and rights for rights following and nice the times
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that killed 3 children. the un security council was held in emergency maintain cooled by a wrong following the assassination of a master political, the de smell honey entire on palestine is representative about the un said that israel must be held accountable for its crimes around and a mass of touch to avenge, and the as best both have blamed as well. christians to lead me has mona united nations headquarters in new york? i. yes. can. you know if there's, there's the un security council met at a ron's request. it's in bassett or i read over the assassination of mos negotiator is male, her name, as he visited the ronnie and capital many council members, including china, russia and now the syria condemned israel's act as
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a violation of iran sovereignty and territorial integrity. so did palestine violence inter are clearly israel's main and only currency, not international law, not diplomacy, not mediation, not respect for human life. there is no red line for israel, no lot of will not reach no norm. it will not trample around blame the united states, as well as israel, the responsibility of the united states as this throughout the july and main supportive of these values. you mean division to must be overlooked in this call to crime. this act could not be a cause. we taught the authorities ation an intelligent support of the us. the us denied any knowledge of the attack instead of broader war was neither imminent nor inevitable. we encourage members of council with direct influence over or on to
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increase pressure on it, to stop escalating its proxy conflict against israel and other actors. indeed, every member of this council should call on around to stop arming, advising and financing terrace groups. and to rein in the actions of proxies and partners who threaten regional peace and security. israel also blame, drawn without admitting responsibility for the attack you run is of nearly a sponsor of terrorism is the very engine driving the machinery of death and destruction. the freaking social of the blood of innocent children and much those from some of the victims of october, 7th, mexico, and all the victim. since then. meanwhile, the head of un peacekeeping and other envoys have been meeting with government officials in lab and on for the targeting of a senior hezbollah official, resulted in 4 dead civilians. they are calling for restraint. preston salumi alger 0. the united nations for the valve joins us now from washington. they say phil
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howell washington, be viewing that these latest developments in the middle east as well with a great amount of concern, but also with that on wavering focus on getting a ceasefire reached to me. we had from robert woods, the deputy i'm boss of the, to the united nations during not missing what he said. the situation is grave, but they all determined that they will what was what some kind of ceasefire get onto the blink. and the secretary of state, who's carly in the far east, he said that the, what he's using is imperative that they needs to be a real focus on making sure that sci fi is reached. of course, as we just had in kristen's report, the us as it had absolutely no knowledge of this attack before it happened back here in washington. that has been some remarks, but they be fairly abusive. funny mixed. i mean, we had drunk harvey, who was the national security communications adviser to the white house. he spoke earlier, he spent more time saying, i'm not really going to be able to tell you anything that actually telling us
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anything. he told us that president biden had been briefed on released issues as he is daily. he wouldn't be with holes, but they weren't aware of the situation, but they couldn't really comment any more. and that's the communication channels are still open between the likes of the us and kata on egypt we had from the korean jump. yeah, she's the white house press secretary, welcome. see here at the lights and talking to reports as she was asked about the issue, she gave what you could have anybody described as a really answer, where she then referred to back to the president's middle east. and that's the foreign policy records. it is being reported here in the us, that president biden before the end of his presidency is planning on doing some kind of well tool of conflicts. those are places where therapy a big middle, a big, big policy issues during his tenure. obviously the middle east is likely to be one of those areas. but at the moment there is very little coming out of the us, at least tonight. but then again, secretary clinton is in the far east as i say, he's in mongolia. so we're expecting to hear some more woods from him in the coming
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hours. philip out, thank you. the message, politically, the smell of honey and his body guards were killed in a striking tie. rod on wednesday state knew there say he was staying in a special residence for war veterans. when the attack happens that about to a local time around that says it's investigating the kidding and it will be avenged . and a mass has declared these tests, nation will not go on, sit around and living on. and the resistance will need to leave this on on, said the resistance, and the brigade will never stay without an onset. what is being done by design is entity is to doing the entire region to escape forward because the filed to achieve the goals we have said more than once, that is riley's done once in agreement. they don't want a deal. they only want to continue their aggression despite all the finally,
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these really prime minister says his country has delivered crushing blows to its enemies. benjamin that's, and you all have a single down to it has, but i'll come on the slide show. good, alleging he was behind and attack and occupied go down heights. he also says that israel is now facing threats from every direction, but it's prepared for every scenario. is what all has released a video of the come on the slide show who was killed and then is very striking to payment sub on tuesday, $11.00 and based group confirmed his death 24 hours off to the strike. he's believe to be one of the founders of as below, as ministry wait. another 3 people, including 2 children, were also killed in the attack. the palestinians have gathered the occupied westbank to protest against the assassination of demonstrations have been taking place in the cities of a matter of this and the good no problem that says the nation of the lead. it has increased determination and our resolution will club the fellow ship
