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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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like, 2 weeks ago, we were here shopping, and the exchange of bias started. people ran away. there's little optimism in a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as war on casa, or possibly not even that. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello are my rock. this is the news, our life from jo. how coming up in the next 60 minutes, there are supreme leader leads prayers for him. awesome. the political leader is mile honey. up and tear on before his body is taken, took a tar for burial. and the un security council holds an emergency session on the
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assassination of him off his political leader as fears grow of a wider regional conflict and is rarely or striking gods, or kills or kills palaces 0 correspondence, as well as gold and camera man around me. obviously, and 3 of the $5911.00 defendants at guantanamo, including the alleged mastermind reach a plea. deal with us, prosecutors. the, i'm us leaders have been addressing the mourners into iran at the funeral ceremony of its political leader as well. and the speaker after speaker has said, honey is death will not be in vain. any wrong supreme leader are there? how many lead the prayers quoted
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on last a level. and that took place at the university of tyre, ron, before the leaders body was taken to the capital set. freedom square and new year's body will be flown to critize capital doha, on thursday afternoon. ahead of his burial on friday. and the speaker of your runs the parliaments of mohammed becker garley duff. uh said israel had committed a crime with the assassination of his male heavy. i am blamed to us for helping them the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price, they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america us. and i'll just do a correspondence. the rest of course are there are joyce me now here on the set so . so good to have you here with us. so let's start. um, one of the most notable things was iran supreme leader leading the funeral prayer
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is that usual tip is a usual practice when it comes to the dig in the threes. the high level political officials or representatives buys killed us estimated, pass that way. that's unusual. practice that the funeral will be allowed by the supreme leader, and the latest one that you have seen was a, did that the funeral of the list presidency by embrace the when he's had a cough. there crashed in may. so, and the pictures that you're seeing today is almost like is visual, i'm just seeing like kind of the same pictures of the same images that you have seen in may and it's repeating itself. so i think monday has let the pre a into, into us do of to around which is also a regular usual place for such ceremonies. and then it's might, honey is um, coughing has been taken on a truck. and now you'd be, it's being carried from the goodness to have to run to the freedom square, which is roughly around a 5 kilometers march. the various significant crowd turned out for the procession.
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the menu waving a palestinian and hezbollah flags give assistance how people are feeling in iran about this assassination of the aftermath of it. the said these pictures will be repeating themselves in the last 1010 months. that in recent years, we have seen she again and again to randall officials. amanda submitted to the commander's being assessing a 3rd, either the neutral or scientist, either in iran, 40 syria for 11 on and each time the such an event happens to genetics and happens . so you will see that the iranian palm that has a frustration, quoting on the government's asking the government to respond more slowly to detroit, his route from repeating such a sensation such a task. however, on the other hand, when the tools of the people and the people on dis fees, so we'll say they're quite cautious, quite concerned that such a firm response will lead to a better committed to the confrontation with this rail. and if they're committed to the confrontation with israel was the magic. that means
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a minutes engagement with usa, which could be quite that, that be and requires high prices, right? i mean, because that's, you know, all everybody is now waiting to see what type of reprisal iran will, will decide on taking him. you know, could we see, i mean, look possible scenarios could you see in terms of, you know, do we have any idea of what your one might do? i think today's job did the part of a speaker kind of off has mean, cuz we've kind of has sort of this morning, yolanda is going to his plan and he said that design is redeem has a strategic mistake and we'll pay the prize. usually we'll see whenever there isn't his very effect on the line and ask us what you're on will respond to his proxies. but the key in the app, it'll land as well at the gate, ran an embassy in syria. so godaddy, i'm saying that, well, we change the rules to engagement from that one. if you're ready and offset is directly part,
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cuz it's by it's wrapped then the response will be directly from iran, as well as a binding. the statement that has been publicly stated by iran, so now you that are packed in your own private core. the nation lead time us with has will law with some of his proxies from iraq and syria. and also who is e amounts. closing it all together is probably having an organized, organized response for will probably see a measure the effect directly from around to where it is read has we have seen an apple. and um, you know, have there been already questions raised regarding, you know, some of the intelligence and security failures of that? well, a for all to see now, what with the sauce, do you have many people believe that is a huge below, not only for how much is an organization because it's lost and one of his most prominent spaces, but also a huge below to the rent and intelligence as well, so it's quite clear that without higher figures in the rent and security after that
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this is including the iron gc or iran, with the high level information being leaked down to assess the nation will be almost impossible. and also a diesel scores showing that quite the tremendous inefficiency of the when an intelligent services when it comes to the electronic warfare. so this has been repeating again again to have some several high level s as a nation. majority 2 of them has been a, has to have to be successful that were conducted by israel. so many people, lot of question and really whether the rent and security after that is off to this office to create a technology. and even if they are good enough, when it comes to the electronic workstations, that this particularly including the, the, the communication and the signal interceptions to russel sir dar, thank you so much, greatly appreciate it. thank you. and meanwhile you are a secretary of state. so anthony, blinking has called for a de escalation in the region to have
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a enter the conflict and in gaza. uh to produce. com and the north between israel and 11 us. this is to work on the broader, more during peace and security. but, you know, starts with the ceasefire and to get there. and also 1st requires that parties to talk to stop taking any s latoy actions. it also requires them to find reasons to come to not to look for reasons to delay or say no to the river. all right, let's get you more on the american reaction that you're going to use the assassination to fill of out choices. now we're from washington, d. c, a. phil officials in washington repeatedly voice their fears of a whitening of the war. how are they looking at these back to back assassinations as well?
