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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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as why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on our josie around the funeral for him as, as politically that is smell. i mean, it has just begun in iran capital tear off, the little ones are enjoying this is out of here a life and go home. so coming on, a mouse in iran revengeful henrietta around says the king is a great breach of itself. and his money is struck in gaza, kills out here. of course, upon them dismounted. gould and his cameraman from hell receive within a 160 media, will cause up until by as well as himself and
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u. k. police blame the far right for riot. following a knife attack, the killed 3 children, the will the funeral for how much politically that smell of honey has just begun in iran capital. tyrone supreme lead to i have to allow the combination will lead plans for the assassination amaskita at the university of tyrone any as body, but then be transferred to catalyst capital doha on thursday afternoon ahead of his burial on friday. well, i would 0 corresponded. rachel said, joins us live now in the pseudo racial. so the services have already started for is melania in the uranium capital focus through what we can expect today in terms of yeah, the services suggest for the praise services now taking place into university off that run, which is a symbolic place. whenever a high level kidding well that's estimation happens or, and it didn't,
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the desk passed away in the, around the, for the funeral. the 1st part of the funeral, the take, and then the university off that on the most recent one was the that the, the uranium least president to you. but i embrace it after she died and it had to go up to cash in may. and now when that happens, indian restaurants, they run usually that you, when you're supreme leave the come on a lead, the prayer before the pay who is expected to deliver quite a brief speech as well. that's going to be quite remarkable. and we're going to watch and listen what she says and later, honey, as body today is going to be taken to the as that is the core of the food in freedom square, which is another eye clinic place it into run, usually forced into mass gatherings and what could i put in a good expect in house of people to attend that parade? so he's coughing will be, will be shown to people and others are going to be a long periods. so people are going to come and pay that respects the monthly most
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likely, i'm going to see she or chime things and also the calls for revenge because manual if you randy is, are feeling that the sovereignty of dignity has been violated gravely. yeah. and we saw yesterday, right? so a government protest has come out on the streets of terra condemning the attack and the assassination of its melody. it was the public mood intent around since the attack. so with, when we talk about the public move into iran or across the whole country, it is quite divided. it's a difficult position for many of the remnants. on one hand, they have seen constant estimations or suspicion at times many are off the they, they ran it important to you guys have been killed as estimated, particularly by israel. most notably, they have nuclear scientists. and one of them, the biggest brain behind the around nuclear program 1st is out there. so each time that happens, you will see that your brand names are asking the government to do more to stop such attacks. and they believe that the to the, the, the,
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the government or nearby off the wrong. so the respond quite strongly. that is right. i will not think to do that again. either on the other hand that are great concerns as well from the public. they know that in case of ad and retaliation, a massive retaliation is quote, easily lead to original war and a regional war with israel. for many iranians means of direct confrontation with you as a data confrontation with you as a means almost almost like that's mental case. that the case for the majority of your reading, and so you will see that there security is in between the dignity, that dignity keeping their dignity. on the other hand, slipping depths, i'll say, so they're worried as well as to i'm just the final thoughts. you're ready, so you've been telling us this morning. the body of it is melania will then be flown, head to toe. ha for barry, what more can you tell us about this funeral arrangements for tomorrow? so the afternoon. the honey is body is going to be flown to the house and tomorrow of the did you my pray are we expect them his body to be buried in in the house. so