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a heavy se they have before assassinated. sure. and you have seen and yes, what other thoughts and fatigue and shackleton life with go on obviously the most why this will lead to a bit of confusion, but our resistance will continue. will leaders will come to take responsibility because this cause is not only ours is of worlds in we have become accustomed throughout head lice to the assassinations of the leaders of our national affections with the from him. also others like fonts out of the lift his movements, but the affections continue and the struggle continues. this is one of the great leaders of the how must movement and is loved and respected by everyone for sure. he's assess the nation will have some impacts on the resistance if it was back. need to. abraham has mona from ramada in the occupied west back the halston hands of responded to calls for a general strike that stopped full walks of life in the occupied westbank including
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occupied east jerusalem morning. now, so as a nation of the have asked the that somebody in honey, in the process that took place in several areas and the occupied was thank people have recounted the, the man that we've been hearing for a long time. now. the national palace to be in unit 2 needs to be restored. this is something that palestinians have been urging their political leadership to do the readers to re unite and unify under one umbrella. and we've seen that sign of unity from the palestinian president with our best from the palestinian prime minister. how much more stuff are both really using statements condemning the assassination. a warning heavy yeah. as a national policy and indeed there and figure it especially that he led that's one point, the policy and governments as a prime minister, old and older the palestinians. 3 people say that they've been getting used to israel assassinating, then be there is killing their national figures. but they say that their demands
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for justice and freedom from these review occupation will continue. they say they will keep striving to end israel's occupation and become free with that. but he and just eat all the occupied was thing how this time and protest is and around the have condemned. this fascination of smell on in government supports as gather that the university of tyrone on wednesday. the style is off to the kenning. they held out the palestinian flag and pictures of the how i'm actually quoting for a decisive response to the attack in gaza houses 0 to and this is smell alto and come a man around me. i'll raise the, had been killed and then is ready to go and strike. i'll just say the media network . who's quoting it, a targeted assassination by just very forces. they've been reporting it near the home of mass politically, the smell near who was killed in a striking tyrone both during this were previously detained. vice very forces while covering the war and gaza under bused one and custody of that. some of the points
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a scene that's become all too familiar. palestinian journalist targeted and killed by israeli forces. and just need a correspondent. it's not a level and camera man drawing me of the feet. were targeted spine is really air strikes on their vehicle while they were clearly marked as press this waste is the phrase by international institutions, but it did not predict alcoholic is smile or any other colleagues of thought. you can see how his face has become stained with the smell of blood and some of his body parts. what it is, smell do to deserve to convey the sufferings of the people and the true image. the blood on this face is a testament to the sacrifice his party pups, us still on it. that is makayla drama,
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were reporting in the shop at refugee camp and northern gauze. though you're the home of how much political chief is mine, handing it was assassinated earlier the day ended on witnesses from the scene recounts the harrowing images saying their bodies were in pieces and the to have a time. when i heard the sound of a missile landing, so i rushed out of the house and so is now coming up in the us house with the press and getting into the vehicle. and they told me the military had showed the house with a missile warning, and the roof immediately began to leave and evacuate the area. moments later i received a call that yes ma'am, i'll go have them killed out in a statement and just eat a media network. condemn the killing, saying these really occupation forces targeted the vehicle and which is my, you know, drawing me, we're traveling with a missile, resulting in cold blooded assassination. this latest to tap on inches
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e to journalists is part of a systematic targeting campaign against the networks of journalists and their families. since october of 2023, israel has repeatedly targeted palestinian journalists covering the war on concept . at least a 165 journalist and media workers have been cube and is really a taps in what's become known as the deadliest conflict on record for journalists. have the said who was just ego dirty ginsburg is president of the committee to protect janice. she says there appears to be a passive israel's, a tense silence information coming out of gauze under full jeanette lady. these are 2 killings. dots mock, the deadly as conflict for done this, that the committee to protect on this has evidence documented in the 3rd 2 years that we've been recruiting killings of done this. we have documented over
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a 111 gentlemen. so media work has killed and as you said, the number may be higher than that. it is an extraordinarily dangerous environment for joined the list. and this is the nature of this deadly example. when we know that done is have been directly targeted by is ready forces in gauze, at least we, we know to have been deliberately targeted. we're investigating at least 10 more and the number may be high. i'm not so know, don't just deposit and that we've seen in this conflict in this war. it's a passing that we've seen over the past 2 decades with regards to is randomly it's done list of repeatedly targeted and it's positive, unfortunately about the past. and that we've seen that has that, that seems to attempt to silence and stifle information coming out of cause that we've seen it with the bombing of. i'll just there, are we seeing that with the high numbers of