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i mean, they're going to be concerned on a number of friends. now 1st of all, there is the issue of what this means for the mid least in general, right? they facts that there is, tools escalate to a wide, a wall and to reach out to that point. also the concerns about what this means might mean for americans targets american interests, especially now that we've explicitly heard from the a rainy and parliamentary speaker who said that the us is being held responsible. obviously the us is israel is made. suppose a main bottom main ally made on supply. so what are the concerns about what that could take? could they be retaliation against the us and what phone could that take? could that be some kind of actions here on the mainland united states, or is it as many suspects as more likely, some kind of soft target, an embassy, a business or us interest abroad, or even a military targets? remember, there are a huge amount of ministry personnel scattered across the middle east and they can very well be targeted. and secondly, they,
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why do issue is whether or not this could effect the ceasefire. because until the blake and the secretary of states had already said 24 hours ago when he said that the us had no idea that this was coming, that that's the spy. it was imperative. even at the united nations security council meeting yesterday, we had the deputy, i'm boss of the, from the us to the un saying why this is a grave situation. the ceasefire must be part of our at all times. these hostages has to be released. they have to be freed. i'm not c spy, a pass to go ahead. so it'll be very interesting to see how this has received in washington over the coming hours. but it's the last 24 hours is that it needs to go by. we might not get very much as well because the us administration of the government has be kind of almost distance think distancing itself from this in a way we have junk kirby, who is the white house and national security advice that coordinates that communication star. so i should say who i early, i spent more time talking about what he couldn't say that what he could say. he said that president of 5 and had been placed on what was happening in the middle east, but that's
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a daily occurrence. but there was channels of communication between egypt and catholic, but that was all, even the white house press secretary, when she was asked about this kind of turns around the answer just made it more about present biden's foreign policy. it is being reported that he's finding a tool of assessing places in the world that have had complex jory his 10 year before he leaves office at the start of january. obviously, that's why the to include ukraine. i'm the middle east for about still month to month. so i on monday will be hoping that i've ceased by i can be reached full then i'm one of a side note which i've just got to point out. slightly separate, but it is late as we are right in the middle of a election campaign cycle, less than a 100 days away. now from the presidential election here. one person that you may remember donald j. trump was very hard line on iran when he was the president's and he has since said recently, but he's the only one that can stop wells. well 3. now, yesterday he appeared in chicago at an event with black journalists,
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and he have what is being described almost universally as a disastrous performance. it's be likened to joe by this performance of the debate . some of the things that he said it is be widely pun. so he's gonna be where he wants him to move that narrative on. so you can expect over the coming days coming weeks, especially this weekend. but he's a parent with his number to j d events center where he be trying to divert attention away from that. i'm one way to do that, of course is to talk about it, run and everything that's happening in the middle east. right. phil laval with a view from the us. thank you so much. all right, so i want to go now or to, nor they should yours is from of them a lot in the occupied westbank or nor do we expect, do you expect from us to a point, a successor to any out of soon as well as the internal by laws in him us are quite sophisticated. there are many layers to the
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leadership and how much so discussions are already as we understand under way on, who can assume a responsibility at the helm of, of the movement. then it's an urgent task, because this will determine how and if negotiations can proceed, what kind of future can come off have a post war after the war kind of international engagements. it can have there are a few contenders, but as your guest was discussing a little bit earlier, there are a lot of considerations. the us selections is one of them. the region and the regional dynamics is another. and also the power dynamics within him us, we have to keep in mind that in the occupied westbank, the have mass leaders who are alive are mostly in jail in the gaza strip. the only ones that remain alive that we know of are being pursued and are, are nowhere to be found that cannot be really named at the helm. so which will be
