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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the, the russian plane lands in ankara authenticate, it confirms its coordination of the largest prison swapped in decades forming us marine 4 wheel and an american journalist 7 gosh, events we understand are among those being released the hello again, i'm still here today and this is out of their life and also coming to the funeral of a senior hezbollah colanda has been taking place and 11 on he was killed in his really striking and beverage. the defiance
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from demonstrate his police use to gas to this past crowds at the start of 10 days . of protests and niger, the whole we begin with what's been described as one of the largest prisoners swaps since the end of the cold war. talk is officials say the national intelligence agency that coordination this exchange, which involves some of 7 countries. and the post on the white house has confirmed that pull whelan. and us marine veteran and wall street journal. evan gosh, could which are among those being released earlier on this day, we saw a russian government aircraft touch down in the talk is capital ankara. and the plane was really have to be carrying prisoners, including wheeling and gaskets. tucker's the vessel officials all saying that some 26th detainees are expected to be part of that deal as well. we have
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a number of correspondents covering the story for us. we have john henry, he's dining by for us in washington, dc. it was we action out of the united states. we'll also get the view from las go with you. there's a lot of that fast that speak to us and i'm close. he or she is an expandable saying i'm, this is literally all continuing to happen as we speak. it's been continuing for several hours now. what do we know about what's taking place so far? well this was a very expensive uh, operation uh for the turkish intelligence that has coordinated the exchange. the prisoners came from 7 different countries. it was in 7 different plans. and currently they are being housed checks their paperwork is being conducted by the health of the intelligence officers and the unnecessary certifications from the host countries are being prepared. then according to what we learned from the turkish authorities to all this one to 6 hostages are
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a 224 r. as all of those 10 hostages, including the 2 children, are being transferred to rochelle, wild 13 being transferred to germany and 3 being transferred to united states. then, as for the information that we received from the security is forces intelligence, the party into intelligence representatives of the parties including russia and united states came together into kit in july, uh, in the previous weeks to discuss uh the necessary steps to be taken and necessary steps for the mediation, for the release of these hostages, then that has been a very important operation for all parties. and finally, they have managed to make it to send them cause they all are there with the very latest for us, from the ground into k. thank to send them well, let's not take
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a look at some of those who are being released for whelan is a full me u. s. marine who was detained back in 2018 on charges of espionage. he since been subbing a 16 year time and a high security prison to so so as an gosh can bet cheese a wall street journal reports accused of collecting classified information for the us central intelligence agency. you might recall that last month, a russian quote sentenced him to 16 is in jail. i was to come a 7 is a russian american journalist in july, she was dale for 6 and a half years on charges of spreading false information about the russian army. has also brought him a car mazda, he's an opposition activist, and a prominent criminal gressick. and he was sent sentenced to 25 years in prison for treason and spreading false information about the military. there's also rico creek at a german citizens sentence to death and better roost on terrorism charges on tuesday and present. alexander lucas time kept pausing. tim will not speak to john
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henderson in washington dc. now, john said the us, there are some very high profile names on that list. that's right, and they are on their way back to the us. we have that information from secretary of state antony blinking is put out a statement saying that these and his words wrongfully detained, americans and russian decisions have been released. the the, those who are american are on their way to the united states. and this is a massive prisoner swap. it, it represents the biggest exchange since the cold war. but it's not really a re signing of relations between the united states and russia. and this is a transactional exchange since the war and ukraine, the us and russia has been more at odds and at any time since the cold war and this exchange represents a transactional swap. the russians really wanted to have body crowds of calls back
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. he is, he was convicted in 2021 in germany, of killing a former chechen rebels in a berlin park. and these are negotiations that have gone on since before the death of a of alexi. nev only in february of 2024. this is a very long the ongoing transaction, but again, not a reset of relations between the 2 countries. don't you say it's transactional, but it is also, as biden has been describing it, a huge piece of diplomacy for his administration of feats, but his administration could do with right now. that's right, president biden in announcing that he was not going to run for a 2nd term. it mentioned that one of the priorities of his administration was to return prisoners who are americans from other countries, including russia and, and this is a major victory for the, by the administration. in that respect, of course, you know, they do, they, there is
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a reciprocal agreement hearing which russia gets much of what they want. there's some 26 prisoners being exchanged, but you can bet that prison vitamins will be speaking soon. we do expect to hear from him at any time now and, and i suspect he will be pointing out. this is one of the major priorities. if his administration. and if we do expect him to address the nation showing you will have that line for you here on out to 0 for now don't 100 that and d c. thank you. well, while you're now getting the view from the russian capital and we can speak to you, there's have of all of us. usually as we were saying, i didn't notice of a very high profile number of the off position has also been part of the steel talk this through what most of the news isn't it for them that and said president fusion . oh wow, that's right, so, so currently the spokesman to me trip is called says he believes that, oh, enemies of russia should remain a gold and those who are not enemies of russia,