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a rest of john elizabeth and garza. and in the west bank, the attacks on media facilities direct to types of media facilities. and of course, repeated communications blackouts is rarely for says, have also continue the tax on residential areas and to submit an infrastructure. at least 14 palestinians were killed in 3 is ready. drone strikes on vehicles and i was the way to and 42 bodies had been recovered from con eunice for him. the withdrawal of as many troops on choose day axels, armitage has more of the aftermath of and these rarely drawn striking garza one vehicle reduced a tangled, wreckage, stained with blood. some palestinians were killed in owls of a directed you account with us to say there were law enforcement personnel who had left their out by law to secure a site for distribution, cooking gas,
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a critical resource and the warrant towards the straight no such as it. none of us must go up and then i heard this huge explosion and i saw people and other things flying in the street. the scene was horrific. no one would ever think of seeing, such as the sight unseen in their life. this isn't just this, it is unfair to treat civilians in the many bus like this. the spell experience rushed to health is really forces caught them in the 2nd jerome strike. their bodies were taken to alex the hospital for a funeral was held. meanwhile, a ton unit, civil defense teams have recovered hundreds more bodies found in schools previously use the civilian shelters or casualties of a days long crowned to peroration vice really forces that has left widespread to destruction with much of gaza, demolished, and unsafe. the students have no place to shelter,
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and every day is full of uncertainty and danger. access i much out 0. so to come here off to the break. the test is in bands and test them on the high coaching dot com release. this recently arrested student demonstrates the hello the non se rains have really done a number on the southern indian and states of care less. so a number of rescue is now being carried out with flood waters this high. and it's how you, the forecast on thursday shows these months in range now transferring to words, central and northern areas of india. so think states like mother per dash, we've got heavy falls of rain in the forecast at the same time with this breeze of the bay, then goal that scooping up moisture and humidity,
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it's going to dump it on the phone with dishes capital doc of so over 48 hours, you're looking at about half a month's worth of rain is month to range. also extending over northern areas of indo china. so in the zone here, we're looking at about a $100.00 to $200.00 millimeters of rain. and this is also pouring in to southern china, so there's been grounds of intense rain here, stretching up through the central yankee river valley, just not too far away from shanghai, but because shanghai is in the sunshine, hot and sticky with this free is of these trying to see feeling closer to about 50 heat stroke alerts and play for all of japan's islands, with the exception of hope title, and through and doing easier. some rain, wandering around borneo island and we had this weather report and focused on with months to rain. so looking bad for punjab providence on thursday, around low for see you later. the unique perspective. i love that i really not that because the i left and nothing is
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something you that we on heard voices. the fact that we are committed to getting the best i can now for all of us to be so much connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if there was all of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable, that's the heart of what's the stream on our, just the or the the book about her mind to about top stores. this event security council has held an emergency meeting for them, the assassination of the message politically,
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the smell near in tehran, ron's ambassador told the council about the assassination of was a great breach of iran suffering around such as investigating honey, is kidding. and that's for the event the mass has declared this destination will not go on. most of them is really all the ins and outs of their agenda is smell and i'll go on to is coming from a l. v. a have been killed and it is very strong. that call was kit. i'll just hear a median. that's what he's quoting. it's a targeted assassination by his brittany forces to don. so let me come out and that has survived an assassination attempt that's a minute treat graduation addressed. and unfortunately targeted adults not to other one. at a sermon interpret in eastern sit on of the the only says the honda escapes uninsured video from the student. these silver and
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cancel shows indeed, cheered owned by supporters of the he was evacuated from the sea. at least 5 people were killed in the armies rival the power minute to record support for so says it's responsible for let me know. otherwise we will not retreat. we will not surrender that we will not negotiate with any party, whoever they are. there's nothing that scares us. no drone will scare us until we die. now, jerry, or is bracing for 10 days of nationwide protests against the rising cost of living . the goals for demonstrations are still king, is of a repeats on the font and protests against police brutality security has been based off around key facilities across the country. i did use reports now from vegas in markets across nigeria, residents broke up on food and other st. shows as
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a country braces for 10 days of protest organize. i say there wouldn't be cowed or restricted by security forces. the idea of the id put says, is basically let the government little that they just have had, you know, of the i 100 list of use of you memorize the, a civil economics is to switch on, driven by the policies that they have moved illegals. i did his business capital security forces say they already. this is very clear. so, so that's what puts us as peaceful, devoid of all as with the void of the already 50, that we don't need and sizing 20 terms. now you're still recovering from the depth and looting that month to protest against police brutality 4 years ago is my little show. i would like that a was that this would be smart tvs inside, even though it's more because uh s as was by, uh,