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up to the leadership and how much outside of palestine to kind of come together and choose the person who is most likely to be accepted by the widest array of states in the region and around the world. and just very quickly who's likely to replace them as well. there are, as i said, a few contenders about 2 or 3 really, but colored, michelle's name has really gained prominence since the assassination of a smile. honey, a he of course, had the movement for many years and he is known for having very good relations internationally. he has a lot of experience and he can be put forward by the movement of someone who is able to engage and able to be pragmatic enough to discuss a future forward. but again, that is really up to that multi layered system that we were talking about. and there are others who could be buying for that leadership position at this point. colleen and how ya is one of them he is
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a send was deputy in garza and he is abroad. so we'll have to wait and see a little a few more days until we can kind of ascertain what the dynamics within him us are me, nor i tell us what's happening around you or understand a general strike is underway. well in the occupied westbank right now there, there isn't a call across the board for a general strike, but we, we have seen that people's eyes remain on the topic of the day. in addition to following, of course, the tragic news coming out of the gaza strip, people are following the proceedings of the funeral of this main honey from the hut on. they will be watching who will attend and who will not. and waiting for news on any kind of breaks where there's a lot of concern that this escalation indicates that nothing yahoo and is real in general, does not want to see a compromise, does not want to see a ceasefire. and so even here in the west bank, there's
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a lot of concern that an escalation is on its way, not the escalation, all right, nor the reporting from them a lot in the occupied west bank. thank you so much as always. thank you. and the un security council has held an emergency meeting, a called by iran, after the assassination of smell or in the palestine is the representative, said israel must be held accountable for its crimes. iran and her mos pledge to avenge and e as death. both blamed israel christmas salumi has worn out from you in headquarters in new york. well yes. can you help? is this the un security council met at a ron's request? it's a basset or i read over the assassination of a mos negotiate or is male, nea as he visited the ronnie and capital many council members, including china, russia and now the syria condemned israel's act as a violation of iran sovereignty and territorial integrity. so did palestine
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violence inter are clearly israel's main and only currency, not international law, not diplomacy, not mediation, not respect for human life. there is no red line for israel, no lot will not reach no norm. it will not trample around blamed the united states as well as israel, the responsibility of the united states as this throughout the july and main supporters of these regulars, you mean division to must be overlooked in this called if your crime, this act could not be a cause we taught the authorities ation an intelligent support of the us. the us denied any knowledge of the attack instead of broader war was neither imminent nor inevitable. we encourage members of this council with direct influence over or on to increase pressure on it,
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to stop escalating its proxy conflict against israel and other actors. or indeed, every member of this council should call on a rhonda stop arming, advising and financing terrace groups. and to rein in the actions of proxies and partners who threaten regional peace and security. israel also, blaine drawn without admitting responsibility for the attack you run is of merely a sponsor of terrorism, is the very engine driving the machinery of death and destruction. the frequency muscle, the blood of innocent children, and much those from some of the victims of october, 7th, mexico, and all the victim. since then. meanwhile, the head of un peacekeeping and other envoys have been meeting with government officials in lab and on for the targeting of a senior hezbollah official, resulted in 4 dead civilians. they are calling for restraint. christian salumi alger 0. the united nations and hospital law has confirmed 7 people were killed, including civilians, and the is rarely strike on lebanon's capital. on tuesday,
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the armed group has released the video of its commander for the sugar who was killed in that attack as well. i've confirmed his desk on wednesday. he's considered one of the founders of hospitalized military when children were along the civilians killed and is really prime minister benjamin that now says this country has delivered crushing blows to its enemies. israel blames hezbollah, commander of ford shocker for the attack in the occupied goal on heights that killed 12 children, as beloved denied responsibility for saturdays to strike. and yahoo says that israel is facing threats from every direction, but is prepared for every scenario. all right, let's see if you're now to a southern lab and i want to turn to a saw the big a sad um, you know, now has but why has come out and confirmed the death of additional court?