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we'll see of thousands and thousands of dignitaries coming to doha, attended his funeral and prayer, the head of stage statements v i p guys had off the governments and also several representatives off the off the, the, the, the civil organization and g o's echoes to, well so we're expecting it to be quite a massive, massive gatherings and a sho in of sort of deputy with how most with the palestinians, but particularly with this, my attorney. because she has been almost the face of the resistance. the policy of resistance isn't 2nd. let me just please and one more question before you go race. so we, we, we heard earlier on there from the speak of parliament, mohammed bought a guided bus, making that clear statement that iran will an act revenge. they will, you know, that will be a response. what did you make of that? well, in apple, when israel at tech, the uranium and the embassy in damascus and,
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and then you have seen that you're writing and say, that's well, we change the rules of engagement. so far, normally until that time off to that time, the rules of engagement between israel and here on was that in case of, in his ready attack, radians with the respondent need they approx. let me just let me just let me just interrupt you. that 1st, 2nd, right? so i'm sorry for that. let's just go back now to the live pictures cuz we want to different how do you that height of who's, how much is deputy in go the rest of the listening to what he's saying is somebody you hadn't the, was the unify, this nation and to support this nation and to unify the nation and to resist for the sake of liberating the but it's fine is blood today come from this. the nation today is carrying these coffins. and the nation today is raising the flag of jihad and resistance towards the goal of liberating by the side. and then just as an emerald
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gotten me on it is that i'm your own and you will send one more taxi me. courtney just one is my you the honey your time turn on the on month. it's not me the minute, but then no the so this being the thoughts, a type of hot dogs, emerald mo, just had the and how to, but i have, i didn't mind as well. you know, how do you get off behind janine? well, her physical bessy will show up on the better for me because i mean by that in job that is kind of the on it was the all right, so you want to realize that
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a very from the rain in capital to iran, of the funeral service which is on the way now for the slain. how much politically, the estimate of how many units bring in for that is that a, he's a professor of international relations, etc. university joins us live from the radian capital full at the beginning of this mail. and the yesterday happened just over 24 hours ago. what's the mood in the capital now with the stops of his funeral arrangements that were watching here in our screens? what, what's, what's going to people's minds? or you can senior pictures. it's a very sad day. instead on and we have had the people traveling from other cities to attend the funeral, do they have hundreds and thousands of people attending the funeral. but the government has analysed 2 days of a national morning. this 2 days of national mining is generally reserved for each
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one in height on can government officials. and so the government is best fixing the, the guess that was so selective. but these are these as a, as a highlighting you on the and government official basically giving him the same level of the specs, the same level of the sort of prestige. that's, that, that's the highest best that they can offer. you know, you know what means. oh, i'm so sorry, sorry to interrupt you, but please stay with us. we just want to go back to those live pictures missing and all screens now of the federal service because probably allow high or the i have mass deputy and java was speaking. it's listening again. these are what are you. so i'm in the phase of our come freight on the pallets the and the and so we uh, so the, the assassination. oh, is my utilizing the, the zionist entity when bring i get to
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this and that the from the into so you people of the was to build matters, nani, by the hand here. john, you'll know about it on to achieve me. plenty to saudi. get this money, the honey young bra, side of the la turn on. and the dogs daunted. nigga halting, gosh bones. odd. as i mentioned, or thought you had a genus. all right, so if you're just joining us here, and i'll just say right, you're watching live pictures. the funeral service underway in the rain and capital to around those on the pictures. now, on your screen, we have the guests into around. we also have, i'll just here was rachel set up here in the studio to took us or what we're seeing . right. so let me come back to you quickly before i go back to fill out his audi into around graceful. so we had, we, we were hearing that now from hollywood, ohio, the, how much difference in dogs are what you've been say?