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a welcome to return to russia. so basically that's the way he branded all those people released. media sources here are very, very cautious about the situation. of course, it's very widely covered by the opposition media sources which are now in exile because obviously those released on members of the off position. but it seems, of course, a very delicate to ensure the exchange at still in the process. but we hear voices in the media here reminding us official media reminding us that of life. jimmy pearson keeps his words when he says russia never abundance. it's people who are sitting in prisoners abroad, so he's of course, a big relief for all those released. everybody understands that as well as for the families among the russian or position acts of it says use the said, very high profile ones. politicians who received a very long prison times just for being against the you,
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creating conflicts against becoming political system and russia. but as well. of course, a russia many believe here that the russia had been holding the, the, well, the, its 5 brit fabricators that criminal cases, but they negotiations have been ongoing for some times. and actually as part of today's exchange, we hear from alex st of only supposes saying that's an exciting of all the husband supposed to be released as well. a wow. so real science of this major prison, i exchange of schools between all these countries, but got a pairing a couple of days ago as a number of those russian dissidence and docs have is started disappearing from brett, from that prison cells. and there were many room is about best present exchange, but finally h has taken place and many really sign a brute. sorry, via the side relief. of course you,
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there's up of all about that for us in the russian capital with all the laces. thank you. you, i the other head of hezbollah, hustling us, rollo says the group will respond with anger and retribution. often his rarely striking, killed one of its senior jolanda as he made those comments at the funeral of 4 chicka endeavors. chicago was one of the founders of hospitalized military waiting . israel has accused him of planning an attack and the occupied colon heights, which killed the 12 people on saturday as the lie continues to deny that accusation . well, that's good. how costs are all the house and he's in the barrett for us alley. very strong was from natural out that funeral today took us through how you haven't paid out quite a lot today. said that this is a new phase and the confrontation, it depends mainly on how it is going to respond to is groups which all the ation to
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there's really a talk on the southern sub out because a couple of days ago. so this is the main point that he said, and he said that any retaliation from his side isn't going to be just for media consumption, rasa is going to be paying for retaliation. so he wants to clear that. and of course the, the factual, the issue of the nation of, uh, uh, how much lead uh, uh, in uh, into ron slide. he said that the radio and the radians where on the an aggression this like russian was multi layer that is even a tacos or hit that on there. and of course, according to the fall of the supreme either a new ron, what's clear about the retaliation and how this association is going to be. so, it was a very strong speech, a given the fact that it comes in to a context,
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the context of the, to us as a nation's that took place and made with that. and as you say, it has the law has promised or responds. allie, do we have you had any sense of what that response might look like? he placed all the options on the tape said that there's a should expect anything from the south from the north, from the he's a co ordinated or the or the non coordinated attacks. but he did not say he actually, he said that the day the attacks will continue just like they used to happen. they will continue to happen and this has nothing to do with the revenge. he stated that clearly that's from to model on just business as usual, as he said. but then whenever that is a target, a reinstall, i guess they are going to deal with it, and that's going to be the revenge, but it will depend on these really is how they are going to respond to see whether the new phase will auto bill ali how sion that we're pushing for us from the
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lebanese capital today. thank you. on a while these really on me, it says it can now confirm it did kill the come on the loss of military when know how to days. it says that he was killed in an attack on a building and looked on eunice area in southern garza. i'm asked where it says it cannot confirm the came as it's a mazda for the leadership of the all cassandra gates. it's military when i'm. that's how hutch we're both now from jordan. on july 13th, these really army struck the low west sea area west of con eunice. this was a designated safe zone by the is really military. and i'll remind you that 90 post indians were killed and 300 others injured as these really armies said they carried out this targeted assassination on him. him a way of him as his military commander who israel accuses of being the architect essentially of the attacks that took place on october the 7th. these rallies had not been able to confirm his death in the weeks that were after the attack,
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but they say that today they did have the intelligence to prove that, but did not provide that intelligence to the public. i must have said they can neither confirm nor deny any of this. a reminder, honda is reporting for us from jordan because as well as government has found algebra from avoiding inside the country. or meanwhile, in garza city and his really strike on a school sheltering the space people has killed at least 15 palestinians. this latest attack took place and the shoes in neighborhood east of the city, civil defense cruise, we understand the sea now trying to recover bodies. israel has repeatedly targeted souls shelves from displaced families across garza. will that speak to him cordaris . she is in the forest in central garza. this obviously isn't the fast time. what do we know about what's just happened? we know that the is where the forces to get this to that, that and we're going to be school in this school is, is in this is are yeah,