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one of their commanders tell us what's happening around you where you are. a little southern lebanon has generally been quite over the last day of souls. although there has been some strikes on comfortcare that night. the shop uh this morning. now we understand that his belong will be holding the funeral for fraud sugar. today, later today, and after the ceremony, the funeral ceremony there will be a speech by the chair, the general secretary of his with a has a nestor. the organization says he will be land guides, the groups political position following what they have called is a crime. this is estimation of liberty. civil defense have said that some to 8 people, the wounded in that to tack on the sub up of baby boot. and 7 people killed, including an iranian advisor by the name of milan, by the no liberties the liberties delegates. united nations has said that the, that they have found the willingness of living on its government and its people to
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not to the, to not go to war and said that the aggression in southern that run a site. and so then the 2nd step of a baby, which is the most, most deep in crisis and the content in the context of this conflict. now, that's the real concern. now that this could spread from 7 that broadway, it's generally been contained. we have had strikes in bay route, but this could spread to the rest of the country as people wait for his but what his blogs reaction will be exactly as your interest to pay that my follow up question because what sort of response do we have? any clues in terms of what we can expect from huntsville are over, you know, the assassination of its senior commander. and have we heard anything from his blog when it comes to the videos destination? have they responded to that? yes it has been has responded to the assassination of the as mike had the, as he, they condemned its paid off of their condolences. they said that is only increase the determination of the resistance. and they called him
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a major and major resistance lead to the it's might have. yeah, of course has visited, living on previously has met with the head of his with us. how sudden us are not as full as both those response. but it is difficult to say what the response to will be, whether it will be coordinated with the ally and becca iran. but if we go, boy, what's happened previously when senior come on does have been killed goose being a body of hundreds of rockets towards this rate. the positions that we also know that has with that has really strong footage in the past of these really since you have high for, and these re need the ministry positions on the occupied golden heights. but also the heads of hezbollah has a nestle does previously want israel not to strike. he said that if you strike has that he's been struck. you'll city to be struck advantages of this practice set to months. but importantly, you said, if you strike this up above the here, then we will strike buildings into the visa. that's the real fear here. that when i'm not when, but if or not so you know, if, but when his blood does retaliation,
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this could escalate very, very quickly and spread not only to the rest of living on but the entire region. all right, so, so baker reporting from 711 on thank you so very much for now. thank you for your continued coverage and with me, your on this is, although i feel like a far a director of the for the policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs. uh nice to see you again. where does this now leave all these events? where does this we've the already precarious ceasefire negotiations. when the 1st and foremost to these nations really highlights, how is it under is increasing becoming a rogue states with no regard for international law or norms? $40000.00 dead destructions of schools. hospitable churches is the use of sexual violence. the soul, starvation is the total for assassination of journalists, including many of your own colleagues and now these targeted assassinations that's highlight sweetie. that is a, perhaps not serious about engaging these,
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these fine negotiations. and perhaps once an escalation, before such as unforeseen sufficed, right? i wanted to ask you about that because you know, these negotiations have been dragging on for months now. and you know, it fixed the question after the assassination, which is real denies, it had anything to do with the substitution of as much money or, you know, if, if they were at all ever serious about, you know, getting a truce on the table. what eventually there has to be some sort the fees, fire and enter this conflict. but the question is, is, when i know ready, there's lots of complications as part of these negotiations because the number of sticking points, the 1st off who is going to look after the security of it as the end, the day after the cease fire. secondly, who's going to take charge of that kind of governance in the long term. also who's going to control the philadelphia cars are, which should go back to egypt. and finally, when ken palestinians return to northern because us all of these issues remain. and of course, this estimation complicates things further,
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but on the other hand or so this assassination, once there is a potential response from iran and things may settle down or escalate. this also gives bethany of what the potential when that he needs to go to his right wing and sell them the ceasefire. right, and i want to talk a little bit about the mediators. you've got the west of got guitar, you've got egypt. i mean, what's the state for them now? well, i don't, let's take the cost of having invested a lot them us as well. and these is, he's fine negotiations. but every time they get close, it seems that as a site is not serious and wants to escalate, you know, right now the us is the preoccupied with the election. biden is a named like a presidency. there's only a couple of days, a 100 so days for the election. so there's also empowers that then you have to act with further impunity because of the ongoing good election. and he can basically take whichever course he wants in the region. right. so it was seized by remains elusive. a talk just a little bit about what the impact of fall out of these a 2 strikes have on the wider region. i mean, everybody, you know,
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says october 7th has been reading this, the spillover effect, the whitening of this conflict. has it become inevitable now, when reading right now or eyes on iran and reading and response? i think there's a number of funerals happening for that fascinated leaf is and the response would most likely come after these funerals are going. so from my reading perspective, this really highlights estimation of the n a. the weaknesses in the intelligence in, in iran, as well as having been assassinated on, on a ringing ground. so they wouldn't have to retaliate. but the question of how their autonomy is, is, was what we don't know so far. potential effects on direct young israel also utilize ation of that are a part of military have to sharpie forces in iraq. there are very munitions and holes. he's in yemen, and will they also attack only? is there any targets or wouldn't be or for into, with us targets in the region such as military installations and so on. so i think this would all play out in the next couple of days. i mean,