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well, let's just simply say end up is that the blog post model year, the former she of the, the former for the computer chief or from us has not been shed in, in, in wayne. and though that is going to even contribute it to the cause of the palestinians, and it's going to for their create an anger among the people, the free people across the globe. so far it's is mostly a political rhetoric, but we need to listen more to see if they are planning any or kind of a complete steps to be taken against is a system issue. and, and despite what, how my says and, and this, this speech here with the smell of honey if you know, is, is, is clearly quite emotional and firing. this is a big blow to that. how much leadership isn't it? indeed it is, because it's my penny. it was one of the few good is this is regard to the most pragmatic and the more that the representative off the, that the palestinian resistance. so just she has been quite strong just for us since he's a young age, as he has been a member,
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a part of this resistance movements and done in 2006, he has said as the prime minister of the unit to go mentor in palestine and she was the leader or from us until up to 2017 that he has been replaced by you guessing by and then she moved to the and started to reside in to her. and since then, she has been to face of the political engagement with the rest of the world. and also the main negotiate they're negotiating on behalf of the palestinians, particularly with the israelis. and now that the negotiator pulls different mega sheets or is assessed in a to by israel. so the concerns is, is that so usually to add a, what do you need to pause the come negotiations and when your children negotiate or that is negotiating with you at the table, then who are going to be the ones that are going to be negotiated? it just seems that i mean, you know, this is far as being pushed further and further away. i'm grateful for the time being. thank you very much. and the, let's go back to fall. it is adding as a professor of international relations at to around university joins us from the
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uranium capital for when we were as way of watching on our screens the we're looking at how do you uh hi. uh, he's the how much the deputy in garza, i mean the kidding. we will ask you any of the kidding of this? milanni a happened just about 24 hours ago. the dust is just starting to settle. you were telling us about the mood in the capital now with the start of the funeral services . what's going on with people's minds you know, international need on the amazon onto life. guess about com. guess the specs guess is so when you have the guess of, of the country coming quoted in other ocean of the new president. so somebody says in this man, is it, this is a quite heavy. you know, you don't me, unconscious is a famous for a battle coming guests. and then you have some very high ranking official, a assistant h, as in the capital city. and this is
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a shock. and that's why you see this huge crowd. that's why you see the energy and because of this is a message i think that's uh, you know, i'm yeah, and people are sending it to the wrong a, you know, in a slight honey i was expected not just by opposite my stamps. and he was a freedom fighter, he was someone who led this type of thing. and so i look for many years, you see all over the world, people devastating a sofa. by this time, he was the leader of these people to people who sort of depend this in the and cause and the being a society taking this man is obviously a great crime. and the anger that you see on your screen is reflecting that that's what it is. that's called quite angry. like, let's just stay with that with that and that you just mentioned them. it is, you know, we saw protests on the streets of to around yesterday. people quoting for
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a decisive response to this attack, to the assassination of honey, will there be growing public pressure to act against israel, but also worries about a wider escalation here in the region. as you know, it has no other choice but to respond. and i think you had this from the speaker of the guardian condiment, you know, under the laws constitution, we have a national security council of 10 people and have a low teen. ready presence in united national security council. one of those 10 people is this because of that, you know, i me and found him. so when he talks about responding to this service that you can take him serious. i think you will see you, i'm in the sickness of the landing in the military sites and occupies by this time . is there any sites in, in a few days or so you're gone? is that going to respond that?
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i think the respond is going to be big. is that what you sign a fraud after i need on the engine that was so i need to add these on an embassy. yeah. that zine that's through many months ago that to attacking it on in the territories bank to have a severe response. and i think you're going to see that. yeah, and that's, that's a real worry then, isn't it for let me just go back to what some highly low high uh was saying earlier . and because i think we've just seen disappointing the to arrive but that, but just a quick question to you. i'm holly holly, i said that the resistance, older resistance movements, and now united, he said, but they will never read. and in fact, let's just, let's just, let's just looking now quickly, these live pictures of the supreme leader leading to france. so that's
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a little side of the the he or a long shot. a lot of them with the funding on sunday. i
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mean when was i mean i see the next hour and will say well no, hey, let me know a little bit aside alone. um