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it's in the eastern parts of the gods and city. and this school has dozens of families that were sheltering and seeking refuge in this school. so we're talking about 15 policy news being killed. civil defense teams are still trying to recover as much bodies because according to eye witnesses, the whole ceiling at collapse on the people. and there's a lot of people still stuck underneath that. the link we're talking about at least 40 injured and they were all transferred to the hospital also in the god the city. this is not the 1st time visiting courses target. this will be recently targeted tooth calls. and then last week there has been ongoing targets to shelters, you and schools. and this is one of the targets that the is where the forces targets today that know among those policy needs were killed were children. and earlier today to tell us and in children were killed in the it's where the
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forces targeted them with a drug and muscle as they were playing in the streets. now, the civil defense teams are suppose to still search for more bodies recovering more bodies. and we're going to continue to cover the story as to developing inquiry that with the very latest on, not developing story for us from darwalla. thank you. and of all the funeral service for her loss of political data is small and it has now taken place and it runs capital and he is assassination and tear on has recognized since he is a broader regional conflict. both of jabari reports from tara of final farewell. i told him i'd be harmony leads prayers for his mail, honey, a and his body guards killed in the rain and capital on wednesday. thousands poured onto the streets, initial solidarity with the political leader of some us news body was taken from
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pear wrong university to freedom square, and eventually to matter about airports where it was slow to doha for his burial. on friday, the 62 year old was a guess at the you know, gratian ceremony of the newly elected president must who would possess sky on it was 10 years, 4th trip to tear on since october. the 7th. and his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states. washington says he played no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not commented, show the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over. they've done something and they must pay the price. they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. senior already and officials see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war, and they have promised revenge. a successful will see the impossible of this time around. the response will be different. in the last one,
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it influenced regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation for vincent disaster. but i think this time it's response will be a surprise and it will come up sooner. on april 13th, iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel in response to an air stripe on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks before israel responded by attacking your own air defense systems near the times nuclear facility as well. he has assassination, has once again force raining officials to make a difficult decision. one that's ultimately up to the supreme leader. if iran attacks israel again, it's unlikely to act alone. the so called resistance friends, which includes that who sees and you haven't, has a lot 11 on on the popular mobilization forces in your off will be expected to take parts, making this critical moments for the middle east door. so to bars out to 0. let's
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go ahead here on out of here. i'm tunbridge jose, i'll bring you the latest on student prototypes and political on ref, environment. the version is prime minister needs police chiefs of to a teenager is charged with killing 3 children. as a taylor swift seemed offended. well let's take you straight to the white house, the way us present dr. barton has begun addressing the nation. let's let's, let's just today reverted on paul evelyn also vladimir, 3 american citizens, one american green card, all all for going to prison on justly russian. paul, for nearly 6 years flattered versus 2022. ever since march of 2023. and also since october 2023 russian authorities rest of them convicted them and show trials and sends them to long present terms. but absolutely no legitimate
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reason whatsoever. none. paul, for marie, was a russian for a wedding. evans, a journalist with the russian in russia, was all right. it wasn't russian assigned by the wall street journal. also, also, a journalist was in russia to see family. all 3 falsely accused the baby spies vladimir was russian citizen by birth holes in american green card support. surprise, really? german was there was a paul, there are my friend john mccain's funeral with me. you spoke out against pollutant jersey for that it was convicted of treason and now they're brutal. our deal is or is there a free moments ago, families and i are able to speak to them on telephone from the oval office. they're out of russia early today. they're flown to turkey,
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and soon they'll be wheels up on their way home to see their families. as an incredible relief for all the family owners gather here. as relates to the french college all across the country, praying for their stay for a long time. a deal that made this possible was afraid of diplomacy, and friendship, friendship. multiple countries helped get this done. they joined the difficult, complex negotiations and my request. i personally thank them all again. i faxed in person and i faxed them again. all co brushes, really 16 prisoners age russians were being held in the west will be sent home as well. the 16 prisoners from russia had the russians reducing code for americans, southern russian citizens or political prisoners in their own country. one of those russians runs human rights organization memorial, which won a nobel prize in 2022 to the throne. like pressure wash in opposition to warn