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do you see any all firms at this stage or are we beyond that now when the firm is, if the, if summer foundation by wrong, but it's not the major escalation and then nothing. yeah. whole now because the connect as and recess. so he's coordination to stay for a few months. so if he does take that cease fire route and from a position of strength and highlights how he can go off to is there is enemy, then potentially we see the ceasefire. a how he can set his to his constituency, and this is the fire director of the foreign policy security program at the middle east council on global affairs. thank you so much. as so head here on al jazeera through dogs, the army leaders survives and assassination attempts to return military rapids or forces denies responsibility. the maybe who send those head to head with is really historians that he morris. the
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jews were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs, and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine the who to said exactly the same thing about living for the 1990 israel is committed numerous of all crimes. since the last 4 friends on october 7th, i'm fairly sure that'd be the rough time to work. so it's not a well time head to head on tuesday around a 150. is it chips in history scene through an extraordinary photographic archives? a journey through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions, captured by photographers who lived and felt the emotions of the country's biggest star. egypt through the lens stage in street on the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the power you're watching out as a reminder of our top stories this hour from us, leaders have been addressing warners into iran at the funeral ceremony of the groups. political liter smell him. the speaker after speaker said he is dest will not be in vain. iran's the supreme leader let the prayers and the killing of him os leader is melania, is the latest in a string of assassinations against the group. michael apple reports. this is the last 9 footage of this male hon. yeah. the political leader of hamas was in to her
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on, on tuesday for president, my sued, possess scans and organization. it's just always off to the ceremony. seeing his body. god pictured here. what killed by what media report suggest was an a boarding project all launched from outside iran? well, how may i send the run as well as several other countries blame as well. it has not commented on the attack, but israel has been killing him. athlete is for decades. the one of the most recent is that of solar allowed rudy in bay route which was a high profile have mass figured in once headed to groups presence in the occupied ways bank. it was the 1st targeted attack on the groups hierarchy outside palestinian territories. since the october, the 7th attack on israel last year, a man who remains on these rails most wanted list is yeah, yes and was he's the leader of hum us in garza prime minister benjamin netanyahu.
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colson more a dead man walking. i'll send war is part of a long line of how mass targets as the groups found as shakes estimate. yes, in abdulla as these all run t c were assassinated in 2004 dozens of other. how may i ask them on does have meant similar sites, but analysts agreed this strike was different. this was an attack any or on the iranian who, who knows how they're going to decide how to respond. remember that when they're the beginning of april, when they're consulate in damascus, was attacked, and several of their military leaders were killed. they responded with a missile attack on is rarely soil. israel hasn't achieved it, stated aim of completely eliminating him. a palestinian fighters continued to baffle these riley troops in gauze, and previous assassinations did little to stop the next leader from imagine
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graveyards in the middle east of full of uh, senior leaders of uh how much that is, but uh it one in there couldn't be replaced and they have been replaced israel strategy of targets. it assassinations appears to be a relic of a previous age. it's also a strategy and likely to break the result of palestinian mike level, which is where i want to turn out to elijah mon. yay. he is a military and political analyst and he comes to us from a paris, elijah, welcome. um, can you give us your analysis on these back to back assassinations? what did they were viewing your view about israel's capability operating in both iranian and lebanese territory?
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thank you for having me. it is right. it has the capability to carry out attacks be on the bull of those and being do a fall targets like in iran, in dep, it done in iraq during the m. and we've seen that happening because they can be fuel in the uh, they are protected by the allies, mainly united states and the west and allies, this off, off of $92.00 full and so forth, to the sly and all the degree, the jet without intersection and then it has the capability to long precision, midsize from the fall, not really in need of being above the target to fire them aside. so this is where they can escape being intercepted in down bull hunted by the, on the, beside that any country that is considered as a target to shoot against the is really just never that,
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that's it. that indicates the complicity of the country when they know about it, when they see the, these really objects lying in the specific direction, particularly the ones that are in the case will be around more than 1600 going to, i'm going to is the way so it is inevitable that the all countries who are at a support of what these relays are doing, and they, these countries off today trying to minimize the we thought the ation. i guess iran, the i guess is right, that is the email that could be coming from different sources and what kind of blow back or do you expect to, i mean, especially specifically, i mean, what phase of conflicts are we in now? everyone knows, you know, and as you've alluded to is waiting for a potential reprisal attack to iran, obviously under great pressure to respond. but it doesn't mean it will. i don't think the one is under any pressure to respond. on the contrary,
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say that in common either of the revolution said, this is the religious judy. therefore he immediately caves no room for any doubt that it is the one that is going to retaliate. all the violation of its directory, the head and the capital of a guest, and the at the, the value of this guest for the wrong said. but that doesn't mean other members of the access of the resistance, like you never know because the iran has the right to defend itself, but also don't have the right to defend itself. and his back is red against the fascination of one of the leaders and several billions in the car. there's a route the question, is this the thought going to be a car in a kid on different funds? similar to thing is the kind of today thing. when the rain is what it onto the ground and the time of arrival,
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so 11 on can slot the deception these really into such a me size without of course excluding that the matter, the french, the drum and the british name to is going to be within just in the to have is right, it's like it's happened the last time when you're on bombed is rates. so the question today is paying for the reply is going to be, it is not if it is going to happen is when and how it's going to happen. and the last point is what all the targets. now in my guess, i think the on know to be involved it, but it doesn't mean not civilian infrastructure, but not civilian people. and the thought is, wouldn't be selected as maybe 3 on different sides of the axis of the resistance, because is right at the capital of the root, the capital, all the iraq,