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alone on vs on animal. all right, let's see, i mean that's a long long long, long long long the process of defending the serial numbers here you're watching live pictures. the civil service for this lane. how much? politically that is male. how many of these are pictures coming from the rain in
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capital with the funeral services started. we heard from the speaker parliament mohammed got it back a little bit earlier. and now we just saw the supreme be the common a that and if it presents, bringing back racial said, all right, so it just took us through what we're seeing on our screens because i think that's the coughing a little tiny is there in front of the supreme lead, indeed, there are 2 questions over there. the one of them is my 101st one is my attorney is coffin laid on there and the other one is, is god's coffin laid down just in front of the supreme leader when he was leading the prayer and the head when it was needed to prayer we have seen them to nearly elected. the presence of mister with business again was on the supreme d. there's the left side. why the head of the, the guardian console, which is one of the executive buddies in iran that overlooked all the state of affairs, was on his right side and also kind of higher. now is there, however, as we were, we were expecting. but how many to deliver and speech,
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but he did not do so. so it's quite an interesting picture because many of the people that now you see they're the executives of the around the running. the state now have just started their job in the office and particularly for the new to elect president. mr. position. yeah, it's quite interesting because no one would like to have such a crisis in, in with the state. but well, i'm in the 1st day in the office. i well, i know i was gonna ask you, right? so, i mean, this is the 1st big political geopolitical test for iran is new president, the standing next to the supreme data. and president must, who possess can what precious then do you think from the political and religious establishments within the country? will he be on the now? indeed a lot. so here, this is almost like a visual in, in may we have seen almost kind of the same picture when the late present the band race. it died. so the same pictures, same dignitaries, attendance is funeral. and now this happened, however, it was an accident,
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according to the original officials, but now that has been a high level to go assess the nation, happen in writing to run and menu of the renters are the god of in this, as in most of time to undermine iran sovereignty. so for mister position john, who has been promising to open ost, viewed on to the world, to their loved ties with the rest of the world, to have a bed of relations with the rest of us taking the lead, which was now his 1st day in the office piece, facing a cries and a tech for them is rallies. kidding, a dignity desk gave me 3 that has been invited to attend. he's in a grecian settlement who's killed not. so in one hand, they are financially guards and the hardliners in iran, particularly those were running the seeds affairs. we'll ask for your ask for every position about every 10 years sion will probably work your arms ties with the rest of the world, and the newly elected presence is going to be screws into. okay, so right, so i think we're now seeing that the coffin is going to be moved off the pres from
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a supreme data to freedom square. you were telling us about that in the sort of network as to what's gonna happen. but that's so certainly seen how the process that takes place, usually in iran, when the dignity ip or the high level shooting summation or that happens. so now is tuesday, discovery is going to be taken on a on the truck and then shown to people like alone highway. it's roughly around 5 kilometres of march and to where the freedom square or imprisoned the us or the squared. and then there were be speech delivered by them by so by somebody i presented these problems, you're going to hear a guy from the representative of how much some of them for the i mean, i'm just hearing that we won't hear from the shipping the, the la harmony and actually freedom square. so again, just take us. yeah. we usually at the freedom square the supplement, either a time to pray your intent wrong, but she doesn't appear on the freedom square the freedom square is rather short. so
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in a day or 2 is also i like the us, you will hear the calls from people for the event just so a. but that's not the practice that the supreme leaders have such a monstrous. imagine that she's 84 years old. and also due to the security reasons, because usually a way that i typed this off, marcia's in public place. okay. russell, sort of, thank you very much. that the, let's just say i bring him back, fill out his audi has been sitting by patient. you the, in the arabian capital for a lot who are talking to you maybe seeing some of the pictures are seeing the emotions of the funeral service of the body now has been moved to freedom square. this is despite all the kind of fire speeches all and i know the stuff we seen at the, at the funeral. how much is honey is killing? being seen perhaps is a massive security failure by iran security and intelligence services. i mean by new israel was targeting him, asked me to ship the honey, it was still found. it was still killed. i mean, this is still, she was embarrassing for iran. isn't it the, you know,
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the reports that we have is that the, is there any is identified as location that too is a person of sent from? he use the same same card if you had your bill. huh. and i forgot to hear the calls . so uh, few minutes before it was access and they said that its of course, the responsibility of the whole country. make sure that if he's taking it to the people to come in a safe. so i agree with you that the people to meet on that that's quite upset about this as a nation. but if you say it is a nice have been practicing television for the last 76. yes. it is a totally assessed state and they have all the no money that the funds from the united states and all the technology. and it's to this fix and all that you have to . but they've to find that necessary either from us. and