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particularly about on is the dish of the police police uh the licensee and developing for people one that's just up to date. this particular process and bundled with us with this is about this time that the, i'm leaving of the people. the organizers have presented a list of 19 demands of the call for just as grievance, as it's very mobile upstairs subsidy on petroleum products with their blame for the rising cost of living. the organizer said that was done was paid until when it's reinstated. the government said the subsidy drains, which also is meant for develop, rising cost of food has pushed now get us inflation to attend to $80.00 a high in june. and it's not food alone, petroleum electricity prices. i've also risen. but a significant number of nigerians opposed to the protest. your right to put this is a fund, i mean thought i, my life mostly be a part of your put this is also my phone done. i thought i'd just have said, because you up with this be that you want to shut down my old right head of the
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protest and then i get in. president ordered the suspension of tax on such an important foods, including rice, the country staple. the also signed and you know, more than doubling the minimum wage, but for justice on move the one state subsidies on patrol back and are prepared for confrontation. how many degrees? i would use ita lagos, 3 of the a 5 non and less than the defendants at guantanamo, including the alleged mazda mine khalid shaikh mohammed have reached a pre agreement with us. prosecutors these specific times and conditions have not been made available to the public. the 3 were initially charged jointly underwriting in 2008 in connection with the alleged roles and the september 11th attacks. first in jordan, fall this report from washington 12 years after they were a raid and a military commission at guantanamo bay, cuba. 3 of the men accused of planning and paying for the $911.00 attacks have
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entered into play deals with the us military. this means that they will spend the rest of their lives in a military prison without facing the prospect of being put to death. for those who were killed on that day, it back in 2001. the college check mohammed has always described himself as the so called mastermind of the attacks to other men, mustafah. oh, how sally and where we'd been a task were also part of this plea agreement, which reportedly has been underway for more than a year and a half. they so have to go before a military jury that will look at evidence and then determine whether or not life in prison is indeed the appropriate sentence. relatives of those who were killed on september 11th, had been notified by the military chief prosecutor in the case. it's not clear whether they are all going to be in part an agreement with this. some people have wanted to see all 5 defendants in this case,
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put to death for their roles in the 911 attacks. that said, the process, if it goes forward, means that not only will there be an evidentiary hearing, to determine the exact length of their prison sentences for the 3 men who entered this plea deal. but there will also be a chance for relatives of those who were killed to explain just how much this transformed their lives, bringing to an end or partial end. one of the most notorious instances in the us legal system was alone. jordan, which is 0, washington police and the u. k. of charged the 17 year old man with murder. after a nice for attacking softballs on monday. 3 goes on to the age of 10, were killed. others were injured in the attack on the suspect is also facing 10 counts of attempted murder in the wake of the stopping. dozens of police officers have been injured in violent confrontations with far right demonstrations. but i
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know that's the name of it. send this report from south to the clean up of the mess caused by the riots the night before. this must consult for a town in the north west of england was the target of a far right mold with tend to violence by force. room is online that a suspect in a mass stopping in which 3 little girls were killed with them is the refugee, the by police, were pelted with photos, breaks and 5 with 50 of them injured. and as became unfolded outside the mosque, people college inside the start same breaks like petrol, bombs. we are a fire just behind me when the one off we, for the actual building was on fire. we're just going to stop cry and thinking is i was i'm coming to an end i'm always have it on my shoulders before and then it was the my, i'm scared from my family as well because i break this town is trying to repair the
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damage. this is the wall of the most because it was fixed by local tradesman a community coming together. people bringing volta on a hot day. those that we supposed to say that the violence was committed by people coming from outside of this area. that is sort of came in the wake of a tragedy. this memorial is for young children and 2 adults who was stopped at a taylor swift jones book shop in town. on monday goes h $67.00 and $9.00 were killed. 5 year old kaya was at school with one of them. what do you want to say now? good. say to say. thank you. thank you very. i mean, she's very upset right now and we are, we love her. she was very beautiful. the police arrested a 17 year old boy who they say was born in person, but all right,
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that goes on. social media claimed falsely that he was an asylum seeker. i just won the of whether the trees is being withheld and even really elected member of parliament night to for raj, speculated online whether in his was the truth was being withheld or be wrong. and the writers were causing havoc. the mother of one of the magic goals pleaded for them to stop on facebook. the style now forever mocked by the violence of the last few days below the vicinity which out a 0 south port. the hundreds of students in bangladesh of march on the high court in the back of the mounting, the release of fetters, students arrested during weeks of protests bill. so once accountability off to more than $200.00 people were killed with demonstrations against a government job quite to is 10 divided from the charging reports from doc for
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capital city appears to be normalized. the carpet has been relaxed for 11 hours, but the sensor and remained 5. i'm a product done by law enforcement agencies. arresting many students on opposition. members, now there's been some protests on tuesday and even on wednesday in front of the high, told the students are demanding release of the d. turn is under detective custody. the starting remains the prior calling for the project to continue on sooner on less than 9 point demand, i'm not see among them are the resignation of the 3 prominent administered release of all of the student leaders as well as those under defective test cities.


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