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they assassinated underwriting and advisors in the baskets and syria. the americans have you rocking back that the height to shabby and these rubies days before they hit today that in yemen. so all these going to call the maple each one when the seek revenge on each stone. that is a question today. right. and what does this own mean a briefly, if you can, for the so called axes of resistance, which has suffered some major setbacks. i think we've been, yeah. how did the favor to all the members of the access of the resistance? because that's the only b route, then the possibility of why the war is on the table. protecting. so many different copy codes just to impose the arrows that he's not doing both and he lost and they give jason because he wouldn't think it would be negotiate that. then it's me that the responsibility disabused a nathaniel is not going to stop the war against one specific member of the access
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of the resistance if they will respond again is right. so what he is doing is bringing more damage and more destructive disease. read that these rubies with an awful lot, elijah menu, your military and political analysts. thank you. thank you for having me. and crowns accompanied honey is coughing through the streets of tyre wrong, and we can take, you know, to the wrong and capital where our door such a bar is standing by a huge turn out to today. uh yeah, certainly we're seeing a huge crowds that have gathered to the day began by the supreme leader i. it's a lot of a harmony providing a presiding rather over their coffins of it's male heavy and his body guard at around university earlier this morning. and then the coffins are now being taken with the streets of terror on towards freedom square. and then nearby there is
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matter about the airport where the bodies will be taken to and that we flown to doha this afternoon. and then the final burial will take place in the hall on friday. what we do understand is that this is a very significant day for the reigning officials and the people the outpouring of emotion and feeling that we've seen on the streets of capital indicated how significant this assassination was. and officials here are very, very angry. there has been a lot of shock and disbelief as to how israel could carry out this attack on july 31st to a local time when it's small, heavier was sleeping in his residence in north iran. the question now is, there is about how this could have happened and also how will iran respond? it's not a question of when any longer it's been made very clear. not only by the supreme leader, i to live in harmony, who's the commander in chief of the countries on forces, but also by various other high ranking officials from the revolutionary guard,
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as well as the government saying that's just as we've been hearing. israel has a right to defend itself, so those air on this has been a breach of the countries, a territorial integrity and the act that was carried out. these are sedation and iran has every right to respond that of course, it's not just israel that's being blamed and all of this, the way news or adam. and so without the assistance of the united states, and all of this as well, would not be able to carry out this assassination on arabian soul. so for the time being, we are now in day 2 of 3 days a public morning in the country. but after this period was over, we're certainly waiting to see how iran will respond. there's such a barrier reporting from fair on thank you dawson. and while i meanwhile, and gaza, a string of is rarely strikes those killed at least 14 palestinians. and the central parts of the strip 5 people were killed when their car was targeted and the
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weight of the vehicle was used as the security escorts for u. n. a trucks. and earlier israel last 2 consecutive strikes on another car in the area. and i'll just 0 journalist as well, and who and the cameraman around me re fi, were killed in a targeted is rarely droned, strike in northern gaza on wednesday. they had been reporting near the home of homos. political leader is melania. both journalists were previously detained by is really forces while covering the war on gaza and abused while and custody. i'll just, there were condemned the assassinations. thing is part of a systematic is rarely campaign against the networks of journalists and their families. on the subject reports is a scene that's become all too familiar. palestinian journalist targeted and killed by israeli forces and is just need a correspondent. it's not
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a level and camera man drawing me of the feet. were targeted spine is really air strike on their vehicle while they were clearly marked as press this based is raised by international institutions, but it did not protect alcoholic smile or any other colleagues of thought. you can see how this faced has become stained with dismay of blood and some of his body pots. what the smile do to deserve to convey the sufferings of the people and the true image. the blood on this face is a testament to the sacrifice his body parts still on it is mine and drawing me, we're reporting in the shop. the refugee camp in northern gonzo or the home of him as political chief is 9. he was assassinated earlier in the day, and 8 on witnesses from the scene recount the harrowing images saying their bodies were in pieces and the to have a ton. and when i heard the sound of
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a missile landing, so i rushed out of the house. and so is now coming out of finance house with the press and getting into the vehicle and they told me the military had showed the house with a missile warning, and the roof immediately began to leave and evacuated. the area moments later i received a call that the as mail. i'll go have them killed out in a statement as ita, media network, condemn the killings saying these really occupation forces targeted the vehicle and which is my, you know, drawing me were traveling with a missile, resulting in cold blooded assassination. this latest to tap on and josie to journalists is part of a systematic targeting campaign against the networks of journalists and their families. since october of 2023, israel has repeatedly targeted palestinian journalists covering the war on concept
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. at least a 165 journalist the media workers have been cube and is really a taps in what's become known as the deadliest conflict on record. for journalists . have the said who was just ego spending smooth is alive in the, in the central guys all honey, a talk us through the aftermath of the killing of i'll just ears during what's, what's being said there in gaza the well, the targeting of the val just there a journalist, our colleague is 9, the one on his camera man. um they are re fi, keeps resonating across the gaza strip, but particularly among the community of journalists who are right now, looking at the events that keeps pasting. many of the concerns and the doubt about there is actually any, is there any serious the steps being taken to protect them and their work?