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this is going to the best of all to get on the, on the spot. us would be much scholarship unless these are the skills and some of the place. then you will see the same type of reaction same type of song. ready that you're seems to be assessed sort of set your report. this is mr. henry is getting the same treatment as the late presidents race. and this is going to be something for the history books. all right, that flood is already the progressive international relations that to around university for this and many thanks for your time. and your analysis is an invaluable has been as we've been watching these funeral seems for the slain. how much politically that is male, how the into around the way you. i'm thank you very much indeed for your patience as we have flip flopping that between rachel in the studio here a new the into rock many times to be a time. a bit more now on the american reaction to hunting is coming. obviously it
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was still a valid joins us now from washington, dc. so, so we've been watching what's been happening into ron, how will washington be doing all these latest developments in the middle east though? well, there's going to be concerned, at least beneath the surface, because we had those remarks made into around where they'll say by hold america responsible. remember the us is, is rails main back to its main protect to its main office supply. we even heard today overall the yesterday i thought you insecure the accounts meet between the deputy. i'm foster that some of us to be un whilst talking about what a great situation it was and, and reiterating the need for a cease fire. also reiterating that support israel. so now that the americans are aware that they all being publicly blinds by the radians, there's going to be concerned about a couple of things. first of all, what it means for the middle league is this going to lead to a wider will. secondly, what it means for american interests,
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all american interest is going to be targeted. there's been a lot of talk, a lot of speculation on the cable news networks here over the last few hours about whether or not somebody could happen have in the us full, perhaps more likely could american interests abroad. each homes itself, tom dislike embassies, or even the sheer amount of service personnel that the us has in the middle east. and then what do you take a step by the source of the issue of what this means for a ceasefire? also me blink and the secretary of state has actually said that it is imperative that that sees fine. ne took off my efforts, made tide, all maintains to make sure a ceasefire is reached. and even though it is the middle of the night here on the east coast of the united states, we are actually expected to hear from him any moment now because he's on this tool at the far east. he's in mongolia. i used you to speak, it's 24 hours since he said the us did not have any idea that this was coming, but they were cost of god. they had no indication that this attack was coming in terms of, of the responses though, we haven't had
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a huge amount here in the united states over the last 24 hours. it's been a little bit. john kirby, who was the white house national security communications advisor. he gave an interview or press conference earlier where he said, actually i can't really tell you anything. and he spent more time saying that that actually given those entities house, he said the president by the was briefed on issues in the mid least as he is every day said the they're all communications channels. i'm from with council with egypt . but other than that, so wasn't much else you could say other than that. we also got uh the um, white house press press secretary, corinne jump. yes, she spoke, she was awesome about what it happened. she gave a roll of the lovely answer which she talked more about, present biden's foreign policy achievements. there are reports here in the us. the joe biden is planning on doing well tool of places in the, in the around the world. but if had foreign policy issues during his tenure, of course you claim will be on that list and the least will be on the list. but
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he's going to be in the white house until at least january. so the question is whether or not that's why it can be reached, just one of the side nodes are moving it back here to the us is remember where we all right now we are in the midst of a 5th election cycle and who was the full of, of presidents that was hard line on a rob at that. his said he can be the one person to prevent, we'll do a freight. that is was donald j. trump. and you can just that over the coming days, i coming weeks. but he's going to be really talking about this and he's going to be using this to play into his compound. it will be interesting me as a well campbell of harris who was the presumptive democratic nominee, also has to say about this. remember most of the met at present a prime minister netanyahu last week, and she particularly had a test the exchange with where she said that she would not be silenced on the issue of garza an attempt to get the ceasefire through. so we are interesting to see just how that affects the political dynamics here, as well as what's happening in the middle east. all right, to observe a scale of a live for us in washington dc,
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giving us the us reaction to the assassination of how much it splits. kalita. let's just take you back now to those live pictures in the uranium capital to iran.


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