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ukraine for others were expressed. alexi, nevada, only 10 o'clock position is who died in russia prison this year. now, they can move safely abroad and continue their work of advocate for democracy. if they so choose still will not have been made possible without our allies, germany, polish for media, nor were in turkey. they all stepped up. and they stood with us faced products. and they made bold and brave decisions, produce prisoners being held in their countries. you're justifiably, be now provided logistical support to get the americans home. so running a lot of questions with allies matter. they do, they matter today is a possible example of why it's by love, friends as well. friends, you can trust, work with and depend upon, especially on matters of good consequences,
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sensitivities like this, our alliances make our people safe. we begin to see that again today. let me say this or says a lot about the united states that we work relentlessly to free americans or on justly held around the world. but also says a lot about us at this deal includes the release of russian political prisoners. they stood up for democracy and human rights, wrong me to serve them in prison. united states helped secure their release as well . that's who we are, the united states. we stand for freedom and liberty for justice, not only for our people, but for others as well. and that's why all americans can take pride, what we've achieved today. i want to thank everyone that might be restrictions help make this happen. our work did not star test on day one started before day one. during the transition, i instructed our national security james to dig into all the cases of caution. you
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did wrong 3 today, which were inherently well re, harrison from the private of the prior registration. want to make sure you get the ground running and we did as of today, my business, as you brought them over. 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hot brought many since before i took office edition, i issued an executive order 2020 to authorize. the penalties like sanctions and travel vans and those who hold americans against their will. i'm our state department is introduced. new warranties for americans about the risk can be wrong to be detained by foreign government. just like this one, come with tough calls. never any guarantees. there's nothing to matters more to me . i'm protecting americans at home and abroad. and so we'll continue to work for the release of all around 3, detain americans around the world. i'm in den with paul evan
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house. vladimir and their families. they never gave up pope of magic. but they've been through all of you and say right here i think they've been in the oval office walk in this. i can't imagine their joy right for home. tomorrow's a big day. the 13th birthday america right here. you all know we have a tradition of the buying family. we sing, happy birthday, your birthday. ready? all of your past the birthday to remember most viewed items are caused. love you. she's also whose
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daughter power she goes to celebrate with their mom. that's what this is all about . families able to be together. there aren't, you should have been all along. just want to thank you again to everyone to do their part in just a few hours. welcome home. our fellow americans are looking forward to that. god willing. we're going to be out of andrews and get that done. so thank you. thank you. thank you. and is a good day or what does the far as like? i said, welcome almost home dr. steve, just taking more americans in order to get work for routine sentence. all right, advising people not to go certain places. tell them what the risk worth of steaks. speak to the question. i'm working with 6 countries to hello. i'm not gonna
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take your time now. what i'll do this, they usually are particularly on great a sense of gratitude to the chancellor. the manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions from germany. so originally concluded they could not do because the person question. but everybody stepped up post adoption of the stepped of turkey stepped out and it matters that relationships really does this. these matters, pardon me to this in relation to that office as my system, i say your lips to god's ears. now i
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don't need to speak i got homeless and people are the . ready look, let me say this before i leave. my guys are simple proposition family, getting rid of my blood border of my bones. i can think of nothing more consequential. i mean, it's a shame to have a lost family mazda a different way circumstances,
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interaction health is for in response to their present hostages out without giving a change. what do you say that? what do you say for why do you need do these transfer. 7 well, you've been listening that to you as president or button speaking at the white house, alongside the family, members of several released prisoners as that massive multi country prisoner release has been underway. he says americans including pull whelan and wolf street journal reports. evan gaskets as of russia and soon will be on their way, hon. now, president biden has spoken of the incredible relief says this was a huge fees of diplomacy and friendship. he has said that 16 prisoners were released by moscow for americans. 5 germans and several 7 russian citizens held in
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their own country and retired. 8 russians, held in the west, were released well that speak to john henry in washington dc. john, today is a good day by them says this has been a long time in the making. a lot of diplomatic energy has been expanded here. that's right. that was an extraordinary moment to an american president singing happy birthday saying he can't imagine the joy of these people to be coming home. he said they were detained, all of them for no reason whatsoever. and they're on their way back to the united states who was asked what he said to them. and he said, he communicated the message. welcome almost home because they're still en route to the united states. those who live here from tr keeps.


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