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many of the journalist here are voicing publicly their frustration about the fact that at that reporting about the atrocities. indeed, the crime is committed by these really military, since the initial weeks of the word does not constitute parts disappearing in hostilities, something that is really military has been pushing forward. they've confirming a narrative that some of these journalists are participating in an active facility . but what we're seeing so far, the many number of journals of being killed, they either killed with their family members inside the residential homes or with. 2 or right when they are in the field, doing uh, doing their work like what happened with this night? a little as a when he just the moment he finished phone me right of the house or the bombs house of his main heavy out of his way away from the side. his car was targeted that killed him. and his camera man, a, this is, has been a lot of is the of, of frustration across the gauze and stripping among journalists. that,
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particularly, i was inquiring about and wondering whether there is the international humanitarian law to protect your enough. because indeed, the, the best that they are worn by during notice the home is that the foot on the end of the safety gear are not protecting them against the bullets and against the strap. knows that all was winning over the flesh and they, there is always this one question. why is it happening? why journalists are being targeted? uh, is it, is it, is it because of a disregard of palestinians, a civilian life across the gaza strip? or is it because these really military is intentionally a deliberate, deliberately, is suppressing any voice is of support for palestinians, including the voices of journalists who are working on i'm defying the, the, the, the voice of palestinians who are being impressed of being the, the victims of this relentless genocide, those award,
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the one who had been through the enforces par vision, the ongoing mass displacement and the the, the mass and force disappearance of many of the files of the palestinians. many of the journalists twos are saying, it is deep. it is the 1st one that there is a complete disregard for palestinian civilian across the gust events is really military made it clear from the beginning of this war that palestinians are through the very aggressive sentiment that whether palestinians or animals the don't does their life and the, they're all the same and they are guilty by association. this is the kind of narrative that these very, the military and it's political level has pushed towards creating a sense of disgust among the international community that allowed it to go further . and it's a crimes in the atrocities committed across the gods district for the past in 10 months. and how many um, what about the latest uh,
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is really stripes on gods. i am told her i have been hits on the new site as well as we expected this fascination of the the, the here the how much politic of your did not affect the conduct of the a war and across the golf service is really military continued with it and say clearly articulate goals can get to continue killing and continue this direction. and this time, the particular group, they've been targeted law enforcement in volunteers or working to secure the delivery of essential items as a central supplies to where they are designated to go and live and live down to 24 hours. the 3 vehicles have been targeted and that those were inside these vehicles were killed or, or critically injured. your arriving of the house, including many of the residential homes in the and the directors. you kept the eastern part of the central area and more in the uh, in, on the site. right, right. you, you can be looking at a total of at least 30 people uh, within the past 24 hours have been, had been killed. and many of those who are critically injured,
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arriving to hospital unfortunately with no a necessary medical supplies available to treat them. and as one of the doctors describe the situation the quite horrific inside the hospital, many of the injuries are quite a treatable. they just need the, the necessary and improper pain medication to treat them, but because they are not available that these, the injuries arrived to the hospital, the risk losing their life. and this is the case has been happening so far in 2 or 3 days. their case, their situations worse than the because of the severe bleeding because of the severe burns and they end up losing their life. and even more, they're reporting something better in central garza. thank you. this is still a head here on alice's 0. we looked at the security measures as a paras olympics that keep people safe at
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a time of global tension. the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back us. prosecutors have reached a plea agreement with 3 man accused of plotting the 911 attacks. the pentagon has not released the full details of the deals, but to us media report, the 3 would plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence rather. and it's, that's penalty while the alleged $911.00 mastermind holly to shake mohammed along
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with will lead ben natasha and the stuff. and how was how so we were due to stand trial in the military courts at guantanamo bay, but their case has been delayed for years. rosalind jordan sent this report from washington 12 years after they were a raid and a military commission at guantanamo bay. cuba. 3 of the men accused of planning and paying for the $911.00 attacks have entered into play deals with the us military. this means that they will spend the rest of their lives in a military prison without facing the prospect of being put to death. for those who were killed on that day, it back in 2001. the college check mohammed has always described himself as the so called mastermind of the attacks to other men, mustafah how sally, and where we'd been a task were also part of this plea agreement, which reportedly has been underway for more than a year and
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a half. they so have to go before a military jury that will look at evidence and then determine whether or not life in prison is indeed the appropriate sentence. relatives of those who were killed on september 11th had been notified by the military chief prosecutor in the case. it's not clear whether they are all going to be in part an agreement with this. some people have wanted to see all 5 defendants in this case, put to death for their roles in the 911 attacks. that said, the process, if it goes forward, means that not only will there be an evidence here hearing to determine the exact length of their prison sentences for the 3 men who entered this play deal. but there will also be a chance for relatives of those who were killed to explain just how much this transform their lives, bringing to an end or partial end. one of the most notorious instances in the us
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legal system was alone. jordan, which is 0, washington. and saddam's army commander has survived an assassination attempt at a military graduation. i'm such a headboard hon was reportedly targeted by drone at a ceremony in jeb, it's in eastern suit on the at least 5 people were killed in the attack. and the army says, for hon, escaped on injured the paramilitary rapid support forces denied responsibility and the we will not retreat. we will not surrender that we will not negotiate with any party, whoever they are. there's nothing that scares us. no drone will scare us until we die,
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as well as the presidents and the cost. my girl has said he's willing to present all voting records of the disputed election. the opposition says it's candidate one and it can prove it. the country's been gripped by protest as the official results were announced through the portal. i said, i am willing to be summoned, interrogated in all aspects and investigated by the electoral quote as a presidential candidate, the window of sunday's elections. and as he of stakes, i faced it hit on and submit to justice the security operation for paris 2024 has been one of the largest ever for an olympic games. after the assassination of moss leader is monia, the challenge of securing events may increase even more. latasha butler reports from paris olympics organized as hope that escalating tensions in the
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middle east. stoughton masters, political leader is male and year, was killed in a wrong way to impact the games in paris. where athletes from the regional competing. what are you going to be doing in terms of the security? can we expect you to be stuffing it up at home? and rest assured that there's very good security, very strong security there in touch with this all the time, assuring us all the time. but i can't actually go into the details of, of what the is cody of this week. french police open to the investigation into death threats, received online by somebody's radio fleets. francis interior minister says the team has been going to data round the clock. i decided that fund ruble, delegations, in particular, these really delegation would be protected 24 hours a day by the french police, as well as my specialized agents, a pulse dissipation of israeli athletes. and the game has and good some the age of the policy and you know, the pick committee debris over to is calling for the team to be burned. i think
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it's like this should not be bad. 85 percent of the lower than for the $5000.00 people can of kids, women and innocent people. what's more to convince 0 today is that it today slain this age palestinian athlete so in the competition among the books. so what's the matter of salt warship depicting children being born and creating ceremony? the r o c has strict rules on political statements, but the anti bully message was allowed. how the t should represented the image that exists in palestine today, children killed and dying under rubble. children whose families, a mazda, and left alone without food or water. the i o. c rule, the russian instead of russian athlete, should compete under a neutral flag because must go to craig noon athletes when it's onyx to create new territory breaking olympic rules. the palestinian olympic committee wants to know
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why the symbols to point to each row. when it says at least $400.00 pounds of student athletes have been killed in the gaza, with the situation in the middle east ever move forward a tall, it will be increasingly difficult for and then fix organizes to keep politics out of the games. natasha butler. i'll just sarah power and it does it for me like a walk. i want to leave you now with a live look at the funeral for assassinated tomas leader. the small, heavier and his body guard into their rod the wants of the capital of the commander empire. the serene, ancient city of uncle, imprisoned a cambodia is it protected unesco world heritage sites. but as its temples, the lakes and invitation canals are being preserved,
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many of its inhabitants are being relocated. people in power, investigate see events forced evictions of thousands of families. the bathroom for the soul of anchored box part 2 on a jersey. and this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. viewing the facts, people with disabilities, they are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or asking questions. why couldn't you know the number right now?
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what is the issue that reporting from the actions best feelings also can have the worst wipe out to see you as teens across the world, within the local news, i didn't select from documentaries. when you closer to the house of the story, as china rems up to full patients of north korean defects is human rights groups say they face imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 11 east reveals north korea's claim to factors on al jazeera, the iran supreme leader leads prayers for home offices,


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